Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills? What is the probability of pregnancy?

What is hormonal contraception?

Hormonal contraceptives are analogues of female hormones - progesterone and estrogens.
There are no such products for men yet. Hormonal contraceptives are divided into progestin and combined. Estrogens are represented by ethinyl estradiol, and progesterone is represented by progestin. Combined oral contraception contains both progesterone and estrogen. Based on the amount of estrogen, contraceptives are divided into:

  • high-dose, or those in which they are 35 mcg, a representative of which is the drug “Diane”;
  • with a low dosage – 30 micrograms – the drug “Yarina”;
  • microdosed, they contain from 15 to 20 micrograms, for example, “Klayra”.

Progestin-only oral contraceptives contain progesterone alone. They are indicated for use by women who are breastfeeding, as well as if there are contraindications to taking estrogens.

More recently, when we talked about hormonal contraceptives, we meant only their tablet form. Currently, there are the following methods of taking contraceptives containing hormones:

  • pills;
  • "NovaRing" - a special vaginal ring;
  • “Evra” is a body patch, not used as often as tablets;
  • Mirena is an intrauterine device, a way to avoid unwanted pregnancy for 5-7 years.


Before you start taking such drugs, you must carefully study the instructions for their use. Carefully read all possible contraindications for use. Avoid taking oral contraceptives without consulting a specialist.

Such drugs have contraindications:

  • Smoking (the most important factor);
  • The presence of severe liver or kidney diseases;
  • Hypertension;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Diabetes.

Why is this method popular?

Hormonal contraception is the most popular and one of the most reliable methods of preventing pregnancy.
Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills? If the medicine is taken correctly and all necessary conditions are met, this method protects one hundred percent from unwanted fertilization. Doctors often recommend these remedies as protection against pregnancy, as well as as a treatment for menstrual irregularities. The beneficial effects of these substances on women's health are generally recognized.

Effect of birth control pills on the body

How do these practically magical substances work? Why is it that suddenly, when a girl just takes pills or sticks on a patch, pregnancy does not occur and a lot of positive changes appear in the body? To find out whether it is possible to become pregnant while taking birth control pills, and how to avoid this, you need to understand what effect these drugs have on the body. Hormonal contraceptives act on a woman’s body in the following way:

  • prevent ovulation, that is, the egg does not mature;
  • the mucus in the cervix becomes more viscous, so that sperm cannot move into the uterus with normal ease;
  • If fertilization does occur, the egg cannot implant in the uterus.

The process of conception and the effect of the medicine

For conception to occur, ovulation must occur. A woman’s entire menstrual cycle depends on the functioning of the hormonal system. The first phase is the preparatory stage. The body is preparing for a possible pregnancy. The growth of the dominant follicle occurs under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone. The follicle continues to grow until the middle of the menstrual cycle. From this moment on, the luteinizing substance comes into play. Under its influence, the dominant breaks down. The ovulatory period begins. This time is considered the most favorable to get pregnant.

The action of birth control pills is based on blocking the work of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone.

Most tablets contain ethinyl estradiol. This is a hormonal substance that increases the content of its own estrogen in the body. The rise of estrogen blocks the production of FSH. The dominant follicle does not appear on the ovary. Ovulation does not occur. For this reason, the chance of conceiving is reduced.

There are two main groups of contraceptives:

  • blocking ovulation;
  • increasing the viscosity of cervical secretions.

The main group of tablets eliminates ovulation. During the cycle there is no middle and second phase. After stopping their use, the phases are restored. Less popular are mini-pills. These pills cause a change in cervical mucus. It becomes thicker. Sperm that enter the vagina cannot move freely in the secretion. The likelihood of pregnancy decreases.

This method is believed to be the most effective. But it also has a number of disadvantages. It is thanks to them that there is a chance of becoming pregnant while taking birth control pills.

