Is it possible to insert clotrimazole tablets during menstruation?

Clotrimazole for thrush during menstruation

The official package insert for the use of the drug states that suppositories should not be used on menstrual days. It is necessary to understand that this information specifically prohibits use when other alternative means are simply not recommended for use during menstruation.

Among the main reasons why it is necessary to postpone the course, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • incomplete treatment;
  • low efficiency of the candle;
  • risk of side effects;
  • formation of immunity in the fungus;
  • unsuitable vaginal environment;
  • development of cystitis.

Find out in our article at the link why thrush occurs before menstruation.

Side effects

Clotrimazole during menstruation increases not only the symptoms of thrush, but also causes other unpleasant sensations:

  • burning and itching of the vulva;
  • swelling of the vagina;
  • frequent and painful urination;
  • copious discharge;
  • cramps in the stomach;
  • headache.

Most often, side effects occur due to violation of instructions. But complications can also arise when treated with Clotrimazole suppositories outside of menstruation. Therefore, it is necessary to stop inserting suppositories when the first negative symptoms appear. After consultation, the doctor will prescribe another drug or advise you to switch to a different form of release of the drug.

During menstruation, Polygynax suppositories show the highest effectiveness of treatment. The drug has no side effects and manages to have an effect before it is removed by bleeding.

With drug therapy, various negative reactions are possible, which depend on the area of ​​application:

  • local negative signs - blisters and swelling;
  • skin irritation and exfoliation;
  • itching, tingling or burning sensations;
  • redness of the mucous membrane - when applied to the oral cavity.

When treating the genital organs in women and men:

  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • sensations of itching and burning;
  • slight headache;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • frequent urination (symptoms of intercurrent cystitis);
  • intense vaginal discharge - in women;
  • in men - a burning sensation in the penis area, painful sensations during intimate relationships.

If negative signs appear, treatment with the drug must be suspended.

One of the possible side effects when treating with vaginal tablets or suppositories is white, pink or bloody discharge. Sometimes they are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

This happens mainly due to the presence of vegetable fats and glycerin in the suppositories, which dissolve after insertion into the vagina. Some of them may flow out in the form of white or transparent mucus, which the attending physician always warns about when prescribing this drug.

If the secreted sexual secretion has an uncharacteristic color or bloody composition, then this indicates an individual reaction of the body to the components of the suppository. If such symptoms recur, therapy should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted.

Bloody discharge is also possible if a woman has a uterine device or at the beginning or end of menstruation.

During menstruation, Polygynax suppositories show the highest effectiveness of treatment. The drug has no side effects and manages to have an effect before it is removed by bleeding.

What do the doctor's say

Specialists are always ready to give a detailed answer to their patients who lack information from the instructions. Gynecologists do not recommend using this type of suppository for the following reasons:

  1. Danger. If you use vaginal tablets for bleeding, the risk of incomplete treatment increases. The active substance is only partially absorbed, but this dose is enough for the fungus to become addictive. Subsequent therapies may be completely futile.
  2. Hidden development. It is undesirable to use suppositories during menstruation due to the disease itself. Clotrimazole, when insufficiently taken into the body, only suppresses the symptoms. Candidiasis itself may become chronic in the future. Therefore, using vaginal suppositories is not only useless against the background of menstrual flow, but also dangerous to health.

How to start and resume therapy

The course of suppositories is determined by the treating gynecologist on an individual basis. How long you will have to use suppositories depends on the following factors:

  • fungal strain;
  • treatment and prevention;
  • degree of disease;
  • results of previous courses.

For thrush, experts advise using candles for one to two weeks. In rare cases, therapy lasts 3–4 weeks. It is best to put a candle after menstruation or in the last days of light menstruation.

The most common situations that arise are:

  • The last doses of the course fell during menstruation;
  • The bleeding started unexpectedly.

In both cases, therapy should be stopped. At the end of monthly bleeding, a woman should visit a doctor and have a smear test. Based on the test results, the doctor will prescribe re-therapy or offer minor prophylaxis.

Clotrimazole is available in several versions:

Replacing suppositories with oral use is permitted only with the approval of a gynecologist. It is prohibited to change the release form yourself.

The effect of the medicine begins within 30-45 minutes after application. A positive effect is observed after a few days, until all negative symptoms disappear. However, treatment cannot be stopped; the course must be completed completely within the period prescribed by the attending physician.

