Psychosomatics and gynecology: a growing problem for modern women

What does official medicine and psychosomatic specialists recommend?

Louise Hay gives a healing affirmation that heals the psychosomatics of the uterus: “I love my body. I love being a woman. I am glad that I am a woman.”

Official medicine recommends that women with uterine fibroids have it immediately removed surgically, often along with the uterus. This is a hormone-dependent benign tumor of the uterus, which occurs in the muscle layer (myometrium), in the form of single or multiple nodes of different sizes. Psychosomatics of uterine fibroids are provoked by an increase in estrogen levels and a decrease in progesterone. This can be caused by abortions, miscarriages, histological tests, cleansing, inflammatory diseases, ovarian dysfunction, vegetative-vascular disorders, changes in the functioning of the pituitary-hypothalamus system, as well as liver diseases, which has the function of utilizing hormones. Symptoms of uterine fibroids:

  • disruption of the menstrual cycle.
  • bleeding,
  • pain,
  • disturbances in the work of related organs,
  • anemia due to bleeding,
  • weakness.

Nodes can decrease in size naturally during menopause or with hormonal therapy.

Folk remedies :

  • to stop uterine bleeding: drink 200 ml of nettle
  • for the treatment of inflammation and erosion of the cervix: a tampon moistened with nettle juice or calendula , a mixture of propolis tincture and lanolin, .
  • for menopausal disorders, endometritis, menstrual irregularities, take mumiyo 0.5 g orally
  • As an antitumor and anti-inflammatory agent, take stone oil , dissolved in water, 3g per liter of warm boiled water (let it brew for half an hour and strain). Drink, douche, do enemas and compresses.

Interpretation of the “New German Medicine”

According to new German medicine, illness is a special biological program that is launched by the body during a conflict to help survive this conflict and heal.

  • The biological purpose fibroids is to strengthen the muscles of the uterus to facilitate childbirth. The biological program will still resolve the conflict, even if the woman consciously does not want to get pregnant and give birth to a child, or the woman wants to give birth to a child, but her partner is against it.
  • Psychosomatics of uterine prolapse : the ligaments that hold the uterus, with a strong conflict between the devaluation of the uterus and its functions (I can’t give birth, I’m not able), lose cells in the active phase of the conflict, and it descends into the vagina.
  • Violation of the integrity of the ligaments that hold the uterus, weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, tumors of the uterus, inflammation, heavy lifting, frequent and difficult childbirth can lead to bending of the uterus , which greatly complicates a woman’s ability to become pregnant. The psychosomatics of a bent uterus is caused by a female conflict of frustration (men neglect me) or a female conflict of loss of territory (I’m afraid of getting pregnant because I have nowhere to live or competition with another woman for one man).
  • Endometritis of the uterus is, unfortunately, familiar to many women. Inflammation of the inner surface layer of the uterine mucosa is accompanied by bleeding, pain, adhesions in the uterus and fallopian tubes. The psychosomatics of uterine endometritis is provoked by a “disgusting semi-genetic conflict” according to Hammer. This is a relationship with a man where a woman feels desecrated, “dirty”, and is burdened by sexual relations.

The endometrium grows in the active phase of the conflict, strengthening the function of the uterus (so that the egg is better strengthened); in the healing phase, heavy bleeding occurs, the disintegration of the thickened endometrium (sometimes outside of menstruation), night sweats, a feeling of coldness, pain. The endometrium can grow into the muscular layer of the uterus, into the peritoneum and the organs located there, causing the psychosomatics of adenomyosis. Intense conflict of loss, fear of loss (husband, partner, child, parents, beloved animal) is healed by the woman’s body by increasing the production of estrogen, which causes the growth of the endometrium.


Question. Where is the “steering wheel” for controlling your body? Where do signals come from to our organs and systems? Brain. Do you agree?

The dominant of motherhood is located in the cerebral cortex.
It is from there that the signal comes - “I want a child.” But, besides the dominant, there are two more important elements that control the processes in our body - the Hypothalamus and the Pituitary gland. The hypothalamic-pituitary system is associated with the Dominant of Reproduction. To understand how the Dominant and Hypothalamic-pituitary systems interact, imagine that a huge enterprise has a CEO and a managing director. So, the Dominant is the CEO who says, “We need a child!” And the managing director, like an eminence grise, decides whether we will now perform the function of childbearing or not. That is, the process is controlled by the Hypothalamic-pituitary system. It is here that decisions are made on what to do, and then the performers move on. The performers in the body are organs and systems.

If the hypothalamus sees that a woman is anxious, it doesn’t care where this anxiety came from. This is known only at the dominant level. And then a task arises at the level of the “managing director” - the hypothalamus - how to prevent it from being involved in reproduction. The psyche has a connection with somatics and the body. And if a woman has some kind of internal conflict, then the body can react physiologically. Then they talk about psychosomatics.

Psychosomatics is the body’s reaction in the form of physiological problems to an internal conflict.

When the body fails to cope with some situation, it goes into somatics. All our relationships are relationships with the world. The transition to somatics is also an escape from tension.

And then it gets even more interesting at our large enterprise called “Female Body”. In parallel with the main dominant, an Alternative Dominant and a Self-Preservation Dominant can arise.

The dominant of self-preservation is a special dominant. She must be constantly on alert. We can't change the world, so our systems are always on to monitor for danger. If for some reason the body believes that pregnancy and the birth of a child are “dangerous” for a woman, then the dominant of self-preservation takes the place of the dominant dominant and it will interfere with the life of other systems.

The task of self-preservation for the body is always higher than the task of reproduction.

- No time for fat. If only I were alive, says the body.

Let's return to our case described above. In the hands, or rather, in the cerebral cortex of a fragile girl, there are powerful forces of control over her body, and reproduction has been blocked unconsciously.

Why can’t you unblock the barriers to motherhood on your own?

Because usually we try to explain the situation by analyzing and constructing logical chains. But the problem is not solved. In the described case, even insemination did not help - the sperm had already taken and delivered the eggs under the windows, but the antibodies turned out to be stronger and more inventive than the person who decided to deceive nature with a medical procedure.

