Epigen spray during menstruation: is it possible or not to use an intimate spray?

The drug "Epigen" during menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding is a reliable antiviral agent

Viral pathology poses a threat for several reasons. Firstly, the number of drugs for treatment is limited, and resistance to them arises in the same way as bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics. Secondly, many viruses cannot be cured completely.

The only thing that remains in some situations is to maintain immunity at such a level that the infection remains in an inactive state. One of the effective antiviral agents for both treatment and prevention of viral pathology is epigen. Available in the form of a gel and spray with the possibility of intravaginal use, which significantly expands the capabilities of the drug.

How to use the product correctly, can Epigen be taken during menstruation, how effective is it?

pharmachologic effect

Epigen is a solution, available in the form of a gel and spray. The form is determined by the localization of the pathology. If foci of viral infection are accessible, a gel or spray is used. And when treating diseases of the cervix and vagina, the product is applied using a special elongated nozzle.

Epigen is a plant-based drug. This is an extract from licorice root, a known remedy for the treatment of pathologies of the respiratory system. Additionally, it contains folic, malic, and fumaric acids in small quantities. As a result, the treatment solution contains concentrated glycyrrhizic acid with minimal addition of others.

Effect on the body

Having a complex effect, the drug can be used both during the acute period of infection and during remission to prevent relapse. This is especially true during periods of weakened immunity, for example, during illness, hypothermia, in the case of a genital viral infection, when changing partners, etc.

The main effects of epigen are due to the following:

  • Increased immunity occurs due to the activation of special blood cells - T-lymphocytes. Glycyrrhizic acid reduces the amount of immunoglobulin G, which is responsible for the “memory of infection.” This helps to increase the concentration of IgA and IgM, which directly fight pathogens. As a result, the body’s level of defense against viruses increases, which promotes recovery and prevents exacerbations.
  • Glycyrrhizic acid also increases the content of different groups of interferons in tissues, they increase the level of the immune response.
  • The main active ingredient in epigen also has a direct antiviral effect. It destroys the DNA or RNA—the genetic material—of pathogens. This effect was found in relation to the herpes and human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus, Herpes zoster, which causes shingles.
  • Glycyrrhizic acid inhibits the reproduction of these pathogens and disrupts their normal life activities.
  • It is noteworthy that epigen acts even on viruses when they do not clinically cause disease, i.e. Its chronic foci are sanitized.
  • It is important that many forms that are resistant to popular drugs are sensitive to glycyrrhizic acid.

Use on critical days

Epigen spray during menstruation, like other similar products, is not advisable to use. This is due to the fact that the drug may not have the desired therapeutic effect.

But the instructions spell out the case when it must be used regardless of the phase of the cycle. So, in order to prevent genital herpes, the drug should be injected up to 2 times a day, starting from 18-20 days, continuing, if necessary, during menstruation.

Features of use

Epigen is available in jars. For local application to the skin, one or two sprays at a distance of 4 - 5 cm from the body surface are sufficient. In this case, the entire affected area should be covered with the healing solution.

If Epigen is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cervix and vagina, then a special attachment should be used. To do this you just need to change the nozzles.

Also, as in the previous case, one or two clicks are enough. They need to be done while lying on your back, when the nozzle is inserted into the vagina to a depth of 5 - 7 cm.

In this case, the drug evenly covers all structures, providing a therapeutic effect.

In the case of treatment and prevention of human papillomavirus infection, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • During therapy, use up to three times a day on the affected surface for the entire duration.
  • If genital warts were removed, the dose should be increased to 5 procedures per day until healing.
  • In order to prevent recurrence of the pathology after the end of the course of treatment, the product should be used 2-3 times a day. Epigen Intim should not be used intravaginally to prevent the disease in this case during menstruation, as this will not bring the maximum therapeutic effect.
  • To prevent long-term relapses, it is necessary to use the medicine in the presence of any provoking factors, for example, antibacterial therapy, disturbance of the vaginal microflora, stress and fatigue, etc.

