The feminine essence and its external manifestation. Psychosomatics of female diseases associated with the menstrual cycle

One of the common female ailments is painful periods. Considering that this is not inherent in the nature of the female body, I would like to find an answer to the question: “Why, for what reasons did this disease appear?” And the answer will tell us the path to healing.

In medicine, several names for this disease are used: algomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, algomenorrhea (or menalgia). Sometimes they are used as synonyms, sometimes they are separated, for example, according to such criteria as “menstrual cycle disorder” (algodysmenorrhea) or “pathological process” (dysmenorrhea). But all these diagnoses have a common symptom: pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation.

Aching or sharp, paroxysmal pain may also be accompanied by nausea, headaches, general malaise, even fainting.

Moreover, in medicine it is considered “normal” if pain appears before the onset and ends after the first days or with the end of menstruation.

Very painful and incapacitating symptoms may indicate the presence of a serious disorder (inflammation or disease).

Usually, primary algodismenorrhea is distinguished, characterized by no pathologies, which is diagnosed in nulliparous girls. And secondary, which appears during and after inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, which is diagnosed in women who have given birth.


  • What is feminine nature?
  • Metaphysical essence of the menstrual cycle
  • Painful periods - psychosomatics of female diseases
  • Delayed menstruation - psychosomatics of female diseases
  • Methods of healing

The state of the female sphere in a woman’s body can tell a lot. You can turn a blind eye to some personal problems for a long time, but sooner or later your body will force you to turn in their direction. Psychosomatics of delayed and painful menstruation is the most common and widespread problem in women's health. Moreover, very often the psychological component here significantly prevails over the physical.

Doctors often cannot detect any physical abnormalities that could cause these diseases. Therefore, working with the psyche in this case becomes practically the only way to solve the problem of delayed and painful periods.

Main psychosomatic abnormalities in women

Psychosomatics associates painful periods with a woman’s rejection of her true nature. There are psychological factors laid down at a young age, when a young female representative does not want to perceive herself as a woman, she wants to be the complete opposite of the feminine principle, a man. For such young girls, the inherent features of masculine actions and character, clothing style.

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The first reason is usually interconnected with the second, a feeling of guilt. The parents wanted a boy, but a girl was born. Such a child tries to meet the expectations of his parents. But this is a serious problem for a girl if she found out that her mother dreamed of a boy and even called the child by name in the womb. Such suffering can develop into hatred of one’s personality and body, denial of the feminine principle and lead to serious consequences. Therefore, in the future, such a person experiences a feeling of guilt before his parents until he analyzes the situation, forgives and frees himself.

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The third reason also comes from childhood: the opinion has formed in the mind that the reproductive organs and menstruation are something bad and sinful. Therefore, the concepts of psychosomatics and non-menstruation are interconnected.

Psychosomatics also explains the absence of menstruation by stress and emotional trauma in young girls who did not have their first menstruation and subsequent ones. In older girls and women, the reason for the disappearance of the menstrual cycle was life difficulties, problems communicating with the opposite sex, stress, mental stress, and fear.

With scanty periods, psychosomatics indicates internal contradictions and denial of one’s feminine essence. It is known that severe emotional suffering leads to the failure of menstruation and its delay, usually by a month. If the emotional trauma was strong, psychosomatics also associates the delay in menstruation with personal characteristics. Moreover, such a violation can last for up to a year. According to medical data, a long absence of menstruation indicates a disruption in the functioning of the ovaries.

Psychosomatics considers heavy periods to be a sign of a lack of positive emotions in life. Blood is a symbol of life, and the absence of menstruation in a metaphorical sense means the departure of joy.

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To reduce bleeding during menstruation, you need to bring goodness into life. For example, every morning at the mirror she said pleasant words, to fall asleep and wake up with gratitude for every day lived on earth. It is important that women perceive themselves as they are, give themselves feelings of beauty and love.

Health to you!

What is feminine nature?

Everything related to women's diseases, of course, has roots in the distortions and disharmony of the female sphere. Both energetically, physically, and psychologically, men and women differ in their nature.

If a woman somewhere experiences a failure in the area of ​​feminine fulfillment, the fulfillment of her main purpose, the disclosure of feminine energies, then sooner or later all this will be reflected in the body.

The feminine essence lies in flexibility, softness, fluidity, smoothness, the ability to fill yourself and your space with creative energy. If we compare form and content, then form is a man, and content is a woman.