They tried to solve the problem on a conscious level, but the blockage was placed deeper, so the situation when you can’t get pregnant and give birth to a child needs to be looked at not only at the level of the body. A body that we know a little, see, and can touch. You also need to look and search for the body, for the consciousness, for the analytical mind, which can explain everything, but it can’t always solve the problem. We need to go deeper. And, often, this is a winding path.

If a block was placed and sent to the subconscious, then you need to look for it there too.

Disturbances in the reproductive system do not harm the entire body, but have secondary benefits.

Blocked tubes and adhesions in the tubes do not interfere with anyone’s life, but this is a good method of contraception. Circvical canal dysplasia also does not harm anyone. Myoma grows and grows and does not bother anyone. And there is no need to raise anyone anymore. They only interfere with reproduction.

Then where is the benefit, you ask? The secondary benefit is that you don’t get children.

Why is this benefit needed? This is what needs to be dealt with. What is behind this contraception? And here the question of readiness for parenthood arises.

Readiness for parenthood is not about “I want it or I don’t want it,” it’s about “it doesn’t work out.” Realize that “I don’t need this now.” If it is not realized, then we go into conflict. One part of a woman wants one thing, another part wants another.

One option is not to allow the body to work, the other option is to punish the body for this. If the subconscious goal was not to carry a child to term, the uterus rejected the fetus. And then the uterus needs to be punished for this. And thus, one might say, the situation was resolved.

The reproductive system can sleep and switch off for a while. This happens in evolution - to stop the ovaries. This happens during wars - women give birth less. Or during a prolonged stressful situation. The woman has no resources and, as a result, we stop ovarian function. There is even such a concept - hungry amoneria. Not enough protein, cholesterol. Therefore, women and girls definitely need protein. Milk protein from mom. For good reproduction you need good protein nutrition.

And if ovarian function is not restored, you need to understand the stress factor, see a psychologist.

All organs of the reproductive system have their own separate task. The ovaries are the organs that store and grow eggs.

Where did they come from? Mom pawned it. Or rather, my grandmother had them when she was carrying my mother.

Spiritual integrationism by Konstantin Dovlatov

Spiritual integrationism by Konstantin Dovlatov is a unique method, having mastered which, you can quickly and safely heal the psychosomatics of the uterus. After all, in a conflict, it is important how exactly it is lived at the level of the soul, the human psyche. Spiritual Integration eliminates the cause of conflict in a person’s inner reality, and the body responds by healing diseases. The high vibrational state of unconditional love that you learn to enter will restore body-soul contact. The causes of uterine psychosomatics, even if they go back to the ancestors or past incarnations of a person, are healed in this state of harmony.

The uterus is a unique organ that was conceived and created by nature as the main reproductive organ of the female reproductive system. Diseases of the uterus often deprive a woman of the opportunity to become a mother, and therefore their treatment in gynecology is of no small importance.

In this article we will talk about the psychosomatic causes of uterine diseases.

general information

Psychosomatic medicine does not consider diseases exclusively from a physiological or biochemical point of view; it looks at the problem comprehensively, taking into account the anatomy, physiology and mental state and behavior pattern of the patient. This is the only way to find out most accurately why a given woman is developing pathology and how to treat it.

The uterus is a hollow organ; its main task is to be the receptacle for the embryo and fetus during the entire pregnancy. The small uterus, which weighs about 50–70 grams, grows almost 500 times during pregnancy. The uterus actively “works” during the birth process, helping the baby to be born.

It is not for nothing that the words “mother” and “uterus” are related. The condition of the uterus largely determines whether a woman will become a mother and whether she will be able to realize herself in this life according to her natural destiny.

Pathologies of the uterus can be congenital or acquired. In rare cases, uterine agenesis (its complete congenital absence) is observed, and infrequently girls are born with an infantile uterus, which is too small and undeveloped. Congenital ones also include bicornuate and saddle-shaped uteruses.

Psychosomatic reasons

In psychosomatics, the uterus symbolizes procreation, a hearth, a refuge for the baby, its reliable protection, a home. Therefore, problems with the health of the uterus often reflect a woman’s problems with the perception of home, shelter, and hearth. She wants a child, she is generally ready to become a mother, but some internal prohibitions and beliefs about her home prevent her from realizing motherhood.

The most common fear, which on a subconscious level creates diseases of the female reproductive organ, is the fear of not providing for the child, not creating optimal conditions for him. A woman may be tormented by a feeling of guilt that she did not organize the hearth properly and does not have the opportunity to do it in a way that, in her opinion, would be most favorable for the new man, who will be completely dependent on her at first.

Often, women who have not realized themselves creatively in their feminine side suffer from diseases of the uterus - they have chosen a male profession, experience heavy physical overload in professional sports, or compete in anything with men. Rejection of men, disrespect for them, difficult personal experiences and associated grievances against the entire male race are fertile ground for the development of inflammatory diseases and tumor processes in the uterine cavity.

The habit of speaking rudely, cruelty and rigidity, the inability to be flexible in certain situations, arrogance, as well as a woman’s timidity and tightness - all these are part of the psychological portrait of a woman with uterine ailments.

The disease develops and lasts because women “bear” within themselves a resentment towards men, a desire to be better, stronger, smarter than them, a rejection of their own feminine principle and a substitution of principles.

After childbirth, uterine diseases develop due to other grievances - against those people or those circumstances that, in the woman’s opinion, prevent her from becoming a good mother and wife. This could be a husband who earns little and does not help; it could also be aggression directed at herself, when a woman, in an effort to become a good mother, blames herself for the fact that not everything works out the way she would like.

Some researchers point out that the womb is the place where all feminine forces are concentrated. The organ becomes vulnerable in the event of strong grievances and great ambitions, which change the composition of female energy.

What is psychosomatics based on?

It is known that a person has not only a material component, but also a spiritual one. Even materialists will not deny that human thoughts and feelings are immaterial, but they exist and have a direct impact on a person.

Psychosomatic “science” studies the influence of feelings, thoughts, desires on health. Its main principles are the following:

  1. Emotions affect health in the same way as physical factors (viruses, infections, etc.).
  2. Many illnesses can be cured through a change in thinking.
  3. The body must be in harmony with feelings, for this you need to change your attitude towards yourself and the people around you.

