stop uterine bleeding

Due to the risk of a drop in blood pressure during parenteral administration, caution should be exercised in patients with unstable blood pressure or hypotension (see section "Side Effects").

The drug contains sodium metabisulfite, which may cause allergic reactions, nausea and diarrhea in susceptible patients.

Allergic reactions can be severe, including anaphylactic shock, and can cause life-threatening asthma attacks. The prevalence of such allergic reactions is unknown but is likely to be low. Increased sensitivity to sulfites in patients with bronchial asthma is observed more often than in persons who do not suffer from this disease (see section “Contraindications”). If a hypersensitivity reaction develops, administration of the drug must be stopped immediately. In case of skin reactions or fever, stop treatment and inform your doctor, as such symptoms may be signs of a hypersensitivity reaction.

If the drug is prescribed to reduce heavy and (or) prolonged menstrual bleeding, and the desired effect cannot be achieved, it is necessary to exclude the presence of another pathology that can cause this condition.


The drug is suitable for use in children in recommended doses.

The drug can be prescribed for the prevention of periventricular hemorrhages in premature infants. For dosage recommendations, see the section “Dosage and Administration.”

Patients with kidney failure

The safety and effectiveness of etamsylate treatment in patients with renal failure have not been studied. Since ethamsylate is completely excreted by the kidneys, dose reduction may be necessary in cases of renal failure.

Laboratory test results

Etamsylate used in therapeutic doses can affect the results of enzymatic analysis for determining creatinine in the direction of reducing the indicators.

To exclude any possible effect of the drug on laboratory parameters, before the first use of Dicynon, initial tests (eg, blood) that will be required during treatment are performed.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Clinical data on the use of the drug in pregnant women is limited.

Experiments on animals did not reveal any direct or indirect toxicity affecting reproduction. As a precaution, it is preferable to avoid use of the drug during pregnancy.

Due to the lack of data on the ability of the drug to pass into breast milk, breastfeeding during treatment is not recommended. If breastfeeding continues, the use of the drug should be discontinued.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Has no effect.

Why does this dangerous phenomenon occur?

Uterine bleeding is vaginal discharge of blood that is not menstrual in nature.

The nature of this phenomenon is most often associated with gynecological diseases, complications of pregnancy and hormonal imbalance in the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian system with an increase in estrogen levels.

The following pathologies can provoke bleeding:

  • infectious diseases (sepsis, influenza, measles);
  • diseases of the reproductive system (endometriosis, hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, polyps, oncology);
  • vaginal problems (vaginitis, cervicitis, traumatic injury);
  • ovarian dysfunction (cysts, polycystic disease);
  • non-gynecological diseases (hypertension, hypothyroidism, atherosclerosis);
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • liver pathologies.

Bleeding may result from taking certain medications that affect blood composition. A problem is discovered when carrying out hormonal therapy and using contraceptives.

Treatment of fibroids in postmenopause

Despite the decline in the functioning of the reproductive organs in older women, fibroids also appear in postmenopause. Predisposing factors contributing to the occurrence of pathology include:

  • unsuccessful treatment of tumors of internal organs in the past;
  • injury during operations on the reproductive organs;
  • hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • ovarian diseases.

Occurring after 50 years, fibroids threaten to develop into a malignant tumor and cause the development of ovarian cancer. Surgical intervention is recommended if enlarged mucous nodes of the uterus and inflamed ovaries are detected.

The presence of uterine fibroids during menopause is indicated by cutting and aching pain in the lower abdomen, enlarged mucous nodes, intense blood loss and the presence of anemia. Treatment is carried out with the help of medications and surgical intervention by doctors.

How does the drug work?

Dicynone (Etamsilate) is a hemostatic, medicinal drug that also has angioprotective and proaggregant abilities. Its pharmacological action is based on the activation of thromboplastin formation in the area of ​​​​damage to blood vessels, incl. due to the formation of large molecular mucopolysaccharides. The drug improves platelet adhesion and is actively involved in the normalization of blood coagulation factor III.

The main hemostatic effect of Dicinon is manifested in the first stage of hemostasis by improving the interaction between the endothelium and platelets. Endothelial protection, platelet adhesion, decreased capillary wall permeability, and increased prostaglandin synthesis are provided, which ultimately reduces the duration and intensity of bleeding.

