Epigen spray instructions for use for thrush

Many people believe that thrush can be cured forever, but this is not true. And that’s all, because the causative agent of this disease is a fungus, which is considered a completely normal saprophyte of the body and is constantly present in it. Several factors can cause thrush, and the most significant of them is a weakened immune system. In this regard, such a disease can return due to hypothermia, stress, prolonged infectious diseases, in case of abuse of dishes containing a lot of salt or sugar, etc. But at the same time, Epigen intimate spray is highly effective. This local immunomodulator can relieve a woman of thrush for a long time.

Epigen spray - what is it

As soon as the first signs of thrush are noticed, treatment should begin immediately. In this case, it is recommended to contact a qualified specialist.

In this case, doctors quite often recommend the use of Epigen spray or gel to their patients. Activated glycyrrhizic acid, contained in the root system of licorice, is the main active substance of this drug. The product also contains auxiliary substances. Epigen contains the following acids:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • maleic;
  • fumaric;
  • folic.

This drug also contains purified water, propylene glycol and Tween. This local remedy effectively fights viruses and inflammatory processes. When used, the unpleasant symptoms of thrush, such as dryness and itching, disappear, and it also promotes rapid healing of the damaged mucous membrane. This immunostimulating drug also has an antitumor effect.

And also the highly effective Epigen spray for thrush can destroy other pathogens, for example, staphylococci. This drug is characterized by fairly rapid restoration of damaged mucous membranes of the genitals.

An important advantage of this spray is the speed of its effect. So, with regular use, after just two days the unbearable itching and dryness completely disappear. The active substances of Epigen spray are able to accumulate in problem areas, due to which they actively suppress the growth of viruses, fungal spores, and bacteria. And what is important, the use of this remedy is not prohibited for pregnant women, at any stage. This drug effectively fights human papillomavirus and herpes, cytomegalovirus, fungi and other pathogens.

The disadvantage of this product is its relatively high cost. Thus, the cost of 15 ml of Epigen spray is from 960 rubles. However, this seemingly high cost is justified by the highest efficiency of the spray.

Epigen Intim for thrush: instructions for use

Treatment of thrush with Epigen should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist or urologist, with strict adherence to all prescriptions.


The optimal therapeutic dose of the spray is considered to be 1-2 presses of the sprayer, but it can be adjusted at an appointment with a specialist. The duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor, most often it lasts from 7 to 10 days.

The exact dosage for using the gel is not indicated. The product is intended mainly for the prevention of candidiasis, so the description suggests using a “small amount”. The duration of the course is not limited.

Standard therapy regimen

For maximum effectiveness of the medication, the instructions for use of Epigen Intim must be carefully followed.


Epigen spray for thrush is used:

  • to relieve redness and inflammation, reduce itching;
  • to moisturize and accelerate the healing of the mucous membrane;
  • to increase and maintain resistance to infection.

Mode of application:

  • Before carrying out manipulations, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures.
  • For external use, the aerosol must be shaken, held in an upright position, and applied to the affected area using a spray bottle. The optimal distance is 4-5 cm.
  • For vaginal use, there is a special nozzle that replaces the spray bottle. To carry out the procedure, you need to lie on your back, insert the nozzle into the vagina and spray the medicinal solution. It is better to carry out manipulations before going to bed, if this is not possible - after the procedure you must remain in a horizontal position for at least 10 minutes.
  • After completing all the steps, the nozzle should be washed in warm water and soap, dried and placed in a clean plastic bag.
  • In a situation of complex therapy, it is possible to carry out irrigation with Epigen no earlier than an hour after using another topical drug.

It is very important not to stop using the spray until the end of the course, even if symptoms of illness no longer appear.

Indications for use of Epigen gel during thrush:

  • during each hygiene procedure;
  • when playing sports, after swimming in fresh and salt water or visiting the pool;
  • before intimacy and immediately after it.

