"Clotrimazole" - tablets for thrush: method of use during pregnancy, during breastfeeding and for men, reviews

Every woman at least once in her life has encountered a gynecological problem such as candidiasis, or thrush. This disease brings a lot of discomfort and inconvenience and leaves behind quite unpleasant memories.

Thrush is an infectious disease that affects the mucous membrane of the genital organs in adults and the oral cavity in children. The disease develops against a background of weakened immunity, vitamin deficiency, obesity, diabetes mellitus and during pregnancy. The characteristic signs of this disease are itching and a cheesy white coating with an unpleasant odor. To treat this disease, it is necessary to select antifungal drugs. Clotrimazole ointment is considered one of the most popular and effective medicines today. For genital thrush, this medication is widely used in the form of vaginal tablets.

This article will discuss how to use this drug correctly, what contraindications and side effects it has.

Clotrimazole in the fight against thrush

Vaginal candidiasis to any extent requires combined therapy: local and internal effects.
Only such therapeutic measures can ensure the prevention of severe complications.

In medical practice, a broad-spectrum drug such as Clotrimazole is often used to get rid of thrush in women, men and children.

This is a very trivial but still effective medicine in many ways; it can have a detrimental effect on many disease-provoking microorganisms such as staphylococci and streptococci.

It eliminates the following symptoms accompanying this disease:

  • white coating;
  • itching;
  • swelling;
  • painful sensations;
  • hyperemia.

You should not hope for instant effectiveness, but by strictly following all the clear recommendations of a specialist, it is quite possible to achieve a complete cure. In addition, the price of this drug is very affordable, and in turn, the simultaneous use of several pharmacological forms of Clotrimazole ensures faster recovery.

A small dosage and inconsistent use can only stop the spread of thrush. Absolute elimination of the root cause of the disease can be achieved exclusively by combining treatment methods, significant doses, and strict adherence to the doctor’s prescriptions.

Reasons for the death of the fungus from Clotrimazole

Clotrimazole tablets contribute not only to effective, but also to rapid treatment of thrush. This is due to the fact that with an increase in the concentration of the drug in the body, damage to cell membranes and disruption of synthesis are observed. When treating candidiasis, the cells of fungal spores do not die out easily, but die completely.

The components of the drug do not give any chance of the formation of invasive forms of mycelium. As a result of such an effective effect on fungal spores, the drug has become widely used in the treatment of candidiasis or thrush among both women and men.

The following forms of fungal spores are subject to destruction:

  • protozoa;
  • yeast-like;
  • dimorphic;
  • gram-positive;
  • dermatomycetes.

Clotrimazole is used to treat not only thrush, but also for the treatment of trichomoniasis, trichophytosis and microsporia. The drug fights various pathogens of fungal infections, which makes it an almost irreplaceable remedy.

Indications for use

  1. Since the liver plays a major role in the natural elimination of the drug from the body, use by patients with impaired liver function is strictly prohibited.
  2. Its use is also not recommended if there are abnormalities in the blood-producing organs, including anemia due to iron deficiency.
  3. Clotrimazole is not prescribed to children under 6 years of age.
  4. Individual intolerance to the active substances of the drug also becomes a contraindication.

Clotrimazole is widely used for infections in the genital area (vulvovaginitis and balanitis), usually caused by Candida fungi. And also in case of superinfections (re-infection of the body that occurs against the background of unfinished primary infections) caused by bacteria sensitive to such an active substance as clotrimazole.

Contraindications to the use of Clotrimazole may be:

  • hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary components;
  • the period of bearing a child, especially in the first 3 months;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • period of menstrual bleeding.

During clinical studies on the use of Clotrimazole for thrush during pregnancy or the lactation period, it was not found that this medicine adversely affects the intrauterine development of the fetus or the health of the newborn.

First of all, the patient should not be embarrassed that she was given Clotrimazole in the form of tablets for thrush, and not in the form of suppositories. This is the vaginal form of this drug (she will not buy Clotrimazole suppositories at any pharmacy).

Treatment regimens may be different, but most often doctors prescribe 2 options:

  • 1 tablet intravaginally in the morning and evening for 3 days;
  • 1 tablet before bed for 6 days.

Clotrimazole intravaginal tablets should be moistened in the vaginal environment until they are completely dissolved. If this does not happen, then undissolved pieces will fall out on the laundry. To avoid this, the patient must inject the drug as deeply as possible into the internal genital organ.

During the treatment of thrush in women with Clotrimazole in the form of vaginal tablets, you should abstain from sexual intercourse. In addition, Clotrimazole may reduce the effectiveness of latex-based barrier contraceptives.

Clotrimazole has clear treatment regimens, but a woman must take into account some nuances during therapy:

  • If, when using suppositories (vaginal tablets) Clortrimazole for thrush, a woman does not notice any effect, then she should conduct an additional microbiological study to confirm the diagnosis and exclude another cause of the disease.
  • With the arrival of menstruation, treatment with Clotrimazole is stopped. Correctly calculate the treatment course so that it can be completed before the onset of a new cycle.
  • During antimycotic therapy with intravaginal imidazole derivatives, it is not recommended to use tampons, douching, use spermicides as contraception or other manipulations associated with the vagina.
  • To exclude reinfections (re-infection), both partners must be treated.
  • If a virgin or a patient over 60 is experiencing thrush, then you should additionally consult a doctor about the use of Clotrimazole.
  • Women with liver failure during treatment with Clotrimazole should undergo additional tests to monitor the functioning of the hepatobiliary region.
  • Some people are used to storing suppositories in the refrigerator, but this does not apply to Clotrimazole vaginal tablets. They are stored at room temperature, in a dry place protected from light (15-25°C).

