Brown discharge after Utrozhestan: all reasons

"Utrozhestan" is a synthetic analogue of the pregnancy hormone - progesterone. Progesterone is a gestagen that is formed in the corpus luteum after ovulation and is responsible for the formation of the secretory endometrium in women. Due to the transition of the endometrium of the uterus from the growth phase to the secretory phase, the fertilized egg attaches to the walls of the uterus and the development of the embryo occurs. Progesterone reduces the excitability of the uterus and reduces its tone. Helps increase the production of protective factors in the vagina, thus preventing the development of infections.

Utrozhestan during pregnancy

Immediately after conception occurs, the woman’s body activates the production of progesterone, a hormone necessary for the preservation and development of the fetus.
The substance affects the consistency of cervical mucus, so vaginal discharge during early pregnancy becomes denser and more viscous. Thinning of the secretion is observed in the second and third trimesters, when the formed placenta begins to actively produce estrogen. Utrozhestan suppositories during pregnancy are prescribed to women whose bodies are diagnosed with progesterone deficiency. With a lack of the hormone, the threat of miscarriage, the risk of premature labor and the development of placental insufficiency significantly increases.

Natural discharge increases after taking Utrozhestan, but this is the norm.

Dose of the drug during pregnancy

Utrozhestan in the early stages of pregnancy can be prescribed for preventive and therapeutic purposes. In the first case, the woman is recommended to administer Utrozhestan capsules deeply vaginally once at night - a dose of 200 mg of the drug. The increase in leucorrhoea volume will be insignificant. Sometimes it remains at the usual level.

To treat the pathological condition, Utrozhestan will also be prescribed in the form of capsules, but in a different dosage. The daily volume - 600-800 mg - should be divided into two or three doses. During pregnancy, in most cases, Utrozhestan is used topically, that is, it is administered by the patient deep into the vagina as close as possible to the cervix. The discharge increases, so when using local treatment in large doses, gynecologists recommend using panty liners.

Side effects

After taking the drug, the expectant mother may experience the following side effects:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • dizziness;
  • stool disorders - constipation or diarrhea.

Natural discharge from Utrozhestan increases during pregnancy. The reason is partial leakage of the product, as well as the dissolved shell. After using the medication, it is recommended to use thin sanitary pads to prevent the development of discomfort.

In some cases, a woman experiences unpleasant sensations such as itching and burning in the vagina.

If brownish leucorrhoea appears while using suppositories, then most often this is a sign of insufficient dosage. You need to inform your gynecologist about this.

Causes of discharge

Treatment with the drug is accompanied by the appearance of profuse leucorrhoea. The cause is the drug itself. The increase in the volume of vaginal secretion is due to several factors:

  • the body perceives the capsule shell as a foreign body and seeks to get rid of it through the active production of vaginal mucus;
  • the liquefaction of leucorrhoea occurs due to the additional components present in the composition of the product, in particular peanut oil;
  • a sharp increase in progesterone levels in the body.

When using Utrozhestan, white discharge is observed, as well as leucorrhoea that is watery in consistency. This is considered the norm, but only if they do not contain foreign impurities and do not cause discomfort.

Brown discharge may be a sign of problems with the development of gestation, in particular, indicate the onset of spontaneous miscarriage.

If a woman has yellow discharge, but no other pathological symptoms are observed, then this is acceptable.

Normal discharge

During treatment with the drug, pregnant women notice increased vaginal secretion. Normal discharge after Utrozhestan has the following characteristics:

  • by consistency they can be liquid/thick, slimy/watery;
  • by color - white, yellowish, pink, brownish, smearing, beige.

Vaginal secretions that meet these characteristics are normal. But too much liquid discharge should alert the woman; it may be a sign of leakage of amniotic fluid.

What should not be the discharge after capsules?

A woman who uses Utrozhestan while expecting a baby should be wary of the following changes in vaginal secretion:

The discharge is too abundant, there is a lot of it, it is liquid, like water. Even if the secretion is watery, transparent and without foreign impurities, but its amount causes discomfort in the woman, it is worth contacting your doctor to exclude the possibility of a hidden infection or leakage of amniotic fluid.

