Here's How Your Skin Reacts to Your Monthly Cycle

Causes of poor health during menstruation

The causes of terrible health can be physiological and pathological.

Physiological causes of pain and weakness

These factors include natural processes occurring in the female body during menstruation. Weakness and fatigue are associated with changes in hormonal levels.

In the second half of the menstrual cycle, the hormone progesterone is produced and estrogen levels decrease. It is because of the imbalance of hormones that women’s body temperature and mood may change during their cycle.

During the period when menstruation has not yet begun, many note that they feel an increase in appetite and unpleasant pain in the chest due to its enlargement. This is explained by the fact that during the period of ovulation the body prepares for pregnancy, but if pregnancy does not occur, endometrial rejection begins. This whole process causes contraction of the uterus, which causes pain in the lower abdomen and frequent dizziness.

Often, a lack of vitamins also plays a role in a woman’s well-being , so you should not neglect taking vitamins and microelements.

Feeling unwell before and during menstruation is common.

Pathological causes of illness

Pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, severe weakness and dizziness - all these symptoms can be pathological.

Possible reasons are:

  • Anemia - due to the fact that the body loses blood and it is renewed, the level of hemoglobin can decrease significantly. This process is short-term and, after the end of menstruation, hemoglobin returns to normal. If not, then you need to consult a doctor;
  • Premenstrual syndrome - during which a woman experiences severe pain in the lower abdomen, headache and dizziness. Nicotine, alcohol, and severe stress can lead to these symptoms;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia - with this pathology, sharp surges in pressure are observed, due to this, well-being suffers.

Here's How Your Skin Reacts to Your Monthly Cycle

Some of the most annoying (and hard to hide) side effects of your monthly cycle are changes in the skin on your face: breakouts, pimples, redness, and shine. Plus there are also external factors: pollution, makeup, sun exposure. How to deal with the influence of hormones on your skin?

Week 1

The first week begins with the first day of menstruation. During this time, your estrogen levels are very low and prostaglandin levels (lipid compounds that act like hormones) are high. It is prostaglandin that is responsible for inflammation and spotty, uneven or dull facial skin. Towards the end of menstruation, estrogen increases, and the skin gradually returns to normal.

What to do: Your skin is in the recovery phase, so avoid harsh cleansers and simply moisturize your skin in the morning and before bed. You can add a drop of tea tree oil to your moisturizer to double as an anti-inflammatory lotion.

Week 2

The week after your period and before ovulation is when your skin looks its best due to rising hormone levels. The result: glowing and radiant skin thanks to estrogen's ability to improve hydration and collagen production. By the end of the second week or on the 14th day, the work of the sebaceous glands increases, which leads to unwanted shine, clogged pores and future acne.

What to do: Start this week by maintaining your skin care routine with a cleanser and moisturizer. By the end of the week, you can use salicylic acid-based scrubs, peels or exfoliants. This will help remove dead cells and excess oil from your skin and even out your tone.

Week 3

Ovulation occurs this week. If the egg is not fertilized, then estrogen levels drop sharply, and progesterone (another female hormone) and testosterone (a type of male hormone) jump up. These hormonal ups and downs stimulate the sebaceous glands even more, leading to acne and breakouts. Low estrogen levels, on the other hand, make the skin dry and sensitive. The magic of this week is that your skin will be both dry and oily at the same time.

What to do: Control your sebaceous glands with a salicylic acid cleanser every other day. Be sure to apply a moisturizer at night to maintain your skin's protective function and reduce sensitivity. Remember that sebum production and hydration are two completely different things.

Week 4

This is the last week before the next menstruation begins, and during this period the skin is most susceptible to inflammation. This means pimples, pimples, pimples. Hormone levels begin to drop and your skin experiences the effects of the overproduction of the sebaceous glands over the previous two weeks.

What to do: This week, thoroughly treat clogged pores with gentle products to curb inflammation. Put away the salicylic cleanser and use something gentler. Finish your routine (as always) with a moisturizer.

