Which is better for thrush: flucostat or diflucan reviews

Antifungal drugs are divided into different types depending on the chemical composition and method of application. Today, the demand for such funds has increased sharply.

This is due to the fact that the antibiotics often prescribed have a wide spectrum of action. This disrupts the human microflora, and creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of fungi.

Let's compare the composition of Diflucan and Flucostat

Most antifungal drugs for candidiasis are similar in composition; there is no significant difference between them. Flucostat and Diflucan are no exception; the medicinal basis of these drugs is fluconazole . The substance suppresses the vital activity and reproduction of pathogens and relieves the classic symptoms of thrush (itching, discharge, burning). Auxiliary components of the drugs do not affect the effectiveness of treatment.

Despite the same active ingredient in the drugs, the therapeutic effect is different and depends on many factors. Diflucan has been successfully used in treatment for many years and is considered the original. This is a patented and proven medicinal product, the recipe and name of which belong to the French.

Flucostat is a Russian analogue of Diflucan. A domestically produced drug is cheaper, but it is a copy, and no matter how wonderful it is, the therapeutic effectiveness of the original is always rated higher.

These tools do their job well. When selecting a medicine, doctors are guided by the results of tests and examinations. Treatment of thrush differs in each specific case and does not allow for standard approaches. Much depends on the clinical picture of the disease, the nature of the symptoms, the woman’s health status, and the type of fungal microorganisms.

Flucostat is able to cope with the first signs of thrush, when relapses are not observed. Sometimes one tablet based on fluconazole 150 mg for a single dose is enough for treatment. In cases where candidiasis is a regular problem and becomes chronic, doctors recommend Diflucan. The original version of the antifungal agent has a better chance of defeating the disease.

There are other analogues of Flucostat, about which you can read in more detail in a separate article on our website.

What do you need to know about the drug Flucostat?

  • Presented in the form of capsules, powder, solution, suppositories.
  • Included in the list of the most popular antifungal agents.
  • It is used for fungal infections of the skin, to treat thrush and combat a wide range of candidiasis. It is also a prophylactic drug.
  • The lack of therapeutic effect may be due to resistance.
  • The drug does not affect hormonal levels.
  • Instant absorption and rapid achievement of high concentration levels.
  • Side effects include effects on the liver, heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. Patients with diseases of these organs should use the drug only after consultation with a doctor.
  • Sold in capsule and solution form.
  • Pharmacological action: selectively inhibits the synthesis of sterols in the cell wall of fungi.
  • Effective for fungal infections, as well as other infections of the urinary system.
  • Instant dissolution after penetration into the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Allowed for use by children over a certain age.
  • If the patient has renal and liver failure, the dosage of the drug should be less.
  • One of the common side effects after using the drug is nausea. Problems with stool, a strange taste in the mouth, headaches, changes in blood composition (increased platelets and leukocytes) are also possible.

Indications for the use of fluconazole

Fluconazole is involved in the treatment of many pathologies caused by fungal infections. The indications for Diflucan and Flucostat are the same. The drugs are used in the following cases:

  • different forms of thrush, regardless of the lesion (oral thrush, vaginal candidiasis in women, balanitis in men);
  • fungal infections of the skin and nails;
  • the presence of yeast-like fungi in the blood and urine;
  • streptococcal infection with meningitis;
  • as a prophylactic agent for oral prosthetics.

Thanks to the antifungal properties of fluconazole, Diflucan and Flucostat have a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms and promote recovery without serious complications.


Doctors decide how to treat thrush and which is better – Flucostat or Diflucan. These names appear frequently in medical prescriptions. Both drugs are excellent at fighting fungal infections.

An analogue of Diflucan and Flucostat is effective in complex therapy, and is called the same as the active substance - Fluconazole. It is used regardless of the type of fungi identified and their location.

Flucostat is attractive due to its cost; Diflucan is considered a more effective treatment for chronic candidiasis. By killing fungi, these drugs have a positive effect on the microflora of the mucous membranes, relieve persistent unpleasant symptoms and promote a speedy recovery.

Mode of application

Diflucan and Flucostat require proper administration. There are clear recommendations on the dosage and duration of treatment for candidiasis. The products are produced in the form of capsules for oral use and solutions for injections.