To the greatest extent it is an auxiliary tool.
During the course of the disease, it should be regularly used for intimate hygiene as follows: apply in a small amount, foam and rinse with water. Repeat as often as the situation allows. This will speed up the therapeutic process and reduce discomfort.

With the help of Epigen gel you can also prevent candidiasis. The components of the drug allow you to maintain the natural microflora of the mucous membrane, cleanse it and normalize acidity.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

Expectant mothers are more likely to develop candidiasis. During this period, special attention should be paid to health, as there is a danger of transmitting the disease to a newborn baby. The presence of natural components in the composition and the possibility of topical use makes Epigen an optimal treatment for thrush during pregnancy.

When a woman is pregnant, any disease requires the vigilant supervision of a doctor. Epigen can be used for thrush during pregnancy only after consultation with a specialist and in the absence of contraindications. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, it is especially important to use the drug comprehensively; the scheme of actions remains the same. Only the frequency of use of the drug and the duration of the course can differ (from 6 to 14 days).

1-2 weeks before birth, Epigen spray can be prescribed as a preventive measure for the disease. To do this, you need to use it 6 times a day for 5 days.

Epigen is also safe during breastfeeding.

Possibility of use during menstruation

During menstruation, it is advisable to stop intravaginal therapy, since during menstruation the effectiveness of any douching sharply decreases. If necessary, doctors recommend using the spray only externally. The optimal solution would be to replace the aerosol with a gel.


The male part of the population is much less susceptible to thrush. Despite this, if the disease manifests itself, measures should be taken immediately.

For men, the procedure for using the drug is as follows: 3-4 times a day, you need to inject the spray into the urethra or treat the genitals externally. The therapeutic dose is usually 1-2 presses, but in some cases the doctor can draw up an individual therapeutic regimen. During the course and to maintain the results, it is advisable to use an intimate hygiene gel.

Epigen Intim can also be prescribed for the prevention of:

  • during the period of treatment of a regular partner for candidiasis, especially in situations where condoms are not used;
  • during sexual relations with a casual partner without the use of contraceptives;
  • in case of prolonged exposure to cold or genital injuries.


In childhood, thrush manifests itself mainly in the form of plaque on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity; the urogenital form is extremely rare. The cause of the disease can be either low immunity or taking antibiotics, or the presence of the disease in the mother.

At the moment, there is not enough clinical data to talk about the effectiveness of Epigen for children. However, in some cases it has been successfully used to treat candidiasis in teenage girls.

How to use it correctly

To treat candidiasis, you should use Epigen, available in the form of a spray. Using a nozzle, which is intended for intravaginal use, the product is sprayed onto the problematic surface. Prepare the can before use. To do this, you need to remove the cap and put on the nozzle valve. The nozzle should be inserted entirely into the vagina, while lying on your back.

When the nozzle is inserted, you need to press it 2 times for the product to be injected. Then you need to lie down for 10 minutes. Next, remove the nozzle and wash it thoroughly with boiled water and soap. For storage, the nozzle is placed in a polyethylene bag. The design of the nozzle allows you to evenly distribute the product over the surface of the vagina and uterine walls. If you are in a hospital while using the spray, you may not use the nozzle.

Description of the drug Epigen

The drug in the form of a spray is contained in a vessel with a capacity of 15 to 60 ml. It is a liquid with a specific odor of light, yellowish-brown color. The package also contains two spray nozzles to treat the damaged surface externally and apply the spray intravaginally.

The main composition of the drug consists of various acids. Active substance - ammonium glycyrrhizinate .

It increases the formation of interferon, which, in turn, helps to increase immunity and actively fight viruses.

Epigen intimate is also available in gel form. Since it is recommended that couples undergo treatment for thrush together, using the gel for men will be more convenient.

Unwanted Side Effects

This remedy is absolutely harmless to the body, so an overdose is completely excluded. Independent use of Epigen for thrush without a doctor's prescription is prohibited. If a person has an intolerance to licorice, then in the process of using the spray he develops allergic urticaria, and the symptoms of thrush intensify significantly.