The drug does not cause lethargy or drowsiness. After using it, you can safely get behind the wheel of a vehicle and work in production that requires increased concentration.

Clotrimazole will help cure candidiasis. But in addition to thrush in men and women, the drug is used for such ailments as:

  • Dermatomycosis.
  • Vaginitis.
  • Trichophytosis.
  • Mycotic lesions of the toes.
  • Damage to the genitals by fungal spores.
  • Dermatophytosis.

The doctor also prescribes Clotrimazole for the following diseases:

  • Athlete's foot.
  • Microsporia.
  • Pyoderma.
  • Vulvovaginitis.
  • Candidiasis.

The drug can be used in conjunction with other types of medications. The cost of a package containing 6 tablets is 20–30 rubles. To complete the course of treatment you will need 3-4 packs.

Clotrimazole, despite its effectiveness, has a number of contraindications, so it is better to stop using the medicine immediately than to regret it later. Their main types include increased sensitivity of the body to the composition of the drug.

Women during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, as well as girls who are not sexually active at all should be treated with vaginal remedies for candidiasis with caution. In all other cases, the drug can be used to effectively treat thrush.

Treatment of thrush with Clotrimazole has almost no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the drug. If a reaction occurs to a certain dosage form, you should study the composition of this drug; perhaps the body has reacted negatively to the excipients.

The use of Clotrimazole in the first trimester for the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women, when the vital organs of the child are developing, is not allowed. If thrush occurs during this period, alternative treatment options should be discussed with your gynecologist.


Treatment with Clotrimazole is contraindicated for women with:

  • increased degree of sensitivity to the main component of the drug or other components of the drug;
  • under the age of 12 years;
  • throughout the menstrual cycle.

It is necessary to take precautions in the case of the first manifestation of candidal vaginitis. You will need to consult a specialist.

If you diagnose any of the factors described below, you should consult a specialist before starting to use Clotrimazole vaginal tablets:

  • more than two relapses of candidal vaginitis within the past six months;
  • presence in the medical history of diseases that are sexually transmitted, or contact with a partner who had a disease transmitted in a similar way;
  • presence of proven or suspected pregnancy in women;
  • age over 60 years;
  • presence in the medical history of increased sensitivity to imidazoles or other antifungal drugs for vaginal use.

Release form

Cream, ointment for application to the skin surface 1%. 20 grams of composition in an aluminum tube coated with varnish on the inside. 1 tube along with instructions for use in an oblong cardboard box.

The most used form of the drug for getting rid of thrush in women is vaginal suppositories (candles).

Advantages of this type of drug Clotrimazole:

  • rapid spread of the fatty base in the cavity;
  • gentle effect on the woman’s vaginal mucosa;
  • good suction inside the vagina;
  • Clotrimazole suppositories are comfortable and easy to use.

In addition to the active base, gynecological suppositories contain semi-synthetic solid fats.

Vaginal tablets

Clotrimazole vaginal tablets can effectively replace suppositories.

Before administering the tablet, it must be softened in water.

This should be done because the solid does not have the required activity.

This form does not entail any side effects. Vaginal tablets are inserted immediately before bedtime and the medicine works throughout the night. Locally, the tablet transforms into a pasty structure, and is released in liquid form in the morning.

Operated by intravaginal administration.

When patients come to the pharmacy, they usually ask for Clotrimazole suppositories. But this is an incorrect formulation, although it is confidently adopted to this form of release. In fact, Clotrimazole is not available in suppositories, but the intravaginal drug is presented in tablets.

Intravaginal suppositories/suppositories most often take the form of a dosage form in the form of a cone or cylinder. And sometimes there are candles in the form of an egg, sphere or flat body with a rounded end.

Tablets used intravaginally are usually smaller in size and are a solid dosage form consisting of compressed powders and coated with a fatty coating. Clotrimazole for thrush is used in intravaginal tablets.

The advantage of this dosage form is that it dissolves and is absorbed faster than suppositories. And if you consider that sometimes when women have thrush, Clotrimazole is prescribed to be taken in the morning and evening, then the use of a tablet drug turns out to be more comfortable than if the patient had to use another drug in the form of suppositories.

But in the treatment of urogenital candidiasis, the use of intravaginal tablets alone is rarely sufficient. It is often recommended to lubricate the perineum with Clotrimazole in the form of 1% cream.

The drug "Clotrimazole" for thrush: how to take (reviews)

Consumer opinions on this issue vary widely. Some women are sure that they must douche before administering the capsule. This manipulation will help clean the vagina and remove plaque. In fact, doctors categorically prohibit such a procedure. Douching can introduce an infection into the uterus, which can lead to more serious problems.