When a woman stops or does not know how to perceive and express herself as a woman, then problems in women’s health begin. The reasons can be very different, but they usually come down to one main imbalance - non-acceptance of one’s feminine essence, femininity.

Outwardly, this can be expressed in active actions in masculine ways, playing masculine roles, closedness of feminine qualities, inability to express one’s sexuality, etc.

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Psychosomatics is a branch of medicine and psychology that studies the influence of psychological factors in human life on the occurrence and course of various painful conditions of the body. Psychosomatic diseases are based on the body’s reaction to emotional experiences and stress, which are accompanied by functional changes and pathological changes in organs and organ systems.

Our physical body (soma - body) is the level of manifestation of processes occurring in our consciousness, soul (psyche - soul). Just as a body cannot exist without consciousness, it cannot get sick without consciousness. From the point of view of psychosomatics, it is controversial to say that the body is sick; it would be more accurate to say that a person is sick, only diseases can manifest themselves in different ways. This confirms the inextricable unity of the physical and mental components of a person, this is a holistic view of the human being.

Any disease is a human condition that indicates that harmony, internal balance in the psycho-emotional sphere of the individual is disturbed. Outwardly this manifests itself in the form of symptoms of the disease. Consequently, symptoms are peculiar signals coming to us from consciousness and manifesting themselves at the level of the body. Also, a symptom is also the direction in which we should look to see our problem.

Therefore, a simple fight against symptoms is not only useless in the sense of healing, getting rid of the disease, but, often, even harmful, since getting rid of just a symptom can prevent you from seeing the true cause of the disease, and therefore the path to recovery. In this case, we are not talking about urgent, acute conditions, when symptom relief is necessary and justified by vital indications.

The path of development of the disease from the point of view of psychosomatics moves from the subtler to the coarser: from the level of consciousness, where the root cause lies, to the level of emotional manifestations; if a person is not aware of the problem, he shifts it into the “shadow” (this is the area, in the terminology of K.G. Jung, our consciousness, where we shift everything that we don’t like, that’s unacceptable to us, that we don’t want to understand and accept, that we don’t want to have anything to do with), and then the disease moves to the level of the physical body. Not wanting to accept ourselves completely, renouncing what we don’t like about ourselves, we move further and further away from the harmony and balance that lies in unity and integrity.

Pay attention to the words “whole”, “whole” and “healing” - they are the same root, and this is the key to understanding the path to recovery.

All women's diseases are certainly related to the nature of a woman, to her feminine purpose, or rather, to disharmony in this area.

It is well known that men and women are fundamentally different creatures. They have completely different roles initially. They have different ways of realizing their nature. If a person, be it a man or a woman, deviates from his natural orientation, denies it, tries to fulfill someone else’s role, sooner or later this will lead the body to certain changes, illnesses and disharmonious states.

The essence of female nature is softness, pliability, flexibility, the ability to perceive, open oneself and give oneself. The masculine and feminine principles can be correlated with such comprehensive principles as Fire and Water, the Sun and the Moon, where the active principle, the driving force, is assigned to the masculine principle. A woman is given the role of perceiving and reflecting, like the Moon, which reflects the light of the Sun, like Water, which takes the form of the vessel into which it is poured.

Problems with women's health arise precisely when there is no understanding or acceptance of oneself as a woman. Unfortunately, in the modern world there is a tendency towards equalization of the sexes, a desire for equal rights for men and women. This manifests itself in any area of ​​social life.

For example, recently, there was information in the media that in the United States women were allowed to serve on submarines. In my opinion, this is great stupidity. After all, initially, by nature, a woman should not compete with a man in purely male social roles. The idea that a woman’s place in life can be taken by some man is truly absurd. This comes from a lack of understanding of one’s true role and task, from an attempt to evade, to renounce this responsibility that the nature of the female body imposes. This misunderstanding leads a woman to take active actions in life using male methods, and this, in turn, creates distortions and imbalances both in the psycho-emotional sphere and at the physical level.

In fairness, it is necessary to note the certain role of men in this process. Currently, not all men understand their life task, their masculine nature, their role in the family and the life of a woman. Based on the above-mentioned male principles of Fire and Sun, one can understand that a man is an engine, a leader who leads, but the leader is smart and prudent, he paves the way and thinks about how those he cares about will follow this path should care. A man has a great responsibility in the material provision and spiritual development of those whom he has taken under his protection. When a man for some reason does not fulfill his role, the woman has to partially or completely take on it. And this imposes its own characteristics on the character and life of a woman.

menstrual irregularities may be associated with this . Its psychological significance lies in the monthly reminder to a woman of her original nature, her purpose. Every month, every cycle (or almost every) is a new opportunity to conceive a child.