Advantages of this method

It has been proven that women who took hormonal birth control for a year or more were 90 percent less likely to experience an ectopic pregnancy.
These drugs have virtually no contraindications and do not have a negative effect on a woman’s reproductive function. The ability to become pregnant returns to the woman almost immediately after stopping the drug. The risk of malignant oncology of the female genital organs and mammary glands is reduced many times. Women who have been protected in this way for a long time not only do not worry about whether it is possible to become pregnant while taking birth control pills, they practically forget about other gynecological pathologies, such as polyps of the uterine mucosa, endometriosis, cervical erosion, and inflammatory diseases in the pelvic area. It is known that when taking these drugs, uterine fibroids up to one and a half centimeters in size stop growing. Representatives of the fair sex who take hormonal contraceptives are less likely to suffer from anemia and arthritis.

If a woman has been tormented by heavy and painful periods, then while taking these medications this problem will disappear. And along with a decrease in the abundance of discharge, the number of pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammatory gynecological diseases will also decrease.

Reasons for conception

Pregnancy while taking birth control pills can only occur if there are certain reasons. The following reasons may be negative factors:

  • non-compliance with instructions;
  • presence of concomitant treatment;
  • taking a mini-pill;
  • consumption of herbal decoctions;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • choosing the wrong pills.

Pregnancy with birth control pills often occurs due to non-compliance with the instructions. Many patients ignore additional protection in the first cycle. This leads to the development of ovulation. It may come faster. The lack of additional contraception leads to unplanned conception. The problem can also arise if you miss one tablet. Within 24 hours, the active substance is completely washed out of the body.

The reason may also be the presence of concomitant treatment. Some chemicals included in concomitant therapy may affect the way the contraceptive works. Such diseases include diabetes mellitus, endocrine pathologies, and gastrointestinal ailments. Treatment of these pathologies involves the use of hormonal substances and adsorbents. Ethinyl estradiol is not absorbed in the required amount. The concentration of the hormone in the body is small. If follicle-stimulating hormone begins to act, there is a risk of maintaining ovulation. A woman can become pregnant during such a cycle.

Conception can also occur when using the mini-pill. These tablets do not have a detrimental effect on ovulation. Hormonal levels remain at the same level. Cervical mucus undergoes changes. Drinking alcohol, vigorous physical activity and smoking can reduce the viscosity of secretions. Pregnancy can also occur under severe psychological stress. The release of an additional portion of hormones causes the channel to expand. Sperm can pass through it quickly.

What you need to know

Taking herbal decoctions can have a negative effect on the effect of drugs. A decoction of St. John's wort, tansy and diuretics can reduce the activity of the contraceptive. The main problems arise when using diuretics. These drugs enhance kidney function. They begin to remove excess fluid from the body faster. An increase in daily diuresis leads to rapid leaching of the active substance. The contraceptive loses its effect.

Gastrointestinal upset may reduce the activity of the tablets. Such diseases cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Vomiting within two hours after taking the pills reduces the contraceptive effect to a minimum. Diarrhea also causes fluid loss. The kidneys increase their work. The absorption function of the intestine is lost. If the listed problems occur while taking these medications, the drug may not work. Also, a problem may arise due to the treatment of such diseases. In many cases, enveloping and adsorbing substances are prescribed. The first remedies form a film on the inside of the stomach and intestines. The contraceptive cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream. The second group of substances removes harmful substances from the body. With harmful substances from the stomach, the necessary drug is also eliminated. The desired effect is not observed.

The hormonal background of women is individual. If the patient takes the drug with the wrong dosage, ovulation will not be suppressed. In such women, fertility is maintained while taking contraceptives. It is necessary to contact a specialist to change the medication.

Are there any contraindications to using birth control pills?

So is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills? This question worries many. But there is an equally important question: can everyone always take hormonal contraceptives? After all, this is still a drug, which, as you know, has contraindications. You should not take hormonal medications for contraception if you have:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • carbohydrate metabolism is impaired;
  • high risk of thrombosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • malignant oncology;
  • nicotine addiction, especially after 35 years.

Rules for taking such tablets

What is this special regimen for taking the drug and why should you never deviate from it?
For those who are concerned about the question: “Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control?”, we can say that this is where the answer lies. There are certain rules for taking these drugs, and if they are violated, the contraceptive effect may be weakened. Most often, the pills are taken for 21 days from the first day of menstruation, and then take a seven-day break. There are other regimens that are indicated in the instructions for each drug. This could be a schedule of taking three packs and a seven-day break, or maybe six packs, and only after that they take a break.

