4 reasons for discharge after colposcopy: bloody, brown and yellow

What is cervical colposcopy

Colposcopy is a diagnostic examination of the vagina and cervix using a special colposcope device. The main indications for this examination are deviations from the norm in the results of a cytological smear. Using a colposcope under various optical magnifications, you can examine the entire area of ​​the cervix and vaginal walls, and differentiate malignant tumors from benign neoplasms. Assess the appearance of organs (vascular pattern, epithelial disorders, boundaries of identified neoplasms, tissue color). During the procedure, if necessary, a biopsy is performed for further diagnosis.

This procedure can also be performed during pregnancy, but not for prophylactic purposes, but only if there are direct indications for this. This manipulation is safe for the fetus, a woman does not need to be afraid of it.

Those who are about to undergo an examination are concerned about the pain of colposcopy; this method is practically painless and can cause slight discomfort, as during a regular gynecological examination. The subject is positioned on a gynecological chair, the doctor uses a mirror to expose the cervix, removes vaginal discharge with a cotton swab and then conducts an examination. A simple examination lasts no more than 10 minutes, but there are times when the gynecologist needs detailed information about the condition of the mucous membrane of the cervix, then additional tests are carried out in which the cervix is ​​treated with a 3% solution of acetic acid and an aqueous solution of iodine.

  • When treating the cervical mucosa with a vinegar solution, an immediate reaction occurs, healthy tissues sharply contract, but if there is a pathology, the reaction will not occur. During acid treatment, the patient does not experience pain, and the mucous membrane returns to normal after 2 minutes;
  • After treating the mucous membrane with an iodine solution, the doctor waits 2 minutes, during which time healthy tissue should turn the color of the solution, but tissue with pathology will not change its color;
  • Fluorescent colposcopy is performed only in cases of suspected malignancy. During the examination, the mucous membrane is treated with fluorochrome, then the tissues are illuminated with ultraviolet rays. In the light of the rays, oncological inclusions glow pink.

If the examination reveals areas with pathological changes, the specialist performs a targeted biopsy for the purpose of histological examination, specifically from the area with pathology.

Why you shouldn't have sex before a colposcopy

Many women do not wonder whether it is possible to have sex before colposcopy and simply follow the doctor’s instructions. However, for most young couples who are sexually active, the recommendations seem difficult to implement, even if abstinence from sex should last 1-2 days. To understand the importance of this point of preparation, you should voice the goals of preparation before examining the cervix:

  1. Reducing the secretion secreted by the mucous membranes of the cervical canal and vagina. During sexual intercourse, its synthesis increases several times and remains at this level for about a day. Mucus secretion makes visualization difficult. To see the cervix in great detail, the doctor will have to more thoroughly clean its surface from discharge, and this can lead to irritation, microtrauma and, as a result, an increased risk of a false negative diagnosis.
  2. Maintaining normal blood flow in the upper layers of the mucous membrane. During sex, there is an active flow of blood to the genitals, the vascular pattern becomes clearer, and the tissues lining the vagina may swell. Similar changes are observed in inflammatory and malignant processes. This makes it somewhat difficult to make a correct diagnosis, especially if the doctor does not know that the true cause of the changes is the sexual contact that occurred the day before.
  3. Preservation of normal color and structure of mucous membranes. The friction and irritation from contraceptives that occurs during coitus can provoke hyperemia, swelling and more active detachment of the epithelium. All this can negatively affect the diagnostic performance.

Indications for the study

Colposcopy is a routine examination that a woman should undergo annually, but there are cases when it may be additionally prescribed by a gynecologist if the patient develops symptoms such as:

  • Constant mild pain in the lower abdomen or wave-like attacks of pain, from strong pain to weak and again to strong;
  • Bleeding outside the menstrual cycle;
  • Rash or single rashes, of unknown etiology, on the genitals;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse and bleeding during or after intercourse;
  • Discomfortable sensations in the vagina, accompanied by burning and itching.

Is it possible to perform colposcopy for thrush?