Clotrimazole in a dog's ear

Along with ringworm, otitis media is common in dogs. Clotrimazole solution helps a lot. It is enough to drip Clotrimazole into the dog’s ear a couple of times a day on the inner surface of the ears, followed by massaging for better distribution. However, this disease can easily be confused with ear mites.

Furrowing the walls of the dog’s ear, it causes severe inflammation. An inexperienced owner may simply waste precious time trying to cure another disease. Therefore, our advice is to first visit a veterinary clinic and have the scrapings taken for tests. And receive the appropriate course of treatment for a particular disease.

How to use an antimycotic

A small amount of blood in the last days of menstruation does not exclude treatment with vaginal suppositories. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of the course, you need the following:

  • use the product before bed and in the morning;
  • maintain a supine position for about half an hour;
  • pre-clean the vagina;
  • exclude douching;
  • Avoid soaps and gels that cause irritation.

The use of suppositories called Clotrimazole during menstruation is prohibited by official instructions.

Many women who decided to insert suppositories during their menstrual periods noted an increase in side effects, as well as a sudden onset of cystitis.

The drug itself is resistant to leaching from the genital tract, but it is still worth postponing the course until the end of bleeding. It is best to first discuss this and other questions about treatment with your treating gynecologist.

Clotrimazole is a tablet for thrush that should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor and the nuances of their use explained.

Before use, the tablet should be moistened with warm boiled water (moisten only, do not dissolve), then lie on your back, bend your knees and insert the medicine as deep as possible into the vagina. After this, you should lie down until the medicine is completely dissolved. It is not advisable to change your position at this time.

The instructions for thrush indicate that treatment can be carried out in two ways:

  • Administer one tablet at a time for 6 days before bedtime (Clotrimazole vaginal suppositories are administered in the same way).
  • Another dosing option is one in the morning and one in the evening for 3 days. To do this, it is necessary that the woman has time to administer the medicine in the morning. This scheme is chosen, for example, when the patient needs time to get rid of the disease before the onset of menstruation.

If the course of treatment does not bring the expected results, you should consult a doctor.

While the patient is using Clotrimazole (tablets), the instructions for use recommend refraining from any exposure to the vaginal mucosa.

A woman should not use tampons, douche, have sex, or use spermicidal intravaginal ointments.

All this significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment, as it leads to increased mucus formation and the release of the active substance into the external environment.

During menstruation, treatment is ineffective, so Clotrimazole vaginal tablets during this period are replaced with other dosage forms or completely canceled and wait until the end of menstruation. When prescribing the drug, the doctor will definitely ask about the date of the last menstruation and the length of the cycle in days.

Depending on the form, the drug can be applied directly to the affected areas of the epidermis or intravaginally.

Then squeeze out a small column of cream (about 5 mm) and apply it to the treatment site with a massaging motion. Vaginal tablets or suppositories are recommended to be administered in the evening.

How many days to drink?

The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the attending physician. It depends on the type of fungus, the severity of the disease, and the patient’s individual susceptibility to this substance.

For various diseases, the course lasts on average:

  • dermatomycosis - 3-4 weeks;
  • vulvovaginitis and vulvitis caused by Candida fungus - 1-2 weeks;
  • erythrasma - 2-4 weeks.

To increase the effectiveness of thrush treatment, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. For a full recovery, both partners should take the course. During this period, you should abstain from sexual relations to avoid sexually transmitted infections. In addition, they can cause negative sensations in a woman in the form of discomfort and pain in the vaginal area.
  2. The course of therapy should be completed in full, despite the fact that the symptoms of the infection disappear or decrease after 2-3 days. Treatment cannot be stopped, because then the fungus will stop reproducing and then cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  3. During pregnancy, it is better to insert suppositories manually without a special applicator, lying on your back.
  4. A positive result is possible when the medicine is combined with vitamins or herbal preparations.
  5. The permissible maximum duration of therapy is 30 days. If there is no positive dynamics, it is necessary to undergo additional examination.



It is necessary to stop using vaginal tablets if:

  • The patient is under 12 years of age;
  • The woman previously had hypersensitivity to any substance included in the drug;
  • First trimester of pregnancy;
  • Menstruation has begun.

Do not use the medicine without consulting a specialist in the following situations:

  • If thrush occurs for the first time, then independent use of Clotrimazole is contraindicated;
  • If the patient is 60 years or older;
  • If there is a frequent relapse of the disease (more than 2 times in six months);
  • If you have previously experienced an allergic reaction to the use of intravaginal antifungal agents;
  • If your sexual partner has sexually transmitted infections;
  • If a woman has had an STD (sexually transmitted disease);
  • There is a pregnancy or is suspected of being pregnant.

