What color is the discharge after morning sickness? Utrozhestan for the expectant mother: what it saves from, what it threatens

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Published: 11/02/2020

Reading time: 8 min



  • What is Utrozhestan?
  • Description of the drug
  • Why is Utrozhestan prescribed during pregnancy?
  • Features of the medicine
  • Types of discharge
  • Why and how does the use of the drug change the discharge?
  • The effect of the drug Utrozhestan on leucorrhoea
  • Brown discharge when using Utrozhestan
  • Other types of pathological discharge White
  • Pink and red
  • Grey, brown, beige
  • Brown and yellow discharge
  • Pathological leucorrhoea
  • What discharge is normal?
  • Reasons for increased discharge
  • What should not be the discharge after capsules?
  • When should you sound the alarm?
  • How to diagnose and solve the problem?
  • Dose of the drug during pregnancy
  • Smell from discharge while taking Utrozhestan during pregnancy
  • Side effects
  • What is Utrozhestan?

    The drug is available in the form of vaginal and oral tablets. The active substance is a plant counterpart of progesterone. With the help of this medicine, infertility is treated, pregnancy is maintained, a woman is prepared for the IVF procedure, and also relieves hormone-dependent pathologies.

    The dosage is selected individually based on an analysis of hormone levels and the situation for which Utrozhestan is used. The method of application also depends on various factors, vaginal administration is often chosen. The advantages of this method are better absorption, longer and higher concentrations in the blood and less load on the liver.

    During pregnancy, Utrozhestan can be prescribed from the planning stage or at a later date, when there is a threat of miscarriage. However, it is worth remembering that sudden withdrawal or reduction of the dose can lead to premature birth, placental abruption, and fetal death.

    The main difference between Utrozhestan and other drugs with progesterone is that during 1 cycle it prepares the uterus for pregnancy naturally or with the help of IVF.

    Take as standard 200-300 mg 2 times a day or, if necessary, 600-800 mg. During pregnancy up to 12-16 weeks, but sometimes throughout the entire gestation period. Utrozhestan increases the amount of vaginal discharge, with vaginal tablets being greater than oral tablets.

    Side effects are more common when taken through the gastrointestinal tract. These are drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, bloating.

    The synthetic analogue, Duphaston, is considered stronger and more studied, so the drugs are interchangeable in case of individual intolerance. For example, it causes chest pain in some patients, which is not observed when using Utrozhestan.

    Attention! By itself, Utrozhestan is harmless to the body, as it replenishes a woman’s natural hormone reserves, but improper use leads to various problems.

    Who is contraindicated for Utrozhestan, side effects of the drug

    Pregnant women have pathologies for which the drug cannot be taken. So, Utrozhestan is prohibited for:

    • thrombophlebitis or thrombosis of deep veins;
    • heart attack, stroke, including previous ones;
    • pulmonary embolism - blockage of a vessel with a blood clot;
    • cerebral hemorrhage, including previous ones;
    • liver pathologies of various origins - for example, hepatitis, cholestatic jaundice;
    • vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
    • malignant tumors in the mammary glands or genitals, even when cancer is only suspected; gestagens provoke an increase in hormone-dependent tumors;
    • porphyria - a hereditary disorder of hemoglobin synthesis that causes increased sensitivity to light, blisters on the skin, and blindness;
    • poor tolerance to synthetic progesterone or other components of the drug; Thus, soy lecithin in the composition of the drug causes an allergic reaction in the form of urticaria, and in exceptional cases, anaphylactic shock.

    Those women who have been diagnosed with:

    If a pregnant woman has no contraindications to taking Utrozhestan, the doctor still monitors the patient’s condition during the course of therapy in order to promptly recognize the symptoms of diseases for which the drug is contraindicated. In pregnant women, the functioning of organs and systems is sometimes suddenly disrupted, so monitoring by doctors is necessary.

