Why do thrush occur frequently?

Thrush is very common these days. There are several forms of this disease. It differs in that relapses often occur, even after successful treatment. It may turn out that there are now a significant number of different means for prevention and treatment, but in reality many have to deal with recurrent diseases. Nowadays, recurrent thrush is considered extremely common. Many people, after visiting a doctor and undergoing an examination, hear exactly this diagnosis.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of thrush and its recurrence. Most often, people whose immunity is weakened or have chronic forms of various diseases, for example, the digestive or respiratory system, have to deal with it. Usually it is necessary to treat both sexual partners, because sometimes the problem arises due to diseases of the genitourinary system.

Thrush again? How to get rid of recurrent thrush?

Thrush, candidiasis, mycotic vulvovaginitis - all this is the name of the same condition associated with an excessive spread of the fungus of the genus Candida albicans in the vagina.

Thrush occurs more often in women of reproductive age, less often in postmenopausal women and girls.

There are 3 forms of thrush:

  • Candidiasis (asymptomatic).
  • Acute candidiasis (exacerbation of asymptomatic or chronic course).
  • Chronic form (or recurrent thrush).

Most have learned to cope with the acute course of the disease, but difficulties arise in treating recurrent thrush. And here a serious medical examination is necessary to identify its causes and ways to get rid of the disease.

Recurrent thrush

Recurrent thrush (chronic thrush) is repetitions (relapses) of thrush 4 or more times a year. This is either every month, or during treatment once every 2-3 months. This disease occurs in 2-3% of women. It may be caused by insufficient diagnosis of the causes of candidiasis that has arisen for the first time or incorrect treatment.

Mycotic vulvovaginitis, even if it occurs for the first time, should be a “bell” about a deterioration in your health.

There are not so many causes of thrush

  • deficient states of immunity: diseases of the kidneys, liver, intestines; diabetes mellitus, lack of work and rest schedule, cachexia, HIV infection, other chronic infections, allergic reactions;
  • uncontrolled or prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraception;
  • hormonal changes in the body: pregnancy, obesity, ovarian dysfunction, thyroid dysfunction;
  • violation of the diet: excessive intake of carbohydrates (sweets, starchy foods), fried and salty foods;
  • uncontrolled long-term use of eubiotics;
  • daily use of synthetic pads;
  • washing out flora during deep washing;
  • untreated initial stage of candidiasis.
  • drug resistance in case of incorrect dosage, self-medication and incomplete course of treatment;
  • violations of hygiene rules: infrequent use of water procedures or the use of soap not intended for this area.

Repeated candidiasis can be dangerous due to the development of the following complications:

  1. Severe irreversible changes in the body associated with improper functioning of organs, leading to relapses of candidiasis.
  2. The appearance of bleeding erosions/ulcers in the area of ​​scratching.
  3. Pain during sexual intercourse due to swelling of the mucous membrane and a strong burning sensation in the vagina and vulva.
  4. Serious inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, adhesions and, as a result, infertility.
  5. General discomfort, tendency to depression, neurological disorders.

Recurrence of thrush manifests itself:

  • unbearable itching and burning in the genital and vaginal area;
  • pain from scratching;
  • white “curdled” discharge from the genital tract;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane.

Thrush: get rid of it or put up with it

Author: Kuznetsova Irina Vsevolodovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof., Dept. obstetrics and gynecology GBOU DPO RMAPO Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Burning and itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia, white cheesy discharge from the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse, pain during urination - approximately three-quarters of the female population of the planet have experienced the result of excessive proliferation of Candida fungi in the vagina at least once in their lives. It seems that thrush is not so scary, it does not pose a serious threat to health, and besides, according to the assurances of commercials, thrush can be easily treated by yourself - three days and it’s “as if it never happened!” And a month later the symptoms return and again take a pill or a suppository, and again “it’s like it never happened!” And then life turns into a bad dream, in which you become more and more immersed in the problem of discomfort in the most intimate sphere of the body, avoid sex, and begin to hate your unlucky body, which cannot cope with such a trifle.

And here a host of folk healers and advisers of all types flock to help, and they say the right words about the need to increase the body’s defenses, and offer methods from anti-inflammatory herbal preparations to incantations and spells. Something helps for a while, but several weeks pass, and renewed itching with a cheesy discharge heralds another victory won by the mushrooms.

Maybe see a doctor? But how often do the same recommendations come from the lips of a gynecologist that are known to us from commercials, advice from friends, the Internet and other sources of medical and semi-medical information. This final disappointment in the fight against thrush often leads us to a dead end. Is medicine really powerless even in solving such a simple problem?

Of course, not all women with thrush, or, as it is called in medical circles, vulvovaginal candidiasis, go through the described circles of hell. But in 10-20% of cases, vulvovaginal candidiasis is complicated, and fungi of the genus Candida, which have the right to live as part of the normal microflora of the mouth, vagina and colon, multiply with enviable consistency, leading to the repeated appearance of thrush symptoms. If there are at least four such acute symptomatic episodes of the disease per year, the doctor should diagnose “chronic vulvovaginal candidiasis.” But who will count the frequency of thrush episodes? Sick, help yourself. Tell the gynecologist that he is dealing with mushrooms that are well-hardened in battles with other microorganisms and medications, so that it will be impossible to deal with them in the usual way.