Thrush is a common occurrence in many women, regardless of age, frequency of sexual intercourse and hygiene. Most often, candidiasis is accompanied by the following clinical symptoms:

  • Itching of the vulva
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • Vaginal discharge of a cheesy nature;
  • Burning and discomfort when emptying the bladder;

Itching of the vulva with thrush can be constant or paroxysmal in nature, appearing a few days before the onset of menstruation, or after the menstrual period. Itching can be caused by wearing tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics, using pads that are not changed promptly, or insufficiently careful adherence to intimate hygiene during menstruation.

Most often, itching of the vulva intensifies at night, as well as after taking a hot bath, eating spicy foods and spices. This phenomenon most often worries women who are genetically predisposed to allergies. As a result of severe unbearable itching of the genitals, a woman may experience disturbed sleep, irritability and mental disturbances of consciousness.

Due to the proliferation of yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida, the amount of vaginal discharge increases, which irritates the skin in the vestibule of the vagina and provokes severe itching of the vulva.

As a result of scratching the vulva, redness, swelling and increased sensitivity to contact with water and urine appear on the mucous membrane.

Normally, the glands that are located in the tissues of the genital organs secrete a small required amount of vaginal mucus, which moisturizes the vaginal mucosa, prevents drying and promotes self-cleaning of the vagina.

With thrush, the amount of discharge increases sharply, and the pH of the vagina changes. The discharge becomes copious, thick, cheesy, and viscous. After discharge gets on the external genitalia, severe itching begins, which prompts the woman to pay more attention to intimate hygiene.

Bladder emptying and sexual intercourse

With candidiasis, a woman experiences discomfort during sexual intercourse and when emptying the bladder. Due to the contact of the fungus on the mucous membranes of the vagina and its intensive reproduction, irritation, itching and swelling develop, and upon contact with urine or male seminal fluid, the irritated mucous surface reacts painfully, reminiscent of a burn.

It is important to remember that thrush is often just one of the clinical symptoms of another pathological condition in a woman’s body. For example, candidiasis can develop

  • due to weakened immune function,
  • after uncontrolled use of antibiotics,
  • with diabetes mellitus.

Contraindications for the study

Although colposcopy is a safe examination method, it also has a number of limitations and contraindications. Manipulation is not prescribed in the first 2 months after childbirth, if less than a month has passed since the abortion or if surgery has recently been performed on the cervix.

Contraindications to extended colposcopy are the patient’s intolerance to acetic acid and preparations containing iodine.

The procedure is prescribed with caution to women with severe inflammation, cervical bleeding, and severe atrophy of the external os of the cervical canal.

Posterior colporrhaphy, indications, contraindications, postoperative period

The main indication for posterior colporrhaphy is the patient’s complaints associated with prolapse or prolapse of the posterior vaginal wall.

Intimate plastic surgery for medical reasons is performed in the presence of the following symptoms: difficulty emptying the rectum, subjective sensation of a foreign body in the external genital area, discomfort in a sitting position, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, aggravated by physical activity.

Posterior colporrhaphy with perineal plastic surgery and reduction in the size of the vaginal vestibule is recommended for patients who complain of dissatisfaction with their sexual life, dyspareunia (unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse).

At the request of a woman, to improve the aesthetic characteristics of the intimate area, colpoperineoplasty is performed in the presence of old cicatricial deformities of the perineum, tears and stretches of the vaginal walls, gaping of the genital fissure, which occur after childbirth or mechanical trauma.

Rectocele (diverticulum-like invagination of the anterior rectal wall towards the vagina) is an indication for posterior colporrhaphy with levatoroplasty, during which defects in the deeper structures of the pelvic floor are eliminated.

Various modifications of surgical intervention, as the only effective method of treating genital prolapse, are recommended for use at a young age after the end of childbearing or at any age when the quality of life decreases.

Absolute contraindications to posterior colporrhaphy are acute infectious diseases of any organs and systems, decompensated diabetes mellitus with micro- and macroangiopathy, pregnancy and diseases of the blood coagulation system.

A woman's desire to have children is considered a temporary contraindication (pregnancy and childbirth negatively affect the achieved results of vaginal plastic surgery).

Congenital and acquired deformities of the pelvic bones can also be an obstacle to posterior colporrhaphy.

Opening of bleeding after colposcopy

The length of hospitalization depends on the extent of the surgical intervention and the characteristics of the postoperative period.

