Is it possible to use Livarol suppositories during menstruation?

Using Livarol during menstruation

The monthly arrival of menstruation indicates the normal functioning of the female reproductive system.
The inner uterine layer is rejected so that it is renewed and conception is possible. Along with this, there is a sharp surge in all the pathologies that a woman has. Thrush is no exception.

Livarol is prescribed by doctors during menstruation; it helps get rid of vaginal candidiasis, normalizing the woman’s condition.

Advantages of the drug

Livarol is a drug that has an antifungal effect. The main active ingredient of the product is ketoconazole, it copes with fungi of the Candida family, the causative agents of vaginal candidiasis.

The drug is available in the form of vaginal suppositories. It works after insertion into the vagina. Active components destroy fungal microorganisms. Livarol is prescribed for the purpose of treatment and prevention of candidiasis.

On the topic: is it possible to put candles during menstruation?

Livarol has another advantage - it triggers the restoration processes of the microflora of the reproductive system after the elimination of the disease. After insertion into the vagina, the active components of the product provide:

  • destroying (fungicidal) effect on all pathogenic fungi present in the vagina;
  • fugnistatic effect - the components of the drug slow down the growth and reproduction of pathogenic fungi.

Indications and contraindications

Livarol is prescribed by a gynecologist for the treatment and prevention of fungal infectious diseases of the female genital area. There are main indications for prescribing the drug:

  1. Acute, chronic form of vaginal candidiasis (thrush).
  2. An infectious disease of a mixed fungal-bacterial type.
  3. Vaginal microflora disorders.

Suppositories are prescribed as a preventive measure to prevent the development of fungal infections after a course of treatment with antibiotics, drugs that provoke the appearance of thrush, and disrupt the vaginal microflora. An infectious disease can trigger the appearance of candidiasis.

Livarol is prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication may be ineffective and may worsen a woman’s condition if she incorrectly identifies the cause of thrush.

The drug has a local effect, its components are not absorbed into the blood. There are only a few contraindications for its use:

  1. Livarol is prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  2. The drug is not prescribed for individual intolerance to individual components of its composition.

Overdoses and side effects

Experts have no information about drug overdose. Adverse reactions may occur if a woman uses the medicine for a long period of time.

All deviations from the norm disappear as soon as the course of treatment ends. Unpleasant sensations in the vaginal area can occur when a woman inserts several suppositories during the day, exceeding the required dosage.

It should be noted that this will not enhance the therapeutic effect provided by the drug.

Possible side effects will be highlighted:

  1. An individual allergic reaction is observed with increased sensitivity to the main active ingredient - ketoconazole or other components of the drug. Redness of the vaginal skin appears, itching and burning intensify. In rare cases, there may be pain in the lumbar region. The appearance of a rash in the perineal area cannot be ruled out. Treatment is stopped and an antiallergic drug is prescribed. In very rare cases, anaphylactic shock may develop.
  2. If you had unprotected sexual intercourse during treatment, your partner may experience temporary redness of the penis. Gynecologists recommend using condoms.
  3. If a woman did not complete the full course of treatment, the fungal infection could survive and cause a relapse of the disease, spreading to a large surface of the mucous membranes. In acute cases of the disease, a 5-day course of therapy is prescribed. If thrush is chronic, you need to be treated for 10 days.
  4. A side effect can be called copious discharge of fluid from the vagina some time after insertion of the suppository. During therapy, a woman should use pads, not tampons. She can observe that the discharge has a cheesy structure with mucus.

Directions for use and dosage

The required dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor, it depends on the nature of the disease.

  1. Suppositories for acute forms of candidiasis are administered 1 time per day, 1 pc. One suppository contains 400 mg of the active substance ketoconazole. Duration of treatment – ​​5 days.
  2. Therapy for a chronic, recurrent form of thrush lasts 10 days. A woman should put 1 candle for 10 days.
  3. For preventive purposes, Livarol is prescribed 1 piece for 5 days in a row. The course of therapy can be repeated once a month with appropriate recommendations from the gynecologist.