Some representatives of the fairer sex use the drug during menstruation. You can't do that. Of course, there will be no harm from this, but you will not get any benefit either. If your period begins at the time of treatment, you should stop the correction for a few days, and then continue as usual.

Some men are sure that the drug needs to be crushed and then injected into the urethra. You shouldn't do this. After such manipulations, a feeling of burning, discomfort and inconvenience occurs. The medicine is applied only to the upper skin.

Side effects and overdose

In some cases, the drug can provoke a discomforting effect:

  1. Allergic manifestations;
  2. Formation of blisters;
  3. Swelling;
  4. Cystitis, or increased urge;
  5. Pain during sexual intercourse;
  6. In men, a feeling of discomfort and burning in the genital organ;
  7. Feeling of discomfort in the vaginal area in women;
  8. Visual symptoms of vaginal swelling;
  9. Curd-like vaginal discharge, less common itching and redness;
  10. Feeling of pain in the pelvic area.

If at least one of the above descriptions is true, then therapy with clotrimazole in men should be discontinued.

The use of Clotrimazole in parallel with antibiotics such as nystatin and natamycin significantly reduces its effectiveness.

When treating thrush, Clotrimazole in the form of vaginal suppositories is usually well tolerated by patients. But it is possible that the following side effects may occur:

  • Allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, swelling, severe itching, burning sensations, urticaria, abnormal redness of the skin not at the injection site (on the abdomen or limbs).
  • A sharp decrease in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, general weakness in the body.
  • Peeling on the external genitalia, discomfort, pain and swelling at the vaginal opening. Irritation and pain in the pelvic area, as well as vaginal bleeding.
  • Sometimes there are also reactions from the gastrointestinal tract in the form of indigestion and abdominal pain.

Cases of overdose with Clotrimazole have not been recorded in clinical practice, since it is unlikely that a woman will decide to insert 3-4 tablets into the vagina at once. And even if she mistakenly took a vaginal tablet orally, the development of a toxic effect is also unlikely.

If, however, the medicine was taken for other purposes (orally) and in large quantities, then gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy may be necessary. There is no specific antidote for Clotrimazole.

Despite all the advantages of Clotrimazole, there are also disadvantages to its use. Disadvantages include side symptoms, which arise mainly due to a violation of the course of treatment. It belongs to:

  • The occurrence of allergic rashes, redness and pimples. This is the simplest sign that can be caused by thrush.
  • The appearance of swelling on the body. Most often, swelling occurs in the legs.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  • Pain during sex.
  • Swelling of the vagina.
  • Pain in the pelvis.
  • Discharge from the female genital organs.
  • Cystitis and blistering.
  • Discomfort and even pain in the penis in men.

This picture does not console the patient, but Clotrimazole tablets are among the most effective and popular drugs for the treatment of fungal diseases on the body. If signs of thrush occur in only one of the sexual partners, then the second one also needs to undergo a course of treatment in order to be cured of the parasites.

It is not recommended to use the medicine while undergoing a course of antibiotic treatment, since the latter reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of the former. If there are signs of adverse symptoms, you should immediately stop treatment and consult a doctor.

But, given the small amount of the drug entering the circulatory system, it can affect the functionality of the liver and kidneys if they are not functioning properly (with hepatitis and nephritis of various causes)

Comparison of ointment and cream Clotrimazole

Ointment and cream are analogs and are suitable for external use, but they have more differences than similarities with regard to application and impact.


Both forms contain the same active ingredient, have antifungal, antibacterial and antitrichomonas effects, and can cause similar undesirable effects.

What is the difference?

The difference between cream and ointment is as follows:

Based on VaselineBased on oil and water
Penetrates for a long time, therefore has a prolonged effectPenetrates quickly, therefore gives a quick and short effect
Penetrates deeplyDoesn't penetrate deeply
Moisturizes dry areas of the skin surfaceDries out the skin
Suitable for dry skinSuitable for weeping and oily skin

On open areas of the skin, it is better to apply the ointment at night, and the cream during the day.

The ointment should not be used during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. The use of the cream is possible, but only as prescribed by a doctor and under his strict supervision.

Which is cheaper?

The ointment costs a little less than the cream. The average price of the first is 100 rubles, the second - 200 rubles.

Use during and after pregnancy

During clinical and experimental studies, it was not revealed that the use of the drug during pregnancy or breastfeeding has a negative impact on the health of the woman or child.

However, uncertainty regarding the advisability of using the medication must be resolved individually, of course, with the consultation of the treating specialist.

The use of pharmacological agents in the area of ​​the lactating mammary gland is prohibited.

Not only women, but also expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy are susceptible to thrush. Relapse of the disease is due to a decrease in the protective function of the body. If you do not get rid of thrush in a timely manner before birth, then the child will be at risk during labor.

Despite the fact that the manufacturer recommends using Clotrimazole with caution during pregnancy, doctors take risks and prescribe this medicine in order to protect the child. Let us consider in detail how it is necessary to use the drug for pregnant women.