In some clinics, posterior colporrhaphy is performed according to the principle of “one-day surgery”; the patient is sent home 4 hours after the operation.

The suture material used in posterior colporrhaphy to restore the integrity of the vaginal wall dissolves on its own within 6 weeks. Perineal sutures made of non-absorbable thread are removed after 14 days.

For 6-8 weeks, the patient must strictly observe sexual rest. For 7 days after posterior colporrhaphy, you are not allowed to sit at a right angle; for 2 weeks you are not allowed to squat.

After each use of the toilet, it is necessary to wash the perineum with an antiseptic solution.

To prevent inflammatory processes, antibacterial therapy and vaginal sanitation with complex antimicrobial and antifungal suppositories are prescribed for 5-7 days.

In the early postoperative period, dysuric disorders (reaction to the urinary catheter), tissue swelling, and bloody vaginal discharge may be observed. A follow-up examination on a gynecological chair after posterior colporrhaphy is carried out a week later. When returning to sexual activity, it is necessary to use lubricants for the first time.

Colposcopy is a widely used procedure in gynecology that allows you to diagnose the development of cervical dysplasia, oncology and other pathological processes in just 15-20 minutes. During it, a special device is used - a colposcope, which is presented in the form of a backlit microscope, magnifying the vaginal walls 1000 times.

In the first case, the cervix is ​​examined, during which the doctor visually evaluates:

  • The quality and nature of the secreted mucous secretion.
  • Organ dimensions.
  • Condition of the cervical canal.
  • Boundaries of the transition between columnar and squamous epithelium.

The occurrence of heavy bleeding after the diagnosis of pathologies of the cervical canal indicates only one thing - a complication has begun. In this case, we are talking about damage to the mucous membranes and blood vessels, which occurred due to the fault of the specialist who examined the vagina.

In such a situation, you need to visit the doctor again. And if he refuses to provide assistance, you should contact the head of the department and inform him about the problem that has arisen. Because such a phenomenon cannot be ignored. The woman needs additional treatment, because bleeding that occurs can have serious consequences.

Preparing for colporrhaphy

Before the intervention, the patient is prescribed laboratory and instrumental tests. The preoperative preparation protocol includes CBC, OAM, biochemical blood test, coagulogram, determination of blood group and Rh factor, blood tests for dangerous infections (syphilis, hepatitis B and C, HIV), ECG and examination by a therapist.

The list of gynecological examination methods before posterior colporrhaphy includes a bacteriological smear to determine the degree of vaginal cleanliness, an oncocytological smear from the cervical canal, extended colposcopy, and pelvic ultrasound. Upon admission to the hospital, the operating gynecologist performs a vaginal examination and rectal examination.

The evening before and the morning of the day of posterior colporrhaphy, it is necessary to do a cleansing enema.

The hair in the area of ​​the external genitalia and perineum should be shaved on the morning of the operation to prevent the appearance of pustular rashes.

A few days before posterior colporrhaphy, it is recommended to sanitize the vagina with antimicrobial suppositories (at night) and daily douching using antiseptic solutions (in the morning).

For varicose veins, immediately before surgery, compression of the lower extremities with an elastic bandage or medical knitwear is required.

Before entering the operating room, the bladder is catheterized with a Foley catheter.

In menstruating women, posterior colporrhaphy is performed immediately after menstruation (day 6-8 of the cycle) so that the main reparative processes are completed before the next menstrual bleeding begins.

Common Causes

The appearance of vaginal mucous secretion of unusual color and consistency after colposcopy most often means that during the examination the doctor used medicinal solutions to identify the boundaries of the affected areas on the cervix. Since iodine or Lugol, which have a dark tint, is mainly used for this purpose, this helps to change the characteristics of the discharge. They may become brown, yellow, orange, reddish, and thicker than usual.

It is for this reason that, after completing the examination, the specialist recommends that his patients use a sanitary pad to avoid getting the medicine on their underwear. He warns in advance that such discharge can be observed for up to 5 days and there is nothing to worry about.


Posterior colporrhaphy is performed under epidural anesthesia or endotracheal anesthesia.

