Is it possible to use pimafucin suppositories during menstruation?

Thrush is a disease that causes vaginal itching and dryness. The causative agents of the disease are considered to be fungi of the genus Candida. They are eliminated with antibacterial drugs, one of which is Pimafucin. The product is included in the category of macrolides and active fungicides. It is successfully used not only for candidiasis, but also as part of the treatment of trichomoniasis and dermatomycosis.

Release form and composition

The antibiotic is produced in 3 dosage forms:

  1. Enteric-coated tablets are available in glass bottles of 20 pieces. in each of them. 1 tablet contains 0.1 g of natamycin (active ingredient).
  2. Suppositories for intravaginal use are available in foil strips. Each candle contains 0.1 g of active ingredient.
  3. The cream is produced in plastic tubes of 30 g. 1 g of product for external treatment of affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes contains 20 mg of natamycin.


If Pimafucin is not suitable for some reason, it is replaced with a drug of similar action. Pimafucin has no absolute analogues in composition. But you can use the following drugs:

  1. Candide. Available in the form of tablets, ointments, solution and powder. The active substance is clotrimazole. The advantages include low cost.
  2. Flucostat. It is produced in the form of capsules, vaginal suppositories and tablets. Efficiency is achieved by exposure to fluconazole. It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy.
  3. Nystatin ointment. Made from nystatin. Suppositories and tablets of the same name are on sale. There are a large number of contraindications and side effects. Appreciated for its budget price.
  4. Hexicon. Release form: solution and vaginal suppositories. The active substance is chlorhexidine. Elimination of candidiasis occurs due to the bactericidal effect. In terms of effectiveness, Hexicon is inferior to Pimafucin.
  5. Diflucan. There are three types of release: capsules, solution and powder. The active substance is fluconazole. Disadvantages include the possibility of developing resistance.
  6. Terzhinan. Available in the form of tablets for vaginal administration. The main components are ternidazole and nystatin. The drug is allowed to be used from the second trimester of pregnancy.
  7. Ecofucin. Of all the analogues, it is closest to Pimafucin in composition. The antifungal effect is achieved through exposure to natamycin. The drug is released in the form of vaginal suppositories. It is allowed to use the product while carrying and feeding a child.

Indications for use

A macrolide antibiotic is prescribed in a number of cases:

  1. With severe symptoms of candidal vaginitis, accompanied by thick discharge of a cheesy consistency, severe itching and swelling of the vaginal mucosa.
  2. For candidal balanoposthitis in men. Doctors prescribe the drug in a soft dosage form to lubricate the affected glans penis.
  3. For the treatment of candidiasis of the rectal mucosa, when the disease is caused by the predominance of opportunistic fungal flora.
  4. When the skin and organs of the urinary system are affected by yeast-like fungi.


The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the active substance of Pimafucin, so do not neglect consulting a specialist before starting to use the product in any dosage form.

Only a doctor determines the exact dosage, frequency and time interval of use of the antifungal drug, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the body.

Instructions for use of the drug Pimafucin

Only a doctor determines the exact dosage, frequency and time interval of use of the antifungal drug, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the body.

If we are talking about thrush, then it is advisable for both sexual partners to undergo treatment with Pimafucin to avoid re-infection.

After the complete disappearance of external signs of the disease, it is important to continue using the drug for another 3 days.


Adults are prescribed 100 mg of natamycin 4 times a day for intestinal candidiasis. The course of treatment lasts on average 7 days.

How to apply cream

The product is used for dermatomycosis 2-4 times a day, depending on the location and severity of the inflammatory process. The treatment time interval is set individually.

The cream for external use is recommended to be used simultaneously with an antifungal drug in tablet form to achieve a long-lasting therapeutic effect. But the appropriateness of such a treatment regimen is determined by the doctor.

Vaginal suppositories

If an acute form of candidal vaginitis or vulvovaginitis develops, the course of treatment is at least 3 days. It is necessary to use 1 candle at night before bedtime. For ease of insertion of the suppository into the vagina, take a lying position.

If we are talking about frequent relapses of thrush against the background of a short remission, then it is important to undergo a course of treatment with tablets, and suppositories must be used for 6 days.

More information about the use of Pimafucin suppositories can be found here.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date:

  • Tablets – 4 years at temperatures up to 25 ºС;
  • Cream for external use – 4 years at a temperature of 15-25 ºС;
  • Vaginal suppositories – 2 years at temperatures up to 25 ºС.