The drug is also often used to treat herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections of various localizations. Recommendations for these cases will be as follows:

  • During an exacerbation, epigen is applied up to 5-6 times a day to the lesion until the symptoms of the disease disappear.
  • To prevent an immediate relapse, it is better to conduct an additional course immediately after recovery - 3 procedures over 10 days.
  • To prevent the appearance of pathology, including during periods of decreased immunity, 2 injections should be given at the end of the cycle, starting from 18 to 20 days.

The medicine can be used for other types of inflammation in the vagina, as well as for bakvaginosis. For this injection, it should be done three times a day for 7 - 10 days, i.e. the entire course of treatment.

Epigen is effective as a means to prevent discomfort during ovarian failure during menopause or after surgical removal. For this purpose, it is recommended to use it regularly, making 1 - 2 injections per day.

To prevent infectious complications, you can use epigen before and after sexual intercourse.

We recommend reading the article about herpes during menstruation. From it you will learn about the disease and the mechanism of its occurrence, the symptoms of herpes and the reasons for its relapse, the nature of the virus before and after menstruation, as well as treatment.

Useful tips

As a rule, the use of the drug does not cause difficulties. In rare cases, allergic reactions to its components are possible, in which case you should stop taking it immediately. A few clarifications to note:

  • You should not additionally use douching before using Epigen vaginally.
  • The can should be shaken well before use.
  • After using the vaginal attachment, it should be rinsed with boiled water and stored in its original packaging.
  • Epigen potentiates the effect of other antiviral drugs, so it is even more effective to use in complex treatment.
  • Any other agents (antibacterial, immunostimulating, etc.) can be used together with glycyrrhizic acid; their effect will not be reduced.
  • It is noteworthy that epigen is absolutely safe during pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, it can be used both for the treatment and prevention of viral pathology.

Epigen is one of the safe and effective means for the treatment and prevention of viral pathology. Easy to use, the drug has special attachments for vaginal use.

The drug can be included in therapy during pregnancy and lactation.

For more effective treatment, before use, it is better to consult a doctor who will select the most optimal treatment regimens.

Source: https://ProMesyachnye.ru/epigen-vo-vremya-mesyachnyx/

Features of use

The drug is packaged in jars. For local use, it can be sprayed with a special nozzle, the spout of which is kept at a distance of 4-5 cm from the surface to be treated. The entire affected area should be covered with the solution.

To treat pathologies of the vagina and cervix, the product comes with a special nozzle for deep administration of the drug. For effective spraying, 1-2 clicks are enough. The nozzle is inserted in a supine position, the depth of penetration into the vagina should not exceed 5-7 cm. The therapeutic effect of glycyrrhizic acid appears evenly throughout all structures.

You can also use Epigen to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted infections and to additionally moisturize the vagina during sex, this is especially true for women during menopause. For these purposes, the drug is available in the form of a tube with one dose of solution inside.

To treat and prevent congenital heart disease, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • throughout the course of treatment, apply the product to the affected surface up to 3 times a day;
  • after removal of kandiloma, until the wound surface is completely healed, carry out up to 5 procedures per day;
  • to prevent relapse, after completing the course of treatment, you should continue to treat the affected area 2-3 more times a day, canceling the procedure for the period of menstruation;
  • you need to use the drug even if the virus has not made itself felt for a long time, but there are factors that can provoke its activity (taking antibiotics, disruption of the vaginal microflora, stress, overwork, etc.).

When treating herpes and cytomegalovirus, the following recommendations for the use of the drug should be taken into account:

  • in the acute period, the product is applied to the affected area 5-6 times a day until the symptoms completely disappear;
  • the preventive course immediately after recovery is 10 days, 3 treatments per day;
  • to prevent the development of pathology in the future, you need to do 2 injections per day at the end of the cycle from 18-20 days.

For vaginal inflammation and bakvaginosis, 3 treatments per day are carried out for 7-10 days. To prevent transmission of infection during sex, you can use Epigen before and after sexual intercourse.

Is Epigen spray possible during menstruation or not?

  • 01 August
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Menstrual bleeding reduces the effectiveness of many medications. To avoid ineffective or incomplete treatment, it is necessary to find out when Epigen spray during menstruation is allowed, and when it is better to refuse therapy until the bleeding stops.