There is a certain amount of truth in psychosomatics, and many doctors are aware of this. For example, fear and anxiety contribute to increased blood pressure, the appearance of tachycardia, heart attacks, etc.

In this case, the cause of the physical ailment is hidden in the “spiritual” component of the person and medications will not solve the problem. Medicines can relieve painful symptoms, but if the cause is not addressed, the disease will progress.

In this case, psychosomatics tries to solve a person’s “spiritual” problems, and sometimes such “treatment” is very successful. Below will be given apologists of psychosomatics with their opinion regarding cervical erosion.

Louise Hay

Louise Hay is an American writer who was one of the first to promote the ideas of “self-help” and “self-healing.” She created a table of diseases in which each disease was described from a psychosomatic point of view - its causes and treatment.

The psychosomatics of cervical erosion was not described in this table, however, Louise Hay sees the following causes of any female diseases:

  1. Resentment towards men. If a woman keeps grievances against her former lovers in her heart, then all her female organs cannot function correctly - after all, they were created to interact with a man, and a violation of these relationships leads to problems.
  2. Bad relationship with father. The role of the father is enormous; the formation of correct self-esteem in a woman depends on him.
  3. Reluctance to accept your femininity, denial of your feminine essence.

Treatment of these “wrong” thoughts must be done with the help of affirmations. Affirmations are the repetition of the “right” words that restore harmony in a person with his body and the people around him. An example of an affirmation for female diseases is the following - “I am glad that I am a woman, and I accept my body and feel at home in it.”

Liz Burbo

Liz Burbo is a Canadian psychologist who also has her own table of diseases with her conclusions regarding the “spiritual” cause of diseases and their “spiritual” treatment. Cervical erosion and its psychosomatics are not included in this table, however, the uterus section indicates the causes of problems with the cervix.

So, in her opinion, the reason for cervical erosion is that the woman is in a hurry to implement some ideas. She does not “bear” them for the proper amount of time. In addition, if a girl experiences a “false” feeling of guilt about a poorly organized family home.

Treatment for cervical erosion is to actively implement all your ideas and give up feelings of guilt. You need to go forward and not be afraid of anything.

Valery Sinelnikov

Valery Sinelnikoy became known throughout the Russian-speaking world thanks to his book “Love your illness.” He graduated from medical school, but then became interested in psychosomatics and began writing books on this topic. Valery Sinelnikov sees the psychosmatic reasons for cervical erosion in the fact that a woman does not feel “desired”, she has “wounded” female pride.

Cauterization does not solve the problem of erosion, but only aggravates it, driving the disease inside. Cauterizing cervical erosion means fighting the consequences of the problem; in fact, you need to change your thinking about men!

Oleg Torsunov

In Torsunov’s psychosomatics of female diseases, cervical erosion is absent, however, the causes of all female diseases, according to this “doctor,” are in the “lack of humility” of a woman in front of a man. When a woman does not want to submit to her man and be devoted to him, pathological changes begin to occur in her body.

A woman must teach fidelity and devotion to her man, accept her role as a wife and mother. Do not argue, do not rebel, remain faithful - this is her path to healing.

Sergey Konovalov

Sergei Konovalov was a military doctor, then became interested in the occult and began teaching various spiritual practices of “self-healing.” In his opinion, the psychosomatics of all “uterine” (uterine-related) diseases lies in accumulated grievances and hidden anger towards a man. A woman must forgive all the men in her life and forget about her grievances.

Luule Viilma

Luule Viilma graduated from a medical university in Estonia with a degree in obstetrics and gynecology, but then became interested in esotericism, psychosomatics, parapsychology and began writing books on these topics. In her book “The Bright Source of Love,” she writes that cervical erosion occurs due to the fact that a woman does not know how to express her sexual desires to her husband and this causes her dissatisfaction and resentment towards her husband.

Congenital erosion of the cervix, in her opinion, occurs in a girl if her mother has not learned to love her husband unconditionally and has passed on her grievances to her daughter. As the daughter grows up, she will begin to blame her father for everything and have a bad attitude towards the male sex. If she meets a real gentleman who will look after her beautifully, and she sincerely loves him, then in this case healing from cervical erosion may occur.

Alexander Astrogor

According to Alexander Astrogor, the psychosomatics of female diseases associated with the uterus (this includes cervical erosion) is due to the fact that a woman does not know how to be affectionate and attentive with a man. If she is rude, insolent to men, and also discusses her family on the phone with her friends, then she will have a lot of problems with the uterus. A woman needs to learn to control her tongue.

Diseases and causes

Diseases of the female reproductive organ can be caused by a variety of reasons, from a physiological point of view, and the mechanisms of development of diseases are also different. Psychosomatic medicine can also tell a lot about specific diagnoses and tell a woman how to be treated so that the effectiveness of therapy is maximized.


A benign tumor indicates that there is no evil in a woman, she is not aggressive, but is inclined to postpone her female fulfillment until later: it is not time to give birth yet, it will be difficult to raise a child. Such beliefs, against the backdrop of a generally favorable attitude of the fair sex towards men and childbirth, gradually lead to the formation of a benign formation in the uterus.

A woman with fibroids has regrets and minor grievances against her loved ones because they do not help her create the necessary conditions for female fulfillment, and she cannot let go of these grievances.

Regardless of the exact type of malignant tumor in the reproductive organ, it is important for a woman to answer the question of what strong and long-lasting resentment she has had against men (husband, father, son) for many years.

A malignant tumor is no longer just an insult, but a self-destruction program that a woman has launched. She completely denies everything feminine in herself and destroys her desires.

Uterine bleeding

Bleeding indicates that a woman is rapidly losing joy in life, ceasing to enjoy life and her feminine side.

The reasons may be: disappointment, jealousy, lack of trust in loved ones. Sometimes bleeding occurs as a defense against sexual intercourse if a woman subconsciously does not want it - she does not love her husband, does not respect him, does not enjoy sex.

Appendages, pipes

With pathologies of the fallopian tubes, psychoanalysts are primarily interested in what kind of relationships a woman has with men. Most often, obstruction and adhesions develop in women who subconsciously limit this connection, block it, and do not want it. The reason is still the same - resentment.

Inflammatory processes begin when a woman feels anger towards her feminine side or towards a man.

