Myoma – psychological causes (psychosomatics) of occurrence

09/29/2020 Alena Masheva Health

Fibroids are benign tumors in the muscle wall. One of its frequent manifestations is pain with bleeding. The tumor is formed from overgrown fibers of the muscle walls of the uterus. It can be single, and sometimes it grows in clusters. It often develops due to hormonal imbalance, for example, increased levels of the female hormones estrogen. In this article we will consider the psychosomatics of uterine fibroids.

Factors leading to pathology

Few people think about the causes of fibroids. Psychosomatics, according to gynecologists, plays an important role. But first of all, the stimulating effect of the hormonal background of its walls leads to the disease. In addition, disturbances in the hypothalamus play a certain role in the development of the tumor. In many situations, the formation of fibroids is caused by increased levels of estrogen. Heredity can also be a provoking factor, along with inflammation of the appendages, complicated childbirth, previous abortions, and so on. Often, fibroids occur against the background of diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and in addition, in the absence of harmony in intimate life. They get rid of tumors that grow over time using a surgical method; against the background of a rapid increase in size, sometimes radical operations are performed in which the uterus is removed, depriving the woman of reproductive function.

Methods of healing and expert opinions

If the reason for the formation of uterine fibroids is caused by instability of the psychological state, then its treatment is possible with the help of self-hypnosis. This conclusion suggests itself based on the principles set forth by leading representatives of the theory of psychosomatics, who consider the problem of treating uterine fibroids as self-improvement.

Louise Hay

Being the bright and original founder of the movement under the slogan “Help yourself,” the American psychologist claims that the mechanism of fibroid formation is triggered by factors such as:

  • constant dissatisfaction with oneself and life;
  • lack of self-confidence;
  • low self-esteem.

Louise in her recommendations encourages the patient to adhere to the following principles:

  • experience love for yourself, your thoughts, actions and your body;
  • relax and allow yourself to enjoy your favorite activities;
  • think only about the good and establish yourself in the knowledge that everything will be fine.

Louise Hay has her own point of view on the formation of uterine fibroids.
Such a positive attitude, according to Louise, will be a prerequisite for improving the state of not only the psyche. It will help overcome the disease.

Liz Burbo

The main position of the French psychologist is the association of the reproductive organ with the first home of the child. She thinks that:

  • uterine fibroids develop in women who are unable to create comfort in the home;
  • The disease is more often affected by angry and cold mothers, who always feel dissatisfaction with their children;
  • fear of infertility creates the inability to get pregnant and bear a child;
  • fear is the basis of all problems.

Psychosomatics of fibroids

Also important reasons are psychosomatic factors that cause the appearance of a tumor of this female organ. At the time of birth, a child receives a certain program depending on his gender, that is, boys and girls have different life goals. The natural purpose of the latter is motherhood, caring for the family and home. Failure to perform this function leads to hormonal imbalance and, consequently, to the development of a hormone-dependent tumor.

Psychosomatics is the cause of uterine fibroids

A benign tumor in the muscular wall of the uterus, called a fibroid, can manifest itself as heavy bleeding during or outside of menstruation, and less commonly, pain .

Since in many situations the cause of the formation of fibroids is an increase in the level of estrogen in a woman’s body, experts believe that psychosomatic reasons . They are intensified by such provoking factors as: heredity, diabetes mellitus, frequent inflammation of the appendages, complicated childbirth, abortion, etc.

The psychosomatics of uterine fibroids is due to the fact that even at birth the child, depending on gender, receives a certain program. That is, boys and girls have different life goals. The natural goal of future women is motherhood , caring for family and home .

Failure to perform these functions or the emergency termination of a woman’s natural program leads to a disruption of her hormonal levels, and, consequently, to the development of a hormone-dependent tumor.

For example, abortion is considered a failure of the birth program. Excessive desire for career advancement is a violation of the function of maintaining a home in good condition. And, on the contrary, complete immersion in household chores and serving the husband, raising children with an indifferent attitude towards oneself , is a refusal of the function of harmonizing oneself in the surrounding space. This function is also included in a woman’s program at birth.