Features of the drug

The active substance of Epigen Intim is activated glycyrrhizic acid. The component has the following effect on the body:

  1. Stimulation of immunity.
  2. Elimination of foci of inflammation.
  3. Fighting viruses.
  4. Improving cell regeneration.
  5. Fight against unpleasant sensations (itching, burning).

The complex effect of sprays in this series helps to quickly solve the problem of viral diseases, preventing relapse in the future.

Indications for use

Doctors prescribe Epigen:

  • with human papillomavirus;
  • with simple herpes of the first and second types;
  • with herpes zoster;
  • in the presence of cytomegalovirus;
  • for the prevention of viral infections;
  • with vulvovaginitis (nonspecific, candidiasis);
  • with bacterial vaginosis;
  • for itching, burning, dryness and other discomfort of the genital organs.

The safety of the product is reinforced by the fact that it is not prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation. But treatment for menstruation is determined on an individual basis.

What the instructions say

The information in the drug package insert and the website does not prohibit the use of Epigen Intim for menstrual flow. This approach is due to the fact that the drug is prescribed for various viruses, and the duration of treatment according to the regimen may coincide with monthly bleeding.

Gynecologists still advise their patients to study their cycle in advance. After this, the specialist can draw up a course of treatment that will end before the endometrium is rejected.

Feasibility of treatment

The decision regarding whether Epigen spray can be used during menstruation is made by the doctor. Whenever possible, it is recommended to postpone therapy, resuming procedures after the end of menstruation.

This is done in the following cases:

  1. Cervical erosion. Gynecologists prescribe different durations of treatment for women - from one day to two weeks (there are exceptions). The daily dose is 2 or 3 uses.
  2. Gardnerellosis, vulvovaginitis. For bacterial vaginosis and simultaneous inflammation of the vulva and vagina (candidiasis and nonspecific type). The number of applications is from three to four. The duration of the course does not exceed 10 days. Therefore, it is possible to carry out treatment before menstruation, resuming repeated use after menstruation according to the same scheme.


You need to stop taking Epigen:

  • with increased sensitivity to the composition of the product;
  • in case of individual intolerance to medicinal components.

There are practically no side effects. In rare cases, an allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes or contact dermatitis is observed.

Need for consultation

It is very important to consult a doctor and warn about the appearance of provoking factors:

  1. Respiratory diseases.
  2. Taking antibiotics.
  3. Taking cytostatics.
  4. Unprotected sex.

Such situations require additional use of Epigen until the cold and the effects of the drugs are over. The dosage is three applications per day.

Features of using Epigen during menstruation

Instructions for use during menstruation are practically no different from standard situations, but a woman still needs to take into account the following points:

  1. During heavy periods, you should immediately stop the course. A large amount of blood reduces the effectiveness of the medication to zero. Therefore, the diagnosis of menorrhagia excludes therapy during critical periods.
  2. At the beginning of the cycle, the risk of infections and other harmful microorganisms increases. Therefore, before intravaginal use, you need to clean the genitals with neutral intimate hygiene products.
  3. The special nozzle must be disinfected before and after use. It is enough to use boiled water and soap. The nozzle must be stored in a separate tightly closed bag.
  4. For the best effect, it is advisable to take a horizontal position and not change it for approximately 10 minutes. Residues of the product can mix and come out along with the blood. Therefore, the patient does not need to be afraid of the changed smell or consistency of the discharge.

When exactly can you use the drug?

Epigen spray during menstruation is used in the following situations:

Herpes virus infection type 1

The product is used six times a day for 5 days. Application is most often external to the lesion. The same scheme is used when shingles occurs. If during this period of time the symptoms do not disappear, then after the doctor’s permission it is necessary to extend the course until complete recovery.

Cervical erosion

Continuous use is allowed if the spray was prescribed for a period of two weeks or more. In this case, treatment continues during monthly bleeding, and there is nothing terrible about it.

HPV prevention

To prevent relapses of human papillomavirus infection, Intim Epigen aerosol should be placed in the vagina several times a day for a month.

