Delayed menstruation due to thrush: causes and treatment

Thrush » Delayed menstruation due to thrush: causes and treatment

Could there be a delay due to thrush? What is causing the problem and how to get rid of it? A disease such as candidiasis, or thrush, occurs quite often in women; it is accompanied by discharge with an unpleasant odor, irritation, itching, redness, and in some cases pain occurs.

But this is not all manifestations of the disease; in some cases, a delay may occur due to thrush, which causes additional inconvenience. The fact that the cycle disruption is caused by a fungal infection is indicated by cheesy white discharge with an unpleasant odor and itching in the genital area. This suggests that it is necessary to contact a specialist to eliminate the cause and normalize the cycle. Natural remedies based on plant extracts are well suited for this, but medications may be required to eliminate a fungal infection, otherwise the disease will only be healed, but will not go away completely.

Is there always a delay in menstruation after thrush and is cycle disruption directly related to infection? Here it is necessary to take into account that the delay is not associated with the infection itself, but with the factors that the disease provokes - hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes, stress.

Why does candidiasis occur during menstruation?

Candidiasis or thrush is a fungal infection of the mucous membranes and skin caused by the fungus Candida spp.

Opportunistic fungi of the genus Candida are endosymbionts. They coexist peacefully with the host organism and are not capable of causing an infectious process themselves. The exception is situations when the resistance of the candidiasis organism decreases.

The growth and reproduction of fungi is hampered by the immune system and stable hormonal levels. Thanks to these factors, the body maintains the correct acid-base balance, which regulates a healthy ratio of beneficial bacteria and opportunistic microorganisms. But if the balance of microorganisms is disturbed, beneficial lactobacilli die, which allows the vaginal environment to become alkalized. A neutral and slightly alkaline environment is extremely favorable for the growth of fungi.

Often, a fungal infection appears before or during menstruation. This happens due to estrogen deficiency.

Estrogen is extremely important for maintaining vaginal pH. It produces glycogen production in the vaginal epithelium. As glycogen breaks down, it forms hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid. The first is involved in the protective function of the vagina from external infections. And the second is a nutrient medium for the metabolism of acidic lactobacilli.

Lactobacilli normally make up 95% of all microorganisms. 4% is occupied by bifidobacteria, and only 1% by all opportunistic microorganisms.

The fungus candida albicans cannot affect the functioning of the reproductive organs and the menstrual cycle, even in its active phase. Thrush can cause a delay in menstruation only indirectly, when the development of the fungus is provoked by reasons that can cause menstrual irregularities.

Also, menstruation may not come on time due to inflammation in the vagina. Candida may also be involved here. The activity of the fungus loosens the vaginal mucosa, which increases the risk of infection from the outside.

How to relieve unpleasant symptoms

To alleviate the condition before visiting a doctor, you can use proven and safe methods. The simplest is frequent washing with warm water, especially with the addition of baking soda or Furacilin tablets. They provide an alkaline environment in the water, and as a result of this washing, the pH of the vagina decreases.

For washing, you can also use a decoction of chamomile or sage. After detecting symptoms and until the end of treatment, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse, as it will provoke the development of the disease. And after treatment, unprotected sexual intercourse can cause a relapse of the disease. Therefore, both partners should be involved in the treatment of candidiasis.

Delayed menstruation and thrush require reasonable dietary adjustments. You need to exclude all spicy, salty and sweet foods, yeast bread. During the treatment period, you need to follow a diet, giving preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat foods and drink clean water.

Causes and characteristics of candida infection

Factors that have a negative impact on the hormonal and immune system weaken the protective functions of the vaginal microflora:

  • psycho-emotional shocks;
  • chronic autoimmune diseases;
  • use of birth control pills;
  • long-term use of antibacterial agents;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • errors in maintaining intimate hygiene;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • diets, fasting and hypovitaminosis;
  • obesity and sedentary lifestyle.

There are acute and chronic forms of thrush:


An acute episode is usually the initial outbreak of thrush. It is characterized by severe painful symptoms - itching and burning of the genitals, the appearance of lumpy discharge with an unpleasant odor, redness and swelling of the vulva. Primary candidiasis responds well to treatment with antifungal drugs. However, if proper therapy is not carried out, the acute form risks degenerating into chronic.


The chronic form is characterized by frequent outbreaks of fungal disease. Doctors diagnose recurrent candidiasis when episodes of the disease occur more than 3 times during the year. In practice, women with weakened immune systems encounter chronic candidiasis almost every month. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, candida develops varying degrees of sensitivity to immune and hormonal imbalances.

The symptoms of chronic fungus are more restrained, except during periods of exacerbation. Another negative feature of recurrent thrush is the difficulty of completely curing the disease. Fungi develop stronger resistance to antimycotics, which complicates the selection of medications and therapeutic regimens.

