White discharge from the penis

Discharge from the genital organs of men and women always raises a lot of questions. Especially when there is clear discharge from the urethra. They are observed in diseases or can be normal daily secretions produced by the glands. The appearance of various discharges in men is associated with sexual development and increased work of various organs of the endocrine and reproductive systems.

Discharge and sexually transmitted diseases

Most often, with sexually transmitted diseases of the genitourinary system, the characteristics of the discharge change dramatically.

  1. Transparent mucous membranes. They have high density and small volume. They are a symptom of chlomydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasmosis. Laboratory tests reveal a slight presence of leukocytes.
  2. With an admixture of pus. The secret is whitish in color with transparent inclusions. They are a symptom of the acute form of chlomydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasmosis. If chlamydia is present, a sticky coating appears on the glans penis.
  3. Purulent discharge. They are the first and most striking symptom of gonorrhea, usually appearing in combination with a foul odor. Thick and sticky discharge, with various yellow and green edema characteristic of pus, is constant and profuse. In addition, there is unbearable itching and burning when urinating.

Diseases of the reproductive system are often diagnosed in a complex manner and have various manifestations, including discharge of a different nature.

How dangerous is the disease?

Trichomonas urethritis is often complicated by the formation of ulcers or erosion of the genital organs, which is similar to chancre. They have an uneven edge, and at the bottom there is purulent content, or an irregular shape with a red bottom.

In the absence of treatment in men, the epididymis, seminal vesicles or prostate gland are affected, and these processes end in infertility. The danger of the disease is that its symptoms often do not appear and the person becomes a carrier of the infection.

Inflammatory processes

In many cases, discharge from the urethra is not related to STDs, but is a consequence of inflammation in the urinary system caused by an aggressive reaction of the body’s own.

  1. Non-gonorrheal urethritis. Mucous discharge, sometimes accompanied by an admixture of pus, is contained in the urine. Often this type of urethritis leads to an ascending infection, first affecting the urethra, then the bladder, and then to the kidneys. The severe stage is characterized by the appearance of blood in the urine.
  2. Thrush or candidiasis. A common disease associated with a weak protective function of the body. The carrier of a fungal infection is often a woman. The discharge is curd-like, with a characteristic lactic-sour odor.
  3. Gardnerellosis of the urethra. The discharge is pale yellow in droplets, with the smell of rotten herring. Often caused by dysbacteriosis.
  4. Inflammation of the foreskin. Discharge from the urethra is purulent with clear mucus, swelling and redness of the penis.
  5. Prostatitis. The mucus is slightly cloudy and is released at the end of urination. The volume of discharge is large in the acute form, and insignificant in the chronic form. An accompanying symptom is extremely difficult outflow of urine, in extreme cases the inability to urinate.

At the first manifestations of excessive mucus, you should consult a doctor; the effect of treatment depends on this and minimizes the risk of various complications.

How to diagnose?

Trichomonas urethritis often occurs together with other STDs - gonorrhea or chlamydia. For accurate diagnosis and identification of the pathogen, a smear is used with examination under a microscope. However, this technique is insensitive and often does not detect trichomonas, since when they get on a glass slide they lose their flagella and disguise themselves as ordinary cellular structures.

There are more accurate methods to determine the disease:

  1. Cultural. It is more sensitive than the examination of conventional smears.
  2. Immunofluorescent.
  3. PCR method.

Discharge without STDs and inflammation

There are quite a large number of cases where the discharge does not relate to infectious and inflammatory diseases.

  1. Spermatorrhoea. Spontaneous release of sperm, without any reason. It can be caused by diseases of the central nervous system, depression, stress and as a complication after infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  2. Hematorrhea. Discharge of bloody clots or clear mucus streaked with blood. Caused by physical trauma to the urethra. Most often, blood is observed after incorrect installation of the catheter in the urethra. The ureter can become damaged when expelling stones from the bladder.
  3. Neoplasms. With certain types of tumors, brown mucous discharge streaked with blood may appear. A large number of cases are observed in prostate cancer. Polyps in the urinary canal or bladder will also cause discharge.
  4. Prostatorrhea. Arbitrary leakage of prostate secretions. It is a sign of prostate cancer, overactive bladder and chronic prostatitis.
  5. Failure to maintain personal hygiene can cause the appearance of a small amount of clear discharge with a specific odor. Bacteria, when multiplying, leave waste products in the form of mucus.
  6. Presence of diabetes mellitus. When metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, especially in diabetes, the discharge is large.
  7. Allergic reaction to components of protective equipment. Abundant transparent discharge may indicate an allergic reaction of the body to latex or lubricant components, as well as other contraceptives.

Various discharges from the urethra in men have a different nature, so if discomfort or strong discharge occurs, you should contact a specialist for help and conduct a full diagnosis. If an obvious purulent component appears in the discharge, you should not delay a visit to the doctor. Its presence in the urethra indicates the development of a serious disease, which can lead to various complications affecting the overall health.

What could be causing the discharge?

Undoubtedly, when the color of the secreted secretion changes, you need to be especially attentive to your body. It is possible that this is precisely the phenomenon that manifests various kinds of diseases.