Available without a prescription.

On average, the price of Pimafucin tablets in pharmacy chains is 504-530 rubles (the package contains 20 pieces). You can purchase vaginal suppositories for approximately 515-555 rubles (package includes 6 pcs.

Anyone can buy Pimafucin vaginal suppositories without presenting a doctor's prescription. These candles are quite expensive. The cost of this medicine largely depends on the manufacturer of the drug, the number of suppositories contained in the package, as well as the markup of the pharmaceutical outlet. On average, the following prices are set for Pimafucin suppositories:

  • the cost of vaginal suppositories in the amount of 3 pieces is from 260 rubles;
  • the cost of vaginal suppositories in the amount of 6 pieces is from 550 rubles.

Due to the high price, not all patients are willing to spend money on purchasing a fairly expensive drug. Therefore, they are trying to find more affordable drugs that have similar therapeutic effects.

The easiest way to solve this problem is to seek advice on this issue from your doctor. It is not recommended to try to find a replacement for Pimafucin suppositories on your own. The fact is that each antifungal drug has its own contraindications and dosage, without knowing about which there is a high risk of encountering unwanted side reactions.

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The medicine is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription. Stored in a place protected from light and children at temperatures up to 25 degrees. The shelf life is four years.

Features of taking Pimafucin

There are a number of such features:

  1. Tablets should be used with caution in patients with liver failure to avoid complications.
  2. In case of congenital or acquired pathology associated with impaired digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting to use the drug in tablet form.
  3. During the treatment of mycosis of the nail plate, nails should be cut short.
  4. Suppositories for intravaginal use dissolve quickly under the influence of body temperature. A foamy mass forms. Therefore, it is not advisable to get out of bed for several hours after inserting the suppository.
  5. The suppositories contain cetyl alcohol, which causes a burning sensation. The discomfort goes away within 3-5 minutes.
  6. There is no need to abstain from sexual intercourse during treatment with Pimafucin.

During pregnancy and lactation

The drug can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But it is advisable to refrain from using tablets in the 1st trimester. In most cases, doctors prescribe suppositories and cream from the 2nd trimester.

In childhood

The drug is prescribed even to newborns. But do not neglect consulting your pediatrician.

Is it possible to use Pimafucin during menstruation?

You should not use ointments and suppositories during menstruation, as such a condition will reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Alcohol compatibility

The simultaneous use of medication and alcoholic beverages is not recommended, since in this case there is an excessive load on the liver, which can lead to the development of liver failure.

The simultaneous use of Pimafucin and alcoholic beverages is not recommended.

Patients often experience vomiting and diarrhea if the rules for taking Pimafucin are not followed.

Effect on concentration

The medicine does not have a negative effect on the functions of the cerebral cortex, which allows the drug to be used by people whose activities are associated with increased concentration and control of mechanisms.

During pregnancy

Pimafucin is one of the few antibacterial drugs approved for use by nursing women and those who are expecting a child. Its active component does not pass into breast milk . During treatment, no negative effects on the fetus are observed . The local principle of action of the medication allows it to be used at any time.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, the drug is used for prophylactic purposes. In this case, a shortened dosage regimen is used, namely no more than three days. In this situation, the drug allows you to avoid infection of the child with a fungus as it passes through the birth canal.

Causes of fungal infection

The disease is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, which are representatives of opportunistic flora. Normally, they are contained by beneficial bacteria, and therefore the person remains healthy. When the immune system is weakened, candida becomes more active, affecting the genitals and other organs of a person. Based on this, the main cause of pathology is a weak immune system. Immunity decreases after infectious diseases and taking antibacterial drugs.

Candidiasis can be caused by a variety of disorders of the human bacterial flora. Therefore, treatment of thrush during menstruation involves a whole range of measures. First of all, you should give up intimate hygiene products that contain dyes, fragrances and other chemicals. It is recommended to buy underwear made from natural materials and make sure that they are not too tight. It is important that the body breathes, as excessive sweating provokes the proliferation of candida.

Thus, doctors identify the main causes of the disease:

  • decreased immunity;
  • taking antibacterial drugs;
  • disruption of the natural bacterial flora of the vagina;
  • hormonal disbalance.

These are the main factors that provoke a fungal infection. To avoid illness, it is important to maintain personal hygiene and periodically visit a gynecologist.