Currently, preference is given to long-term dosage regimens. This schedule is better tolerated by the body, the risk of side effects is reduced, and hormonal levels normalize faster.

How to determine pregnancy while taking OK

Many symptoms of pregnancy that occur while taking contraceptives can easily be confused with the side effects of the pills:

  1. Soreness of the mammary glands.
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Changes in taste preferences.
  4. Discomfort in the lower abdomen and back.
  5. Decreased libido.
  6. Increased appetite (although sometimes it may decrease).
  7. Irritability, emotional instability.

Many pregnancy symptoms may coincide with side effects from taking OCs

Meanwhile, some of these signs usually appear in a woman immediately after starting to take the hormonal drug. If everything was normal, for example, for several months, then the symptoms that arise are more likely to indicate pregnancy.

A more important signal is the absence of menstrual-like discharge, which should appear at specific intervals. In this case, a woman should use a pharmacy pregnancy test. And a visit to the gynecologist and a blood test for hCG will finally confirm the assumption or dispel doubts.

A visit to a gynecologist will help dispel doubts

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

This question stops many who want to take these drugs. And yet, even if you take birth control pills, you can get pregnant. This is possible under some circumstances. If a woman for some reason deviates from the schedule, and the delay lasts more than 12 hours, the contraceptive effect may weaken. While taking hormonal drugs, it is undesirable to be treated with barbiturates, some antibiotics, even herbs can weaken their effect. If you have to take the listed medications or take the next pill later than 12 hours later, you must use another method of contraception.

Reasons for pregnancy while taking birth control pills

If a woman becomes pregnant while taking birth control pills, it is due to one of the following reasons:

  • unprotected sexual intercourse in the first 14 days after starting treatment. The pills do not begin to act instantly; it takes some time for the body to get used to the new position, and for the endocrine system to be rebuilt under the influence of hormones. This is why doctors recommend using barrier contraception in the first 2 weeks;
  • skipping a pill. Of course, if you take the pill half an hour or an hour later than usual, it is unlikely that conception will occur. But absence of 12 or more hours can seriously affect the effectiveness of contraceptives;
  • diarrhea and vomiting. If such ailments were observed within 3 hours after taking the drug, then it may not be absorbed well enough in the intestines, which will reduce the reliability of protection;
  • taking certain other medications: antibiotics, antifungals, anticonvulsants, barbiturates. These medications affect the functioning of the intestines and reduce absorption, which is why not the entire dose of hormones may enter the blood;
  • wrong choice of remedy. When prescribing birth control pills, the gynecologist takes into account many factors: the patient’s age, test results, even external features. If the drug was chosen incorrectly, its effectiveness will not be as high;
  • alcohol consumption. When alcoholic beverages enter the human body in large quantities, the liver begins to work actively to remove the poison. Together with alcohol, hormones taken can also leave the body.

Many women are afraid of getting pregnant during a seven-day break from taking it. In fact, the chance of conception these days tends to zero. During bleeding, hormones do not stop acting. In addition, blood does not create the most favorable environment for sperm.

And if a woman completely stops taking the drug, then the likelihood of conception, on the contrary, increases, since several eggs can be released in one cycle.

Alcoholic drinks may reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Regulon birth control pills?

This contraceptive is also suitable for the treatment of menstrual dysfunction, aminorrhea and PMS. It is prescribed to those women who no longer breastfeed after childbirth, as lactation may decrease significantly. So is it possible to get pregnant while taking Regulon birth control pills? You can, if you do not follow the following rules:

  • This medicine should not be taken with antibiotics, as the contraceptive effect will be reduced, but if a woman needs them, other contraceptive measures should be used;
  • "Regulon" is not combined with barbiturates, some antispasmodics, laxatives and antidepressants, also due to the increased possibility of becoming pregnant;
  • It is necessary to take the drug at approximately the same time, and do not miss days of using the medication.

Scheme for COCs containing 28 tablets

Using the contraceptive Jess as an example.