Instructions for use and gynecologists recommend administering suppositories in the evening before bed. If they are placed in the morning, a woman may feel discomfort with heavy vaginal discharge while walking or active movements. After inserting the suppository, it is better to maintain a supine position for at least 1-1.5 hours.

The suppository is removed from the blister and inserted into the vagina; you cannot hold it in your hands for a long time, it should not be damaged - broken, bent. If it falls on the floor or comes into contact with other objects, it should not be used.

If the integrity of the packaging was damaged before its use, the use of the product is prohibited. It is prohibited to use candles that have expired. After purchasing the product, you must comply with its storage conditions.

Use on critical days

Livarol suppositories can be used during menstruation, but gynecologists warn that during this period the therapeutic effect of the drug may decrease. The doctor will answer exactly whether it is possible to put candles. It all depends on the nature of candidiasis.

It should be understood that most of the active components of the drug can leave the vagina along with menstrual flow. The drug will not be able to provide a full therapeutic antifungal effect. This threatens that the disease will become chronic.

It is best to start inserting suppositories after the end of menstruation. The necessary therapeutic effect will be provided. During this period, the amount of estrogen increases; instead of destroyed fungal cells, the microflora will be populated by healthy lactobacilli. The recovery process will begin after a short course of therapy. The microflora affected by fungi will be restored.

Use during pregnancy

Livarol is prescribed during pregnancy if absolutely necessary. The concentration of the active substance is very small, it is practically not absorbed into the blood. The use of suppositories is contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. During this period, even a tiny concentration of ketoconazal can harm the development of the fetus.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, suppositories can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. He observes the woman during the treatment period. The treatment period is limited to a few days.


The cost of the drug may vary in different regions of the country. This is explained by transport costs and markups from pharmacy chains.

On average, the cost of 1 package of 10 vaginal suppositories varies from 458 to 644 rubles. 5 candles cost 338-474 rubles.


A good, effective analogue of the drug is Terzhinanm, Betadine. The preparations contain active substances that destroy yeast fungi. Terzhinan is a vaginal tablet containing neomycin and nystatin. After administration of the drug, Candida fungi, anaerobic, pyogenic microbes are destroyed.

Betadine - vaginal suppositories. Their active substances are destructive to fungi, cocci, and E. coli. It is strictly forbidden to select analogues of Livarol on your own, so as not to provoke a deterioration in the body’s condition and the appearance of side effects.

The therapeutic effect of the drug Livarol helps to quickly cope with thrush and restore the health of a woman’s genital organs. Examinations by a gynecologist and following his recommendations are the path to a healthy, happy life.



Many patients have become convinced of the effectiveness of the drug Livarol; reviews from gynecologists about the drug are also positive. Irina. The drug was prescribed after a smear on the flora - thrush was discovered, although there were no symptoms at all. The doctor said to carefully read the description of possible side effects and supplemented the therapy with Fluconazole. The suppositories are effective, they work clearly at the vaginal level, there were no described side effects, I completed the full course of treatment. I take it as a preventive measure.

Tatiana. Suppositories were prescribed during pregnancy. The effect appeared immediately, I just took it very carefully (in the 2nd trimester) and showed it to the obstetrician. Not cheap, but effective.

Love. Until I became pregnant, I didn’t know about thrush. The gestation period more than filled the gap in knowledge. Now I diagnose the fungus myself and immediately buy Livarol. By the way, the doctor supports me. Relief from symptoms occurs after the very first suppository, all the following suppositories help reduce symptoms and really cure. It can also be used for prevention. By the way, in general, all signs of thrush disappear after the third suppository, but you cannot stop treatment, it is better to be treated until the end.

Livarol during menstruation: is it possible to use suppositories, how to place and use them on these days?

Thrush is an insidious and common disease. It is characterized by extremely unpleasant symptoms and can provoke health-threatening complications. The causative agents are yeast fungi of the genus Candida, hence the other name for the disease - candidiasis.

An effective and popular remedy for thrush are Livarol suppositories, an antimycotic for topical use. Detailed instructions for use for thrush are below.

Advantages of the drug: the most localized mechanism of action with minimal overall effect on the body.

