How many flucostat tablets should you take for thrush?

Flucostat has an antifungal effect and belongs to the group of triazole drugs. The effect of the drug on the causative agent of infection is to actively suppress the growth and further reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. If you have been prescribed Flucostat, be sure to read the instructions for use for thrush in women.

Its use has several advantages:

  • the main active ingredient is active not only against Candida fungi, but also against other pathogens of mycosis, for example, yeast and parasitic fungi;
  • quickly penetrates into all tissues and biological fluids of the body, effectively and quickly eliminating such unpleasant symptoms as cheesy discharge, burning sensation and itching;
  • does not provoke microflora disturbances. Therefore, it not only eliminates the causative agent of the disease, but also prevents the development of dysbacteriosis;
  • perfectly adsorbed and excreted by the urinary system. However, its metabolites do not penetrate into the peripheral blood.


  • hepatotoxic;
  • cannot be combined with analgesics, antidepressants, NSAIDs and some other drugs;
  • works poorly against C. glabrata and C. krusei (rare pathogens of candidiasis).

In a sample of 56 reviews, only 2 women were dissatisfied with the effectiveness of Flucostat. 36 people note that a single dose was enough for complete recovery. Another 18 patients write that the cost of one capsule is too high.


Dosage forms of Flucostat:

  • capsules: 0.05 g each - opaque, with a pinkish-brown cap and a light pink body, size No. 2; 0.15 g each - size No. 0, with a white body and cap, opaque (7 capsules of 0.05 g each or 1, 2, 3 or 6 capsules of 0.15 g each, in strip packaging; 1 package in a cardboard box );
  • solution for infusion: colorless, transparent (50 ml in clear glass bottles; 1 bottle in a cardboard box).

Composition of 1 capsule:

  • active substance: fluconazole – 0.05 or 0.15 g;
  • auxiliary components: milk sugar (lactose) – 0.0494 or 0.1474 g; corn starch – 0.0164 or 0.049 g; aerosil (colloidal silicon dioxide) – 0.00012 or 0.00036 g; magnesium stearate – 0.00096 or 0.0028 g; sodium lauryl sulfate – 0.00012 or 0.00036 g;
  • 0.05 g capsule: body – titanium dioxide (E 171) – 3%; red iron oxide (E 172) – 0.0857%; gelatin – up to 100%; cap – gelatin – up to 100%; red iron oxide (E 172) – 0.7286%; titanium dioxide (E 171) – 2%;
  • 0.15 g capsule: body and cap – gelatin – up to 100%, titanium dioxide (E 171) – 2%.

Composition of 1 ml solution:

  • active substance: fluconazole – 0.002 g;
  • auxiliary components: sodium chloride – 0.009 g, water for injection – up to 1 ml.

Composition of Flucostat

Composition of 1 ml solution for parenteral administration:

  • fluconazole – 2 mg;
  • sodium chloride;
  • water for injections.

The Flucostat capsule has the following components:

  • fluconazole – 50 mg (or 150 mg);
  • colloidal silicon dioxide (aerosil);
  • corn starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • lactose.

The capsule shell contains:

  • gelatin;
  • red dye iron oxide (E 172);
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • titanium dioxide (E 171);
  • acetic acid.

The active ingredient of the drug is fluconazole. Among the excipients, only lauryl sulfate is present. The capsule shell contains: gelatin, sodium ethylparaben (E219), sodium diethylparaben (E217), titanium oxide (E171).

When taken orally, absorption of the drug occurs in the gastrointestinal tract (on average 1.5 hours after administration). During absorption, the active substance enters all tissues and fluids of the body. The action of the medication is aimed at inhibiting the activity of fungal enzymes. Thus, it suppresses their reproduction function without affecting healthy microorganisms of normal flora.

In addition, the drug increases the permeability of cell walls, accelerating the processes of metabolism, nutrition and blood supply, this helps the body quickly cope with the infection. Improvement is observed almost immediately after taking it, which is why many people choose Flucostat for thrush.

In what cases is Flucostat effective?

The main medical indication for taking Flucostat capsules is etiotropic therapy (treatment aimed at destroying the causative agent of the infectious process) of fungal diseases caused by pathogens sensitive to the active substance of the drug:

  1. Genital candidiasis (thrush) with a severe infectious process that cannot be treated with topical antifungal drugs, including vaginal candidiasis in women or the glans penis in men.
  2. Candidiasis of the mucous membranes, including those localized in the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, trachea, and structures of the urinary system.
  3. Various fungal skin infections, including mycoses of the feet, trunk, groin area, onychomycosis, lichen planus.
  4. Generalized candidiasis is the spread of an infectious process in various organs and tissues, which often develops against the background of a pronounced decrease in the functional activity of the immune system.
  5. Cryptococcosis, including fungal infection of the membranes of the brain. The drug is used to treat this fungal disease in patients with normal and reduced immunity.
  6. A group of fungal infections represented by deep endemic mycoses, including paracoccidioidomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, sporotrichosis in patients with normal or reduced immunity.

The drug is also used to prevent the development of fungal infections in patients with reduced functional activity of the immune system due to the oncological process and treatment with cytostatics.

special instructions

Flucostat has the ability to somewhat reduce local immunity, acting specifically on the microflora of the urogenital area. As a result of this side effect, additional gates are opened for the invasion of infectious pathogens of a non-fungal nature, and accordingly, conditions are created for the development of unpleasant diseases of the genitourinary system. In order to eliminate the possible adverse effects of conservative therapy, antibiotics can be used.

Qualified specialists agree that no ordinary pharmaceutical drug should be used, so as not to develop resistance to the main chemical components of drugs that affect harmful microflora. In this vein, Solutab 30, a reserve antibiotic, is often used, which reduces the risk of the above-mentioned complications of treating fungal pathology.

Tags: drink, thrush, need, how much, tablet, flucostat About the author: Admin4ik

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Mechanism of action

The fluconazole contained in the drug belongs to the class of triazole drugs. Its effect on fungal cells is manifested by the fact that it suppresses the production of sterols by their membranes. Ultimately, the drug destroys pathogenic fungi. Studies have confirmed the effectiveness of this remedy against:

  • fungi that cause thrush;
  • cryptococci;
  • trichophytes;
  • causative agents of opportunistic mycoses (this applies primarily to fungi belonging to the genus Candida).