Is drug treatment necessary?

If the inflammation is too severe, your doctor may recommend medications that control hormone levels in a woman's body, since your skin can react very strongly to sudden hormonal changes in the body.


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How to feel better during your period

If you feel very unwell, it is best to consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary medications to suppress pain. The course of treatment may depend on the causes and symptoms of weakness.

By following the following recommendations, it is possible to minimize pain or even get rid of it during menstruation:

  1. Regular exercise . With frequent physical activity, the cardiovascular system returns to normal and your health improves significantly;
  2. Frequent walks . It is necessary to rest more often in the fresh air and saturate the body with oxygen to avoid hypoxia, which causes weakness and fatigue;
  3. Proper nutrition . Junk food is not good for anyone, so it should be kept to a minimum. The diet should contain fruits and fresh vegetables, protein and, very important for the female body, vegetable and animal fats;
  4. Complete or partial cessation of bad habits . In women who smoke, the premenstrual period is much more pronounced. Exposure to coffee, alcohol and tobacco aggravates the situation with pain and mood swings;
  5. Increasing hemoglobin levels in the blood . If anemia is possible, you should take a course of iron and increase hemoglobin with food.

If the condition worsens during menstruation and the woman feels very severe pain, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to identify the causes of the pain.

Hormonal skin

Many women develop acne shortly before their period and their skin becomes oilier. How to deal with this problem?

Liliana Pavlovna Golovnikova, a dermatologist and head of the Moscow specialized skin office of the Medical and Sports Center for servicing the Russian Olympic teams, answers the readers’ questions.

“Every time before my period, my whole face is covered with pimples with blackheads. Does this mean that my health is not all right? Anna Kokhanova, Kaluga - If your skin is prone to increased acne formation, consult an endocrinologist. This may signal hormonal problems. But, most likely, what is happening to you is a completely natural process. Throughout the entire monthly cycle, hormonal levels change in the female body. And hormones, in turn, affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands. That is why after ovulation they become more active and produce more skin secretion. During this period, most women's skin becomes oilier and acne appears. Of course, it is quite difficult to influence the behavior of hormones. But you can regulate the process with the help of cosmetic care. To get started, try keeping a calendar in which you note the condition of your skin on a given day of the menstrual cycle. Once you receive data for a full cycle, you can create a skin care plan. Two to three days before problems are expected to appear, start using antibacterial cleansers - for example, gels or foam cleansers. Day cream during this period should be designed specifically for oily skin. Mattifying emulsions and lotions that regulate sebum secretion will be useful. Under no circumstances should pimples be opened or the face treated with scrubs. It is better to cover the inflamed area with a special antibacterial bandage. The period when acne appears is not the best time to cleanse your skin. Give preference to cleaning with water-salt foam, scrubs and steaming masks. But after the inflammatory elements disappear, this procedure will help quickly bring the skin into order.

“During my period, I get pimples on my chest and thighs. I am a professional ballroom dancer. And often my critical days coincide with competitions. Is it possible to get rid of rashes quickly? After all, our costumes are very open.” E. Nesonova, Nizhny Novgorod - The cause of these rashes lies in hormonal fluctuations. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid their appearance. But you can get rid of them faster if you change your skin care routine a little. A few days before your period starts, start using antibacterial shower gels. Before pimples appear, you can treat your skin with a body scrub for problem skin. When rashes appear, use targeted methods of control. Many companies produce special anti-acne pencils. Often such products have a double effect: they dry out inflammation and at the same time hide redness. This way, the skin will look smooth and matte. If you cannot cope with the problem with the help of cosmetics, you can try using special medicinal ointments. One of the most popular anti-acne products today is the non-hormonal cream and gel “Skinoren”. In addition to the main one, it also has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The cream is applied to problem areas 1-2 times a day, and the gel is very convenient to use under makeup. Although these products are suitable even for sensitive skin, it is better to consult a dermatologist before using them.