Ketoconazole is not absorbed into the blood; it acts locally on the lipid membranes of fungi (dermatophytes, molds and yeasts), destroying them and preventing further proliferation of pathogenic flora.

The drug is characterized by a wide spectrum of action; before use it does not require testing for the sensitivity of microorganisms to its active substance. In addition, Livarol eliminates staphylococcal and streptococcal infections in the vagina.

Livarol candles

Thrush is a common problem among women, which causes inconvenience in their usual lifestyle. This drug in the form of suppositories has an antifungal effect, destroying many microorganisms.

The main advantage of Livarol suppositories is the manifestation of activity exclusively in areas affected by the fungus with the absence of absorption of the active component into the blood. The effect of the active substance is reminiscent of an antibiotic.

Thus, suppositories cope with staphylococci, streptococci, candida, and fungal-bacterial associations.


The product is produced in the form of torpedo-shaped candles and is packaged in 5 or 10 pieces per cardboard box. One Livarol suppository for intravaginal use contains the components listed in the table below:

Features of the composition

The main active ingredient in Livarol suppositories for thrush is ketoconazole. The antimycotic effect of the drug is based on disrupting the elastic molecular structure of fungi and creating conditions that prevent their development.

Ketoconazole, as an antifungal agent, has activity against fungi that feed on keratin, yeast fungi (in particular the genus Candida), dimorphic and higher fungi. In addition, it is active against staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria. Systemic absorption of the drug after vaginal administration is small. The base of Livarol suppositories is polyethylene oxide (not oil).

Another treatment approach

Many modern women often experience repeated manifestations of chronic vaginal candidiasis. The reason for this is the disturbed microflora in the vagina. If in the treatment of thrush you always focus only on antimycotic drugs in the fight against saprophytic microflora, then you will not be able to achieve a lasting positive result.

“Candida fungus, when present in small quantities, is essential for maintaining women’s health. It regulates many metabolic processes in the mucous membranes of the vagina. Therefore, when the body tries to regain the lost balance after complete destruction of the fungus, the infectious process returns.”

After experiencing thrush, the body needs complete recovery. The patient should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • normalization of the natural flora of female reproductive organs;
  • restoration of the natural flora of the digestive tract;
  • increasing the overall vitality and defenses of the body.

If you do this under the supervision of a qualified gynecologist and using an integrated approach, you can count on a complete recovery after experiencing a primary thrush infection or another exacerbation of a chronic pathology.

Restoration of microflora without drugs

Against the background of current thrush, the pH of the vagina changes greatly, and this contributes to the addition of a secondary bacterial infection. Therefore, upon completion of taking Livarol in suppositories, it is imperative to take a vaginal smear to check the current state of the microflora.

Advantages of the drug

Women who have successfully treated thrush with Livarol note the following benefits:

  • The pronounced effect is achieved due to the fact that a high concentration of the active substance is created in the vagina.
  • Due to the fact that the drug is injected directly into the pathological focus, the therapeutic effect occurs quite quickly.
  • The absorption of ketoconazole when applied topically is negligible, so the patient can expect a minimum number of adverse reactions.
  • Livarol suppositories are convenient to use. There is no need to store them in the refrigerator.
  • Complete relief from obsessive symptoms occurs within 3-5 days.

Vaginal suppositories can be used for treatment only by women, but to prevent relapse, her sexual partner is also recommended to be treated using a different dosage form.

Useful tips

The following actions will help protect yourself from the recurrence of thrush:

  • Preferably wear cotton underwear to allow the body to “breathe.”
  • In a warm, humid environment, the fungus develops dynamically, so you should avoid wearing a wet swimsuit for long periods of time.
  • After hygiene of the external genitalia, use only your own personal towel, since wet tissue can harbor infection.
  • To avoid introducing bacteria from the anus to the vagina, you need to use a front-to-back motion when wiping.
  • Do not use products that irritate the skin around the vulva (bath oils, hygiene sprays and powders).
  • Consume sweets only in moderation, because if they are abused, the pH of the vagina may change, which will contribute to the activation of the Candida fungus.
  • Try to include fermented milk products with lactobacilli in your diet every day.
  • Against the background of ongoing antibacterial therapy, antifungal drugs and probiotics should be taken for preventive purposes.
  • During treatment for vulvovaginal candidiasis, you should abstain from sexual intercourse.

