Why do I have bloody and brown discharge when taking Regulon, and after discontinuation?

Bleeding while taking birth control pills can normally occur in the first months after starting to use these drugs. If an oral contraceptive (OC) is chosen correctly for a woman, then after a while the spotting will stop, and only regular menstrual-like discharge will occur. In cases where the latter persist for more than three months, the doctor will determine the cause and select another contraceptive.

If heavy bleeding appears in the middle of the cycle, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Discharge while taking birth control varies. They occur both normally and indicate that the chosen drug is not suitable for the woman.


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Causes of bleeding

Regulon is a combined oral contraceptive that contains 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol and 0.15 mg desogestrel. It belongs to the group of low-dose contraceptives due to the amount of estrogen component. Estrogens in the composition are necessary to maintain normal endometrial thickness, control the menstrual cycle and prevent intermenstrual bleeding. But in certain conditions, discharge from the genital tract cannot be avoided.

Adaptation to the drug

Regulon should be taken from the first day of menstruation. Take 1 tablet per day strictly at the same time. Thanks to desogestrel, a woman is reliably protected from pregnancy; it blocks the pituitary gland and prevents it from stimulating the ovaries. At the same time, the production of your own estrogens decreases. Ethinyl estradiol in Regulon should maintain the physiological level of estrogen. But often it is lower than what existed before. The body reacts to this with the appearance of acyclic bleeding. They appear in the middle of the cycle, are scanty in volume, dark.

Adaptation to contraceptives lasts no more than 2 months. At the same time, pain and engorgement of the mammary glands may appear.

Hormone deficiency

For adolescents, the concentration of estrogen in Regulon is high; it is intended for women who have given birth or women of reproductive age. But after 35-40 years, the amount of estrogen may be insufficient for normal cycle control. Therefore, a woman may begin to bleed while taking Regulon due to a lack of hormones. Discharge usually appears at the beginning or middle of the cycle and can vary in volume.

Breakthrough bleeding is possible in women who have been taking Regulon for a long time and have not noticed the side effects of the drug. This effect is explained by age-related changes in the body.


Regulon may cause bleeding if a woman does not follow the instructions for use. The drug must be taken daily at the same time, without missing tablets. If you forget about Regulon, you have 24 hours to take the missed dose. Contraception recommendations are then followed to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

If you skip the pill again after a short period of time, the hormonal levels may change in such a way that uterine bleeding begins. The contraceptive effect may also be reduced.

Bad habits

Bad habits affect hormonal levels. Drinking large amounts of alcohol can change how sex steroids are metabolized in the liver. In this case, side effects from the use of oral contraceptives appear, including bleeding.

In women who smoke, microvessels are damaged and the likelihood of blood clots increases. Therefore, she may experience dark bloody discharge due to thrombosis and destruction of the vessels of the uterus.

Effect of other drugs

If a woman begins her period prematurely while taking Regulon, it is necessary to pay attention to what medications were taken simultaneously with an oral contraceptive. Drugs that have the properties of inducers of microsomal liver enzymes pose a danger. They accelerate the metabolism of Regulon, so the concentration of the hormone in the blood is less than normal, and heavy discharge may begin. This effect has:

  • phenobarbital;
  • rifampicin;
  • carbamazepine;
  • griseofulvin;
  • drugs for the treatment of HIV infection.

The effect of accelerating hepatic metabolism is observed if the drug is taken for more than 4 days.

Digestive tract dysfunction

The effectiveness of oral contraceptives depends on the functioning of the digestive tract. Vomiting or diarrhea that began less than 3 hours after taking the pill may prevent the drug from being absorbed, so the contraceptive effect will decrease, as will the concentration of hormones in the blood.

Brown discharge when taking Regulon

Typically, in 30-40% of patients, the discharge stops a few weeks after starting therapy. Although in some women the adaptation period to the drug reaches up to 6 months. But if the discharge is observed for longer than six months, this is already a pathology. Sometimes spotting is a consequence of stopping the medication.