Clotrimazole tablets for thrush, the method of use during pregnancy has the following scheme:

  1. The first three months are strictly contraindicated before starting treatment with Clotrimazole. After all, this period is determined by the formation of the future baby. The drug is quite powerful, so the negative effect of the drug on an unformed fetus can lead to its death.
  2. Treatment for thrush can begin in the second trimester of pregnancy. The doctor makes an individual decision on the dosage and duration of therapy.
  3. Treatment is based on taking 100 mg tablets every other day. This approach is acceptable for no more than 10 days. This is a gentle and effective form of removing thrush during pregnancy.

If you experience any side effects, tell your doctor immediately.

During breastfeeding, a woman can also use Clotrimazole, but with caution. The treatment regimen is selected on an individual basis, but often consists of taking 1 tablet per day for a week.

Clotrimazole (ointment) for thrush has an antifungal effect, also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Prescribed for the treatment of fungal infections of the skin, mycoses, pityriasis versicolor, superficial candidiasis.

The ointment contains the following components: clotrimazole, nipagin, propylene glycol, polyethylene oxide.

The antimycotic effect of clotrimazole is due to a disruption in the synthesis of ergosterol, which is part of the cell membrane of the fungus, which provokes a change in its permeability and further cell lysis.

For thrush in women, men, and children, Clotrimazole is often prescribed. The ointment must be used three times a day. However, you should be aware that there are special restrictions on the use of this drug during pregnancy. Thus, this drug is contraindicated for use in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The appearance of itching, burning, tingling, blisters, and swelling indicates an allergy. In this case, you should refrain from using the ointment. The average duration of treatment is a month.

Clotrimazole is an affordable and effective domestic remedy that promotes rapid recovery.

During the period of thrush treatment, it is prohibited:

  • drink alcohol;
  • be sexually active;
  • use other drugs without the knowledge and prescription of a gynecologist;
  • increase the dosage yourself.

There are a considerable number of structural analogues of Clotrimazole: Faktodin, Kanizon, Candide, Kanesten, Amyclone, Imidil, Lotrimin. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Before using any drug, be sure to consult your doctor.

During pregnancy, drugs containing clotrimazole can be used starting from the 13th week. If the cervix is ​​slightly open, then it is worth limiting the use of Clotrimazole ointment for thrush in pregnant women to avoid the drug getting into the birth canal: you can use a cream or solution.

This drug is often prescribed before childbirth to sanitize the vagina. This reduces the risk of the baby contracting thrush during childbirth.

During breastfeeding, the drug should be used with caution. If treatment of thrush is extremely necessary and urgent, you should pay attention to ointment or cream; it is not advisable to use suppositories and tablets.

Clotrimazole ointment for candidiasis in women

From this article you will learn about the drug Clotrimazole - an ointment for thrush for women: how to use it, what is the effectiveness of the drug itself and the medicinal ointment. Instructions for use. Negative manifestations during treatment and contraindications.

Author of the article: Yachnaya Alina, oncologist surgeon, higher medical education with a degree in General Medicine.

Treatment of thrush (urogenital candidiasis - in medical language) is always tried to begin with the use of drugs for topical use. Clotrimazole in ointment form is one of the main first-line medications for treatment of fungal infections of the genital organs and skin.

Advantages of the ointment form of the medicine:

  • dense structure (provides better resistance of the ointment to external factors - moisture, mucus);
  • formation of a medicinal “film” in the area of ​​fungal infection (extends the time of therapeutic effect, increasing the effectiveness of therapy);
  • the ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and (or) mucous layer (has an effect not only on the outer part of the fungal colony, but also on those embedded in the tissue);
  • partially enters the blood through small capillaries (increasing the drug effect due to a small systemic effect).

The result of using the ointment is not inferior to the effectiveness when using vaginal suppositories, tablets and cream, but the duration of the course of therapy must be increased by at least one week.

Clotrimazole ointment has no gender differences; it is prescribed for the treatment of thrush in both women and men:

  • To treat thrush, women should apply the drug to the labia area, plus inject it deep into the vagina;
  • men carry out only external treatment of the affected area on the penis (head and foreskin).

Only a doctor can decide whether to prescribe the ointment form of the drug after assessing the patient’s general somatic condition and the course of the disease. Gynecologists and dermatovenerologists treat thrush in women.

The following provides basic information about Clotrimazole ointment; more detailed information is contained in the instructions for use of the drug.

The antifungal effect is associated with the effect on the building element of the pathogen’s cell wall (ergosterol). The drug disrupts its formation, thereby increasing the permeability of the fungal membrane, which leads to cell death.

Thus, Clotrimazole “kills” the fungal colony, and not only inhibits its growth, like a number of other drugs.

A feature of candidiasis is damage to both the superficial and internal layers of the skin and mucous membranes. The ability of the ointment form to penetrate deep into tissues significantly increases the effectiveness of treating the disease.

In addition to the causative agents of thrush (Candida fungi), Clotrimazole is effective against other fungal and bacterial infections.

Clotrimazole ointment is also used to treat pityriasis versicolor (fungal skin disease)

Situations in which treatment preference is given to the ointment form of Clotrimazole for thrush in women:

Chronic form of the disease (both recurrent and ongoing without interruption).

The duration of the acute form is more than 2–3 weeks.

Difficulty using or reluctance to use vaginal suppositories (suppositories).

Combined therapy for fungal infections with the use of all forms of antifungal agents (tablets, vaginal suppositories, ointment or cream).