    Stop taking the medication immediately if the expectant mother:

    • severe headaches that do not go away for a long time;
    • seeing double;
    • retinal vessels are affected;
    • loss of vision has occurred;
    • blood clots in blood vessels;
    • severe depression.

    Negative consequences of taking the medicine

    Let's start with a slight deviation from the norm: when using the product intravaginally, ladies complain of liquid or spotting discharge, sometimes colorless, sometimes with a brown tint. This is not a pathology, but just a little nuisance; she does not need therapy and goes away within two weeks after stopping treatment. However, when the discharge becomes intense, tell your doctor.

    Other adverse reactions are not so benign; Among those that often accompany taking Utrozhestan (from one to ten cases per hundred patients), we highlight:

    • bleeding;
    • bloating;
    • headache.

    Much less common:

    • drowsiness;
    • dizziness;
    • skin itching;
    • mastodynia - pain and sensation of swelling in the mammary gland;
    • diarrhea or constipation;
    • vomit;
    • cholestatic jaundice.

    When using Utrozhestan vaginally, burning in the vagina and swelling of the tissue at the site of capsule insertion are possible; but drowsiness and dizziness are excluded.

    Possible threats to the fetus

    In Russia, Utrozhestan is often prescribed - as a rule, the drug does not cause complications in the development of the unborn child. However, in rare cases, the baby develops hypospadias, an abnormality of the urethra; the opening through which urine is discharged moves toward the perineum, vagina, scrotum, or lower part of the penis. The pathology is typical for boys, but is rare in girls.

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has developed a scale of possible hazards to the fetus when using different medications. There are only 5 categories - A, B, C, D, X. Medicines in category A are the safest, category X - with proven harmful effects on the child. Of course, the scale primarily evaluates American drugs, while Utrozhestan is produced in France, Belgium, and Thailand. A number of sources indicate that, according to the FDA classification, Utrozhestan falls into group D - that is, it can adversely affect the fetus, but if the benefits of use outweigh the harm, the prescription is justified.

    It is unacceptable when a gynecologist prescribes Utrozhestan simply to be on the safe side, in order to definitely avoid a miscarriage - even in the absence of obvious threats. The drug is not a prophylactic agent; therefore, if the doctor is guided by the principle “it still can’t hurt,” the woman should be wary.

    What drugs does Utrozhestan not work with?

    When capsules serve as oral pills, women should keep in mind that Utrozhestan:

    • enhances the effect of immunosuppressants, anticoagulants, diuretics, which threatens to negatively affect the results of therapy;
    • loses effectiveness when taken simultaneously with penicillin antibiotics or tetracyclines - due to the fact that the intestinal microflora changes, the functions of a number of sex hormones are disrupted;
    • reduces the effect of drugs containing the hormone oxytocin;
    • reduces the effect of Bromocriptine, a fertility drug that, in exceptional cases, is allowed to be taken by pregnant women in the early stages to treat hormonal imbalance.

    Regarding the interaction of Utrozhestan with other drugs when used intravaginally, medical science is silent: no studies have been conducted. However, the instructions indicate that it is better not to use Utrozhestan simultaneously with other intravaginal agents, since in this situation the activity of progesterone decreases.

    Description of the drug

    Composition of "Utrozhestan": progesterone 100 or 200 mcg, sunflower oil, lecithin, glycerin, titanium dioxide, gelatin.

    Utrozhestan is used for the following conditions:

    • hormone replacement therapy for menopausal disorders;
    • infertility caused by insufficiency of the corpus luteum;
    • fibrocystic mastopathy;
    • threat of premature birth;
    • threat of recurrent miscarriage.

    Many women have learned the joy of motherhood thanks to taking Utrozhestan. This drug contains an analogue of a natural female hormone of plant origin. It is sometimes taken up to 36 weeks of pregnancy. It does not interact with other drugs and does not disrupt the production of progesterone by the woman’s corpus luteum or the fetal placenta, but only complements them. It requires attention only in pregnant women. The dose reduction should occur gradually, under the control of progesterone levels in the blood. On average, without consequences, the dose can be reduced by 100 mg weekly, starting from the 12th week of pregnancy.