At the same time, the drug helps the action of hyaluronidase and histamine, reducing vascular permeability that occurs during inflammatory reactions.

It is important to note that Dicinon does not cause vasoconstriction and does not disrupt the normal functioning of the mechanism that forms blood clotting.

The drug is not able to have a thrombogenic effect and create a hypercoagulable effect, which makes it possible to use it even when blood is released in the form of clots.

Conservative treatment of bleeding from fibroids

If fibroids bleed, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs: Zoladex, Decapeptyl, Nafarelin. They interfere with the production of gonadotropins, which helps reduce the size of uterine fibroids and temporarily stop menstruation. Hormonal contraceptives reduce the synthesis of estrogen and increase the level of prostaglandins. After the hormonal balance is restored, the menstrual cycle normalizes and bleeding from fibroids stops.

To stop bleeding, gynecologists prescribe hemostatic drugs:

Vikasol is a synthetic water-soluble analogue of vitamin K. Participates in the formation of prothrombin. The drug helps normalize blood clotting. It is used for prolonged uterine juvenile and premenopausal bleeding, as well as for heavy periods in patients suffering from fibroids.

Etamsylate is a means of preventing and stopping bleeding. The drug increases the adhesion of platelet surfaces, reduces capillary permeability, blocks the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, which cause impaired platelet adhesion, vasodilation and increased capillary permeability. As a result, bleeding and blood loss are reduced.

The main active component of the drug dicinone is etamsylate. The drug stops uterine bleeding in fibroids by increasing the rate of formation of the primary thrombus. After injection of dicinone, the therapeutic effect occurs within 5-15 minutes.

Tranexam is a hemostatic agent. The main active ingredient is tranexamic acid. Has a specific antifibrinolytic effect. Slows down the activation of plasminogen and its conversion to plasmin. It has a systemic and local hemostatic effect in case of bleeding that develops against the background of fibroids.

Composition and description

The drug Dicynon is available in 2 forms. The most common tablets are 250 mg. They are white or have a slight pinkish tint. The shape is round, biconvex. The main substance is ethamsylate (2,5-Dioxybenzenesulfonate diethylammonium salt).

Additional ingredients are used to improve reception:

  1. anhydrous citric acid;
  2. corn starch;
  3. povidone;
  4. magnesium stearate;
  5. lactose.

Sold in jars of 50 and 100 pieces.

To speed up the action, a solution for intravenous or intramuscular injection (12.5%) is used. Found in ampoules, transparent and colorless. A standard ampoule contains 2 ml of solution :

  • The main substance is ethamsylate (125 mg in each 1 ml).
  • Auxiliary ingredients – sodium disulfate, sodium bicarbonate, water.

Sold in packs of 10 ampoules.

Instructions for use

Dicynone for uterine bleeding is used only as prescribed by a doctor. Taking into account the nature of the pathology and the intensity of the discharge, he develops a treatment regimen and course duration.

Particular attention is paid to the compatibility of drugs in a complex treatment regimen. In particular, the question often arises about whether Tranexam and Dicinone can be used simultaneously? Both of these products perform the same task, but have different active substances, and therefore different mechanisms of action.

They can increase the effectiveness of treatment, but the risk of side effects also increases. The decision can only be made by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. The combination of these drugs is quite acceptable in severe forms of pathology. Most often, it is carried out during treatment in a hospital, where constant monitoring can be ensured.


The most common way to treat uncomplicated uterine bleeding is to take Dicinone tablets orally. Tablets can be prescribed starting from the age of 14 .

How to take the tablet? The optimal daily dose is considered to be in the range of 12-18 mg for every 1 kg of body weight. Tablets are taken 3-4 times a day with an interval of 5-6 hours. The average dose is 250-500 mg per day, but with intense bleeding it increases to 700-750 mg.

You can take the tablets both during meals and after meals, with a small amount of water. If for any reason a dose is missed, it cannot be compensated for with a subsequent double dose. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor, but on average it is 10-12 days.

How to stop uterine bleeding at home?