The risk group includes patients of any age category. The nature of candidiasis is variable; it either subsides or sharply worsens. Periods of exacerbation of thrush are often observed during menstruation, as well as before it. Then patients begin to look for an answer to the question of whether candidiasis is somehow connected with the menstrual cycle.

The relationship between candidiasis and menstruation

For many representatives of the fair sex, thrush begins during menstruation, for several reasons:

  • During menstruation, an excellent environment for the development of fungal infection is formed on the inner membranes of the genital organs.
  • During menstrual periods, a woman experiences hormonal imbalance. When the balance of hormones is disturbed, fungi actively multiply.
  • During menstruation, the acidity of the vagina changes, the patient often uses various hygiene products. All this affects the activity of the fungus.

These are the main reasons why thrush occurs with itching and burning during menstruation.

For obvious reasons, during menstruation women use pads and tampons, which consist of artificial fibers. In addition, they contain fragrances and other chemicals that disrupt the natural bacterial flora of the vagina and provoke the development of infection.

A similar reaction can be caused by hygiene products (gel, soap) that contain aggressive chemical components. During this period, it is recommended to use hypoallergenic products.

During menstruation, you should devote even more time to personal hygiene. It is recommended to clean the genitals and change underwear at least 3 times a day. Otherwise, the likelihood of candidiasis increases.

If the patient feels itching in the vagina on the eve of menstruation, this should alert her. Other characteristic symptoms of candidiasis: increased discomfort, curdled discharge. These signs indicate the development of a fungal infection.

Many women are interested in the question of whether candidiasis affects the regularity or duration of menstruation. According to doctors, in most cases the disease does not affect the duration of the menstrual cycle.

With proper treatment, thrush during menstruation does not affect the entire body and creates discomfort only in the genital area. In the chronic form of the disease, the fungus affects internal organs. Then the menstrual cycle is disrupted due to ovarian diseases or obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

Price for Pimafucin in pharmacies

Variety Price when purchasing online, rubles Price on the pharmacy shelf, rubles
Tablets, 100 mg, 20 pcs. 508 550
Cream 2% 30 ml 323 350
Vaginal suppositories 100 mg 3 pcs. 270 300

Specifics of candidiasis during menstruation

The symptoms of thrush during menstruation are not so difficult to identify, the main thing is to be attentive to your condition. The itching is complemented by an unpleasant, pungent odor of the discharge. In addition, there is a burning sensation in the vagina, which intensifies during emptying of the bladder.

The question of what menstruation is like with thrush interests many girls. If critical days were previously painful, then with candidiasis the discomfort will intensify. In some patients, the volume of discharge increases. But the most discomfort is caused by itching, which is almost impossible to get rid of. This is explained by the fact that many local medications are washed away with secretions, and hygiene products are ineffective.

Girls are looking for an answer to the question of whether thrush goes away during menstruation. Most often, it is not possible to completely get rid of the disease, so treatment should be carried out after the end of this period.

Sometimes the symptoms of candidiasis are combined with delayed menstruation; this phenomenon occurs for the following reasons:

  • Menopause, hormonal changes in patients over 45 years of age.
  • Formation of the menstrual cycle in girls from 12 to 22 years old.
  • Some medications cause delay. After completing the course of treatment, the menstrual cycle is restored.
  • During pregnancy, hormonal changes also occur, the immune system is weakened, and as a result, the likelihood of a fungal infection increases.
  • Serious diseases also sometimes provoke candidiasis and delayed menstruation.

First of all, it is worth identifying the cause of the delay, and only then starting treatment.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Article updated: 05/22/2019

Reviews of Pimafucin indicate that most patients experience a positive effect after a course of treatment. However, in some cases, the woman’s condition remains the same or even worsens.

Some patients complain that the effect of treating thrush and some other diseases is short-lived. However, in general, Pimafucin quickly eliminates the symptoms of thrush. Cream and tablets work equally well on women and men and can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of candidiasis.

There are often good reviews about Pimafucin in tablet form: it is successfully used according to indications and begins to act quickly, and there are practically no adverse reactions. The drug in the form of vaginal suppositories usually eliminates the symptoms of candidiasis in the shortest possible time, since it has a local effect, unlike tablets.

During pregnancy, Pimafucin does not affect the development of the fetus and helps pregnant women forget about the manifestations of the disease in just a few days.