    It is prescribed orally or intravaginally in a dose of 100 to 800 mg. per day. "Utrozhestan" must be inserted vaginally deeply and after its administration you need to lie down for 40 minutes to an hour to achieve the required therapeutic effect. The advantage of this method of administration is that the drug reaches its target in the shortest possible way. The disadvantage is the discomfort from the expiration of the remaining candles. Women often have a question about what kind of discharge after taking the drug will be considered normal.

    Why is Utrozhestan prescribed during pregnancy?

    Utrozhestan is one of the best drugs for replenishing progesterone levels in the body.

    Indications for prescribing the drug to a pregnant woman may be:

    • Inferiority of the corpus luteum. Congenital or acquired pathologies of this organ lead to hormonal imbalance in the body, which is dangerous not only during pregnancy, but also at any other period of a person’s life. After discovering diseases of the corpus luteum, Utrozhestan can be prescribed even before visible problems and failures appear.
    • The reason for prescribing the drug may be the risk of miscarriage caused by a lack of progesterone in the body. In this case, the woman is hospitalized and prescribed additional medications to maintain the pregnancy.
    • If there is a high probability of premature birth, prescribing Utrozhestan to a pregnant woman is the best way to get out of a dangerous situation. The drug maintains a favorable environment for the full development and preservation of the fetus until the day of birth.

    Utrozhestan is produced in the form of capsules coated with a gelatin shell. They can be taken orally, like tablets, or vaginally, like suppositories. The duration of use and dosage of the medication are prescribed by the doctor and depend on the goals of treatment and the patient’s medical history.

    Features of the medicine

    "Utrozhestan" is a Belgian medicine from the group of gestagens. The drug is presented in capsules with a yellowish gelatin shell and oily contents. They can be swallowed, but more often during pregnancy, Utrozhestan is prescribed vaginally, since this method of administration (capsules are administered as vaginal suppositories) in many cases avoids various side effects.

    One capsule contains 100 or 200 mg of progesterone. This ingredient is micronized and fully corresponds to the natural hormone secreted by the corpus luteum. Its task is to prepare the uterine mucosa for the implantation of the fertilized egg, as well as to reduce the contractility and excitability of the muscular lining of the uterus, so that pregnancy develops normally.

    The most common reason for using Utrozhestan in pregnant women, as noted above, is the threat of miscarriage. The drug is also in demand in preparation for pregnancy, if its onset is prevented by a lack of progesterone or some kind of uterine disease (for example, fibroids or endometriosis). In later stages, the medicine is prescribed to prevent premature onset of labor.

    The method of use and dosage of Utrozhestan for a particular woman should be determined by her attending physician. Most often, the daily dose of the hormone is divided into two doses: before bed and in the morning. The duration of treatment is also selected individually, and withdrawal must be gradual. Possible side effects of the capsules include drowsiness, bloating, chest discomfort, nausea, dizziness and other symptoms.

    The medication is contraindicated in cases of thrombosis, porphyria, lactation, hypersensitivity to its components and severe liver diseases.

    Why and how does the use of the drug change the discharge?

    “Utrozhestan” has a certain effect both on the abundance of vaginal secretions (leucorrhea), and on its color and consistency, because:

    • the mucous membrane “perceives” the medication as something foreign and “responds” with more abundant secretion;
    • the capsule dissolves and slightly changes the color of the discharge;
    • the vegetable oil contained in the contents can also change the shade of the whites;
    • the level of progesterone increases, which additionally affects the nature of the discharge, increasing its volume.

    The effect of the drug Utrozhestan on leucorrhoea

    Utrozhestan is a natural progesterone that comes in the form of a soluble capsule. It consists exclusively of natural ingredients that, when taken correctly, do not harm the mother and her child.

    Using the drug, a woman may notice that the discharge from Utrozhestan during pregnancy has changed or its quantity has increased.