Many women suffering from regular uterine bleeding prefer to deal with this problem at home. For these purposes, you can use various traditional medicine recipes that have a targeted effect. Experienced specialists recommend the use of herbs, herbs, tinctures and other folk remedies in the complex treatment of uterine bleeding, as a supplement or prevention.

What herb stops uterine bleeding?

For various gynecological diseases, in particular with heavy uterine bleeding, the boron uterus can be used. This plant has unique pharmacological properties and is recommended for the treatment of serious gynecological diseases. While taking boron uterus, women's hormonal levels begin to normalize, fertility is restored, and uterine bleeding stops. Before starting to take a tincture or decoction of this medicinal plant on her own, a woman should consult a herbalist or her doctor to determine the duration of treatment and dosage. In the case when a woman is undergoing hormonal therapy, the use of boron uterus is not advisable, since it contains large quantities of estrogen.

Borovaya uterus is contraindicated for women who have reduced blood clotting, gastritis, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Experts do not recommend using this medicinal plant in any form when taking oral contraceptives. If the boron uterus is used incorrectly, women may experience various side effects, in particular the development of breakthrough bleeding, against the background of which an inflammatory process usually develops.

Other herbs for uterine bleeding

Other herbs and infusions can be used in the treatment of uterine bleeding:

Nettle. This medicinal plant is actively used in both traditional and alternative medicine. It contains special components that can stop bleeding. The antihemorrhagic vitamin stimulates the formation of prothrombin, esculene, vitamin C and K. Nettle is indicated for uterine bleeding in the form of a decoction, which should be drunk up to 5 times a day, 2 tablespoons.

Water pepper. For many centuries, this medicinal plant has been used to stop bleeding. This is due to its unique tanning properties, which significantly accelerate the process of blood clotting. At the same time, water pepper has a bactericidal effect on the female body, reduces the fragility of capillaries and makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic.

Yarrow. This medicinal plant is often used for uterine bleeding, as it can activate coagulation processes while preventing the formation of thrombosis. Yarrow is recommended to be taken as a tincture, which can be purchased ready-made or prepared independently. The duration of taking the tincture from this medicinal plant depends on the intensity of the bleeding.

Author of the article: Lapikova Valentina Vladimirovna | Gynecologist, reproductive specialist

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology received from the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at NIMU named after. N.I. Pirogova.

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Uterine bleeding is the discharge of blood from the uterus. Most often it is a serious symptom of diseases of the female body. Any uterine bleeding should be diagnosed in time, and the woman should receive medical assistance. Ignoring such a symptom leads to serious consequences, even death.

Some girls experience so-called juvenile bleeding, which is characterized by seasonality and a persistent lack of ovulation. Along with juvenile metrorrhagia, those that form during menopause should be noted. They are characterized by high frequency, which becomes a sign not only.

Arterial bleeding is one of the most dangerous bleedings, posing a direct threat to human life. This is primarily due to the fact that blood loss is high and intense. Therefore, it is important to know its main signs and first aid rules.

interstitial myoma with centripetal growth 62*42), surgical treatment was not offered. The absence of pregnancy and childbirth is due to my stay in the monastery for work. My gynecologist is on vacation, I have already made an appointment in advance. What can I take for an anemic condition ( 6 days month not very abundant)? Thank you in advance

Calculation tables for men, women and children, all ages!

Find out the reasons for deviations!

Decoding of all types of analyzes!

Don't know your disease? Find it by symptoms!

Neither dicinone nor nettle helped me! I had to resort to hormones!

how many dicinone tablets do you need to take to delay your period for a couple of days?? it’s very necessary

I urgently need to stop my period within 24 hours. Tell me, will dicinone help? Or are there any other drugs, but not hormonal ones?

It’s strange, where did the water pepper disappear from pharmacies?

how many dicinone tablets do you need to take to delay your period for a couple of days?? it’s very necessary

I drank dicinone..heavy periods stopped, but they did not start the next the right time..What is it? Hormonal failure. And one more thing: is it possible to get pregnant while taking dicinone?

I also took dicinone, but the doctor prescribed it to me after my period had been going on for three weeks. And it really helped.

Dicinone tablets took 3 blisters and no changes. I started giving injections 2 times a day and it immediately began to decline.