The prevalence of lesions of the labia (vulvitis) over fungal inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis) is a rare variant of the disease.

Lack of effect from the use of other forms of medication.

The patient's consent to long-term therapy.

The drug is also effective in other forms of candidiasis infection affecting the mucous membranes and skin:

  • oral cavity (tongue, cheeks, gums);
  • any areas of smooth skin;
  • skin and interdigital folds;
  • nail plates and hair.

Not recommended for use in case of fungal infection of the mucous lining of the eyes (conjunctivitis).

Onychomycosis - fungal infection of the nails

Instructions for using the ointment for various forms of fungal infection:

Skin, skin folds, external mucous membranes (labia, vestibule of the vagina, perianal area)

Based on materials from omolochnice.com

Thrush cream Clotrimazole is an effective remedy that fights thrush and its symptoms.

Thrush is not a fatal disease, but it does cause inconvenience and discomfort. Most often it affects women. Start treatment as soon as you notice the first symptoms. Today, pharmacists can offer many drugs in various forms, from tablets to suppositories. One of the drugs that has proven itself on the drug market is Clotrimazole.

The effect of Clotrimazole, a cream against thrush, is associated with a disruption in the synthesis of the main component of the fungal cell wall - ergosterol. Clotrimazole disrupts the vital processes of fungal cells, suppressing the formation of the necessary components for the construction of proteins, fats, DNA, polysaccharides, damages nucleic acids and increases the excretion of potassium. As a result, the formation of new and restoration of “old” cell membranes of the fungal cell slows down, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the cell subparticles increases, which leads to its death.

In gynecology, clotrimazole thrush cream is used primarily for mycotic diseases. Mycotic diseases are provoked by fungi of the genus Candida, which also cause thrush. To cure thrush in the early stages, you need to know its causes and symptoms.

One of the main causes of thrush is somatic diseases, for example, chronic bronchitis and pyelonephritis, tonsillitis, diseases of the liver and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease can also be caused by long-term use of antibiotics, hormonal disorders, diabetes and obesity. Even multi-colored paper and scented pads can negatively affect the vaginal microflora.

Symptoms of thrush are:

  • severe burning and itching in the vulva area;
  • whitish discharge, the consistency of which resembles liquid cottage cheese;
  • redness and swelling of the labia;
  • discomfort during urination.

If you notice at least one of the listed symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is important that the doctor selects the treatment. Self-medication can only lead to a worsening of the condition.

Clotrimazole cream in gynecology is used not only to treat thrush, but also to combat pathogens of various diseases.

"Clotrimazole" is recommended for use in the following cases:

  1. Acute and chronic vaginal candidiasis;
  2. Prevention of thrush recurrence;
  3. Prevention of repeated fungal infections of the vagina that develop with primary or secondary immunodeficiency or long-term use of antibiotics that disrupt the bacterial landscape of the vagina;
  4. As part of complex therapy for systemic fungal diseases of the skin and its derivatives;
  5. Before delivery – sanitation of the mother’s genital tract.

Instructions for use explain how to apply Clotrimazole cream to a woman:

  1. Before applying the ointment, a woman should thoroughly clean the external genitalia, using a hygiene product with an average pH value;
  2. Apply cream or ointment to washed and dry hands and rub the drug into the genital area with gentle movements;
  3. After use, it is better to take a lying position and wait 10-15 minutes for the cream to be absorbed.

You should be careful about the dosage of Clotrimazole cream or ointment for thrush. 1 g of cream contains 20 mg of active substance. To create a sufficient concentration in the vagina, inject at least 5 g of the product. The duration of the course is one to two weeks. It is recommended to use Clotrimazole cream for women once a day.

During treatment, it is strictly forbidden to engage in sexual intercourse. The partner should also be treated with the cream, otherwise the woman may become infected again.

The use of the drug Clotrimazole is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance clotrimazole, in the first trimester of pregnancy. Clotrimazole is not contraindicated for use in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and lactation, but the potential risk to the fetus should be taken into account when choosing antifungal therapy. The cream should not be used during menstruation.

  • Under no circumstances should you wear uncomfortable underwear or underwear made from artificial materials: panties must be made of cotton or have a cotton gusset;
  • You must shower at least once a day;
  • You cannot walk with a tampon or pad for more than 6 hours;
  • It is necessary to monitor sexual relations and not forget about contraceptives;
  • You cannot sit in the cold, dress lightly in the cold and walk in wet clothes.

These simple rules, known to everyone since childhood, remain relevant throughout life. Perhaps it is the observance of these rules that will protect you from such an unpleasant disease as thrush.

Every drug has analogues, Clotrimazole is no exception.

The active component of Clotrimazole cream is the antifungal substance clotrimazole.

This component contains an analogue of Candide cream, Miconazole and Ketoconazole cream, as well as Candit-B6 tablets made in India.

Clotrimazole is in demand among both gynecologists and women, so reviews of Clotrimazole cream for women can be found on many websites. Doctors note the effectiveness of the ointment or cream for fungal diseases and consider it a worthy analogue of expensive drugs. Women note quick results and ease of use.