Meanwhile, there is a way to get rid of chronic vulvovaginal candidiasis, which recurs four or more times a year. It is described in the scientific literature, contained in international clinical guidelines and has proven its effectiveness in numerous studies, both in Russia and other countries. It is not complicated, but in order to use it, you must really want to get rid of thrush.

There is an effective drug that suppresses fungal growth with a single dose in most women. This is a well-known and widely prescribed fluconazole.

Sometimes (with severe symptoms of thrush) more “heavy artillery” is required, namely, to enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to increase the duration of treatment; for fluconazole, this means taking a second capsule of 150 mg orally 3 days after the first. If we are dealing with chronic thrush caused by Candida albicans fungi, then when symptoms return, it is recommended to “hit the enemy” even harder, and for fluconazole, taking 3 capsules of 150 mg orally with an interval of 3 days is usually effective (1.4 and day 7).

But that's not all! The problem is that complete removal of fungi from the body cannot be achieved with any drug, and it is not necessary: ​​after all, they are an integral part of it. Suppression of their excessive growth when taking one or even two or three capsules of fluconazole is achieved for 1-2 weeks, after which a gradual resumption of the fungal population begins, ending with a recurrence of thrush. But you can not wait for this new relapse, but maintain the suppression of fungal growth by taking fluconazole weekly in the hope that the fungi will eventually bow their heads to a stronger and more patient enemy. The duration of such suppressive therapy, in medical terminology “suppressive” therapy, has been worked out over many years of research, and currently the recommended course of weekly fluconazole is 6 months.

The main result of treatment is recognized not so much as the absence of episodes of vulvovaginal candidiasis during the use of the drug, but rather the long-term, for a year or more, absence of recurrence of thrush after treatment. The insidiousness of this situation with recurrent VVC caused by C. albicans is that the symptoms of thrush in most cases begin to subside after taking the first capsule on the second day and go away for the majority after taking the third capsule of fluconazole on the 7th day of treatment, let’s call this stage of therapy "Attack". But in order to prolong the “relapse-free life” of thrush after the “Attack”, it is important not to quit treatment, but to continue the so-called “suppressive therapy”, let’s call this phase of treatment the “Cruise” phase, since otherwise efforts may be in vain and a repeated episode of obsessive illness will not keep you waiting. This needs to be well understood, since it is psychologically difficult for any of us to force ourselves to regularly take medications to prevent something when we feel normal, and this treatment only allows us to avoid problems in the future. As already mentioned, the “Cruise” phase lasts 6 months and fluconazole requires weekly dosing during this period of time.

This, of course, does not exhaust the necessary measures that can curb Candida fungi. It is known that their pathological growth is promoted by dietary habits (love of sweets), taking antibiotics, sudden climate change, severe emotional stress, diabetes mellitus, bacterial and viral infections. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and timely treatment of diseases will also help control fungi. But these measures alone, without suppressive therapy, are not enough. First, you need to demonstrate to the mushrooms the limits of their permissible growth, and only then maintain the achieved result.

So, it is impossible to get rid of mushrooms, but we can get rid of thrush. In the end, we allow fungi to settle in our body, but we have the right to demand that they respect our interests, and in order not to turn the body into a testing ground for periodic military operations, it is better to teach mushrooms to live peacefully in the space provided to them once and for all with one course of suppressive therapy .

Treatment of recurrent thrush

Before starting treatment, you should make sure that the diagnosis of “recurrent thrush” is correct, since there are a number of chronic infections with similar symptoms.


  1. The chronic course of thrush is treated over a long period of time and in combination with other diseases.
  2. Identifying and getting rid of chronic diseases that cause thrush. Including increasing the protective resources of the immune system.
  3. Treatment requires sanitizing the sexual partner.
  4. All medications must be carefully selected and used as prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication can be harmful to health.

When you visit a doctor with repeated symptoms of thrush, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will be sent for a long, more in-depth examination than the first time. With simple brush strokes on the flora, everything just begins. It is necessary to consult with a therapist, where you will be prescribed blood, urine, and stool tests.

It is also advisable to visit an endocrinologist and immunologist. All this is necessary in order to understand why thrush recurs, for the success of treatment and to prevent serious disorders in the body.

The most effective treatment is an individual integrated approach:

There are several treatment regimens for thrush:

  • using vaginal suppositories 1-2 times a week for a month;
  • use of antimicrobial drugs 1-2 times a week for several months;
  • joint use of vaginal suppositories and medications 1-2 times a week for several months.

Causes of persistent thrush

There are many factors why thrush returns. A relapse of the disease can be triggered by an interrupted course of therapy, failure to comply with basic aspects of personal hygiene, untreated endocrine pathology and a decrease in the body’s overall resistance to bacteria, fungi or viruses.

