Combined treatment of benign cervical diseases

The relevance of the problem of treating benign diseases of the cervix is ​​due to the widespread prevalence of cervical pathology, which occurs, according to V.N. Prilepskaya [8], in 10-15% of women of reproductive age. In addition, it is known that benign processes can precede malignant neoplasms of the cervix, the incidence of which is currently, according to research by V.I. Krasnopolsky, V.N. Prilepskaya [5,7], has no tendency to decrease.

The purpose of this work is to increase the effectiveness of treatment of benign diseases of the cervix by using epigen-intim spray before and after traditional cryotherapy.

Epigen spray - instructions for use

The therapeutic and preventive aerosol for intimate areas contains natural ingredients that have high biological activity, so Epigen intimate spray can be prescribed even to pregnant and lactating women. The instructions for using Epigen spray included with the drug contain complete information on methods of use, dosage and courses of treatment. The medicine is sprayed:

  • intraurethral;
  • externally;
  • intervaginally.

How to use Epigen spray correctly? For external use, the medicine is sprayed at a distance of up to 5 cm from the skin 3 times a day. Two presses of the valve are enough to spray. When used intraurethrally, the spray is directed into the opening of the urethra at a minimum distance. For intravaginal use, the aerosol kit includes a special nozzle for a can of medication, with which the drug is sprayed into the vagina. To prevent irritation on the mucous membrane, use an aerosol before and after sexual intercourse.

Epigen spray - composition

Having studied the description of the drug on the packaging, you will find out that the composition of Epigen spray is very simple and does not contain harmful fragrances, antiseptics and synthetic flavors. The vaginal spray contains a single active substance - active glycyrrhizic acid (in an amount equivalent to ammonium glycyrrhizate), which is obtained from plant raw materials - medicinal licorice root. The acid is obtained by extraction from raw materials and molecular activation. This process increases the beneficial properties of the acid and makes it activated. Additionally, the composition includes:

  • organic acids (folic, fumaric, ascorbic);
  • twin 80;
  • water;
  • propylene glycol.

Epigen spray - indications for use

The aerosol is widely used for the treatment and prevention of many genital and viral diseases. Ammonium glycyrrhizinate has an anti-inflammatory, antiviral effect. Able to stimulate local immunity and treat infections at the earliest stages. There are the following indications for the use of Epigen spray:

  • treatment of human papillomaviruses, herpes simplex types 1 and 2 (Herpes simplex);
  • treatment and prevention of herpes zoster caused by the Varicella zoster virus;
  • treatment of cervical pathologies, erosion, condylomas;
  • treatment of conditions associated with decreased immunity, resulting in the development of nonspecific vulvitis, thrush, and other bacterial infections caused by the activity of opportunistic microorganisms;
  • in the treatment of cytomegalovirus;
  • getting rid of rashes, itching and burning, dryness in the genitals after sexual intercourse.

Epigen spray - contraindications

Ammonium glycyrrhizinate solution, obtained from plant materials, has a specific odor, light yellow or light brown color. The only thing that is indicated in the instructions as contraindications for Epigen spray is individual intolerance, hypersensitivity to the active substance or acids that are contained in the composition as excipients.

Epigen spray - side effects

This herbal preparation is well tolerated, even with prolonged treatment and use as a prophylaxis for certain diseases and to increase local immunity. Side effects of Epigen spray occur very rarely, mainly in the early stages of treatment in people with individual intolerances or allergies. Side effects may include various allergic reactions, such as contact dermatitis and urticaria.

pharmachologic effect

Epigen gel and spray are available in convenient 15 or 60 ml containers, equipped with sprayers for treating the affected surface. Also included is a nozzle for intravaginal use. The canister is comfortable to hold in your hand and is enough for one course of treatment.

