How to stop uterine bleeding with endometrial hyperplasia

Signs of uterine bleeding can occur in women of any age - both in adolescence and after menopause. The main point that interests a woman in this situation is how to stop uterine bleeding at home? Some types of pathological bleeding can signal very dangerous diseases , so it is imperative to identify the causes of uterine bleeding through a thorough and comprehensive diagnosis. Treatment with medications or surgery is possible, but often treatment of uterine bleeding with folk remedies is sufficient.

Symptoms and signs of uterine bleeding

Before figuring out how to stop uterine bleeding at home, you should know exactly its symptoms and not confuse them with normal menstruation. It is also necessary to distinguish pathology from bleeding during a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, so before treatment it is better to make sure that there is no “interesting situation”.

So, the main signs of uterine bleeding are the appearance of blood from the vagina with the following features:

  • increased amount of blood (more than 80-100 ml.)
  • rapid filling of hygiene products with blood
  • increase in the duration of usual menstruation
  • shortening of the menstrual cycle
  • the appearance of blood after physical activity, excitement, sexual intercourse, etc.
  • discharge of blood after the final completion of menstruation - in menopause, or before it begins (juvenile bleeding)

If the pathology has caused a lack of hemoglobin, uterine bleeding has symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath, weakness, decreased performance, and pallor.

Treatment methods

Uterine bleeding in life-threatening situations is stopped by taking the hormonal drugs Rigevidon, Marvelon, Mercilon.

To stop the bleeding, a therapeutic and diagnostic curettage is performed, during which a tissue sample is taken.

Drug therapy

Treatment to prevent blood loss is prescribed by a gynecologist, mainly:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • iron supplements for low hemoglobin;
  • medications that increase blood clotting;
  • means for contracting the uterus.

Infusion methods

Infusion therapy is aimed at restoring the volume of circulating blood.

In case of extensive blood loss, the following is transfused:

  • red blood cell mass;
  • whole blood;
  • fresh frozen plasma.

Surgical methods of treatment

If the effectiveness of drug and infusion treatment is low, surgery is performed to cleanse purulent foci and eliminate endometrial remnants.

Depending on the intensity of bleeding, they resort to:

  • hysteroscopic ablation of the endometrium;
  • diagnostic curettage;
  • removal of the uterus.

Traditional recipes for stopping bleeding

Traditional methods of treatment are used as additional methods of combating the disease.

They take infusions of nettle, water pepper, yarrow, viburnum bark, horsetail, knotweed, shepherd's purse, and hogweed.

Uterine bleeding: treatment with folk remedies, 8 recipes

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Many folk remedies serve as excellent emergency aid for pathological bleeding in women. They have a hemostatic (hemostatic) effect, so they can quickly stop an unpleasant phenomenon.

Nettle and yarrow

The simplest way to stop uterine bleeding at home is to prepare an infusion of the herbs available to everyone - nettle and yarrow. Take 25 grams. nettle leaf and yarrow leaf and flowers. Finely chop all the raw materials, after which a spoonful of it is brewed in 200 ml of boiling water. Once wrapped, keep the product for 2 hours, filter, drink 100 ml three times a day on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 10 days, which will serve as an excellent prevention of recurrence of bleeding.

Cucumber lashes

Treatment of uterine bleeding with folk remedies is also possible with the help of cucumber lashes, which are collected after harvesting. It will take 50 g. dry lashes: they need to be finely chopped. Pour the raw material with half a liter of water, let it boil over high heat, then boil over low heat for another 5 minutes. Afterwards, pour the broth into a thermos, and after an hour, filter it. Drink 120 ml three times a day for uterine bleeding. Usually, bleeding stops already on the first or second day, especially if you are on bed rest.

Cucumber lash, fragment

Shepherd's Purse

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Another method to stop uterine bleeding at home is to take an infusion of shepherd’s purse. The plant is brewed with boiling water at the rate of a glass per tablespoon of raw materials. After standing for an hour, strain the product and drink it a spoonful four times a day on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 3 days, or until bleeding stops.

A decoction of shepherd's purse also has a hemostatic effect. To make it, a spoonful of the dried plant is brewed with a glass of boiling water, and then evaporated using a water bath until reduced by half. Treatment order: take a teaspoon three times a day until the bleeding stops.

Shepherd's Purse

You can squeeze the juice out of a fresh plant by first washing it and chopping it into a paste. This juice is drunk 40 drops three times a day: it is very effective and quickly stops uterine bleeding of any cause.

Pepper Knotweed

Experienced healers recommend treating uterine bleeding with folk remedies using the herb peppermint. Infuse a spoonful of dry knotweed herb in a glass of boiling water, wrap the infusion for half an hour, and filter. Drink a spoon up to 4 times a day. This remedy is considered very strong and can stop even severe bleeding.

Pepper Knotweed

Clary nettle (nettle)

Herbal medicine for reproductive problems often involves the use of this plant. To stop bleeding from the vagina, brew a spoonful of flowering cherry blossoms with 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Take 100 ml five times a day until bleeding stops completely.


Orange peel

Uterine bleeding is treated with folk remedies not only with the use of medicinal herbs, but also with a decoction of citrus peels. To prepare the product, peel the peel of 7 oranges, pour a liter of boiling water over it, and simmer until a third of the liquid remains. Sugar is added to the broth to taste, after which they drink 12 tablespoons four times a day. Usually the bleeding ends after 2 days.