In other words, a tumor occurs when there is a complete lack of balance in the life of a representative of the fair sex.

Therefore, you need to learn how to correctly prioritize in your life. First of all, a woman should have a family and children in order to avoid health problems, including tumors. Once your core women's natural program is complete, you can move on with your career.

Failed motherhood is a psychosomatic cause of fibroids

When losing a child due to abortion, miscarriage or abandonment, a woman may experience stress on a deep subconscious level that she may not be aware of.

There is evidence to suggest that stress may increase the risk of developing uterine fibroids if stressful events are perceived as overwhelming . That is, when the constant experience of losing a child becomes a woman’s habitual state.

It is also biologically plausible that stress can lead to fibroids as a result of “fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels, both important in the development of fibroids and caused by stress activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the subsequent release of cortisol, the stress hormone” (Pablo A Nepomnyashchiy, 2004 ).

There are cases when fibroids dissolved during another pregnancy or during menopause, or, conversely, their size increased. This occurs as a result of a restructuring of the body at the hormonal level, and at the same time either a revision of previous attitudes, or the preservation of a stereotype of anxiety and worry.

Therefore, with uterine fibroids , it is necessary to radically reconsider all your views on life, forgive yourself and others, and not hide grievances. Only in this case, according to experts, the treatment will be much more successful, and relapse of the pathology will most likely be avoided.

Resentment as a psychosomatic factor

Despite the fact that the psychosomatics of uterine fibroids has not yet been fully studied, experts give a number of tips on how to avoid the risk of developing a tumor.

  • Since resentment and the psychosomatics of fibroids are interconnected, that is, doctors are sure that accumulated resentment, especially against a sexual partner, leads to illness, women must learn to forgive themselves and others.

If a lady harbors grievances for a long time, constantly returning in her thoughts to memories and thoughts about betrayal, insults or claims against her man, she is ruining herself. And it doesn’t matter whether these feelings arise about a specific man or concern all the people around.

Myoma can also occur if a woman knows that she needs to forgive, but does not want to do it.

  • To stop the destructive programs that are launched in a woman’s body and disrupt her hormonal levels, increasing the risk of developing a uterine tumor, constant and very serious psychological work .

Firstly , it is necessary to eliminate any accumulated negativity , not only in the form of resentment towards men or children, no matter how difficult it may be. To do this, you need to choose an appropriate way, for example, go to church, understand yourself and talk with loved ones, or even look for your ex-men in order to completely let go of your past.

Secondly , redirect your unspent forces in another direction. It is much more difficult to do this for those ladies who will never be able to realize their femininity through motherhood. In this case, you need to look for alternative ways of self-identification: for example, create a creative project or hobby.

And most importantly, do not forget about your main role in this world - to remain a real woman at any age. Bring exclusively goodness and beauty into the world with the hope of a new harmonious life.

Thirdly , despite the fact that most doctors tend to consider the development of fibroids against the background of emotional imbalance, do not avoid sexual intercourse. Their absence and disruption of harmony in family life can also provoke tumor growth.

Resentment as a psychosomatic factor

Despite the fact that the psychosomatics of fibroids has not been fully studied, experts give a number of tips to reduce the risk of tumor development.

Women must be able to forgive everyone and everything, since accumulated resentment results in illness. As doctors say, at best, this will become a benign disease, for example, fibroids of the genital organ.

In short, a tumor arises where there is a complete lack of balance. You can pursue a career when the bulk of the women's program has already been implemented. Sometimes you just need to learn how to prioritize correctly. Women should always put family first, which will help avoid health problems, including tumors.

Resentment and psychosomatics of fibroids are interconnected.

The development of a tumor can occur due to prolonged gestation of resentment, according to psychologists. This also manifests itself if a woman has a persistent unwillingness to forgive this or that person. Constantly returning to thoughts associated with memories and discussions about betrayal, insults, claims against men, the lady ruins herself. And it doesn’t matter whether these feelings arise for someone specifically or for everyone at once.