Indications for taking Regulon

This is an estrogen-progestin drug that affects the functions of the ovaries, so they cannot reproduce eggs. As a result, the eggs either mature poorly or do not leave the follicle at all during a given cycle. In addition, the drug changes the composition of the uterine mucus, it becomes more viscous. Therefore, even if the egg is fertilized, it will not be able to reach the endometrium, so pregnancy will not occur.

However, there are other indications for which you need to take Regulon:

  • For the treatment of severe pain, weakness, dizziness during menstruation;
  • In order to restore the menstrual cycle. For example, if due to stress, injury and other factors, menstruation occurs too often, or, conversely, there is a very long gap between menstruation;
  • To reduce the amount of blood released during menstruation. If a woman has very heavy discharge, this can lead to anemia. Menstruation can be called heavy when a woman has to change the pad more than 2 hours due to its rapid filling;
  • After an abortion or miscarriage, to reduce the likelihood of bleeding. In addition, in this case, Regulon helps restore the woman’s reproductive function and also improves the condition of the reproductive system organs;
  • In the presence of benign fibroids, Regulon promotes its rapid resorption;
  • In the case of the initial stage of endometriosis, taking the drug improves the condition of the uterus and helps slow down the growth of the endometrium beyond its limits. After long-term therapy, the mucous membrane returns to normal size;
  • For the treatment of acne that is caused by hormonal changes and cannot be treated with other means.

Regulon is rarely used as an independent remedy for the treatment of pathologies. It is usually taken in combination with other drugs.

Causes of bleeding

If brown discharge occurs while taking Regulon, you should not immediately panic. In most cases, this condition is normal and is caused by the following reasons:

  • The adaptation period of the body to a new drug. Under the influence of the drug, the reproductive system is forced to work differently, and this can cause a stressful state and some resistance from the body. As a result, spotting outside the menstrual cycle may appear, which lasts for quite a long time. Severe bleeding occurs less frequently, but it does not last long. This condition is normal for several months after the start of treatment. If the woman’s condition is not recommended after six months, Regulon should be replaced with other contraceptive drugs.
  • Lack of gestagens in the body. This is usually associated with some gynecological problems in a woman (for example, endometriosis, hyperplasia and others).
  • Lack of progesterone. In this case, blood clots may pass in the middle of the cycle or appear before the onset of menstruation. Regulon does not contain high concentrations of hormonal agents, so after taking it, hormone levels may not be fully restored. This may cause minor bleeding.
  • Estrogen deficiency in the body. In this case, bleeding may appear at the very beginning of the cycle or in the middle. The discharge has a characteristic brown color and has an unpleasant rotten odor.
  • Incorrect use of the drug. It is very important to follow the dosage and doctor’s recommendations and take the drug according to a specific regimen. Typically, for 21 days, a woman should take one tablet daily on an empty stomach, mainly in the morning. Then he takes a break for several days. Moreover, if the patient forgot about taking the drug or took it at the wrong time, this can provoke a response from the body in the form of light discharge.

An overdose can be dangerous to the body. If you increase the dose yourself, this can lead to severe bleeding, especially in young girls.

  • Excessive drinking and smoking. If a woman complains to the doctor “I’m taking Regulon , which is accompanied by discharge,” but at the same time drinks strong alcoholic drinks, this is not surprising. Even a single large dose of alcohol can cause a similar symptom. The same applies to smoking - under the influence of tobacco, the effect of hormones decreases, so their contraceptive effect decreases, and discharge occurs.
  • Taking other medications. It is not recommended to take antibiotics and antifungal drugs while taking Regulon. Because of this, discharge may begin, which is associated with a decrease in the effect of the contraceptive on the body.

In addition, such a pathology can be caused by disruption of the digestive process due to Regulon. Typically, this condition can appear in the first day or even hours after the patient takes the medicine. In addition to discharge, a woman may experience intestinal disorders - diarrhea, vomiting, nausea.

Discharge often appears after Regulon is discontinued. With prolonged use, the body is rebuilt, the reproductive system begins to work differently. And if you stop taking it, it will be another stress for the body.