The medicine also affects microscopic fungal spores. After oral administration, the active component begins to be absorbed into the blood, reaching its maximum concentration (if the medicine was taken on an empty stomach) after 0.5-1.5 hours. It is distributed throughout the body. The bioavailability of the drug reaches 90%.

The active substance undergoes metabolism to a small extent. It is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys, mostly unchanged (80%). The half-life is on average 30 hours. Fluconazole can accumulate in certain tissues of the body (especially in the nails), where its presence can be detected even six months after the end of treatment.

The drug does not have a negative effect on the microflora of the female reproductive system and digestive tract.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

After oral administration of tablets or capsules, the active ingredients are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After 0.5-1.5 hours on an empty stomach, the maximum plasma concentration is achieved. The constituent elements of the drug penetrate well into all biological fluids of the body.

With intravenous administration of a parenteral solution of Flucostat, the active components are evenly distributed throughout biological fluids (the concentration in pulmonary sputum and saliva in the oral cavity corresponds to the amount of Fluconazole in the blood plasma). After several injections of 1 dose per day, the level of equilibrium concentration is reached by 4-5 days of conservative treatment, and with the initial use of a double amount of the drug - by 2 days.

In the bloodstream, about 11-12% of the total amount of Fluconazole binds to plasma proteins, which is why the half-life corresponds to 30 hours. The vast majority (about 80%) of the pharmaceutical drug is excreted in the urine. The clearance of the active component is directly proportional to the clearance of Creatinine.

Dosage and method of administration

Flucostat capsules are intended for oral administration. Do not chew them and wash them down with plenty of water. The regimen of use of the drug and dosage depend on medical indications:

  1. Thrush or balanitis - 150 mg once, and then to prevent relapse 150 mg once a month for 4-12 months;
  2. Pityriasis versicolor – 50 mg once a day for a period of time from 2 to 4 weeks.
  3. Candidiasis of mucous membranes of various localizations - 50-150 mg per day for a period of time from 2 weeks to 1 month.
  4. Skin mycoses of various localizations - 150 mg once a week or 50 mg once a day. The duration of the course of therapy varies from 2 to 4 weeks; if the fungal infection is localized on the skin of the feet, it can reach 6 weeks.
  5. Candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the reproductive system in men and women - 150 mg is taken once. To prevent exacerbation of this fungal infection, the drug is used in a dosage of 150 mg once a month for a period of time that varies from 4 to 12 months.
  6. Atrophic candidiasis of the oral cavity, the development of which was provoked by wearing dentures - 50 mg once a day for 10-14 days.
  7. Cryptococcal infection, generalized candidiasis - on the first day of the course of therapy, the dosage is 400 mg per day, then it ranges from 200 to 400 mg per day, depending on the severity of the fungal pathology.
  8. Prevention of the development of oral candidiasis in patients with concomitant AIDS after completion of a course of antifungal therapy - 150 mg once every 7 days.
  9. Deep endemic mycoses - dosage varies from 200 to 400 mg per day, duration of therapy can vary from several months to one and a half years.
  10. Prevention of the development of candidiasis in patients with cancer pathology during radiation or chemotherapy - the dosage varies from 50 to 400 mg per day.
  11. Prevention of cryptococcal meningitis in patients with reduced immune activity due to AIDS - 200 mg per day for a long period of time.


How many days does it take for thrush to go away after taking Flucostat?

Symptoms of the disease may disappear immediately the next day after taking the drug. But despite how quickly the itching and burning went away, you should complete the full course of treatment prescribed by your doctor.

How much does Flucostat cost for thrush?

This medicine for thrush costs from 250 to 400 rubles. Depending on the region and form of release. It is worth remembering that this product is a cheap analogue of foreign drugs.

Why didn’t Flucostat help with thrush?

There may be several reasons why the drug did not help. First, candidiasis will not go away quickly if it is in a chronic stage; it will take time. Also, a remedy for thrush may have a weak effect if immunity is reduced or there are other chronic diseases. What to do about this?

If I have diseased kidneys, will Flucostat have any effect on this?

This drug, used to combat Candida fungus, has its own precautions. In patients with kidney disease, it is recommended to reduce the dose. This should be done after consultation with a doctor.

Flucostat instructions for use for thrush in women

How to take Flucostat for thrush, each patient can decide independently or find out in consultation with a qualified specialist, since there are different treatment regimens for fungal infections of the urogenital area in women.

The quantity and frequency of application depends on the manifestations of the pathological process, the form of the disease and associated complications:

  1. An uncomplicated form of candidiasis that occurs for the first time with mild or moderate symptoms - 1 capsule (150 mg of Flucostat) once.
  2. Complicated form of thrush with severe symptoms or against the background of concomitant chronic diseases - 150 mg of the drug on days 1 and 4 of conservative therapy.
  3. A recurrent form of candidiasis in women, which manifests itself at least 4 times during the year - 150 mg in three doses, on the 1st, 4th and 7th day of sanitation.

It is also necessary to treat the sexual partner - 150 mg once. This form of fungal pathology requires maintenance therapy to prevent repeated episodes of the disease. For this purpose, 150 mg tablets are used once a week for 6 months.

Flucostat during pregnancy (and lactation)

During the use of the drug, the active ingredients are absorbed into the main bloodstream and distributed throughout the woman’s body, evenly deposited in biological fluids. That is why the use of the antifungal drug Flucostat during pregnancy is allowed only for health reasons (for example, in the case of severe, generalized infections that threaten the life of the expectant mother and fetus).

If there is a need to undergo a course of conservative therapy during breastfeeding, then the child should be weaned from the breast and mother’s milk, because even in such a specific secretion traces of biologically active substances that are part of the enteral and parneteral forms of Flucostat are found.

Release form

The drug Flucostat, like many drugs containing fluconazole, is available in easy-to-use enteric-coated capsules. There are capsules with a dosage of 150 mg, sold in packs of 1 or 2 pieces, and in a dose of 50 mg. This package contains 7 capsules.