If for a woman, menstruation is not a manifestation of her feminine nature, for which one should be grateful to fate, but only an annoying misunderstanding that prevents one from achieving career heights, in this case various imbalances will arise in the monthly cycle.

For example, the body will warn in advance about the upcoming menstruation in the form of PMS (premenstrual syndrome), or the critical days themselves will be very difficult and pass with pain and other symptoms (dysmenorrhea). In general, painful menstruation indicates that a woman is sensitive to her femininity, does not fully accept herself as a woman, and may have problems with her sexuality.

Painful menstruation in women who want to have children is associated with the disappointment of a failed pregnancy. For those women who do not want to have children and are very afraid of getting pregnant, the duration of menstruation itself may increase, this is a subconscious desire to reduce the time of possible contact with a sexual partner.

The complete absence of menstruation, especially primary amenorrhea , from a psychosomatic point of view, indicates that a girl or woman has a very great fear in expressing her femininity, sexuality, maternal instinct, an unconscious fear, not accepted, which is why the body is forced to show it outward like a mirror.

There are widely known cases when, during certain difficult periods of a woman’s life, associated with emergency, tense situations requiring enormous, non-feminine strength, menstruation stopped. The body thus reacted to the surrounding situation, stopping the manifestation of femininity. It was then that a woman needed to show maximum masculine qualities, firmness, determination and perseverance.

The main task of a woman, no matter how banal it may sound, is motherhood . It’s just that the understanding of motherhood has a certain depth, because it is connected not only with the ability to conceive, bear, give birth to a child, i.e. bring a Human into the world, but also with the ability to grow him as a Personality who evolves, develops, and does not degrade, i.e. give this world a Human.

This requires a very great responsibility from the woman, which is not always realized, and being in the unconscious, in the “shadow”, can lead to problems with conception , even infertility .

How it looks from the outside: a woman seems to want to have children, but somewhere deep down there is an unconscious fear that she will have to pay too high a price for this desire. The body is more “honest”, showing this fear in the inability to have a child. Also, infertility may be due to the fact that the desire to have a child for a woman is only a way to retain a man or a solution to her personal problems.

Diseases such as fibroids and myomas represent something growing in the uterus; normally this should be pregnancy, but if a woman has not fully revealed her nature, a “sublimated pregnancy” grows in the uterus, which characterizes the unsatisfied hypertrophied desire to get pregnant, to become a real mother.

Another reason for the increase in the number of female diseases is associated with a rather low level of morality in modern society. Freedom and permissiveness in gender relations, and most importantly, lack of education in this area are factors that increase the number of divorces in society; the number of abortions does not decrease. The demographic situation is not changing much for the better. A stream of sexual information flows from TV screens; most advertising moves are based on this.

But in fact, although little is said about it now, a real woman should have such qualities as chastity and purity . This does not at all mean a renunciation of one’s sexuality; it rather speaks of more harmonious forms of its manifestation.

Since a woman’s nature is less active than a man’s, more aimed at internal feeling and perception, many processes in a woman’s life should be more hidden and intimate. This should be reflected in her external behavior, which is more modest and less sexually aggressive. And there is a reason for this. The fact that women flaunt their bodies as much as possible has a certain negative impact: many strange men who see them direct their energy to them in the form of desires (subconsciously or consciously), this is, in fact, an energetic blow to the woman’s genitals, which can play a negative role in the development of female diseases.

Inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, like any inflammatory diseases from a psychosomatic point of view, personify a conflict manifested in the body. An analogy can be drawn: an acute inflammatory process will characterize an acute conflict, while protracted and chronic illnesses indicate an unresolved conflict.

If a woman does not resolve this conflict at the level of consciousness, it is transferred to the level of the body in the form of an infectious inflammatory disease, and the infection (the causative agent of the disease) will have a secondary role here. Naturally, inflammatory diseases of the female genital area will be characterized by unresolved conflicts related specifically to the topic of femininity, sexuality, and motherhood.

In general, the target organ will be the place in the body that takes “responsibility” (in our place) for our “learning” at the body level if we are unable to perceive and solve a certain problem at the psychological level.