Even more interesting:

Now, after the November Dicinone and Vikasol, everything is fine with the cycle, I didn’t take hormones, I hope it will continue to be the same.

Dicinon doesn’t help and it smears even more!

My veins have become inflamed. the pain is wild. Plus my period started today. I wanted to take a painkiller, but by chance I took 2 tablets of dicinone with an interval of about 10-12 hours. and then my stomach twisted wildly. more precisely the lower abdomen. Is it too bad that I drank one instead of the other?!

Girls, help. Is it possible to get pregnant if I take 4 tablets of Dicinone?

One tablet three times a day until the bleeding stops

“I went to the pharmacy, they recommended dicinone to me.” Author, why ask a PHARMACIST or PHARMACIST, in general, the doctor makes the prescriptions. And pharmacy workers have the task of selling goods and, moreover, those that are more expensive. They have no right to consult! Commandment: Do no harm. .

2 ampoules of Vikasol helps


Girls, I’m very afraid to take Dicinon. I had normal periods for 8 days, then I slept with my husband and in the morning some real pieces fell out? I've heard about this drug, but I'm afraid! I bought pills, would you advise me to drink or not to drink?

“I went to the pharmacy, they recommended dicinone to me.” Author, why ask a PHARMACIST or PHARMACIST, in general, the doctor makes the prescriptions. And pharmacy workers have the task of selling goods and, moreover, those that are more expensive. They have no right to consult! Commandment: Do no harm. .

Guest “I went to the pharmacy, they advised me dicinone” Author, why ask a PHARMACIST, a PHARMACIST, in general, the doctor makes the prescriptions. And pharmacy workers have the task of selling goods and, moreover, those that are more expensive. They have no right to consult! Commandment: Do no harm. .

My heart also hurt and my legs also hurt. I won’t drink anymore.

Girls, what can you say about Vikasol?? My periods are also not regular, but I suspect that they will come just in time for my wedding, since there are still 5 days left, and my breasts are already full and my lower back hurts. I really need it, at least for a couple of days. Tell. ((

Or is it Dicinon??

Girls, I’m very afraid to take Dicinon. I had normal periods for 8 days, then I slept with my husband and in the morning some real pieces fell out? I've heard about this drug, but I'm afraid! I bought pills, would you advise me to drink or not to drink?

I had my period for a month and a half, neither the tincture of pepper nor the dicinone helped (an ultrasound showed polycystic disease, the doctor told me to donate blood for hormones in order to prescribe hormonal medications (is it even possible to get pregnant with polycystic disease?

maybe my sister had polycystic disease

maybe, my sister had polycystic disease, and now she has two children

Dicynone stops capillary bleeding, uterine or rupture. Therefore, even though it is prescribed for heavy periods, as far as I know, it helps little. I drank it when during the experiment in bed there was a rupture, blood was pouring out in buckets, I almost lost consciousness, I took 2 tablets at once and it went away.

GuestBulaffka Hmm, I don’t know, I don’t know! Dicinone seems to be inexpensive! This is the first thing! Secondly, no matter how many times I go to this pharmacy, they never sell me an expensive drug! Pharmacists competently advise a proven, inexpensive drug! PS: They at this pharmacy have known for a long time that I don’t go to doctors! At first they stuttered about the doctor, now they smile and remain silent! Well, if you trust pharmacists more than doctors, the flag is in your hands! And breaking a cycle is like stopping a clock, you know? Any violation leads to hormonal imbalance and will have to be treated seriously, and the result can be from obesity to infertility. There is no need to be so categorical, we work in the same field, in the Ministry of Health. We should help people as a union, and not pull the blanket in favor of doctors or pharmacists. You can find a “black sheep” in any industry.

I took 1 tablet of dicinone the day before my period before mesotherapy on the recommendation of an experienced cosmetologist, I have not had any for 2 weeks. It's better not to experiment. Previously, I injected Dicinon for bleeding. It helped 100%.

I’ve been taking these pills for three days now, no effect. Does the doctor prescribe injections? When should they be injected?

Can you get pregnant after taking dicinone?