After sex

Many women complain that they have constant thrush after sex.
A number of reasons may contribute to this:

  • Some men are carriers of Candida fungi, although they themselves do not experience any clinical symptoms or signs. During any unprotected sexual intercourse, microflora is exchanged between partners, including pathogenic ones. Thus, the woman will receive a return of the disease after each sex, so examination of her regular partner will be the right decision for a speedy and complete recovery.
  • The use of barrier contraceptives (spermicides such as Farmatex or Benatex, condoms) can also provoke the occurrence of recurrent candidiasis. Some chemicals included in contraceptive barrier products cause changes in the acid-base balance of the vagina, irritate its mucous membrane and contribute to the development of a localized allergic reaction. The resulting local decrease in immunity activates opportunistic flora, which includes yeast-like fungi.
  • Involvement in non-traditional types of sex, especially without the use of protective equipment, contributes to contamination of the vagina, which later manifests itself as chronic or recurrent thrush.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes significant physiological changes, which in one way or another can activate pathological processes.

  • Sluggish HIV infection, chronic somatic diseases of the endocrine (for example, diabetes mellitus), cardiovascular system, chronic leukemia can worsen during pregnancy. As a result, the immune system also suffers, which becomes unable to fight the saprophytes of the human body.
  • Hormonal levels change. To maintain pregnancy, the body begins to intensively produce a special hormone - progesterone, which, in addition to performing its main function, promotes a specific change in the epithelial membranes of the internal organs of the reproductive system. They become loose and juicy, local blood flow increases, and the acidity of vaginal secretions increases, which is why pregnant women are more susceptible to thrush.
  • Constant thrush often occurs during pregnancy as a consequence of chronic constipation. When carrying a child, a woman's intestines may malfunction. And stagnation of feces, in turn, causes increased fermentation and rotting of digested foods, which ultimately contributes to dysbiosis and excessive proliferation of fungal colonies in the intestinal lumen and vagina.
  • Iron deficiency anemia often accompanies pregnancy and leads to hypovitaminosis, degenerative changes in the skin and mucous membranes. The result is a relapse of genital candidiasis.

Before your period

Some girls and women are concerned about exacerbations of thrush before or after menstruation.

There are reasons for this:

  • Before menstruation, there is often a slight hormonal shift that can affect the development of candidiasis.
  • During menstruation, ideal conditions are created in the vaginal cavity for the reproduction and activity of fungi and bacteria.
  • The use of intimate hygiene products (pads or tampons), which contain fragrances and some chemicals, negatively affects the biocenosis of the vagina, as a result of which thrush occurs.
  • Non-compliance and violation of rules in personal hygiene, rare change of underwear.

What needs to be done to prevent thrush from appearing again?

First of all , you need to pay attention to your diet and, if necessary, eliminate or reduce the amount of foods consumed that are high in sugar, salt, and smoked foods. Which, above all, will improve your overall health.

To maintain your immunity, you need to provide it with everything you need - i.e. include as many natural foods as possible in your diet: vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs. Of course, spend more time in the fresh air, play sports, and control your weight.

Secondly , you should wear cotton underwear and try not to get carried away with panty liners. And during menstruation, use pads instead of tampons, since tampons can disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina.

The clothes you wear should not be too tight, as this increases the temperature in the groin area, especially during the hot season. However, dressing warmly is one of the main tasks in winter.

Third , protected sexual intercourse - especially in the initial stages after treatment, so as not to disturb the established biocenosis of the vagina, it is reasonable to use condoms.

Fourthly , you need to wash yourself 1-2 times a day with water or special intimate care products. The use of products containing alkali or wet wipes is detrimental to the functioning of the bacteria of a woman’s normal flora.

Also, you should not wash deeply, i.e. flush out all the “dirt” from the vagina, this will flush out the good bacteria that protects against imbalances in the vagina. The external genitalia must be washed. The towel should be individual and changed frequently.

Prevention methods

For women who often experience exacerbation of recurrent thrush, it is important to adhere to preventive methods. As mentioned above, first of all it is necessary to determine the cause of inflammation and find a possible way to solve this problem. For example, if the source is antibacterial therapy, then you should consult a doctor who can select other drugs.

General tips for minimizing the occurrence of candidiasis in the body are as follows:

  • Follow the rules of intimate hygiene. It is not recommended to use gels, soaps, pads containing fragrances and unnatural ingredients. Frequent douching also adversely affects the natural microflora of the vagina;
  • Wear underwear that is comfortable in shape and does not contain synthetic materials;
  • Adhere to a healthy lifestyle. It is worth giving up bad habits and following a diet. It consists of eating balanced, low-fat foods without sugar or food additives.

Frequent thrush

Thrush causes discomfort and inconvenience in women, and once she gets rid of it, the patient may think that the worst is over. Unfortunately, recurrent thrush is not so uncommon - monthly recurrences of the disease occur in 2.5%, and can “torment” a woman’s body up to 4 times a year. The disease must be treated immediately, as the infection can spread and cause problems in the pelvic organs.

Why does thrush come back?