“I have problem skin and acne often appears. The doctor prescribed me the drug “Diane-35”. But the instructions say that this is a contraceptive, not a cure for acne. Why was it assigned to me?” Elena Gladysheva, Moscow - Indeed, “Diane-35” is an oral contraceptive. But, besides this, it gives an excellent effect in the fight against acne. It is often prescribed to very young girls who are faced with the problem of acne. “Diane-35” affects the hormonal status of the body. This drug regulates the levels of estrogens, progestogens and androgens. It is the predominance of the latter that often causes acne and increased hair growth on the face and body. “Diane-35” helps to even out the balance and thereby affects the condition of the skin from the inside. As a rule, the drug is prescribed for three months. At the end of this period, the appearance of the skin improves, it becomes less oily, and the number of acne decreases. But it must be remembered that this drug is prescribed only after a blood test for the content of sex hormones. I have two daughters, 18 and 23 years old. One has normal skin, and the other has sensitive skin. Shortly before menstruation, both of them become oily and rashes appear. Is it possible to cope with the problem with home remedies? Are there masks that are suitable for all skin types? Alexandra Kuklinovskaya, Almaty - Diet should be the main home remedy. Fatty meat, smoked meats, eggs, sugar, jam can worsen the skin condition. Therefore, before menstruation it is better to limit them. I advise you to add fermented milk products, as well as vegetables and fruits to your diet. Season your food with ginger powder, which helps purify the blood. Old proven remedies - for example, purified sulfur in powder form, Vidal's milk - will become good helpers on critical days. Sulfur is applied one powder three times a day starting approximately 10 days before menstruation. Vidal's milk is already used during menstrual periods, but is applied only to problem areas. You can also try these mask recipes. Curd and salt mask. Mix fresh cottage cheese with finely ground table salt. Apply the mixture to your face, avoiding the eye area. After 10–15 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water. Horseradish root mask. Grind the horseradish and apply the resulting pulp evenly to your face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Cover your face with gauze. After 10–15 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water. Plantain mask. Wash plantain leaves thoroughly and chop. Apply the resulting paste to problem areas of the skin. After 10–15 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water. The skin will smooth out and the sebaceous glands will temporarily close.

“I have small spots on my face.
A few days before your period, they begin to darken. Is pigmentation associated with any hormonal changes? And what can I do to make the spots less noticeable?” A. Bykova, Moscow - The appearance of age spots, as a rule, is not associated with the menstrual cycle. But if you already have them, your periods can trigger their intensity. Often pigment spots can be associated with disruption of the ovaries, adrenal glands, liver and other organs. In young girls they can appear for no reason and then disappear for no reason. In any case, you should start by identifying the source of the problem. In order to compensate for increased pigmentation, apply a whitening cream to the spots 5-10 days before menstruation. You can also use one of the following folk remedies. Lemon water. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice in half a glass of water. Wipe your face daily with a cotton swab dipped in this liquid. Almond mask. Pour half a glass of peeled almonds into one glass of boiling water. After 3-5 minutes, after draining the water, pass the almonds through a meat grinder. Add the juice of half a lemon and one tablespoon of boiled water to the resulting slurry. Grind the mixture until smooth. Apply the mask to problem areas twice a week for half an hour. Mask of viburnum and black currant. Apply a napkin moistened with the fresh juice of these berries to the skin for 10 minutes. Then wet it again and keep it on for another 10 minutes. Remember that whitening procedures should be done in the evenings, as exposure to sunlight after them is not recommended. Vitamin C is also a natural whitening agent. Therefore, try to introduce foods rich in this vitamin into your diet. Eat more sauerkraut, apples, lemons, black currants, drink rosehip infusion. Daria KIRICHENKO

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

During menstruation, many women feel discomfort and malaise, but there are times when the pain intensifies, the temperature rises to a high level and the blood turns scarlet.