Cytomegalovirus infection

It is enough to use the product for medicinal purposes for 14 days, 5 procedures per day. After this, relief of relapse is noted. But after the main course, you still need to spray the product three times a day for 10 days. The latter may occur during menstruation.

Prevention of herpes and CMV

The only case when the instructions clearly indicate the need to use Epigen spray during menstruation. It is recommended to start prevention from days 18 to 20 of the female cycle. A woman should do two sprays every day (into the vagina and vulva). The last procedure is carried out at the end of the critical days.

Useful tips

With any type of therapy, a woman would do well to consider the following information:

  1. The exact duration of treatment is determined by a specialist.
  2. After use during menstruation, a control smear is required.
  3. It is important to shake the can well before the procedure.
  4. Parallel use of other antiviral drugs is allowed.
  5. If any unpleasant reactions occur, you should immediately discard the product.
  6. Be sure to spray the product not only into the vagina, but also onto the vulva, if the doctor so directed.
  7. Any douching has no justifiable benefit, so it is better to exclude traditional medicine.

Source: https://papillomnet.ru/papillomy/jepigen-sprej-pri-mesjachnyh-mozhno-ili-net.html

Useful tips

With any type of therapy, a woman would do well to consider the following information:

  1. The exact duration of treatment is determined by a specialist.
  2. After use during menstruation, a control smear is required.
  3. It is important to shake the can well before the procedure.
  4. Parallel use of other antiviral drugs is allowed.
  5. If any unpleasant reactions occur, you should immediately discard the product.
  6. Be sure to spray the product not only into the vagina, but also onto the vulva, if the doctor so directed.
  7. Any douching has no justifiable benefit, so it is better to exclude traditional medicine.

A product called Epigen is the safest and most effective in the gynecological field. Its effect is somewhat reduced during menstrual bleeding. But menstruation does not provoke adverse reactions and is not an absolute contraindication. The final decision on the need for therapy is made by the attending physician. The woman remains to use the spray correctly and follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist.

A viral sexually transmitted infection is an extremely unpleasant thing. In addition to the fact that it generally weakens the body, it can be extremely difficult to cure. Very few medications and antibiotics have any effect on such diseases, and even with treatment there is a risk that you will not be able to fully recover. In this regard, you will need constant prevention and support of the immune system in proper condition.

One of the most popular means for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases is Epigen. But despite its fame, certain questions may still arise. How does it affect the body, can Epigen spray be used during menstruation, is it safe for pregnant women?

Epigen spray: composition features, indications for use, use during menstruation

Viral infections lie in wait for modern women everywhere. If damage has already occurred, then you need to immediately select adequate therapy. Antiviral treatment is often supplemented with Epigen spray. During menstruation, it should be used very carefully and only after consultation with a specialist.

Effect of the drug

Epigen is a drug based on plant substances. It has antipruritic, restorative, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. If the infection affects an accessible area, the doctor prescribes Epigen spray or gel, and if the uterine cervix and vagina are affected, a special nozzle is used.

The medicine has a complex effect on the human body, so it can be used for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Epigen has the following effects:

  • activates T-lymphocytes, strengthening the immune system,
  • glycyrrhizic acid increases the level of interferons, which increase the intensity of the immune response,
  • the product suppresses the development of pathogens,
  • prevents the development of inactive viruses,
  • helps in the fight against viral strains that have already developed resistance to other medications.

Composition of Epigen and release forms

The medicinal properties of the drug are due to its unique composition. This allows the medication to be used for many pathologies.

The main active ingredient of Epigen is glycyrrhizic acid. This substance is obtained from licorice root using extraction technology. Additional components are polysorbate, propylene glycol, folic, fumaric, ascorbic and malic acids.

Currently the drug is available in 4 forms:

  • aerosol spray for intimate hygiene,
  • cream,
  • moistened wipes,
  • moisturizing intimate complex in the form of a tube with a mixture.

It is noteworthy that wet wipes are recommended for use by pregnant women. This is due to the safety and reliability of the products.