Can clotrimazole be used during menstruation?

Author Reading time: 14 min. 12/07/2019

Clotrimazole ointment is a well-known synthetic antifungal medication from the group of imidazole derivatives for local use. Effective against:

  • dermatitis caused by epidermophytons, filamentous and parasitic fungi;
  • blastomycosis with damage to lung tissue;
  • mushrooms of the genus Candida, Coccidioides, Madurella, Aspergillus, Torulez, Nocardia.

In minimal doses, the mechanism of action is fungistatic (suppresses the growth and reproduction of the pathogen; after discontinuation of the drug, the life activity of the pathogenic agent resumes).

With a long course, a fungicidal effect of the product is observed - the growth and reproduction of fungi completely stops.

Clotrimazole cream inhibits the process of combining fungal sterol, which is part of cell membranes. As a result, their structure and functionality changes.

The dosage of the drug is selected by the doctor individually

What is Clotrimazole?

This is a drug with antimicrobial and antibacterial effects, the main component of which is -imidazole.

Its action is focused on the extermination of many types of not only mold, but also yeast.

A small concentration of the drug does not destroy, but stops active growth and negative effects on the body. The strength of the drug directly depends on its concentration.

Clotrimazole is a fairly inexpensive drug in the fight against vaginal candidiasis, so purchasing it will be the best option.

Clotrimazole comes in a variety of forms, from vaginal suppositories to topical solutions. Any lady chooses her most appropriate and individual method of treating the disease, which she can choose together with the doctor.

Clotrimazole is also widely used in the fight against ailments, mainly of fungal origin. Vaginal candidiasis is not the only diagnosis that can be treated with its help. These include: lichen; skin diseases caused by fungi; mycoses; trichomoniasis; vulvovaginal candidiasis; stomatitis caused by Candida fungi.

When affected by lichen versicolor, dermatomycosis, erythrasma, vulvovaginal candidiasis, balanitis, Clotrimazole ointment is also prescribed. It copes well with lichen, stomatitis in pregnant women, as well as skin diseases caused by fungus.

Used as an antimicrobial drug for treating the genital tract before the birth of a baby. It also has an active effect against bacteroides, streptococci, staphylococci, trichomonas, gardnerella and others.

When exposed to fungi of the genus Candida, the tissues of a woman's genital organs acquire a loose structure, which can lead to ruptures during childbirth, and also cause infection of the child through the genital tract. Therefore, before giving birth, it is recommended to sanitize the woman’s birth canal with Clotrimazole.

Analogues that can be used for treatment during pregnancy

According to statistics, every second woman has encountered thrush - the reason for this prevalence of the disease is a large number of factors that provoke the development of candidiasis. Menstruation is not one of them, but you might think so, because thrush during menstruation is characterized by a particularly acute course and a more pronounced manifestation of symptoms.

This is due to the fact that during menstruation, the growth of fungi of the genus Candida is activated due to:

  • creating favorable conditions on the mucous membranes of the vagina for the proliferation of microorganisms;
  • changes in the body's hormonal levels;
  • the use of hygiene and cosmetic products that change the environment of the mucous membranes to a more alkaline one.

It should be taken into account that thrush does not affect the course and duration of menstruation. Thus, these two conditions are related to each other, although they do not directly affect each other. Because of this connection, the treatment of candidiasis has some peculiarities if it occurs at the peak of the menstrual cycle. So, how to cure thrush during and immediately after your period?

Stop putting up with this thrush and cystitis! Write down the recipe...

Thrush and cystitis will go away forever! Write down the recipe!

With candidiasis during menstruation, the symptoms of fungal infection (itching, burning, discharge) are combined with the discomfort caused by muscle spasms associated with menstruation.

Thrush during menstruation should be treated using gentle methods - this is due to the increased sensitivity of the vaginal mucosa, due to which aggressive medications can harm women’s health no less than the disease itself. You cannot select medications on your own - the course of therapy must be determined by a specialist.

The treatment program for candidiasis should include:

  • restoration and maintenance of immunity;
  • maintaining a fruit and vegetable diet;
  • taking antifungal drugs.

Different medications are prescribed, depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle. All of them are divided into two groups: systemic - tablets taken orally at any time, quickly acting, but having a number of side effects, and local - safer suppositories, creams and ointments.

