What diet should you follow if you have an ovarian cyst?

An ovarian cyst is a small sac of fluid. Most often it is formed in the body due to hormonal imbalances. This pathology requires constant monitoring. A woman who has been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst should visit her doctor's office regularly so that she can monitor the development of the benign tumor.

If the patient strives to recover, she must strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions, which are aimed at treating the tumor. Also, a woman should be aware of existing contraindications that could worsen her condition.

What is contraindicated to eat?

The main cause of ovarian cysts is

disruption of hormones in the body. Hormonal levels are directly related to metabolism. Therefore, in order not to aggravate the condition of the cyst and the body, but rather to speed up the healing process, nutrition should be fractional, balanced and healthy. Those foods that can lead to its increase are excluded from the diet.

These are:

  • canned foods;
  • various sauces and spices;
  • oversalted or spicy foods;
  • smoked products and semi-finished products.

Food should be rich in vitamins and minerals, which play a very important role in metabolic processes.

Do not forget that the plant fiber that is present

in vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits, helps eliminate toxins and toxic substances from the body. Steamed fish, fermented milk products and cottage cheese should undoubtedly be present in the diet of any woman. By following a proper and balanced diet, as well as leading a healthy lifestyle, the risk of increasing the size of an ovarian cyst is reduced.

Do I need a diet before laparoscopy?

Laparoscopic surgery is a serious surgical procedure that requires preparation. During this procedure, the surgeon uses a special device to inject carbon dioxide into the abdominal cavity, which helps increase visibility. At this point, only distended intestinal loops can interfere.

Therefore, women are recommended to follow a simple diet for several days the day before laparoscopy for ovarian cysts. The basic rule is to exclude all gas-forming products:

  • fruits vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • fresh bread and similar products;
  • dairy products;
  • some cereals, for example, pearl barley.

Gas-forming products
You can eat low-fat soups, cereals, boiled and baked meat, and drink compotes.

On the eve of the intervention, a light breakfast, lunch and dinner are recommended. It is better not to eat anything 12 hours before the operation, and also give a cleansing enema.

Watch this video about foods that cause gas:

Drinking alcohol and strong drinks with a cyst

It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol if you have an ovarian cyst. Alcoholic drinks have a negative impact on the health of any woman. In particular, they negatively affect hormonal levels, as a result of which the ovarian tumor increases significantly.

In addition, the immune system becomes weaker and resistance to viruses and various diseases decreases.

Nutrition rules

The basics of a diet for this disease are based not only on avoiding junk food, but also on other important features.


Based on the correct division of food intake. That is, the patient needs to divide his daily diet into at least 5 doses. In this case, 3 meals should be the main ones.

These include breakfast in the morning, lunch in the daytime and dinner in the evening. The remaining 2-3 meals are considered additional meals (snacks). In this case, the body will better assimilate the food consumed, which will have a beneficial effect on its metabolic processes.


In this case, the patient needs to drink the recommended amount of clean water per day. Many doctors agree that for a healthy lifestyle a person needs to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

It is worth considering that the water should not contain any additives (carbon dioxide, dyes, juices, sugar and other impurities).


Food should contain a large number of different minerals, vitamins and other beneficial microelements. Since these substances take an active part in cell rejuvenation, which in turn has a beneficial effect on a speedy recovery.


When preparing your daily diet, you must include foods high in fiber (vegetables and fruits). Since ovarian cysts often cause disruptions in the functioning of the intestines, and fiber allows you to quickly restore its microflora.

Unhealthy food

Excessive consumption of fatty, spicy and salty foods disrupts the functionality of the kidneys, adrenal glands, gallbladder and liver, which in turn causes hormonal imbalance. Therefore, doctors recommend eliminating or reducing the intake of this food from the daily diet.

In order for the food you eat to become truly healthy, it must be steamed, baked in the oven, or simply boiled.

Aquatic and physiotherapeutic procedures

Massage and water procedures are used taking into account the doctor’s recommendations. Thermal procedures can lead to removal of the ovary due to the growth of the cyst. Various physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated in cases where they are prescribed by a gynecologist.

Taking a bath

During treatment of cystic formations in the ovary, a woman should not take a bath with hot water. For a favorable course of the disease, you can take a bath with warm water, provided that the duration of the procedure should be no more than 15 minutes. But the best option for women with this condition is to take a shower.

Visiting the bathhouse and sauna

Visiting the bathhouse and sauna is strictly contraindicated! The hot air and steam heat up the body, resulting in dilation of blood vessels and increased blood flow to the pelvic area. This process accelerates the growth of the tumor, causes harm and subsequently leads to its rupture.

SPA treatments and wraps

Wraps, SPA treatments and lymphatic drainage are also prohibited. Patients should not visit such places, regardless of the size of the ovarian cyst. These procedures not only heat the tissues and internal organs, but also exert pressure on the lower abdomen.


