Iodine and soda for thrush: benefits, contraindications for use and useful recipes

Soda and iodine for thrush are one of the most popular phrases found on website search engines when humanity begins to overcome a fungus that has settled inside the body.

Young people, in the hope of quickly getting rid of the disease (especially when it comes to the sexual sphere), resort to the Internet or “competent” representatives of the older generation, who independently treated the parasite using cheap and cheerful folk methods.

Important! It is impossible to say that these drugs are ineffective, but it is also wrong to use only them at the current level of development of medicine.

Let's try to understand everything in more detail.

Soda for thrush

Thrush is caused by yeast-like fungi of the Candida family. The first thing that needs to be achieved during treatment is to eliminate fungi from the mucous membrane and stop their proliferation. Those who do not want to injure their body with potent medications can try to get rid of the initial stage of thrush with ordinary soda. Our great-grandmothers used this simple remedy. Of course, treatment should not be limited to baking soda alone, but in combination with its effects it will help to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms. In particular, treating thrush with soda helps:

  • wash away pathogenic microorganisms without damaging the microflora;
  • create an alkaline environment in the vagina in which fungi cannot survive;
  • dry out the mucous membrane to create an environment unfavorable for fungi to develop.

Baking soda is safe for pregnant and lactating women; it is also used to treat the oral cavity of infants from white plaque. In combination with iodine and salt, soda will relieve inflammation and redness and kill pathogenic microorganisms. Soda is not a panacea; it is most often effective in the initial stage of thrush, not complicated by a secondary infection. But even when treating an advanced disease, doctors often recommend a soda solution as a way to treat damaged mucous membranes before applying medicinal ointments, creams and gels.

There are many ways to use baking soda. The simplest is washing the genitals with a soda solution to relieve itching and cleanse the cheesy discharge. To prepare the solution, add 0.5 tsp to 1 glass of cooled boiled water. soda Then you need to make 4 cotton balls and go to the bathroom. The first ball should be dipped in the solution and washed with it on the outside of the genitals, with the second – on the inside of the labia, with the third – on the area around the vagina, and the last – on the vaginal cavity itself. Each cotton ball is discarded after use. The procedure is carried out twice a day, the course is 10 days.

A similar solution is used to treat oral thrush in a baby and to wipe the nipples of a nursing mother (before and after feeding). Adults can rinse their mouths with this solution if they have thrush. Judging by the reviews, this treatment is quite effective when used regularly.

Soda solution is used for vaginal douching for vaginal candidiasis. If the fungus has infected the intestines or rectum, enemas with soda solution are used.

The most affordable means

Today it is difficult to even imagine what a huge number of antifungal drugs are on sale. They are divided into various pharmacological forms: suppositories and solutions, creams and ointments, gels and varnishes, sprays, capsules and tablets. However, for some unknown reasons, our compatriots prefer to make do with ineffective and rather auxiliary means in the fight against serious ailments. Iodine and soda are proof of this. The main advantage of both products is that they are made from natural ingredients and are sold at a ridiculous price.

Information about drugs

It is obtained from a strong solution of table salt, saturated with ammonia and carbon dioxide.
The scope of application of sodium bicarbonate (bicarbonate) is wide. Bypassing pharmacy kiosks, its food version has taken root in every home. Since time immemorial, soda powder has served as an excellent leavening agent for preparing dough products (baking powder).

Not so long ago, namely in Soviet times, when there were no ready-made washing gels, soda was used as a disinfectant for treating dishes. In addition, it perfectly degreases and eliminates odors.

Soda has been used as a medicine for a century and a half and quite successfully, among the people mainly to reduce the acidity of the stomach during heartburn, and also as a phlegm thinner (together with warm milk) and a headache reliever, as a deodorant for excessive sweating.

Its antifungal and antibacterial medicinal properties have long been proven. An aqueous solution is suitable for therapeutic purposes. A prerequisite is the complete dissolution of the crystals, otherwise you can get a chemical burn.