In addition to the active component, Flucostat also contains several excipients, such as silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, lactose and other components. They help the medicine reach the desired absorption point and distribute evenly in the patient’s blood.

  • Coated capsules are light pink or pink-brown in color, opaque. Inside there is a white or close to white powder. Packaged in 7 pieces in contour cell blisters. Cardboard packaging holds 1 plate.
  • Tablets of 50 or 150 mg are white, oval, secured in a contour-cell blister of 1 or 2. A cardboard pack contains only 1 plate with the drug.
  • Solution for intravenous administration in the form of a clear, colorless liquid in 50 ml bottles. One bottle of medicine is placed in a cardboard package.
  • White oval-shaped vaginal suppositories, which are packaged in blisters made of aluminum foil or PVC.

For the treatment of candidiasis in different zones, the optimal form of drug intake is selected.

  • Flucostat in capsules. Available in packs of 7 pcs. The capsule coating has a pinkish tint. The powder inside is whitish.
  • Flucostat tablets for thrush are available in two forms: 50 or 150 mg.
  • Solution. This form is used for intravenous administration and is available in 50 ml bottles.
  • Vaginal suppositories. Prescribed for local treatment of candidiasis.

The active ingredient, flucanozole, is included in all formulations. It prevents the development of fungus and kills it. Since even a newborn can suffer from candidiasis, different release forms give the drug an advantage.

Depending on the form of the disease and symptoms, either Flucostat vaginal suppositories or oral tablets are prescribed. Recently, it is the second option that has become more popular, due to the fact that they have the most effective effect on the pathogen from the inside. However, in severe cases, complex therapy can be used, including tablets and suppositories.

Flucostat tablets

They have fungicidal activity, mainly directed against fungi called Candida. The advantages of the drug are emphasized by the fact that when taken orally, the concentration is comparable to intravenous administration. Flucostat is evenly distributed in tissues and is slowly eliminated, providing a systemic effect on candidiasis.

In addition to the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, the drug copes well with fungi of various localizations and is one of the effective drugs for the treatment of urogenital candidiasis, which are recommended by the World Health Association.

To eliminate the symptoms of acute thrush in women, it is often enough to take a Flucostat tablet (150 mg).

The advantages of this form of release include:

  • Elimination of fungal microorganisms in the vagina and other possible locations of candidiasis;
  • You can start treatment regardless of the menstrual cycle;
  • Capsules are taken at any time convenient for the patient;
  • Flucostat in suppositories does not violate the integrity of latex products; condoms can be used during its use.

Flucostat suppositories

Prescribed as a local antifungal agent in complex or individual therapy. The positive properties include the fact that the drug has an immediate effect on the causative agent of the disease, eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Dosages and duration of therapy are prescribed by a specialist.

The advantages of this form of Flucostat include the following:

  • Therapy can be started immediately after the corresponding symptoms are detected;
  • Side effects are very rare;
  • Therapeutic activity does not depend on food consumption, thereby in no way affecting the patient’s usual life.

Side effects

Flucostat, according to reviews, is well tolerated by patients. However, when using the drug there may be risks of the following side effects:

  1. Allergic reactions: urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, Lyell's syndrome, Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
  2. From the nervous system: dizziness, convulsions, headache;
  3. From the cardiovascular system: ventricular fibrillation and flutter, prolongation of the QT interval, agranulocytosis, neutropenia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia;
  4. From the gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary system: nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, changes in taste, pain in the abdominal and epigastric areas, jaundice, flatulence, hepatonecrosis, increased levels of bilirubin and liver enzymes;
  5. Others: increased plasma triglycerides and cholesterol, decreased potassium levels, baldness.

When using excessive doses of Flucostat, hallucinations and paranoid behavior may occur. There is no antidote to the drug. In case of overdose, symptomatic treatment is carried out: gastric lavage, administration of enterosorbent drugs. In order to reduce the concentration of the active substance Flucostat in the blood plasma, forced diuresis and hemodialysis are possible.


Due to the fairly high cost, Flucostat has many analogues that are similar in their mechanism of action and method of application. The most common of them are:

  1. Diflucan is a remedy that has proven itself in the fight against thrush. Used for various forms of candidiasis. Quickly copes with symptoms and has various forms of release. The cost is half as much.
  2. Mikosist is successfully used in the complex treatment of thrush. The active substance of Flucostat is fluconazole. The cost is within the limits of the previous analogue. Often prescribed by doctors.
  3. Fluconazole is most effective in combating thrush in the acute period. It has the same name as the active substance Flucostat. It is several times cheaper when compared with the described medication.
  4. Mikoflucan - has a wide spectrum of action, and is also used for the treatment of candidiasis in adults (acute and chronic). The price is average.


  1. Do not prescribe to patients with known intolerance to fluconazole and other azole compounds.
  2. Capsules are not used to treat patients who are lactose intolerant, including patients with glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, lactase deficiency and galactosemia.
  3. Should not be administered to patients receiving drugs that prolong the QT interval.
  4. Capsules in pediatric practice are used only for the treatment of children over 3 years of age.

Caution should be exercised when prescribing Flucostat to patients suffering from impaired renal and liver function, chronic alcoholism, as well as patients with a high risk of developing arrhythmia and patients receiving drugs that have hepatotoxic effects. Flucostat is prescribed with caution to patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (since in this category of patients the risk of developing undesirable effects is higher).

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of Flucostat (as well as Flucostat analogues) with terfenadine and astemizole is not allowed. When the above substances are combined with fluconazole, the effectiveness of coumarin anticoagulants may change.

According to reviews of Flucostat, its use simultaneously with sulfonylurea derivatives increases the risk of hypoglycemia.

Cisapride, together with the use of Flucostat, leads to side effects from the heart and blood vessels.

The instructions given for Flucostat are not a guide to self-administration of the drug without consulting a doctor.

special instructions

The use of the drug during pregnancy is allowed strictly as prescribed by a doctor only if the benefits to the mother outweigh the possible risks to the development of the fetus. If you need to take medication during lactation, you must stop breastfeeding until the end of treatment.