If the delay does not exceed 12 hours, the contraceptive effect does not weaken. You need to take the pill quickly and use the rest of the pills in the pack as usual.

The contraceptive effect of COCs decreases if more than 12 hours have passed. The more pills you miss and the closer the skip is to the phase of taking inactive pills, the higher the risk of getting pregnant.

Use of oral contraceptive taking into account missed time:

1-7 days

Take the drug immediately, even if you have to take 2 tablets at once. Subsequent use of COCs is carried out as usual, but within a week you need to use a barrier method of protection. The likelihood of conception increases if sexual contact occurred within 7 days before missing a contraceptive.

8-14 day

A woman needs to take the last forgotten pill as soon as she remembers, even if she needs to take 2 pieces. Then the drug is used as usual. Barrier contraception will be needed if a woman has previously violated the COC regimen or missed more than 1 tablet. You will have to use a condom for 7 days. If the drug was taken correctly and there were no gaps in this cycle, additional protective measures are not required.

15-24 day

The approaching phase of taking inactive pills increases the likelihood of unwanted pregnancy. The problem can be prevented by adjusting the schedule for using COCs. Adhering to one of the two proposed schemes, a woman will do without additional contraception. An important condition is to take the drug correctly during the week before missing the pill.

  1. Take the forgotten pill immediately, even if you have to take 2 tablets at once. Further use of the contraceptive occurs as usual until the active tablets are used up. The four inactive pills are discarded and the woman begins taking the COC from the next pack. In this case, there will be no menstrual-like bleeding.
  2. Stop using the drug from the current package and do not drink COCs for 4 days. Then continue taking the contraceptive from the next pack.

A possible pregnancy is indicated by the absence of menstruation on time. You need to contact your gynecologist before starting to take pills from a new package.

Novinet tablets - is pregnancy possible?

Also, many women are interested in the question: “Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Novinet birth control pills?” The drug guarantees that pregnancy will not occur if you do not miss the time and day of its use. This hormonal contraceptive is taken according to a specific regimen. For 36 hours after the last dose, you can rest assured that ovulation will not occur. If you miss one tablet at 1 or 2 weeks of the female cycle, you should take two the next day and continue taking the drug as before. If you miss 2 days in a row, you need to take 2 tablets every day for the next two days. Then the scheme is standard. But in this case, additional means of contraception are already necessary.

What is the possibility of getting pregnant on hormonal contraception?

Modern medicine offers various ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy. One of them is hormonal contraception (HC).

Many women and men are interested in the question: “Is it possible to get pregnant using hormonal contraception?” No drug can provide a 100% guarantee against unwanted pregnancy. But hormonal contraception comes closest to the cherished 100%, and therefore is considered one of the most reliable methods of protection. In addition, the effect of hormonal contraceptives has been studied almost thoroughly. After reading this article, you will find out: • is it possible to get pregnant on hormonal contraception; • why more and more women in the world are switching to this method of contraception; • how soon can you get pregnant after stopping hormonal medications; • answers to other questions that are most often asked by women and men.

What types of hormonal contraception are there?

Hormonal contraceptives for women contain synthetic analogues of estrogens and progesterone - female sex hormones. Unfortunately, hormonal contraception for men is still under development. There are two types of hormonal contraception: combined and progestin. Estrogen is included in the form of ethinyl estradiol (or estradiol valerate in new generation COCs based on natural estrogen), progesterone - in the form of progestin. Combined oral contraceptives, or COCs, contain estrogens and progesterone. Depending on the amount of estrogens, the drugs are: • high-dose (35 micrograms, or mcg, for example “Diane-35”); • low-dose (30 mg, for example “Yarina”); • microdosed (15 and 20 mcg, for example “Klayra”). Progestin-only oral contraceptives contain only progesterone. They are usually prescribed to nursing mothers and those who are contraindicated in taking estrogen. Previously, hormonal contraception was only available in pill form. Today, medicine provides several ways to introduce hormones into the body: • tablets; • vaginal ring “NovaRing”; • body patch “Evra”; • intrauterine device "Mirena".

How does hormonal contraception affect the body?