Cervical erosion indicates strong irritation that a woman experiences towards men or a specific man. Inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity often become possible against the background of self-criticism, blaming oneself for something related to procreation and relationships with the opposite sex.

Cervical dysplasia is a sign of a woman’s disrespect and dislike for herself. Refusal of humility, submission, disobedience and pathological stubbornness - the tone of the uterus. Complete denial of oneself as a woman—uterine prolapse.

Psychosomatics in gynecology

The summary table of psychosomatics describes the main causes of gynecological diseases:

DiseaseProbable cause of appearanceSuggested affirmations to repeat daily
Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation)Confronting feminine natureThoughts and words are aimed at feeling one’s own femininity and significance: “I am glad that I am a woman. I love my body. I'm beautiful and tall."
Vaginitis, colpitisResentment and anger towards the sexual partner, guilt, desire to punish oneself due to one’s own lack of perceptionPsychosomatics is aimed at feeling one’s own strength: independent and strong, sexy and desirable
InfertilityUnpreparedness of the body for procreation on a subconscious level, lack of need to be a motherThe emphasis of psychosomatics is aimed at the complete restoration of personality and self-confidence
Painful lower abdomenLack of love, affection, hugs from a sexual partnerThe main motto of psychosomatics: “I love and can be loved”
CystitisAnger, feeling of impasse, hopelessnessThoughts are aimed at the joyful perception of a new way to eliminate pride
Venereal diseasesAwareness of one's own uncleanliness, sinfulness, caused by religious beliefs or upbringing“The reason why the disease arose is due to the lack of sexuality, but now I enjoy a new feeling” - the main interpretation of psychosomatics
VaginaVulnerability to external factorsThe power of belief in a sense of self-worth, the power to resist anything
Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)Psychological discomfort due to unpreparedness for the birth of a childPsychosomatic mantras speak of the conduct of higher powers that foresaw this event in advance. But everything goes on as usual.
Cervix (prolapse)Unfulfillment in life, resentment at one’s own failure as a personPsychosomatics is aimed at convincing the awareness of one’s “I”
Cervical erosionSuppressing any of your desires, “corroding” the insult caused“I will grow, develop, achieve my goal. I won't get sick anymore. I forgive and let go of my bad experiences."
UterusLack of perception of the physical body, desire to fulfill the unrealized dream of motherhood, lack of a sexual partner“My body is my home, where it is cozy and warm,” says the basic rule
Breast cyst, mastitisThe desire to hide oneself from prying eyes, to retire from the unnecessary care of loved ones“I believe in myself, my strengths, I will become who I want to be” - the main mantras of psychosomatics
OvaryFear, rage, internal conflict“I have a joyful perception of the world. I feel complete harmony in my body"
Painful, heavy periodsCondemnation of one's feminine beauty, suppression of sexuality, feeling of sinfulnessAttention is focused on love and respect for your body and beautiful forms.
Thrush (vaginal candidiasis)Lack of self-confidence, unwillingness to help oneself in overcoming difficulties“I perceive my body with joy and admiration, I can do anything, there are no barriers in front of me”
Early menopausePhysical discomfort, fear of aging, loss of attractiveness, loss of sexual partner“I will continue to love my body, feel my femininity and importance to others”
Premenstrual syndromeManifestation of self-centeredness, constant fuss, anxiety, causeless excitement, suppression of interest in lifeAll thoughts are aimed at restoring harmony of body and soul, when there is no need to suppress anger and resentment
Itching of the genitalsSexual dissatisfaction, unfulfilled desires, search for a solution to the problem“I am sexy and attractive. I have harmony in everything"
NauseaAnxiety and excitement before upcoming events, denial of everything new and unknown, rejection of one’s own experienceAttention should be focused on the fact that everything in life goes on as usual, and there are many pleasant surprises ahead
OncologyA feeling of betrayal, resentment from a loved one, complete disappointment in life, loss of faith in the future and in one’s own principles“I get rid of feelings of guilt, anger, forgive my offenders. I am being reborn again to start life anew."


Psychosomatics suggests treating any pathological processes in the uterus in a comprehensive manner. There is no need to refuse observation by a gynecologist, just as there is no need to stop prescribed treatment, even if the causes and psychology of the disease become obvious.

Regardless of the diagnosis, it is important for a woman with a uterine health problem to reconsider her attitude towards herself. Love yourself, forgive yourself and the men who once offended you.

If the man next to you does not give you joy, causes severe irritation, grief, and this happens all the time, then it is possible that it would be better to break up in order to preserve your female health. After all, from inflammation due to anger and resentment towards a man to cancer, when grievances accumulate in an impressive layer, it is just a few steps.

Forgiveness has an amazing healing effect. There are cases where tumors have resolved and disappeared.

medical reviewer, psychosomatics specialist, mother of 4 children

Female diseases, or diseases of the female genital organs, are quite diverse, therefore, according to their origin, they are classified into the following groups.

Vulvitis is an inflammation of the external genitalia as a result of poor personal hygiene or diseases of the urinary system (primary) or inflammation of the genital organs (secondary).

This mysterious uterine tone

The words “threat of miscarriage” or “threat of termination of pregnancy” can frighten even a person experienced in medical knowledge. At the same time, in medicine, “threat” means a certain set of signs (symptoms), such as:

- increased uterine tone,

- softening and shortening of the cervix,

- the appearance of bloody discharge,

- increasing cramping pain

(symptoms are listed in order of increasing risk of miscarriage). But often, even when the first sign appears (increased uterine tone), they immediately begin to talk about a threat. Why?

The fact is that within the framework of the existing organization of medical practice, where there are about 7 minutes of medical time per patient, it is very difficult to find the opportunity to study in detail the lifestyle of each pregnant woman in order to find the individual sources of the problem. Therefore, doctors often focus on the most likely causes of problems with tone, for example, such as a woman’s lack of understanding of the need to change her lifestyle during pregnancy. So, by informing the expectant mother about the threat of miscarriage, doctors are thus trying to influence the expectant mother’s attitude towards pregnancy and the child in order to increase her parental responsibility and motivation to change her lifestyle.

