How to alleviate the condition during menopause: beta-alanine during menopause.

Menopause is inevitable for every woman. The processes of aging and withering of the body are absolutely normal, although sometimes it is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. At this time, the female body changes the amount of sexual hubbub, and the entire system has to adapt to a new job. Sometimes this condition even leads to chronic diseases. In order to avoid this, doctors often prescribe medications to a sick woman whose main active ingredient is beta-alanine during menopause.

What is beta alanine

This component is a broad-spectrum amino acid. It is used during menopause as an analogue of hormonal therapy to relieve menopausal symptoms. It is also widely used in sports nutrition to support the body and restore it after physical activity.

This is a naturally occurring substance produced by the human body. Without this amino acid, human existence is impossible - it takes part in vegetative processes, is capable of producing other useful substances, and also breaks down harmful compounds.


Acting on the hypothalamus, the amino acid regulates glycine receptors, producing a stimulating effect.

In modern medicine, the use of amino acids is considered a kind of breakthrough, since it is capable of simultaneously performing several functions:

  • restoration of the body after endured loads and stress;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • regulation of women's health;
  • reduction of headaches;
  • reducing fatigue and increasing performance;
  • inhibition of skin aging processes;
  • normalization of metabolic processes and reducing the risk of sudden weight gain during menopause;
  • removing excess fluid from the body, relieving women of edema.

A huge advantage is that the use of the substance is not addictive.

How it affects the body

The amino acid, once in a woman’s body, affects the hypothalamus. The active substance helps balance the functioning of the thermoregulation center. Relieves beta alanine from hot flashes during menopause. It helps suppress the production of histamine, vascular spasms disappear, sweating decreases, and the unpleasant feeling of heat throughout the body disappears.

With the help of an amino acid, lactic acid is removed from the muscles. The woman begins to feel a surge of strength, her performance increases significantly, and the feeling of tiredness and fatigue disappears. Experts have identified other beneficial aspects of the effect of beta alanine on a woman’s body:

  • amino acids help remove excess fluid from the body, preventing the appearance of swelling;
  • the substance is effective in the fight against excess weight;
  • amino acid eliminates apathy and drowsiness.

Functions during menopause

The substance slows down the production of histamine, which causes dilation of peripheral blood vessels and reduces immunity. This component also slows down the production and effect of lactic acid on well-being. Its action in the muscles causes a feeling of fatigue.

A woman experiencing an amino acid deficiency suffers from headaches and hot flashes. Fatigue becomes her constant companion, and increased sweating also increases discomfort. The intake of beta alanine in the body will help relieve symptoms, improving the general condition of the woman.

The amino acid during menopause performs the following functions:

  • reduces fatigue and increases performance due to an increase in carnosine content in muscle tissue;
  • has a beneficial effect on chemical reactions in nerve cells, helps to improve the emotional state, due to which mood swings and irritability disappear;
  • slows down the aging of the body, improves protective functions by eliminating free radicals;
  • helps improve metabolic processes - blocks excess weight gain and increased blood glucose levels.

What symptoms of menopause does it help fight?

Beta-alanine is produced by the female body. But as menopause approaches, this amino acid becomes insufficient for the body. The lack of this substance leads to disruption of vegetative functions and metabolism. After a doctor prescribes Beta-alanine, the following symptoms of menopause disappear or weaken:

  • sleep problems;
  • sudden mood swings, depression;
  • constant tides;
  • increased sweating;
  • weight gain;
  • decreased performance.

In addition, the amino acid blocks lactic acid, which can accumulate in muscle tissue. Thanks to this, a woman stops feeling increased fatigue, maintaining strength and a good mood at the end of the day. Reviews indicate that during menopause it is Beta-alanine that allows women to better tolerate stress and not lose concentration.

Popular products with beta alanine

This amino acid is found in a large number of medications. Selecting medications on your own is strictly prohibited. This is done by a specialist, taking into account the specifics of the menopausal period, the woman’s age, and the general condition of the body.