The drug Clotrimazole becomes a real salvation for many: long-term thrush goes away after a short course of treatment. Reviews from women about Clotrimazole cream literally make them run to the pharmacy to buy the product. The drug copes where expensive drugs failed. The price-quality ratio of the cream is pleasantly surprising: a product with a low price quickly and effectively eliminates even the most advanced conditions.

The drug "Clotrimazole" will help in the treatment of thrush, sexually transmitted infections and inflammation. The cream is also effective in the fight against lichen. The drug has few contraindications and possible side effects, which makes it more attractive compared to other drugs for thrush. Despite the huge number of positive aspects, you should never take any remedy without the consent of your doctor.

Based on materials from kremys.ru

Clotrimazole in gynecology is widely used for the treatment of sexual diseases such as candidiasis (or thrush), vulvovaginitis, and trichomoniasis. The product has an antiviral and antifungal effect, and for complex treatment it is available in the form of ointments, creams, tablets, and vaginal suppositories. The drug can also be prescribed for men.

In addition to fungal diseases of the mucous membranes, it is used to treat the skin from such lesions:

  • dermatomycosis;
  • fungal erosion interdigital;
  • dermato- and trichophytosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • Candidal stomatitis.

Unlike some antifungal ointments, clotrimazole affects the permeability of the fungal cell membrane. As a result of its increase, the cells of the causative agent of the disease die, and do not simply stop growing, as with the action of other drugs.

Clotrimazole ointment is often prescribed for thrush in women due to its ability to penetrate the inner layers of the skin. This property helps fight the Candida fungus, which affects tissue not only on the surface, but also deeply. As for the ointment, its oily texture envelops the affected area with a film, which increases the duration of action of the drug.

It is worth keeping in mind that the effect of using an antifungal substance will be minimal when taking other drugs of the same effect simultaneously. These drugs include Nystatin, Amphotericin B, Natamycin.

After completing a course of prophylaxis, the patient may not experience improvement. This is explained by the fact that the substance clotrimazole does not act on all types of Candida fungi. Only a doctor can determine the type of fungus and select the appropriate treatment.

Clotrimazole ointment is used for thrush in women and men. The course of treatment with the drug in the form of an ointment is longer than when using other forms. It may be prescribed in the following cases:

  • as part of a comprehensive treatment for fungal infections (together with tablets, creams, suppositories);
  • in the event of a chronic form of the disease;
  • acute form of the disease, lasting more than 14 days;
  • an alternative to the use of suppositories or vaginal tablets;
  • vulvitis – damage to the labia;

Clotrimazole should be prescribed with caution during pregnancy and only during the second and third trimesters. In addition, the ointment can be prescribed for the treatment of fungal infections and diseases such as:

  1. lesions of interdigital folds;
  2. mycosis of the feet;
  3. lichen;
  4. candidiasis of the cheeks, tongue, gums;
  5. nail and hair fungus.

When treating conjunctivitis, the ointment should not be used to treat the inside of the eye.

The duration of treatment with the substance “Clotrimazole ointment” used for thrush for women is from 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the form of the disease and the doctor’s prescriptions. If the inside of the vagina is affected, approximately 2 to 4 cm of ointment is applied there twice a day. The labia, anus area, and area near the vagina are also treated 2 times a day, applying a layer of 2 cm.

The duration of treatment for affected skin and mucous membranes can range from 2 weeks to a month. The oral cavity is treated up to 2 times a day, but use of the product should not exceed a week.

Similarly, the drug “Clotrimazole cream” is applied to the affected areas. How to use medications and in what mode the attending physician prescribes.

Both sexual partners are treated for candidiasis at the same time. If a woman is diagnosed with this disease, then the man should also undergo examination and treatment. Apply the cream or ointment to the foreskin and glans penis. During the period of use of the drug, it is necessary to exclude sexual relations to prevent re-infection of partners.

In rare cases, medications containing clotrimazole may cause allergic reactions. You should stop using the ointment if:

  • there was itching and burning in the places where the ointment was used;
  • mild and pronounced swelling of the mucous membranes appeared;
  • cystitis worsened;
  • there was a burning sensation and discharge from the genitals;
  • blisters have formed on the skin, the skin is peeling.

According to research, exceeding the dosage when used externally can cause the symptoms described above. But it should not cause side effects or conditions that become life-threatening.

Like any other drug, Clotrimazole cannot be used if the patient is intolerant to one of the components in the cream or ointment.

The use of the drug in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 17-18 weeks) is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that this active substance inhibits the development of the fetus and its internal organs, can provoke the death of an unborn child or cause various types of deformities.

It is not recommended to use Clotrimazole during lactation. But if there is such a need, then it is recommended to stop feeding during treatment.

Even when used externally, a small amount of the active substance clotrimazole can enter the circulatory system. In the presence of liver or kidney diseases (hepatitis, nephritis), the substance has a negative effect on these internal organs. Therefore, elevated values ​​in blood tests for bilirubin, liver enzymes, and creatinine are contraindications.

During menstruation, using the ointment will have virtually no effect, so you should not carry out treatment during this period. In addition, there is a higher risk of active substances entering the bloodstream, hence the occurrence of side effects.