Additional recommendations and analogues

To achieve maximum effectiveness from using the drug, you need to carefully study the instructions for it. You should also adhere to the following recommendations:

  • before intravaginal treatment, douching is recommended,
  • Before spraying, the spray can must be shaken thoroughly,
  • after the procedures, the nozzles should be treated with boiling water and put back into the packaging,
  • the drug is especially effective when used in combination with other medications,
  • The product is completely safe for women during lactation and pregnancy.

The drugs Lavomax, Miramistin, Aldara, Herpferon and some other antiviral drugs have a similar effect on the body. If Epigen is not in the pharmacy, then you can pick up one of these.

Numerous positive reviews from women indicate the high effectiveness of this spray. But, giving preference to such medications, it is better to consult a doctor in advance.

Source: https://afrodita-spa.ru/zhenskoe-zdorove/sprej-epigen-ego-sostav-i-dejstvie-ispolzovanie-vo-vremya-mesyachnyh

Pharmacological action of the drug

This medicine treats viral infections, and, in addition, it helps prevent them. Thanks to its complex action, it can also be used during periods of increased risk of remission to prevent the re-development of the virus.

This product is a mixture of licorice root extract and several plant acids, the main of which is glycyrrhizic acid. Thanks to this, the medicine copes very well with diseases such as herpes, cytomegalovirus and papillomas.

Is it possible to use Epigen spray during menstruation?

In everyday life, people encounter viral pathologies everywhere. There are many strains of viruses that can be transmitted not only sexually, but also through household objects.

The main problem is that there is no single drug that can act on all viruses at the same time; the number of such drugs is limited and is developed for a specific strain. The second problem is the ability of viruses, like bacteria, to adapt to the action of the drug.

But the most difficult thing is to come to terms with the fact that it is completely impossible to kill the virus; you can only maintain the body’s protective functions at a level that is sufficient to limit the activity of viral pathology.

Very often, a drug such as Epigen is used in complex antiviral therapy. It has an effect on the herpes virus, HPV, herpes zoster and cytomegalovirus. Since the product is available in the form of a spray and tube for intravaginal administration, it is important for all women of reproductive age to know whether Epigen spray can be used during menstruation.

About the drug, action

Epigen is a plant-based drug that has immunostimulating, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, regenerative and antipruritic effects.

If the source of the viral infection is located in an accessible place, the doctor prescribes Epigen in the form of a gel or spray, but if the pathology affects the vagina and cervix, a special nozzle is used, which is provided in the kit.

The drug is known for its complex effect on the body, so it can be used both during the acute course of the disease and to prevent relapse during remission. Epigen has the following effects on the body:

  • activates special blood cells - T-lymphocytes, which improve immunity. The main active ingredient of the drug reduces the concentration of immunoglobulins G, which are responsible for the “memory of the virus,” which in turn provokes an increase in the level of IgA and IgM, which fight the cause of infection. In general, the body’s protective functions, which provide basic resistance to the virus, increase. Thanks to this feature, the person recovers and relapses are prevented;
  • glycyrrhizic acid promotes an increase in tissues of various groups of interferons, which increase the degree of immune response;
  • the main acid of the drug directly affects the virus, destroying its genetic material (DNA or RNA), especially for HPV, herpes, cytomegalovirus and the virus that causes shingles;
  • the drug prevents the proliferation of pathogens, thereby disrupting their normal life cycle;
  • Epigen affects inactive viruses that do not show any symptoms, but are present in the body in hidden chronic foci;
  • Using Epigen you can fight even those strains of viruses that are resistant to other drugs that do not contain glycyrrhizic acid.

Release forms and composition

The main active ingredient of the drug is glycyrrhizic acid in active form, which is obtained from licorice root by extraction. Excipients are malic, ascorbic, fumaric and folic acids, propylene glycol and polysorbate.

The drug is available in 4 forms:

  1. Intimate spray, aerosol for external and internal treatment.
  2. Cream for topical treatment.
  3. Wet wipes for delicate care of the intimate area during menstruation, in the heat and during active sports. Suitable for pregnant women.
  4. An intimate complex in the form of a tube with a solution for one-time use to moisturize the intimate area.