Features of discharge

Women often complain: “I drink Regulon, but at the same time I have discharge.” The structure, abundance and color of discharge depend on many factors:

  • Abundant blood clots are released, especially in the middle of the cycle. This means you need to either adjust the dose of the drug or switch to a more concentrated hormonal agent.
  • There is a lot of blood when taking the last tablets from the package. This means that the body does not have enough gestagen. Therefore, you should choose another drug with a higher content of this component.
  • Very heavy bleeding that resembles menstrual bleeding indicates accelerated atrophy of the edometrium. Typically, this condition normalizes on its own when the process of rejection of the uterine mucosa stops.

Is it possible to have sex if you start bleeding? In principle, light bleeding and spotting is not a contraindication to intimacy. But this is only if sex does not cause discomfort in the woman, and after it the bleeding does not become more profuse. In addition, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene. Before and after sexual intercourse, you should thoroughly wash your genitals.

What to do if you have discharge?

Is there anything I can do to make it less smeared? Unfortunately, this depends on the female hormone balance, so this problem cannot be dealt with until the adaptation period is over. But the patient can alleviate her condition. To do this, you need to wash regularly - at least 2 times a day so that the labia do not turn red. They must be kept clean and fresh at all times. This way you can avoid itching and burning.

It is also recommended to use sanitary pads. If the discharge is light, regular daily pills will do. For more pronounced discharge, it is recommended to use menstrual pads.

Do I need to visit a doctor?

If bloody discharge occurs while taking Regulon, it is recommended to go to the treating gynecologist. Even if a woman is healthy, an extra check will not hurt her. During Regulon therapy, you do not need to see a gynecologist for the first 3 months of therapy. But if, in addition to discharge, additional signs are observed - severe abdominal pain, you need to visit a doctor. This is especially important if the bleeding is very heavy, and the woman has to change the pad more than once every 3 hours.

If, after 3 months of therapy, discharge begins when there should not be any, this may indicate the need to adjust the therapeutic regimen. In addition, this may indicate the beginning of the development of some pathology. And most diseases are easier to treat in the initial stages.

Competent drug withdrawal

To prevent spotting after stopping Regulon, it is necessary to carry out this process correctly. After all, abruptly stopping its use can cause severe hormonal imbalance. Typically, the need to discontinue the drug is observed if a woman plans to become a mother soon. Treatment with the drug should not exceed 2 years. Therefore, after this time you should also stop taking it to give the reproductive system a rest.

To do this, you need to drink the current package to the end, and after that there should be a seven-day break. But instead, you need to completely abandon the drug. You cannot start a new package of the product. Blood during this period can be quite profuse, as during menstruation. But this is due to hormonal imbalance.

If, due to Regulon, a woman’s blood pressure has risen sharply or she complains of a deterioration in her health, she should immediately stop taking the drug, even if there are still tablets left in the current package.

Thus, Regulon is a low-concentrated hormonal drug that is safe for the female body. If discharge appears, do not panic. It is imperative to visit your doctor, who will adjust the therapeutic regimen.

Types of bloody discharge from the drug

While using contraceptives, discharge of various types may appear. Based on their color, intensity and timing of appearance, one can assume the reasons that led to this undesirable effect. But only an accurate diagnosis helps decide what treatment is necessary and whether the drug should be discontinued.

Abundant or scanty

Menstruation may change in nature when taking Regulon. If the dose of estrogen in the drug is insufficient, menstruation becomes scanty. Heavy periods are associated with the second component of Regulon - desogestrel, and indicate its insufficient influence.

Heavy discharge that began early or in the middle of the cycle is also an indicator of a lack of estrogen. In this case, the woman is recommended to switch to a three-phase drug.

Brown discharge with Regulon

When taking Regulon, the day your period starts usually falls 2-3 days after the last pill you took. Hormonal contraception changes the structure of the endometrium in the uterus, it becomes thinner and contains fewer vessels. Therefore, menstruation is not always similar to usual. Often the discharge turns brown and the intensity of bleeding decreases. This color is an indicator of blood clotting; sometimes small clots can be seen in it.

Bloody discharge when taking Regulon

Bloody discharge normally appears after finishing the package of tablets. They usually last about 4-5 days and stop completely after the first two tablets. If a woman starts taking Regulon and her period does not end, she should consult a doctor. This could be an early abortion, especially if there were errors in the procedure.