If there is a tumor in the ovary, massage is not recommended. But there are cases when it is beneficial and is used in treatment. For example, massaging the vagina, this type of massage helps remove congestion that can cause new formations. Massaging the collar area, arms, legs and feet is also acceptable for ovarian cysts.

The effect of a follicular cyst on the menstrual cycle

An unconventional technique with a stunning effect!

A follicular cyst is directly related to menstruation. This type of neoplasm appears in the ovary due to the fact that the egg does not leave its membrane in a timely manner. This phenomenon is necessarily accompanied by the release of a huge amount of hormones that do not allow menstruation to occur on time. So such a delay can be considered as the main sign of the development of a cystic tumor in the ovary.

The follicular cyst begins to manifest itself after it grows to 6-10 cm. At this point, the woman begins to notice symptoms characteristic of the pathology:

  1. Copious discharge. They go intensely throughout the entire period.
  2. Prolonged menstruation that lasts more than 7 days.
  3. Pain during menstruation. They are much stronger than normal ones. Severe discomfort in women appears not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the sacral area, as well as in the place where the tumor is located.
  4. Too little discharge. They will be observed if there is not enough progesterone in the female body. Lack of estrogen is also accompanied by unnatural spotting.

If a woman has been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, then she should be prepared to face a prolonged absence of menstruation. In such a situation, it would not hurt to take a pregnancy test in advance to rule out this option, which explains the absence of menstruation.

  • Cystic neoplasms do not exclude the possibility of pregnancy. However, due to a malfunction in the reproductive system, the fertilized egg may not reach the uterus. Because of this, it remains in the fallopian tube.
  • This state of affairs is fraught with the onset of ectopic pregnancy, which is a very dangerous diagnosis. A woman should check with a gynecologist for this disorder if she is bothered by constant abdominal pain and vaginal spotting.

Sometimes women do not even know that there is a cyst in their body. Small tumors quietly disappear after menstruation passes. They do not cause any discomfort and do not betray themselves due to the lack of expression of characteristic symptoms.

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Is it possible to sunbathe with an ovarian cyst?

It is forbidden to stay in the sun for a long time, or to sunbathe in a solarium. It is advisable to avoid exposure to rays during solar activity. Ultraviolet light is beneficial for the body, but in moderation. It is recommended to be exposed to sunlight in the morning or evening, no more than one hour. By observing the residence time, the risk of degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one is eliminated.

Regarding sports with cystic disease

With an ovarian tumor, physical activity is limited. Exercises for all abdominal muscles, abdominal swings, and leg lifts are not allowed. Running and strength sports are definitely prohibited, since fast intense running increases the risk of twisting a large cyst, and sports associated with heavy physical activity will lead to rupture of ovarian tissue.

A woman with an ovarian cyst is allowed to do light gymnastics and yoga.

Fitness and swimming are not contraindications. But it is worth noting that if pain appears localized in the lower abdomen and discomfort during exercise, it should be stopped until recovery.

Diet after surgery

As for the dietary menu during the postoperative period , experts recommend adhering to it strictly and eating small portions 5-6 times during the day .

Read about the diet after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst here.

During the first 24 hours after surgery, experts recommend consuming liquid foods, such as light chicken or vegetable broths, as well as fermented milk products.

Thus, the transition to a normal diet, even a dietary one, should be carried out gradually.

Discussing the need for a diet in the postoperative period, doctors highlight the following reasons for this decision::

  1. A healthy diet will strengthen your immune system, which will reduce the likelihood of developing any complications after surgery.
  2. Dietary nutrition makes it possible to quickly cleanse the body of toxins that appear after the use of anesthetic drugs, as well as reduce the load on the liver.
  3. Thanks to the dietary menu, a woman who has undergone surgery to remove an ovarian cyst will be able to quickly restore the reproductive functions of the body, influencing the course of the menstrual cycle through nutrition.

Of course, no one denies the importance of preventive measures aimed at eliminating risk factors that can lead to the development of the indicated disease. And every woman would do well to remember about preventive measures.

However, if the disease is nevertheless diagnosed, then it must be dealt with.

And diet in this case plays an important role in the fight against pathological processes..

Having sex with a cyst

Intimate connections have a good effect on the emotional and physical health of every woman. Regular sex life is one of the main components of a healthy body, which helps stabilize the reproductive system. In many cases, having sex does not pose a risk of cyst complications.

However, there are several rules that you should try to follow and not break:

  1. During sexual intercourse, avoid positions that may cause tension and pressure on the abs. There is a possibility of pain and rupture of the cyst.
  2. It is better to refuse intimacy for the duration of your illness if you experience bleeding or pain.

If the cystic tumor enlarges, it is recommended to completely stop having sex until complete recovery.

Exercising with a benign ovarian tumor

Many girls and women who lead an active lifestyle ask specialists questions about whether they are allowed to play sports if they have an ovarian cyst. It should be said right away that performing most physical exercises with such a diagnosis is unacceptable. Especially if they require the use of strength and endurance. Such loads include:

  1. Long distance running.
  2. Abdominal exercises.
  3. Cardio training.
  4. Lifting weights.

Other physical activities that force the abdominal muscles to work are also prohibited.