Medical science identifies four groups of reasons for increased uterine tone:

  1. socio-biological reasons (age, occupation, bad habits, living conditions);
  2. obstetric and gynecological history (character of the menstrual cycle, outcomes of previous pregnancies and births, gynecological diseases, pathologies of uterine development);
  3. extragenital diseases (acute infections during pregnancy, pathologies of organs and systems of the mother’s body);
  4. complications of the current pregnancy (placenta previa, polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, Rh sensitization, severe gestosis).

Reasons of a psychological nature are not mentioned in the medical literature, with the exception of a brief remark that they “are often a trigger against the background of other predisposing causes” (E.K. Ailamazyan, Obstetrics). If we expand this phrase from a psychological point of view, it turns out that the medical problems listed above, in most cases, turn out to be only predisposing factors, and psychological reasons trigger the process of the threat of miscarriage.

Indeed, it is impossible to consider the human body separately from his personality, and in medical practice there is a lot of evidence of this. For example, with the same disease patterns in different patients, the effectiveness of treatment measures and the speed of recovery may be reduced or enhanced by the psychological characteristics of the individual.

For example, one can imagine how differently women will react to information about the need to change lifestyle during pregnancy: with different family situations, with a wanted or unwanted pregnancy, with different levels of education, with different family traditions of solving health problems, etc. d.

Therefore, in addition to medical predisposing factors, a number of psychological predisposing factors and psychological triggers can be identified.

For example, factors that increase the risk of increased uterine tone during pregnancy are: features of the development, upbringing and education of a woman in her parental family, which led to the formation of such personality traits as:

- high level of control over the situation,

- severe anxiety and tension when solving problems,

- constant need for support,

- habit of holding back and accumulating negative emotions,

- tendency to exaggerate a problem situation,

- high or low self-esteem, etc.

And the triggers most often are current pregnancy problems, such as:

- unwanted pregnancy (untimely conception, a child of the wrong sex, a large number of children, a child from the wrong man, an unfavorable situation for pregnancy, etc.);

- fears associated with pregnancy, upcoming childbirth, the birth of a child;

- tense relationships between the mother and father of the unborn child;

— a pregnant woman’s presence in a situation of conflict with her parents (her own or her husband’s);

- conflicts with older children;

— — negative experience with a doctor (staying in a hospital);

- traumatic or stressful situations.

Thus, we can combine all the options for reasons that influence the increase in uterine tone into two large groups:

1. somatic reasons, i.e. arising from problems in the biology and physiology of the mother’s body;

2. psychosomatic reasons, i.e. psychological reasons (personality characteristics and current events), which, through the action of the nervous system, influence the organs and systems of the mother’s body, which, in turn, create a complicated background for pregnancy.

Based on the principles of medical science, treatment of such a problem should be carried out taking into account the duration of pregnancy, symptoms of threatened miscarriage and the cause of the symptoms. Drug support takes into account the peculiarities of pregnancy and tries to influence the symptoms, but the cause is not so simple. In the obstetrics textbook it is written about this: “Unfortunately, it is not always possible to identify the cause that caused the threat of termination of pregnancy, but it is always necessary to strive for this in order to achieve success with the least effort.”

Understanding the influence of not only somatic, but also psychosomatic causes on the reproductive system, it is not difficult to understand the complexity, and sometimes the impossibility, of effectively searching for real causes within the medical system and treating these causes only with medications.

In difficult situations, a combination of medical and psychological assistance to a pregnant woman and her independent readiness to accept this help work best. And in some cases, a woman can easily cope on her own.

Doctors identify the following as means to reduce the risk of miscarriage:

- a complete, balanced, vitamin-rich diet;

- decrease in physical activity, sometimes even to bed rest;

— non-drug methods of influence;

- medications that reduce psycho-emotional stress and relax the smooth muscles of the uterus.

Let's start with medications.

Scientific studies have shown that during pregnancy there is a predominance of inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. Thanks to this property, the central nervous system is protected from overexcitation and thereby creates favorable conditions for carrying a pregnancy to term. But with some internal and external problems, there may be an increase in the activity of the sympathoadrenal system in pregnant women, which provokes an increase in uterine activity (V.V. Abramchenko, Psychosomatic Obstetrics). If the reasons for the increased tone of the uterus lie in constant emotional stress, then effective pharmacological support for the pregnant woman would be to prescribe sedatives (that reduce tension in the nervous system). Simple sedatives are an infusion or decoction of valerian root and motherwort herb. More serious drugs that have an inhibitory effect on the nervous system are tranquilizers (Relanium, etc.). The main indications for prescribing tranquilizers are: anxiety, panic and stress disorders, nervous tension in somatic and psychosomatic diseases, sleep disorders, etc.

Papaverine, no-spa, baralgin, magnesium sulfate are used as antispasmodics (muscle relaxers).

Tocolytics (for example, partusisten), which are used starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, have an inhibitory effect on the contractile activity of the uterus.

In the early stages of pregnancy (up to 20 weeks), analogues of the corpus luteum hormone of pregnancy, progesterone, are used.

Hormonal therapy is also indicated for some gynecological and extragenital diseases that complicate the course of pregnancy.

Of course, all medications during pregnancy should be prescribed by a doctor. In addition, to clarify the need to use medications that are unsafe for the course of pregnancy and the development of the child, it makes sense to consult with another independent specialist in the same profile about the problem and the prescribed medications.

Increasing environmental friendliness of food

is another means of influencing increased uterine tone available for independent use.

The fact is that problems in the intestines such as constipation, diarrhea and increased gas formation can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, especially its posterior wall. In this case, it makes sense to select nutrition according to the problem, and sometimes take a course to restore the intestinal bacterial flora.

Products containing vitamin E, B vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium create a favorable background for pregnancy by ensuring the normal functioning of the necessary organs and systems of the mother's body. Products that contain these vitamins and microelements: dill, parsley, nettle, nuts, legumes, unrefined cereals, whole grain bread, eggs, cabbage, carrots, beets, dried fruits, apples, berries….

Changing the diet so that it is more saturated with “live” (i.e. containing vitamins and minerals) foods than “dead” (useless for the body) creates a more favorable situation for the bearing and development of a child, and at the same time creates useful food habits in the family that the baby will learn as he grows up.

