What is the result of treating adnexitis from vaginal tablets Terzhinan

Local treatment of the inflammatory process in the uterine appendages involves the use of vaginal suppositories. Terzhinan for acute adnexitis helps remove infection from the vagina, preventing the penetration of new portions of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterus and tubes. The drug has a multifaceted effect, creating conditions for getting rid of salpingoophoritis, but the drug can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Terzhinan contains several strong medicinal substances, so it is very important to use the drug according to indications.

Treatment methods for adnexitis

Therapy for adnexitis includes a complex of various measures - taking medications, using physiotherapeutic procedures, and sanatorium-resort treatment. Prevention of complications of this disease plays a significant role.

The main place in this list is occupied by drug treatment with drugs from various pharmaceutical groups (antibiotics, antifungals and antivirals). Modern pharmaceuticals have in their arsenal various dosage forms for the treatment of adnexitis - tablets, solutions for injections and for the preparation of medicinal baths, rectal and vaginal suppositories, sprays for irrigation of the external genitalia.

Special action drugs

Magnesia for inflammation of the ovaries

Magnesia is magnesium sulfate. Since this microelement is not synthesized by the body on its own and is easily excreted at the slightest stress or infection, its additional intake is simply necessary. Magnesium is a good antispasmodic, therefore it reduces pain. Magnesium is widely used in gynecology for the treatment and prevention of pain caused by infectious diseases (adnexitis), during pregnancy with increased uterine tone, as well as to alleviate the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

Pros and cons of candle therapy

pros Minuses
1 No special qualifications required for use (such as injections) A prerequisite for treatment with candles is complete abstinence from sexual intercourse.
2 When inserted, the suppositories end up directly at the site of inflammation. It is impossible to manage only with topical agents; an addition to therapy in the form of tablets or injection solution is required
3 Candles quickly relieve pain and stop inflammation May cause itching, burning, allergic reaction
4 Do not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, as tablets do Requires the use of sanitary pads, since discharge after the introduction of suppositories can stain underwear and bed linen
5 They do not have side hepatogenic effects, unlike antibiotic tablets
6 The wide range of suppositories of various pharmaceutical effects offered by the pharmacy chain and affordable prices will satisfy all categories of consumers
7 Certain names of suppositories can be used during pregnancy and lactation

After comparing the positive and negative aspects of using suppositories, we can conclude that their disadvantages are insignificant and appear for a short time.


Immunomodulators for the treatment of adnexitis and/or oophoritis are used only when the disease is protracted, is a secondary symptom of sexually transmitted diseases, and also if it has become chronic.

To maintain immunity, both synthetic drugs (Cycloferon, Viferon) and herbal products are used. One of the most popular herbal ingredients for boosting immunity is Echinacea. The drug is available in the form of lozenges and alcohol tincture.

Echinacea for inflammation of the ovaries has an antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory effect, significantly increases the body's immune response, due to which the infection is cured much faster. Echinacea is also able to remove toxins from the body that are formed as a result of bacterial activity.

Echinacea has a more expensive analogue - the drug Immunal. But since it is made on the basis of this plant, and is much more expensive, it is less popular than the usual alcohol tincture of the plant.

Rules for using candles

The treatment regimen for adnexitis may include not only vaginal, but also rectal suppositories, which must be inserted into the rectum. Rectal suppositories are most often prescribed to relieve inflammation.

The sequence and rules for using suppositories in the treatment of inflammation of the appendages:

  • The suppositories are administered with clean hands. Before this, hygiene procedures should be carried out and the intestines should be emptied if we are talking about rectal suppositories.
  • Vaginal suppositories are administered while lying on your back, rectal suppositories are administered while lying on your side. After administration, you need to be in a horizontal position for 30-40 minutes to evenly distribute the components of the drug throughout the vagina or rectal mucosa.
  • Most often, this procedure is carried out in the evening before bed.
  • Refusal of sexual contacts and use of daily sanitary pads is mandatory.

Indications for use

To get the desired effect, Terzhinan must be used according to indications. The drug works great in the following cases:

  • against the background of complex therapy of trichomoniasis;
  • in the treatment of acute candidiasis infection (thrush);
  • at the 1st stage of treatment of bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis);
  • with purulent vaginitis.

For prophylactic purposes, Terzhinan is used in cases where it is necessary to prevent the entry of microbes into the upper parts of the reproductive system. The doctor will prescribe a vaginal medication:

  • at the stage of preparation for any gynecological operation;
  • before terminating an unwanted pregnancy;
  • a week before natural birth to prevent infection of the baby;
  • before inserting an intrauterine device;
  • to prepare for IUD removal;
  • at the stage of preparation for cauterization of cervical erosion;
  • before diagnostic studies (aspirate, hysteroscopy).

Terzhinan vaginal suppositories can be used for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

It is important to strictly follow the advice of a specialist and not try to replace the drug with a less effective drug.

Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal suppositories

Drugs from this group are introduced into the vagina, eliminate pathogenic flora, and stop the infectious process.

  • Pros – effectively stop the spread of inflammation, reduce the intensity of discomfort;
  • Minus - they negatively affect the beneficial bacteria of the vaginal microflora.

After treatment with suppositories from this group, it is recommended to take probiotics to replenish the natural flora. At the end of therapy, it is necessary to prevent thrush with Fluconazole and Flucostat.