This product is not recommended to be combined with alcohol.

During treatment, it is better to refrain from driving a car or other potentially dangerous technical device, since Flucostat can cause dizziness and changes in muscle tone.

What can replace flucostat for thrush?

Thrush affects many women and almost everyone has encountered its symptoms - itching in the perineum and vagina, increased white discharge with flakes.

The combination of these signs indicates the development of yeast fungi of the genus Candida in the vagina, which easily take root in a moist, acidic environment, which is why thrush occurs so often in women.

Also, frequent manifestations of the disease are facilitated by a poor diet, stress, lack of vitamins, immunodeficiency, seasonal allergies, frequent colds, hormonal disorders, abuse of antibiotics, and problems with the thyroid gland.

In addition to flucostat, Diflucan is often prescribed. This drug is even more expensive, it contains fluconazole, but it costs 2 times more than flucostat - on average 700 rubles per package.

It should be noted that, despite the overestimated dosage, the medication itself is of high quality and rarely receives negative feedback in terms of effectiveness. You can replace Diflucan with fluconazole and mycoflucan.

Diflucan is available in capsule form, powder for suspension and solution for intravenous administration. It is not recommended to prescribe it to yourself; a doctor should select the drug.

Descriptions of inexpensive analogues of the active substance

The cheapest analogue of flucostat and diflucan is fluconazole. This is a drug whose active ingredient corresponds to its trade name. The medication is used in the presence of acute or chronic forms of candidiasis, as well as in case of any other mycoses in the anamnesis.

It is produced under this trade name by many companies, both foreign and domestic.

It is not prescribed during breastfeeding and pregnancy; it exhibits hepatotoxic properties and can, in rare cases, cause stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, headache and dizziness. Easily penetrates into all tissues and fluids in the body and can accumulate.

This is an ideal inexpensive option, especially if you need to take it for a long time. Floconazole is available in capsule form, the average price for one capsule is about 50 rubles.

Mikoflucan is a more expensive analogue, but still cheaper than flucostat. It can only be used by adults, and it is produced by the Indian pharmaceutical company - DR Reddis. It has the same therapeutic and side effects as all fluconazole-based analogues. The average cost of capsules is 250 rubles.

Fluconazole Stada is a complete analogue of the active substance. Release forms are capsules and solution for intravenous administration; it has a milder effect and can therefore be prescribed not only to adults, but also to children. One capsule costs approximately 85 rubles. You should not prescribe it yourself.

Mikosist - suitable for the treatment of thrush and candidiasis of the mucous membranes as part of complex treatment for the chronic form.

If the form of the disease is acute, then mycosist can be used as the main working drug.

It is also used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also to prevent fungal diseases, for the purpose of prevention after previous treatment, since mycoses are prone to frequent relapses.

Among analogues not based on the active substance, one can note such good drugs as itraconazole (the active substance is the same as the trade name) and micogal suppositories. Nystatin has also proven itself well for a long time and is inexpensive.


Cheap analogues of flucostat for thrush

Treatment of thrush (candidiasis) involves a course of antifungal drugs. Flucostat is considered one of the most effective. Its only drawback is the price.

Often women try to find an analogue of Flucostat for thrush and choose the cheapest ones that a pharmacist can pick up at a pharmacy.

However, the low price of the analogue drug means that its main active ingredient differs from that of Flucostat.

In order to save money without compromising the effectiveness of treatment, you need to know which analogues of Flucostat for thrush have the same composition, and which products have different components.

Action of the main component of Flucostat

This is a Russian-made antimycotic drug. The main antifungal component of Flucostat is fluconazole, an artificially synthesized active substance of the triazole group, which successfully copes with Candida fungus, the causative agent of thrush. The mechanism of action of drugs based on it is to inhibit the proliferation of the fungus until its complete destruction.

A distinctive feature of Flucostat is its effectiveness in destroying pathogenic yeast-like fungi: sometimes it may take only one capsule for the thrush to recede and its manifestations in the form of itching, burning and cheesy vaginal discharge to disappear. If we talk about side effects when using the medicine, they include:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • a course of treatment with other drugs that are toxic to the liver;
  • liver diseases in the acute stage;
  • renal failure.

For each patient, the medicine is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician based on the collected medical history and taking into account the characteristics of the body.

Flucostat is available in various dosage forms:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • syrup;
  • powder (to be dissolved in water for oral administration);
  • solution for infusion.

Tablets and capsules are most convenient for oral administration; this is the most common form of Flucostat. But in some cases, for example, when treating young children, other dosage forms are used.

Review of analogues

The most significant disadvantage of Flucostat is its high cost. In Russian pharmacies, the price for a package with 1 tablet or capsule starts from 300-350 rubles.

If course therapy is required, then the treatment may end up costing you money. In this case, the pharmacist at the pharmacy can help you choose a cheap analogue of Flucostat for thrush.

But at the same time, the replacement of the medicine must be agreed with the attending physician.

The following factors influence consumer prices in pharmacy chains:

  • promotion of the manufacturer;
  • the amount of investment in the advertising campaign of the drug;
  • retail chain markup.

To quickly and effectively get rid of thrush, it is not necessary to buy expensive medications; you can use cheap products that are not inferior in quality to Flucostat.


The name of the drug speaks for itself. In composition, it is a complete analogue of Flucostat, therefore it is used to treat thrush. The active ingredient is the same - from 50 to 150 mg. As for the auxiliary components of Flucosanol, their list is also no different.

The only difference between the two drugs is the price. On average, you will have to pay for one capsule of Fluconazole:

  • from “Stad” – 130 rubles;
  • from JSC "Vertex" - 150 rubles;
  • from Canonpharma - 100 rubles.


Such a cheap analogue of Flucostat for manifestations of thrush, like MikoFlyukan, will be an equally effective substitute for this expensive drug. MikoFlyukan has the same active ingredient in its base, the dosage is 50 and 150 mg. Available in tablet form.

This medicine differs in cost. In pharmacies, its price varies from 180-200 rubles. per package containing one tablet.


Another worthy replacement for expensive antifungal drugs is Indian Forkan. The active ingredient is fluconazole. Dosage from 50 to 150 mg. Available in the form of tablets, capsules and solution for intravenous administration.