Intense bleeding, often with clots, appears with fibroids . In this case, the node grows under the mucous membrane into the uterine cavity. Regulon can reduce the intensity of blood loss, but does not always help.

Discharge when taking Regulon spotting type

Oral contraceptives can cause spotting. They are observed in the middle of the cycle and a few days before menstruation. They are characterized by appearing several times during the day, the color is usually brown, but sometimes it is pink. There are no painful sensations if this is the stage of addiction to the drug. But with various pathologies of the reproductive organs, there may be a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, general weakness and deterioration in well-being.

Bleeding after emergency contraception

This contraception is aimed at preventing pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse or when other means are ineffective. Drugs from this group include:

  • progestin drugs (Postinor, Escapelle);
  • antihistamines (Gynepristone).

These products must be used within 2 or 3 days after unprotected sexual contact. The drugs cause significant hormonal imbalances, which prevents possible pregnancy.

The most common side effect of emergency contraception is bleeding, which can begin several days after taking the drug. For some girls, the use of such measures leads to cycle disruptions.

Bloody discharge when taking OCs occurs both normally and with various disorders. Therefore, if the adaptation period has passed and the discharge persists, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. Urgent help is also needed in cases where bleeding is profuse, regardless of the duration of use of the drug. During the examination, the doctor will find out what caused the bleeding, stop it, and then decide what contraceptives the woman can take next.

When should you see a doctor?

Discharge may appear even in women who have been taking Regulon for a long time. The following changes should alert you:

  • discharge repeats every month;
  • severe stomach pain;
  • the discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • colorless liquid discharge appeared.

Yellow discharge while taking pills indicates a genital tract infection. But watery, foul-smelling ones can be an indicator of a malignant tumor. In all cases, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

How to stop taking it correctly?

Contraceptives are taken for as long as the contraceptive effect is needed. There is no need to take a break every year or two. But you need to stop taking the pills correctly by drinking the entire package. After discontinuation of Regulon, brown discharge in the first cycle is not a full menstruation, it is menstrual-like bleeding. Normal periods should begin in the second cycle, when the contraceptive is no longer taken.

It is not recommended to stop drinking Regulon halfway through the package. There is a risk of hormonal imbalance. But if a woman has not taken 2-3 tablets before the end of the pack, she does not need to return to them.

How to take Regulon to stop bleeding?

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe Regulon according to a special regimen for bleeding. This method of therapy is used for juvenile uterine bleeding in adolescents that occurs due to imperfect ovarian function. Blood stops due to the arrival of a high dose of estrogen.

The treatment regimen for acute menstrual bleeding is selected individually. But most often, the doctor prescribes 1 tablet 4 times a day for the first 4 days, after which they switch to 1 tablet three times a day, lasting 3 days. The next 2 days take 2 tablets, then one at a time. The duration of therapy is individual. For some, it is enough to drink Regulon for 2 months, while others take it for up to 6 months.

Indications for discontinuation of Regulon

Regulon is a hormonal contraceptive drug used for routine contraception. In addition to protecting against unwanted pregnancy, the drug normalizes the menstrual cycle and reduces the severity of PMS symptoms. However, in some cases it is necessary to stop taking the drug:

  • if a woman wants to get pregnant;
  • if a woman is not sexually active;
  • if you become concerned about the side effects of Regulon;
  • if additional barrier contraception is necessary;
  • if a woman becomes pregnant while taking Regulon.

Medical indications for stopping birth control pills:

  • liver diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • dyslipidemia;
  • varicose veins;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • diseases of the organ of vision;
  • upcoming operations.

After giving up the contraceptive within 2-3 months, the woman’s reproductive function is restored, that is, the connection between the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries is restored. Gradually, the ovaries begin to function: the egg matures in them, ovulation occurs, and then, if pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum remains. This whole process is accompanied by the release of its own hormones.

A healthy woman who took the drug for contraception should not have negative consequences after stopping it. But every woman is individual, and you cannot be absolutely sure that there will be no side effects. The rate of resumption of ovulation processes after stopping the contraceptive depends on the properties of the drug, the age and health of the woman, and most importantly, on the duration of taking the drug.

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