Clotrimazole has become quite widespread not only because of its spectrum of action, but also due to its low price, availability, and compatibility with many other drugs. Doctors also prefer to prescribe Clotrimazole due to the availability of different forms of its release. Thus, it is possible to select treatment individually, depending on the patient’s preferences.

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Based on materials from moimazi.ru

Use of pills by men

We have already found out how to use Clotrimazole for women, but what should the stronger half do in such a situation? After all, the medicine is intended to treat their disease. Women insert pills into the vagina, but for men this method will not be possible.

But this does not mean at all that they cannot use these pills. Despite the fact that the stronger sex is less likely to be susceptible to this disease, it is still possible for them to treat thrush with the help of tablets. The method of application is determined by the following scheme:

  • One piece of the drug must be diluted with a teaspoon of warm water.
  • Wait 2-3 minutes until a mushy mixture forms.
  • It should be applied to the affected areas of the genital organs.
  • After applying a uniform layer, apply a bandage and cover with a plastic bag on top.
  • The duration of the compress should not exceed a 2-hour period.

Men need to use the drug in this way 1-2 times a day. But, despite the fact that the tablets can still be used by men, for convenience it is recommended to resort to the use of Clotrimazole in the form of ointments or creams.

If a woman gets thrush, then a man (even in the absence of characteristic symptoms of the disease) should undergo a course of treatment by consulting a doctor.

Clotrimazole (tablets) for thrush have a whitish or yellowish color, capsule-shaped. The drug contains a significant amount of clotrimazole, starch, magnesium stearate, adipic acid, crospovidone, copovidone.

Vaginal tablets are prescribed for the treatment of: genital infections caused by yeast-like fungi; genital superinfections.

The use of the medicine is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to the main or additional components in the first trimester of pregnancy. You should also not overuse suppositories when breastfeeding. This medication is contraindicated in children under sixteen years of age.

Clotrimazole tablets are prescribed for thrush from the fourth month of pregnancy. However, the use of the drug should be appropriate. Treatment with Clotrimazole during pregnancy can only be done with the permission of the attending physician.

The product is intended for intravaginal use only. The suppositories are inserted into the vagina as deeply as possible. The duration of the course of therapy is six days, one tablet daily. Important: therapy cannot be carried out during menstruation. Along with the use of suppositories, the use of a gel for topical use is often prescribed.

Which is better: Clotrimazole ointment or cream?

If an infection caused by fungi occurs, an ointment is prescribed on the foot, which, thanks to the presence of petroleum jelly, eliminates dry skin on the lower extremities. In addition, it penetrates the skin perfectly.

The cream has the consistency of an emulsion. Used in the treatment of mucous membranes such as those on the labia.

For men

When choosing between Clotrimazole cream and ointment, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the course of the disease.

The dosage form of the drug depends on the diagnosis and location of the lesion.

As for fungal infections, in this case men are prescribed ointment because it penetrates better into the deep layers of the skin and destroys fungal cells. This applies to various skin infections caused by parasitic fungi.

If a man is diagnosed with thrush, the best option would be to use a cream. Because it does not penetrate so deeply inside. Being on the mucous membrane, the drug does not allow the fungal environment to grow and develop.

If a man is diagnosed with thrush, the best option is to use Clotrimazole cream.

For women

The choice depends on the course of the disease. A cream is suitable for the treatment of thrush. The product will be applied to the mucous membrane, so the cream form will bring more results.

For fungus

For fungal infections of the feet and skin, ointment is used. Depending on the duration of the disease, treatment takes from 2 weeks to 1 month. To effectively treat fungus, you will need to wash the affected area several times a day and dry it with a napkin. Then apply a thin layer of the product, using circular movements, without pressing, rubbing it into the skin.

To treat nail fungus, which often occurs on the big toe, use a cream.

Special instructions for use

  1. During an exacerbation of the disease, you need to abstain from sexual relations.
  2. During the therapeutic period of taking Clotrimazole (tablets) for thrush, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited, since the drug will not help in the fight against thrush.
  3. This pharmacological drug cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation.
  4. It is also necessary to mention that the effective outcome of the treatment of thrush in the fairer sex is largely due to the protective use of the antimycotic drug by her sexual partner.
  5. The male body is much stronger in resisting fungal infection, and often it is the man who is the carrier of the infection. Given this circumstance, both partners must undergo therapeutic measures to eliminate thrush. In order to prevent the disease, men are prescribed Clotrimazole cream, which must be smeared on the penis.
  6. If protective measures are not taken, a woman may experience very frequent relapses of the disease, which entails a weakening of the vaginal mucosa. And this circumstance is very dangerous, since the woman’s body will become much more susceptible and will not find the strength to resist all kinds of infections that can lead to much more serious illnesses.

To achieve the desired treatment result, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Increase immunity during and after a course of therapy, since thrush often occurs against the background of a weakened body, frequent colds, and the use of antibiotics. Your doctor may prescribe a course of vitamins to strengthen your immune system.
  2. Eat right, reduce your consumption of sweets.
  3. Avoid synthetic and tight underwear.
  4. Do not use colored toilet paper with fragrances.
  5. Avoid sexual intercourse during treatment.
  6. Visit your gynecologist regularly.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the need for joint treatment with your sexual partner, which will avoid re-infection immediately after the course of therapy. Even in the absence of visible signs and symptoms of thrush in a man, it is necessary to use the drug.