In these cases, you should really consult a doctor.

Temperature during menstruation

When talking about normal temperature, it means no higher than 37 degrees . An increase occurs against the background of fatigue, in the late afternoon - this is the norm.

If it rises above 38 and there is weakness, you need to urgently call a doctor at home.

In most cases, a high temperature indicates an infection in the body. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully monitor hygiene, change pads every 3-4 hours, not have sex during menstruation and wear soft fabric underwear.

Reasons to see a doctor

  • Painful urination;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Pale skin;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Frequent nausea and vomiting.

In addition, one of the alarming signs is the detection of scarlet blood .

In this case, bleeding may occur, for example, due to recent strong physical exertion or excessive stress. The best option would be to call a doctor at home or, at a minimum, have a telephone consultation. If the bleeding does not stop for more than a day, then even hospital treatment is possible.

If your stomach hurts and your temperature rises during your period, there is a possibility of pregnancy. The first step is to do a test and call a doctor, or go to the hospital to rule out a frozen or ectopic pregnancy.

Table of contents

How does a woman’s skin condition change depending on the phase of her cycle? “Gynecology” and acne in women are inextricably linked. As you know, a woman’s skin reacts very strongly to hormonal levels. An increase in the level of steroid hormones is observed in the last phase of the menstrual cycle; about 70% of women note the appearance of acne 2-7 days before menstruation. It is also possible that hormones are not the only to blame, and the appearance of menstrual acne is also associated with changes in the hydration of the follicle epithelium in the premenstrual period. Normally, a woman’s body contains the hormones androgens (they are also called male) and estrogens (i.e., female), naturally, women have much more estrogens, which are actually responsible for reproduction. If a woman does not have a hormonal imbalance, then every 28-30 days her menstrual cycle is renewed. If the cycle is standard, in Chinese philosophy it is called lunar, since the lunar month is equal to 28 days. The first day of menstruation is conventionally taken as the first day of the cycle, and the duration of the cycle is calculated as the interval between the first days of the two subsequent menstruation. If you observe the skin according to the days of the menstrual calendar, you can see that the skin is different in different phases. Follicular phase of the cycle (days 1-14 in a 28-day cycle) It is in this phase that the follicle develops, from which an egg will be released, which can then turn into a developing fetus and, finally, a child. It begins on the very first day of menstruation (menstrual bleeding) and ends when ovulation occurs. Occupies approximately half of the entire cycle. The duration of the follicular phase, during which the final maturation of the dominant follicle occurs, is individual for each woman: from 7 to 22 days, on average 14 days. The follicular phase can be divided into menstruation and the preovulatory phase of the cycle. Menstruation (1st - 5th day of the cycle) The first phase of the cycle is menstruation itself, in this phase the level of estrogen is quite low, but in percentage terms the level of androgens is much higher than in other phases of the cycle. Since 5 alpha reductase (an enzyme contained in the sebaceous gland) converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which directly affects the rate of cell division of the sebaceous duct. As a result, the skin becomes oilier in the first phase, zonular keratosis and isolated rashes in areas of wide pores may appear. During the menstrual phase of the cycle, pain receptors become aggravated, the number of platelets decreases, and swelling lasts much longer. Metabolism slows down, and these days red spots on the skin become clearly visible. The immune system is weakening, so be careful, these days you can easily catch a cold; bacteria on the skin in this phase of the cycle can much more easily cause inflammation and, as a result, the appearance of pimples (acne). Recommended skin care and cosmetic procedures: Cleaning or any more aggressive procedure is not recommended. If the skin is oily, with periodic rashes, then it is not very correct to clean it at the beginning of the cycle, since the rate of sebocyte division is high and there is a greater chance of getting inflammation of the sebaceous gland. An exception may be very dry skin, which may be easier to clean earlier in the cycle. It is better to make soothing or moisturizing masks at this time. Pre-ovulatory phase of the cycle (days 7 - 14 of the cycle) Around the seventh day of the cycle, the dominant follicle is determined, which continues to grow and secretes an increasing amount of estradiol. Estradiol is the main and most active female sex hormone in humans; estrogen. Metabolism increases, the concentration of the hormone estrogen (good for the skin) is at its limit, so you bloom. Estrogen is a sex hormone that gives women a feminine figure and feminine character. When the blood is full of estrogen, a powerful erotic magnet turns on inside a woman, attracting men. According to nature’s plan, at this moment she must act as a conqueror of men’s hearts in order to conceive a child from the most worthy of all applicants. Estrogen has a very good effect on the condition of not only the skin, but also the entire body - it is able to accelerate the renewal of cells throughout the body, maintain youth, shine and health of hair and skin. Estrogens sharpen the mind, invigorate and tone, strengthen the immune system, lift the mood, awaken sexual fantasies, encourage flirtation and coquetry, burn excess