    There are the following reasons for this phenomenon when taking progesterone:

    • This is how the mucous membrane reacts to a foreign object in the vagina;
    • content in the vaginal secretion of a disintegrated capsule shell;
    • diluting vaginal secretion with the contents of the capsule (peanut oil);
    • increase in progesterone levels.

    Why is there more discharge when administering capsules?

    Utrozhestan is a biosoluble capsule containing natural progesterone in peanut oil. No synthetics, because the hormone is obtained from plant materials (diogenine from the American Yam plant).

    When using Utrozhestan capsules for medicinal purposes, a woman must inject a certain dose of the drug into the vagina once or twice a day. During treatment, the amount of vaginal leucorrhoea may increase significantly. The reasons for this will be the following factors:

    • reaction of the vaginal mucosa to the introduction of a foreign object;
    • getting into the vaginal secretion of a disintegrating capsule shell;
    • diluting the secretions with peanut oil, which is contained inside the capsule.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. It should be understood that the active substance of Utrozhestan is almost completely absorbed through the vaginal wall into the bloodstream, providing an excellent preserving effect for pregnancy.

    Brown discharge when using Utrozhestan

    There are different situations in which leucorrhoea of ​​this shade may appear:

    1. During pregnancy, brown spotting is sometimes a sign of a low placenta, its abruption, and therefore a threat of miscarriage. This phenomenon has nothing to do with the use of Utrozhestan. Urgent medical assistance is needed to maintain pregnancy in a hospital setting. If a symptom occurs after spotting in the first days of taking Utrozhestan, then these may be residual effects that will disappear under the influence of progesterone. If brown spotting occurs when the dose of the drug is reduced, then it is necessary to return to the previous amount.
    2. Menstruating women notice brown discharge on their periods, as well as changes in their cycle. This is acceptable during treatment with Utrozhestan if there is no pain. Therefore, on the days when natural bleeding should begin, it is permissible to change it to brown.
    3. The color of dried blood may indicate uterine polyps, including decidual polyps during pregnancy. To refute their presence, you need to undergo an ultrasound.
    4. Cervical erosion responds to any irritants with brown or red discharge. They come out in small quantities. Pathology is diagnosed by examination using a mirror.
    5. Heavy brown or red discharge accompanied by pain is a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy.
    6. The discharge of dried, old blood can be a sign of various pathologies of the female genital area, so a thorough diagnosis is required.

    Attention! The use of certain medications may turn the secretions brown. For example, discharge after Betadine, which contains iodine.

    Question about discharge in urine during Utrozhestan

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    Password recovery. New User Registration. Service Use Agreement. Home Archive Utrozhestan and discharge after it. Message Girls, to save B, they prescribed utrozhestan vaginally.

    Afterwards, on the gasket it has gray-brown inclusions and veins. And sometimes there is yellow discharge after it. This is fine? Has anyone had this happen? Without it, discharge is normal. When examined by ultrasound, the doctor did not see anything suspicious; there was no discharge. I had it vaginally until 18 weeks, the discharge was yellowish on the lining, but in reality it was white, curdled. I don't think it should be brown. Didn't you have any smudges? Now it only smears after breakfast.

    And the color is dirty gray-brown, more gray. You would be better off taking it orally. With spotting, the effectiveness of vaginal administration is lower. I'll probably try it orally.

    Will this work out the same way? Apparently you still have the “old smear”; there was a slight bleeding and now the remaining blood comes out along with the urine - I had this happen, it gives this color to the discharge. Take it orally for a few days and monitor the discharge. If the color persists, it is better to see a doctor again. The discharge should not be dark. You're welcome! I had the same situation myself.

    It is necessary to deal with the discharge and eliminate its cause. You need to consult your doctor before making such decisions. Utrogestan is absorbed vaginally much better than orally. Therefore, it may happen that when taken orally, the dose of utrozhestan will automatically become less, which can lead to not very good consequences! Of course, you need to talk to your doctor, but this cannot always be done right away. Perhaps the cervix reacts this way to utrogestan. I had such a problem when introducing suppositories for thrush, and it didn’t matter which ones. Maybe she will actually need to switch to Duphaston. I believe that such problems cannot be solved on the forum.