There is evidence that such a remedy can activate the adrenal glands and also cause an increase in blood pressure. It can also cause potassium and sodium to be retained in the body.

After completing a course of treatment or with occasional use, healthy people may not feel any deterioration in their health at all. With long-term use of Epigen spray, you need to monitor the condition of the body. So, if your health worsens or there are rashes on the skin surface, you must inform your doctor.

Contraindications to the use of the spray

  • The only contraindication for the use of the spray is individual intolerance to the components of the drug and a pronounced allergic reaction.
  • Epigen spray for thrush during pregnancy can also be used, but additional medical consultation and a smear for laboratory analysis will be required. That is, it is imperative to confirm the final diagnosis. Derivative extracts from licorice root do not penetrate the circulatory system and therefore do not enter the placenta.
  • In very rare cases, the use of a spray can provoke a hyperreaction and a complex suppression of the microflora balance. This occurs due to the mutual enhancement of drugs from the interferon group. If a patient used these a few weeks before treatment, he should definitely notify the doctor about this. This also applies to all other antiviral drugs and antibiotics.

It is not necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse during the period of use of the spray, but there is a possibility that both partners will experience a burning sensation. This is a local reaction that goes away on its own 20-40 minutes after washing. However, while a woman is showing signs of candidiasis, it is still recommended to abstain completely from sex - this can injure the mucous membrane and contribute to the penetration of a fungal infection into the deep layers of the epithelium.

By the way, the manufacturer does not indicate in the instructions whether the use of Epigen can be combined with the use of vaginal contraceptives. Doctors assure that the components of the two drugs do not react with each other, but there is a possibility of severe irritation. This factor must be taken into account.

Features of use

When using this tool, you should consider some features:

  1. The drug should be used continuously. This means that it must be used at least 3 times a day, and try to ensure that there are equal time intervals between doses.
  2. When using the spray for medicinal purposes, the course should not be shorter than 10 days. It should be noted that it cannot be interrupted even after the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.
  3. The drug should not be used during menstruation , or if there is an individual intolerance to individual components.
  4. This drug can be used in the treatment of thrush only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision.
  5. It must be remembered that when an allergic reaction occurs, the symptoms of the disease will intensify significantly.

Types of thrush

Conventionally, thrush is classified according to clinical signs into three types:

  • spicy,
  • chronic,
  • candida carrier.

It is worth considering that even a healthy person has small amounts of yeast-like fungi on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. But their numbers do not increase due to the natural balance of microflora. And for each individual person, that same balance is radically different. That is why there is a category of candida carriers. This is when the number of fungal infections in a person is relatively high, but this is not visually or symptomatically manifested in any way. However, he will be contagious, for example, to his sexual partners.

The acute form of candidiasis is those cases when a person suffers from this disease for the first time. Practice shows that the need for therapy is minimal, since the body will actively resist infection. This manifests itself in the form of a slight increase in temperature (up to 37.8 degrees). During the chronic stage, the immune system will no longer be as active against fungal infection.

Chronic thrush is called when it reoccurs. If you believe the statistics of doctors, then sooner or later it is detected in approximately 23% of all women and 3-4% of men. And although the disease is not dangerous, under certain circumstances, complications of candidiasis can provoke an exacerbation of infections of the urethra, kidneys and reproductive system (this is especially common in women due to the physiology of the structure of their genitourinary system).

Goodbye, Milkmaid! I want to be healthy and loved!

Every fourth woman at least once in her life has consulted a gynecologist about vaginal candidiasis or thrush, a disease most often caused by the yeast-like fungus Candida albicans, which belongs to the opportunistic microflora. Candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease, but may be similar in symptoms to them, and therefore a final diagnosis can only be made after consulting a gynecologist and passing the necessary tests. As a rule, thrush occurs in women of reproductive age, but there are cases where vaginal candidiasis was diagnosed during menopause or in adolescents.

