What is the likelihood of pregnancy with adnexitis of the appendages with inflammation of the ovaries of various etiologies: is it possible to conceive and give birth

The most amazing part of a woman's body is her reproductive system. After all, it is in it that a new life and its development begin. Pregnancy for an expectant mother is a new stage in life. It is not surprising that almost every woman strives to become a mother and is preparing for such a long-awaited event. There are no special difficulties if the girl is physiologically healthy. But sometimes there are cases when the female genital organs malfunction and reproductive function is disrupted. One of these common problems is adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries). When making this diagnosis, a woman has a reasonable question - is it possible to get pregnant with inflammation of the ovaries? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Inflammatory processes in the ovaries in a pregnant woman

One of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system is inflammation of the ovaries (adnexitis). This gynecological ailment occurs in more than 65 percent of patients visiting antenatal clinics. Frequently changing sexual partners, early onset of sexual activity and the hidden development of inflammatory processes are factors that lead to the formation of chronic ovarian diseases. According to statistics, about 80 percent of patients with similar problems are nulliparous women whose age does not exceed 25 years. For this reason, pregnancy occurs along with inflammation of the ovaries. Either one of the ovaries or both can become inflamed. The main symptom is severe pain in the lower abdomen.

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In the early stages, symptoms may resemble heavy periods. There is a viscous, aching pain in the pelvic area, weakness, and a possible increase in body temperature to 37-37.5 ° C. In addition, a bilateral inflammatory process manifests itself:

  • Spread of pain to the legs and lower back;
  • Brown vaginal discharge;
  • Sharp pain when examined by a gynecologist;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Minor bleeding in the middle of the cycle;
  • Delay of menstruation by more than a week.

If these manifestations are detected, an immediate examination and consultation with a gynecologist is required. The sooner inflammation is detected, the easier and faster it can be gotten rid of.

Is it possible to conceive with adnexitis?

Many women planning a baby wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant with ovarian inflammation. In reality, even the most experienced specialists are not able to guarantee one hundred percent that pregnancy with such an illness will occur. The fact is that adnexitis negatively affects the ovulation process. In patients with this diagnosis, ovulation either does not occur or proceeds slowly. Even if the egg is fertilized, due to the inflammatory process it will not be able to move to the uterine cavity and attach to begin development. It is at this stage that inflammation leads to failure in the process of conception. As a result, women face such negative consequences of inflammation as obstruction of the uterine tubes or ectopic pregnancy. Adnexitis creates an unfavorable environment in the body, due to which the fertilized egg simply does not have enough time to reach the uterine cavity and attach. Of course, in such conditions the development of the embryo is impossible, so the pregnancy is terminated.

Important! Theoretically, it is possible to become pregnant with such a disease of the reproductive system, however, the occurrence of pregnancy depends on the following factors:

  • Woman's age;
  • General health;
  • Physiological characteristics;
  • Presence of complications from inflammation;
  • Medicines taken.

One way or another, before you start conceiving a baby, it is recommended to undergo a thorough examination and get rid of all inflammatory foci in advance. Only after this should you plan for a child.

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The diagnosis is prescribed by the attending physician, having carefully studied the clinical picture of the disease. Ultrasound is prescribed to determine the size of the uterus and appendages. The condition of the uterus is assessed by examination.

A mandatory diagnostic procedure is the collection of secretions from the cervical, urethral and cervical canals - this helps to determine the causative agent of the infection.

In addition, the doctor may require an examination of the sexual partner of the sick person, since many infectious diseases are asymptomatic in men, unlike women.

The effect of ovarian inflammation on pregnancy

If you still manage to get pregnant with inflammation of the appendages, there is a high probability that the woman will not be able to bear a child. Inflammation of the ovaries during pregnancy often causes miscarriages, premature birth and uterine bleeding. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, inflammation of the appendages negatively affects the protective functions of the uterus and can damage its internal tissues. Such conditions become favorable for the spread of infection and viruses that negatively affect the fetus. An additional danger is fraught with the excited immunity of a pregnant woman. During the process of attachment of the zygote, bleeding may occur in the lower part of the uterus. During infection, the fertilized egg tries to gain a foothold in this part of the uterus.