Most often, the doctor prescribes the following medications:

  • Klimalanin;
  • Qi-klim;
  • Beta-alanine.

The medications contain several active ingredients that have a positive effect on the woman’s body.

Food sources (Table)

The human body obtains natural alanine from food. The main source of the substance is animal and poultry meat. In addition, the amino acid is present in mushrooms, plant seeds and seafood. The concentration of the additive is higher if the food has not been soaked or prolonged contact with moisture.

Natural alanine in products differs in quantity. Among the foods richest in this substance are:

NameAmount of alanine per 1 kg of product, g
Sea fish26
Poultry meat22
Dry mushrooms19
Sunflower seeds18
Rabbit meat18
Soya beans17
Pumpkin seeds15
Green parsley15

The substance improves the appearance of hair, skin and nails. But alanine is not used in cosmetics, since the benefits only come from taking the drugs orally.

Indications for use

The use of these drugs is indicated for women who experience a rather severe form of menopause, requiring additional treatment with medications.

The main indications for use are:

  • frequent hot flashes;
  • excessive sweating;
  • frequent infectious and colds caused by weak immunity;
  • feeling of general fatigue and depression;
  • absent-mindedness, memory impairment, decreased performance.

Reception scheme

Self-prescription of medication is strictly prohibited. A preliminary consultation with a specialist is required. The doctor individually selects the duration of treatment and dosage, which depends on the severity of menopause symptoms.

The most optimal regimen for taking Qi-Clim is to take one tablet twice a day. The course of treatment is at least three months, since this drug is a cumulative drug. The effectiveness of treatment is enhanced by the duration of treatment. After taking Qi-Klim for six months, you need to take a break.

When choosing Klimalanin for treatment, you must take 1-2 tablets per day, the duration of treatment is 5-10 days. This is quite enough to eliminate menopausal symptoms. If unpleasant symptoms reappear, it is recommended to repeat the treatment regimen.

When treating with Beta-alanine, the following scheme is most often used:

  • severe symptoms of menopause - first 2 or 3 tablets per day for three months, and then no more than two tablets per day until a lasting result appears.
  • mild symptoms of menopause - take for at least six months, 1-2 tablets per day until the desired effect appears.

The dosage may change during therapy. It is strictly prohibited to independently increase or decrease the dosage of the prescribed drug.

Terms of use

The amino acid beta-alanine is absolutely safe for a woman’s body, but it should be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician. If the drug is used independently, the patient may experience serious problems in the form of a severe form of menopausal disorders. To avoid this, before using the medication, you must obtain qualified advice from a specialist about the duration of use and the required dosage.

When, at various stages of the menopause, the patient’s symptoms are very pronounced and contribute to a decrease in the standard of living, the patient is prescribed to take the medication three tablets per day. For 30 days, a woman needs to take the medicine in this quantity, and then gradually switch to using two tablets per day, and finally to one per day. The drug is stopped only when the symptoms characteristic of hot flashes disappear completely.

In a situation where the symptoms are not very pronounced, it is recommended to start therapy by taking only two pills per day. In this case, the course of use can last about six months.


This drug is prescribed to women during menopause if they are unable to take hormones.

But even it has some contraindications that must be taken into account before starting treatment:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy to components.

Please note that this preparation may contain starch as an excipient. And if an allergic reaction occurs after taking it, most likely it is gluten intolerance.


The amino acid does not interact with other medicinal components. As a rule, it is well tolerated by women. Before starting therapy, you must notify your doctor which medications you are taking regularly. This will avoid negative reactions of the body.

With glycine

Very often, in combination with products containing an amino acid in their composition, the doctor prescribes additional medications, which are also aimed at combating the changes that occur during menopause. One of these is Glycine.