In nature, it is present in sea water and in algae (seaweed, kelp). As a mineral, it is extracted from thermal springs in Italy (the territory of the Vesuvius volcano), Japan and Chile, where reserves account for 99% of the total reserves of the planet. In Russia it is produced from oil drilling waters.
The iodine component is used in various sectors of the national economy:
  • in industry for the manufacture of halogen lamps, car batteries, liquid crystal technology, at nuclear power plants;
  • in law enforcement agencies to identify fingerprints, for example: on banknotes;
  • in the food industry as salt fortification (for regions where there is a noticeable shortage);
  • in medicine as a disinfectant and therapeutic agent (iodine mesh, iodine for thrush in baths and rinses), in tomography and radiography, a medicine for thyroid diseases.

Iodine itself is toxic, or better yet, poisonous. When 3 grams enter the human body, it disables the kidneys and cardiovascular system within a few hours, leading to death.

Doctors prefer to use a 5 percent alcohol tincture, which is used to treat wounds, abrasions, cuts of varying severity, and areas of surgical interventions.

In the Soviet Union, the following drugs were extremely popular: Lugol's aqueous solution and iodinol. The first is made on the basis of iodine with the addition of starch, the second - potassium iodide. Many people know them under the name blue iodine. In iodinol the concentration of alcohol is more pronounced, in Lugol the alcohol-containing component is less, it can even be consumed internally. Both types help deal with pathogenic bacterial and fungal microflora, that is, with sore throat, tonsillitis, cheilitis (seizures). Therefore, sometimes medications are prescribed for lubricating, irrigating and rinsing the mucous membranes of the larynx and pharynx, for treating wounds and ulcers that have not responded to treatment for a long time. It would also be a good idea to recommend blue iodine for thrush.

Soda and nystatin for thrush

On the recommendation of a gynecologist, Nystatin can be added to soda to make the treatment more effective. Initially, a soda solution is prepared according to the recipe given above. After treating the affected area, Nystatin can be used.

Nystatin suppositories are used to treat vaginal candidiasis, and Nystatin tablets are used to get rid of fungus in the mouth. Two Nystatin tablets are crushed, mixed with 1 ampoule of vitamin B12, then a cotton pad is dipped into the resulting solution and the affected areas are wiped (pre-treated with soda). The procedure is repeated for 10 days. Such simple methods help children, women, and men get rid of itching and burning.

Does douching with chamomile help?

Numerous reviews of douching with chamomile indicate that this method is widely used by women, most of whom are confident in its health benefits. However, some reviews written by women for thrush are not so enthusiastic: they note that chamomile did not help overcome candidiasis.

Despite the fact that chamomile in gynecology is sometimes used as an anti-inflammatory agent by many women and is even often recommended by gynecologists, doctors do not confirm that herbal treatment is effective. The results of numerous studies conducted by specialists from different countries have not proven not only the effectiveness of using various herbal decoctions for douching, but also the safety of this method.

Those women who still practice douching with chamomile at home, as well as washing with chamomile and other herbs (sage, string, calendula, celandine, etc.) without basic treatment are unlikely to feel lasting relief. After all, chamomile, the benefits and harms of which are widely known, is unlikely to have a significant effect on reducing the number of yeast fungi and reducing their growth. At the same time, the constant washing out of microflora, which occurs during the douching process, can harm women's health.

Women who are interested in how to wash themselves with chamomile should take into account that there is no point in using a decoction of the herb for everyday intimate care. Knowing what chamomile helps with, it is often used to eliminate external inflammatory processes. The woman does this instead of seeing a doctor and treating the disease in a timely manner. Therefore, the use of such methods may be unsafe for women's health.

There are also reviews that douching with chamomile can promote successful conception. In fact, this is absolutely not true. For successful fertilization, a complete vaginal microflora is very important, and douching with chamomile significantly disrupts it.

Iodine for thrush

The second place among popular folk remedies for thrush is iodine. This inexpensive drug is unique in its properties and is included in many medicines. External application of iodine helps disinfect the surface. Many people know that iodine helps with wounds and skin diseases, but not everyone is aware that it can treat mucous membranes damaged by Candida fungi. True, for this purpose it is not used in its pure form, only in solutions.

When treating chronic thrush, the vagina is washed with a solution of 1 liter. water dissolved 1 tbsp. l. Yoda. Rinsing with soda and iodine at the same time will help improve the effect. The dosage of soda for preparing the solution is indicated above.

