What is the norm of leukocytes in a smear during pregnancy?

What is the norm?

The examination of a gynecological smear is an effective method for determining the level of functioning of the female genital organs and the reproductive system as a whole.

Studying the number of leukocytes in a smear during pregnancy allows the doctor to determine the presence of abnormalities, inflammatory processes and various diseases.

During pregnancy, taking a smear for leukocytes is mandatory:

  • when registering in a private clinic or antenatal clinic;
  • at the 30th week of pregnancy, provided that the first analysis did not reveal any abnormalities and after that there was no suspicion of the presence of diseases.

If during the first study there were deviations from the norm or later complications arose and signs of disease appeared, then a smear from the vagina may be taken more often.

The norm for leukocytes in a smear during pregnancy is the detection of up to 15 cells in the field of view when examining material. An increase in this level may indicate the presence of inflammation in any organ of the reproductive system.

Additional diagnostics for vaginal leukocytosis

After an excess of leukocytes is detected in a gynecological smear, the doctor prescribes an additional examination for the pregnant woman to diagnose the disease:

  1. Sowing for microflora. Mucus from the vagina is sent to a special environment where favorable conditions are created for the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. If this happens, doctors identify the specific foreign agent and determine its susceptibility to antibacterial drugs.
  2. PCR diagnostics. This is a highly accurate method of molecular genetic analysis of material. It is good at identifying specific STIs. The woman's vaginal contents are also collected.
  3. Ultrasound. This method allows you to identify lesions in the female organs: the uterus, appendages, etc. During pregnancy, an abdominal examination is usually used, but if necessary, a transvaginal sensor is used.

When do leukocytes appear in a smear in women?

In the normal state of the female body (without developing pregnancy), leukocytes in the smear may appear and reach a high concentration in the following cases:

  • inflammation of the cervical canal – cervicitis;
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa – colpitis;
  • inflammation of the uterine mucosa – endometritis;
  • inflammation of the urethra (urination channel) - urethritis;
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes, appendages and ovaries - adnexitis;
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • diseases caused by sexually transmitted infections;
  • oncological diseases of the reproductive system;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

Many people believe that inflammatory processes of the genitourinary and reproductive systems can appear in women who are sexually active. This is wrong. Diseases of an infectious nature, like many other ailments, can also be detected in young girls - virgins.

This is explained by the fact that many types of infectious pathogens can be transmitted through ordinary contact and household methods, for example, when using common things or failure to comply with the rules of personal intimate hygiene.

A smear is taken from virgins in the usual way, but instead of a speculum, the doctor uses a special thin probe inserted into the opening of the hymen.

If a high number of leukocytes is detected in a smear, additional examinations and special tests must be carried out, since in most cases it is impossible to determine the disease based on the results of a smear, since the analysis has limited diagnostic value.

Cytomorphological examination of smears

A smear is taken from the external vaginal part of the uterine cervix and from the cervical canal with a special spatula or brush. The material is then transferred to a special glass slide and sent to the laboratory for examination. The results are divided into 5 types of smears:

  • The cytogram is without features. This type determines the normal level of cells and bacteria in the cervix.
  • There is a slight inflammatory process, which indicates mild dysplasia. After receiving such an analysis, anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out and a repeat analysis is prescribed.
  • The cellular composition indicates the presence of moderate or severe dysplasia. This type involves a high risk of dysplasia, so additional studies are prescribed (colposcopy, tissue biopsy or histological examination) that will confirm or refute the results of the smear.
  • Precancerous condition. This is a clear suspicion of cancer. With this result, the woman is sent to an oncologist for a re-examination and additional research.
  • Cancer. The patient is transferred to an oncology clinic, where she undergoes a series of laboratory tests again, after which she is prescribed treatment.

To obtain the correct information about the results of a smear for cytology, it is necessary to rationally prepare. Preparation for a cytomorphological study does not differ from the above preparation for a flora study.

Appropriate preparation for testing and rational collection of material ensures the correct results of the smear and the establishment of a diagnosis. You should take care of women's health and undergo an examination by a gynecologist not only in the presence of unpleasant symptoms, but also for the purpose of prevention (once every six months). This will help to identify possible infection in advance and prevent serious illness.

Leukocytes in a smear of a pregnant woman

It often happens that leukocytes in a smear during pregnancy are 20-25 units, that is, they are elevated. Most often this is the result of some kind of infection, and it is not at all necessary that the woman became infected with it recently or during her current pregnancy.

While carrying a baby, the work of the immune system is greatly weakened, which is necessary to preserve the fetus, but at the same time all the protective functions of the body are reduced, and, therefore, it becomes more vulnerable. Against the background of this condition, many hidden diseases often begin to worsen, which the woman might not even know about.

Leukocytes in a smear during pregnancy can reach high levels - 30-40 units if a woman has diseases such as mycoplasmosis, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, syphilis or gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Inflammatory processes and common thrush (candidiasis), which is common in pregnant women due to a severe decrease in immunity, can cause a strong increase in leukocytes in the analysis. Vaginosis – also increases the concentration of leukocytes due to disruption of the normal vaginal microflora.