Unlike many analogues, use is permitted even for the treatment of newborns. Contraindications include, among others, a ban on use by pregnant women.

Prices for Forkan in Russian pharmacies range from 150 to 180 rubles. per package with one capsule.


The drug Diflazon, produced by the Slovenian company KRRKA, is a worthy replacement for expensive antifungal drugs. Available in the form of capsules and solutions for drip administration. Not recommended for use in childhood.

Side effects include alopecia (increased hair loss).

The average price for a package containing one 150 mg capsule is 190-224 rubles.


This medicine is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. Produced by Gedeon Richter in Hungary. In addition to the main active ingredient, the composition also contains lactose, so contraindications include lactose intolerance. The product is produced in the form of capsules and solution for intravenous infusion.

The drug is prescribed to persons driving vehicles with caution. Also in the instructions for the drug there is an indication that if the course of treatment is not completed completely, relapses of candidiasis are possible in the future.

The cost of Mikosist in Russian pharmacies ranges from 300 rubles. per capsule 150 mg.

Special Notes

When using Flucostat analogues for thrush, especially cheap ones, for treatment, we must not forget about a number of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. These include:

The instructions for use also contain lists of medications that are incompatible with the use of Flucostat and its analogues. Only a doctor can determine whether certain drugs are suitable for the treatment of candidiasis or not. To do this, he must receive complete information about what medications the patient is taking.

If you choose a medicine on your own, you can cause irreparable harm to your health. This fully applies to all medications for the treatment of thrush.

Flucostat: price, instructions, cheap drug replacements, comparison

Fragile women's health is often negatively affected by external factors. A very unpleasant feature that occurs when a woman’s health deteriorates is thrush. Pharmacological companies have actively begun to fight it, abundantly supplying pharmacy shelves with all kinds of means to eliminate thrush. One of the most famous among them is the drug Flucostat.

In most cases, to completely eliminate the disease, it is enough to take one capsule of Flucostat. The problem is that this capsule has a cost that is unaffordable for all consumers. Is it possible to find a more affordable, but no less effective remedy for combating thrush? It's time to pay attention to Flucostat analogues.


It is used for the treatment and prevention of fungal pathologies (mycosis, cryptococcosis, candidiasis). Recognized as one of the most popular and effective remedies in the fight against thrush.


Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components. It is also prohibited to combine Flucostat with a number of other medications (cisapride, astemizole, terfenadine, rifabutin).

Use Flucostat with caution in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Taking the drug leads to infectious lesions of the skin.

Even one capsule can cause side symptoms. These include:

  • nausea;
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • bowel dysfunction (diarrhea or, conversely, constipation);
  • Strong headache;
  • dizziness;
  • skin itching;
  • redness of the skin;
  • rash;
  • anaphylactic shock.

If one or more negative symptoms appear, you should stop taking it (if a course of treatment is required) and consult a doctor.


Flucostat: reviews of women and doctors

Some reviews from doctors about the drug:

  1. Nikonorova T.V. Ultrasound doctor. A good drug for thrush, but you need the correct regimen for using this drug; it helps with chronic recurrent variants of this disease. Can be used for a long time, but after consulting a doctor. 150 mg once a week for 1-3 months, a simple dosage regimen for recurrent thrush.
  2. Lapin R.V. Surgeon. An excellent and effective drug, which is an integral drug in a doctor’s practice for the treatment of candidiasis of various localizations. It shows its activity in a short time. Does not cause complications or allergies. Easy to carry. I will recommend this drug to everyone. Protect yourself from thrush.
  3. Nazemtseva R.K. Gynecologist. Flucostat is often prescribed to women with candida infections to suppress the growth of fungi in the intestines, which are a reservoir for fungi. In parallel with local antimycotic therapy, we get a positive result. I also prescribe a drug for the prevention of candidiasis after antibiotic therapy.

We share real reviews from women:

  1. Elena . A good drug, I took a course of antibiotics for a female disease. During the appointment, the doctor recommended that I take Flucostat. I didn’t even notice that I was starting to get thrush from taking antibiotics. Previously, prevention against thrush was done at the end of treatment. The drug is easy to use, without side effects and has a reasonable price. Now I will only use it in similar cases.
  2. Marina. I took suppositories, not pills. It feels neutral, there is no discomfort when administering the drug. The price is not cheap, but the result is worth the candle. I used the complex as prescribed by the doctor. The result was visible by the end of using the course. I recommend this medicine to those who are struggling with thrush, but on the recommendation of a doctor.
  3. Yana. Helps even with advanced thrush. 1 capsule is usually enough for me to forget about this problem. In extreme cases, I drink another one a week later and the result is guaranteed. For me this is the best way out, because... I really don’t like using suppositories and vaginal tablets.

General information

The drug “Flucostat” is effective and, most importantly, quickly eliminates the cause of the disease, namely, it blocks the body’s release of enzymes that provoke abundant proliferation of the fungus. “Flucostat” has a wide spectrum of action and quickly destroys the Candida fungus without affecting the beneficial microflora of the body.

This modern medicine, due to its wide spectrum of action, is currently the most popular on the domestic market.

Flucostat or Diflucan - which is better for thrush?

  • Diflucan is an imported drug that is produced in such advanced countries as the United States of America and France, in contrast to the domestic Flucostat;
  • Flucostat is an original drug that appeared on the pharmaceutical market at the end of the last century;
  • Flucostat contains some chemical components that are not found in Diflucan.

Based on the differences between these pharmaceuticals, it is difficult to unequivocally answer which is better for thrush - Flucostat or Diflucan. Of course, the credibility of an imported drug is greater, especially since production in such large countries allows you to be confident in the high quality of medicinal products. On the other hand, the price of Flucostat is 10, and sometimes more, times less than the cost of Diflucan, which in our mentality is also valued very highly, so the choice: what to use - Flucostat or Diflucan - should be made independently.