To prepare a solution taken orally, blue iodine is used. Its antiseptic properties are milder than those of ordinary iodine. They treat candidiasis of the oral cavity and intestines. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 10 g of potato starch, 0.4 g of citric acid, 10 g of sugar in 50 ml of water. Mix the ingredients, add 150 ml of water, boil and cool. After this, add 1 tsp to the resulting solution. Yoda. Take the solution three times a day, 50 ml.

Briefly about the disease

Candidiasis (simply thrush) is one of the most common diseases of fungal etiology. Almost every fifth inhabitant of the planet suffers from it in one form or another. Parasitic fungi of the genus Candida have many strains that live together both inside humans and in the external environment. Under conditions favorable for their development (lack of personal hygiene, decreased immunity, chronic diseases, diabetes, severe infections, harmful working conditions, hormonal imbalance, etc.), mycosis quickly goes into attack.

Candida infection loves warm places saturated with moisture and blood: mucous membranes of the oral cavity, genitals, delicate smooth skin, areas where sebaceous glands are concentrated.

Thrush affects different categories of the population, from infants to elderly citizens. Candida fungi multiply most aggressively in women and men of fertile age, causing vaginal candidiasis and candidal balanitis. The infection sticks to children in the form of thrush in the mouth (candidal stomatitis), to older people - as a fungal infection of the feet, skin of the groin area and under the mammary glands.

Iodine and Flucostat for candidiasis

Men and women can get rid of itching, redness and unpleasant discharge using a solution of iodine with soda and Flucostat. To do this, women douche for 3 days in a row, wash the genitals with a soda solution, and then take Flucostat orally for 2 days in a row. Men get rid of the symptoms of thrush in the same way, only instead of douching, they wash their genitals with an iodine-soda solution for 5 days, after which they get tested.

The solution for the procedures is not difficult to make at home. Take 1 liter of boiled water, to which 1 tbsp is added. baking soda and 1 tsp. Yoda. All components are mixed until dissolved. Baths with this solution work well. To do this, pour the prepared solution into a convenient basin and immerse yourself in it for 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily, the course is 5 days.

Some “well-wishers” on the Internet say that the solution can be used several times, simply by heating it when it’s time to make a bath. This is a very bad recommendation. The solution must be prepared fresh each time; the components are not so expensive that you save on your health. Already from the first procedure, soda and iodine will help relieve itching and burning, and the course of treatment together with other medications will speed up the healing process.

It is important to note that if you have intestinal thrush, you should not take the solution orally, as this may aggravate the course of the disease.

To cure intestinal candidiasis, you need to take medications and adjust your diet. It is recommended to abandon products that provoke the growth of fungal colonies and include fermented milk products in the menu that restore microflora.

Betadine suppositories

Betadine is a powerful disinfectant and antiseptic. Effective against viruses, fungi, cocci, E. coli and other types of pathogens of pathological infection, except Koch's bacillus.

After introducing the Betadine suppository into the vagina, the active substance begins to decompose, releasing iodine, due to which all pathogens, viruses, and fungi are destroyed. The mechanism of action of the main active substance of the suppository is its binding to the proteins of the cells of the infectious pathogen, which leads to their coagulation (clotting and death).

The drug does not have a toxic effect, but it is not recommended to use it without a doctor’s prescription.


Betadine suppositories (instructions for use are described below) are vaginal suppositories with a distinct odor and iodine color. They belong to the group of antimicrobial and antiseptic drugs.


  • Active substance - povidone-iodine (200 mg);
  • Excipient – ​​macrogol 1000 2800 mg.

Povidone-iodine has immediate bactericidal properties, killing pathogens.

When are suppositories prescribed?

Betadine suppositories are prescribed for the following infectious and fungal diseases of the genitourinary organs:

  • thrush,
  • vaginitis (acute and chronic),
  • bacterial vaginosis,
  • candidiasis,
  • trichomoniasis,
  • genital herpes,
  • fungal diseases of the vagina after treatment with steroids or antibiotics.

Suppositories are also prescribed for preventive purposes before gynecological procedures.

Prevention with vaginal suppositories can be performed after casual sex without protection. This reduces the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection. It is very important not to be late - to do the procedure after contact within two hours.