The most effective suppositories for the treatment of adnexitis with an antibacterial effect are Terzhinan, Betadine, Clindacin, Klion D, Polygynax.

Most often, manufacturers offer complex-action candles that are effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi simultaneously. Of particular note are ichthyol suppositories, which not only eliminate inflammation, destroy pathogens of the inflammatory process, but also restore damaged vaginal mucosa.

Each case of adnexitis requires the doctor to prescribe suppositories according to individual indications, taking into account side effects and contraindications, duration and severity of the disease.

Composition of Terzhinan

A combined drug for local treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs consists of 4 main substances.

Medicinal substanceDosageTherapeutic effect
Ternidazole200 mgIt has a strong and targeted effect on Trichomonas. Able to remove pathogenic bacteria from the vagina that accompany inflammation.
Neomycin/td>100 mgAn antibacterial drug that affects most of the bacterial microflora of the vagina.
Nystatin100 thousand unitsAn antifungal agent that acts against common candida fungi.
Prednisolone3 mgA glucocorticoid hormone with excellent anti-inflammatory effects.

Reviews from doctors convincingly prove that Terzhinan is effective against most vaginal infections. It is the composition of the drug that provides an excellent therapeutic effect for colpitis, which can become the basis for ascending adnexitis.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories for adnexitis

Drugs in this category are most often used rectally.

The most effective anti-inflammatory suppositories:

  • Movalis is a drug from the NSAID group, incompatible with some antibacterial agents;
  • Indomethacin is the most effective suppository, the effect is felt after the first administration, they require an individual approach, as they have side effects;
  • Diclofenac is an analogue of Indomethacin with slightly less effectiveness and is contraindicated in women suffering from hypertension.

Advantages of the drug

The pleasant and important advantages of Terzhinan over other vaginal drugs are the following:

  • quick removal of unpleasant symptoms (itching in the perineum, burning);
  • ease of use;
  • does not change the color of vaginal leucorrhoea;
  • does not stain underwear;
  • can be used during pregnancy, starting from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

Reviews from women show that the vaginal drug almost immediately removes all the unpleasant sensations that interfere with living a normal life. Complex treatment of adnexitis, including Terzhinan, requires fewer drugs with antibacterial action.

Recipe 1

You will need 1 tsp. the following herbs:

- rose hips (berries)

- plantain (leaves)

- chamomile (flowers)

- yarrow (stems, leaves).

Pour the mixture with 2 tbsp. boiling water Leave for 10 hours and strain. Use like this:

- drink 1/2 glass 2 times a day before meals

- douche 2 times/day

- insert a tampon soaked in infusion into the vagina at night.

The course can be long, up to 1 month, since the composition does not contain herbs that cannot be used for a long time.


The cauterization operation is carried out as follows:

- a gynecological speculum is inserted into the vagina

- using a special tampon to clean the cervix

— with a tool with a heated sensor, the epithelium affected by inflammation is cauterized.

After cauterization, bleeding will be observed for 4 weeks.

Other treatments for non-infectious cervicitis:

1. Cryosurgery. Damaged tissue is destroyed by freezing using a special instrument - a cryoprobe. Compressed nitrogen is used. The operation is carried out in 2 stages:

a) the first freeze lasts 3 minutes;

b) after thawing the tissues, the procedure is repeated for another 3 minutes.

After surgery, the dead tissue will be sloughed off and come out for about 3 weeks.

2. Laser exposure. The energy of the beam burns out the affected epithelium. To eliminate discomfort, pain relief is provided. Discharge is observed for approximately 3 weeks after the procedure.

List of sources

  • Podzolkova N.M. Human papillomavirus and herpetic infections in obstetrics and gynecology: educational manual / N.M. Podzolkova, L.G. Sozaeva, V.B. Osadchev. M., 2002;
  • Sokolovsky E.V. and others // Sexually transmitted infections. - M.: Medpress-inform. - 2006;
  • Krasnopolsky V.I. and others // Pathology of the vagina and cervix. - M.: Medicine. - 1997;
  • Sverdlova E. S. Diseases of the cervix: diagnostic algorithms and treatment technologies. - Irkutsk, 2010;
  • Kozlova V.I., Puchner A.F. Viral, chlamydial and mycoplasma diseases of the genitals. M.: Filin; 1997.

Diet for cervicitis

Cervicitis, like most inflammatory diseases, requires diet No. 13. This is a high-calorie diet with an optimal ratio of macronutrients and plenty of fluid intake.

Include in your diet: cereals (buckwheat, barley, oatmeal), meat (beef, turkey, liver), fermented milk products (cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, yogurt, kefir, yogurt, ayran).

Beans, beans, peas, pumpkin seeds, pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, dried apricots, dates, prunes, raisins, olive and corn oil, fish (pink salmon, capelin, mackerel, hake, flounder, salmon) are useful.

Do not forget about foods rich in fiber, iodine and starch (ceps, seaweed, spinach, corn, feijoa), copper, iron, zinc, vitamins B12 and PP (squid, shrimp, oysters, eel), vitamin C (currants, lentils, citrus fruits, rose hips, dogwood, broccoli, sweet peppers).

Limit your consumption of spicy and smoked, fatty foods, pickled foods, canned food, sweet pastries, yeast dough, and kvass. Smoking, coffee and alcoholic drinks are contraindicated.

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