Today one of the most common diseases is thrush. At the same time, the disease affects both women and men. Despite the fact that women get sick more often, many young people are simply carriers of candidiasis. The cause of thrush is an increase in the level of Candida fungi in the human body. This increase is provoked by a large number of factors: stress, illness, poor nutrition, bad habits. But, most often, thrush in men and women is a consequence of unprotected sexual intercourse. Thrush in men is often treated with the antifungal drug Flucostat. How to take this remedy?

Features of the drug Flucostat

The main active ingredient in this drug is fluconazole. This is a powerful component that has a detrimental effect on fungal infection. It can destroy not only candida, but also many other fungi, which is why Flucostat is also used for thrush and some other fungal diseases.

Many other drugs are manufactured based on fluconazole, which are considered analogues of Flucostat:

  • this substance is contained in Russian-made Fluconazole tablets;
  • French Diflucan;
  • Diflazone, released in Slovenia;
  • in the preparations of Indian pharmaceutical companies - Forkan and Futsis.

All these drugs have a similar effect on fungal infection, but they differ somewhat in composition and the presence of auxiliary elements. In addition, the cost of medications varies significantly.

The drug is most often recommended in capsules. Flucostat works in the same way as the widely advertised Diflucan, but is slightly cheaper. The anti-thrush drug, which is marketed under the brand name Flucostat, can be purchased in the form of convenient capsules, as well as an injection solution and suspension. The first option is considered the most acceptable, so it is often prescribed for the treatment of candidiasis in men and women.

It is worth noting that capsules may differ in the number of active ingredients. Treatment can be accelerated by using a drug containing 150 mg of fluconazole. Experts rarely prescribe injections. As a rule, such treatment is used only in the most advanced cases or when the patient has an allergic reaction to the auxiliary components of the Flucostat capsule or suspension.

This drug is considered one of the most powerful for the treatment of candidiasis in both sexes. It is available in convenient capsule form. You should not look for Flucostat suppositories and tablets for thrush in the pharmacy, as they simply do not exist.

The advantage of such a drug is that it acts quickly and is relatively inexpensive, especially when you compare Flucostat with most products from foreign brands. The manufacturer assures that the use of the medicine should help to completely cope with candidiasis after taking 1 capsule.

However, it must be taken into account that a lot depends on the state of the patient’s immune system and the presence of many other factors, including the degree of neglect of the disease. If only 1 partner takes the drug, then you should not expect a positive result in the treatment. In order to get rid of thrush, Flucostat should be taken by both.

The positive side of this drug is that it has a powerful effect on various fungi. Therefore, Flucostat helps with several diseases, including different types of candidiasis:

  1. Capsules are prescribed for generalized thrush, which can affect internal organs, and most often the genitourinary system.
  2. In addition, the medicine will be useful for stomatitis caused by candida.
  3. Taking Flucostat can relieve a patient of the problem if a person suffers from chronic thrush or fungal infection of the pharynx and abdominal cavity.

An antifungal drug can also be prescribed for preventive purposes. Flucostat will be useful for thrush in men and women who suffer from decreased immune system function or have undergone chemotherapy. The medicine will protect the body from fungal diseases.

Among the disadvantages of this drug, it is worth noting the presence of some side effects. Not every body will react normally to the components of Flucostat, so before using the drug you should consult a doctor.

What does thrush look like in men?

As is already clear, thrush is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. They are present in the body of any person, but in small quantities. As soon as the population of pathogenic microorganisms increases, a fungal infection develops. Their active reproduction can occur against the background of hormonal imbalance, dysfunction of the endocrine system, abuse of sweets, alcohol, and unprotected sexual intercourse.

Often thrush in men occurs in a hidden, asymptomatic form. In contrast to the female gender, when the first signs of candidiasis are felt immediately. The first symptoms of candidiasis in young people appear already at the acute stage. Thus, the following manifestations arise:

  • Swelling of the glans penis;
  • White plaque on the head of the penis;
  • Itching and burning of the genitals;
  • Discomfort during sex and urination;
  • Unpleasant smell of sour milk;
  • Pain during ejaculation.

Substitutes for Flucostat for thrush - a review of effective drugs

Flucostat helps in the fight against thrush due to the fact that it contains the active substance - fluconazole. It copes quite effectively with Candida fungus.

Most often, doctors prescribe this particular drug for treatment, but not every person can afford such a purchase.

Substitutes for flucostat are produced on the pharmacological market, which cost much less, but are not inferior in effectiveness to the main drug.

How to choose an analogue for Flucostat

Before choosing a substitute for a particular drug, it is necessary to evaluate not only the healing properties, but also a number of other criteria:

  • effectiveness in treatment;
  • safety for the human body;
  • presence of side effects;
  • affordability.

Flucostat is available in various forms, ranging from tablets to solutions. The price of a package with one tablet starts from 330-350 rubles. When treatment does not end there and a person is prescribed a course of pills, this can lead to serious expenses.

In this case, you can contact a pharmacy worker to help you choose a cheap analogue of flucostat. But it is not recommended to take the chosen analogue on your own; you should agree on a replacement medication with your doctor.

Cheap remedies for vaginal candidiasis

In pharmacies you can find a sufficient number of medications for thrush, since there is a wide range of similar products on the market. In addition, some of them are sold without a doctor's prescription, which increases the risk of uncontrolled self-medication. Although flucostat is not an antibiotic, you should not use it or other medications at your own discretion.

Analogs of Flucostat for thrush are as follows:

Analogues of the productManufacturer countryaverage price
PimafucinItaly270 rub.
ClotrimazoleGermany80 rub.
LivarolRussia400 rub.
HexiconRussia280 rub.
TerzhinanFrance400 rub.
PolygynaxFrance330 rub.
MikosistHungary300 rub.

The price of medicines does not seem low, but the plus is that for this money you can get more units of capsules or suppositories in one package.


The structure of the product contains an antibiotic with a wide range of action. It is produced in the form of tablets, suppositories and medicinal cream. When it comes to the chronic form of the disease, therapy is carried out using tablets and suppositories. Vaginal suppositories have a yellowish or brownish tint and are torpedo-shaped. Therapy should not be continued during menstruation.

Pimafucin is prescribed during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, because there is no threat of negative consequences for the mother and fetus. Side effects include irritation of the mucous membrane and an uncomfortable burning sensation.