The causes of thrush vary from woman to woman:

  1. Primary candidiasis is often caused by antibacterial therapy, pregnancy, the use of hormonal drugs and an unbalanced diet.
  2. Women with weak immune defenses and unstable hormonal levels are susceptible to the chronic form. In them, exacerbations of candidiasis tend to occur during menstruation, when consuming certain foods, and against a background of stress. Often recurrent candidiasis develops against the background of another chronic disease.


Treatment of candidiasis before and during menstruation is especially important, since at this time the body is most vulnerable, and the disease quickly becomes chronic.

Experienced gynecologists advise giving preference to local medications in the form of suppositories or vaginal tablets:

  • “Clotrimazole”;
  • “Pimafucin”;
  • “Nystatin”;
  • “Livarol.”

Doctors advise choosing vaginal tablets or capsules, since suppositories are ineffective during this period.

If the disease is in an advanced stage, systemic antifungal drugs are prescribed:

  • “Mikozol”;
  • “Fluconazole”;
  • “Flucostat”;
  • "Diflucan".

The duration of the course and dosage regimen are determined by the doctor. Sometimes a single dose is enough, in some cases, after 7-10 days, repeated administration of the antimycotic tablet is necessary.

Treatment of candidiasis during menstruation has some features. The use of vaginal suppositories during this period is difficult due to heavy discharge, so they are used strictly at night.

In addition to suppositories, you can use creams, gels or ointments during menstruation.

If there are underlying inflammatory diseases, treatment begins with them. It is almost impossible to get rid of thrush and restore the cycle in the presence of inflammation.

IMPORTANT! Douching and sitz baths are not used to relieve symptoms of thrush during menstruation. During this period, there is a danger of penetration of antiseptic solutions into the uterine cavity, which can cause the development of a secondary infection.

Therapy after menstruation is no different from traditional therapy.

To relieve itching and burning in the vagina, during this period you can do douching and baths with soda-iodine solutions, herbal decoctions according to folk recipes.

A good folk remedy is tampons with tea tree or sea buckthorn oil.

They help relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, prevent erosion and limit the proliferation of fungal spores.

Delay of critical days

A delay in menstruation after thrush or during illness can be caused by disorders that lead to the proliferation of fungi and the development of an inflammatory process. In this case, a cause-and-effect relationship is traced between candidiasis and delayed menstruation, but the true reasons for such a coincidence lie in physiological or pathological changes in the body.

For physiological reasons, women's hormonal levels may become disrupted after menarche, during pregnancy, and before menopause.

In addition to global changes, hormones can fluctuate due to minor stress, poor diet, overexertion at work and lack of physical activity. To function normally, the female body needs a balance between mental and physical health.

Physiological disruptions can cause slight delays and are also accompanied by an unstable menstrual cycle.

Pathological factors influence the endocrine system inexorably and destructively.

Critical days may be delayed for the following reasons:

  • inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages;
  • urogenital infections;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Thrush does not affect periods, but their absence may indicate factors predisposing to the activation of candida infection. With hormonal imbalance, thrush is only a concomitant sign of menstrual irregularities, which caused a delay in monthly bleeding.

Chronic infection with candidiasis often occurs against the background of other gynecological diseases. In this case, it is possible to find out the cause of relapses only by undergoing a comprehensive gynecological and endocrine examination. But it also happens that the infection awakens under the influence of physiological factors.

Most often, women whose menstruation is delayed due to pregnancy experience thrush. Thrush does not prevent you from getting pregnant.

Thrush before menstruation

In such situations, comprehensive treatment aimed at eliminating pathogenic microflora and symptoms of candidiasis is extremely necessary. After the gynecologist confirms that the woman is healthy, the menstrual cycle should return to normal.

Do you think you are missing your period because of thrush? — Don’t think too long and contact a specialist, because if necessary, doctors will help and prescribe treatment for candidiasis and help return the cycle to normal order, bringing the body’s condition back to normal.


Candidiasis as a sign of pregnancy

Pregnancy is the first association with a delay in menstruation for most girls. And pregnant women quite often encounter candidal infections at different stages.

At the beginning of the first trimester, the main reason for the weakening of local immunity and pathological changes in the microflora is hormonal changes in the body. Progesterone and hCG are produced in large quantities, and estrogen levels increase gradually. This situation creates conditions for weakening the immune defense of the vagina and containing opportunistic pathogens.

Immunity is also reduced so that the body does not reject the implantation of the embryo into the body of the uterus.

With thrush, a delay in menstruation can only appear as a sign of pregnancy.

In addition to the above reasons, pregnancy is often accompanied by stress, general malaise and a violation of a balanced diet due to toxicosis. Therefore, there are many reasons for the development of candidiasis during pregnancy. A delay in menstruation in this case only indicates the girl’s interesting position and is a completely natural phenomenon.