The patient is placed on her back, shifted as far forward as possible (so that the buttocks protrude above the edge of the operating table) with her hips widely separated, which are fixed with leg holders (position for lithotomy).

The external genitalia and inner thighs are treated with an alcohol-based antiseptic solution. The surgical field is fenced off with sterile linen. The labia minora are spread apart and fixed with interrupted sutures to the inner thighs.

To safely separate the flap, hydropreparation is performed by infiltrating saline into the submucosal layer. Posterior colporrhaphy begins with excision of a triangular-shaped flap of the posterior vaginal wall. The length and width of the flap are determined by the degree of prolapse and the size of the rectocele.

The first stage of posterior colporrhaphy begins with clamping the area of ​​the mucous membrane of the posterior vaginal wall and the skin of the perineum to be removed.

Having pulled the edges of the vaginal wall with clamps, the surgeon separates the flap from the bottom up using a sharp and blunt method.

After excision of excess tissue in the presence of a rectocele, the doctor’s further actions are aimed at restoring and strengthening defects in the deep spaces of the pelvic floor (levothroplasty).

The final stage of posterior colporrhaphy is the closure of the defect in the vaginal and perineal mucosa. The edges of the vaginal wound are often connected with continuous sutures using a self-absorbing thread.

The edges of the skin of the perineum, together with the underlying tissues, are usually restored with separate silk or nylon sutures. After completing all stages of posterior colporrhaphy, the vagina is tamponed with a tight gauze swab, which is removed after a day.

The average volume of intraoperative blood loss is 100-150 ml. The duration of the operation ranges from 30 to 60 minutes.


The most common complication of posterior colporrhaphy is postoperative small hematomas, which usually empty or resolve on their own.

Rare complications include bleeding, perforation of the rectal wall, and dehiscence of postoperative sutures.

The disadvantage of posterior colporrhaphy is the high rate of recurrence of vaginal wall prolapse and rectocele, which, according to the literature, ranges from 6 to 30%.

Source: https://roddom2-vlg.ru/vydeleniya-posle-kolporafii/

How to prepare for colposcopy

The examination does not require special preparation, everything is almost the same as during a regular gynecological examination:

  • A day before the procedure, refrain from sexual intercourse;
  • Do not douche or perform hygiene procedures using gels and other products other than baby soap;
  • Stop treatment with any vaginal medications three days in advance.

The study is scheduled 2 days after the end of menstruation or immediately before its start; in the middle of the menstrual cycle, colposcopy is not performed due to the woman’s heavy discharge. Abundant mucus secretions make manipulation difficult and can lead to false results.

You must take a disposable diaper and clean socks with you to the procedure.


Since colposcopy is a diagnosis of an intimate nature, its rapid completion causes psychological discomfort in women, and especially in young girls who have not previously encountered a similar phenomenon. Shy and vulnerable representatives of the fair sex will be helped to cope with their inner fears by reading reviews from real patients who share their impressions of the study they experienced.

Elena: To be honest, I was very afraid of this colposcopy! I didn’t know how it was carried out and why! Even the word itself was scary - kind of scary... But health is more expensive, so I went for the procedure. It turned out to be unpleasant, just like a regular gynecological examination. But there was nothing to be afraid of. There is only a slight tug in the lower abdomen during manipulation. You only need to be patient for five or ten minutes. But they ruled out any erosion for me (there was a suspicion), and I felt relieved. So don’t be afraid, girls, go for an examination - your life will be calmer!

Irina: We women monitor our health very carefully, and this is especially true for gynecology. I won’t open America about the need to undergo diagnostics every year. When I next went to see a doctor, the gynecologist advised, in addition to the usual tests, to also do a colposcopy. At the time of the study, the doctor commented on all her actions; in addition, I could observe the procedure, since all the information from the colposcope was displayed on the screen. The next day I took the tests, the doctor’s report and the colposcopy photo that were taken during the procedure.

Tatuasal: I admit, I was afraid of colposcopy. But in reality everything turned out to be much simpler, there were unpleasant moments, but you can be patient. I had the procedure done in a private clinic, the price was reasonable. I recommend that you have a colposcopy if it is prescribed by your attending physician, since we have one health and it should not be neglected.