One 150 mg tablet is used to treat the initial stage of vaginal candidiasis and signs of fungal infection in men. With frequent relapses of candidiasis, longer therapy is required. In any case, it is necessary to take the medicine until complete recovery.

Sometimes the symptoms disappear and the condition improves markedly. This does not mean that you can stop taking it. Incomplete courses of therapy lead to complications.

Treatment for thrush lasts from 1 week to 1–2 months. If precise dosages are observed, fluconazole is well tolerated. Side effects are rare. You can use the product at any time of the day, regardless of meals.



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Diflucan or Flucostat – which is better? Reviews. For thrush

Both Diflucan and Flucostat are antifungal drugs. Both medications are often used for thrush and other mycoses (fungal infections). At the same time, if you compare them in cost, the difference between them is simply colossal, and often makes you wonder when buying which is better - the more expensive Diflucan or the Russian Flucostat.


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What is the difference between Diflucan and Flucostat?

Composition and manufacturer

The active ingredient in both drugs is fluconazole, that is, the drugs are generics (what are generics). Fluconazole is a fairly strong antifungal agent that has shown itself especially well in the treatment of thrush. Although this medicine can be used for many mycoses, it is most effective against Candida albicans (the causative agent of thrush), which causes thrush.

The main difference between Diflucan and Flucostat is their manufacturer. It is this factor that determines the big difference in the price of drugs. Diflucan is produced by a large and famous American pharmaceutical company. This company is famous for the quality of its products and their high efficiency, but you always have to pay money for all the advantages.

Flucostat is a domestic drug. It is being released. It is precisely the fact that this medicine is produced in Russia that makes it cheaper than Diflucan. However, there are other cheaper domestic drugs containing fluconazole. It is worth noting that Flucostat can easily compete in its effectiveness on the Russian pharmacy market, surpassing the quality of cheaper analogues.

Mechanism of action

The instructions for both drugs state that the active substance, fluconazole, grossly disrupts the normal functioning of fungal cells, which leads to their death. The drug blocks the formation of sterols - molecules that play an important role in the construction of the cell wall, the “skeleton” of the fungus. Both Diflucan and Flucostat show good activity against candidiasis. They can also suppress the activity of fungus of nails, feet, hands, versicolor and other mycoses.


Both drugs should be used for:

  • HIV infection (immunodeficiency virus) to prevent the development of mycoses;
  • Immunosuppressive (decreased immune activity) therapy during treatment of neoplasms or organ transplantation to prevent the development of mycoses;
  • Carrying out strong antibiotic therapy to prevent the development of mycoses;
  • Fungus of nails, hands, feet;
  • Tinea versicolor;
  • Kindidosis of any localization (thrush);
  • Cryptococcosis (caused by the fungus cryptococcus, affects the brain, lungs, skin).

Contraindications and side effects

These medications should not be used by patients in the following categories:

  • Allergy or individual intolerance to fluconazole;
  • Taking Terfenadine, Cisapride, Erythromycin, Quinidine, Astemizole, Pimozide;
  • Liver dysfunction (hepatitis, cirrhosis, chronic liver failure);
  • Impaired renal function (glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure);
  • Contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The frequency and severity of side effects are similar for both Russian and American drugs. Among them may develop:

  • Headache, dizziness;
  • Taste disturbance;
  • Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, bloating;
  • An increase in liver markers in a biochemical blood test (indicates excessive load on the liver);
  • Interruptions in heart function;
  • Increased cholesterol levels in the blood (promotes the deposition of fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels);
  • Decreased blood potassium levels (causes interruptions in heart function and muscle spasms).

Price and release form

The prices for Diflucan and Flucostat are extremely different. This is due to the fact that the first drug is produced in America, and the second in Russia.