If thrush and conception coincide, you should not delay consulting a gynecologist. It is important to restore healthy microflora and protective functions of the vaginal mucosa as quickly as possible.

The good news is that thrush can be treated at any time. But this can only be done as prescribed by a doctor, since many anti-fungal medications can cause harm to the fetus.

Fungus during and after menstruation

Thrush affects the cycle, but feedback is also acceptable. Menstrual discharge is an excellent environment for the development of fungal spores.

Failure to comply with hygiene requirements during menstruation causes the activation of fungus.

To reduce the likelihood of thrush, you need to carefully maintain hygiene, eat rationally, and avoid taking strong medications.

Compliance with the following rules will help prevent the development of candidiasis during menstruation:

  • use high-quality pads with natural fillers;
  • completely stop using tampons;
  • change pads every 2-3 hours;
  • after each change of pad, wash with special hygiene products;
  • do not take a bath, do not visit the bathhouse, sauna.

Immediately after menstruation, the development of thrush is associated with a weakening of the body. To prevent the activation of the fungus, it is necessary to maintain immunity. A gynecologist will help you select medications.

Video: Why thrush worsens before menstruation.

A qualified doctor answers questions about thrush. The topic of exacerbation of thrush before menstruation is well covered.

Causes of candidiasis during delay

If suspicions of pregnancy are not justified and the test shows a negative result, a delay in menstruation due to thrush may indicate the following:

  1. The presence of hormonal imbalance - endocrine disorders equally often cause menstrual dysfunction and can trigger the development of thrush.
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive organs - menstruation may not occur at the scheduled time due to disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries or uterus caused by inflammatory and infectious processes.

Candida does not cause problems in the functioning of the reproductive organs, but can accompany various urogenital pathologies that lead to delay. Also, thrush fungus can negatively affect the vaginal mucosa. When fungi adhere and colonize, the mucous membrane becomes loosened and irritated. As a result, it is easily susceptible to injury and cracks. Since the protective function of the microflora is reduced, external bacteria and viruses can easily enter the vagina. These infections provoke an inflammatory process that can not only delay menstruation, but also cause serious menstrual dysfunction.


The general principles of preventing candidiasis before or after menstruation are no different from measures taken during other periods:

  • careful hygiene;
  • wearing underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • diet;
  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • support of emotional balance;
  • maintaining a daily routine to prevent overwork.

The delay during candidiasis should not exceed 10 days. If the absence of menstruation lasts longer, even when the pregnancy test shows a negative result, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out the cause.

With simultaneous candidiasis and absence of menstruation, consultation with an immunologist and endocrinologist is also required. Only a thorough, comprehensive examination will help a woman correct both problems and prevent the development of complications.

Reasons for the development of thrush before menstruation

Candidiasis is a fungal disease accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms. Normally, every woman's vaginal microflora is represented not only by beneficial, but also by pathogenic microorganisms. Their presence in small quantities does not cause harm to health.

Thrush occurs when Candida fungi actively multiply under the influence of certain factors.

These include the following:

  • decreased immunity;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • carrying out antibacterial therapy;
  • imbalance of vaginal microflora;
  • poor genital hygiene;
  • visiting dirty ponds;
  • hormonal disorders.

Before menstruation, the most favorable conditions are created for the growth of the fungus. As a result of this, hyphae are formed that penetrate the layers of the epithelium. In advanced cases, pathogenic bacteria can spread throughout the body, affecting internal organs. Fungal infections multiply most quickly in high humidity, in an acidic environment and at low temperatures. Therefore, hypothermia can also provoke thrush.

Disturbance of the microflora can be caused by non-compliance with the principles of intimate hygiene, an incorrectly selected cleanser or wearing low-quality underwear. In some cases, the microflora changes due to improper nutrition. Candidiasis can occur with excessive consumption of sweet and starchy foods. In addition, infection with the fungus is possible through intimate intimacy.

After treatment with antibiotics, the body's immune defense is significantly reduced. On this soil, the number of fungi in the microflora exceeds the volume of lactobacilli. Therefore, thrush often occurs after surgical procedures. This can also happen while taking birth control pills. They provoke hormonal imbalance in the body.

What to do if thrush appears before every period

When symptoms of candidiasis constantly occur before the onset of menstruation, it is necessary to undergo a detailed examination of the body. The chronic form of the disease is often accompanied by other pathological processes. It is extremely important to find the reason for the weakening of the body during critical days. To reduce the severity of symptoms, the following principles must be considered:

  1. It is required to follow the rules of intimate hygiene. During menstruation, it is advisable to carry out water procedures at least three times a day.
  2. Strengthening your immune system will help you avoid developing candidiasis in the future. To this end, you should enrich your diet with minerals and vitamins, take daily walks in the fresh air and play sports.
  3. Treatment for thrush should always be carried out by both sexual partners. For men, medications are provided in the form of ointments. Women most often use vaginal suppositories. Intimacy during therapy is contraindicated.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to do douching and baths during menstrual periods. This can lead to infection in the genital tract.
  5. To avoid thrush, you need to eat right. The diet should include fruits, herbs and vegetables. It is advisable to avoid eating junk food. Fermented milk products have a positive effect on the vaginal environment.
  6. Underwear should be of high quality and comfortable. It is important that it is made of natural, breathable fabric. Cotton would be a good option.
  7. Regular visits to the gynecologist will help to timely diagnose diseases that can cause the development of candidiasis. You should visit a female doctor at least twice a year.

