If pimafucin tablets do not help with thrush

If pimafucin tablets do not help with thrush

Almost everyone knows that candidiasis
is not just an infectious disease, but very often a sign of weakened immunity, because very often it occurs while taking antibiotics, with serious diseases that weaken the body’s defenses. Therefore, of course, an obligatory step in the fight against thrush is strengthening one’s own immunity, but in most cases this is not enough; taking antifungal drugs is required. And here many are faced with the choice of “that same” drug, which is quite wide today. Among these medications there are widely advertised remedies, but will they be beneficial? We will talk about pimafucin: its effectiveness, reviews and possible disadvantages.

Pimafucin is prescribed for candidiasis

, it is especially effective for vulvovaginal candidiasis - thrush, which is manifested by itching and burning in the vagina, cheesy discharge with a sour odor.

drug has

a number of advantages that quite often force one to make a choice in its favor.
1. Manufacturers have taken care to produce
several dosage forms that can be used simultaneously. Vaginal suppositories are used for thrush by women; the cream should be applied to the mucous membranes of the external genitalia affected by the fungus (including the sexual partner). It is very important that not only the woman, but also the man is treated for thrush, because quite often he is a carrier of a pathogenic fungus, but does not get sick himself. The release of tablets is also provided; they are required to be taken orally for recurrent forms of candidiasis that cannot be cured using only suppositories. Thus, using tablets, suppositories and cream, you can treat thrush comprehensively, destroying fungi in all areas - the intestines and the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

2. Pimafucin

- one of the few drugs of choice for the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant and lactating women, because the components of this drug are not absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore, do not affect the fetus in the uterus and do not pass into milk. This is another very important reason for the popularity of this remedy among many others.

3. In many cases, pimafucin

facilitates the course of thrush or completely gets rid of it quite quickly. There are three candles in one package - this is enough to suppress a mild form of thrush.

Still pimafucin

It also has disadvantages. In many cases, three suppositories are not enough to get rid of candidiasis, but to make thrush chronic it is quite enough. Therefore, reviews about the drug are often negative, because the severity of thrush is different for everyone, that is, different women require different courses of treatment with suppositories. If it is too short, candidiasis may recur. The course of treatment, therefore, can range from 3 to 9 days, but if the focus of the fungal infection is in the intestines, you also need to take pills to avoid relapses. Not all women who make an independent decision about treatment with pimafucin know about this.

In addition, the cost of pimafucin

, according to many, is overpriced, because a package with three suppositories, which are often not enough to say goodbye to thrush completely, is about 500 rubles. That is, treatment lasting 6 days will cost a thousand rubles. Add to this the cost of the cream, which sometimes you also need to buy, and some will have to take pills. Due to the price of pimafucin, which, according to many women, is unreasonably high, the number of negative reviews is growing.

However, a good half of women

Those who tried this drug were quite satisfied, because it really quickly copes with mild forms of thrush, while cheaper suppositories take several longer to treat.

Don't forget about the side effects

. They are rare, but observed. In women who are intolerant to the components of the drug (antibiotic natamycin), the situation may even worsen. Itching and burning increase, the mucous membrane is further damaged, and the course of thrush is further complicated by an increased inflammatory reaction. Naturally, in this case, you should stop using pimafucin and consult a doctor, he will select a safe drug.

Indications for use

It is advisable to use Pimafucin for any reason that has caused infection with candidiasis. They may be:

  • antibiotic treatment;
  • decreased immunity;
  • pregnancy, etc.

When treated with antibiotics and corticosteroids in patients with weak immunity, atrophic and acute candidiasis may occur. Also, an indication for the use of Pimafucin is intestinal candidiasis.

When treating thrush with an antimycotic drug, it is worth considering that there is a possibility of its reappearance. This depends on many external and internal factors, such as stress, decreased immunity and other problems in the body.

The drug in tablet form is taken orally, regardless of meals, 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 week. In the form of suppositories, Pimafucin is administered 1 time at night for 6 to 9 days.

Pimafucin does not help

no itching, but strong discharge ((pimafucin saves for a maximum of a week and that’s all. I told my doctor, she prescribed pimafucin again! Can I replace it with something? Well, I can’t anymore! ((( Read more

I got a thrush ((for the third time in 4 months of pregnancy! Pimafucin and soda don’t help anymore, what should I do?? Read more →

It’s been a month since I’ve been infuriated by the state of being “there”. Either there was a sea of ​​discharge (white-yellow dense, odorless), then it was dry as in the desert... then the itching that I wanted to climb the wall, then it went away on its own... The first treatment was “Pimafucin” for 6 days + washed off with chamomile + chlorhexidine. It helped at the moment of treatment for +2 days, then everything went back... I bought Clotrimazole, nothing at all. Cracks began to appear, bleeding ((And swelling appeared.. * I read that all this happens during pregnancy, but I have no strength to endure it (especially at night it gets worse). Read more →

Pimafucin, Pimafucin. I don't care about it at all. 600 rubles in the trash. I know it helps a lot of people with B. What other suppositories are possible in the 2nd trimester? Terzhinan, clotrimazole, what helped whom? or try everything until it gets better? It’s not too soon to see a doctor, and they prescribe “so, you haven’t tried it yet? yeah! let’s try THIS.” Continue reading →