The active substance of the Betadine suppository - povidone-iodine is a complex of iodine and polyvinylpyrrolidone polymer, from which iodine is released for some time after use of the drug and a constant concentration of active free iodine is ensured.

Free iodine (I2) has a strong bactericidal effect. In in vitro studies, it quickly destroys bacteria, viruses, fungi and some protozoa. Upon contact with skin or mucous membranes, the polymer releases ever-increasing amounts of iodine.

Free iodine reacts with oxidizable SH- or OH- groups of amino acid units of enzymes and structural proteins of microorganisms, inactivating and destroying these enzymes and proteins.

In vitro, most microorganisms are killed within less than one minute, with the greatest bactericidal effect observed within 15-30 seconds.

Discoloration indicates the need for the next dose.


The extent of povidone absorption and its excretion by the kidneys depends on the average molecular weight of the mixture. For substances with a molecular weight above 35,000-50,000, a delay in the body is possible. In healthy individuals, when applied topically, systemic absorption of iodine is minimal.

When administered vaginally, the fate of absorbed iodine or iodide in the body is basically the same as that of iodine administered by any other route. Iodine is rapidly absorbed, and the content of total iodine and free iodine in plasma increases significantly. It is excreted primarily through the kidneys. The biological half-life after vaginal use is approximately 2 days.

How to use Betadine suppositories for thrush

Betadine suppositories for thrush are used according to the instructions indicated above. Depending on the course of the disease - acute or chronic - Betadine suppositories should be used 1 or 2 times a day.

Suppositories for erosion can only be used after a doctor’s prescription.

During pregnancy and lactation

It has been proven that iodine does not negatively affect the unborn baby and does not cause mutations. However, the use of vaginal suppositories in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is not recommended by gynecologists.

The substance actively penetrates the placenta, and in large dosages can negatively affect the thyroid glands of the fetus.

The use of the drug at a later stage of pregnancy is allowed after the doctor has assessed all possible risks.

When treating with Betadine during pregnancy, constant monitoring is carried out: tests are taken, the condition of the thyroid gland of the mother and child is checked. During lactation, treatment with suppositories is possible, but only under the strict supervision of a specialist. The medicine almost does not enter the bloodstream, so the active ingredients of the drug are not able to penetrate to the newborn and cause harm.

Side effects

During treatment with betadine suppositories, if the dose prescribed by the doctor is exceeded or if used for a long time, a woman may develop the following side effects:

  1. Burning inside the vagina;
  2. Itching and redness of the external genitalia;
  3. A rash around the labia in the form of blisters filled with fluid;
  4. Changes in the vaginal microflora - more often occurs with an overdose of the drug. This condition is accompanied by the appearance of copious vaginal discharge with an unpleasant “fishy” odor. Such symptoms can lead to secondary infection by reducing local immunity.

When suppositories are used correctly and the dosage prescribed by the doctor is followed, side effects are very rare.

Drug interactions

It is forbidden to use Betadine vaginal suppositories together with other antiseptics: alcohol, salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide, etc.

This significantly increases the risk of getting a burn on the membranes of the genital organs, and the effectiveness of using both drugs decreases.

The combined use of suppositories with drugs that contain taurolidine, silver, mercury, lithium and enzymes is unacceptable.

Reviews from women

Some reviews from women who used Betadine suppositories for treatment:

  1. Marina. These suppositories helped me very well with the inflammatory process of the genital area. I was advised by a friend who also used Betadine and was satisfied with the result of the treatment. I immediately bought them at the pharmacy (they cost, by the way, they are inexpensive, pharmacists do not require a prescription or a gynecologist’s appointment), so as not to put off the treatment for a long time. Betadine suppositories also helped me, I put them on as a course, and colds stopped bothering me.
  2. Angelina. The drug Betadine in suppositories was personally prescribed to me by the doctor before and after the operation. Before - for sanitation, after - so that no infection occurs. I can’t say anything bad about this medicine, candles are like candles, you put them on and sleep.. The doctor was pleased with the condition of my mucous membranes, which means that Betadmn coped with its task.
  3. Anna. I treated a fungal infection with Betadine suppositories. I studied information on this topic, such infections are very susceptible to antiseptics. in particular, to iodine, which is precisely what Betadine contains. The fact that these suppositories are effective is obvious both from the cessation of unpleasant symptoms and from the tests that I took after treatment to make sure that everything was clean and I could sleep peacefully)

Reviews of Betadine suppositories are generally positive: women note that with the help of this drug they were able to cope with the manifestations of thrush.