The diagnosis of “recurrent thrush” in women is made in cases where the disease returns every month. There are only short periods of remission and frequent exacerbations.

The reasons for frequent thrush are as follows:

  • depressed immunity;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives or antibiotics;
  • lack of immunoglobulin A in the body;
  • disruption of the vaginal microflora and creation of a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • incorrectly selected therapeutic course;
  • damage to the body by other representatives of fungi;
  • increased sensitivity to fungal infection, accompanied by an allergic reaction;
  • self-medication.

Thrush often appears in cases where the viability of certain forms of yeast-like fungi is quite high. Even after complex treatment, the infection remains in the body, and the disease will return under certain conditions.

It should be noted that gestation period is also included among the risk factors. Constant thrush in pregnant women is not uncommon. This is due to a decrease in the body’s protective functions and hormonal disorders.

Forms of thrush

Thrush or vaginal candidiasis is a fungal disease caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. Recurrent candidiasis is not uncommon, and all because candida is already “by default” part of the opportunistic vaginal flora. In the presence of a number of factors, the immune system cannot restrain their development and thrush occurs. The disease often occurs in women of reproductive age and is divided into 3 forms:

  1. Asymptomatic form or candidiasis. This form does not manifest itself with visible symptoms, but upon examination it is discovered that the amount of fungus in the body is higher than normal, but the immune system restrains it. The asymptomatic form requires treatment and is fraught with transmission of infection to a partner.
  2. Acute form. It manifests itself as a normal clinical picture for thrush and is more quickly treatable.
  3. Chronic form. This is a form of the disease that is difficult to cure and progresses over more than 2 months. It is observed with low immunity.

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Conditions for activation of mushrooms

There is an opinion that candidiasis, like any fungal infection, is a harbinger of trouble in the body. Candida fungi accompany chronic diseases, take advantage of the weakening of the body's defenses as a result of an acute illness, and develop against the background of suppression of the immune system by drugs. All these internal processes create the prerequisites for the transition of the fungus from a saprophytic, and harmless to the host, existence to a purely pathogenic one.

  • Decreased immunity , congenital or associated with treatment, for example, of malignant tumors with cytostatics, taking glucocorticoid hormones for severe asthma, or drug suppression of donor organ rejection, are favorable for Candida. High-dose chemotherapy for some forms of malignant diseases of the blood and lymphatic tissue is accompanied by equally aggressive treatment with antifungal drugs. HIV infection causes thrush so often that the activation of fungi is indirectly considered a sign of an increase in the concentration of the virus in the blood.
  • Taking antibiotics causes an imbalance of microflora, however, antibiotics are taken due to the prevalence of pathogenic bacterial flora, and antibiotics kill both good and bad, so Candida can easily grow in a place freed from bacteria.
  • Disease of the endocrine glands leads to an imbalance in carbohydrate metabolism. Especially diabetes mellitus, and mushrooms love sweets - glucose. In addition, hormonal disorders change metabolic processes in tissues, disrupt the vascular network, weaken protective properties, which immediately causes the activation of Candida fungi.
  • Chronic diseases lead to disturbances in trophism - the nutrition of organs and tissues, which interferes with adequate immunological protection and promotes the activation of any fungi, and primarily Candida. Mushrooms wonderfully coexist with diseases and infections of the skin, tuberculosis, collagenosis, chronic diseases of the bronchi and lungs.
  • Trophic disorders in tissues and simply aging of the body, accompanied by dystrophic changes, are favorable for the development and chronicity of candidiasis. This happens with the mucous membrane of the tongue in old people, when saliva production is significantly reduced. With severe varicose veins of the lower extremities, difficult-to-heal ulcers are formed, where fungi of the genus Candida are in the forefront of pests.

Causes of thrush recurrences

Frequent monthly thrush should alert you, as it signals a disruption in the functioning of the body. By eliminating the root cause of candidiasis, you can get rid of the disease forever.

Often, if thrush has started again, the gynecologist will send the woman for additional tests. Let's look at the reasons that lead to relapses:

  • unhealthy diet and intestinal dysbiosis;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • using panty liners or tampons during menstruation;
  • violation of female microflora;
  • any factors that reduce immunity;
  • long-term use of antibacterial agents or hormonal contraceptives;
  • chronic diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • hormonal disorders - diabetes, excess weight, enlarged thyroid gland;
  • pregnancy;
  • after treatment that was carried out without following medical recommendations or with the selection of ineffective medications.

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Are relapses dangerous during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life, but it is during this time that the body loses its ability to fully protect itself from infections and fungi. Thrush during pregnancy does not pose a risk to the development of the baby, but it is necessary to get rid of the disease. It is important to visit a gynecologist at the first symptoms and correctly understand the root cause so that the fungus does not return again. The reasons for the development and recurrence of thrush may be the following:

  • decreased immunity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • excessive consumption of sweets;
  • increased hormone levels;
  • the fungus was not completely cured before pregnancy;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • transmitted from a partner (the likelihood of developing thrush in men is less, but cases are observed).

Why might there be no positive effect?