The leucorrhoea acquired a pronounced pink tint. Most often, this is a sign of insufficient progesterone dosage, so if bright pink discharge appears, you should inform your gynecologist about this to increase the dose of the drug. In some cases, such a change also indicates more dangerous problems, such as placental abruption.

The expectant mother began to experience white and very thick discharge, which is called cheesy due to the presence of white grains or flakes. Such a change in secretion often indicates infection with candida fungi (thrush), which requires immediate treatment. The woman also begins to experience itching and redness of the genitals. In addition to thrush, other infections, such as those caused by mycoplasma or chlamydia, can lead to the appearance of white flaky discharge.

The discharge has a yellow, mustard or greenish color. It is characteristic of a bacterial infection and should also be a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Typically, such discharge also has an unpleasant odor and a sticky consistency. If the disease occurs latently (without fever or other disturbing symptoms), it is dangerous for the baby. The doctor will conduct additional research and prescribe appropriate treatment so that the microbes do not harm the child.

The secretion has turned bright red or brown. Such a change confirms the threat of miscarriage and may indicate detachment of the ovum and the onset of abortion. If the discharge has acquired this color, the woman should immediately seek medical help.


Utrozhestan is a biologically soluble capsule. It contains natural progesterone obtained from the Yam plant growing in America. The capsule is coated with peanut butter.

The drug is prescribed for IVF, infertility treatment and in the early stages of pregnancy, used 1-2 times a day. In this case, the dosage prescribed by the doctor is injected into the vagina.

The yellowish discharge increases during treatment with this drug for the following reasons:

  1. irritation of the mucous membrane when introducing the capsule;
  2. penetration of the capsule shell into the vaginal secretion;
  3. presence of peanut butter.

The drug is used only in the first and second trimester, since starting from the third trimester there is a possibility of liver dysfunction.

Yellow discharge from Utrozhestan is not dangerous; the medicine is completely eliminated from the body.

How does Utrozhestan come out? The active components of the drug are absorbed into the vagina, and the excipients and the shell, dissolving, come out in the form of separate substances.

Why is there more discharge when administering capsules?

Utrozhestan is a biosoluble capsule containing natural progesterone in peanut oil. No synthetics, because the hormone is obtained from plant materials (diogenine from the American Yam plant).

When using Utrozhestan capsules for medicinal purposes, a woman must inject a certain dose of the drug into the vagina once or twice a day. During treatment, the amount of vaginal leucorrhoea may increase significantly. The reasons for this will be the following factors:

  • reaction of the vaginal mucosa to the introduction of a foreign object;
  • getting into the vaginal secretion of a disintegrating capsule shell;
  • diluting the secretions with peanut oil, which is contained inside the capsule.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. It should be understood that the active substance of Utrozhestan is almost completely absorbed through the vaginal wall into the bloodstream, providing an excellent preserving effect for pregnancy.

Therapeutic effect

The purpose of Utrozhestan is to help the embryo attach to the wall of the uterus and then support its development. Sometimes when taking the drug, liquid discharge appears that does not affect the child in any way.

Despite the fact that the drug is often prescribed during pregnancy, its use should be treated with caution. You should not take the medicine without a doctor's prescription. If bleeding occurs, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

If the expectant mother has been prescribed this drug, under no circumstances should you stop taking it yourself, so as not to harm her health. It is best to consult a doctor and talk about the reason for your reluctance to use the medicine, for example, if mucous discharge is very bothersome.

Can there be brown discharge from Utrozhestan? When taking the drug, secretions of various colors appear, including brown. Brown discharge after Utrozhestan during pregnancy most often indicates a threat of miscarriage, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Specific discharge during treatment

Discharge after Utrozhestan during pregnancy can be different:

  • Whitish, thick consistency
  • Mucus or liquid discharge (like water)
  • Yellowish or dark brown.

If the symptoms described above appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is worth noting that different types of discharge may be a sign of the development of pathologies:

  • Thick and curdled - symptoms of vaginal candidiasis, which occurs quite often during pregnancy
  • Yellow - may indicate the presence of a small amount of blood in the vaginal secretion
  • Dark brown discharge, which also causes clots, indicates a threat of miscarriage
  • Abundant in liquid form like water - perhaps a sign of leakage of amniotic fluid.