Dicinone only relieves symptoms, it does not cure anything, and certainly has nothing to do with hormones.. There is no data on an overdose of Dicinone. I almost always have heavy periods, I also have some kind of clots, they last 5-7 days, and when I take Dicynone, my periods are just less heavy. I didn’t notice any effect on ovulation, everything was always on time.

girls, what are you doing? Why break the cycle with your own hands and drink all sorts of garbage in order to stop your periods, then this results in hormonal disruption, treatment begins. and not very cheap. but dicinone does not stop menstruation, but simply makes them not so abundant,

The doctor prescribed them for me too, but to no avail they have been going on for like 10 days =(

Girls, tell me how many ml (ampoules) to inject dicinone? And how many times a day? My period never stops. Please, help!

I have an important meeting on Tuesday, I also thought about how to stop my periods, they have been going on for two days, yesterday I bought nettle infusion, Vicasol and Dicinone, I drank every hour yesterday, today there is almost nothing left to fix it, I’ll go and buy tranexamic acid, I think it will work) )) but yesterday there were copious amounts of it, but thanks to these remedies it’s almost gone :)

Exactly about the injection. Last night I gave myself an intramuscular injection of dicinone, my period lasted only 4 days, I gave it, I went to bed, I woke up in the morning and there was nothing at all :) I was really shocked by the result, I thought at least I would apply it. nope, absolutely great.

So I have a problem. My period lasts for 2 weeks. I take Dicinone, it stops, and then it starts again. I don’t want injections. I don’t know what could be causing this failure, and I don’t know how to stop it. I’m worried.

Can there be a delay after taking Dicinone? I don’t think I’m pregnant, but I’m worried

Yesterday my period was heavy, I took Dicinone this morning, everything seemed fine, in the evening something started again ((((((I don’t know what to think((

Tell me, how many hours should pass between taking pills?

I have been going to doctors for 2 years. Myoma, I need urgent surgery, that’s what they said 2 years ago. I was tested for surgery - low hemoglobin. Hemoglobin cannot be raised, surgery is not possible, every month. bleeding. Vicious circle. Doctors shrug their shoulders, hemoglobin needs to be raised, but they themselves can’t figure out how to do the operation. And so it has been for 2 years. How can you wait for a doctor’s appointment? You have to try to help yourself and consult either on forums or, at best, with a pharmacist. Now I can’t get my period at all. go anywhere during the week, where does the hemoglobin come from? I also had very low hemoglobin, my periods went on for 6 months without stopping. I didn’t leave the hospital. eat pomegranate and drink pomegranate juice, take vitamins and iron.

But dicinone helped me. All my life (I’m 46 years old) I have suffered from heavy periods for 6 days, nothing helped, I came to the conclusion that it was hereditary, premenopause began six months ago, I was happy, I thought, I’ll rest, and then I had “hot flashes”, I got a fever, I started drinking Remens: helped, the discomfort went away after 2 weeks, a month. they arrived 2.5 months later, not abundant, I was getting ready to go on vacation to Egypt, confident that “my misfortune” would not find me there. On the day of departure, my period starts again at home, I’m shocked - only 2 weeks have passed. And what will I do at sea, even though it is called Red? I read about dicynon on the Internet, bought it, and started drinking it on the second day of my period. already in Egypt, having decided that the first day was a flight, a journey, a month. will be very abundant, dicinone will not have any effect. So, on the second day of taking the pills, I already swam in the sea, albeit with a tampon for backup, but the discharge was scanty. Result: month. There were only 3 days, the first day without dicinone. the third is very meager. For me now this is a means of force majeure. True, I still don’t know when the next menstruation will begin, but against the backdrop of premenopause, it’s no longer important for me.

Girls who have problems with hemoglobin, I highly recommend Sorbifer Durules, an iron supplement. I tried a lot of things - only this one really helps.

I read the comments and was horrified - I thought it was only me who had problems. I didn’t have any problems at all before. From everything I realized that it’s better to inject, write to me at what dose is better to inject

I have been having problems with discharge for about a year now. I go to doctors. They can't reveal anything. Constant spotting before menstruation for 7 days, then heavy periods for 7 days, then spotting again. At first we thought it was indometrial hyperplasia, but then we ruled it out. I constantly take dicinone after my period and it always helps to stop the discharge, but this month I can’t stop it with pills, I gave it an injection, it took 2 hours but there is no result yet. Has anyone ever had this happen? When do these injections start working and how many of them are needed?