fat, prevent the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels, make the eyes shine, smooth out wrinkles, make the skin elastic and firm, and we with you – irresistible and desirable. Recommended skin care and cosmetic procedures: In the preovulation phase of the cycle, the skin reacts very well to any cosmetic procedures: masks, peelings, facial cleansing. Any manipulation of the skin will only benefit it. Cleaning and any more aggressive procedure is carried out precisely in the first half of the cycle. Ovulatory phase of the cycle Ovulation (days 14 - 17 of the cycle) During the ovulation phase, a mature egg is released from the follicle. As a rule, this is the largest of them. This is facilitated by a sharp increase in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH). LH helps the formation of estrogens, and as a result, the latter will be produced in greater quantities (good for the skin). Recommended skin care and cosmetic procedures: At this time, a woman becomes irresistible: the skin simply glows and looks healthy and rosy, and also responds very well to any cosmetic procedures: masks, peelings, facial cleansing. Ovulation usually occurs within 24 hours after the largest LH surge (16 to 48 hours). The egg enters the lumen of the fallopian tube and begins its movement towards the uterus, at the same time awaiting fertilization. Its lifespan does not exceed two days. At the same time, the level of estradiol decreases (bad for the skin), which is sometimes accompanied by ovulatory syndrome - pain in the lower abdomen, on the side where ovulation occurred. A woman enters the luteal phase of her cycle. Luteal phase / corpus luteum phase / secretory phase (days 18 - 28 of the cycle) The corpus luteum is formed in the ovary at the site of the released egg. Unlike the follicular phase, the duration of the luteal phase is more constant. This phase begins immediately after ovulation and lasts as long as the corpus luteum exists, that is, on average about 12-14 days. At this time, the corpus luteum secretes progesterone, estradiol (estrogen) and androgens, which the corpus luteum secretes to prepare the body for a possible pregnancy. The luteal phase of the cycle can be logically divided into the postovulation and premenstrual phase of the cycle. Postovulation (day 18 - 25 of the cycle) The level of the hormone progesterone (bad for the skin) in the blood increases, which is necessary to maintain the intended pregnancy. When pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum begins to produce progesterone until the placenta develops and secretes estrogen and progesterone. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum stops functioning, the level of estrogen and progesterone decreases, which leads to swelling and necrotic changes in the endometrium. A decrease in progesterone levels also increases the synthesis of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins cause vasospasm and contraction of the uterus, and the two outer layers of the endometrium are rejected. Then menstruation will begin, which Hippocrates figuratively called “the bloody tears of the uterus, annoyed by the failed pregnancy,” and then everything will go in a new circle. Let's look at how progesterone affects our skin. While the endocrine system has hope for the birth of a new life, thrifty progesterone makes reserves for the future - it increases the deposition of fat in the subcutaneous tissue and promotes fluid retention in the body (because of this, by the beginning of the critical days, 1–1.5 kg of excess weight accumulates, face becomes puffy, bags appear under the eyes). Because of him, ladies become distracted, inhibited, touchy, irritated and cry over trifles, and become depressed. Progesterone not only retains fluid in the body, but also makes the walls of peripheral veins overly stretchable and increases their permeability. The blood stagnates in the vessels, and its liquid part passes into the tissues, as a result of which the arms and legs swell. In addition, progesterone worsens the condition of the skin, making it too stretchy. The hormone progesterone affects abundant sebum secretion, and its concentration is maximum in the second phase of the cycle. My skin is terrible these days, producing excessive amounts of oil to keep it hydrated and protected. And therefore, the chances of inflammation are much higher in the second phase of the cycle than in the first. Progesterone reduces resistance to infections (therefore, closer to the beginning of menstruation, many people begin to have a sore throat or thrush - a curd-like discharge from the vagina). A decrease in immunity also benefits the opportunistic microflora of our skin and can lead to the formation of acne. In addition, in the second phase there is increased sensitivity of melanocytes. Cosmetologists these days advise not to visit solariums and beaches, as there is a risk of getting sunburned and skin pigmentation will appear. Skin cleansing or other aggressive procedure in the second phase of the cycle leads to post-traumatic hyperpigmentation Recommended skin care and cosmetic procedures: Swelling caused by the action of progesterone can be relieved by stopping fluid intake 1.5-2 hours before bedtime and limiting salt intake. These days you need to make sure that the pores do not become clogged and inflammation does not start - acne. Remember that excessive cleanliness is bad for the skin. It is better to prevent clogging of skin pores by exfoliation. If you notice a relationship between the appearance of pimples (acne) and diet, these days nutritionists advise giving up sweets and starchy foods, as this only provokes the secretion of fat. It is recommended to eat foods containing protein: fish, liver, buckwheat, as well as vegetables and fruits. These days, in order to avoid unwanted pigmentation, you need to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation and do not forget to apply Sanskrin. Estrogen deficiency