The use of Utrozhestan during pregnancy is usually not accompanied by a significant change in the color of vaginal secretions without any discomfort.

If candidiasis is confirmed, you will need to undergo a course of treatment prescribed by your doctor. Usually, after this, the previously observed symptoms completely disappear.

Yellow discharge from Utrozhestan is not as critical as brown discharge, but even in this case treatment will be required. If there is a threat of miscarriage, the doctor may advise increasing the dose of Utrozhestan. The daily dosage increases to 600-800 mg; capsules will need to be administered twice or three times a day. Soon the brown discharge will disappear. A woman may note that when taking Utrozhestan, it leaks out, which is normal.

If watery discharge appears after Utrozhestan, it is worth conducting a test for leakage of amniotic fluid. Special pads are sold for this purpose; if pathology is confirmed, you will need to consult a doctor.

It is worth noting that you cannot cancel progesterone support during pregnancy on your own, as this can lead to miscarriage or the onset of premature labor. If there are any unusual changes in vaginal discharge, you should consult your doctor. Be attentive to your own health! Get examined in a timely manner to exclude the development of pathology and give birth to a healthy baby on time.

Pregnant women tend to trust the gynecologist managing the pregnancy; Only a doctor understands the medications that help carry and give birth to a baby. The hormonal drug Utrozhestan has long been “prescribed” in the home medicine cabinets of expectant mothers experiencing problems with preserving the fetus. But is the number one medicine against miscarriages, for which doctors willingly write prescriptions for pregnant women, so harmless? Will Utrozhestan cause disturbances in the development of the fetus or complications in the woman? Let us lay out the instructions for the drug in clear language and look into the details.


Each of these types of secretion means something. If there are no signs of inflammation, then there is no reason to worry. When Utrozhestan comes out yellow, this may be a sign of blood entering the secretory secretion in the vagina.

As mentioned above, if Utrozhestan comes out with brown streaks, then you need to consult a doctor, since with such secretions there is a possibility of losing your unborn child. During the use of capsules, various secretions flow from the vagina.

What kind of discharge after Utrozhestan:

  • watery or slimy;
  • brown, beige, pink or yellow;
  • white liquid or thick;
  • curdled.

Can there be watery discharge from Utrozhestan? They may, this means early rupture of amniotic fluid. In this case, the patient must be examined by a doctor.

White secretions often occur after using suppositories and are not dangerous. Pink discharge when taking Utrozhestan indicates the presence of an infection that harms the fetus. Beige discharge indicates an inflammatory process in the vagina. The diagnosis is clarified after taking a smear.

When should you contact a gynecologist?

Indications for urgent contact with a gynecologist are:

  • blood in secretion;
  • black or brown discharge;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nagging pain in the lower back.

The doctor will conduct an examination, take a smear for bacterial culture, and also check the reproductive system for inflammatory processes. It is worth noting that brown or other pathological discharge from Utrozhestan may be associated with the following factors:

  • incorrect dose of the drug;
  • individual intolerance and other contraindications.

But most often, pathological leucorrhoea is caused by other reasons, which, in the absence of treatment, remain even after discontinuation of the capsules:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • violation of vaginal microflora;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • rupture of amniotic fluid.

It is also worth paying attention to the treatment of pathologies that cause a sharp increase, as well as changes in the nature of vaginal secretion. Doctors often prescribe Terzhinan along with Utrozhestan to eliminate harmful bacteria and fungi. But this drug is contraindicated in the first trimester, and its use is allowed only from the second trimester under strict medical supervision. Find out more about the consequences of taking the drug and about discharge after using Terzhinan from the article at the link.

Pregnant women tend to worry very much about their health, so they react to the slightest changes, including the nature of vaginal secretion. But it is worth remembering that Utrozhestan has been used in gynecology for a long time and, when taken correctly, does not have a negative effect on the body, so its use cannot cause pathological secretion.