Compliance with all the rules of preparation and peace of mind during the examination will not only reduce the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome to zero, but also significantly visualize the condition of the mucous membrane of the internal genital organs.

How a colposcope works

A binocular optical colposcope gradually enlarges the image using interchangeable eyepieces and allows you to obtain a three-dimensional image. There is a light source on the head of the device, with the help of which it is possible to examine the vagina and cervix in great detail and detect pathological changes in time.

The video colposcope is equipped with a camera. The camera displays video on the monitor and allows you to conduct a more in-depth examination and produce and save research data for study.

Advantages of video colposcopy

Modern video colposcopic systems perform video recording in high resolution, with automatic color balancing, which allows you to obtain an image absolutely identical to that available during direct visual inspection. The presence of such video recording opens up certain opportunities for gynecologists that were previously unavailable:

  • a more detailed examination of areas that raise doubts regarding initial pathological structural changes;
  • recording the examination results for subsequent assessment of dynamics during treatment therapy;
  • the ability to involve colleagues in the study, including remotely (necessary in the most diagnostically difficult cases).

What pathologies are detected using colposcopy?

Using colposcopy, a number of diseases of both benign and malignant etiology are detected:

  • Papilloma is a neoplasm caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), most often of a benign nature, but in rare cases it can become malignant. Papilloma looks like an overgrown wart with a shiny pink or bluish surface. When treated with acetic acid it turns pale;
  • Erosion - pathology is a consequence of mechanical injuries and inflammatory processes; erosion means ulceration and disruption of the integrity of the epithelial covers of the mucous membrane. The disease is quite common in every third woman. The erosion has a smooth, fine-grained surface, scarlet in color with pronounced blood vessels;
  • Polyps are pathological growths of columnar epithelium from the cervical canal; there are both single and multiple growths. The formations are usually benign, but in advanced form they often take on a malignant form;
  • Cervical endometriosis is a disease caused by the growth of the endometrium outside the uterus; normally, endometrial cells do not protrude beyond the uterus, but in the case of hormonal disorders, they may grow into the cervix and other organs that have a mucous membrane. Upon examination, it is clear that the pathological area is slightly raised above the surface of the mucosa, has an irregular shape, and is pink or bluish-scarlet in color. Areas with overgrown endometrium are prone to bleeding;
  • Cervical carcinoma - the pathology looks like a glassy area with tuberous protrusions, the vessels in the pathological area are clearly visible. When treated with reagents during extended colposcopy, no reaction occurs. This is an oncological neoplasm. For such obvious symptoms, a biopsy is not required.

It is important to know! All women of childbearing age, as well as postmenopausal women, must undergo a gynecological examination. This helps to identify pathologies in time and avoid advanced cases of serious diseases!

4 reasons for discharge after colposcopy: bloody, brown and yellow

Colposcopy is a gynecological procedure that is mandatory for women of reproductive age, which is recommended to be performed at least once every 3 years in order to diagnose pathological processes in the uterine cavity.

As a rule, during it, patients do not experience discomfort or pain, but very often they complain of the appearance of discharge after colposcopy of various shades and consistency.

What does it mean? And is there a need to visit the doctor again if they occur?

Discharge after colposcopy

Gynecologists explain that discharge after colposcopy should not cause alarm, especially in the first 2-3 days. No matter how minimally traumatic this intervention is, it inevitably causes a reaction of the mucous membranes: the glands that produce vaginal and endocervical secretions begin to function in an enhanced mode under any impact, therefore the volume of secretions increases.

Good to know! Even after sexual intercourse, the mucous membranes of the genital tract produce more mucus.

Normally, the discharge after the procedure is watery or mucous, without clots or inclusions, with a neutral or slightly “medicinal” odor. They may contain blood in the form of veins. Such bleeding is observed for no longer than 3 days.

When conducting extended colposcopy with biopsy within a few days after the examination, a different pattern of discharge is observed:

  • in 2/3 of patients, a smear may occur, in which bloody transparent discharge with a watery structure predominates - a sign that the mucous membrane was injured during the collection of biopsy material;
  • in patients who have undergone the Schiller test, there is some mucous brown discharge - iodine is present in normal discharge from the genital tract, which stained the cervix.