Change in motor activity

from a medical point of view, it means reducing it, sometimes even to bed rest. In a situation of real threat of miscarriage (when 2 or more symptoms of threat are present), this is a necessary element of treatment. In a situation where there is only increased uterine tone (and there is no placenta previa), sometimes the opposite tactic works - increasing motor activity. This is especially true for those women who, before pregnancy, led an active lifestyle, engaged in physical activity and received satisfaction from it. A sharp change in lifestyle during pregnancy towards a decrease in physical activity can lead to stagnation in the body, as well as reduce the overall mood, which after some time can lead to an increase in uterine tone. As an experiment, you can introduce a light dance warm-up into your daily routine (spontaneous movements to pleasant music until you feel slightly tired) or swimming in the pool. Walking in nature, yoga, breathing exercises, and special massage may be suitable. The most important thing is that these activities bring pleasure, lift your spirits and reduce the level of anxiety and tension. The criterion that these classes are suitable is a decrease in uterine tone for 1-2 days after exercise.

Creating conditions to meet her need for extended sleep (or naps) can help a woman break the tension-toning-tension cycle.

From non-drug methods of influence

The main method is psychological assistance. It is known that the nervous system unites and coordinates the activities of all organs and systems of the body, in particular, the activity of the reproductive system. Therefore, again, it is impossible to bypass the personality of a pregnant woman when solving problems with the course of pregnancy. Types of psychological assistance can be different:

— increasing awareness of the physiology and psychology of pregnancy (courses for expectant parents);

— communication in a group of people with similar interests (courses for future parents, positive communication with friends on topics related to parenthood);

— consultation with specialists for the purpose of orientation in the peculiarities of one’s physiology and adequate changes in lifestyle (individual medical and psychological assistance);

— consultation with specialists in order to change the negative psycho-emotional state: fear, anxiety, sadness, irritability, grief, dissatisfaction with the situation (individual psychological assistance);

— family counseling with the aim of competent assistance in solving family problems and creating a more harmonious situation for the child.

Self-help in a situation of increased uterine tone is the organization of the so-called “pregnant creativity”. This could be any type of activity where the expectant mother would feel increased satisfaction with her maternal role, where her self-esteem as a mother would increase. For example, embroidery, sewing, knitting clothes and toys for the baby, drawing, singing, writing poems and fairy tales for the baby, playing musical instruments and other creative activities wonderfully lift the mood of the expectant mother and tune her into the “parental wave”.

There are natural (auxiliary) methods of treating various problems of pregnancy, in particular, increased tone of the uterus: aromatherapy, herbal medicine, naturopathy, homeopathy, yoga, various types of massage, relaxation, visualization, etc. Many of these methods can be used at home independently, having previously studied from the appropriate specialist.

Of course, the increased tone of the uterus somewhat reduces the comfort of the child staying in it. But, if the child is desired, if the parents wait for him, overcome their fears and consistently deal with difficulties, then the baby feels protected. Because the best way to protect a child is parental love!

Psychosomatics of female diseases

It has been found that the way a woman perceives herself as a female and her sexuality, as well as a woman’s beliefs and attitudes associated with these aspects of her personality, all affect the health of her reproductive organs.

This is evidenced by the very designation of diseases of the female genital organs as “female diseases”, which emphasizes their connection with female self-identification, the feeling of being a woman.

Since we are talking here about the unhealthy state of the female organs, this clearly indicates the absence of this sensation.

Another decisive point in the occurrence of female diseases is the woman’s attitude towards close men (father, husband, brother). That is, the negative thoughts and feelings of a woman (girls) towards them triggers negative processes in the genitals.

Psychosomatics of endometriosis. The disease is a mystery

Elena Valerievna Mukhamedova, clinical psychologist at the Generation NEXT clinic, member of RAHR />

“You have a girl” - these are the first words the midwife delivering the baby hears the mother of her daughter. Most often, the sex of the child is known much earlier, but ultrasound errors also occur. At the moment when the mother is shown the baby, it is very important how she greets her, because for the child the mother is the whole world. Quite a long time will pass when the born girl herself will become the World for her baby. The baby’s female destiny begins in her mother’s fantasies.

From the first glance of a mother and her first fantasy about her daughter, the construction of the destiny of a girl-girl-woman begins. In this case, what is important is not what the mother is trying to instill in the child verbally, but what the girl observes in her mother’s behavior, because this is what lays the foundation for her own behavior in the future. Not a single child in the world is born with an understanding of what gender he belongs to. Until a certain age, everyone grows up in the same onesies and diapers, wears the same overalls, differing only in color. Only then does the child begin to identify himself as one gender or another, which completely depends on what gender his parents classify him as. During puberty, a girl either happily accepts the role of a future woman, or begins to abandon it, adopting a male model of behavior. Families where a girl sees how her mother suffers or experiences maternal aggression, with a high degree of probability, will not fully accept her own feminine principle, and it will be unpleasant for her.

If a girl's mother and father tried to establish strict control and boundaries over her personal wants and needs, this could negatively affect her mental and physical health. The inability to express one's emotional conflict leads to a personal crisis and psychosomatic diseases that affect the female reproductive sphere. Unexpressed aggression, fear, feelings of hopelessness and sadness are triggers for the development of various pathologies.

Thus, from a psychosomatic point of view, endometriosis often occurs due to the fact that a woman does not accept her gender and is dissatisfied with it. Experts often detect this disease in adolescents. The reason the girl went to the doctor was severe pain during her first menstruation. Often this disease occurs due to the fact that she is raised by a single mother or there is an unhealthy situation in the family. The father is physically nearby, but can be aloof and constantly quarrels with the mother, which causes the child to feel useless, lonely and even disgust towards the female sex.

Many psychiatrists and psychoanalysts regard endometriosis and adenomyosis as a psychogenic autoimmune pathological condition. Due to the fact that we are talking about the cells of the structural layer of the uterus, psychosomatics considers endometriosis as a disorder of female self-identity. Psychoanalysts call this gender identification. There are times when a woman is faced with the problem of unplanned conception. She gives birth to a child, but cannot feel love for him. A woman shows anger towards her son or daughter, who by their birth deprived her of freedom and self-realization. In this case, the psychosomatics of uterine endometriosis lies in the rejection of the maternal role. This style of behavior can cause gynecological diseases and difficulties with conception. The psychosomatics of endometriosis is associated with the perception of men as enemies.