"Utrozhestan" is one of the hormonal drugs often prescribed during pregnancy. It is prescribed to expectant mothers with the threat of abortion if it is caused by a lack of progesterone. Since the main ingredient of the medicine is this hormone, the use of Utrozhestan helps eliminate its deficiency, which helps maintain pregnancy. After inserting the capsule into the vagina, almost all expectant mothers note the appearance of discharge. In most cases this is normal, but sometimes it can be a sign of various health problems.

Why do pregnant women have more discharge?

During pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body occur, this is what causes the appearance of whitish discharge and the longer the period, the greater the amount of leucorrhoea. During the examination, the doctor will take a smear and evaluate it for the presence of an inflammatory process. If infection is not confirmed, there is no need to worry. Typically, mucus and whitish discharge during pregnancy appear due to:

  • Excessive production of vaginal secretions
  • A large volume of liquid penetrating into the vessels.

Normally, a pregnant woman does not experience itching or a burning sensation. If leucorrhoea is present, there should not be an unpleasant odor. If a woman notices that the discharge smells unpleasant, this is a reason to consult a gynecologist and undergo an examination to identify the causative agent of the infection and select an effective treatment.

Administration of capsules and leucorrhoea

Utrozhestan is a biosoluble capsule containing phytoprogesterone in peanut oil. The hormone is produced exclusively from natural raw materials, so it is safer than its other synthetic analogues.

Typically, for treatment during pregnancy, vaginal capsules are administered twice a day; the dosage of the drug is selected individually. During pregnancy, Utrozhestan may cause increased discharge and the appearance of leucorrhoea.

If leucorrhoea appears during the use of vaginal capsules, this is not evidence of the development of a pathological process in pregnant women; this is how a residual amount of the drug is released that is not absorbed by the vaginal walls. There is no need for douching or any additional procedures.

Such manifestations are associated with:

  • Reaction of the mucous membrane to the introduction of hormonal drugs (to the main and additional components - peanut butter)
  • Reactions between vaginal secretions and Utrozhestan capsule shells.

If you suspect a pathological process, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

How to diagnose and solve the problem?

If you have brown or other abnormal vaginal discharge, any patient, whether pregnant or not, should report the symptom to their healthcare provider. If a threat of miscarriage is suspected, an urgent ultrasound is performed. If an infection is suspected, a smear is taken to determine the composition of the flora. Sometimes treatment is prescribed after a visual examination if there are signs of infection. For this purpose, complex preparations of antibacterial action in suppositories are used, for example, Terzhinan.

Discharge does not always occur due to the use of candles. Only a doctor can cancel them, reduce the dosage and select additional drugs for treatment, especially during pregnancy. If the brown secretion appears due to a lack of progesterone, they can increase the amount of medication or change it to Duphaston. Hormone levels are monitored through a special blood test.

Fact! If there is a lack of Progesterone, it is preferable to insert Utrozhestan vaginally rather than drink it. This ensures greater concentration.

Reasons for increased discharge

To understand which vaginal discharge from Utrozhestan is normal, and which are completely unrelated to its use and indicate the presence of pathologies, it is necessary to understand this topic in more detail.

White discharge during pregnancy is absolutely normal. Their number varies depending on certain phases. And this is facilitated by:

  • Hormonal changes in the body during the initial stages of embryo development.
  • Large blood flow to the pelvic area, which ensures the fetus receives all the nutrients necessary for its normal development and formation.
  • The formation of a mucus plug in the cervix, which prevents infection from entering the amniotic sac.

An increase in the volume of vaginal secretion and a change in its nature (watery discharge may appear) are the absolute norm for a pregnant woman. However, you need to understand that the norm is those discharges that are not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. If a woman secretes a cloudy liquid from her vagina, yellow or brown discharge, abdominal pain, itching and burning in the perineum, then this is no longer normal. In this case, you must definitely visit a doctor and undergo a full examination, which will allow you to determine the exact cause of the appearance of discharge during pregnancy.