In addition, after a thrush has been cured with Livarol, a woman should definitely begin to restore the vaginal microflora.

Features of application

Livarol for thrush is used intravaginally. The duration of treatment is 3-5 days. 1 suppository is inserted deep into the vagina before bed.

Livarol suppositories have quite detailed instructions for use for thrush.

For those who have not used vaginal suppositories before, it will not be difficult to do everything according to the recommendations contained in the annotation included in the box with suppositories.


Description of the medicine

The medicine has a detrimental effect on fungal colonies multiplied in the female vagina. The drug is aimed at inhibiting the synthesis of certain substances on the surface of the fungus. This destroys its shell and makes it vulnerable to the components of the drug. Therefore, it is often prescribed for mild to severe forms of candidiasis or thrush. It should be added that the action is aimed directly at destroying the structure of yeast and dermatophytes. These fungi include species such as candida, pitirospores, trichophytes, epidermophytes, microspores.

In part, the product can also perform the functions of antibiotics, having a negative effect on strepto and staphylococci.

Watch the video, which will tell you verbatim and clearly all the nuances of using the drug.

The drug "Livarol" during menstruation: indications, contraindications, use during menstruation

The nature of the female body is designed in such a way that menstrual bleeding provokes a surge in various pathologies of the genital area of ​​the fair sex.

One of these diseases is thrush, for which livarol is well suited during menstruation. Every fifth inhabitant of the globe has experienced all the delights of vaginal candidiasis.

Therefore, safety and continuity of treatment are extremely important for gynecological and dermatological patients.

What is good about Livarol?

This drug is one of the most common antifungal drugs. Thanks to its active substance, ketoconazole, the drug is widely used in female dermatology.

The drug in question has proven itself in the treatment of most fungal colonies, which include dermatophytes and lithirospores. Staphylococci and streptococci also respond well to the action of medicine, that is, Livarol suppositories, when used correctly, can also work as an antibiotic.

This medicine is produced by the pharmaceutical industry only in the form of vaginal suppositories. This is due to the need to use other components of the drug as efficiently as possible.

In addition to ketoconazole, it contains macrogol and butyloxyanisole.

The listed substances help the targeted action of the remedy, protect the vaginal mucosa and enhance the healing effect of the main component.

The mechanism of action is quite simple: suppositories exert their intervention directly at the point of direct contact with the walls of the vagina, negatively affecting the mechanism for the construction of new yeast cells. Since the drug is practically not absorbed into the patient’s blood, possible allergic reactions or severe side effects are unlikely.

When to and when not to treat thrush with suppositories

If patients ask gynecologists or dermatologists whether it is possible to use Livarol during menstruation, doctors explain all the consequences of such treatment. Each individual case should be examined individually.

For what diseases is treatment with these vaginal suppositories recommended?

First of all, this medicine is prescribed to patients with severe vaginal candidiasis of any form. Various mixed types of infection, where thrush is accompanied by an inflammatory process, are also included in the scope of action of the drug.

In addition to Candida fungi, there are many reasons that cause changes in the microflora of a woman’s vagina. Menstruation also increases the growth of pathogenic cells. Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to use Livarol suppositories during menstruation will be positive for most experts.

Are there any contraindications to treatment with this drug?

Compared to other medications, Livarol vaginal suppositories have virtually no contraindications. According to the recommendation of specialists, medication use should be limited in the first trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Although the negative effects of vaginal suppositories used by the mother on the baby during feeding have not been proven, the drug is recommended to be used only after consultation with a doctor.

As for side effects, as with any local treatment, reactions in the form of itching, hyperemia or swelling are possible. In very rare cases, various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract have been described, but most likely such symptoms simply coincided with taking the drug.

Expert advice on using the medicine

If a woman is diagnosed with “Vaginal candidiasis,” then livarol is considered the drug of choice for complex therapy of this pathology. The dose and duration of use of suppositories depend on the form of the disease.