The focus of excitation in the cerebral cortex is caused by one of the above factors, and this is how the pathological process starts, namely: the proliferation of endometrial cells is not at all where it is intended by nature. Surgery to remove all lesions is the only way out, but even here there is a high probability that the problem will return again. When a teenage girl is ignored by her parents when her emotions get out of control, underlying problems can arise. Then the girl will begin to display negative character traits, including antisocial and defiant behavior. This requires attention from parents and protecting the girl from excessive loads, negative emotions and excessive demands on her. Only a psychologist can understand the underlying problems of this phenomenon.

Negative experiences - aggression, fear, feelings of hopelessness and sadness - are often triggers for the development of various pathologies. The psychosomatics of endometriosis must be taken into account, because correct attitudes and way of thinking are considered an excellent addition to the main therapy (medicines, surgery). Until now, scientists and doctors cannot explain the cause of endometriosis. The factors influencing organ damage by painful lesions have not been fully studied.

Psychological causes of some female diseases

According to the observations of psychologists, the basis of premenstrual syndrome is a deep rejection of one’s femininity. It has been revealed that this reason arises from childhood relationships with mother as the first ideal of a woman.

Resentment, anger, irritation, fear, hatred towards her mother blocks a girl’s connection with her inner woman as an adult. This is due to the fact that in childhood, due to problems in the relationship with her mother, the girl decides not to be like her, which means: not to be a woman.

Dr. Sinelnikov claims that the genitals symbolize feminine principles, therefore problems with them (inflammation of the external genitalia, vaginitis, leucorrhoea) reflect the fear of not being up to par, fear for one’s femininity, doubts about one’s femininity.

Through these diseases, subconscious aggression towards men (resentment, irritation, contempt, anger) also manifests itself. At the same time, the patient feels wounded as a woman and believes that women are powerless to influence the stronger sex.

Thrush occurs when a woman regrets her lost spiritual purity and lives in longing for her ideal self. Thrush can be the result of thoughts about uncleanliness, sinfulness of the genitals or sex.

Sometimes the psychosomatic cause of this illness is belief in right and wrong decisions, as well as self-punishment for not meeting other people's assessments.

It has been revealed that underlying trauma (conflict, violence, etc.) is the basis for chronic thrush that cannot be treated.

The ovaries, V. Sinelnikov believes, symbolize female creative centers, therefore problems with the ovaries indicate problems with the implementation of the feminine principle in this world. This is hampered by negative thought blocks towards oneself as a woman and towards men.

According to the position of psychologist Liz Burbo, problems with the fallopian tubes indicate a blockage of the connection between the masculine and feminine principles in oneself. Such a woman experiences difficulties in relationships with men and cannot build her life the way she wants.

Salpingitis, an inflammation of the tubes, symbolizes suppressed anger.

Liz Burbo writes that adhesions occur in a person who has become callous and stubbornly clings to his beliefs and ideas in order to better resist some kind of aggression.

Fibroids symbolize hatred for someone or something living in a woman.

Polyps, as A. Astrogor writes in the book “Confession of a Sore,” symbolize “frozen tears of self-pity.” A woman has a lot of grievances against men, she feels sorry for herself and doesn’t understand why she does this.

Fibroids reflect an unrealized subconscious desire to have a child due to the exaggeration of the importance of motherhood as an indicator of being female. That is, a woman wants to have a child, because she believes that a woman without a child is not a woman.

It has been revealed that women with fibroids are characterized by long-term grievances against their loved ones, a tendency to bad mood and depression.

Luule Viilma explains the appearance of fibroids with the fear of “they don’t love me” or a feeling of guilt towards the mother.

Another cause of fibroids is excessive involvement in motherhood, warlike thoughts associated with motherhood, and anger.

V. Sinelnikov points out that fibroids often appear in those who “bear” an insult inflicted on them and cannot forgive. The woman believes that her feminine pride has been insulted, reproaches herself as a woman and blames men.

Psychosomatics: diseases of the female organs

But you won’t hear a word there about the true, real causes of women’s problems. Only by looking into your own soul can you understand the language of the body, finally unravel what it wants to tell you with another inflammation and heal on your own, without the help of drugs and antibiotics.

Let's look at diseases of the main female organs, such as the uterus, mammary glands and ovaries.

THE UTERUS is the most tender and vulnerable place of a woman. Therefore , whenever we are offended, angry, irritated and experience other negative emotions, especially in relation to men, the uterus suffers first, absorbing all the negativity, pain, dirt in thoughts and feelings. The main diseases of the uterus are malignant and benign tumors (fibroids, fibroids), numerous polyps (endometriosis), and cervical erosion.

Tumors are always grievances against men, starting with the father and ending with the husband. Therefore, if you have a benign tumor of the uterus, this means that you are a good, kind person (from the word BENIGN tumor), but you cannot forgive! Resentment towards the opposite sex, towards life, towards fate has been sitting inside you for a long time, accumulating and multiplying, forming into a tumor.

Fibroid is one of the types of benign tumors, which means that you hate some person with every fiber of your soul. Therefore, if you do not forgive him and wish him happiness from the bottom of your heart, there is a possibility that the fibroid may develop into a malignant tumor. If you already have a malignant tumor, it means that your grievances are constantly fueled by evil, unkind thoughts, anger, and perhaps even a desire for revenge.

Such a disease of the female organs as polyps is nothing more than unshed tears of self-pity. You are also offended by men, but at the same time you feel very sorry for yourself, you don’t understand why you are doing all this and why you are so unlucky. In order for healing to occur from an illness, you need to forgive those against whom you harbor a grudge and take responsibility for your life. You yourself attracted such men and such events into it, so it’s time to stop feeling sorry for yourself!

Cervical erosion is a wounded female pride. This is the first stage of future grievances against men! After erosion was discovered, 90% of women developed benign tumors in the future, which in another 30% of women turned into malignant tumors over time. This tendency applies to those women who were never able to forgive, accumulating even more grievances and negative emotions that did not work through their grievances. Therefore, if during the examination you are diagnosed with diseases of the female organs, such as cervical erosion or polyps, do not rush to cauterize them, as modern medicine advises. Do not drive the disease deep into the body, and grievances deep into your soul! Just forgive those you are offended by, and the disease will go away.