Brown discharge when using Utrozhestan

There are different situations in which leucorrhoea of ​​this shade may appear:

  1. During pregnancy, brown spotting is sometimes a sign of a low placenta, its abruption, and therefore a threat of miscarriage. This phenomenon has nothing to do with the use of Utrozhestan. Urgent medical assistance is needed to maintain pregnancy in a hospital setting. If a symptom occurs after spotting in the first days of taking Utrozhestan, then these may be residual effects that will disappear under the influence of progesterone. If brown spotting occurs when the dose of the drug is reduced, then it is necessary to return to the previous amount.
  2. Menstruating women notice brown discharge on their periods, as well as changes in their cycle. This is acceptable during treatment with Utrozhestan if there is no pain. Therefore, on the days when natural bleeding should begin, it is permissible to change it to brown.
  3. The color of dried blood may indicate uterine polyps, including decidual polyps during pregnancy. To refute their presence, you need to undergo an ultrasound.
  4. Cervical erosion responds to any irritants with brown or red discharge. They come out in small quantities. Pathology is diagnosed by examination using a mirror.
  5. Heavy brown or red discharge accompanied by pain is a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy.
  6. The discharge of dried, old blood can be a sign of various pathologies of the female genital area, so a thorough diagnosis is required.

How does the drug affect vaginal secretions?

Discharge after Utrozhestan during pregnancy is normal. This drug contains natural progesterone and is available in the form of tablets or vaginal suppositories. When used correctly, the drug does not cause any harm to the health of the woman or her unborn child.

However, while taking Utrozhestan, many women notice copious white or liquid discharge from the vagina. And there is an explanation for their appearance. The drug contains hormones that affect the general hormonal background of a woman. And often the appearance of abundant mucous secretion when taking this drug is caused by:

  • Perception of the mucous capsule as a foreign body.
  • The presence of a dissolved drug shell in the vaginal mucus.
  • Liquefaction of vaginal secretions with components contained in Utrozhestan (most often peanut butter contributes to this).
  • A sharp increase in progesterone levels in the body.

The appearance of watery or white discharge from Utrozhestan is considered normal. But at the same time, they should not contain blood clots or pus, they should not give off an unpleasant odor and cause discomfort to the pregnant woman. Even yellow discharge without characteristic signs of the development of pathological processes when taking this drug is the norm.

It should be noted that even when taking this drug orally, a pregnant woman may experience increased secretion of vaginal mucus, which also should not cause anxiety or fear for her health and the health of her unborn child.

How to replace Utrozhestan

The medicine has “siblings” - so-called synonymous drugs, which, like Utrozhestan, contain micronized progesterone of plant origin as an active ingredient. These are Iprozhin, Prajisan, Progestogel.

Medicines with artificial progesterone are analogues of Utrozhestan; They differ in composition, but act similarly on the body. This is primarily Duphaston.

Utrozhestan substitutes are useful when the patient has contraindications to taking the drug or has had adverse reactions. The price of analogs is also attractive - some of them are cheaper (the cost of Utrozhestan in Moscow pharmacies starts from 420 rubles per pack). But you will need your doctor's approval to use any of the medications.

Table: synonymous drugs and analogues of Utrozhestan


Composition, release form

Contraindications, use during pregnancy


excipients - peanut butter, soy lecithin. Sold in the form of vaginal gel capsules.

The same as for Utrozhestan. During pregnancy, it is allowed to use exclusively intravaginally, in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters - with caution.

from 250 rubles

Iprozhin (Italy)

Available in capsules that contain only micronized progesterone; Capsules are taken orally or intravaginally.

The same as Utrozhestan. Iprozhin does not contain soy lecithin, so if you are allergic to the substance, it will replace Utrozhestan. For expectant mothers, Iprozhin is not contraindicated for any period of time, but the medicine is taken under the supervision of a doctor.

from 300 rubles

Progestogel (Belgium)

Micronized progesterone, among the auxiliary components - castor oil, ethanol, water. Sold in the form of a gel that is used externally. Used for the treatment of mastodynia and fibrocystic mastopathy.

nodular forms of mastopathy; breast tumors; treatment of breast cancer; treatment of genital cancer; allergy to substances from the medicine. Cannot be used in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, in the 1st trimester - with caution; the effect of the drug on the fetus has not been studied. Progestogel is more effective than Utrozhestan, therefore it is more expensive.

from 850 rubles


The active substance is dydrogesterone; excipients include lactose monohydrate, corn starch, silicon dioxide. Available in tablets for oral administration. Like Utrozhestan, it replenishes progesterone deficiency and prevents miscarriages.