The cause of such a disease can also be experiences due to the loss of a child, whether due to abortion, miscarriage, abandonment of the baby, and so on. Even the woman herself may not be aware of such emotions. They become a common background of everyday life, chronic and unconscious problems. The continuous experience of losing a baby becomes a habitual state.

It's no secret that very often during pregnancy and against the background of menopause, fibroids resolve. Or, on the contrary, it happens when the size of the tumor can increase during this period. Examples have been observed in which in pregnant women fibroids reached and even exceeded the size of the child. Of course, this happens because the body is being rebuilt at the hormonal level, and at the same time there is a revision of life attitudes, principles, stereotypes, and so on.

That is why, in the event of a tumor of this organ, it is necessary to radically reconsider all your views on life, forgive yourself and those around you, no longer harboring any grudges. Only in this case, according to experts, the treatment will be much more successful, and relapses of the pathology will most likely be avoided.

Dangerous consequences of psychosomatics

It would seem that there is nothing wrong with a woman performing some spiritual practices and setting herself up for recovery. On the contrary, gynecologists point out that a positive outlook on life actually increases the patient's chances of a successful outcome. The best option would be a combination of traditional medicine with psychological treatment programs. Practitioners claim that this approach has clear advantages:

  • The woman calms down and feels confident, sets herself up for recovery, is less nervous before the upcoming operation and after surgery;
  • The patient is not distracted by the use of other dubious means (among all the methods of alternative medicine, psychosomatic practices are the safest and in some cases have even been found effective);
  • Working with the psycho-emotional background does not interfere with traditional therapy and does not prevent the doctor from doing his job.

A patient's positive attitude can improve the effectiveness of treatment.

In practice, it turns out that a passion for metaphysics and the search for psychological causes of fibromyoma leads to the abandonment of traditional treatment. The woman does not take pills, does not agree to surgery, and devotes all her energy to reading affirmations. Meanwhile, the fibroid grows, the symptoms of the disease worsen, and complications develop. And if in the early stages it was possible to get rid of the tumor without surgery, then over time the chances of such an outcome rapidly decrease.

It is important to know

If you read on the Internet the opinions of women who practice psychosomatics, you can hear many positive reviews about this technique. But an analysis of the medical history shows that after entering metaphysical practices, women stop visiting the gynecologist and do not monitor the condition of the fibroids using ultrasound, which means it is impossible to talk about a real reduction or resorption of the node. All reviews are based on the subjective feelings of patients and cannot be taken into account as a serious argument.

The use of spiritual practices should not exclude the treatment methods of traditional medicine.

It is also useful to read: Non-surgical treatment of fibroids and other gynecological diseases using HIFU

Options for correcting your emotional state

So, psychosomatics is the cause of uterine fibroids.

It should be emphasized, taking into account the above, that stopping the destructive programs that are running in a woman’s body requires constant and very serious psychological work. First, you need to eliminate any accumulated negativity in the form of grievances against men or children, no matter how difficult it may be. To do this, you need to choose any suitable method, for example, go to church, figure it out and talk with loved ones, or even find previous lovers in order to completely let go of your past.

Why is this important to know?

Let me give you an example that many of you know from your own experience.
Something is starting to hurt you. I'm talking about the physical body. Naturally, you go to the doctor. And he, in turn, begins to examine you. But, to your surprise, he doesn’t prescribe treatment because he doesn’t find anything for you. “Not a very good specialist” - so you think and go to another doctor. History repeats itself there. After the third unsuccessful attempt, seditious thoughts appear. Either the specialists have transferred, or I don’t understand something.

In fact, you are right, but only in your second thought. The physical body notifies us that not everything is okay with us. And the organ that experiences pain indicates the cause of the problems elsewhere. To what extent, psychosomatics answers this question.

The causes of the disease lie in our thoughts, judgments and experienced emotions of a negative nature (fear, resentment, anger, envy, etc.). If we do not solve the problems of our mental state, then the disease is inevitable. And the surgeon has only one argument - a scalpel.