Diflucan cost

  • 50 mg capsules: 7 pcs. – 800 – 900 rub;
  • 150 mg capsules:
      1 PC. – 400 – 450 rub;
  • 4 things. – 900 – 1000 rub;
  • 12 pcs. – 2000 – 2300 rub;
  • Solution for intravenous drip administration 2 mg/ml, 50 ml bottle – 200 – 300 rubles;
  • Solution for intravenous drip administration 2 mg/ml, bottle 100 ml – 300 – 400 rubles;
  • Solution for intravenous drip administration 2 mg/ml, bottle 200 ml – 800 – 900 rubles;
  • Powder for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration 50 mg/5 ml, 35 ml bottle – 500 – 600 rub.
  • Cost of Fluxotate

    • 50 mg capsules: 7 pcs. – 300 – 400 rub;
  • 150 mg capsules:
      1 PC. – 120 – 250 rub;
  • 2 pcs. – 350 – 450 rub;
  • Solution for intravenous drip administration 2 mg/ml, 50 ml bottle – 150 – 250 rub.
  • Comparison of medications

    Thrush occurs as a result of decreased immunity, an attack of a fungal infection, and antifungal drugs help to cope with it. Comparative characteristics will help you understand which drug from this group will be more effective.


    The drug is a direct analogue of Fluconazole, Flucostat. The products have the same active ingredient – ​​fluconazole. Diflucan has an effect on candida fungus and mycoses of various types.

    The drug is used for:

    • genital and oral candidiasis;
    • cryptococcosis;
    • pityriasis versicolor;
    • fungal meningitis.

    The drug cannot be used in therapy with Terfenadine, Astemizole, Cisapride. Taking the drugs together is contraindicated due to incompatibility. Adverse reactions occur, and in severe cases, death. Diflucan should not be used during breastfeeding or pregnancy. Prescribed in the treatment of newborns, which is a distinctive feature of the drug.


    The product helps in the treatment of candidiasis of various types. It is used in the treatment of patients undergoing radiation and chemotherapy, infected with HIV, AIDS. The medication is often used to prevent and eliminate severe fungal infections.

    Positive aspects of the medication:

    • high bioavailability, low toxicity, good tolerability;
    • a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms;
    • good absorption, high solubility;
    • can be used systemically.

    Differs in dosage from Diflucan. One capsule of the latter contains 50 mg, the analogue – 150 mg. Diflucan is used in a course; to treat thrush, it is enough to take one Fluconazole tablet.


    The medication is a generic version of Fluconazole and Diflucan. The latter differs from its analogues in safety and in the study of adverse reactions to the body. Flucostat, unlike Diflucan, has a smaller list of contraindications and more adverse reactions.

    If you compare the drugs Flucostat and Diflucan in terms of their effectiveness, they will turn out to be the same. The difference will be in the dosage and mode of administration of the drug.

    Flucostat is also used for candidiasis of various etiologies and locations. The medication cannot be used in the treatment of children under 3 years of age, during pregnancy or lactation. The instructions for Flucostat have a similar list of contraindications with Fluconazole. If you make a choice between these drugs, you should choose the cheaper one, due to the equal effectiveness of the drugs.

    Diflucan and Flucostat and Fluconazole cannot be taken at the same time to avoid overdose . The drugs have a similar effect on the body. Doctors prescribe the simultaneous use of Diflucan and Fluconazole, or Flucostat for severe cases of candidiasis. The basis of treatment for thrush is a combination of local and systemic agents.


    Vidal : https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/vero-fluconazole__10369 GRLS : https://grls.rosminzdrav.ru/Grls_View_v2.aspx?routingGu >

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    The drug "Diflucan" or "Flucostat" - which is better?

    Officially, all drugs that have the same active ingredient are equally effective. In practice, you can often encounter a situation where a cheap medicine practically does not help, but its expensive analog allows you to cope with the problem easily and quickly. Among other things, many patients and doctors are skeptical about the quality of domestic pharmaceutical products.

    In the case of the Russian Flucostat, such trends do not work. This drug is much more expensive than its domestic counterparts, but is also distinguished by the fact that its quality remains at a high level, comparable to the quality of American Diflucan. Thus, a medicine produced in Russia, due to its lower price, seems to be a more profitable purchase, since for less money you will get a fairly high-quality drug. The only drawback of Fluxotate is the small choice among dosages of solutions for intravenous administration. This problem may be relevant for patients suffering from decreased immunity or severe forms of mycoses.

    Thus, if the fungal infection is not severe and the patient does not suffer from immunodeficiency, then Flucostat will be more effective in this case.

    Comparison of drug effectiveness

    If we compare Diflucan and Flucostat, the instructions for use for thrush of the latter indicate only minor differences.