Men are prescribed Clotrimazole ointment, cream or solution to treat thrush. The drug should be applied to the head of the penis after hygiene procedures. The ointment or cream should be well absorbed, only then can you put on underwear.

Patient reviews

Kristina, 30 years old, Vladivostok

Thrush was diagnosed. To eliminate the discomfort associated with itching, I tried everything. The gynecologist, in addition to special tablets, advised me to buy Clotrimazole ointment. After 2 days of use, the discomfort began to go away. The burning sensation was still felt, but not as strong. Within a week I forgot about the disease. No negative effects were observed, so I decided to continue using the product if necessary.

Igor, 32 years old, Kaliningrad

Clotrimazole is an effective ointment. A year ago, brown spots appeared on my stomach, back and arms. They didn't bother me, they didn't itch, they were just unsightly. I didn’t touch them in winter, I thought they would pass, but there were more of them. In the summer I was ashamed to go outside, so I started looking for an answer on the Internet. Symptoms of pityriasis versicolor appeared. I began to look for something to treat. Clotrimazole was recommended. Bought. The ointment is cheap. He began to smear the spots. I applied it for 3 weeks and spent about 6 tubes. But the result pleased me. All the stains disappeared and there was no shame in going to the beach. Excellent results for little money.

Alexey, 35 years old, Rostov-on-Don

I had a fungus and struggled with it until the doctor prescribed Clotrimazole. The cream is effective against fungus, it is well absorbed, the smell is weak and even pleasant, which is important if there is a need to smear large affected areas. After about 2 weeks of use, the fungus disappeared. To consolidate the effect, you should smear it for at least a week.

What kind of drug?

Regarding analogues, it is always necessary to take into account the presence of numerous trade names of the original drug Clotrimazole, which pharmaceutical manufacturers have resorted to, for example:

  • Kandibene,
  • Kanizon,
  • Candide,
  • Fungizide,
  • fungicip,
  • Amyclone.

Analogues of the active and main substance, or more precisely, imidazole derivatives, include:

  • Miconazole;
  • Isoconazole;
  • Oxiconazole;
  • Econazole;
  • Bifonazole.

Clotrimazole is a strong antifungal agent. When it enters the body, it eliminates foci of the disease, that is, fungal growths, harmful bacteria and microorganisms. Considering that the drug has antibacterial properties, it does not destroy the vaginal microflora, but, on the contrary, helps restore the flora.

More effective with complex treatment and diet. Does not affect a woman's reproductive functions in any way. Sometimes clotrimazole for thrush in women is used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Applicable for:

  • Vaginal infections;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Candidal vulvitis;
  • Candidal balanitis.


  • Individual intolerance to certain components of the drug;
  • First weeks of pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding time.

Side effects:

  • The appearance of itching and burning in the vagina;
  • Swelling, redness of the vagina;
  • The appearance of blisters, rashes on the surface of the vagina;
  • Cystitis;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Allergic reactions.

Special instructions:

  • Avoid contact of the product with the eyes;
  • Do not use on the skin around the eyes;
  • If signs of hypersensitivity or irritation occur, discontinue treatment;
  • If there is no effect within a month, take the tests again;
  • In case of liver failure, keep your liver function under control.

If side effects occur, treatment with the drug is canceled.

Clotrimazole - video

Clotrimazole is available in the following forms:

  • ointment;
  • cream;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • vaginal tablets;
  • gel;
  • solution;
  • spray.

The first 4 are the most commonly used dosage forms. Clotrimazole ointment contains 0.01 g of active substance (per 1 g of drug). It is white in color and is available in tubes of 10, 15 and 20 g.

The active substance contained in the drug is called clotrimazole. It has the ability to destroy the ergosterol membrane of the microorganism, thereby depriving it of nutrients.

Do not use Clotrimazole ointment, as well as other forms of the drug in combination with medications containing natamycin and nystatin. This can reduce the antimycotic properties of the active substance, and therefore the effectiveness of treatment.

The therapeutic properties of Clotrimazole, combined with its low price, make it one of the most commonly used to combat thrush. Compliance with the gynecologist’s instructions, especially regarding the timing of therapy and dosage of the drug, will help get rid of thrush for a long time.

The drug "Clotrimazole" - instructions

For thrush, it is very important to choose the right medicine that contains an active component that can act on the specific type of fungus that caused the problem. The active component in the drug "Clotrimazole" is an imidazole derivative. This substance has the ability to disrupt the synthesis of certain substances in the human body, in particular, it inhibits the formation of cell membranes of the thrush pathogen. In other words, the drug simply prevents the disease from developing and kills the fungus.

How to get rid of thrush once and for all?

And finally, let’s share a story with you...

Irina Kravtsova in her blog told how she got rid of thrush in 14 days.

This is what she writes: “I never thought that I would write public appeals, but I can’t help but boast about my discovery. I’ll get ahead a little and say that I finally found a really working method that COMPLETELY got rid of THRUST!”

Read her story here.

We wish you good health!

Tags: woman, clotrimazole, course, treatment, thrush About the author: Admin4ik
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