Indications and contraindications

The only contraindication for the drug is individual intolerance to its components. But Epigen is used for the following diseases:

  • viral infections;
  • to stimulate the production of your own interferon;
  • prevention of STDs during casual sexual contacts;
  • in the absence of positive results from treating viruses with other methods;
  • as part of complex therapy for cervical pathologies, including oncology;
  • warts on the genitals and anus;
  • vaginal dryness during sex;
  • bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, including in pregnant women;
  • itching in the intimate area:
  • to restore the vagina’s own microflora;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • hygiene of the intimate area before and after sex.

Use during menstruation

Since the drug is used intravaginally in the treatment of most viral pathologies, its use during menstruation is extremely undesirable, since during menstruation its therapeutic result is significantly reduced. At this time, if necessary, it is more effective to use Epigen externally.

If the product is used to prevent genital herpes and cytomegalovirus, then it can be injected twice a day, starting from the 18-20th day of the cycle until the end of the critical days.


There are several useful tips that will help to significantly increase the therapeutic effect of using Epigen:

  • It is better to syringe before intravaginal use of the spray;
  • shake the can immediately before use;
  • after each procedure, the nozzles must be doused with boiled water and put back into the packaging;
  • the effectiveness of the drug increases with complex use;
  • the drug is safe for pregnant, lactating women and their offspring.


Miramistin, Herpferon, Aldara, Viru-Merz Serol, Acyclovir, Lavomax and many other antiviral drugs have a similar effect on the body as the drug Epigen. If for some reason the prescribed Epigen is not suitable for a woman, then the selection of an analogue should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician.

Source: https://TvoiMesyachnye.ru/boli/epigen-sprej-v-mesyachnye

Epigen intimate

– activated glycyrrhizinic acid

Composition and release form of the drug

Spray for local and external use 0.1%

in the form of a solution from light yellow to light brown, with a characteristic odor.

100 ml
activated glycyrrhizic acid (equivalent to ammonium glycyrrhizinate)0.1 g

Excipients: malic acid – 3 g, fumaric acid – 2 g, ascorbic acid – 0.3 g, folic acid – 0.08 g, propylene glycol – 50 g, Tween 80 (polysorbate 80) – 0.9 g, purified water – up to 100 ml.

15 ml – plastic cylinders (1) complete with a spray nozzle – cardboard packs. 60 ml – plastic cylinders (1) complete with a spray nozzle – cardboard packs.


When applied locally and externally, ammonium glycyrrhizinate is deposited in the lesions. Systemic absorption occurs slowly. The drug is found in the blood in trace amounts.


Viral infection caused by the human papillomavirus, incl.

asymptomatic isolation of human papillomavirus of high oncogenic risk as part of combination and complex therapy; viral infection caused by herpes simplex virus types I and II as part of complex therapy; viral infection caused by the Varicella Zoster virus (shingles) as part of complex therapy; viral infection caused by cytomegalovirus as part of complex therapy; prevention of relapses of viral infections caused by herpes simplex virus types I and II, Varicella Zoster virus, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus; prevention and treatment of genital warts and cervical pathologies caused by human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus; prevention and treatment of conditions accompanied by a decrease in local immunity, incl. nonspecific vulvovaginitis, candidal vulvovaginitis and bacterial vaginosis, as part of complex therapy; in cases of discomfort in the genital area, accompanied by itching, burning and dryness of the mucous membranes, incl. after sexual intercourse; with symptoms of discomfort in the genital area, accompanied by itching, burning and dryness of the mucous membranes with insufficient ovarian function.


Apply externally, intravaginally, intraurethrally.

The dose, frequency of use, and treatment regimen depend on the indications and dosage form used.

Local reactions:

allergic reactions, incl. in the form of contact dermatitis.

Drug interactions

With the simultaneous use of ammonium glycyrrhizinate and other antiviral drugs, in particular derivatives of acyclovir, iodouridine, interferon and immunomodulators

, its action is enhanced.

special instructions

If signs of intolerance appear, use should be discontinued.

Pregnancy and lactation

Approved for use during the entire period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

For impaired renal function

The drug is approved for use in cases of impaired renal function

For liver dysfunction

The drug is approved for use in cases of liver dysfunction

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