It is important to know how to treat thrush in this case. There are a significant number of different methods for treatment. Sometimes people try to make a diagnosis for themselves, select a therapeutic regimen, etc. It will be difficult to count on a positive outcome. There may be no effect for a variety of reasons. Sometimes drugs that are not effective enough are prescribed. Their exposure may not produce the optimal effect. Not every doctor walks parallel to time, which may result in some limitations. Some doctors recommend using products that have been used for a very long time. But nowadays there are many more interesting and productive ways. Therefore, it is advisable to contact a doctor who knows exactly how to cure the patient. In this case, the optimal medications will be selected, regimens will be prescribed, etc.

If a relapse occurs, you should not use the same drugs. This is due to the ability of microorganisms to gradually develop some resistance to their main components. It is very important to consult a doctor and choose the best medications. The treatment course can be quite long, but it will probably also be productive, which will ultimately allow you to get rid of the disease forever. It is important to understand when to treat relapses so that it is not too late. For some reason, some people delay starting treatment, which can lead to various problems. If you follow the advice and prevention, it will be easier to prevent a relapse. It’s easier to do this than to take the corresponding course again later.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms for recurrent thrush are identical to the first manifestation of the disease. The only difference is that the symptoms become less pronounced and worsen every month. What symptoms indicate that thrush has returned:

  • discomfort in the lower abdomen for more than 2 months;
  • the vaginal mucosa thickens;
  • cracks and folds are observed on the body;
  • constantly plagued by itching in the lower abdomen;
  • a specific odor from the vagina (somewhat reminiscent of sour milk);
  • specific discharge (white, thick, not abundant in the chronic form, but leaves whitish spots on the underwear);
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • At the same time, problems with the bladder and intestines may occur (there may be discomfort when urinating).

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What to do during diagnosis?

If thrush comes back every month, it is important to determine the root cause, because there is no smoke without fire. When the disease is tormented, it is better to make an appointment with a doctor and not try to treat the fungus yourself. A visit to a gynecologist will be the key to effective and quick elimination of the disease. The doctor will prescribe diagnostic procedures and determine a list of medications. During the first episode of the disease, they usually manage by taking a smear from the vagina, but relapses of thrush are diagnosed differently:

  • gynecological examination and taking a smear for flora;
  • a blood, urine and stool test is taken;
  • do bacteriological culture to determine the degree of sensitivity to a particular drug;
  • if necessary, the doctor can refer you for a consultation to a gastroenterologist, urologist, endocrinologist and immunologist.

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Treatment of thrush: only complex therapy

Contrary to popular belief, thrush is not cured with one pill. A doctor’s professional approach involves a set of measures.

The doctor selects antifungal drugs that can be taken:

  • orally to reduce the amount of fungus throughout the body;
  • in the form of suppositories or ointments locally - they quickly relieve the symptoms of candidiasis.

Treatment of thrush must necessarily include normalization of personal hygiene and treatment of STIs, if detected.

To combat Candida fungi, antifungal drugs are used, most often in the form of suppositories or a special vaginal gel. It is also necessary to take antifungal drugs internally. At the same time, the doctor will prescribe restorative therapy that restores immunity and normal vaginal flora. The patient is prescribed vitamins and immunostimulants that improve immunity. After completion of antibacterial therapy, the flora is restored with medications containing lactobacilli - this is the most important part of the beneficial microflora of the vagina.

Men will also have to take pills and treat the penis daily with a special solution or ointment prescribed by the doctor.

Prevention consists of rational use of antibiotics, regular visits to the gynecologist with taking smears for flora, strengthening the body, maintaining hygiene and refusing to wear synthetic underwear in hot weather.

Treatment and medications

Recurrent thrush requires long-term and complex treatment, as well as constant monitoring by a gynecologist. When the patient feels better or external symptoms disappear, it is important to complete the therapy, since thrush often returns due to insufficient treatment. The goals of therapy are:

  • stop the activity and development of candida fungus;
  • eliminate the root cause;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • restore vaginal microflora;
  • If necessary, treat the partner.

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What medications are used for recurrent thrush?

Let's start with the fact that there are 3 areas of drug treatment:

  • use of vaginal suppositories for a month, 2 times a week;
  • taking antifungal medications for several months, 2 times a week;
  • vaginal suppositories and antibiotics as a complex treatment for several months;
  • Repeated diagnostics are carried out weekly.

The table shows a list of drugs that are prescribed for relapse:

Myths and truth about treating thrush

Myth No. 1. Thrush is normal!

The causative agent of thrush is fungi of the genus Candida, which are classified as opportunistic microorganisms. This means that they are contained in small quantities in the microflora of the body of healthy women. This fact leads some patients to believe that periodic manifestations of thrush do not deserve attention.

This is a misconception, because normally fungal pathogens do not cause unpleasant symptoms and do not bring discomfort to their owner. But in large quantities, Candida becomes dangerous, so thrush needs to be treated.

Myth No. 2. If thrush is not treated, it will go away on its own

This misconception, propagated on many websites, has led to the spread of chronic thrush among young women.