I learned about these suppositories from my doctor when I last visited him to cure thrush. After using the suppositories, despite the fact that the reviews said otherwise, I felt a slight burning sensation, but this cannot be compared with the discomfort that thrush caused me. An important advantage for me was that this drug can be used during pregnancy. However, it does not cause any harm to health.

Tatyana, Vitebsk

While expecting the birth of my baby, one day I felt itching and noticed discharge. After visiting the attending physician, I calmed down. It turned out that this was not a deviation. It's all about weakened immunity, against the background of which thrush often worsens. To improve my condition, I was prescribed Pimafucin suppositories. Only three days passed, and I completely forgot about the discomfort that had bothered me in recent days. When I took the tests again, no abnormalities were found. It is best to buy a pack of 6 pieces at the pharmacy. This will be enough to finally get rid of all symptoms.

Tamara, Orel

I worry about thrush symptoms from time to time. At one time, I tried to treat her with other drugs in the form of tablets. A couple of weeks before giving birth, the doctor recommended that I undergo a course of treatment with Pimafucin. He assured me that this drug would not cause any harm to the child’s health, and would help cleanse the birth canal. After treatment, I never regretted my decision.

Irina, Amur region

Treatment depending on the cycle

Thrush with itching and burning during menstruation is recommended to be treated in the early stages. This way you will speed up your recovery and avoid complications. It is best to start therapy before menstruation.

Your doctor will tell you how to treat thrush during your period. Usually tablets or vaginal suppositories are used for this purpose. Tablets have a systemic effect, and suppositories for thrush act locally.

Tablet antifungal drugs can be used at any stage of the menstrual cycle. They quickly exhibit a therapeutic effect, but cause many side effects. In addition, antifungal tablets have a whole list of contraindications.

Suppositories for thrush are a convenient, safe, practical dosage form. Suppositories act quickly and shorten the treatment period. However, on critical days, candles are used in a special way, otherwise their effectiveness is reduced.

Thus, thrush during menstruation can be treated with tablets or suppositories. However, before using the drug, you should consult your doctor.

Pharmacological properties


Natamycin irreversibly binds to ergosterol contained in the cell membrane of the fungal cell, which causes a violation of its integrity, loss of cytoplasmic contents and cell death. The substance is active against most pathogenic molds and yeasts, including those belonging to the genera Penicillium, Candida, Fusarium, Cephalosporium and Aspergillus.

P. boydii and dermatophytes demonstrate less sensitivity to natamycin. No cases of drug resistance have been reported to date. Pimafucin in the form of enteric tablets acts only in the intestinal lumen.


Natamycin is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and does not have a systemic effect.

Treatment before menstruation

According to statistics, fungal infection appears 7 days before the start of menstruation. During this period, a woman experiences a slight hormonal change, her immunity decreases, and the fungus is activated. If the disease occurs in a chronic form, then most often it worsens just before menstruation.

If a woman monitors her menstrual cycle and knows when her period will start, she can use antifungal pills. If she has contraindications to the use of the tablet form, then it is better to give preference to vaginal suppositories. It is better to use suppositories for thrush after the discharge has stopped. But if you are looking for a method to relieve itching during your period, then their use is acceptable.

What suppositories were you prescribed?

Whether you can use suppositories depends on what kind of medicine for thrush your doctor prescribed to you. The fact is that many suppositories are prescribed in combination with tablets, then temporarily stopping suppositories will not hurt. Look at the instructions for use, if menstruation is not among the contraindications, then you don’t have to worry and put them in the vagina as usual.

Therapy during menstruation

Many patients are interested in the question of how to treat thrush during menstruation. Doctors recommend using tablets. But it happens that the fungal infection began before menstruation and the patient has already started using vaginal suppositories. Then it is forbidden to interrupt treatment and switch to tablet drugs. Doctors allow the use of suppositories for thrush during menstruation, but a woman must follow the following rules:

  • It is better to administer suppositories before bedtime.
  • It is possible to administer suppositories during the day, although after the procedure it is recommended to remain in a horizontal position for another 30 minutes so that the medicine does not leak out of the vagina.
  • Usually, before using a suppository, it is recommended to douche; on critical days, this procedure is strictly prohibited.