    In both cases, the active substance is fluconazole, which equally fights the candida fungus that causes thrush.

    The drug Diflucan is better known, as it has been successfully used for a long time. Initially the manufacturer was a French company. After some time, the Russian company began production of its drug, which had an almost similar composition. It was named Flucostat. Since it was produced in Russia, its price was somewhat lower, because there were no delivery costs.

    Diflucan has an original name and a special formulation, patented. Thanks to this, it is more famous and effective.

    Flucostat tablets for thrush are a similar drug, and, as you know, analogues do not undergo thorough testing. It is also effective, but has some differences, and it's not just about the price range. In people's minds, the original will always be better than a copy, no matter how perfect it is.

    The drug for thrush Flucostat is available, the price is from 182 rubles and above.

    Patients who suffer from thrush for the first time use Flucostat tablets, their price is low. They help to quickly and effectively cope with candidiasis without causing side effects.

    If thrush occurs in a person more than once, and treatment does not give a positive result, then Diflucan is used. Its effectiveness, according to doctors, is higher, so in advanced cases they prescribe it.

    Each person is individual, and therefore requires specific treatment. According to statistics, you can be cured by using any of these remedies.

    If a person selects proven means, then most likely his choice will be Diflucan. Tablets for thrush Flucostat, the price of which is lower, are nevertheless also quite effective.

    What is better for thrush - Diflucan or Flucostat?

    Thrush, which most often manifests as candidiasis for both men and women, can develop due to a variety of reasons. Most often, dysbacteriosis, taking antibiotics, and stress are the provoking factors. In such cases, taking both American and Russian medicines will lead to recovery with equal effectiveness. Here, the choice is also worth choosing Flucostat, a product with an optimal price/quality ratio.

    If thrush is symptomatic and develops against the background of a genitourinary infection, a local or general decrease in immunity, or infection of a sexual partner with a fungus, then no matter what expensive drug the woman takes, it will eliminate the symptoms only for a short period of time. In such cases, a search for the primary disease is required, and Diflucan and Flucostat will be equally ineffective.

    What are Diflucan and Fluconazole treated for?

    These pharmaceuticals are known as effective remedies for thrush (candidiasis). It is not so rare that this disease is diagnosed together with cystitis. Diseases of the genitourinary system indeed often accompany each other: infectious cystitis is a consequence of an advanced infection, when a pathogenic agent rises upward, affecting internal organs, in particular the bladder.

    Therefore, the patient is often diagnosed not only with cystitis, but also with thrush, which provokes inflammation of the bladder. Consequently, two diseases need to be treated and, first of all, the infection itself must be fought.

    Thrush is a disease caused by the growth of the Candida fungus on the mucous membranes of the body. Patients complain of severe pain and unbearable itching in the affected areas. The affected area turns red and swells. A white cheesy coating appears there.

    Until recently, in order to cure a not-so-harmless thrush, you had to undergo a week-long course of treatment.

    Today, medical developments make it possible to literally overcome an illness with one dose of medication. And this is a huge plus: but the point is not only in the speed of therapy, the point is that drugs against thrush are toxic, and while coping with the fungus, they negatively affected the patient’s body as a whole. Therefore, a pill that needs to be taken only once is truly a breakthrough in treatment.

    Diflucan or Flucostat – which is better: reviews


    • The medicine allows you to quickly get rid of thrush;
    • In chronic cases, candidiasis allows you to achieve long-term remission;
    • Perfect for treatment and prevention in both partners;
    • Much stronger than many cheaper analogues.

    There are also negative reviews about him:

    • The high cost of the drug does not allow it to be taken frequently;
    • You can find cheaper antifungal agents with a similar effect.


    • It helps well, is in no way inferior to its expensive “competitors”;
    • In case of exacerbation of thrush, it eliminates symptoms for at least 2 – 3 months;
    • The optimum ratio of price and quality.

    Among the negative points:

    • Nausea, dizziness, and abdominal pain may develop;
    • There are even cheaper drugs with fluconazole.