Risk factors for developing the disease

Fungi of the genus Candida are present in the body of any person. They are not so aggressive as to cause disease in a healthy woman. But when the immune system is weakened, Candida begins to become more active, causing unpleasant symptoms. In this case, candidiasis can develop even in the absence of intimate life in a woman.

Risk factors for thrush:

Pregnant women are most vulnerable to vaginal candidiasis. And here, a timely visit to a gynecologist is the key to a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis

The most common symptoms of vaginal candidiasis in women:

  • itching (the main symptom of the disease) and burning sensation
  • white cheesy discharge
  • inflammation and redness of the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs
  • Possible pain when urinating

Many patients note that discomfort, in particular itching and burning, intensifies after taking a hot bath or in a warm bed. A woman’s intimate life also suffers, since sexual intercourse often brings painful sensations. If the patient has diabetes mellitus or atopic reactions, the itching is assessed as “excruciating”, causes serious problems for the woman, and is accompanied by injuries from scratching.

In men, signs of the disease usually appear on the head of the penis. At the same time, the man is worried about:

  • itching and burning
  • redness and swelling of the head of the penis and foreskin
  • A white coating appears on the affected skin

Intimate hygiene during thrush treatment

When fighting vaginal candidiasis, experts recommend performing intimate hygiene procedures twice a day. It is advisable to refuse to use regular soap, giving preference to special intimate hygiene products that do not contain fragrances or dyes and have a neutral pH. In addition, you should refuse panty liners and pads with a deodorizing effect. In the case of menstruation, experts advise changing pads every 3-4 hours and taking a shower rather than a bath. It is also advisable to change the towel for the intimate area daily.

The choice of drugs for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis

The main thing in the fight against diseases of a woman’s intimate area is the correct choice of medications. To treat thrush, special antifungal agents are used. In some cases, treatment is supplemented with immunostimulating drugs, as well as drugs that eliminate unpleasant sensations: itching and irritation. When treating vaginal candidiasis in pregnant women, topical agents are usually used to avoid negative effects on the fetus. And of course, we should not forget about such important things as the ease of use of drugs, and take into account the active lifestyle of a modern woman.

Spray Epigen Intim - application features

Epigen Intim spray is a drug for the treatment of thrush as part of complex therapy. The active ingredient of Epigen Intim Spray is activated glycyrrhizic acid, obtained by extraction from licorice root, which simultaneously has immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects. This means that a specialist who prescribes Epigen Intimate Spray to patients diagnosed with vaginal candidiasis immediately solves a complex of problems that arise with this disease. One of the leading qualities of Epigen Intim Spray in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis is its ability to eliminate itching and burning - the most unpleasant symptoms of thrush. It is important that the Spray has an exclusively local effect in the affected area, so it is approved for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis even in pregnant and lactating women. Epigen Intim spray is easy to use: the sprayer allows you to accurately dose the drug, and the presence of a vaginal nozzle ensures deep administration of the drug and uniform irrigation of the vaginal walls. An important argument for using the Spray is its compatibility with other medications prescribed for the complex treatment of the disease. Epigen Intim spray does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, which allows a woman to take it with her to work and on trips, thereby increasing adherence to treatment and the chances of completing a full course of therapy.

Prevention of recurrence of the disease

After completing the course of treatment for thrush, it is important to prevent relapse of the disease. To do this, you should follow simple but effective recommendations:

  • adjust the diet, reducing the amount of sweets, baked goods, pickles and smoked foods, give preference to fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits;
  • choose underwear made from natural fabrics and comfortable styles;
  • try to get enough sleep, avoid stress;
  • take medications (especially antibiotics) only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • after swimming in a pond or pool, change into dry swimming trunks.