Separately, it is necessary to discuss the possibility of doing fitness for women who have had a cyst discovered in their ovary. This type of physical activity is not a direct contraindication. However, if a woman experiences discomfort in the lower abdomen or feels pain while performing certain exercises, then she will have to postpone the exercises until she has fully recovered. Fitness is also prohibited for patients with large tumors.

If a woman with an ovarian cyst continues to exercise and does abdominal exercises, she runs the risk of rupturing the tumor. This dangerous phenomenon requires immediate hospitalization. Only surgery will help eliminate the consequences of a ruptured cyst.

We recommend reading - what exercises can be performed with an ovarian cyst.

General recommendations

By following the instructions of your doctor, you can avoid the harmful consequences of a cystic neoplasm:

  1. Visit your gynecologist regularly. A visit to the doctor serves to prevent complications of a benign tumor cyst. The doctor will tell you what you can and cannot do if you have an ovarian cyst.
  2. Lifting heavy things and objects is contraindicated in the presence of a cystic formation. Heaviness causes the body to experience muscle tension, including the oblique, lateral and rectus abdominal muscles, which increases the likelihood of loss of fertility.

The effect of endometrioid tumor on menstruation

To treat Cysts without surgery, our readers successfully use Irina Yakovleva’s Method. Having carefully studied this method, we decided to bring it to your attention.

Endometrioid cysts have an equally extensive effect on menstruation. They are formed as a result of the spread of endometrial tissue to the ovaries. Because of this, peculiar capsules are formed in the organ, which quickly fill with brownish liquid. In most cases, both ovaries are affected due to pathology.

An endometrioid cyst affects menstruation in the following ways:

  1. The discharge that is observed before and after menstruation is spotting in nature.
  2. During critical days, heavy discharge is noticeable. This symptom is explained by an increase in the volume of the endometrium, due to which many more blood vessels begin to burst. Also in the discharge is an outer layer of tissue with damaged capillaries, which are separated by an ovarian cyst.
  3. The duration of menstruation increases. This is because the endometrial cells, which have become much larger, do not have time to completely exit beyond the prescribed period.
  4. Feeling of nausea and weakness. An increase in body temperature is often observed, which is not critical. These symptoms indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the body.
  5. Significant increase in pain during menstruation. The affected cells begin to compress the surrounding tissue. The pain syndrome becomes more pronounced if a woman lifts weights or has sex. At other times, the pain is mild but constant.


You should absolutely not resort to self-medication and take hormonal medications on your own.

Any incorrectly selected drugs worsen a woman’s health and aggravate the situation, in some cases death is possible. You should use folk remedies and other medications only after contacting a gynecologist or endocrinologist, who can select the right therapy.


Complications are likely if treatment is not followed, which can only be eliminated surgically:

  1. Ovarian apoplexy (rupture) is a female pathology accompanied by bleeding and sharp pain in the lower abdomen, developing mainly after physical exertion.
  2. Difficult pregnancy and infertility are the most obvious prognosis for patients if treatment is ignored.
  3. Ovarian cancer. There is a high probability of transformation from a benign to a malignant tumor.
  4. Dysfunction of internal organs. Enlarged cystic formations put pressure on nearby organs, thereby disrupting their function.
  5. Adhesive disease. The endometrioid type of cyst causes adhesions in the pelvis. This condition can become a threat to a woman’s life.

To prevent complications, it is necessary to visit a specialist and undergo a timely examination, during which it will be known whether such a neoplasm is dangerous and whether it is possible to do without surgical intervention. Monitoring the growth of the tumor with the help of the attending physician will help to avoid the growth of tumors. For a positive result, patients must adhere to the recommendations and not forget about a number of contraindications for ovarian cysts.

When should you expect menopause?

Can a formation that occurs in a woman of childbearing age disappear upon the onset of menopause? Yes, if it is a hormone-dependent tumor. An example of such a disease is endometriosis and its special case – a cyst on the ovary.

Characteristic features of an endometrioid cyst:

  • It is an accumulation of endometrial glandular tissue outside the uterus;
  • Often combined with other forms of endometriosis;
  • Possible bilateral ovarian damage;
  • Affects the menstrual cycle: periods come late, and then become long and heavy;
  • Provokes the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen before and during menstruation;
  • Leads to ovulation disorders and infertility.

Endometrioid cysts are formed under the influence of female sex hormones and are detected mainly in young patients. With the onset of menopause, estrogen levels drop and heterotopic lesions regress. If the formation does not disappear on its own, its removal is indicated.

An endometrioid cyst is a hormone-dependent tumor. With the onset of menopause it may regress.

It is important to know

Large endometriotic cysts are prone to rupture, so leaving them in the body is not advisable.

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