    Tangible differences between Flucostat and Fluconazole

    In addition to all these similarities, there are a number of points that determine the difference between the antifungal drugs under consideration. At the same time, it is the drug manufacturer who determines the price and in what form the medicine will be produced. The manufacturer also determines the production technique, which greatly affects the quality and effectiveness of the antifungal agent.


    The manufacturer is the main point, which is the difference between Flucostat and Fluconazole. The first is produced only in Russia by Pharmstandard. This is a pretty good company that ensures the quality of its products.

    The situation with Fluconazole is much more complicated. It is released:

    • Vertex – Russian;
    • Obolenskoye is a Russian enterprise that has gained a good reputation. Produces "Fluconazole-OBL";
    • Kanonpharma is another company from Russia. Produces "Fluconazole";
    • Stada - also domestic;
    • Teva is an Israeli company distinguished by high quality and price of products. Produced by Fluconazole-Teva;
    • Sandoz is a Swiss company with a good reputation. Produced by Fluconazole Sandoz.

    As you can see, a medicine called “Fluconazole” is produced by many companies. Some of them mark their products in the name, others simply use the active ingredient of the drug as the name. At the same time, all drugs, in essence, are the same, but from different companies.

    Release form and price

    Cost and form of release of Fluxotate

    • 50 mg capsules: 7 pcs. – 300 – 400 rub;
  • 150 mg capsules:
      1 PC. – 120 – 250 rub;
  • 2 pcs. – 350 – 450 rub;
    • Solution for intravenous drip administration 2 mg/ml, 50 ml bottle – 150 – 250 rub.

    And here is the situation with Fluconazole:

    • Capsules 50 mg: Vertex, 7 caps. – 50 – 60 rub;
    • Kanonpharma, 7 caps. – 80 – 90 rub;
    • Teva, 7 caps. – 290 – 320 rub;
  • 150 mg capsules:
      Vertex, 1 cap. – 30 – 35 rub;
  • Obolenskoye, 1 caps. – 35 – 45 rub;
  • Kanonpharma, 1 caps – 40 – 50 rubles;
  • Shtada, 1 cap. – 70 – 80 rub;
  • Teva, 1 caps. – 180 – 200 rub;
  • Sandoz, 1 cap. – 190 – 210 rub;
  • Vertex, 2 caps. – 55 – 65 rub;
  • Obolenskoye, 2 caps. – 65 – 75 rub;
  • Vertex, 4 caps. – 75 – 85 rub.
  • You can notice a tendency that any domestic Fluconazole will be cheaper than its foreign analogue and Flucostat.

    "Diflucan" or "Flucostat" - which is better: reviews from doctors

    Regarding Diflucan, doctors write:

    • One of the most effective antifungal drugs;
    • Excellent quality and treatment results. Worth the money;
    • Very few side effects;
    • Convenient to take;
    • It helps extremely well with immunosuppressive conditions and the prevention of mycoses.
    • The drug is not inferior in effectiveness to its foreign analogue;
    • Patients respond better to its use due to its low cost;
    • When treating severe forms of fungal infection, it may not be effective enough, but it is excellent for eliminating thrush.

    If you look at all the factors, reviews from both specialists and patients, we can draw the following conclusion: a foreign drug should be used only in special cases (HIV infection, severe mycoses, organ transplantation), while for the treatment of candidiasis there is no point in overpaying and will be suitable domestic medicine.


    In each trimester of pregnancy, a different form of antimycotic drug is recommended, since fluconazole can penetrate the placental barrier and cause disturbances in fetal development. Fluconazole is also not prescribed during lactation, due to the fact that the active substance becomes available in mother's milk and can cause candidiasis in the child.


    According to the doctor's instructions, the drugs are effective in treating manifestations of thrush. The treatment regimen and dosage of the active substances are determined by the attending physician, based on laboratory test data. The dosage of fluconazole is prescribed for the following pathologies:

    • oral thrush - 50-100 mg once a day for one or two weeks (if the cause of candidiasis is a denture, 50 mg per day is enough);
    • vaginal candidiasis - a single dose of 150 mg is possible (in order to prevent the chronic form of thrush, 150 mg is prescribed once every 30 days).
    • fungal infection in men and thrush of the foreskin - take 150 mg of the drug once.