Epigen intimate gel contains an active ingredient - glycyrrhizic acid, obtained from the rhizomes of licorice. The component has many medicinal properties, in particular, it increases the formation of interferon, which activates the immune system. Thus, treatment with a gel or spray helps fight persistent viral pathogens. The composition contains natural acids and water as auxiliary agents. The intimate spray has a specific odor and is light brown in color. The effect of the drug on the mucous membranes is mild; Epigen gel and spray do not cause pathological changes in the skin, promoting their restoration.

Epigen spray during pregnancy

Laboratory studies have shown that the active component of the medicine, glycyrrhizic acid, does not have a toxic or teratogenic effect on the fetus, therefore, among all other medicines, this spray for the intimate area is a safe medicine for pregnant women at different stages, during lactation. A gynecologist may prescribe Epigen during pregnancy to relieve discomfort in the vagina caused by microflora disorders, thrush or viral infections, to prevent relapses of HPV, cytomegalovirus, and condylomas (papillomas).

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Using intimate spray

The drug is used for internal and external spraying. When applied to the outer skin, proceed as follows:

  • shake the can with the contents before performing the procedure;
  • It is necessary to spray the liquid while holding the can in a vertical position. The distance to the treatment surface should be about 4-5 cm;
  • press the valve 1-2 times.

To treat the internal areas of the skin, you need to use a special attachment included in the kit. Its shape will allow you to apply the spray to the affected areas in an even layer. Injection is carried out with one or two clicks on the bottle valve.

After completing the procedure, you should take a lying position, wait a while, and let the drug work. The nozzle should be washed with running water, dried and stored in a special bag.

For diseases (lichen, herpes), the spray is used up to six times a day for five to seven days or until all symptoms and signs of the disease are completely eliminated. If more serious skin lesions are observed, the course must be extended to fourteen days. In such cases, it is recommended to combine treatment - carry out both internal and external spraying.

When all the symptoms of the disease disappear, for the purpose of prevention, Epigen is prescribed three times a day for at least ten to twelve days.

Complete cessation of use of the medicinal product is possible after complete healing (determined visually) of the source of the disease.

In case of discomfort, unpleasant sensations, pain, severe burning and itching of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, it is necessary to use the drug before and immediately after sexual intercourse.

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During the course of treatment with intimate spray, you should refrain from using inducers of interferon synthesis.

Epigen spray for thrush

The most effective drug for the treatment and prevention of thrush is one that stimulates local immunity. Candidiasis manifests itself due to the activity of opportunistic vaginal microflora, more often due to decreased immunity or due to the use of various medications. Epigen spray for thrush has an immunostimulating, calming effect, relieves itching and reduces the amount of discharge. For the best effect, doctors advise maintaining intimate hygiene - treating the genitals three times a day after hygiene procedures, and more often during menstruation.


Arina: This is not the first time I have heard that the spray does not help with thrush, but I used it to treat candidiasis. In two weeks all symptoms disappeared. Nothing like this happened even after antifungal suppositories and fluconazole tablets. So I would argue.

Polina: For antiseptic treatment I used both gel and spray. The second one is more expensive, although it works faster. But I don’t have any special problems in the intimate area, and for antiseptic treatment it’s easier to buy cheap chlorhexidine. It helps me personally.

Katerina: I took Utrozhestan, after which severe itching began. I didn't know how to get rid of him. A friend recommended Epigen spray. Relief came on the second day. I completed the full course, and now nothing bothers me. But I also liked the fact that the drug improves the microflora. I noticed this when the unpleasant smell disappeared. I used to take it for lack of hygiene, but it turns out that it was something else.

Epigen spray for herpes

A feature of the herpes virus is its inhibitory effect on the immune system, therefore, when treating any type of virus, in addition to antiviral drugs, medications are prescribed that help the immune system recover. In the case of genital herpes, it is important to restore local immune defense, therefore, in addition to tablets and ointments, gynecologists often prescribe Epigen herpes spray as part of complex therapy to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect of treatment.

Composition of the product

3 Doctors’ opinions about the product 4 Useful video materials about intimate hygiene products, Epigen Intim and Chlorhexidine medications, instructions

Epigen contains glycyrrhizic acid, obtained from licorice root. This plant has been known for its medicinal properties for several thousand years and has been successfully used in oriental medicine.