Betadine's analogs

It is rare to find a drug that has no analogues. Before replacing one drug with another, you should definitely see a specialist, and not rely on reviews. Medicines that are considered analogues of Betadine will have a similar effect include:

  • Iodoxyl;
  • Povidin;
  • Povidone-Iodine;
  • Vocadine;

Betadine suppositories price

  • Betadine suppositories, 7 pcs. — from 380 rub.
  • Betadine suppositories, 14 pcs. — from 470 rub.

The price range depends on the form of release of the drug; it can be classified as inexpensive.


Benefits of baking soda in treating thrush

According to statistics cited by doctors, treatment of candidiasis with baking soda and iodine is effective for half of patients of both sexes. It is possible to get rid of yeast-like fungi and stop their reproduction due to the alkaline environment, which fungi do not like. In this environment that regular soda creates, fungi cannot reproduce and survive. The fact is that it is possible to destroy the chemical structure of the cell by dissolving the microfibers of the fungus.

As for the disadvantages of treatment with soda, for the most part they relate to the need to regularly carry out procedures not only until the characteristic symptoms disappear, but for another week after that.

Reader reviews

Fedor T.

I had food poisoning that had to be treated with antibiotics. After this, thrush developed. I had never seen anything like this in my life; everything itched and hurt. The doctor took a look and immediately said that there was nothing to worry about - just an ordinary thrush. Prescribed medications and washing with soda. I didn’t buy drugs, first I decided to try washing with soda and relying on yogurt. On the second day, the itching decreased and then completely disappeared. I am satisfied, I was cured and did not become a client of the pharmacy.

Vasily Petrovich

For some people, spring is a joy, but in March-April I always get sick. Doctors say that the immune system is poor, there is a lack of vitamins... This year I caught thrush, got angry, and sinned against my wife. And then I read that everyone has this fungus, only in a dormant state - apparently, the immune system has failed again. My wife advised me to use baking soda for treatment. At first I didn’t believe it, but then I listened - my wife sometimes gets thrush, she’s an experienced person in this. I didn’t really believe in soda, but after two weeks there was no trace of the sore left. If only all diseases could be treated so easily! In the summer I will begin to harden myself with cold water, and if thrush bothers me again, I will treat it with soda again - cheap and cheerful.

Marina Z.

I’ve been treating thrush with baking soda for ten years now, it helps, but after a year or two it appears again. A friend treats this problem with expensive medications that doctors prescribe. The result is the same with her, only she throws away a lot of money, and I have enough soda and salt. I didn’t know that this happens to men too. When my hubby started itching in his private parts, I took him to the urologist. How surprised I was that he also had thrush. We treated ourselves together with plain soda, everything went away.

Contraindications to treatment with soda and iodine

Despite all the effectiveness of treatment and the availability of funds, therapy with soda and iodine has contraindications. Initially, such drugs are not prescribed for individual intolerance to the components.

Soda is contraindicated for renal failure, stomach ulcers, and endocrine system disorders. Douching with soda and other ingredients is not prescribed in the early stages of pregnancy, after childbirth or abortion. Also, soda and iodine are not prescribed if the patient is diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection, or in women - reduced acidity of the microflora in the vagina.

There are many ways to help get rid of thrush. Baking soda and iodine are easy-to-use and affordable products. Before you start using them according to the recipes above, you should remember that the symptoms of thrush can be a sign of other infections. Therefore, consultation with a doctor and comprehensive treatment are necessary.

Douching with chamomile

Chamomile is one of the most popular plants in folk medicine, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, analgesic and soothing properties.

To treat thrush, use a decoction, to prepare which you need to pour 1 liter of boiling water into 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile flowers and bring to a boil in an enamel bowl. After cooling to the desired temperature, strain the broth and use it for douching.

Despite the existing beneficial properties, douching with chamomile for thrush is not recommended by doctors. It can negatively affect the normal microflora of the vagina.

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