There are cases in medical practice when the discharge does not cause any discomfort when urinating. But it is not always the case. Sometimes patients with these symptoms experience cutting pain and discomfort. It is impossible not to notice the secreted mucus. It manifests itself abundantly (throughout the whole day) and causes discomfort.

But it is worth noting: the discharge may also be scanty, which means that it will be much more difficult to notice it. Exacerbations may depend, for example, on drinking alcohol or highly spicy foods.

Men can lead a promiscuous sex life, after which they discover strange discharge. That's when they start to worry and become wary. After all, today there are a large number of sexually transmitted diseases.

Of course, fluid is released in different ways. This largely depends on the intensity of inflammation, as well as the stage of neglect. In this case, the mucus may have different colors. In such cases, clear discharge in men is rare.

Typically, the secreted liquid has a thick consistency. If there are a large number of white blood cells, the discharge may become green or yellow. The reasons for this arise due to previous operations, the appearance of tumors, colds and infectious diseases, various injuries and inflammations. If the consistency of the secreted mucus or its quantity changes, you must seek qualified help. The discharge may acquire unpleasant odors and change color. Such processes should be alarming.

Doctors will help with consultation, prescribe the necessary tests and identify the causes of discomfort. Patients often delay visiting a specialist, thereby aggravating their own situation. After all, everyone knows that in the early stages the disease can be treated much easier and more painlessly. Therefore, you should take responsibility for your health. Transparent, mild discharge with a viscous consistency occurs:

  • with chronic chlamydia;
  • with ureaplasma urethritis.

In this case, the patient submits the discharge for analysis, in which the number of leukocytes is looked at. Moderate norm - 4 cells. If the mucus has purulent discharge, as a rule, it has a characteristic odor and indicates the presence of gonorrhea.

In this case, there is often copious discharge. These symptoms are accompanied by discomfort when urinating. Itching and burning may occur. The secretion of fluid is not always abundant, most often, on the contrary, it is more scanty. But in the urine you can notice small lumps of purulent mucus, which usually appear during the first stage of the disease.

Male patients may experience abnormal discharge. They develop with long-term use of antibiotics or after chemotherapy; they are also possible with candidiasis, accompanied by scanty discharge that has a fishy odor. The color of the mucus, as a rule, has a yellowish tint.

Spermatorea occurs and is accompanied by the release of sperm without the sensation of orgasm. Brown mucus is often present. In addition, blood clots and pus may appear. Purulent formations occur in the presence of malignant tumors. If the discharge is bloody and profuse, then hospitalization is required. Usually, the abundance of discharge is noticeable after sleep. Therefore, it is worth monitoring the state of the body.

Other causes of pneumaturia

No matter how unpleasant the reasons described above may be for which air may be noticeable in the urine, the formation of a fistula between the intestines and the bladder can be caused either by an injury or by a more dangerous disease - the development of a malignant tumor of the intestine or prostate.

In any case, the observed appearance of air bubbles in the urine should be reported to the doctor. In this case, a series of laboratory examinations will be prescribed, involving both a microscopic examination of urine, aimed at identifying microorganisms that can cause fermentation in the urine, and a blood examination.

In the absence of obvious manifestations of any disease, which may result in the appearance of air bubbles in the urine, a more in-depth examination is required to exclude the possibility of hidden development of cancer. The necessary set of examinations is prescribed by the attending physician.

Prices for services

Initial appointment with a urologist FOR MEN + ultrasound (assessment of complaints, medical history, if necessary, digital rectal examination, ultrasound of the prostate gland in men)

Primary appointment – ​​visiting a doctor of a specific specialty for the first time. The price is not valid for appointments. Department of Urology Rylchikova I.V. Make an appointment

550 ₽

Initial appointment with manager Department of Urology Rylchikov I.V. + Ultrasound (includes a conversation with the patient, initial examination, medical history, if necessary, rectal digital examination, ultrasound of the prostate gland)

Primary appointment – ​​visiting a doctor of a specific specialty for the first time. Make an appointment

1200 ₽

Repeated appointment with the urologist

Make an appointment

700 ₽

Stages of treatment

If symptoms of trichomoniasis appear in men, they should consult a urologist or venereologist. In women, a gynecologist is responsible for providing care for this specific infection. When trichomonas are detected, effective help can only be provided if both partners complete the full course of treatment. For the entire period of treatment, complete abstinence from sexual intercourse is necessary.

The main goal of providing assistance for a disease such as trichomonas urethritis is eradication of the infection and complete elimination of the clinical symptoms of the disease.

For uncomplicated trichomoniasis, antiprotozoal drugs are used. The regimen includes ornidazole in combination with metronidazole (Metrogil, Trichopolum). These drugs are used in both women and men. The course is about 10 days.

Treatment for pregnant women is carried out from the second trimester. The regimen includes the use of tinidazole or ornidazole. The use of these drugs is stopped in the last stages of gestation and during breastfeeding. This is explained by the mutagenic and carcinogenic properties of these drugs.

If there are complications in the form of inflammation of the pelvic organs, the patient is recommended to receive hospital treatment.

If a chronic course of urethritis caused by Trichomonas develops, then the patient is instilled with drugs directly into the urethra. The criterion for cure for this disease in women is the absence of Trichomonas in smears from the vagina, urethra and cervix. The study is carried out 10 days after the start of taking the drugs, then after a month, then after two months.

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