Licorice is a natural immune stimulant: it improves the body's resistance, helps increase protective properties, and effectively heals wounds and cracks.

The instructions will help you understand how Epigen intimate gel acts on intimate areas of the body. First, you need to find out what components are included.

Epigen contains:

  • glycyrrhizic acid (removes redness, itching and discomfort, stimulates the process of skin restoration);
  • glycerin (helps moisturize and soften the skin);
  • lactic acid (normalizes the usual acid-base balance for the mucous membranes of delicate areas of the body, which protects the genitals from fungal infections and thrush);
  • phytosphynosines (healing components from yeast cells that relieve inflammation and fight microbes);
  • sodium laureth sulfate (a rather small amount of it contained in the composition is necessary for foaming the product).

Note! Epigen intimate gel, according to the instructions, does not have any coloring substances or flavorings in its structure that contribute to the manifestation of allergic reactions. Unpleasant odor caused by pathogenic microorganisms is eliminated under the influence of antimicrobial components of the drug

The unpleasant odor caused by pathogenic microorganisms is eliminated under the influence of the antimicrobial components of the drug.

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Price for Epigen spray

The manufacturer of the intimate spray also produces ointment and wipes for intimate hygiene. These products cost less than the aerosol itself - around 500 rubles. According to some reviews, using ointments and napkins from the same series in combination with an aerosol, the desired effect of treatment is achieved faster. The price of the spray varies depending on the capacity of the container. Average prices for some products from the Epigen intim series are shown in the summary table.

Product average price
Epigen intim aerosol, 0.1%, 15 ml 800-1000 rub.
Epigen intim aerosol, 0.1%, 60 ml 1700-1900 rub.
Intimate hygiene wipes 430 rub.
Moisturizing ointment (gel) for intimate hygiene 700-860 rub.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

The medicine is not recommended for use if hypersensitivity to glycyrrhizic acid and other components included in its composition is detected.

During the period of bearing a child, the use of the drug is allowed, but only on the recommendation of a doctor and under supervision, in compliance with all necessary precautions. It is not advisable to use Epigen spray during menstruation.

The drug copes well with the manifestations of candidiasis infection, and also prevents infection of the fetus during childbirth. The use of the spray is allowed during pregnancy and lactation only for critical indications and taking into account all possible consequences. The studies conducted did not show embryotoxic and teratogenic effects of the drug.

As for adverse reactions, Epigen spray, according to reviews from patients and doctors, is well tolerated in the vast majority of cases. In exceptional situations due to individual intolerance, an allergic reaction may develop.

Let's consider recommendations for treatment with Epigen spray.


Epigen vaginal spray can be replaced with similar formulations. Glycyram, Glycyrrhizic acid, Epigen labial are analogs that have various dosage forms

When choosing analogues of the gel, many pay attention to the medicine Skin Cap. Manufacturers offer a wide variety of forms of the drug: Skin aerosol, lotion, ointment, gels

The product contains components aimed at treating skin diseases of various etiologies. In particular, these are psoriasis, seborrheic manifestations, neurodermatitis, eczema. Skin Cap spray does not help against the papilloma virus, so it is a mistake to choose a drug to treat HPV. However, when selecting remedies for accompanying burning and itching, doctors often prescribe this cream. The absence of a hormonal component allows you to use Skin Cap without harm to health, but only after consultation with a specialist.

Special instructions, tips, storage

If an unpleasant odor or suppuration appears in already treated areas, you should definitely consult a doctor for help. If you experience irritation, stop treatment. There are also analogues of Epigen. They can be used like this product. Analogues include “Glyciram”, “Epigen Labial” and “Glycyrrhizic acid”. They have a variety of dosage forms (granules, which are necessary for preparing the solution, and tablets). Epigen (spray) should be stored at temperatures up to thirty degrees (above zero). The shelf life of the medicine is 36 months. Read the instructions for using the spray carefully. If necessary, consult with specialists.

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