In cases where thrush is first detected or is acute, the patient is recommended to insert one suppository into the vagina for 5 days. The procedure is carried out before bedtime, in a supine position.

In the presence of a chronic process, at least 9 to 12 doses of medication may be required to obtain a long-term positive effect. The course of therapy is usually developed by the attending physician, and it is not recommended to stop treatment on your own.

The last rule is very important for patients whose use of vaginal suppositories coincided with the first days of menstruation. Dermatologists believe that, thanks to their formula, Livarol suppositories during menstruation have a positive effect on the walls and mucous membrane of the vagina during this difficult period for a woman.

It should be emphasized that the medicine has proven itself well when used during menstruation. Its main distinguishing features from most similar drugs are:

  • the presence of an oil base allows them to be inserted deep into the vagina, which is important for bleeding;
  • even during menstruation, the medicinal substance continues its therapeutic effect without physically affecting the walls of the vagina and without destroying the provoked epithelium;
  • Thanks to its complex formula, the medicine evenly affects a small surface of the mucous membrane equally, which enhances the therapeutic effect.

What can replace the drug for the treatment of thrush?

The modern pharmacy chain offers a fairly large selection of various medications that have the same effect on the female body as livarol. But it's not that simple.

First of all, it should be noted that, despite all their rather unique indicators, suppositories with ketoconazole are quite gentle in pharmacies in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. In Ukrainian pharmacies, the price of suppositories ranges from 120 to 220 hryvnia per pack of 5 suppositories. It all depends on the company and country of origin.

In Russian pharmacies the price is not much different, which makes this medicine accessible to the widest segments of the female population. The picture with many analogues is not so rosy.

Drugs with the same spectrum of action are much more expensive. For example, “Gino-pevaril” – up to 600 hryvnia, “Ginofort” – up to 400 hryvnia, and the popular “Clotrimazole”, although it remains in the same price range, is inferior to livarol in terms of effectiveness.

“Lomexin” and “Klion” are also analogues of the drug in question, but many experts are in no hurry to recommend them to their patients.

It should be noted that for many of the listed medications, menstruation is a direct contraindication and a break in the treatment of thrush in such patients is required.

We recommend reading the article about restoring microflora after thrush. From it you will learn about the causes of vaginal dysbiosis, the use of medications to restore a normal environment after treatment.

Is it possible to use Livarol during menstruation? Many visitors to medical sites and forums are concerned. It must be said that taking into account all of the above, these vaginal suppositories are most indicated for women suffering from thrush. Such a statement is not an advertisement. This conclusion is confirmed by the majority of specialists working in this area of ​​patient care.


Composition and principle of action

The drug is produced in white vaginal suppositories with possible shades - yellow, cream, gray. The package contains five to ten suppositories.

The active ingredient of the drug is ketoconazole. One suppository contains 400 mg. Ketoconazole is practically not able to be absorbed into the blood, so systemic effects do not occur during treatment. The medicine is active precisely in the affected area - the mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina. Excipients include macrogol and butyloxyanisole. They enhance the effect of ketoconazole.

The advantage of the drug is its combined effect - antimycotic and antibacterial. Ketoconazole is able to suppress the activity of streptococci and staphylococci, accelerating a woman’s recovery.

What kind of suppositories can be used for thrush during menstruation?

In some cases, menstruation provokes the appearance of thrush due to changes in hormonal levels, decreased immunity, maintenance of an environment favorable to fungi, or aggravate the course of existing genital candidiasis.

Abundant thick discharge, constant itching and pain during urination disrupt the physical and emotional state of a woman. A good way out of this situation would be approved suppositories for thrush during menstruation, or rather their use.

Is it possible to use suppositories for candidiasis during menstruation?

The menstrual cycle begins with desquamation of the endometrium and, accordingly, injury to the vascular walls, the permeability of which increases. As you know, blood is a favorable environment for the life and reproduction of microorganisms, including yeast-like fungi, which are the causative agent of candidiasis.

Find out whether there can be thrush without discharge, but with itching or not - by reading the corresponding article!!!