Due to discharge during menstruation, treatment with topical medications is not prescribed. It is carried out either shortly before the start of menstruation, in order to avoid exacerbation, or immediately after it, when the discharge stops.

Local antifungal therapy must be carried out in combination with immunostimulating therapy, otherwise the treatment will not have an effect. In addition, it is advisable to supplement treatment with the prevention of dysbacteriosis.

It should be remembered that douching during menstruation is prohibited.


special instructions

To achieve a positive effect, it is necessary to treat both sexual partners simultaneously. Otherwise, a relapse (recurrence) of the disease may occur. Doctors recommend treating all areas of the body affected by the fungus at once.

You should stop using the drug if:

  • Abdominal syndrome (abdominal pain of varying intensity) is noted;
  • A woman complains of sudden bleeding from the vagina;
  • There is dysuric syndrome (frequent and painful urination);
  • Concerns about nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • After using the drug, negative consequences occurred in the form of swelling, itching, burning and redness;
  • A woman complains of copious and foul-smelling discharge from the genital tract;
  • There is a persistent increase in body temperature to febrile values ​​(above 38°C);
  • There are open wounds in the external genital area or in the vagina;
  • Pain in the back.

Is it possible to use clotrimazole during menstruation?

Clotrimazole is a drug that exhibits antifungal properties. This drug is often prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes localized in the female genital organs. In this case, the question arises of how to use Clotrimazole during menstruation.

Doctors do not recommend using the drug intravaginally during menstruation . This is due to the risk of infection, as well as the fact that heavy discharge reduces the effectiveness of medications.

If there is an urgent need to use Clotrimazole during menstruation, you should consult your doctor, perhaps he will change the treatment regimen or prescribe an effective replacement for the drug.


Clotrimazole is prescribed for the treatment of infectious lesions of the skin and mucous membranes caused by fungi:

  • vaginal candidiasis (thrush);
  • trochomoniasis;
  • mycoses and pseudomycoses (erythrasma).

For the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis and trichomoniasis, Clotrimazole is used in the form of vaginal tablets and cream.

Dosage and method of administration

Clotrimazole cream (external use) is used 2 to 3 times throughout the day. The duration of the therapeutic course is from 14 to 28 days.

Treatment of the oral cavity is carried out 1 – 2 times a day, with a maximum duration of a week.

Vaginal cream should be used in an amount of 100–500 mg per day, the duration of therapy usually does not exceed 6 days.

Clotrimazole is not recommended for use during menstruation; it is necessary to complete the course of treatment before the onset of menstruation, or carry it out after menstruation.

Vaginal suppositories (tablets) are taken once a day, for a duration not exceeding a six-day period. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bedtime, since the medicine may leak out when moving.


Restrictions on the use of Clotrimazole are:

  • the presence of individual intolerance to substances that are part of the drug;
  • first three months of pregnancy;
  • menstruation.

During breastfeeding, the medicine is used when absolutely necessary and with extreme caution.


Dosage forms of Clotrimazole for vaginal use must not be used in any other way.

To prevent re-infection during urogenital infections, it is recommended that both partners undergo therapy.

Clotrimazole vaginal cream and suppositories are not recommended for use during menstruation, since with this use the effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced, and infection is also possible. Therefore, all procedures must be completed before the start of menstruation.

During pregnancy, vaginal tablets are taken without the use of an applicator.

It is necessary to monitor liver function if the patient has a history of liver failure.

For candidiasis vulvitis, complex therapy with vaginal suppositories and cream is recommended.

If the patient’s condition does not improve within 28 days, you should consult a specialist doctor.


Clotrimazole is an effective remedy that helps well in the treatment of fungal infections of the genital tract.

However, patients need to know the specifics of using the product:

  • Clotrimazole suppositories cannot be used during menstruation, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the medicine and may lead to infection, since the cervix opens during menstruation;
  • Therapy must be carried out on both partners at the same time, otherwise re-infection is possible.


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We treat thrush with Clotrimazole in women and men - instructions for use

Have you been fighting thrush for many years without success?

Head of the Institute: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure thrush by taking it every day.

Very often, when a doctor prescribes certain drugs to a patient for various diseases, patients have questions about how to take them and why it is worth taking this particular drug and not another.

This is especially true for chronic forms of diseases, as well as those for which immunity is not developed, for example, candidiasis.

Therefore, if a doctor prescribes Clotrimazole to a patient for thrush, and half a dozen other medications have not helped her before, then her doubts are completely justified.