The primary symptoms of the disease - severe itching and curdled discharge, characteristic of the acute phase of the disease, indeed, even without treatment, gradually fade away. But this is a false sense of recovery. After some time, the troubles will return again - at the moment when the body experiences severe physical or psychological stress. In addition, the recurrence of thrush is facilitated by changes in hormonal levels, which occurs during menstruation and during pregnancy.

Myth No. 3. One tablet is enough to treat thrush!

The advertisement claims that after taking one capsule of the miracle drug, a woman will forever forget about the symptoms of thrush. Yes, the thrush may go away, but it will be replaced by severe dysbiosis, vaginosis and other diseases associated with disturbances in the vaginal microflora.

All antifungal agents used in the treatment of candidiasis (thrush) are drugs that specifically suppress pathological flora. At the same time, a safe drug should have a gentle effect on the mucous membrane without causing dysbacteriosis. In other words, he should treat smoothly, leaving time for the body to adapt. Whereas the “killer dose” will destroy both the causative agent of thrush and all living things, freeing up a springboard for colonization by new fungi and bacteria.

In addition, thrush rarely comes alone. Analysis (smear) sometimes reveals a whole bunch of STDs. In this case, combination treatment is required.

Myth No. 4. Local remedies for thrush are useless

Topical antifungal drugs quickly suppress fungal growth and play an important role in the treatment of thrush. Candles, creams, gels and sprays do not cause side effects and have no restrictions on use. But local therapy is considered by gynecologists exclusively as an additional measure, since it is effective only in the early stages of the development of pathology.

At the same time, suppositories and ointments are the drugs of choice in the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant and lactating women.

Myth No. 5. The appearance of thrush does not depend on lifestyle

The development of thrush always has a specific cause. Frequent stress, poor diet and heavy physical activity, which weaken the immune system, activate the fungal flora. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules also affects the state of the vaginal microflora; in addition, the disease can be acquired by changing partners and using traumatic sex toys.

Another, perhaps significant reason is the uncontrolled use of antibiotics that affect the flora of the body. Broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs are not able to distinguish “bad” bacteria from “good” ones; they kill everything not only in the vagina, but also in the stomach and intestines. Therefore, lovers of self-medication are in for a surprise in the form of dysbiosis and accompanying candidiasis.

Myth No. 6. The most effective treatment for thrush is traditional medicine!

Traditional methods of treating candidiasis usually come down to the use of infusions and decoctions of herbs for washing and douching the vagina. For this purpose, herbs with antibacterial and antifungal effects are used.

These measures are good only as an aid to the main treatment, but thrush cannot be cured in this way. For quality treatment of vaginal candidiasis, you need to take antifungal drugs, immunostimulants and vitamins. Only this set of medications is guaranteed to reduce the likelihood of relapse of the disease.

Causes of thrush recurrences

Fungi of the genus Candida are opportunistic microorganisms. They do not cause harm, do not cause unpleasant, painful, dangerous symptoms until favorable conditions are created for them.

The trigger mechanism is weakened human immunity. It is unable to restrain the growth of fungi, so pathological microorganisms quickly colonize various internal organs. It all starts, in most cases, with the genitals and intestines.

As mushrooms grow, the amount of their waste products increases and toxins accumulate in the body. The further development of the situation depends on how the immune system fights the fungi:

  1. It will get stronger and stop reproduction, the thrush will stop.
  2. Will weaken even more, candidiasis will begin to progress, affecting various internal organs.

As soon as the body weakens for one reason or another, an exacerbation of the disease begins with all the unpleasant symptoms.

Factors contributing to relapse:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • antibiotics;
  • hypothermia;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • exhaustion of the nervous system;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • poor nutrition;
  • avitaminosis;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • obesity;
  • contraceptives;
  • abortions;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • abuse of medications, including vitamins;
  • pathologically weak immunity;
  • frequent inflammatory diseases;
  • poor nutrition;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • numerous sexual relations;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • pads, tampons;
  • pregnancy;
  • intimate hygiene products;
  • climate change;
  • period;
  • stress, severe shock;
  • overheating in the sun.

The long list of factors for recurrent thrush can be continued. It follows from this that anything can provoke a relapse if the body’s protective functions are weakened.

Common causes of relapse

Thrush can develop in almost anyone. These can be mature women, men and even children. The main reason is considered to be an increased concentration of opportunistic fungi. Such microorganisms are able to live inside the human body without causing any problems until they are affected by some specific factor. It activates the development of the disease. The infection can affect various parts of the body, such as nails, genitals, skin and much more. About five percent have now been diagnosed with recurrent thrush. Although many may not realize this.