With thrush, activated fungi form dense plaques on the mucous membrane of the vaginal cavity, when rejected, bright red erosive surfaces are revealed.

Due to the appearance of blood in the vaginal cavity, fungi from the genus Candida not only multiply intensively, but also injure the inner lining to a greater extent and penetrate through the provoked vascular walls into the blood.

As a result, the clinical manifestations of thrush become more intense.

Therefore, the answer to the question: is it possible to use suppositories for thrush during menstruation, will be a resounding YES. For this purpose, pharmacological companies have developed local drugs in the form of suppositories that do not lose their effectiveness even during women’s critical days.

What candles are best for girls: TOP-3

Since menstrual flow only worsens the disease, it is mandatory to use suppositories for thrush during menstruation, which would have a comprehensive effect on the problem:

  1. "Terzhinan."
  2. "Livarol."
  3. "Betadine."


Being a complex drug, Terzhinan simultaneously acts on both bacteria and fungi. Neomycin, nystatin, prednisolone and ternidazole included in the composition destroy pyogenic and anaerobic bacteria, fight fungi from the genus Candida and have a local anti-inflammatory effect.

The list of side effects includes the possible occurrence of local burning, irritation or allergic reactions, especially in the first days of therapy. The product is prohibited for women who have hypersensitivity to the main components of the drug.

When using the tablets correctly, before inserting them into the vaginal cavity to wet them, they must be dipped in clean water for 30 seconds. The duration of continuous treatment is 20 days (one tablet at night); menstruation is not the reason for stopping the course.


Also, during menstruation, you can insert suppositories for thrush called Livarol, the main component of which is the well-known ketoconazole. It stops the growth of fungi well and quickly, followed by their destruction.

Livarol is prescribed as a treatment for acute, recurrent and chronic thrush, for the prevention of fungal infections with long-term use of antibacterial agents.

Treatment of acute candidiasis involves the use of one intravaginal suppository for a course of 3 to 5 days before bedtime. In chronic cases, the duration of therapy is extended to 10 days.

Contraindications include: allergies to the active substance of the drug, early pregnancy (in particular, up to the 12th week), breastfeeding.


Betadine vaginal suppositories are a powerful antiseptic and disinfectant that has a detrimental effect on viruses, E. coli, cocci and yeast-like fungi.

When it enters the vaginal cavity, the active component of the suppository begins to disintegrate and release iodine, which destroys pathogenic microorganisms, viruses and fungi.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the fact that the main substance binds to the proteins of the cell membrane of the pathogen, thereby promoting their coagulation (folding).

Betadine molecules are large, and therefore practically do not enter the systemic circulation.

Indications for use:

  1. Infections with sexual transmission (trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, herpes type 2, etc.).
  2. Vaginal candidiasis.
  3. Inflammatory lesions of the external genital organs and vaginal cavity (colpitis, vulvitis).
  4. How to prevent infection during gynecological procedures.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms of an acute fungal infection, one intravaginal suppository is prescribed before bedtime for a minimum course of three days. If complaints persist, taking the drug can be extended up to two weeks.

It is important to remember that Betadine suppositories should not be taken by women who are allergic to iodine-containing drugs, have thyroid pathology with high levels of thyroid hormones, or are taking other medications that contain iodine ions.

How to properly use suppositories for thrush during menstruation?

Having figured out what local remedies can be used in the treatment of genital candidiasis during menstruation, let’s familiarize ourselves with the rules for their use:

  • Before using any medicinal product, you must wash your hands thoroughly.
  • For intimate hygiene, it is recommended to use only plain water or soap for children, as they do not cause irritation and do not aggravate the symptoms of the disease.
  • During menstruation, personal hygiene products should be fragrance-free and replaced quite often.
  • Before inserting the suppository, the woman should take a comfortable position, lying on her back with her legs slightly apart and bent at the knees.
  • You can insert candles with your fingers or a special applicator, if available. Inserted into the vaginal cavity to the maximum possible depth with slow and gentle movements.
  • It is advisable to carry out the procedure immediately before bedtime. If this happens during the day, then at the end the woman should remain in a horizontal position for at least 20 minutes.