This drug can be prescribed in the form of Clotrimazole cream, ointment, tablets. For thrush of the genital organs, vaginal tablets will be used; for lesions of the groin area and candidiasis of the nasopharynx, ointment will be used. That is, the drug Clotrimazole against thrush can be used regardless of the location of the fungal infection.

Our readers successfully use Candiston to treat thrush. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention. Read more here...

The advantage of Clotrimazole for candidiasis is that the drug has certain antibiotic properties, which allows it to be used in mixed forms of thrush, when candida fungi develop together with Trichomonas, Bacteriodes, Gardnerella, Corynebacteria, Streptococcus and Staphylococcus. This is important because the use of antibiotics stimulates the development of candidiasis, as they destroy beneficial microflora, unlike Clotrimazole for thrush in tablets, the effect of which is not antibacterial, but fungicidal.


Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis after using vaginal suppositories is based on the nature of the discharge, its color, and quantity.
The gynecologist examines the cervix and identifies concomitant diseases (endometriosis, polyp). A mandatory procedure is to take a smear for microflora from the posterior vaginal vault. Microbiological examination allows us to identify the type of pathogen. To obtain a complete clinical picture, an instrumental research method is prescribed - colposcopy. The principle of diagnosis is to insert a special device into the cervix. Depending on the power, the device can enlarge the cervix from 2 to 32 times. Using colposcopy, the doctor examines the epithelial cover. This type of diagnosis allows you to identify pathologies such as polyp, cyst, metaplasia or endometriosis.

After identifying the root cause and making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. Drug treatment is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and destroying the pathogen. Trichomoniasis is effectively treated with Metronidazole, Nimorazole and Tinilazole. For bacterial vaginosis, Metronidazole gel is prescribed. If the cause of pathological discharge is thrush, then doctors prescribe Nystatin. If the discharge after suppositories appears due to an endometrioid cyst, then hormonal treatment is prescribed. The drug “Janine” has proven itself well.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, physiotherapy is prescribed:

  • iontophoresis;
  • electrophoresis;
  • radiopulse therapy.

Treatment of diseases requires an integrated approach. In addition to taking medications, doctors recommend that a woman establish a healthy diet, eliminate heavy side dishes and include more fresh vegetables and fruits. During treatment, it is also necessary to abstain from sexual activity to avoid re-infection. Conservative treatment can be supplemented with traditional medicine, but before using them you should consult a doctor.

Clotrimazole during menstruation: is it possible to insert suppositories?

The duration of treatment for fungal diseases can be up to three to four weeks. And then therapy coincides with scheduled menstruation. Therefore, women are interested in whether Clotrimazole helps during menstruation, and whether it can even be used at the beginning of the cycle.

Is it possible to switch to Clotrimazole tablets?

Clotrimazole is available in several versions:

  • candles;
  • cream;
  • pills;
  • solution.

Replacing suppositories with oral use is permitted only with the approval of a gynecologist. It is prohibited to change the release form yourself.


Some patients ask doctors whether it is possible to use Clotrimazole suppositories at an increased dose during menstruation in order to maintain the effectiveness of therapy. Such therapy will not give a positive result and can provoke increased side effects of the active components.

Type of disease

Menstrual flow is a contraindication for any disease that can be treated with Clotrimazole:

  • damage to the vagina and vulva under the influence of a fungus of the genus Candida;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system due to trichomoniasis;
  • repeated damage to organs by infection before the end of treatment.

How to use at the end of menstruation

A small amount of blood in the last days of menstruation does not exclude treatment with vaginal suppositories. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of the course, you need the following:

  • use the product before bed and in the morning;
  • maintain a supine position for about half an hour;
  • pre-clean the vagina;
  • exclude douching;
  • Avoid soaps and gels that cause irritation.

The use of suppositories called Clotrimazole during menstruation is prohibited by official instructions.

Many women who decided to insert suppositories during their menstrual periods noted an increase in side effects, as well as a sudden onset of cystitis.

The drug itself is resistant to leaching from the genital tract, but it is still worth postponing the course until the end of bleeding. It is best to first discuss this and other questions about treatment with your treating gynecologist.



Oksana, Voronezh: After the appearance of cheesy discharge, I immediately made an appointment with a gynecologist. The doctor said that girls can use not only Clotrimazole ointment, but also tablets for thrush. I used this combination for a week, after which I took a smear for testing. The results showed that I am completely healthy.