Redirect unspent forces

It will be much more difficult for those ladies who will never be able to realize their femininity through motherhood. In this case, you need to look for alternative ways of self-identification: for example, create a creative project or try to redirect your strength in a different direction. And most importantly, do not forget about your main role in this world, remaining a real woman at any age, bringing only goodness with hope for a new life.

What does the psychosomatics of uterine fibroids mean?

What is psychosomatics

In Greek, the word “psychosomatics” means the relationship of the soul with the physical body. Moreover, these parts are connected within ourselves quite tightly. Because they are born at the same time. I noted this phenomenon in my article on spiritual development.

Even in the times of ancient Greece, medicine considered a person as a unity of the physical body and psyche. But psychosomatics received its independent direction in psychology in the works of Sigmund Freud, and later Louise Hay.

The main idea of ​​this direction is that the cause of the disease is formed outside our body. And the reason for its emergence is the disagreement between the spiritual component, attitudes in the subconscious and our thoughts.

Psychosomatics is a science that studies the occurrence of somatic diseases under the influence of psychogenic factors. Factors may include:

  1. Intrapersonal conflict arises between the conscious and unconscious components of the personality. The accumulation of negativity in the unconscious as a result of the struggle between “I want” and “I can” leads to the appearance of somatic disorders.
  2. Traumatic experience of the past. Painful memories, which are difficult to get rid of, are expressed in the pathology of some organ.
  3. Suggestion - the words of respected people that are of great importance for the patient, or a phrase accidentally dropped by someone about an unimportant state of health - can be deposited on an unconscious level and manifest itself as somatic pathology.
  4. Identification – a person identifies himself with another who has the same diagnosis. If another person has died from this disease, the fear of repeating his path intensifies, the patient is constantly in a state of stress.
  5. Self-punishment - a person unconsciously punishes himself for feelings of guilt, which is manifested by somatic symptoms.

Why is fibroid a psychosomatic disease?

The causes of the emergence and regression of this pathology are various factors that have not been fully studied and there is no single theory that would explain such processes. It is possible, however, to talk about risk factors that can provoke the occurrence and growth of a tumor. These include:

  • Heredity along with inflammation of the appendages, abortions and miscarriages.
  • Late first pregnancy (that is, after thirty years).
  • Factor of difficult birth with subsequent complications.
  • Having high blood pressure or diabetes with obesity.
  • The presence of psychological trauma, primarily associated with sexual dysfunction.
  • Among other things, the growth of such a tumor can be provoked by a lack of sexual intercourse, harmony in family life, prolonged stress, and so on. But doctors are increasingly inclined to believe that such a disease develops against the background of emotional imbalance.

Psychosomatics specialists on the causes and treatment of uterine mime

The reason why fibroids occur directly depends on the individual characteristics and lifestyle of the woman. Accordingly, the psychosomatic aspects of the disease develop when:

  • self-punishment. If a woman unconsciously punishes herself for past actions and deeds, this increases the risk of developing the disease;
  • identification. Myoma appears in those who identify themselves with patients suffering from fibroids - fear constantly increases and a state of stress arises;
  • traumatic experience. If there is a history of various pathologies that were accompanied by pain, the woman constantly remembers them, which leads to the appearance of fibroids;
  • intrapersonal conflict. If the conscious and unconscious components of the personality conflict, then negativity constantly accumulates, which becomes the cause of psychosomatic disorders and the appearance of fibroids;
  • suggestion. If a respected person instills in a woman the idea of ​​the possibility of fibroids, this increases the risk of developing pathology.

Treatment of psychosomatic fibroids

It is noteworthy that the woman herself may not even realize that the destructive process in her body has been launched precisely because of certain psychosomatic factors. Many so-called malfunctioning problems can be located very deep in the human subconscious and control all health from there. In order to find the true root of the problem, you need to get all this information out. Long-term work with a psychologist will certainly help with this. Such specialists often give the necessary recommendations for getting rid of the psychosomatics of uterine fibroids.