The German drug suppresses the development of fungus by destroying the synthesis of ergosterol. The duration of treatment with the drug usually does not exceed 5-6 days.

Unlike Pimafucin, it cannot be used in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. During breastfeeding, Clotrimazole can only be used with the permission of a doctor and with extreme caution.

Side effects when treated with medicinal cream are minimal.


Vaginal suppositories are intended for the treatment of acute and chronic thrush. The acute form of the disease requires therapy for a period of 4-5 days, and the chronic form - 10 days. Adverse reactions are observed in exceptional cases, but the drug still has contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • the first months of pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • liver and kidney diseases.

All analogues have their pros and cons, so the choice of a cheaper substitute for Flucostat should be agreed with the attending physician.


The drug effectively copes with vaginal candidiasis and other pathologies of the genitourinary system that are caused by infection. It inhibits the activity of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, and fights certain types of viruses and protozoa. Candles can be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as there is no negative effect on the child.


The medication in the form of vaginal tablets is used in the treatment of fungal and bacterial vaginitis, as well as for prevention purposes. Used:

  • during preparations for childbirth or abortion;
  • before operations;
  • before hysterography.

Terzhinan therapy is strictly not recommended for pregnant women and young mothers. You can use inexpensive pills during menstruation. At the very beginning of treatment, side effects may occur, such as itching, burning and irritation in the vagina.


Polygynax is an antifungal and antibacterial drug that has a detrimental effect on the fungus. In addition, the medicine is used for infectious pathologies of the genitourinary system.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, treatment with this medicine is prescribed, but only with appropriate test results. The use of suppositories during menstruation is permitted. Side effects of Polygynax:

  • manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • burning and itching;
  • irritation of the vaginal mucosa.

If a person notices that undesirable reactions are intensifying, then they should immediately stop taking the medications and inform their doctor about this.

Flucostat is

Quite often, for the treatment of thrush in men, doctors prescribe the antifungal agent Flucostat. The main active ingredient is fluconazole. This substance has an inhibitory effect on enzymes that create a favorable environment for the development of fungi. Also, Flucostat depletes the cell membranes of fungi, thereby increasing the influence of the male body’s immunity.

The drug is available in the form of tablets (capsules), dosages of 50, 100 and 150 mg. The active component is very quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, which very quickly gives a positive result. The maximum concentration of Flucostat in the blood is observed on the third day after taking the capsule. Also, Flucostat is available in the form of a solution for external use. This form is most often prescribed to women for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis.

Among the main indications for the use of Flucostat capsules are the following pathologies:

  • Treatment and prevention of genital candidiasis in men and women;
  • Thrush of the skin;
  • Fungal infection of the scalp;
  • Cryptococcal infection;
  • Pityriasis versicolor;
  • Onychomycosis.

Advantages of Flucostat

Many specialists prescribe Flucostat to their patients due to the fact that it has several advantages over analogue drugs:

  • rapid action - Flucostat begins to have an active effect on the body within 2 hours after administration;
  • suppression of the activity of fungal enzymes not only in the vaginal mucosa, but also at any point in the body affected by the pest or the products of its activity;
  • 1 capsule is enough for a mild form of pathology;
  • compatible with any type of contraception;
  • easy to use;
  • can be used in the treatment of candidiasis by both women and men;
  • helps to get rid of not only the symptoms of the disease, but also suppress the cause of its development;
  • good price.

Treatment of thrush with Flucostat has its certain advantages. The main positive quality of the drug is that it can act specifically only on pathogenic fungi. At the same time, it does not have any negative effect on the microbacteria necessary for the body. The balance of microflora in the body is very important, and this effect serves as a qualitative advantage of the medicine.

The product also effectively fights the pathogenic activity of fungi of the genus Candida. Its use allows you to quickly relieve the unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis, such as itching, swelling, burning. Another advantage of the drug is that it is available in various forms. Does the product really help? To answer this question, you should learn more about the drug itself.

How to take Flucostat correctly?

Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes different dosages of Flucostat for the treatment of thrush in men. If candidiasis is detected in a timely manner and the symptoms are moderate, a single dose of 150 mg tablets is prescribed. If the signs of a fungal infection disappear within a week, the disease can be considered cured.

If all symptoms persist or intensify, repeated administration of Flucostat at the same dosage is required. Then, after 5-6 months, it is necessary to repeat the therapy again to prevent recurrent lesions. If thrush in a man is pronounced and occurs in an acute form, a longer course of treatment is required.

There are several treatment options with different dosages:

  • 300 mg. A man needs to simultaneously take 300 mg of Flucostat on the first day of treatment. Further, the dosage is reduced to 200 mg per day. The course of therapy lasts 3-4 days.
  • 150 mg. A young person should take 150 mg of Flucostat once a week. The course of therapy lasts 1 month.
  • 50 mg. You need to take one 50 mg tablet of the drug twice a day. This treatment can last up to 3 weeks.

Sometimes experts prescribe the use of Flucostat solution. This form of the drug is diluted with warm water and injected directly into the urethra. The solution is available in a special bottle with a nozzle for douching. The dosage of this product is prescribed by the doctor to each man individually. The maximum permissible dose is 200 mg of solution per day.

It is recommended to use this solution for washing and treating the glans penis externally. So, you should wash in the morning and evening. This treatment option is also suitable for the prevention of thrush in men. When using the solution, a positive result from treatment occurs within 2-3 days.

Cheap analogues of Flucostat for thrush: how to replace Flucostat

According to modern laws on the dispensing of medicines, the doctor is required to write a prescription under the international nonproprietary name. He clarifies for the patient in words exactly which drug needs to be purchased.

The popular drug Flucostat is deservedly considered one of the best drugs for diseases caused by fungi of the genus Candida : thrush and inflammatory processes associated with it. It is quite easy to use, its clinical effectiveness has long been proven by experts and can be easily purchased at any pharmacy

However, in some cases, Flucostat is not suitable for a particular patient in terms of its properties and characteristics or price. In this case, he always has the opportunity, after preliminary consultation, to choose an effective and safe analogue drug.