Zoya, Abakan: I treated myself with herbs for chronic thrush. There was constant pain in the lower abdomen, pain and unbearable itching. The gynecologist prescribed Clotrimazole, Fluconazole and Gynocomfort ointment for intimate hygiene. On the first day of treatment, almost all discomfort disappeared.

Clotrimazole during menstruation

The duration of treatment for fungal diseases can be up to three to four weeks. And then therapy coincides with scheduled menstruation. Therefore, women are interested in whether Clotrimazole helps during menstruation, and whether it can even be used at the beginning of the cycle.

Active substance, release forms, indications

Clotrimazole is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent that has a detrimental effect on thrush pathogens and related yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes and dimorphic fungi. According to its chemical structure, it is a derivative of imidazole, an antimycotic.

Vaginal tablets are prescribed for thrush of the genital tract in women. If thrush is complicated by cystitis or an ascending genital tract infection, Clotrimazole is used as part of complex therapy. The advantages of this dosage form over suppositories are that they allow you to achieve recovery much faster.

Side effects and contraindications

Clotrimazole vaginal tablets can cause a number of unpleasant sensations. This may include itching, burning, peeling and erythema of the skin, and the appearance of blisters in the genital tract. The ability to continue treatment depends on the severity of these symptoms.

In most cases, such manifestations pass quickly, do not require special treatment and do not cause inconvenience to the woman.

If the symptoms of hypersensitivity are so intense that the patient cannot lead her previous lifestyle, it is necessary to change the treatment regimen or use another drug.

Hypersensitivity to Clotrimazole and chemically related drugs is the only contraindication for use. Since the antimycotic is not absorbed, there is no data on its systemic effect, including side effects. The phenomena of overdose are also not described.

Accidental ingestion of the medicine may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. In this case, it is necessary to take enterosorbents (activated carbon, Smecta). There is no need to fight diarrhea and vomiting. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The instructions recommend using Clotrimazole tablets from the second trimester of pregnancy. The drug is practically not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, therefore it is safe for the unborn baby. In the third trimester, any manipulations in the vagina can cause a sharp increase in the tone of the uterus and cause premature birth, so they should be used with caution.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the use of a local antimycotic is not recommended. There is no data on its danger or safety, however, it should be borne in mind that the first three months are the time of greatest risk for the unborn baby. During this period, there are other means approved for use, and it is better to prefer them.

The antifungal drug is completely safe for nursing mothers and can therefore be used as prescribed by a doctor in strict accordance with the instructions. The drug does not pass into mother's milk, so it does not have a harmful effect on the baby's health.

In girls with thrush, this remedy is used in other dosage forms - ointment, solution or cream. The use of vaginal tablets and suppositories is allowed only after the onset of the first menstruation in adolescents. At an earlier age, antimycotics are not prescribed in such forms.

Clotrimazole suppositories for menstruation

Treatment of thrush during menstruation, can provoke cystitis

It is impossible not to mention that, according to statistics, more than half of the female population has encountered thrush at least once.

And so often the biological clock of the female body coincides that her arrival falls on the menstrual cycle. During this period, a woman’s intimate microflora goes through a renewal stage.

Everything unnecessary comes out, the body is renewed.

It is logical to think that at this time it is pointless to introduce vaginal suppositories, due to their concomitant elimination from the body. Moreover, using Clotrimazole suppositories during menstruation will have a negative impact on the patient and is beneficial for the prosperity of thrush.

During the process of excretion, only a smaller part of the drug will be retained in the body, obviously a greatly underestimated dosage. In view of this, fungal microorganisms will develop an addiction to this medication, which will only complicate its treatment in the future.


An imidazole derivative is an active ingredient in many antifungal agents for external use. Structural analogues of Clotrimazole are the following drugs:

  • Kandibene;
  • Candide;
  • Kanizon;
  • Kanesten.

Pimafucin, Pimafucort, Zalain, Miconazole ointment exhibit similar antimycotic activity.


The official package insert for the use of the drug states that suppositories should not be used on menstrual days. It is necessary to understand that this information specifically prohibits use when other alternative means are simply not recommended for use during menstruation.

Among the main reasons why it is necessary to postpone the course, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • incomplete treatment;
  • low efficiency of the candle;
  • risk of side effects;
  • formation of immunity in the fungus;
  • unsuitable vaginal environment;
  • development of cystitis.

Doctors warn patients that it is better to use vaginal tablets after menstruation.

Find out in our article at the link why thrush occurs before menstruation.

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