Hello, I had terrible thrush throughout my pregnancy (it manifested itself in the form of dryness and burning (there was practically no cheesy discharge), I suffered a lot, everything itched a little (I was treated first with pimafucin, it helped for 3 days, then the gynecologist prescribed some suppositories to the cat . They also helped weakly, then I tried pimafucin again and a terrible burning sensation began from it and the disk fort and so continued until the end of pregnancy. Only douching with soda helped. And then I tried sodium. Tetracarbonate or borax in glycerin, it helped. Read more →

Hello girls! The thrush has appeared again. In principle, pimafucin helps me well, but how often can I use it? I don’t overuse candles, but I do apply cream periodically. Continue reading →

Pimafucin for thrush

Candidiasis or thrush is a common disease that can affect men, women and children. The disease manifests itself in the form of noticeable and extremely unpleasant symptoms: itching and burning of the external genitalia, redness and swelling, burning and stinging when urinating, pain during sexual intercourse, cheesy discharge.

Pharmaceutical companies offer a wide selection of drugs that have antimycotic properties. One of the effective drugs that has proven itself to be the best is pimafucin for thrush.

Despite the fact that pimafucin belongs to a number of antibiotics, it has a gentle effect on the body.

Diagnosis and treatment

If the itching sensation does not go away after antifungal therapy, you should seek medical help. After all, this unpleasant symptom may indicate not only an imbalance of microflora or untreated thrush, but also quite serious pathologies of the body. To correctly determine the cause of itching, the doctor carries out the following measures:

  • analyzes the nature of all symptoms, including the category of itching, time of its appearance, intensity, etc.;
  • finds out what medications the patient used to treat thrush, what personal hygiene products are used;
  • determines after examination whether vaginal candidiasis has been completely treated;
  • takes material for laboratory research.

After doing all this work, the doctor makes a final diagnosis and prescribes the necessary treatment.

As for drug therapy, the following types will help cope with this problem.

  • Antihistamine treatment is aimed at relieving the symptoms of allergic reactions. Itching may remain for this very reason.
  • Antifungal therapy will help completely eliminate candida.
  • Vitamin preparations are aimed at increasing the level of immunity.
  • Sometimes treatment with antibiotics is required if persistent itching is caused by a bacterial infection.
  • Probiotics will restore the vaginal microflora.

All medications must be approved by a doctor, and the course of therapy must be completed.

Pimafucin suppositories for thrush

If we talk in general about antifungal agents in the form of vaginal suppositories, they are often prescribed for fungal infections of the lower intestines and genitals. Usually, the use of this dosage form does not cause any difficulties or discomfort.

It is recommended to use vaginal suppositories after hygiene procedures in the evening. A woman should carry out the procedure exclusively with clean hands. It is better to administer the suppository in a lying position. There is no need to wet it before insertion.

How to take during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, candidiasis often worries pregnant women in the early stages. The state of the immune system plays a major role in the development of the pathological process. After all, it is the immune system that controls the growth and reproduction of fungal infections.

If the protective forces weaken, then yeast-like fungi begin to actively multiply and form colonies. During pregnancy, the immune system is greatly weakened, so it is during this period that thrush is a common occurrence.

According to experts, pimafucin is non-toxic and cannot harm either a pregnant woman or a developing fetus. Pimafucin can be safely used from the first days of pregnancy. It is better to use vaginal suppositories than pills.

How to soothe itching with home remedies

Of course, itching must be eliminated, first of all, with medication and always under the supervision of a doctor, however, the intensity of the unpleasant symptom can be reduced using safe methods of traditional medicine. Let's talk about these methods in more detail.

Sitz bath

A bath containing salt and iodine will help relieve itching. Recipe: per liter of water, a teaspoon of salt and iodine. Dry ingredients are dissolved in warm water and poured into a bowl. You need to sit in this solution for 10-15 minutes. The course is 10 days, with each procedure performed, irritating sensations in the vagina will subside.

Kefir tampon

Since lactobacilli, which are abundant in unsweetened fermented milk drinks, fight Candida fungus, you can also use regular kefir to eliminate itching. The method is as follows: a sterile cotton swab is soaked in kefir, after which it is placed in the vagina, where it remains overnight. After several such procedures, the discomfort will disappear.

Before the procedure, rinse your vagina with a chamomile solution, which has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. For rinsing, you can use a syringe without a needle or a rubber bulb.

Garlic has a pronounced antimicrobial effect - this spicy vegetable can also be used to relieve itching after thrush. To prepare the solution, take a couple of cloves and add a liter of boiling water. When the solution has cooled, it can be used (without the cloves, of course). Douching should be done twice a day until the discomfort stops.

Use home remedies only as an addition to traditional therapy. In addition to the listed methods, you can also use douching with herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, sage), wiping the genitals externally with a solution of tea tree essential oil.

Pimafucin tablets for thrush

Usually tablets are prescribed if there is no effect from the use of suppositories. Often it is the complex use of several dosage forms of the drug that gives the expected result.

The duration of treatment largely depends on the severity of the disease and the progress of the treatment process. Ten days are usually enough to cure, but in rare cases it may take three weeks.

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