How to replace Flucostat for thrush? Mycoflucan Fluconazole Forcan Disorel-Sanovel Flucoside Diflazon Conclusion

How to replace Flucostat for thrush?

Flucostat is a Russian-made drug, the active component of which is the active substance fluconazole. According to its chemical structure, it is a triazole derivative. Actively affects many types of fungi, suppressing their enzymatic activity, reducing their resistance and removing pathogenic microorganisms from mucous membranes.


According to the rules for dispensing medicines, Flucostat, after agreement with the doctor, can be replaced with a medicine containing the same amount of an identical active substance in its composition.

Flucostat is available in dosages of 150 or 50 mg of fluconazole in one capsule. It is replaced based on the dose, as well as the clinical picture in each case.

To treat thrush, you can choose one of the following medications:

  • Mycoflucan;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Forkan;
  • Disorel-Sanovel;
  • Flucoside;
  • Diflazon.

All these medications will help get rid of thrush and at the same time help save money.


Disorel-Sanovel has the highest specificity for Candida fungus . When ingested, it begins to act quite quickly, inhibiting the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Well absorbed in blood plasma and rapidly distributed after initiation of therapy.

Available in tablets in dosages of 150 and 50 mg. The dose is determined by the doctor depending on the stage of the disease and the intensity of symptoms.

Disorel-Sanovel can cause a large number of side effects, since it acts quite aggressively on the body . Not for use in children, pregnant and lactating women, patients with impaired renal function.


Flucoside is well absorbed when taken orally in dosages of 150 and 50 mg. It is distributed fairly quickly in tissues and blood, without causing a large number of side effects thanks to a complex of excipients that regulate the action of the active substance of the drug - fluconazole. Flucoside is used once a day according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Flucoside should not be used in patients with renal failure of any etiology, since fluconazole is excreted through the urinary system after the end of its effect on the Candida fungus. If fluconazole is retained in the body, deterioration in other vital systems may be caused.


Cheap analogues of Flucostat have many similar properties, since they contain the same active ingredient in the same dosages. The main differences are in the release form (tablets or capsules), the composition of excipients and clinical activity, which completely depends on the rate of distribution of the drug in the blood plasma.

All of them are effective antifungal agents, despite their low price, and are good for thrush.

Before choosing any of these pharmaceuticals, consultation with a specialist is necessary to determine the feasibility and safety of their use in each specific clinical case.

Kukhnetsova Irina, pharmacist, medical observer

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Contraindications to the use of Flucostat

Like any other medication, Flucostat has its contraindications for use. But, fortunately, there are few of them. Among the main ones it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Age up to 10 years;
  • Individual intolerance to the active component;
  • Serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • Severe arrhythmia.

It is very important to follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, some side effects will appear. Often, reactions occur from the central nervous system and the digestive tract. So, these could be headaches, dizziness, visual hallucinations. Nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea are also noted. But, following all the recommendations will only give a positive result in treatment.

I was sincerely surprised that men and women feel the symptoms of thrush approximately equally. Although the physiology is different. I always knew that partners should be treated together, but for some reason my husband was not prescribed treatment. To avoid any consequences, we took Flucostat together. The instructions for the drug are true, especially in the side effects section. We both had arrhythmia.

Effective and inexpensive substitutes for Flucostat against thrush for women

Treatment of thrush (candidiasis) involves a course of antifungal drugs. Flucostat is considered one of the most effective. Its only drawback is the price.

Often women try to find an analogue of Flucostat for thrush and choose the cheapest ones that a pharmacist can pick up at a pharmacy.

However, the low price of the analogue drug means that its main active ingredient differs from that of Flucostat.

In order to save money without compromising the effectiveness of treatment, you need to know which analogues of Flucostat for thrush have the same composition, and which products have different components.

Dosage regimens for thrush

The standard principle of using Flucostat for thrush includes following the doctor’s instructions in strict accordance with them, which ensures the most desired result. Depending on the form of candidiasis, the regimens have some differences in the structure of drug administration.

Light form

Upon initial detection of signs of pathology and early implementation of therapeutic measures, a single dose of the drug in the amount of a daily dosage of 150 mg, which includes 1 capsule of Flucostat, is sufficient. In this case, the medicinal effect consists of stimulating the body’s natural capabilities to fight the pathogenic pathogen. At the initial stage, the course of fungal infection is small-scale, and taking Flucostat allows you to quickly and effectively restore the necessary balance of flora on the mucous membranes.

This Prim regimen ensures that the expected result is obtained by the end of the first day after the onset of the drug’s effect. Full recovery occurs after 2-3 days. Flucostat is also used for preventive actions when there was a risk of developing thrush:

  • Lack of hygiene of the genital area;
  • Using damp or wet underwear;
  • During sexual contact in the absence of protective equipment, etc.

For this purpose, the drug is taken immediately, after identifying a factor that may provoke the development of candidiasis, in the amount of 1 capsule.

Chronic course

The lack of necessary therapy for existing signs of fungal pathology leads to the transition of its course into a chronic process. This situation requires a special regimen for taking Flucostat for thrush. It includes the use of the drug in a volume of 150 mg (1 capsule) on the following days:

The intermediate interval between doses is 72 hours. This approach allows us to jointly activate weakened immunity and have a destructive effect on fungal colonies.

Advantages of the drug

Flucostat acts antimycotically for thrush, namely through the influence of its active component fluconazole. The substance, entering the affected tissue, has an inhibitory effect on the enzymatic activity of fungal flora, stopping their ability to reproduce.

Flucostat has a targeted effect without affecting the enzymatic activity of the human body, determining a significant advantage when compared with other antifungal drugs.

Together with this effect, the active substance flucostat makes the cell membrane of the pathogen susceptible to external environmental factors, provoking its death. This structure of intracellular action is currently the most effective in stopping fungal infections, while being used for preventive purposes.

Another advantage of the drug is its targeted effect on fungi, without affecting the beneficial bacteria that inhabit the mucous membranes and have a significant contribution to the immune defense response.

Flucostat is available in tablet form (capsules) and intravaginal suppositories. The dosage regimen and required dosage are determined by a specialized specialist in accordance with the current background of the symptoms manifested and the intensity of the fungal infection.

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