The disadvantage of the spray is its high price, although the consumption of Epigen is economical - the funds are enough to carry out a treatment course. The price range is 800-2000 rubles, depending on the volume of the bottle. Cheap analogues of Epigen include:

Photo of the substituteDescription and effect of the drug
Panavir is an antiviral gel for treating the skin and mucous membranes. It suppresses the activity of the same pathogens as Epigen spray, but has less pronounced antimicrobial activity and is not as convenient to use. The cost of the product is 150 rubles.
Lactacid is suitable for daily hygiene and is not a medicine. Its price ranges from 300-350 rubles.
Miramistin . This drug can hardly be called an analogue. This is an antiseptic solution with antimicrobial activity. Its price is 170-700 rubles, depending on the volume. The drug attracts with its versatility. It can be used for infections of any location.
Acyclovir is an ointment for the treatment of genital herpes. It does not have such a wide range of actions as Epigen, but it costs 50-300 rubles.
Glycyram . It is also difficult to call it a full-fledged analogue. Firstly, Glycyram is offered in tablet form. Secondly, it acts not only on the genitourinary area, but on the entire body. What the products have in common is the content of glycyrrhizic acid in the composition. The cost of Gitsiram is pleasing - only 250-300 rubles.
Echinacea purpurea herb . If we talk about price, then this is the cheapest product - 25-35 rubles. per package. But they use it only for antiseptic treatment of the genitals. The antiviral and antibacterial effect of the herbal medicine is weakly expressed. But the product has a 100% natural composition and is suitable for the treatment of uncomplicated inflammation.
Chlorhexidine solution . It costs no more than 180 rubles. per bottle. It is more likely an analogue of Miramistin than Epigene. The drug is active against lipophilic viruses. The solution is used to treat the genitals to reduce the risk of the spread of sexually transmitted infections and prevent fungal diseases.

All the proposed drugs are significantly lower in price, but do not have such a therapeutic spectrum as Epigen. This is why women rate the spray highly and continue to use it, regardless of the price.

Reviews from those who have used Epigen

Due to the fact that candidiasis is a rather “delicate” disease, patients do not always seek help from doctors, preferring self-medication. And among these, Epigen spray is very popular. Therefore, there are more than enough reviews about it on thematic forums. Most of them are positive. True, many also mention that after using the spray, the disease returns after some time.

There is no doubt about the effectiveness of Epigen, but you should remember about combined treatment! Candidiasis, as a rule, occurs against the background of menstrual irregularities, as well as hormonal imbalances and frequent changes of sexual partners. It is possible to completely get rid of the disease and prevent its reoccurrence only by establishing the exact cause of its occurrence.

Reviews from the doctors themselves about the treatment of thrush with Epigen are also positive. Many of them prescribe the spray to their patients for hygienic washing during the treatment period (up to 20 days, in 2 courses with an interval of 7-10 days). It is also suitable for the prevention of candidiasis, but cannot be combined with drugs for topical treatment of the vaginal mucosa.

In summary, expert reviews of Epigen anti-thrush spray are also positive. Just remember that self-medication can be harmful. This remedy should not be used without visiting a doctor. In addition, acute thrush can be easily confused with other diseases of the genital organs, including those classified as sexually transmitted. And only a qualified doctor can make a final diagnosis, having in hand the results of a laboratory culture test (the primary material is a smear of the mucous membrane).

Dosage form of the product and storage recommendations

The medication is prepared in the form of a liquid with a brownish-yellow tint and a characteristic specific odor. It is packaged in bottles made of polymer material. They produce 2 types of aerosol (volume 15 or 60 ml). There is a spray bottle on the package. The bottle is packed in polyvinyl chloride film and placed in a cardboard box. One cardboard package contains 1 bottle and instructions containing complete information about the medicine, the rules for its use and storage.

The kit also includes a special plastic nozzle. It is a narrow hollow tube 7 cm long. At one end of the tube there is a sprayer, and at the other there is a cap that is installed on the bottle. The nozzle is designed to treat the surface of the vaginal mucosa. Before installing the tube, you must remove the spray bottle from the bottle. A nozzle is installed in its place. After using Epigen spray, the tube must be removed and the spray bottle must be returned to the bottle.

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