Role of leukocytes

The leukocyte rate plays a big role when taking a smear. After all, these cells have a strong impact on women's health. Thanks to leukocytes, our body is protected from the effects of external pathogenic flora and microorganisms. They are able to secrete special active enzymes that destroy pathogens and protect our mucous membrane.

When does the white blood cell count change? The norm is exceeded when the inflammatory process is started in the body. It is the white blood cells that first begin to fight the infection, giving you a signal about the problem.

How to reduce the level of leukocytes in a smear?

Before treating elevated white blood cells in a smear during pregnancy, it is necessary to establish their cause and select appropriate therapy.

In this case, you cannot treat yourself; you must consult a doctor. You should not leave the problem unattended, as this can become a threat to the life of the unborn baby.

Treatment for an increased number of leukocytes in a smear during pregnancy can vary and will depend on the nature of the disease.

Traditional medicine recommends many ways to bring the vaginal microflora back to normal, for example, douching with decoctions of chamomile, red root, oak bark, St. John's wort, and a solution of aloe leaf juice. Douching with a specially prepared chlorophyllipt solution shows excellent results.

The doctor may recommend folk remedies, but may also prescribe antibiotics, as well as the introduction of special vaginal suppositories, such as terzhinan, pimafucin, polygynax.

In any case, before prescribing a specific therapy, the doctor will conduct an additional detailed examination in order to direct the medicinal effect not only to restore the microflora, but also to eliminate the cause that caused the disorder.

There is an opinion that if the detection of a high number of leukocytes during a smear examination is not accompanied by any severe symptoms, then there is no need to undergo treatment.

But if therapy is not carried out or the disease is treated incorrectly (untimely), this can lead to complications, including the threat of termination of pregnancy at any stage.

In addition, the infection process itself has a negative impact on the developing baby, and at a later stage it may become an indication for a cesarean section.

During natural childbirth, if the birth canal is infected, the child immediately becomes infected with the existing disease, taking on pathogens that his immune system cannot yet resist.

Therefore, if such a problem occurs, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s instructions and not refuse treatment.

Author: Irina Vaganova, doctor specially for Mama66.ru

Treatment methods

To normalize the level of leukocytes in vaginal mucus, of course, it is necessary to eliminate the problem that provoked this condition. Therapy will be completely different depending on the identified disease.

Only a doctor can prescribe the necessary medications; self-medication by a pregnant woman is strictly unacceptable.

DiseaseDrugsSide effectsContraindications
Sexually transmitted diseases, as well as other bacterial infections (causing, for example, colpitis, adnexitis, etc.)Antibiotics: Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Cefazolin, Vilprafen, etc. Local products (suppositories, vaginal tablets, solutions) for antiseptic treatment of the genitals: Chlorhexidine, Hexicon, Miramistin, potassium permanganate solution.Oral tablets may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and an allergic reaction (skin rash). Local remedies may cause itching in the genitals. Hypersensitivity, liver and kidney dysfunction. It is not advisable to use antibacterial therapy in the first trimester of pregnancy, but if the inflammation is severe, then it is necessary.
Viral diseases (genital herpes)Acyclovir, Zovirax, Valacyclovir, Famciclovir.Burning, itching in the genitalsHypersensitivity.
Fungal disease (candidiasis)Local therapy: suppositories Zalain, Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, Polygynax, etc.Burning, itching, allergic reactionsHypersensitivity.

Depending on the identified disease, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications for the pregnant woman.

After using antibacterial therapy at the final stage of treatment for a pregnant woman, it is desirable to restore the vaginal microflora. For this purpose, suppositories containing lactobacilli are used: Acylact, Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin.

If no serious abnormalities are found in a pregnant woman and the level of leukocytes is slightly exceeded, folk recipes can come to her aid (preliminary agreement with the attending physician is required).

  1. Warm sitz baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile and calendula, coltsfoot and aloe, oak bark and St. John's wort, red root (you can use one plant or collection).
  2. Candles based on sea buckthorn oil. 10 g of oil must be combined with beeswax. Melt the resulting composition using a water bath, gradually adding 3 g of pine resin. Pour the mixture into candle-shaped molds and cool. Insert suppositories into the vagina at night.

If there is no serious illness, then warm sitz baths with herbs will help improve the woman’s condition.

When treating various gynecological diseases, it is necessary to temporarily stop sexual activity, and also pay attention to your diet, saturating it with fermented milk and protein foods.

Auxiliary agents to reduce the number of white blood cells

If leukocytes are elevated, and treatment does not yet produce noticeable results, you can use several traditional methods.

We normalize the level of leukocytes with the help of pharmaceutical chamomile

If you have been prescribed vaginal suppositories, this method will help increase their effectiveness.

Every day before inserting the suppository, douche with chamomile decoction. Brew two tablespoons of the mixture in half a liter of water. Cool to an acceptable temperature and use.

Aloe and honey tampons

Squeeze aloe juice from several leaves. Mix some honey into it. Wrap it in a tampon and leave it overnight. You will notice the result in a few days.

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