Mogilevskaya Natalya Gennadievna, doctor, specialist in Ayurvedic medicine.

Metaphysical essence of the menstrual cycle

The metaphysical meaning of menstruation is a monthly reminder to a woman of her original nature, of her feminine destiny. Every new month is a new opportunity to create life (conceive a child).

Think about how you feel about your periods. If it is considered an annoying and interfering factor, then problems will not be long in coming. This is often expressed in painful periods, delays, cycle disorders, premature cessation of menstruation, etc.

In general, everything related to issues of femininity, accepting oneself as a woman, motherhood, sexuality, pregnancy is directly related to the proper functioning of a woman’s sexual sphere and, in particular, a well-functioning menstrual cycle.


1️⃣ Loss or fear of losing a “child”: a loved one, a favorite job, a project, an animal, a parent.

In the active phase: cell breakdown (ovarian necrosis), decreased estrogen levels, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea or bleeding.

Biological meaning: in the conflict resolution phase, swelling (additional tissue) - more estrogen is released - sexual desire appears - the woman looks younger - the chance of getting pregnant increases - replenishment of the loss.

Dr. Hamer attributes endometriosis to a conflict in the ovary.

But in practice there is always not one conflict, but several.

Painful periods - psychosomatics of female diseases

A relaxed, full, flowing woman never experiences misunderstandings with her menstrual cycle. Problems, in particular, painful periods, arise in the following cases.

  1. A woman perceives her femininity painfully.
  2. Problems with sexuality.
  3. Disappointment about a failed pregnancy.
  4. Fear of getting pregnant.
  5. Reluctance to contact a partner.
  6. Denial of one's female body, the feminine principle.
  7. In the subconscious, menstruation is perceived as something dirty, bad, and shameful.
  8. Fear, guilt, “desire” to be punished.

Causes of some diseases

The nuances of psychological experiences and experiences are clearly visible in the description of certain diseases. Let's look at some of them.

Premenstrual syndrome

Severe and painful premenstrual syndrome most often affects women and girls who, since childhood, have endured negative personal experiences that allowed them to develop a hostile attitude towards women.

Very often, PMS develops in girls who, in childhood, watched their mother abuse alcohol, yell at their father, at other children, and behave inappropriately.

The negative image that the mother created is firmly imprinted in the girl’s subconscious. She does not want to be like her mother, the only female representative who is normal and should be the first role model. This of the same sex as her mother .

Candidiasis (thrush)

It is no secret that thrush is a chronic disease, it develops once and remains forever, worsening from time to time, giving the woman discomfort, itching and burning in the vagina, and discharge. Exacerbations usually coincide with periods when a woman feels spiritually “dirty” - she begins to regret intimate relationships with one or another man who disappointed her. And also, thrush literally plagues women who, deep down in their hearts, consider sex and sexual intercourse to be an indecent and “dirty” phenomenon , are embarrassed by it, and do not talk about this topic.

Quite often, the primary factor that triggers the very first infection with candidiasis, which then becomes chronic, is violence against a woman (sexual), a severe conflict with a man (father, husband).

Ovaries and their dysfunction

The gonads are the creative feminine center. If problems arise with their functioning, then the woman has big problems with accepting the feminine principle, as well as with her attitude towards men and childbirth. Almost all of the options for self-rejection described above may well become the cause of a cyst, polycystic disease, hormonal disorder, amenorrhea or psychogenic infertility.

Methods of healing

The psychosomatic causes of delayed and painful periods may not be on the surface. Therefore, it may make sense in such cases to use not only medical help, but also the services of a psychologist who will help “unearth” the “trigger” mechanism that gave rise to these disorders.

But, as a rule, behind this mechanism, or rather the event, there are deeper layers of trauma that led to it. Only sufficiently powerful and deep techniques can cope with their search. For example, such as “Spiritual Integration”.

The main thing is to recognize the “enemy” by sight, and then you can use various psychotherapeutic techniques to eliminate the consequences: all sorts of techniques for forgiveness, acceptance, transformation of experience, etc.

Delay and painful menstruation are just two of the many problems in women’s health. But, in any case, the main postulate in the treatment of the female sphere is unconditional trust in yourself, the Universe, God, who gave you the opportunity to go through earthly experience in a female body with one single goal - to accept and reveal the entire female hypostasis in its full glory. If you reject what God has given, don't complain about the consequences.