Harmful fungi can multiply for various reasons, the main one being a significant weakening of the immune system. The human body in a normal state is able to independently protect itself from such pathogens. This effect can be achieved through a competitive relationship between microorganisms and the corresponding environment. Lactobacilli, which are located inside the body, mutually control each other. Usually fungi are in the minority, which is why they do not cause any harm. But when the vector of the situation changes, some fungi can begin to multiply extremely quickly. As a result, individual parts of the body are colonized and previously healthy cells are damaged. Thus, a toxic effect occurs, which provokes the formation of unpleasant symptoms. Various factors can contribute to this process:

  • Imperfect functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Problems related to metabolic processes.
  • Taking antibiotics.
  • Various diseases of venereal origin.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Sexual contact with carriers of infection.
  • Immune system disorders.
  • Increased susceptibility to allergic reactions.
  • Hypothermia of the body, frequent stress, lack of rest, which causes chronic fatigue.
  • Self-medication or interrupted treatment process.

Very often in such situations, recurrent candidiasis occurs, which can gradually become chronic. It occurs, unfortunately, too often. There are many reasons, the main one being interruption of the treatment being used. If the symptoms disappear, this does not mean that the problem is completely eliminated. Some people mistakenly begin to believe that they have dealt with their problem and have fully recovered, but in reality the fungus still remains in the body and actually spreads as before. Incomplete treatment causes a chronic form. It can be very difficult to diagnose from the first time. A person becomes a carrier, capable of infecting many others around him.

More interesting: Chronic candidiasis

The appearance of thrush can be provoked by advanced diseases from which the patient suffers. Even with fully completed treatment, it is not always possible to completely eliminate all problems. The body is greatly weakened due to chronic forms, and there is an active decrease in the capabilities of the immune system. For this reason, pathogenic bacteria inside the body begin to actively grow and multiply.

Infections that may be present in the genitourinary system are considered another significant factor for the occurrence of relapses. It is necessary to discover all the causes and eliminate them. Only professional treatment of recurrent thrush can give appropriate results. Among the parallel diseases that arise in such situations is herpes. It is very difficult to diagnose. Often it can be in a so-called dormant state for literally several years. It often contributes to relapses.

Nutrition is an incredibly important issue. Excessive weight can cause significant problems and complications. Increased body weight can be a cause and lead to the formation of a chronic type. You should not eat excessive amounts of sweets or eat incorrectly, because this provokes dysbacteriosis and all related problems. This creates a favorable environment for microorganisms in which reproduction occurs as actively as possible.

If the process is not completed, the disease may return at least several times a year, even with prolonged treatment. Therefore, recurrent thrush and effective treatment must go together. That is, thrush must be effectively treated and the matter completed, regardless of various external factors. Sometimes the disease returns about a week after completing the next treatment course. This is most often provoked by too weak immunity. If a person often catches colds, suffers from chronic bronchitis or a runny nose, problems will appear frequently. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

Symptoms of the disease

Recurrent thrush is characterized by periods of exacerbation and subsidence of symptoms. But in this case, this does not mean that candidiasis has been cured and will never return. It’s just that the body gained a little strength, stopped the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, the symptoms weakened, but did not disappear completely. The condition is even more dangerous than the acute form of thrush. Because it gradually affects internal organs, causes weakening of the entire body, and provokes infertility.

Symptoms during relapse:

  • copious thick white discharge with a sour odor;
  • plaque on the genitals inside and outside;
  • itching that intensifies in the evening;
  • burning during water procedures using soap;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • pain during the process, at the end of urination, false urges;
  • swelling, redness of the genitals;
  • menstrual irregularities with delay, heavy periods.

Examination, diagnostics

Candida fungi are always present in the human body. The task of specialists is to identify not the presence of pathological microorganisms, but their quantity. It is this factor that determines the development of the disease.

Initially, the specialist studies the clinical picture from the patient’s words and makes assumptions. Conducts an external examination if the affected organ allows it.

  1. Genital thrush is easily identified upon examination. There is a white coating and cheesy formations on the mucous membrane. Additionally, a smear is taken to examine the secretions in the laboratory.
  2. With candidiasis of the esophagus, intestines, and anus, there is bloating and rumbling. There is irritated skin around the anus and a white coating. Additionally, scrapings and feces are taken for examination. If necessary, an instrumental examination of the digestive organs is carried out.
  3. Candidiasis of the urinary tract and kidneys is more difficult to determine. They do an analysis of urine, stool, and vaginal discharge.
  4. For thrush of the respiratory system, sputum is examined.

  5. Candidiasis of the brain and heart is the most difficult to determine. The only material from which information can be obtained is blood. They detect antibodies that are produced by the immune system to fight fungi.

In the case of genital thrush, you can determine the presence of the fungus in the body yourself without laboratory tests, guided by the main symptoms. In other cases, the manifestations of candidiasis are similar to other diseases. To begin treatment, it is necessary to establish the true cause of the pathological process and make an accurate diagnosis. Incorrect prescription of an antifungal drug can increase the manifestations of thrush.

Treatment regimen

The most common type of candidiasis is genital. However, it can be triggered by intestinal thrush. Just like vaginal candidiasis can spread to the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment methods are aimed at stopping the growth of the fungus throughout the body, so tablets for internal use, suppositories, vaginal suppositories, creams, and ointments are used.