THE MAMMY GLANDS are a place in the body that symbolizes the manifestation of the maternal instinct, care, control, and upbringing. The mother feeds the baby through her breasts, takes care of him, and if you have problems with the mammary glands, it means that you are overly attached to your child, and possibly to your husband. The desire to take care of everyone, to control everything, as well as fear for your family, disrupts the harmony in your soul and manifests itself in the form of diseases of the female organs such as mastitis, mastopathy, and breast tumors. Stop controlling everything, you will not only suffocate your family with your care, but you will also end up on the operating table. Your husband is a man and he himself is able to make the right decisions, and the child was born into this world in order to learn from his mistakes and gain his own experience! When you understand this and change, the results of your diagnostic tests will also change.

OVARIES reflect a woman's ability to create. Since they perform two functions in a woman’s body - hormonal and reproductive, their condition shows how ready a woman is to realize herself as a mother and reveal her femininity. Ovarian diseases indicate that you do not use your creative potential, do not believe in yourself, and are afraid of becoming a bad mother. While you think that you are not able to do what you want and what you are intended for, you will be tormented by the presence of ovarian cysts and tumors, as well as various inflammations, called in medicine salpingitis and adnexitis.

Psychosomatics of cervical erosion

Psychologists and doctors have identified at the heart of this illness such a strong resentment of a woman against a man that the unreleased negative energy “corrodes” from the inside.

The psychological characteristics of patients with erosion show that they are distinguished by a lack of ability to be feminine, an understanding of how one can realize oneself next to a man, and how to properly use one’s feminine energy.

Such women experience conflicting feelings: they need to be feminine, but they don’t want to give in to men. From here there is a struggle within them to defend their rights, which is harmful to women’s health.

Dr. N. Volkova emphasizes that erosion is based on grievances against close men (father, husband, brother), and the basis of these grievances is expectation (“must,” “obliged,” etc.).

V. Sinelnikov sees this illness as wounded female pride, as well as the confidence that she is flawed as a woman. A patient with erosion cannot and does not know how to realize herself as a woman.

Dr. Luule Viilma revealed that the cause of erosion can be dissatisfaction with sexual life.

Prolapse of internal organs - causes, natural methods of treatment.

1. Daily physical activity.

Hatha yoga, Pilates, joint gymnastics, swimming. The best way to work with an existing problem is through pranayama in yoga (breathing complexes and asanas with correctly performed breathing in them) - a good instructor is required at the beginning! What should be excluded and limited: aerobics, active running, jumping, gym, all fitness programs with sudden active movements, including dancing - if the problem has already appeared, then such physical activity can aggravate it, first we create a muscle corset using gentle methods (swimming pool) and deep study (breathing exercises, yoga, Pilates, joint gymnastics).

The best option is Maria Khavkina’s course, it is aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and deep abdominal muscles and it really works great. The biggest misconception of modern people is that if you do some kind of physical activity every day (even yoga), then that is enough. No, it is not possible to work out 1-2 hours a day and then sit motionless for 8-10 hours at the computer and in transport without consequences, physical activity is needed throughout the day, if you have a sedentary lifestyle or work, then introduce minute breaks! Conclusion - it is necessary to change your lifestyle and all habits to more active ones. Therefore, especially women with children, who find it difficult to devote a lot of time to sports, need to introduce new habits into their lives: allow yourself to jump according to your mood, another time sit down a couple of times, dance while you are cooking, etc.

2. Hiking and fresh air, nature and contact with it, the ability to notice interesting and beautiful things around you in the living world - corrects several causes of organ prolapse at once.

3. Osteopath, good chiropractor, acupuncture, acupressure, classical massage

– all this is an excellent start to health, but if it is not complemented by lifestyle changes, the effect will be temporary.
Here you can add herbal medicine and aromatherapy from competent specialists.
3. Energy. Imbalance of male energy

, respectively:

  • in men - a lack of masculine qualities in life, determination, will, softness, or, on the contrary, too much aggression and control, often directed exclusively inward towards themselves.
  • Women have too much control over everything, a desire to do everything on their own without trusting part of the work/responsibilities/decisions to others, frequent participation in disputes, a state of constant severe stress. The other side of the manifestation is that with little external aggressiveness and activity, a constant scrolling of the stream of thoughts in the head to such an extent that many events in real life remain unnoticed, unheard, and there is no opportunity to relax inside.
  • Refusal from favorite things, creativity in work and everyday life, loss of enthusiasm.

4. Psychosomatics of organ prolapse:

Blues, anger, irritation - obsessive ideas, you are tormented by obsessive ideas about things happening to you (concentration on the flow of thoughts in your head, and not on the present moment of life). A person forbids himself something good that he greatly needs (a small evil, so that, having assimilated it, he learns to avoid the big one). Fear of the new. At the same time, if you have prolapse of a specific organ, then it adds its own nuance and reasons to what is written above:

Psychosomatics of endometriosis

Louise Hay points out the following causes of illness: a feeling of insecurity, grief and disappointment, replacing self-love with sugar, reproaches.

Liz Burbo explains this disease as a woman’s inability to give birth to a child due to the fact that she loves to lead and “gives birth” to ideas in other areas.

Another cause of endometriosis may be the fear of childbirth as something dangerous, which blocks even a strong desire for motherhood.

N. Volkova writes that women with this disease are characterized by negative thinking and an inability to enjoy life. They see the situation only from the bad side and panic, seeing no way out. They also have a pronounced lack of harmony between the psyche and body

V. Sinelnikov sees the cause of endometriosis as a woman’s feeling of insecurity (feels that she is being attacked or expects bad things from a man).

This disease can also be caused by a woman’s mental state when she cannot and does not know how to self-realize as a woman, and therefore reproaches both herself and men.

As the doctor notes, often the psychosomatic cause of endometriosis is dislike for her husband, but the woman remains with him because of decency and other feelings.

A. Astrogor explains the occurrence of this illness by the fact that the woman “was pouting, offended, with bloody tears looking for pity and protection.” Therefore, he begins to discuss his life and husband with others. The author advises: do not take out dirty linen and dirt from the hut - it will come back to you, but as mental dirt with manifestation in your body.

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