If a woman in the second half of the cycle experiences a loss of strength, decreased performance, bad mood, insomnia, a possible cause of this condition is estrogen deficiency. The ability to grasp the essence of any problem on the fly, good memory, clarity of thought, optimism, the ability to show flexibility and adapt to rapid changes without worrying about the future - all this is a generous gift of estrogens to the female body. When their level decreases, the colors of the world fade, hands give up, weakness, absent-mindedness, nervousness, increased anxiety, apathy, and indifference to appearance appear. There is no way to put up with this! Vitamin E (tocopherol), which should be taken an hour after breakfast, 0.4 g, as well as a creamy carrot cocktail (150 g of freshly squeezed carrot juice and 50 g of cream), will help increase the production of estrogen. Weight loss and estrogen

If you are losing weight, you can deal with obesity by increasing physical activity, limiting calorie intake and cutting back portions slightly. Your task is to lose 2-3 kg in a month. Then you will be able to compensate for the hormonal decline. The fact is that the body stores estrogens produced by the ovaries during life for future use in the subcutaneous tissue. When you lose weight, they enter the bloodstream, bringing a feeling of lightness in the body, shine in the eyes and a tightening effect (estrogens tighten the skin in thin areas, preventing it from sagging in unsightly folds). Premenstrual phase of the cycle (26 - 28 days of the cycle) As we have already found out, in 12-14 days the corpus luteum dissolves and another hormonal change occurs - the level of the hormone progesterone increases (bad for the skin), to which most women react a few days before menstruation premenstrual syndrome (PMS): the mood deteriorates, the joy of life is replaced by philosophy in the spirit of Schopenhauer, 1-2 kg unnoticed, swelling appears under the eyes, the face swells. The psychological state leaves much to be desired, this is PMS. Recommended skin care and cosmetic procedures: The skin will react in the same way as during the postovulation days of the cycle: pore exfoliation, UV protection, swelling removal. These days, in addition to good skin cleansing, cosmetologists advise making masks with essential oils, using herbal medicine and doing a light skin massage if you do not have pimples.