Treatment of thrush during menstruation requires mandatory adherence to personal hygiene rules. It is important to keep the body clean, clean the genitals, change underwear and pads at least 3 times a day. Use only hypoallergenic hygiene products. If you are looking for options on how to relieve itching due to thrush during menstruation, then take note of the rules described above.

Drug interactions

Each doctor, when prescribing vaginal suppositories to a patient, will explain in detail whether it is possible to insert suppositories during menstruation and whether this applies to this drug. Many modern medicines are formulated in such a way that they can be used continuously even during menstruation.

The medicinal effect of the course of treatment is significantly enhanced due to the continuous and stable action of the drug throughout the entire period of treatment.

There is a large selection of such drugs developed against various infectious and fungal diseases. Therefore, during the consultation, the woman receives full information about whether it is possible to use suppositories during menstruation and what medications are currently available for use.

A positive point is also that using these medications during menstruation, you can successfully identify hidden infectious and inflammatory processes, since during menstruation the body goes through natural renewal and at the same time its resistance to infections increases.

Treatment after critical days

The easiest way to answer the question is how to treat thrush after menstruation. In this case, complex treatment of the disease is permitted. That is, the patient can use tablets and suppositories, and, if necessary, replace one drug with another. The main thing is to consult a doctor before using any medications.

If the disease does not go away after 14 days or more, then you should contact a gynecologist so that he can conduct a re-examination and select more effective drugs.


Instructions for use of Pimafucin in tablet form indicate that drug interactions with other medications have not been detected. This means that you can safely combine drugs, but only after consulting a doctor.

  • When using tablets: nausea and diarrhea (usually occur in the first days of treatment and go away on their own with continued therapy);
  • When using cream and suppositories: burning sensation, mild irritation.

There is no information on drug interactions with Pimafucin.

Popular suppositories

Candidiasis often reminds itself on menstrual periods, then women begin to look for options on how to treat thrush with itching and burning during menstruation. Many of them, due to contraindications to pills or personal preferences, choose vaginal suppositories. In this case, you should know which drugs are best to use and which to avoid:

  • Clotrimazole during menstruation increases the severity of symptoms of candidiasis.
  • Pimafucin dissolves in the vagina and comes out along with the discharge. In addition, the drug can cause irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • Terzhinan can be used when menstruation begins. The effect of suppositories is enhanced in a humid environment, that is, the discharge will not only not interfere, but will also make the therapeutic effect more pronounced.
  • Hexicon dissolves in the vagina and is excreted with menstrual flow. As a result, the effectiveness of the drug decreases, and therefore it is better to use it after the end of the discharge.
  • Genferon is effective against bacteria and viruses. On critical days, these suppositories are ineffective; with heavy discharge, most of the medicine is eliminated, and pathogenic microorganisms adapt to its components. Therefore, it is recommended to insert them into the anus.

Some women are looking for an answer to the question of whether suppositories for thrush can cause a delay in menstruation. According to patients, Clotrimazole suppositories have a similar effect. Therefore, they are recommended to be used after the end of the period or replaced with other drugs.

Now you know how to treat thrush during menstruation. The main thing before using any medications is to be examined by a gynecologist, who will clarify the diagnosis, select the most appropriate medications and draw up a treatment regimen. It is not recommended to treat thrush during menstruation on your own. This is explained by the fact that the likelihood of side effects increases; at best, the therapy will be ineffective.

Pimafucin - is it possible to use suppositories during menstruation?

Pimafucin suppositories are used to treat candida fungi, since the main substance is an active antibiotic that attacks yeast fungi. The active substance, natamycin, helps block the cell membranes of the fungus and leads to its complete death. The advantage of pimafucin over drugs of similar action is that local application does not affect other organs and is not absorbed into the blood. This factor makes it possible to prescribe suppositories with pimafucin to pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Positive reviews from many patients about the drug pimafucin show that side effects occur only in very rare cases. Sometimes slight irritation and a burning sensation may occur, as the instructions warn about. Also, a big advantage, according to many, is the availability of this drug, since it is in a low price category.

However, using pimafucin during menstruation, it is impossible to achieve a positive effect, since the discharge washes away the drug. After using the suppository, a foam of the drug is formed, which directly affects candidiasis, however, during menstruation, the foam is immediately washed off and does not have a therapeutic effect. Therefore, pimafucin is not used during menstruation, but a break is taken until the end of the discharge cycle, after which the use of the drug is resumed. This point is clearly indicated in the instructions for this medication.

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