Mint and rowan

Uterine bleeding can be treated with rowan berries and mint leaves. The raw materials are mixed in equal parts and then used to brew tea (10 grams per glass of water). You can drink tea up to 3 times a day for 2-4 days until complete recovery.

Treatment methods

Uterine bleeding in life-threatening situations is stopped by taking the hormonal drugs Rigevidon, Marvelon, Mercilon.

To stop the bleeding, a therapeutic and diagnostic curettage is performed, during which a tissue sample is taken.

Drug therapy

Treatment to prevent blood loss is prescribed by a gynecologist, mainly:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • iron supplements for low hemoglobin;
  • medications that increase blood clotting;
  • means for contracting the uterus.

Infusion methods

Infusion therapy is aimed at restoring the volume of circulating blood.

In case of extensive blood loss, the following is transfused:

  • red blood cell mass;
  • whole blood;
  • fresh frozen plasma.

Surgical methods of treatment

If the effectiveness of drug and infusion treatment is low, surgery is performed to cleanse purulent foci and eliminate endometrial remnants.

Depending on the intensity of bleeding, they resort to:

  • hysteroscopic ablation of the endometrium;
  • diagnostic curettage;
  • removal of the uterus.

Traditional recipes for stopping bleeding

Traditional methods of treatment are used as additional methods of combating the disease.

They take infusions of nettle, water pepper, yarrow, viburnum bark, horsetail, knotweed, shepherd's purse, and hogweed.

For gynecological diseases


The most common gynecological diseases include endometriosis, characterized by the growth of the inner layer of the uterus beyond the mucous membrane. With endometriosis, growth can be observed in different parts of the uterus. One of the main symptoms of this is not only severe bleeding, but also headache, insomnia and pain during sexual intercourse.

To combat uterine bleeding, these drugs are usually prescribed: Vikasol, Tranexam, Alfit-8, Diferelin and Dicynon, which are hemostatic. To strengthen the walls, take folic acid and vitamins B and C.

Injections and tablets Vikasol

As for folk remedies, for endometriosis, juice from plantain leaves and shepherd's purse are used, which have a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. Red viburnum bark, crushed and poured with boiling water, also has a good effect on the body.

Before purchasing products from a pharmacy or preparing them yourself, consult your doctor; self-medication may not produce any results or may worsen the situation.


At first, fibroids release more blood during menstruation. If you notice that your menstruation has become heavier and lasts longer than seven days, large dark clots are coming out along with blood, or there are signs of anemia (such as weakness, low hemoglobin levels), you should consult a doctor, as it could be fibroids.

If fibroids are detected in a woman, there are two treatment options: hormonal and non-hormonal drugs or removal of fibroids by curettage of the uterus (for women under 45 years of age). The first treatment option is recommended mainly for girls who have not reached puberty; the course of treatment should not exceed three months.

Endometrial hyperplasia

Against the background of hormonal imbalances, women may develop endometrial hyperplasia of the uterus. Mostly, the disease affects women during menopause and menopause, as well as those suffering from diabetes and obesity.

With endometrial hyperplasia, there is a possibility of its degeneration into a cancerous tumor. In more than 60% of cases, the disease is accompanied by very severe uterine bleeding. Treatment is possible by curettage, exposure of the affected area to low temperatures, cauterization with a laser, or removal of the uterus.

Additional assistance in the treatment of uterine bleeding can be provided by such folk remedies as nettle, herbal mixture of shepherd's purse, knotweed, cinquefoil, serpentine and calamus, and douching with celandine infusion twice a month.

Nettle decoction


During menopause, it is difficult to identify abnormal bleeding. Bleeding between menstruation and symptoms of anemia will help recognize the presence of uterine bleeding during menopause.

As in other cases, if a girl is bleeding heavily, she should consult a doctor. When a bleeding polyp is detected, it will be removed using endoscopic surgery. Also, for treatment, the doctor may prescribe hormone therapy.


Stopping bleeding at home

  • Press a heating pad with ice water to your lower abdomen for 10-15 minutes, stopping for 5 minutes before each approach. The maximum procedure time is one or two hours.
  • The patient needs to drink plenty of fluids (sweet tea, rosehip tea, water with sugar).
  • It is also necessary to maintain bed rest, placing something under your feet so that blood flows to the vital organs.

First emergency aid for bleeding should be provided before the ambulance arrives; the arriving specialists will assist the woman by administering medications in a dosage calculated based on weight.

If you decide to treat uterine bleeding at home, you should consult a specialist to determine which herbs or drugs are best to use, as well as the duration of therapy and dosage.

Sometimes oral contraceptives, such as Regulon, Janine, are used to stop bleeding at home. The doctor may prescribe up to 4-5 tablets at a time, decreasing the number of tablets by one every day until the number of tablets is limited to one per day. This dosage should usually be maintained for about 21 days.

Regulon drug


In order to diagnose your pathology in time, you definitely need to know the main symptoms of uterine bleeding:

  • The menstrual cycle is more than 8 days;
  • Too heavy menstruation, during which you have to change 4-5 pads per day;
  • Discharge of blood clots;
  • Weakness, dizziness, low blood pressure;
  • Nausea, vomiting.

The first thing that needs to be done when uterine bleeding is detected in a girl, especially when the woman is pregnant, is to call an ambulance as soon as possible, or take her to the hospital yourself. Under no circumstances should you apply a hot heating pad to your stomach (any heat will dilate the blood vessels, which will lead to even more severe bleeding), or take a bath.

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