Tablets and injections Etamzilat for heavy menstruation


Etamsylate is a fairly popular drug that should be taken during heavy periods. This advantage is that the therapeutic effect occurs within 30 minutes after taking the drug. If the medicine was administered parenterally, the effect will occur much earlier, after 5 minutes. The duration of action is up to 7-8 hours.

There is no discomfort when taking the proposed remedy, unless there are contraindications.

Use of Etamzilat for heavy periods - reviews of women on use

Menstrual irregularities can manifest themselves in different ways: some women are bothered by excruciating nagging pain in the lower abdomen, others suffer from constant delays, and still others turn to gynecologists with complaints of heavy discharge during menstrual periods. Special hemostatic drugs, including Etamzilat, will help cope with the latter problem.

In what cases is the medicine used?

The medication has certain indications for use. To prevent intense menstrual flow, the product is used in the following situations:

  • severe and prolonged bleeding during menstruation (if a woman has to change hygiene products every 1-2 hours, and the menstruation itself lasts more than a week);
  • weakness , decreased performance during menstruation;
  • anemia , which developed against the background of heavy blood loss during critical days.

In addition, Etamzilat is effective in cases of threatened miscarriage in the early stages, metrorrhagia by hormonal disorders, DUB of unknown etiology , as well as a high probability of blood loss during childbirth .

Etamsylate is considered a fairly strong hemostatic agent , and therefore its correct dosage and dosage regimen can only be determined by a doctor. It is not recommended to self-medicate (especially for girls who purchase the drug to change the onset of menstruation), as this leads to unpredictable consequences.

Side effects

When Etamzilat is used correctly, negative consequences are rarely observed. Problems begin in the event of an overdose or a reaction of individual intolerance to a substance included in its composition. Among them, patients most often note the following undesirable symptoms:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • exacerbation of existing cardiovascular pathologies;
  • headaches, lethargy, sweating;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, bloating (symptoms characteristic of intoxication);
  • skin rashes, bronchospasm, Quincke's edema, itching.

In particularly severe cases of allergies, anaphylactic shock may develop, requiring immediate medical attention.

Method of use of the drug

Etamzilat reduces the intensity of critical days, and also stops menstruation, which last longer than expected. In each situation, the scheme for its application will be different.

For heavy periods

If the patient starts taking the drug on the 3-4th day of menstruation ( 1-2 tablets three times a day ) and continues to take it until they end, the amount of discharge in the next cycle becomes much lower.

This occurs due to the ability of the medication to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and make the blood more viscous.

The therapeutic effect lasts for a month, while the woman remains able to work and feels much better during the entire menstrual period.

For long periods

Sometimes menstruation lasts longer than the number of days prescribed by nature. Etamzilat will also help to cope with this unpleasant situation.

The recommended daily dosage of the drug is 250 mg , and the duration of administration is no longer than 10 days.

In this case, the woman should be under the supervision of her attending physician, as there is a possibility that subsequent dose adjustments may become necessary.

Reviews from women

On the Internet you can find a lot of both positive and negative reviews about Etamzilat. Some of them are given below.

From time to time I worry about heavy periods. No pathological processes were detected in the body. The doctor recommended taking Etamzilat to reduce their intensity. Now this is my “lifesaver”. Menstruation is not so heavy now, even the pain seems to have decreased. There is always such a drug in the first aid kit.

Maria, 22 years old

I took this remedy for a long time. My doctor prescribed it. But recently I began to notice signs of allergies: itching and rashes on the skin that appear while taking Etamzilat. I'm upset because the medicine helped me a lot. I will look for a replacement.

Nadezhda, 38 years old

The medicine came to the rescue when menstruation lasted for 15 days. After the first pill, their intensity began to decline. Later, together with the doctor, we found out the true cause of the bleeding.

Ekaterina, 33 years old


If a woman has contraindications to taking Etamzilat or has an allergic reaction to its components, doctors recommend purchasing one of its analogues:

  1. Dicynone is a medicine that contains the same active substance as Etamzilate.
  2. Tranexam is a fast-acting drug with an additional anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Vikasol is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K, widely used in gynecology.
  4. Vilate is a product that is available in powder form and is used mainly in hospitals (including in the obstetric field).