Hypothalamus and reproduction

Motivation to reproduce depends on the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. It is these parts of the brain (pituitary gland and thalamus) that are responsible for the production of hormones. And while a woman is in a state of anxiety (no matter for what reason), the hypothalamus will not allow her to conceive a child.

An unresolved situation in a relationship with a husband, conflicts in the family or at work, an intrapersonal conflict - all this sends signals to the hypothalamus, and it turns off the woman’s reproductive function. And if the situation is not just alarming, but also dangerous for a woman, then the motive of self-preservation wins. This dominant also disables the reproductive function of the body. Examples of dangerous conditions: hunger, emotional instability, violence and frequent conflicts, social instability, etc. The body thinks about how to save itself. What kind of bearing and development of a child is there?


To avoid health problems, you need to maintain your mental and emotional state normally, avoid stress, and not overwork.

In addition, every woman must convince herself that she is beautiful, desirable, successful and has a bright future and present.

Female diseases, or diseases of the female genital organs, are quite diverse, therefore, according to their origin, they are classified into the following groups.

Vulvitis is an inflammation of the external genitalia as a result of poor personal hygiene or diseases of the urinary system (primary) or inflammation of the genital organs (secondary).

Colpitis is an inflammation of the uterine mucosa due to an infection.

Adnexitis or salpingoophoritis is inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes due to infection.

Ectopia (erosion) is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix due to injury or bacteria and the papilloma virus.

Amenorrhea is the absence of a menstrual cycle for 6 months or more.

Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis, vaginal dysbiosis) is a non-inflammatory disease of the vaginal mucosa due to changes in the composition of the microflora.

Vaginal or uterine bleeding is a dysfunctional disease due to disruption of the ovaries.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) – mental, vegetative-vascular and hormonal disruptions before the start of a new menstrual cycle.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a change in the structure and functionality of the ovaries due to endocrine and neurometabolic disorders.

  • Hyperplastic female diseases:

A cyst is a benign hollow growth with fluid inside on the ovaries, in the uterus or vagina.

Myoma is a benign neoplasm in the muscular layer of the uterus as a result of an increase in the level of female hormones.

Fibromyoma is a benign formation of connective tissue elements due to hormonal imbalance.

A polyp is a benign formation in the uterine region or ecclesiastical canal.

Endometriosis is the active growth of the endometrium of the uterus due to decreased immunity, hormonal imbalance or genetic diseases.

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor of the mucous lining of the cervix in the zone of transition of the cervical epithelium to the vaginal epithelium.

Uterine cancer is a malignant tumor disease of the endometrium, the inner epithelial layer.

Separately, a disease such as prolapse of the uterus (prolapse) should be highlighted. This is a pathological condition in which the fundus of the cervix moves due to weakening of its muscles and ligaments.

If left untreated, uterine prolapse may occur.

Common symptoms of female diseases are: menstrual irregularities, pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region, copious mucous discharge of different shades with or without odor, spotting, uterine bleeding, discomfort, sometimes urinary disorder, etc.

The causes of the development of female diseases: hereditary predisposition, hormonal imbalances, infections, diseases of the urinary system, difficult pregnancy and childbirth, etc.

Adverse factors contributing to the development of female diseases: hypothermia, frequent changes of partners, poor hygiene, smoking and alcohol, poor diet, weakened immunity, lack of vitamins, heavy workload, stress, etc.

What does official medicine and psychosomatic specialists recommend?

Louise Hay gives a healing affirmation that heals the psychosomatics of the uterus: “I love my body. I love being a woman. I am glad that I am a woman.”

Official medicine recommends that women with uterine fibroids have it immediately removed surgically, often along with the uterus. This is a hormone-dependent benign tumor of the uterus, which occurs in the muscle layer (myometrium), in the form of single or multiple nodes of different sizes. Psychosomatics of uterine fibroids are provoked by an increase in estrogen levels and a decrease in progesterone. This can be caused by abortions, miscarriages, histological tests, cleansing, inflammatory diseases, ovarian dysfunction, vegetative-vascular disorders, changes in the functioning of the pituitary-hypothalamus system, as well as liver diseases, which has the function of utilizing hormones. Symptoms of uterine fibroids:

  • disruption of the menstrual cycle.
  • bleeding,
  • pain,
  • disturbances in the work of related organs,
  • anemia due to bleeding,
  • weakness.

Nodes can decrease in size naturally during menopause or with hormonal therapy.

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