Glycine affects the body as follows:

  • reduces the tendency to aggression, which develops as a result of very sharp changes in the psycho-emotional state upon the onset of menopause;
  • helps improve a woman’s mood and general condition;
  • reduces the intensity of ailments of the autonomic nervous system, which very often occur during menopause;
  • eliminates insomnia;
  • reduces the intensity of various changes in the central nervous system that are uncharacteristic of the normal state;
  • neutralizes the toxic effect on the functioning and performance of the central nervous system, provoked by the use of additional medications to get rid of menopausal symptoms.

Glycine does not react with the amino acid, but increases the effectiveness of its use.

With other medicines

If Glycine causes allergic reactions in a woman in the form of redness of the skin, scabies, itching, or rashes, she will be prescribed an analogue medicine.

The main and most commonly used analogues of Glycine are the following medications:

  • Glycine forte;
  • Braviton;
  • Glycised.

You can also buy other medications in pharmacies that have similar effects and differ only in their chemical composition. These medications also have a beneficial effect and alleviate the symptoms of menopause.


Taking a product with beta alanine allows a woman to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of menopause and in particular hot flashes, which cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. The dosage of the drug and the duration of the drug are selected by a specialist. The undeniable advantage of drugs containing this amino acid is the absence of addiction.

Experts have identified a number of benefits of taking beta alanine for the female body. It helps from:

  • regular headaches;
  • feelings of fatigue, which improves the quality of life and work;
  • mood swings, apathy;
  • the drug prevents skin aging;
  • it helps maintain weight, which often increases during menopause;
  • beta alanine is a good prophylactic against kidney stones and salts;
  • amino acid helps strengthen the immune system;
  • the drug increases stress resistance;
  • beta alanine removes lactic acid that accumulates in the muscles;
  • the substance has a beneficial effect on the condition of the muscle corset and bones, strengthening them;
  • amino acid helps maintain carbohydrate balance in the body.

Analogues in mode of action

If for some reason the prescribed drug is not suitable for a woman, then the doctor should prescribe a similar drug that will have the same pharmacological effect, but without individual intolerance.

In this case, the following may be useful:

  1. Feminal. It is a dietary supplement that is recommended to combat various manifestations of menopausal syndrome. The dietary supplement contains plant estrogens, which were obtained from red clover extract. Release form: capsules. Method of administration: one capsule per day with food for a long time.
  2. Menoril. It is a food supplement with the active substance genistein. In some cases, it is produced together with an additional vitamin complex (Menoryl Plus).

Any hormonal changes in the body without adequate treatment can lead to serious illnesses. The use of amino acids is effective during menopause, but improper use of drugs can have serious consequences, to eliminate which you will have to take stronger medications.

Indications for use. Interaction with other substances

In clinical medicine, the amino acid beta alanine is prescribed to women during menopause. In other cases, taking the substance is advisory and largely depends on the general health of the patient.

The interaction of alanine with other substances has been carefully studied in order to adjust the composition of dietary supplements and enhance their overall effect. In combination with creatine or sodium bicarbonate, the amino acid enhances anaerobic muscle endurance more than when used separately. It is also effective to use a dietary supplement with simple carbohydrates, especially before starting sports training. Often the mixtures include isolates, nitrogen donors, other amino acids, and concentrated proteins.

Alanine does not interact well with taurine, as it causes a noticeable decrease in the substance in the blood. The chemical compound is used with compounds of similar pharmacological action without restrictions.


I take these medications myself and recommend it to all my friends. Really good stuff. The only thing I want to emphasize is that before you start taking it, consult with your doctor, who should prescribe the right dosage.

Marina K, 48 years old.

I have been taking these pills at monthly intervals for several years now to maintain my health in good condition. I feel like I'm twenty years old. Full of strength, energy and desire to live.

Elena V, 46 years old.

I read about the drug in the newspaper and at first did not believe in its effectiveness, but still decided to try it. And I’ll tell you that I have never regretted it! A really good remedy that helps to recover during this difficult period for every woman.

Ekaterina K, 49 years old.

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