    I saw the doctor yesterday, she didn’t say anything, Comrade Duf also has progesterone injections for support. I'll probably try it normally for a day. I also had beige discharge, for about two days, and then it disappeared, after some time it could appear again.

    The doctor said it was from accumulated urine. I went to another doctor, who immediately put me in storage, but then still this beige discharge appeared from time to time.

    They also advised me to take it orally during discharge, but it immediately knocked me out of sleep. It was like this for a week before tee time, and then it passed. Everything will be fine, don't worry. Everything is as you write. According to the ultrasound, they did not see any detachment or threat, the tests were normal. Girls, please tell me, is it possible to buy Utrozhestan in Russia in St. Petersburg without a prescription? Of course you can. Author, go to the “Gynecologist” section, there is a DOCTR with a 20-year-old experience, he appears on the forum every day, it’s better to ask him.

    Close navigation Read EVA. RU on social networks. Thanks, later.

    Yes, exactly the same.

    Other types of pathological discharge

    Let's consider other options for changing vaginal secretions when using Utrozhestan based on their color and consistency.


    If dense masses emerge in color and structure that resemble cottage cheese with a sour smell, then most likely the woman has thrush. This disease often occurs in pregnant women due to a change in the environment towards the alkaline side. The discharge is accompanied by vivid negative sensations - severe itching inside and outside, burning, swelling of the vaginal tissues with redness. Subsequently, advanced candidiasis leads to erosion of the mucous membrane, and consequently to microbleeding. Therefore, latent thrush can lead to thick masses with brown or red streaks.

    Attention! Sometimes white discharge is a sign of normality, then there are no other symptoms described above.

    Pink and red

    Blood in the discharge during pregnancy, as well as brown leucorrhoea, is a sign of placental abruption, polyp, or erosion. In other cases, menstruation may begin or uterine pathologies may become more active. Such discharge cannot be left unattended; diagnostics is required.

    Grey, brown, beige

    A dirty tint occurs when there is an infection. But in the case of a clean smear, we can talk about individual characteristics. Inflammation is confirmed by itching, the smell of fish or rot.

    Brown and yellow discharge

    With Utrozhestan, brown discharge may appear before or after bleeding. They require increased attention from the patient. They signal that microdamage to tissue is occurring and possible detachment of the ovum or placental abruption. This often happens from a lack of progesterone, that is, the dose of the drug requires adjustment. Sometimes these discharges go away on their own, but it is better to report their occurrence to your doctor to avoid complications. Sometimes brown discharge appears when the dose of Utrozhestan is reduced. In this case, it is necessary to return to the previous dose and monitor the level of progesterone in the blood.

    Pathological leucorrhoea

    Discharge after Utrozhestan may vary. But the development of infection is indicated by cardinal changes in their composition:

    • curdled discharge. The leucorrhoea becomes thick and contains flakes and individual soft grains. A curd-like discharge is typical for (thrush). Additional signs include the appearance of itching, burning, swelling and redness of the genitals. Sometimes such symptoms are a sign of the presence of chlamydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasma;
    • bright yellow or mustard. Considered a sign of severe inflammation. Accompanied by an unpleasant odor. May be sticky;
    • mucus with red (pinkish) impurities. Pink discharge occurs due to progesterone deficiency. The woman needs to increase the dosage of the drug. This may also indicate placental abruption or an ectopic location of the embryo;
    • rich red, brown. Bloody discharge is a typical symptom of a threatened miscarriage or a spontaneous abortion that has already begun. Immediate hospitalization is required. If timely assistance is provided, pregnancy can be saved;
    • . They are formed exclusively against the background of infectious pathology. The patient needs to receive adequate treatment to avoid infection of the fetus.