Causes of pimples before menstruation

To understand the reasons for the appearance of skin rashes, let's take a closer look at how a woman's hormonal levels change during the cycle.

Why do acne “pop up” on certain days?

From 6 to 19 days of the cycle - the preovulation period and ovulation. Estrogen production is high. At this moment, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid is activated and the intensity of skin fat production is inhibited. As a result of such changes, a woman “blooms.” The skin becomes hydrated, healthy and rosy. The body becomes rounder, the eyes become wider, and the lips become fuller.

Why is this happening?

The body is preparing to meet the male sex for future fertilization. These days, masks, peelings, and caring manipulations will be beneficial.

From 20 to 28 days of the cycle - postovulation and premenstrual phase. Estrogen is replaced by the hormone progesterone. During this period, it is recommended to monitor your health and not be exposed to hypothermia. Fat production resumes. The psychological state becomes vulnerable. The body switches to the “preservation of pregnancy” function. Protective mode negatively affects the skin.

Fat cells work intensively, pores become clogged and undergo inflammatory processes. Most often on the frontal area and chin. If a woman’s immune system is weakened at this moment, acne appears. On these days, it is prohibited to visit the solarium and sunbathe under the open sun. The period is dangerous due to the occurrence of pigmentation.

To alleviate the situation, it is recommended to cleanse the epidermis with alcohol-free tonics and lotions. Wipe your face with salicylic acid and decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs. To prevent acne on the chin from appearing before your period, reduce your consumption of sweets and flour products a week before meeting “guests”.

From 1 to 5 days – menstruation. The luteal phase increases sebum production and makes the body sensitive to stress, allergens and other adverse influences. The skin becomes covered with red spots, post-acne develops, and acne continues to break out. Bacteria develop on the dermis unhindered, since the conditions for their reproduction are very favorable.

In order not to spoil the appearance and avoid the appearance of scars, refrain from manipulating the skin these days. Do not visit baths and saunas. Do not make masks, peels and give up cosmetics. Only disinfectant wiping with salicylic acid is recommended.

Acne can also be caused by other factors:

  • low quality cosmetics;
  • weakened immune system;
  • hormonal changes during adolescence;
  • squeezing pimples;
  • frequent water treatments using chemicals;
  • violation of fat metabolism;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • overwork and stress;
  • acne before menstruation or during pregnancy.

To treat rashes and acne, doctors prescribe hormonal pills. They normalize and control hormone fluctuations. Pregnancy also helps get rid of acne. If neither one nor the other is part of your plans, use easy folk remedies to combat premenstrual rashes.

Why does facial skin deteriorate before menstruation?

How does a woman’s skin condition change depending on the phase of her cycle?

“Gynecology” and acne in women are inextricably linked. As you know, a woman’s skin reacts very strongly to hormonal levels.

An increase in the level of steroid hormones is observed in the last phase of the menstrual cycle; about 70% of women note the appearance of acne 2-7 days before menstruation.

It is also possible that hormones are not the only to blame, and the appearance of menstrual acne is also associated with changes in the hydration of the follicle epithelium in the premenstrual period.

Normally, a woman’s body contains the hormones androgens (they are also called male) and estrogens (i.e., female), naturally, women have much more estrogens, which are actually responsible for reproduction.

If a woman does not have a hormonal imbalance, then every 28-30 days her menstrual cycle is renewed. If the cycle is standard, in Chinese philosophy it is called lunar, since the lunar month is equal to 28 days.

The first day of menstruation is conventionally taken as the first day of the cycle, and the duration of the cycle is calculated as the interval between the first days of the two subsequent menstruation.

If you observe the skin according to the days of the menstrual calendar, you can see that the skin is different in different phases.

Follicular phase of the cycle (days 1-14 with a 28-day cycle)

It is in this phase that the follicle develops, from which an egg will be released, which can then turn into a developing fetus and, finally, a child. It begins on the very first day of menstruation (menstrual bleeding) and ends when ovulation occurs.