Side effects and complications

  • local reactions - itching and redness of the vaginal mucosa;
  • allergies - skin rashes, swelling, urticaria;
  • dyspepsia - abdominal discomfort, nausea;
  • neurological disorders - dizziness.

If any side effects occur, you should stop using the suppositories and seek qualified help.

There is no data on drug overdose. If the frequency of use has been exceeded, local reactions may occur, manifested by irritation of the vagina. In this case, you should douche with clean water.

Reasons for prescription and features of the drug

Deadlines by trimesterIndications for useContraindications
1st trimesterDo not use before 12 weeks. Only a specialist can speak about the possibility of using candles. Use in the first trimester is prohibited unless prescribed by a specialist. It is prescribed when the potential benefit to the mother’s body outweighs the possible risk to the baby.
2nd trimesterDuring pregnancy, treatment with livarol is prescribed for fungal diseases (thrush).Sensitivity to the components of the substance. Risk of miscarriage. Allergic reactions.
3rd trimesterTreatment and prevention of candidiasis.As in the second trimester - individual intolerance to the drug. Special orders from your doctor.

Also find out about suppositories for thrush in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy and read reviews about Pimafucin suppositories during pregnancy.

For the treatment of fungal diseases

If during the study no critical side effects on the fetus occurred, then specialists often prescribe livarol during pregnancy. But, nevertheless, the possibility of the following manifestations after taking the drug is noted:

  • toxic effect of the drug on the liver: taking into account the fact that in a pregnant woman she works with double load, since she cleanses not only her body, but also the child’s body, if there is a direct release of a toxic substance into the blood, this can aggravate the condition of the liver;
  • possible disruption of the gastrointestinal tract: some experience nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, sometimes there may be bloating, usually all these symptoms already bother a woman during pregnancy (starting from the middle of the 1st trimester), the drug Livarol can aggravate her condition ;
  • possible disorders of the nervous system - headaches, dizziness, a feeling of goose bumps: a woman may feel sleepy or, on the contrary, suffer from insomnia, some experience increased excitability, anxiety, fatigue, fainting, weakness, in rare cases there is an increase in intracranial pressure, therefore, if such symptoms occur, you should stop taking the medication and consult a specialist.

A woman may have an allergic reaction - itching, burning, inflammation. The use of the medicine is prohibited until 12 weeks. In case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. You should also not take Livarol while breastfeeding.

It has been used in obstetrics and gynecology for a long time. If the instructions are followed, side effects are observed in a small percentage of women during pregnancy, and the price of the drug is acceptable.

10 pieces per pack

Instructions for use.

  1. Candles are prescribed as a course of treatment. Usually it ranges from 3 to 5 days (can be up to 10 days). Depending on the severity or form of the disease, the doctor prescribes an individual medication.
  2. It is necessary to use 1 suppository per day (also determined by the gynecologist).
  3. Lying on your back, you need to insert the suppository deeply into the vagina.
  4. After administration, it is better not to get up for at least half an hour, do it at night. The candle melts and part of it flows out.
  5. It is better to carry out treatment in parallel with a partner to achieve greater effect.

Take only on the advice of a specialist

Everything about vaginal candidiasis

Thrush is a modern disease caused by a large number of fungi of the genus Candida. This disease is not only gynecological; fungi affect the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and intestines. This happens only if in these areas there is a favorable environment for their reproduction. It is vaginal candidiasis that brings the most discomfort and symptoms. It can be determined by the following manifestations:

  • cheesy discharge from the genital tract with a strong odor and color;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • itching in the perineum.

Only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis after an examination, and the patient must undergo a smear. Only after these steps can the correct treatment be prescribed. After all, each person’s body has different sensitivity to certain components of the drug. Therefore, you should not ignore your doctor’s consultation and prescribe medications yourself. Without laboratory analysis, it is impossible to determine the active ingredient in the drug that is suitable specifically for you. Another important factor is that many women confuse it with other gynecological diseases. With the appearance of discharge, the first thought for everyone is thrush. And so often this conclusion is erroneous!

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