Therapeutic measures

There are many different oral and topical medications available to treat thrush. Mostly capsules, ointments and vaginal suppositories are prescribed. After examination and tests, the doctor, based on the results, will select the appropriate treatment that is most effective for a particular case.

Antifungal drugs are combined with restorative drugs. In therapy, in addition to taking medications, it is necessary to adjust nutrition, add vitamin complexes to the diet and limit the consumption of sweet baked goods.

It is advisable to give preference to comfortable underwear made from natural materials during treatment. It is worth noting that the cause of the appearance of fungus can be the use of hygiene products with artificial flavors. If the disease is detected in one of the partners, then both must undergo treatment.

Candidiasis can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. Thrush and delay appear under the influence of similar factors, so you need to conduct a full examination and determine the exact cause.

If, after completing the treatment course for the next month, the cycle failure appears again, then it is necessary to repeat the pregnancy test and monitor the tests. Thrush may reappear if the gynecologist's recommendations are not strictly followed.

Thrush and missed period test negative. Menstruation during pregnancy.

Late period test negative

Doctors consider the normal, healthy menstrual cycle of every woman to be 26-32 days. This cycle should be the same every time, with a slight deviation of 1-2 days, and this is considered normal. If a woman experiences such deviations or does not have a cycle at all, this is an alarming signal to visit a gynecologist for consultation and examination.

Reasons for missed periods if there is no pregnancy

After the pregnancy test performed confirms its absence by its result, you then need to deal with your existing internal problems and malfunctions in the body.

Disturbances of the hormonal system are a common occurrence, especially in women who have recently given birth to a baby, who are suffering from the consequences of recent abortions, miscarriages, that is, when the body is actively restructuring itself in a new way.

Delay after childbirth is normal physiology. From the first moments of the baby’s life, a new mother begins to produce prolactin, which promotes the appearance of milk and, as a result, a temporary stop in menstrual days.

Ovarian cysts are a common syndrome that causes retention. This disease requires strict timely treatment before the formation can increase in size to the maximum limit.

Endocrine disease . hypothyroidism, enlarged thyroid gland. With such ailments, there is an active mixing of male and female sex hormones; their insufficient production is what can cause changes in the menstrual cycle or its complete cancellation.

Sometimes a delay can be caused by unhealthy life circumstances that are completely unrelated to illness:

  • a sharp transition to a strict diet, exhaustion of your body with days of hunger, underweight or, conversely, obesity;
  • heavy physical activity, for example, with an active desire to lose weight as quickly as possible;
  • during acclimatization, sudden change of place of residence;
  • after depressive states, with constant stress, with severe psychological trauma.

Sometimes a delay in menstruation and a positive test may not indicate a possible pregnancy, and in such cases it is better to confirm by examination by a gynecologist and a blood test for hCG. The main reason for this condition is the long-term use of potent medications, which have brought difficult moments and a burden on the general condition of the woman’s body. This situation occurs rarely and only a doctor is able to properly assess it and prescribe appropriate treatment.

What to do if your period is late?

If there is a delay in menstruation and the test is positive, the woman is referred for tests and examination by a gynecologist. The test is negative - for ultrasound of the pelvic organs to identify gynecological diseases - polycystic disease, endometriosis. By performing a special procedure called calposcopy, it is possible to see a picture of the condition of the cervix and examine whether there are any formations or other inflammatory areas on it.

If the gynecologist, for her part, has not seen any changes, pathologies or ailments, then you need to look for disruptions in the body on a hormonal background and in endocrinology. To do this, a woman needs to consult an endocrinologist to identify the problem. Having studied the situation, the doctor will send the patient to undergo the necessary tests - blood, urine, hormone levels, ultrasound of the kidneys, adrenal glands. If the disease is cured as quickly as possible, then the menstrual cycle will soon improve quickly.

The menstrual cycle is the same cycle in the life of every woman, like metabolic processes in the body, digestion of food, and bowel movements. And it's important to monitor it properly, just like everything else. All factors leading to the disorder must be reduced as much as possible, do not get nervous over trifles, do not overwork, do not go hungry, but simply eat healthy and not unhealthy food. And then you can achieve excellent women's health, which does not depend on any negative influences.

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