To find out what the possibility of getting pregnant with GC is, you need to understand how it works. So, HA performs the following functions in the body: • suppresses ovulation, that is, the maturation of the egg; • makes the mucus in the cervical canal more viscous, which makes it difficult for sperm to move up into the uterine cavity; • prevents the egg from implanting in the uterus in the event of fertilization. If a woman or man is interested in the question “Is it possible to get pregnant using HA?”, then we have good news for them: the possibility of getting pregnant tends to zero.

Advantages of hormonal contraception

If you take, for example, Yarina or Zhanine, is it possible to get pregnant after stopping them? One of the main advantages of HA is the reversibility of its action. That is, you can use HA for several years, and as soon as you decide that you are ready to become a mother, simply stop taking the drug. GK is a good way to protect against unwanted pregnancy (the possibility of getting pregnant, by and large, only exists if you miss pills or take them incorrectly).

Other benefits

1. After a year of use, the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy decreases by 90%. 2. The likelihood of developing gynecological diseases is reduced. Research results prove that HA helps prevent the following diseases: • cancer of the endometrium (uterine lining), ovaries, and breast cancer; • endometrial polyps; • endometriosis; • adenomyosis; • cervical erosion; • uterine fibroids (with a diameter of 1.5 cm, growth stops); • inflammation of the pelvic organs. The likelihood of not only gynecological diseases, but also rheumatoid arthritis and anemia is reduced. 3. The menstrual cycle is normalized. If previously the length of the cycle fluctuated, then when taking GC it will be constant. 4. The amount of menstrual flow decreases. If you previously suffered from long and intense menstruation, then during the period of use they are reduced in duration and quantity. A small amount of menstrual blood reduces the likelihood of developing bacteria that cause inflammation. 5. You can independently regulate the cycle if necessary and postpone it for any period.

If you want to control the possibility of getting pregnant with the help of GCs, then know that there are contraindications for them: • high blood pressure; • diabetes; • tendency to form blood clots; • cirrhosis of the liver; • malignant neoplasms of any organs; • smoking in combination with age over 35 years. Depending on the drug, contraindications may vary.

Since modern GCs contain very low doses of hormones, we can confidently say that they do not affect body weight. Sometimes there is weight gain, sometimes weight loss. Body weight may increase by 1–2 kg, but only in hormone-dependent areas: breasts, hips and buttocks. Men most often like this change in figure.

The myth that the body needs a break from HA is widespread among Russian women. Gynecologists often prescribe taking GCs intermittently: you need to take the drug for a year and a half, and then take a break for three months. In the USA and European countries they do not take breaks - the interval in taking GC does not bring benefits, and more often harms. Low doses of hormones do not create any stress on the body from which it would need to “rest.”

There are different regimens for taking OK: • 1 package - break for 7 days; • 3 packs – break 7 days; • 6 packs - break 7 days. Some contraceptives need to be taken without interruption - in this case, several placebo tablets are included in the package. According to the latest research results, a long-term dosage regimen is preferable. If you take OCs according to an extended regimen, menstruation is much easier and the number of side effects from the drug is reduced. And men don’t have to worry about their loved one’s poor health during menstrual periods. Why does hormonal contraception provide ALMOST 100% protection against pregnancy, or How can you get pregnant while taking oral contraceptives? Is it possible to get pregnant while taking HA, for example “Zhanine”? The possibility of getting pregnant on GC is approaching zero.

Firstly, the possibility of getting pregnant increases if you miss a pill. If the delay is less than 12 hours, the contraceptive effect is not reduced. If the break is more than 12 hours, the chances of getting pregnant increase. Secondly, the likelihood of conception increases with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If a woman begins vomiting or diarrhea soon after taking the pill, gynecologists recommend that the man use a condom to ensure contraceptive reliability for the next 7-9 days.

If you are wondering how soon you can get pregnant after stopping taking GC, then know: you can get pregnant as soon as ovulation occurs. This can happen in the first, second, or third cycle after cancellation. Is it possible to get pregnant after six months by stopping taking the drug “Zhanine”? The greatest chance of getting pregnant remains for 3 months. But there are cases when pregnancy occurs even after 6 months. If pregnancy does not occur within six months, you need to check the reproductive health of the man and woman.