Normally, the described discharge stops after a few days, but when a biopsy is taken and cauterized, the cervical erosion bleeds for a maximum of 5-7 days.

As for pathological bleeding after colposcopy, it cannot be confused with typical discharge, since not blood-stained mucus is released from the genital tract, but full-fledged blood, as with normal menstrual bleeding. If she wets a sanitary pad in less than 2 hours, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

Pain and pulling sensations in the abdomen after the procedure

There is nothing dangerous in the fact that the patient’s lower abdomen hurts at the end of the examination. Even a routine examination in a gynecological chair can cause pain. In the case of diagnostic manipulations - biopsy, tests during extended colposcopy - the stomach may well hurt due to a spasm that occurs due to the impact of instruments and reagents on the cervix.

Another reason why the lower abdomen may hurt is injury to the mucous membranes during a biopsy. In this case, doctors warn that if the lower abdomen pulls for 1-3 days, and the nature of the pain resembles menstrual pain, this is normal and does not require calling an ambulance.

Helpful advice! To relieve pain and spasms, you can take No-Shpa or Drotaverine.

We can talk about pathology and complications if the stomach hurts for 3 or more days, and the discomfort is accompanied by an increase in temperature and increased discharge. You should also be concerned if antispasmodics do not reduce pain.

Types of research

There are two main types of manipulation:

A simple colposcopy involves examining the cervix under a microscope: visually assessing the discharge, the condition and size of the organ, the cervical canal, the border between the columnar and squamous epithelium - the transformation zone. With this method of observation, obvious disorders can be identified: hypertrophy, ectopia, polyps, condylomas, cysts.

Extended colposcopy involves the use of special solutions. Lugol's and acetic acid are most often used. With appropriate coloring, epithelial cells accumulate or do not allow secretion to pass through. Normally, the same tissue reaction to the solution is observed.

When pathology appears, the accumulation of color changes, a vascular reaction appears - this makes it possible to identify the affected areas and the atypical structure of blood vessels. In addition to the procedure, it is recommended to perform a biopsy of suspicious lesions to clarify the diagnosis.

Can colposcopy cause burning and itching?

As a result of a standard examination, burning and itching are not a sign of normality, especially if atypical discharge is present: yellowish or greenish in color, with an unpleasant sour, fishy or putrid odor.

However, most often such consequences are observed after an extensive examination, during which Lugol's solution was used.

This reagent may irritate the delicate mucous membranes of the genital tract and external genitalia after removal from the vagina, causing an unpleasant itching sensation.

When is it necessary to consult a doctor:

  • burning and itching does not stop for more than a week;
  • discomfort is accompanied by redness and swelling of the external genitalia;
  • abundant cloudy or white discharge with an unpleasant odor appears;
  • There is acute pain when urinating.

A vaginal smear for microflora will help to find out the cause of the listed symptoms. Based on the test results, the doctor will prescribe therapy.

The effect of colposcopy on menstruation

When carrying out diagnostics, this method does not affect the sex glands (ovaries), which are responsible for the regularity of menstruation, therefore, after the procedure, hormonal imbalances leading to a delay or early appearance of menstrual bleeding are excluded. However, some patients experience that their cycle shifts. There are reasons for these phenomena, and they are worth considering in more detail.

Can colposcopy provoke menstruation?

Gynecologists unanimously claim that colposcopy is not able to provoke menstruation. In most cases, bleeding that occurs on the first day after the procedure is a consequence of additional manipulations performed as part of the examination:

  • taking a biopsy;
  • “cauterization” of erosion;
  • conization of the cervix.

If the wound surface is treated poorly with coagulators or the result of such manipulations may be bleeding. In intensity and pain, it is very similar to normal menstruation. This type of bleeding is not normal and requires treatment.

Can menstruation be late?

A delay in menstruation is possible, but the reason for its occurrence may have nothing to do with the procedure. Most often, a delay in menstruation is a consequence of stress, because most women are afraid of the procedure and also worry about its results. Pregnancy occurring in the middle of the cycle can also provoke disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Important! If menstruation is delayed by 7 days or more, it is first recommended to take a pregnancy test, and only then make an appointment with a gynecologist with complaints about the delay.