    Fluconazole is usually well tolerated when the dosage is correct. Rare cases of side effects include: dizziness, gastrointestinal dysfunction, liver dysfunction, allergic reactions in the form of rashes, swelling, disturbances in blood counts (for patients with cancer and AIDS).

    The attending physician must decide which drug is best to prescribe for the treatment of a particular disease. During a consultation with a doctor, it is advisable to find out about an inexpensive substitute for Diflucan that can be used and its dosage. The choice of drug is influenced by:

    • severity of the disease,
    • for the first time a person has encountered fungal diseases or is it a relapse of the disease,
    • the health status of the patient's immune system,
    • concomitant therapy.

    "Diflucan" or "Flucostat" - which is better? Reviews from doctors report that the indications for these formulations are the same. Both drugs are prescribed for the treatment of fungal infections of various locations. These can be lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, respiratory tract and intestinal sections. However, in most cases, drugs are used to treat genital candidiasis in women and men.

    The medicine "Flucostat" and "Diflucan" (tablets and solution) are often prescribed for preventive purposes. They are used in people with reduced immunity and various malignant tumors.

    As for the use of drugs in children, the drug “Fluconazole” is used in children who have reached the age of 4 years, while its more expensive analogue can be used from the first days of life. However, such an appointment is made by a specialist. Self-use may cause negative reactions from the child’s body.

    If we consider the drugs “Flucostat” and “Fluconazole”, what is the difference between them? It is worth immediately making a reservation that the indications for these medications are the same. These are a variety of fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes. Also, both medications are used for preventive purposes. As for contraindications, there are some differences.

    The drug "Fluconazole" can be taken with extreme caution in case of renal and liver failure, during alcoholism, expectant mothers and nursing women. About the drug "Flucostat" the instructions for use inform that it is prohibited to use it only simultaneously with "Astemizole", "Terfenadine" and "Cisapride"

    Features of Diflucan

    The medicine is supplied to pharmacy kiosks in the form of solution, powder and capsules. The antifungal agent has a wide spectrum of action.

    The drug does not change the level of steroid hormones, is quickly absorbed into the body and gains high concentrations in it. It is used in the treatment and prevention of dermatological mycoses, thrush and candidiasis.

    The medication is approved for use in liver failure. However, for patients with impaired functioning of this organ, the Diflucan dosage regimen is selected on an individual basis. The medication is carefully prescribed for severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

    Use of antifungal compounds among children and pregnant women

    The instructions for use indicate that the use of drugs in this group is possible only after consulting a doctor. Doctors strongly do not recommend taking antifungal drugs during pregnancy on your own. It is worth noting that the active substance fluconazole can pass through breast milk. That is why both medications are prohibited during lactation.

    The drug "Diflucan" can be used to treat expectant mothers only in certain cases. Risks and positive effects are always taken into account. The composition is approved for use by children, including newborns.

    The instructions for use for the drug “Flucostat” indicate that it is not to be taken during pregnancy and further lactation. It is also prohibited to give the medicine to children under three years of age. After this limit, the medication is prescribed in an individual dosage, which depends on the patient’s body weight.

    Comparative characteristics of Diflucan and Flucostat

    Medicines contain the same active ingredient. Most often they are prescribed for fungal infections that occur after sexual intercourse due to poor hygiene, antibiotic therapy or poor diet.

    Diflucan can cause liver and kidney dysfunction, seizures and dizziness.

    Medicines make it possible to quickly eliminate the discharge observed when affected by candidiasis, relieve burning, itching and other negative manifestations. They are prescribed to patients over 3 years of age. In some situations, drugs cause allergic reactions.

    The drugs can cause liver and kidney dysfunction, seizures and dizziness. They must not be combined with anticoagulants. In addition, the drugs are not prescribed during pregnancy.

    General application

    Medicines in capsules for thrush are used in doses of 150 mg. For other diseases, the dosage regimen is selected by the doctor in the range from 200 to 400 mg. In HIV-infected people, a minimum dose is used once every 7 days to prevent exacerbations.

    What is the difference

    The drugs are manufactured by different companies. Flucostat is a domestic medicine, and Diflucan is American. This also explains the difference in prices.


    The drug Flucostat is cheaper. It costs about 200 rubles, and its imported analogue costs about 400 rubles. per pack of the same volume. The cost of medicines depends on the region and point of sale.