The replacement of the medication is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. It is prohibited to select an analogue on your own, since each of them has its own dosage and regimen of use.

Bottom line

Etamsylate is a highly effective and affordable drug that allows not only to stop bleeding during menstruation, but also to significantly reduce the abundance of the discharge itself. When used correctly, a woman is able to return to normal life in a short time.


Contraindications and adverse reactions of the body

When prescribing this drug, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, if a woman cannot tolerate the existing components in the medicine, then it is better to refuse it. Most women tolerate the drug well, only occasionally some unpleasant sensations may be observed:

  • Headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Reduced pressure;
  • Heartburn;
  • Heaviness in the stomach;
  • Skin manifestations in the form of itching.

If a woman is intolerant to the drug, then the following changes in the body can be noticed:

  • Itchy skin and rash;
  • Discomfort in the limbs in the form of numbness;
  • Disorders of the nervous and digestive systems.


  • If you are taking anticoagulants, etamsylate is prohibited. In combination with this drug, many complications and adverse reactions occur;
  • This medicine should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. In the first months, the medicine can kill the fetus.
  • It is contraindicated to use etamsylate in tandem with antibiotics.
  • For vascular diseases in the form of thrombosis.

If adverse reactions occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a specialist.


Etamsylate, like any other medication, has its limitations. It is prohibited to take it in the following cases:

  • if the patient is prone to the formation of blood clots, thromboembolism, hypercoagulation;
  • with high blood clotting;
  • during treatment with antibiotics;
  • during lactation (since the drug is excreted in milk); if its use cannot be avoided, the child should be temporarily transferred to formula feeding until the mother stops using the medicine.

It is not recommended to take the product if a woman has an allergic reaction to any component in its composition. In this case, the specialist replaces the medication with a drug with a similar therapeutic effect.


The active ingredient of this drug is sodium ethamsylate. Medicines are produced not only in the form of tablets; there are also solutions for injections. Therefore, it can be taken intravenously, intramuscularly and orally. Instructions for use are a mandatory part of any medicine. It describes the dosage, indications, contraindications and side effects.

You should not self-medicate and take the drug without consulting a gynecologist. Anemia, uterine bleeding, prolonged menstruation and signs of miscarriage are reasons for prescribing this drug.

For heavy periods

There are many reasons for heavy periods. The drug Etamzilat will help stop heavy menstruation. It quite effectively and quickly copes with existing problems arising from hormonal disorders.

It should be remembered that etamsylate for heavy periods is prescribed in accordance with the amount of discharge.

So, if it is not too strong, you can take 1-2 tablets at a time, 3 doses in total. In case of stronger discharge, the dose is increased to 3 tablets. In critical situations, they switch to intravenous use of the drug.

For long periods

Prolonged periods are those that last more than 7 days. With this condition, the female body undergoes significant changes. There is a decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells, which leads to asthenic syndrome and, as a result, various complications can develop. By using the above remedy, the diseases presented can be avoided. It is enough to take Etamzilat tablet daily for 10 days. However, do not forget that it should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Rules for using the drug

To adjust the intensity of menstrual flow, the amount of medication and the duration of its use are selected for each patient individually. It is also worth considering that the medicine affects the structure of the blood, making it thicker, to which the body can react differently. Therefore, if your general condition worsens, you should stop treatment and inform your doctor.

Methods of application

During very heavy menstruation, accompanied by poor health, it is better to use the injectable form of the drug. This method of treatment will be effective, so a positive result will not be long in coming. In milder cases, you can take Etamzilat tablets during menstruation. The instructions for use tell you how to do it correctly:

  1. If the discharge exceeds the norm, but is of moderate intensity, it is recommended to drink 1-2 capsules 3-4 times a day.
  2. If there is a large amount of blood, you should drink 3 tablets 4 times a day.