Are there any restrictions after colposcopy?

After the procedure, the patient will learn from the gynecologist about what is possible and what is not possible after colposcopy. Until complete recovery and cessation of discharge, it is recommended to use sanitary pads. They should be changed after every trip to the toilet. To avoid complications, it is important to maintain intimate hygiene, wash yourself at least 2 times a day with warm water and soap.

To reduce discomfort, you can use NSAIDs or antispasmodics. It is important to remember that this should be done under the supervision of a doctor.

The standard list of prohibited actions includes the following restrictions:

  • being in conditions with elevated temperatures - baths, saunas, beaches, open sunny places;
  • water procedures - it is not advisable to visit the pool after colposcopy, take a bath, or swim in open water until complete recovery (at least a week);
  • hygienic procedures - douching should not be done after colposcopy of the cervix for 7-10 days, and you should not use hygienic tampons;
  • Sexual life - for 10 days after colposcopy you cannot even have protected sex.

Also, after colposcopy, you should not do cupping massage on the lumbar region, ride a bicycle or lift weights. All these activities cause blood flow to the pelvic organs and can cause bleeding.

Vaginal bleeding

After the colposcopy procedure, in rare cases, spotting and bleeding may occur. This is due to possible injury to superficial vessels as a result of medical actions on the cervix.

As a rule, such bleeding is quite scanty and appears during simultaneous diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

However, there are times when spotting intensifies and causes an unpleasant pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, as well as malaise. After colposcopy, such complications are more often observed in women who have had cauterization of cervical erosion. In such cases, the patient needs symptomatic therapy and medical observation, until such discharge completely stops.

During this period, it is not recommended to use hygienic tampons, medications in the form of vaginal creams or suppositories, as well as lubricants and spermicides.

Dangerous symptoms after colposcopy:

  • heavy vaginal bleeding;
  • significant increase in body temperature;
  • chills and fever;
  • intense pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by cramps.

The appearance of such serious signs may indicate the presence of an infection, which is a serious reason to immediately consult a doctor. It should be noted that such symptoms are quite rare, but it is still worth paying due attention to them.

A woman should urgently seek qualified help from the gynecological department of a hospital, since self-treatment at home is strictly prohibited. This can cause various negative consequences and lead to serious health problems.

This article does not constitute medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for consultation with a physician.

Patients who are scheduled for cervical colposcopy worry not only about the procedure itself, but also about what awaits them after the diagnosis.

Numerous forums are filled with rumors about various difficulties that await women: after colposcopy, the discharge does not stop, the menstrual cycle has shifted, inflammation has appeared - and many other stories, most of which have no reasonable basis.

This material will help to get an idea of ​​what the patient can expect and what symptoms should cause alarm.

Can the procedure cause negative consequences?

Various complications after colposcopy, if the doctor’s recommendations are followed, are extremely rare. The most common consequences of the procedure:

  • exacerbation of thrush after colposcopy;
  • inflammation of the cervix;
  • reactive or allergic cystitis.

The main reasons for the occurrence of such complications are associated with poor personal hygiene and early onset of sexual relations after diagnosis.

A complication such as bleeding occurs due to overheating of the body, heavy lifting or rough sex. In extremely rare cases, bleeding occurs due to the death of the fertilized egg (early miscarriage).

This usually happens if the procedure was done while planning a pregnancy, and a biopsy was required to make a diagnosis.

The incidence of complications associated with medical error, infection or gross trauma to the cervix is ​​less than 1%.


Patients are recommended to have an annual colposcopy during a routine examination by a gynecologist in order to prevent cancer. In addition to the planned option, the procedure is carried out in the following cases:

  • ectopia (erosion);
  • if you suspect cancer or precancerous processes, including in pregnant women;
  • dysplasia;
  • to clarify inflammatory diseases;
  • during pregnancy planning;
  • in case of cycle disorders, the appearance of intermenstrual discharge;
  • presence of human papillomavirus;
  • menopause;
  • “bad” cytology smear.

Source: https://xn—-ctbfebylmr2abm7jk.xn--p1ai/skrining/posle-kolposkopii-vydeleniya-zheltovatye.html

Are there any consequences after the study?