Often with adnexitis, one can observe active production of antibodies, which leads to the development of thrombohemorrhagic syndrome. This problem leads to the formation of blood clots in the body and premature abruption of the placenta. In addition, inflammation in the ovaries in pregnant women causes the following negative consequences:

  • premature birth;
  • miscarriages;
  • fetal freezing;
  • hydatidiform mole;
  • embryo infection.

Those who manage to become pregnant with adnexitis often experience hormonal disruptions; this is one of the main symptoms of infection. This leads to disturbances in the development of the fetus. After an abortion, a woman may face complications that lead to the most terrible diagnosis - infertility.

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What can cause adnexitis and how to treat it

Most often, the virus that provokes inflammation of the appendages enters a woman’s body during sexual intercourse, although failure to comply with basic rules of individual hygiene plays a huge role in this regard.

Other, no less common, causes of adnexitis are artificial abortions, diseases of an infectious or inflammatory nature.

Poor immunity, stress and nervous tension, and hypothermia play an important role.

Bacteria that provoke adnexitis:

  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasma;
  • gonococci;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci.

To diagnose the possibility of pregnancy, doctors use ultrasound, take cultures from the vagina, and study blood and urine tests.

In order for a woman to have the opportunity to become pregnant and bear a child after suffering inflammation of the appendages, she must take all measures to restore her hormonal levels, strengthen the immune system and normalize metabolism.

Before a planned conception, a woman must undergo a course of anti-inflammatory and hormonal therapy. Pregnancy should occur no earlier than six months after complete recovery.

The danger of adnexitis in early pregnancy

Inflammatory processes in one of the reproductive organs can have a negative impact on the course of pregnancy in almost all trimesters. So, in the first trimester, a miscarriage is possible due to impaired ovarian function. The fact is that ovulation with inflamed appendages does not occur or occurs with a clear delay. If in a healthy woman ovulation begins in the middle of the menstrual cycle, then with adnexitis it shifts and occurs almost before menstruation. Normally, after ovulation, a corpus luteum appears in place of the egg, which is responsible for the production of progesterone. This hormone not only allows you to get pregnant, but also supports pregnancy in the first trimester. With inflamed ovaries, the corpus luteum cannot work fully, as a result of which too little progesterone is produced. For this reason, the pregnancy is terminated. This can only be avoided with timely administration of maintenance hormone therapy.

Please note: Many patients who were able to become pregnant with adnexitis are faced with such an unpleasant consequence as ovarian pregnancy. The inflammatory process in the ovaries leads to an increase in connective tissue and a narrowing of the lumen in the fallopian tubes.

This pathological condition also leads to impaired functioning of the cilia located in the ciliated epithelium. These organs lose the ability to promote a fertilized egg to the uterine cavity. In this case, a pregnancy test may give a positive result, and the woman will experience exactly the same sensations as during a normal pregnancy. If you were diagnosed with adnexitis before pregnancy and managed to get pregnant, you should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible to rule out or confirm an ectopic pregnancy.

Often, inflammation of the appendages leads to miscarriage due to the fact that the inner layers of the uterus are damaged and its protective system undergoes changes. The layers of the uterus, trying to protect the organ from microorganisms that cause inflammation, begin to mistake the embryo for a foreign agent. As a result, the embryo is rejected and a miscarriage occurs. Even if the fertilized egg is implanted, most often it remains in the lower part of the uterus. This results in placenta previa or low attachment. Such conditions often cause bleeding during pregnancy.

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Causes of the disease

Often the causes of chronic adnexitis are:

  • severe hypothermia of the appendages;
  • promiscuous sex life, frequent change of sexual partners;
  • early sexual life;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • venereal diseases.

When a woman experiences pain during sexual intercourse. She may have a suberal temperature. Menstruation is painful. With a latent course of the disease, there may be no pain at all. But premenstrual syndrome is pronounced. The timing of menstruation and the amount of bleeding during this period changes.