Severe liver pathologies, intolerance to the components of the drug. During pregnancy, Duphaston is not prohibited, the instructions indicate that it should be used according to indications.

from 500 rubles

Duphaston has been known in Russian medical practice much longer than Utrozhestan; the effect of the medicine on pregnant women has been studied in detail. In addition, it has been noted that the drug with synthetic progesterone works more efficiently than its “young competitor” - Utrozhestan. But it has a gentler effect on the body and is better tolerated by patients.

The final choice of a particular drug is up to the attending physician, who is guided by his own knowledge and experience, and also takes into account the characteristics of the body and the woman’s health condition.

Photo gallery: medicines that will replace Utrozhestan

Expectant mothers use Prajisan only intravaginally

Iprozhin has no excipients, so the risk of allergies is lower. Progestogel is used to treat mastopathy; The gel, like Utrozhestan, replenishes the lack of progesterone

Duphaston is the senior “competitor” of Utrozhestan; differs in composition, acts more effectively

The hormone progesterone is extremely necessary for the female body during pregnancy. Its deficiency can cause miscarriage or abnormal fetal development. This is why doctors prescribe appropriate medications to increase progesterone levels, for example Utrozhestan

But often women are frightened by the discharge from Utrozhestan during pregnancy, which becomes more abundant or slightly changes its color. Here it is important to know what normal leucorrhoea looks like, and what vaginal secretion is considered pathological and is not associated with taking a hormonal drug

What discharge is normal?

The appearance of heavy discharge from Utrozhestan during pregnancy is normal, but only if it is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. In terms of consistency they should be:

  • watery;
  • liquid;
  • creamy;
  • mucous.

(click to enlarge)

And in color they can be white or yellowish, pinkish (no brown tint!) or beige. If the vaginal secretion meets these parameters, then there is no need to panic. However, consulting with a specialist will not hurt. Especially if there is a tendency to increase the volume of mucous secretion and change its characteristics.

Description of the drug

Composition of "Utrozhestan": progesterone 100 or 200 mcg, sunflower oil, lecithin, glycerin, titanium dioxide, gelatin. Utrozhestan is used for the following conditions:

  • hormone replacement therapy for menopausal disorders;
  • infertility caused by insufficiency of the corpus luteum;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • threat of premature birth;
  • threat of recurrent miscarriage.

Many women have learned the joy of motherhood thanks to taking Utrozhestan. This drug contains an analogue of a natural female hormone of plant origin. It is sometimes taken up to 36 weeks of pregnancy. It does not interact with other drugs and does not disrupt the production of progesterone by the woman’s corpus luteum or the fetal placenta, but only complements them. It requires attention only in pregnant women. The dose reduction should occur gradually, under the control of progesterone levels in the blood. On average, without consequences, the dose can be reduced by 100 mg weekly, starting from the 12th week of pregnancy.

It is prescribed orally or intravaginally in a dose of 100 to 800 mg. per day. "Utrozhestan" must be inserted vaginally deeply and after its administration you need to lie down for 40 minutes to an hour to achieve the required therapeutic effect. The advantage of this method of administration is that the drug reaches its target in the shortest possible way. The disadvantage is the discomfort from the expiration of the remaining candles. Women often have a question about what kind of discharge after taking the drug will be considered normal.

Features of the medicine

"Utrozhestan" is a Belgian medicine from the group of gestagens. The drug is presented in capsules with a yellowish gelatin shell and oily contents. They can be swallowed, but more often during pregnancy, Utrozhestan is prescribed vaginally , since this method of administration (capsules are administered as vaginal suppositories) in many cases avoids various side effects.

One capsule contains 100 or 200 mg of progesterone. This ingredient is micronized and fully corresponds to the natural hormone secreted by the corpus luteum. Its task is to prepare the uterine mucosa for the implantation of the fertilized egg, as well as to reduce the contractility and excitability of the muscular lining of the uterus, so that pregnancy develops normally.