    Comparison of drug costs: who has an advantage?

    "Diflucan" or "Flucostat" - which is better? Consumer reviews report that first of all, the patient pays attention to the cost of the medicine. Pharmacists fully confirm this information. When you come to a pharmacy chain, before purchasing this or that composition, you will first ask how much it costs.

    • The price of Diflucan depends entirely on the form of its release. One tablet will cost you about 500 rubles. Seven capsules cost about 1000 rubles. What is the price of Diflucan in liquid form? A suspension with a volume of 35 to 200 milliliters costs, respectively, from 200 to 700 rubles.
    • What is the price of the drug “Flucostat” (capsules)? One tablet will cost you 200 rubles. If you want to purchase a composition of 7 capsules, you will have to pay 350 rubles for it.

    If we talk about cost, then the drug “Flucostat” is more attractive. However, the effectiveness of the drug, as well as the method of its use, also plays an important role.

    Which is better Diflucan or Flucostat

    It is difficult to determine which medication is more effective, because they contain the same active ingredient.

    Both drugs have similar adverse reactions, dosage regimens, and prescription restrictions.

    In most cases, Russian doctors prescribe Flucostat to their patients because it is more affordable and of the same quality as its foreign counterpart.

    From thrush

    Thrush can be cured with one of these medications. This allows you to achieve maximum treatment effectiveness.

    Russian doctors prescribe Flucostat to their patients because it is more affordable and of the same quality as its foreign counterpart.


    Very often, people try to buy expensive imported drugs, citing the fact that imported companies are more conscientious in the production of medicines. However, most domestic doctors choose Flucostat. After all, at a low price, it gives almost the same effect as Diflucan.

    It appeared on the pharmaceutical market at the end of the last century and is used quite effectively to this day. Diflucan was released much earlier than Flucostat. This is an original product, so it costs much more. At one time, it underwent quite serious clinical trials, and therefore was recognized as a fairly effective and safe remedy.

    Reviews from doctors

    Tatyana Golovina (gynecologist), 41 years old, Syktyvkar

    I prescribe Flucostat to my patients because... it is cheaper than Diflucan and has the same quality and pharmacotherapeutic activity. The antifungal effect is achieved after the first use, which makes it possible to quickly stop the negative symptoms of thrush and candidiasis. Such medications should be used only as prescribed by a specialist and after undergoing a series of examinations.

    Igor Soloviev (dermatologist), 52 years old, Kaluga

    Both medications are used in the treatment of cutaneous mycoses and candidiasis. There is no significant difference between them, so they can replace each other. However, Flucostat costs half as much, which makes it more popular among Russians. If you follow the dosage regimen recommended by your doctor, there will be no negative effects during therapy.

    A little history of the issue

    So, the first manufacturer of fluconazole to be released onto the pharmaceutical market was Pfizer (USA). Currently, the drug of this company in Russia bears the commercial name Diflucan, and all other fluconazoles on the market in our country are its copies (generics).

    The generic repeats the formula of the original drug, passes some tests for compliance with the original (pharmacokinetics are compared, sometimes pharmacodynamics are compared) and is considered its complete analogue, it can project all the advantages and disadvantages of a specific active substance onto itself, i.e. All generics of Diflucan and Diflucan itself are considered fluconazoles.

    The original drug is always more expensive, which is explained by the costs of invention, research and implementation of a new molecule. For this reason, the original drug has a certain period during which patent protection prevents the emergence of generic forms. After this, a certain number of copies appear from different manufacturers. The more in demand the drug is, the more copies there will be. There are more than 30 fluconazoles in Russia, for example.

    Generics are usually cheaper. In addition, the smaller the manufacturing company, the more liberties it can take in the process of registering and introducing its product. It happens that a generic product from some little-known Indian company has advantages that even the original product does not have.

    In addition, unscrupulous manufacturers deliberately distort contraindications and side effects for the product in order to capture one or another market segment.

    So, a generic cannot be better than the original drug, but it can cost significantly less. Insurance medicine in developed countries quite strictly regulates the prescription of original drugs and generics. As soon as the patent expires, the doctor switches to high-quality generics, since this reduces the cost of treatment with comparable effectiveness.

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