Is it possible to get pregnant if you use emergency or emergency contraception? Emergency contraception includes Ginepristone, Escapelle, Postinor, Mifepristone-72 and others. These medications must be taken as quickly as possible after sexual intercourse, preferably immediately after it. If you take the first tablet of the drug immediately after unprotected intercourse or within 24 hours, the effectiveness of the drug is 95%. Emergency contraception should not be taken frequently - these are potent hormonal drugs not intended for regular use.

Taking hormonal contraceptives has no effect on how you can become pregnant - without a man, through insemination or in your own bedroom.

Many men and young mothers are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding? As practice shows, this is quite possible, so consult your doctor about taking hormonal contraceptives. In the first three weeks after birth, it is necessary to use progestin-only drugs (without estrogen) to avoid the formation of blood clots. If a woman is not breastfeeding, then from the fourth week you can start taking COCs, for example “Yarina” or “Zhanine”.

Many men and women want to know: “Can I get pregnant while taking Janine?” The answer in most cases will be no, but in some situations the contraceptive effect may be reduced. 1. While taking Janine, is it possible to get pregnant without missing a single pill? If you take Zhanine according to the instructions and do not miss a single pill, then the likelihood of pregnancy is zero. 2. While taking Janine, is it possible to get pregnant after missing one pill? If you delay taking the pills for less than 12 hours, the effect of the drug is not weakened. If the delay exceeds 12 hours, then in the next 7 days it is necessary to use additional methods of protection, such as a condom. Taking “Janine”, you are most likely to become pregnant due to missing the first pills in the package. 3. Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Janine due to problems with the digestive system? If you have taken Janine without skipping, you can become pregnant if you vomit or have an upset stomach in the first few hours after taking it. During this time, the drug may not have had time to be absorbed. 4. While taking Zhanine, is it possible to get pregnant while taking other medications? Taking “Zhanine”, you can become pregnant with parallel treatment with antibiotics (tetracycline, penicillin and others). In addition, contraceptive protection may be reduced by barbiturates and other medications. 5. Is it possible to get pregnant after taking Yarina or Zhanine? If you stop taking Janine, you are most likely to become pregnant in the first three menstrual cycles.

All answers to the above questions regarding “Zhanin” are also true for “Yarina”. What should you do if you become pregnant while taking oral contraceptives? If you become pregnant while taking Yarina, Zhanine or another COC, stop taking it immediately and consult a doctor.

Does Yarina guarantee contraception?

This hormone-based medical product is a 100% guarantee of preventing unwanted pregnancy, if you do not deviate from the standard rules for taking a contraceptive. Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Yarina birth control pills? If the gap in the first days of the cycle was no more than 3 days, then you should start taking the drug, using the barrier method of protection in the next 7 days. If you miss a pill in the middle of your cycle, you should take it as soon as possible, also using other methods of contraception in the next 7 days.

If pregnancy occurs

Despite the fact that when using contraceptives the likelihood of becoming pregnant is very low, it still exists . If a woman who is on oral contraceptives does not have menstrual bleeding between packs, this may indicate a possible pregnancy.

In this case, you need to immediately stop taking contraceptives and take a test to determine pregnancy, or better yet, go to a gynecologist. This is due to the fact that oral contraceptives are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women . Taking COCs while pregnant can cause heart pathologies in the fetus, or lead to other, no less serious, developmental defects.

Incorrect use of hormonal contraceptive drugs can cause many consequences. One of them is possible pregnancy. The doctor should select the COC based on the individual characteristics of the patient. This is the only way to avoid errors in the use and selection of the drug.

“Janine” - is pregnancy possible?

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Janine birth control pills? When taking this drug, like other hormonal contraceptives, you should follow certain rules. You need to take the tablet at the same time every day. Do not take medications that weaken the effect of the contraceptive unless absolutely necessary. What is the probability of getting pregnant if you follow these simple rules? Taking birth control pills, including Janine, makes it almost impossible to get pregnant.

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