    Vaginal leucorrhoea can change greatly during treatment with Utrozhestan suppositories. In most cases, an increase in the volume of vaginal secretions and some visual changes in consistency and color are caused by the drug itself. And if a woman has no pathological symptoms, namely itching, burning, pain, then there is no reason to worry.

    If problems occur in a pregnant woman’s body, the child is also negatively affected. With pathology, substances harmful to the fetus are produced and the amount of substances necessary for its growth and development decreases.

    Progesterone is one of the hormones that ensures proper development of the fetus. With insufficient production of the hormone, the risk of involuntary abortion or improper formation of fetal organs and tissues increases. In this case, the pregnant woman may be prescribed the drug Utrozhestan, which increases the level of progesterone in the body.

    Utrozhestan is safe for mother and child, but women are often frightened by the changes in the nature of vaginal discharge that are observed after taking the drug. They become too abundant or change color. How can you tell if these changes are normal or pathological?

    What discharge is normal?

    In the absence of diseases, the secretion while taking Utrozhestan will slightly change its color and become yellowish, beige or white. An unexpressed pink color or a brownish tint is also normal if there are no other warning symptoms. The consistency of the secretion can be either slimy and thick, or more watery and liquefied.

    Any strong deviations (very thick secretion, profuse liquid leucorrhoea, the appearance of impurities, change in odor) should be the reason for contacting a specialist.

    Reasons for increased discharge

    To understand which vaginal discharge from Utrozhestan is normal, and which are completely unrelated to its use and indicate the presence of pathologies, it is necessary to understand this topic in more detail.

    White discharge during pregnancy is absolutely normal. Their number varies depending on certain phases.

    And this is facilitated by:

    • Hormonal changes in the body during the initial stages of embryo development.
    • Large blood flow to the pelvic area, which ensures the fetus receives all the nutrients necessary for its normal development and formation.
    • The formation of a mucus plug in the cervix, which prevents infection from entering the amniotic sac.

    An increase in the volume of vaginal secretion and a change in its nature (watery discharge may appear) are the absolute norm for a pregnant woman. However, you need to understand that the norm is those discharges that are not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. If a woman secretes a cloudy liquid from her vagina, yellow or brown discharge, abdominal pain, itching and burning in the perineum, then this is no longer normal. In this case, you must definitely visit a doctor and undergo a full examination, which will allow you to determine the exact cause of the appearance of discharge during pregnancy.

    Brown and yellow discharge

    With Utrozhestan, brown discharge may appear before or after bleeding. They require increased attention from the patient. They signal that microdamage to tissue is occurring and possible detachment of the ovum or placental abruption. This often happens from a lack of progesterone, that is, the dose of the drug requires adjustment. Sometimes these discharges go away on their own, but it is better to report their occurrence to your doctor to avoid complications. Sometimes brown discharge appears when the dose of Utrozhestan is reduced. In this case, it is necessary to return to the previous dose and monitor the level of progesterone in the blood.

    When taking Utrozhestan, brown discharge can also signal the development of vaginal dysbiosis, ectopic pregnancy, and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Therefore, they cannot be ignored. Brown color of secretion can be observed with vaginitis - vaginal dysbiosis. It is usually accompanied by itching. The condition requires drug correction of the flora. It usually occurs as a result of stress, overwork, a general decrease in immunity, the use of antibiotics, chronic diseases of the genitourinary system and intestines.

    Yellow discharge from Utrozhestan may be normal. But it should be understood that the light yellow color of the discharge is considered normal in the absence of pain, itching, burning, or odor. The drug contains a form-forming substance, which can acquire a yellowish tint in an acidic environment. When it expires, the discharge acquires this color.

    Important! If, in addition to the discharge turning yellow, you experience burning, itching, an unpleasant odor, or general malaise, then you should consult a doctor. These symptoms signal the development of an inflammatory disease and have nothing in common with taking Utrozhestan.

    In the second trimester of pregnancy, vaginal secretions often acquire a yellowish tint. This may indicate an allergic reaction to something. For example, for a hygiene product. Yellow color can signal the development of infectious diseases such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, staphylococcal or rod infections.