Occupies approximately half of the entire cycle. The duration of the follicular phase, during which the final maturation of the dominant follicle occurs, is individual for each woman: from 7 to 22 days, on average 14 days.

The follicular phase can be divided into menstruation and the preovulatory phase of the cycle.

Menstruation (1st - 5th day of cycle)

The first phase of the cycle is menstruation itself, in this phase the level of estrogen is quite low, but in percentage terms the level of androgens is much higher than in other phases of the cycle. Since 5 alpha reductase (an enzyme contained in the sebaceous gland) converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which directly affects the rate of cell division of the sebaceous duct. As a result, the skin becomes oilier in the first phase, zonular keratosis and isolated rashes in areas of wide pores may appear.

During the menstrual phase of the cycle, pain receptors become aggravated, the number of platelets decreases, and swelling lasts much longer. Metabolism slows down, and these days red spots on the skin become clearly visible. The immune system is weakening, so be careful, these days you can easily catch a cold; bacteria on the skin in this phase of the cycle can much more easily cause inflammation and, as a result, the appearance of pimples (acne).

Recommended skin care and cosmetic procedures: Cleaning or any more aggressive procedure is not recommended. If the skin is oily, with periodic rashes, then it is not very correct to clean it at the beginning of the cycle, since the rate of sebocyte division is high and there is a greater chance of getting inflammation of the sebaceous gland. An exception may be very dry skin, which may be easier to clean earlier in the cycle. It is better to make soothing or moisturizing masks at this time.

Pre-ovulation phase of the cycle (7th - 14th day of the cycle)

Around the seventh day of the cycle, a dominant follicle is determined, which continues to grow and secretes increasing amounts of estradiol. Estradiol is the main and most active female sex hormone in humans; estrogen.

Metabolism increases, the concentration of the hormone estrogen (good for the skin) is at its limit, so you bloom. Estrogen is a sex hormone that gives women a feminine figure and feminine character.

When the blood is full of estrogen, a powerful erotic magnet turns on inside a woman, attracting men. According to nature’s plan, at this moment she must act as a conqueror of men’s hearts in order to conceive a child from the most worthy of all applicants.

Estrogen has a very good effect on the condition of not only the skin, but also the entire body - it is able to accelerate the renewal of cells throughout the body, maintain youth, shine and health of hair and skin. Estrogens sharpen the mind, invigorate and tone, strengthen the immune system, lift the mood, awaken sexual fantasies, encourage flirtation and coquetry, burn excess fat, prevent the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels, make the eyes shine, smooth out wrinkles, make the skin elastic and firm, and we with you – irresistible and desirable.

Recommended skin care and cosmetic procedures: In the preovulation phase of the cycle, the skin reacts very well to any cosmetic procedures: masks, peelings, facial cleansing. Any manipulation of the skin will only benefit it. Cleaning and any more aggressive procedure is carried out precisely in the first half of the cycle.

Ovulatory phase of the cycle

Ovulation (14 - 17th day of the cycle)

During the ovulation phase, a mature egg is released from the follicle. As a rule, this is the largest of them.

This is facilitated by a sharp increase in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH). LH helps the formation of estrogens, and as a result, the latter will be produced in greater quantities (good for the skin).

Recommended skin care and cosmetic procedures: At this time, a woman becomes irresistible: the skin simply glows and looks healthy and rosy, and also responds very well to any cosmetic procedures: masks, peelings, facial cleansing.

Ovulation usually occurs within 24 hours after the largest LH surge (16 to 48 hours). The egg enters the lumen of the fallopian tube and begins its movement towards the uterus, at the same time awaiting fertilization. Its lifespan does not exceed two days. At the same time, the level of estradiol decreases (bad for the skin), which is sometimes accompanied by ovulatory syndrome - pain in the lower abdomen, on the side where ovulation occurred. A woman enters the luteal phase of her cycle.

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