There are such forms of chronic adnexitis: left-sided, right-sided and bilateral. leads to abundant accumulation of mucus. Later, connective tissue begins to grow, significantly narrowing the space in the pipes or completely covering it.

Chronic salpingo-ophritis develops from acute. It is also a consequence of improper treatment of primary inflammation of the appendages or latent development of the disease. Gradually the inflammatory process progresses. Seals formed during the growth of connective tissue and accumulations of serous fluid in the fallopian tubes lead to disruption of the blood supply to the female reproductive organs. Hormonal imbalance begins. Adhesive disease develops in the pelvic organs.

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Inflammation of the appendages in late pregnancy

Chronic inflammatory processes in the ovaries in the middle of pregnancy and later stages can change the antigenic structure of infected endometrial cells. As a result, the pregnant woman’s body provokes the production of antibodies to its own cells. This pathogenic process leads to the formation of blood clotting syndrome inside blood vessels in expectant mothers. If treatment is not treated in a timely manner, a complication occurs in the form of blood clots. Even small thrombotic events that appear in the area of ​​the placenta can lead to its detachment and even delayed fetal development. In some cases, this condition causes gestosis, which complicates pregnancy by increasing the patient's blood pressure, causing swelling and the appearance of protein in the urine.

With chronic adnexitis, a pregnant woman can expect a disruption in the immune system. As a result, even in late pregnancy, blood cells that actively participate in the immune response begin to have a toxic effect on the formation of the placenta and the development of the fetus.

Important! Such pathological disorders that cause inflammation of the appendages can lead to:

  • a frozen or undeveloped pregnancy with the death of the embryo;
  • anembryony, which consists in the absence of an embryo in the fertilized egg;
  • spontaneous miscarriage at any stage of pregnancy;
  • infection of the fetus;
  • premature birth;
  • death of the fetus inside the womb.

Infection of the fetus is possible only if inflammatory processes in the ovaries are activated during pregnancy. If infection occurs early, the fetus may develop various malformations. Infection in later stages causes fetal growth retardation. After birth, it is more difficult for such children to adapt to the external environment. In this case, additional treatment of the child is required. Babies whose mothers have been diagnosed with adnexitis are examined for infections.


If treatment is untimely or completely absent, quite serious complications are possible, affecting not only the reproductive organs. There is a high probability of developing primary and secondary infertility.

The appearance of adhesions between the fallopian tubes and the ovaries block the lumen of the tubes and prevent sperm from entering the cavity for fertilization. There is also too great a risk of ectopic pregnancy due to the fact that the egg cannot leave the fallopian tube due to the adhesion.

Even with successful fertilization and the birth of the fetus in the uterus, the pregnant body with salpingoophritis will reject the fetus, and blood circulation between the uterus and placenta will be disrupted. Possible infection of the fetus, premature birth and spontaneous miscarriage.

You can plan a healthy pregnancy only when inflammation therapy is completed. At the same time, treatment is continued even when the inflammatory process has disappeared, to prevent relapse. In most cases, therapy continues until the moment the child is conceived.

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages and recommendations for expectant mothers

Before planning a pregnancy, women who suffer or have suffered from adnexitis are recommended to undergo an examination by a gynecologist. In this case, you need to undergo smears and tests, which will allow you to promptly identify the inflammatory process and eliminate it before conceiving a child. If tests show a pathological disorder, the doctor will select an appropriate therapeutic course. After treatment, a screening test is required. Even if the disease is cured, it is first recommended to restore the reproductive system to ensure its normal functioning. For this, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If necessary, a course is conducted to regulate hormonal levels with medications. In addition, doctors prescribe medications that strengthen the immune system and normalize the metabolic process. Today, adnexitis is not a death sentence, because modern methods can quickly eliminate inflammation and give every woman a chance to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. Inflammation of the ovaries during pregnancy is a serious problem that only a specialist can eliminate, and therefore, if symptoms appear, you should not delay a visit to the doctor.

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