    If there are any changes in the discharge, you should inform your doctor. It is important to maintain good hygiene and avoid irritating agents:

    1. Use underwear made from natural fabrics.
    2. Do not use scented pads.
    3. Eliminate gels and soaps for intimate hygiene - use just water.
    4. Avoid stress, hypothermia and overheating.
    5. Eliminate spicy, salty foods, as well as alcohol.

    May your worries be unfounded. Remember, timely consultation with a doctor can save your pregnancy and protect you from the serious consequences of infectious diseases.

    "Utrozhestan" is one of the hormonal drugs often prescribed during pregnancy. It is prescribed to expectant mothers with the threat of abortion if it is caused by a lack of progesterone. Since the main ingredient of the medicine is this hormone, the use of Utrozhestan helps eliminate its deficiency, which helps maintain pregnancy. After inserting the capsule into the vagina, almost all expectant mothers note the appearance of discharge. In most cases this is normal, but sometimes it can be a sign of various health problems.

    What should not be the discharge after capsules?

    A woman who uses Utrozhestan while expecting a baby should be wary of the following changes in vaginal secretion:

    • The discharge is too abundant, there is a lot of it, it is liquid, like water. Even if the secretion is watery, transparent and without foreign impurities, but its amount causes discomfort in the woman, it is worth contacting your doctor to exclude the possibility of a hidden infection or leakage of amniotic fluid.
    • The leucorrhoea acquired a pronounced pink tint. Most often, this is a sign of insufficient progesterone dosage, so if bright pink discharge appears, you should inform your gynecologist about this to increase the dose of the drug. In some cases, such a change also indicates more dangerous problems, such as placental abruption.
    • The expectant mother began to experience white and very thick discharge, which is called cheesy due to the presence of white grains or flakes. Such a change in secretion often indicates infection with candida fungi (thrush), which requires immediate treatment. The woman also begins to experience itching and redness of the genitals. In addition to thrush, other infections, such as those caused by mycoplasma or chlamydia, can lead to the appearance of white flaky discharge.
    • The discharge has a yellow, mustard or greenish color. It is characteristic of a bacterial infection and should also be a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Typically, such discharge also has an unpleasant odor and a sticky consistency. If the disease occurs latently (without fever or other disturbing symptoms), it is dangerous for the baby. The doctor will conduct additional research and prescribe appropriate treatment so that the microbes do not harm the child.
    • The secretion has turned bright red or brown. Such a change confirms the threat of miscarriage and may indicate detachment of the ovum and the onset of abortion. If the discharge has acquired this color, the woman should immediately seek medical help.

    Hospitalization and timely treatment will help maintain pregnancy.

    Utrozhestan and discharge after it

    Added by a genius. Published: March 3 I see these “flakes” all the time - it’s the shell that comes out. All my urine tests are good. Oksana Aleksandrova published an article in Analyzes and examinations, on October 29 Sofya Sokolova published an article in Symptoms of pregnancy, on September 13 Irina Shirokova published an article in Gynecology, on September 19 Sofya Sokolova published an article in Analyzes and examinations, September 22 Author: Evil sister Aibolit Created 16 hours ago.

    Author: TanyaParf Created 7 hours ago. Author: Nazh Created 23 hours ago. Author: Pilipushka Created 20 hours ago. Author: The Happiest Cockroach Created 4 hours ago. Author: Yulichka Created 16 hours ago. Author: Alivka Created 14 hours ago. Author: Milena Created 16 hours ago. Questions Search in. All activity Home Questions white flakes.

    Added by a genius on March 3 Girls, has anyone come across this, 7 weeks B. I’m putting utrozhestan vaginally. I noticed white flakes floating on the surface in the urine. At first I thought it was urine coming out, but now I think it’s not him, but actually in the urine.

    Nothing worries me anymore, no pain. I haven’t registered yet, only two weeks later I managed to sign up. And no matter what I do, I can’t seem to leave it. And in general, what is this, I’ve never had thrush.