The most common reason for using Utrozhestan in pregnant women, as noted above, is the threat of miscarriage. The drug is also in demand in preparation for pregnancy, if its onset is prevented by a lack of progesterone or some kind of uterine disease (for example, fibroids or endometriosis). In later stages, the medicine is prescribed to prevent premature onset of labor.

Types of discharge

Discharge after Utrozhestan may be different. When taking progesterone drugs, vaginal secretions often change in patients. Especially often there is a secretion of white, gray, yellow or bloody discharge. Beige discharge when taking Utrozhestan intravaginally is associated exclusively with the expiration of the contents of the capsule and does not carry any informational meaning.

If liquid discharge appears after taking Utrozhestan, this only confirms the effectiveness of the drug. The secretion should be transparent, viscous, odorless and not too abundant. This indicates that the endometrium has entered the desired phase and is producing the necessary substances, which form a transparent vaginal secretion.

A secretion that differs in color from the usual requires increased attention. If you start taking Utrozhestan orally early, namely before the 15th day of the menstrual cycle, you may experience bleeding, or even a shortening of the cycle and the onset of early menstruation.

If Utrozhestan is taken during pregnancy and bloody discharge appears while taking it, this is a signal to immediately consult a doctor. We may be talking about detachment of the ovum, ectopic pregnancy, or the threat of miscarriage. Usually the condition can be corrected by increasing the dose of Utrozhestan.

The appearance of white discharge from Utrozhestan should be separated. So, when taken intravaginally, white discharge may simply be the contents of the capsule. If you have administered the drug correctly and it has time to dissolve (after inserting the capsule into the vagina, it is advisable to remain in a horizontal position for about an hour), then there is no reason to worry. You should not wash the remnants of suppositories from the vagina; under no circumstances douche to cleanse the remnants of the drug. Excessive hygiene in this case can cause double harm - it washes away the active substance and prevents the drug from having the necessary effect. This can also contribute to the development of vaginal dysbiosis.

Important! If you take Utrozhestan orally, the appearance of leucorrhoea may indicate the development of a fungal infection. You should carefully monitor your health and if itching, burning, redness of the labia, or irritation occurs, you should consult a doctor to rule out an infectious disease.

When taking Utrozhestan, white discharge may indicate that the patient is not in a horizontal position enough to absorb the contents of the capsule. It is advisable to remain in a lying position for at least an hour.

Pathological discharge

The following detected abnormalities may be indicators of a developing disease:

  • Excessively copious discharge.
  • Curdled discharge is a sign of the presence of colonies of Candida fungi, which provoke candidiasis and require immediate treatment. They cause significant inconvenience, are accompanied by itching and redness of the genitals and can be dangerous for the child’s fragile immunity.
  • A greenish tint and purulent impurities are a sign of a progressive infection in the mother’s body. Hidden infections and viruses pose the greatest danger to a child, since they have no external manifestations and cannot be detected without the help of special laboratory tests.
  • The rich yellow color of the discharge indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the genital organs (more details in the article: what can yellow discharge tell you about during pregnancy?). Often such discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  • A pinkish tint is usually a sign of treatment failure, as it indicates a lack of progesterone. This option is possible if the duration of treatment is short or the instructions for use are not followed correctly. If you have discharge of this color, you should consult a doctor to adjust the dosage of the drug. Sometimes a pinkish color can indicate much more serious disorders: detachment of the ovum or ectopic pregnancy.
  • Bright red or brown discharge. Indicate a threat of miscarriage and require an immediate call for an ambulance.

Thus, normally, after taking Utrozhestan, the total amount of discharge increases and their color changes slightly. In this case, the woman should not experience discomfort (itching, swelling of the genitals). If there is any doubt that changes in discharge are caused only by taking the drug, you should consult your doctor.