Colposcopy is a popular and simple gynecological examination that usually does not have negative consequences.

After the extended colposcopy procedure, there is a brown discharge. This should not cause concern for a woman; it is the remains of the iodine solution that come out. Occasionally, minor pain may occur due to stretching of the vagina with gynecological instruments.

In very rare cases, an infection can occur in the vagina, after which inflammatory processes occur, but this is more related to the doctor’s negligence than to the consequences of manipulation.

Colposcopic examination is an effective way to diagnose diseases of the vagina and cervix; using this technique, you can quickly and reliably make a diagnosis and begin timely treatment.

Video: Colposcopy of the cervix


Video: 4 important facts about colposcopy

Colposcopy: 4 important facts - Dr. Elena Berezovskaya

Colposcopy during pregnancy

For a woman expecting a child, it is quite natural to worry about the health of the unborn baby and think about various issues in this regard. Now she is interested in: is anesthesia harmful when visiting a dentist? How to protect yourself from viral infections. How does this or that medication affect a child? Many such questions arise during pregnancy. At times these fears are justified, but sometimes they are based on basic ignorance of certain things. So it is with the question of carrying out such gynecological manipulation as colposcopy.

To dot all the I’s, let’s immediately answer that colposcopy during pregnancy does not cause any harm to the baby and does not increase the risk of spontaneous abortion. On the contrary, in some cases, this procedure is vital because it allows us to identify tissue changes at the cellular level, and this, as is known, is cancer.

What is a colposcope? In simple words, this is a gynecological microscope that allows you to examine the epithelial layer for the presence or absence of abnormalities in the cells of the cervical mucosa.

Question answer

1. For labial herpes, urogenital PCR test results will be negative.

The analysis was not taken from the lips - and there was no exacerbation.

2. It is necessary to take a blood test for antibodies to STIs - the test should show antibodies to HSV type 1.

3. The usual frequency of colposcopy with oncocytology is once a year, if there are no complaints.

4. It is necessary to pass a culture for microflora with determination of sensitivity and mycoureplasmosis from the cervical canal.

5. Regarding ectopia - depending on the age, the question of surgical intervention should be raised, preferably laser destruction.

You can make an appointment at the gynecology department. Our doctors will clarify the detailed picture of the disease. You can also take all necessary tests directly in our clinic.

Diagnosis of thrush - scope of examination to establish a diagnosis

August 20, 2012

When a woman develops symptoms of a vaginal infection or thrush, a comprehensive laboratory and instrumental study is required. Diagnosis of thrush should be aimed at identifying the possible causative agent of the disease. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to finally establish a diagnosis and prescribe an appropriate course of antifungal therapy. Without laboratory confirmation of the presence of thrush, treatment should not be started.

Microbiological diagnostic methods

Examination of vaginal discharge using smear microscopy is a simple and accessible diagnostic method. Material for research is collected during an examination of a woman on a gynecological chair. Gynecological chair: get to know each other better. There are two research methods - in colored and native preparations. A microscopic examination makes it possible to determine the following:

  • confirms the presence or absence of not only the fungus itself, but also its spores and mycelium
  • determines the presence of microorganisms that can cause a mixed or mixed infection and establishes their identity

The greatest importance in diagnostic terms is given to cultural research. It must be carried out in cases of chronic and complicated recurrent forms of the disease. The method has broader capabilities:

  • establishment of the genus and species of fungal flora
  • determination of sensitivity to various antifungal agents
  • identifying the presence of concomitant bacterial flora

If a fungal infection of the vagina occurs in the form of candidiasis, cultural diagnosis is mandatory. This will allow timely prevention of not only the development of a clinically expressed form of thrush, but also various complications that are associated with a fungal infection. Fungal infection: prevent and defeat. According to existing guidelines, cultural testing should also be prescribed to pregnant women. More than half of pregnant women are carriers of a fungal infection, so in this case, timely diagnosis and treatment help prevent infectious complications directly during pregnancy and after childbirth. Bacteriological examination of vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge: normal or disease? should be performed in the third trimester so that, if necessary, the woman can receive a course of antifungal therapy before giving birth.

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