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    How to diagnose and solve the problem?

    If you have brown or other abnormal vaginal discharge, any patient, whether pregnant or not, should report the symptom to their healthcare provider. If a threat of miscarriage is suspected, an urgent ultrasound is performed. If an infection is suspected, a smear is taken to determine the composition of the flora. Sometimes treatment is prescribed after a visual examination if there are signs of infection. For this purpose, complex preparations of antibacterial action in suppositories are used, for example, Terzhinan.

    Discharge does not always occur due to the use of candles. Only a doctor can cancel them, reduce the dosage and select additional drugs for treatment, especially during pregnancy. If the brown secretion appears due to a lack of progesterone, they can increase the amount of medication or change it to Duphaston. Hormone levels are monitored through a special blood test.

    Fact! If there is a lack of Progesterone, it is preferable to insert Utrozhestan vaginally rather than drink it. This ensures greater concentration.

    Why do pregnant women have more discharge?

    During pregnancy, all women experience an increase in the amount of vaginal leucorrhoea. And the longer the pregnancy, the greater the amount of discharge that will bother the woman. Usually, when taking smears and bacterial cultures, the doctor will assess the presence or absence of inflammation. If there is no infection, then there is no need to worry. Normally, normal white discharge during pregnancy occurs due to:

    • increased formation of vaginal secretions;
    • more fluid entering from the vessels.

    During pregnancy there is always more discharge, even in situations where there are no problems and no treatment methods are used. The main thing that should not happen is inflammatory manifestations (burning, itching, redness) associated with leucorrhoea.

    Dose of the drug during pregnancy

    Utrozhestan in the early stages of pregnancy can be prescribed for preventive and therapeutic purposes. In the first case, the woman is recommended to administer Utrozhestan capsules deeply vaginally once at night - a dose of 200 mg of the drug. The increase in leucorrhoea volume will be insignificant. Sometimes it remains at the usual level.

    To treat the pathological condition, Utrozhestan will also be prescribed in the form of capsules, but in a different dosage. The daily volume - 600-800 mg - should be divided into two or three doses. During pregnancy, in most cases, Utrozhestan is used topically, that is, it is administered by the patient deep into the vagina as close as possible to the cervix. The discharge increases, so when using local treatment in large doses, gynecologists recommend using panty liners.


    Most pregnant women who used Utrozhestan during pregnancy noted a slight increase in the total amount of discharge and a slight change in their color. In their reviews, they indicate that with a normal reaction to the capsule, discomfort, swelling, itching, redness and other alarming changes do not occur.

    If, during the use of the drug, doubts arose about the normal reaction of vaginal secretions, expectant mothers turned to their doctor. The consultation helped them determine whether the discharge was affected only by taking Utrozhestan or whether an infection was added.

    To guarantee the prevention of miscarriage and to safely carry the fetus to term, the doctor will use long-term treatment regimens, including the vaginal administration of progesterone capsules. Discharge after Utrozhestan during pregnancy can frighten or disrupt the comfort of life, but there is no need to be afraid - there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Most often, the reasons for the appearance of vaginal leucorrhoea will be harmless events occurring inside the vagina and associated with the introduction of capsules. There is no need to try to get rid of discharge during pregnancy using douching or any other manipulation. If questions or doubts arise, it is better to consult a doctor rather than attempt treatment on your own.

    Smell from discharge while taking Utrozhestan during pregnancy

    As we said above, a large dosage has a direct effect on increasing the amount of secretion, which is why the woman is forced to endure discomfort. However, this is not all the troubles that may arise during the treatment period.

    Some patients complain of a change in the smell of the discharge - it is very unpleasant. In such a situation, it is better to play it safe and see a doctor unscheduled. Very often, the cause of the appearance of a rotten odor is the development of an infectious process, and at the initial stage a woman may not suspect anything, because there is no clear clinical picture of the disease. However, the unpleasant aroma itself should already cause concern.

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