Discharge after Utrozhestan may vary. But the development of infection is indicated by cardinal changes in their composition:

  • curdled discharge. The leucorrhoea becomes thick and contains flakes and individual soft grains. A curd-like discharge is typical for vaginal candidiasis from Utrozhestan (thrush). Additional signs include the appearance of itching, burning, swelling and redness of the genitals. Sometimes such symptoms are a sign of the presence of chlamydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasma;
  • bright yellow or mustard. Considered a sign of severe inflammation. Accompanied by an unpleasant odor. May be sticky;
  • mucus with red (pinkish) impurities. Pink discharge occurs due to progesterone deficiency. The woman needs to increase the dosage of the drug. This may also indicate placental abruption or an ectopic location of the embryo;
  • rich red, brown. Bloody discharge is a typical symptom of a threatened miscarriage or a spontaneous abortion that has already begun. Immediate hospitalization is required. If timely assistance is provided, pregnancy can be saved;
  • green. They are formed exclusively against the background of infectious pathology. The patient needs to receive adequate treatment to avoid infection of the fetus.

Vaginal leucorrhoea can change greatly during treatment with Utrozhestan suppositories. In most cases, an increase in the volume of vaginal secretions and some visual changes in consistency and color are caused by the drug itself. And if a woman has no pathological symptoms, namely itching, burning, pain, then there is no reason to worry.

General information - utrogestan and discharge

Vaginal secretions that are white or transparent and odorless are considered normal. Moreover, the quantity and quality may vary depending on the period of gestation and under the influence of hormonal changes. In the early stages, immediately after conception, the woman’s body tries to maintain the pregnancy; for this purpose, progesterone is produced. Under the influence of the hormone, secretions become viscous and dense, in contrast to later periods, when estrogen becomes dominant.

Utrogestan is used for a lack of progesterone, which at the stage of gestation, after fertilization of the egg, reduces the tone of the uterus, promotes the attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls and is responsible for the normal development of the baby. Lack of the hormone causes placental insufficiency, increases the risk of premature birth, and threatens miscarriage. The composition of the drug is quite simple (progesterone, peanut oil, soy lecithin, gelatin), which allows it to be combined with other medications. The medicine is made from natural ingredients based on phytoprogesterone. During pregnancy, it is often prescribed twice a day in the form of vaginal tablets, thus allowing it to be better absorbed.

What is Utrozhestan?

The drug is available in the form of vaginal and oral tablets. The active substance is a plant counterpart of progesterone. With the help of this medicine, infertility is treated, pregnancy is maintained, a woman is prepared for the IVF procedure, and also relieves hormone-dependent pathologies.

The dosage is selected individually based on an analysis of hormone levels and the situation for which Utrozhestan is used. The method of application also depends on various factors, vaginal administration is often chosen. The advantages of this method are better absorption, longer and higher concentrations in the blood and less load on the liver.

During pregnancy, Utrozhestan can be prescribed from the planning stage or at a later date, when there is a threat of miscarriage. However, it is worth remembering that sudden withdrawal or reduction of the dose can lead to premature birth, placental abruption, and fetal death.

The main difference between Utrozhestan and other drugs with progesterone is that during 1 cycle it prepares the uterus for pregnancy naturally or with the help of IVF.

Take as standard 200-300 mg 2 times a day or, if necessary, 600-800 mg. During pregnancy up to 12-16 weeks, but sometimes throughout the entire gestation period. Utrozhestan increases the amount of vaginal discharge, with vaginal tablets being greater than oral tablets.

Side effects are more common when taken through the gastrointestinal tract. These are drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, bloating.

The synthetic analogue, Duphaston, is considered stronger and more studied, so the drugs are interchangeable in case of individual intolerance. For example, it causes chest pain in some patients, which is not observed when using Utrozhestan.

Attention! By itself, Utrozhestan is harmless to the body, as it replenishes a woman’s natural hormone reserves, but improper use leads to various problems.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge after morning pregnancy

Heavy discharge after morning pregnancy during pregnancy is the norm, since progesterone affects secretory function in this way. The situation is explained by the following aspects:

  • suppositories for the mucous membrane are a foreign object, therefore, through strong secretions, the body tries to bring them out;
  • after use, the capsule dissolves in the vagina, which leads to an abundance of secretions;
  • peanut butter, one of the ingredients of the drug, somewhat thins vaginal mucus.

Utrozhestan and discharge during pregnancy should not cause discomfort. Itching, burning, a radical change in the color of vaginal secretions and the appearance of a specific odor indicate the development of pathology.


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