Basic therapy

Antifungal drugs in the treatment of candidiasis are the No. 1 remedy. The form is selected based on the location of candidiasis and the intensity of manifestations. Additionally, medications are prescribed to strengthen the immune system, normalize the functioning of the internal and genital organs, and restore the microflora of the vagina and intestines.

The dosage of tablets is prescribed by the doctor. Typically, they operate according to the following scheme. On the first day of treatment, take the maximum permissible daily dose. In a day the minimum. Continue to take the drug for 2 weeks every other day. To consolidate the effect, take antifungal tablets for 1 day at a minimum dose every month for a year.

Often prescribed:

Vaginal suppositories and anal tablets have a good local effect. The active components do not penetrate into the general bloodstream, which reduces the likelihood of side effects. It should be used once a day before bedtime, after water procedures. The duration of the course of therapy is 5-10 days. After the symptoms disappear, it is necessary to continue treatment until the end:

  1. Hexicon;
  2. Terzhinan;
  3. Klion D;
  4. Relief;
  5. Livarol;
  6. Candles made from calendula oil, sea buckthorn, with adrenaline, propolis.

Cream and ointment are used topically twice a day for 14 days. Ketoconazole and Gynoflor are often prescribed.

Complementary therapy

At the same time, they take medications to normalize the intestinal microflora and restore normal body functions:

To eliminate bloating, rumbling, pain:

To remove toxins from the body:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Atoxyl;
  • Enterosgel.

When the immune system is severely weakened, immunomodulators and immunostimulants are prescribed.

Folk remedies

Recipes from traditional healers are used to prevent relapses after a course of qualified therapy.

  • Decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, lemon balm, mint, thyme, Irish moss, are drunk as tea, used for douching, compresses, and baths.
  • Sea buckthorn and calendula oils are used to moisten a tampon, placed in the vagina before bed, and for intestinal thrush, applied to the anus.
  • For washing, use water with the addition of salt, soda or manganese. The product relieves the symptoms of thrush well and prevents the growth of fungus.

The key to a quick recovery and no relapses is giving up bad habits and following a diet.

How to treat the disease

Women who suffer from chronic thrush are faced with the question of what to do and how to prevent the onset of the disease. The very essence of the treatment is not very different from that which is carried out for the first time thrush occurs. The difference is that in this case, therapy must include ways to reduce the risk of relapse.

For frequently occurring candidiasis, treatment must meet the following requirements:

  • The duration of taking antibacterial vaginal tablets and suppositories should be at least two weeks;
  • The antimycotic drug should be selected based on tests performed to identify the resistance of pathogenic fungi;
  • Maintenance therapy against possible relapses must be carried out.


Antifungal drug Ketoconazole

Candidiasis must be treated with medications. Otherwise, the inflammatory process may worsen and cause a number of serious complications. Complex therapy includes taking the following drugs:

  • Antifungal tablets and capsules for preoral use. In some cases, they can be replaced with similar injection powders. The main function of these agents is to have a detrimental effect on existing fungi in the body. The most popular drugs are Diflucan, Flucostat, Fluconazole;
  • Vaginal suppositories and tablets. In more rare cases, gels are used. Such products have an antiseptic function. In addition to the fact that they are able to influence the pathogen, they also participate in the regeneration of the affected internal integument. In this group it is worth highlighting Terzhinan, Hexicon, Ketoconazole;
  • Drugs that strengthen the immune system and restore normal microflora. This is an auxiliary group of drugs that creates conditions for the normal functioning of the body. This includes various vitamin complexes, probiotics, prebiotics, and eubiotics.


Freshly squeezed carrot juice is a preventive folk remedy for thrush

Traditional medicine methods for thrush can only be used as an addition to the main therapy and require consultation with the attending physician. There are many different ways to combat fungal pathogens. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • Therapeutic baths. They are made using sea salt, soda, herbal infusions, and iodine. Staying in such baths for half an hour not only reduces inflammation, but also restores the affected skin;
  • Douching. They are also carried out using decoctions of calendula, chamomile, oregano;
  • Carrot juice. You need to drink 1-2 glasses daily. A prerequisite is that it must be freshly squeezed.

These methods do not guarantee a complete cure, but for the most part they have a beneficial effect on the body, accelerating the healing process.


To completely get rid of thrush and prevent relapses, it is necessary to direct efforts to strengthen the immune system and negate the impact of adverse factors.

  • Exercise;
  • Take daily walks;
  • Be in the fresh air more often;
  • More positive emotions;
  • Try to get enough sleep;
  • Normalize physical activity;
  • Avoid scandals, nervous shocks, overwork;
  • Do not abuse pills;
  • Take vitamins, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Follow the rules of hygiene;
  • Use linen made from natural fabric;
  • Replace synthetic gaskets with natural ones;
  • Do not abuse alcohol, coffee, sweets;
  • Monitor your weight;
  • Do not overcool;
  • Treat all diseases in a timely manner;
  • Normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • Stop taking birth control pills;
  • Eat properly;
  • Select your sexual partner carefully.

Compliance with several points from this long list reduces the risk of recurrence of thrush, and the implementation of each of them eliminates the disease and increases the body's protective functions.


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