For example, many doctors believe that the only way to treat is to cut off connections with negative circumstances, that is, with stress. And this can only be done through forgiveness. To do this, women need to concentrate and sincerely forgive offenders, for example, men against whom they hold a grudge or grudge. You may have to forgive relatives who in some way negatively affected the course of your life. In many ways, representatives of the fair half of humanity can reproach themselves. For example, for devoting very little time to their children, for abortions or miscarriages. You also need to forgive yourself for taking negativity and resentment too close to your heart.

Doctors are also taught to apologize directly to your body for the fact that depression has led to illness. In order to prevent the anger and negativity of this world from affecting your health in the future, you must pass them through yourself exclusively according to the principle of a sieve: feel the emotions, but in no case should they be delayed or accumulated in your body, but immediately let go. This will certainly help you become much stronger and develop immunity to any psychosomatic disorders.

What psychosomatic experts say

The influence of the emotional background on the general state has been discussed more than once in webinars. Often domestic and foreign speakers raise this issue. Here are some of their opinions.

Louise Hay was the first woman to raise the issue of the impact of emotions on illness. Her main goal was to convey an ideology to the female sex: any irritant, parasite, virus and malignant tumor eats itself when a person conducts psychoanalysis and has a positive attitude. According to her, the uterus, which does not agree with the woman’s intentions, is not ready to accept its role as an “ordinary organ.” Against the background of hormonal fear, she begins to produce fibroids, suppressing femininity. The only solution that will help avoid this is to accept your “I” and physical appearance, change your life attitudes and enjoy the role of mother and wife. It is forbidden to sort things out with your husband, to live only with reproaches, you are allowed to think only in a positive direction.

Liz Burbo, a healing psychologist, shares a similar opinion, stating: “The womb is a small house for a child. All pathologies that develop are associated with a sense of protection.” When a woman is unable to create a home, provide comfort and start a family, the uterus “gives away” the disease - fibroids. “Nursing” and “maturation”, which are inherent in the reproductive organ, must be translated into reality, and not remain at the level of “then someday, when I realize myself, I will think about children.” “Later” may not come...

Luule Viilma, a parapsychologist, is sure that the psychosomatics of fibroids begins in the relationship between mother and daughter. Multiple mutual grievances manifest themselves in the form of a tumor that increases in size. The frantic rhythm of modernity dictates its own rules. A mother who has not had time to enjoy motherhood will always interfere in her daughter’s adult life, justifying this with a feeling of guilt. At the same time, the daughter, categorically against control, is filled with childhood grievances due to lack of attention. The only way out: the mother must realize her mistakes and ask for forgiveness. Daughter - forgive mother, improve relationships. After which the size of the fibroids will begin to decrease, and soon it will resolve.

Getting rid of cysts using traditional medicine.

An infusion of dandelion leaves and roots for cysts.

The high effectiveness of dandelion root decoction in the treatment of cysts is explained by two reasons: firstly, the drug helps to gradually reduce the amount of fluid inside the cyst, and secondly, it prevents the formation of new cysts in the future.

Grind dried or fresh dandelion root in a coffee grinder. Pour 1 teaspoon of powder into a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 15 minutes. Then strain through cheesecloth and take 1/3 cup 2 times a day, an hour before breakfast and 2 hours after dinner. Treatment should be carried out 5 days before Women's Day.

But even using strong traditional medicine does not guarantee that the disease will not return again. And for in-depth study, to be sure, study the psychosomatics of female diseases.

Summing up

No one argues that psychological reasons can have a beneficial and not very significant influence on the development of the disease. It is known that people who had a powerful incentive to live pulled out of the most difficult illnesses (Franklin Roosevelt, Alexei Maresyev, Lance Armstrong, etc.).

On the other hand, stress and anxiety are the cause of many diseases (hypertension, ulcers and gastritis); women's diseases are also no exception. However, this does not mean that the psychosomatic factor is the most important and others do not need to be taken into account. In each situation, everything is individual and there will be no general “method” for psychosomatics (if there was one, then all diseases would disappear), so there is no way to refuse drug treatment!

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