It must be remembered that oral medications should not be taken on an empty stomach; they are recommended to be taken during or after meals. It is best to start taking capsules 3 days before the onset of your period and continue until it ends. Therapy on a regular basis is usually well tolerated and is of great benefit to patients who suffer from heavy blood loss during menstruation.

Excessive secretion of biological fluid requires injections. Instructions for using Etamzilat injections for bleeding read as follows:

  1. The medicinal solution is injected into a muscle or vein.
  2. A single dose ranges from 125 to 350 mg.
  3. Injections need to be given 3-4 times a day.

Proper use of the medicine helps reduce the volume of bleeding, and therefore improves the quality of a woman’s health - weakness, dizziness, drowsiness disappear, energy increases and performance is maintained.

Etamzilat can also be used during long periods, since blood loss lasting more than 7-8 days can negatively affect well-being and contribute to the development of anemia. In this case, injections at a dose of 250 mg once a day are recommended. Treatment lasts no more than 10 days and is carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist.

There are cases when, in the early stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to bleed, which poses a threat to the baby and can cause a miscarriage. In such a situation, gynecologists often prescribe Etamzilat. You need to take it in small doses 3-4 times a day until the bleeding stops completely. It is important to remember that the amount of the drug should not exceed 1 g per day. For this correction, an injection method is usually used, which is recommended to be carried out in a hospital setting.

Use a hemostatic agent while expecting a baby with caution, since the drug can negatively affect the development of the fetus. If it needs to be used to treat a nursing woman, then the baby should not be put to the breast during this period.

Efficiency of application

The effectiveness of use depends on the reason that caused heavy menstruation.

  • Etamsylate should not be used to shorten already normal menstruation. For example, if the cycle lasts 5 days, then you should not shorten it. This can disrupt the reproductive functions of a woman's body. In case of long-term continuous menstruation, you should consult a doctor.
  • Recently, women have increasingly begun to use intrauterine devices. When using them, the cycle lengthens, and this is considered normal. In order to reduce the amount of discharge, you need to take Etamzilat tablets. Within 3 months, menstruation may not return to normal. However, if this period lengthens, you need to contact a specialist and remove the spiral.
  • During menopause or with hormonal imbalances, heavy, prolonged periods are possible. Therefore, in order to normalize the cycle, you can use the presented drugs.
  • The drug gives a good effect in combination with other drugs. Its properties help cope with infections, inflammation and cancer of the reproductive organs.
  • Miscarriages and false pregnancies are accompanied by bleeding, which can also be stopped with Etamzilat. However, if undesirable reactions occur when using it, you should consult a doctor.

Etamsylate for healthy women

Sometimes representatives of the fair sex really want their critical days, which are accompanied by weakness, abdominal pain, irritability and other unpleasant symptoms, to end as quickly as possible. In these cases, women strive to find a suitable way to shorten their menstrual period. They often use medicinal drugs.

Etamzilat may be the most suitable remedy for this. It strengthens the vessels on the inner surface of the uterus and does not allow them to bleed, due to which the volume of discharge is reduced and menstruation lasts no more than 2-3 days.

It should be borne in mind that a single use of the drug will not cause hormonal changes, so all the sensations accompanying menstrual periods will most likely persist. Due to the influence of the medication, a woman may additionally experience headache, bloating, nausea, dizziness, and decreased sensitivity in the arms and legs.

To stop blood loss, Etamzilat should be taken 4-7 tablets per day from the first day of menstruation. The rules of administration remain the same as for heavy bleeding. But you need to know that even in the absence of contraindications, there is a possibility of harming your body. The drug can disrupt the functioning of the reproductive system and provoke the occurrence of gynecological diseases. Therefore, a hemostatic drug should be used only in emergency cases in the absence of health problems.

Etamsylate has been successfully used during menstruation for quite some time and allows many women to avoid hospital stays due to heavy bleeding. When using the product yourself, it is worth remembering that such a condition during menstruation is pathological, especially if such symptoms have a regular basis. Therefore, it is imperative to undergo a full examination by a gynecologist and begin treatment in a timely manner.

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