I was prescribed Dicinone to take 1 tablet 3 times a day for 5-6 days. I started drinking yesterday, today my stomach hurt so much that my period should start, but it’s not even close. They prescribed me to drink to reduce the discharge, otherwise it would be the entrance day of the wedding on Saturday and the wedding on Sunday. Of course, it’s not convenient to have them at a wedding, but it’s absolutely impossible to go to a wedding. So I don’t know whether they will go at all or not. I wouldn’t want to postpone the wedding because of them.

Can you get pregnant while taking dicinone?

Girls, help. Is it possible to get pregnant if I take 4 tablets of Dicinone?


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Dicynone should not be used in the following circumstances:

  • porphyria in acute form;
  • thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • allergic reaction to the main substance and auxiliary ingredients;
  • hypertrophied sensitivity to sodium metabisulfite present in injection solutions;
  • hemoblastoses, lymphocytic leukemia, myeloid leukemia, osteosarcoma;
  • during lactation.

Extreme caution should be used when:

  • lactase deficiency;
  • glucose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

No significant effects have been found during pregnancy, but etamsylate readily crosses the placenta and there is a risk of affecting fetal development. Taking this into account, it is not recommended to use Dicynon in the first trimester of pregnancy. The drug does not affect driving.

Prevention of fibroids

Regular visits to the gynecologist and preventive measures prevent the occurrence of myomatous pathology. To avoid this disease, you need to:

  • undergo a gynecological examination annually;
  • monitor the level of hormonal balance;
  • lead a measured sex life;
  • refuse abortion;
  • avoid stress and psychological tension;
  • adhere to hygiene rules.

Uterine fibroids affect women of all age groups. Often the disease is asymptomatic. Bleeding from uterine fibroids is one of the first symptoms. In this case, patients turn to doctors. Most gynecologists believe that heavy bleeding from fibroids is an indication for removal of the uterus.

Please note that this text was prepared without the support of our Expert Council.

Doctors at the fibroid treatment clinics with whom we cooperate perform uterine artery embolization in the presence of uterine bleeding. After the procedure, the fibroids stop bleeding.

If you have uterine bleeding due to fibroids, we advise you not to panic. Call. You will be given an appointment with a gynecologist, examination and treatment will be organized in the best gynecological centers. Our employees will always be with you. We will always provide support and necessary assistance.

Side effects

Dicinone can cause some side effects:

  1. The digestive system may react with nausea and heartburn. In rare cases, discomfort and a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region may occur.
  2. The effect on the nervous system causes headaches and sometimes significant dizziness, even to the point of foggy consciousness.
  3. From the cardiovascular system, reactions such as a decrease in blood pressure and pulse rate, and redness of the face are possible.
  4. Skin rashes may appear due to an allergic reaction.

Extremely rarely, reactions from the endocrine system are observed in the form of an acute form of porphyria, pain in the lower back, and paresthenia of the legs.

It is important to remember that often the causes of such phenomena are overdose and violation of the instructions for use of the drug.


The effectiveness of Dicinon in the treatment of uterine bleeding is confirmed by numerous reviews from women (they can also be read on the Otzovik website):

  1. Leka07, Chrysostom – “I decided to write about Dicinon tablets. They really helped me in the fight against heavy bleeding. I highlight the following advantages - good quality, affordable price, sufficient shelf life. Among the minuses, I can only note a bitter taste.”
  2. Ro1zon, Moscow - “I definitely recommend Ditsinon. It is highly effective and has a reasonable cost. I personally didn’t find any shortcomings.”
  3. Elka-topor, Krasnoyarsk - “After a medical termination of pregnancy, I couldn’t stop the bleeding. At first I took Regividon. Useless. Dicinon provided real help. I recommend it to other women."
  4. Tanya L., Belarus - “Before, I didn’t even know about the existence of such a drug as Dicynon. It so happened that he saved my mother, me, and the child. The product is simply universal and helps against various blood losses. It is very effective for uterine bleeding.”
  5. Olka7286 – “Dicinon injections helped me in one day. Heavy bleeding continued for 3 days and did not stop. The doctor prescribed this drug, and the problem simply went away.”

Dicinone is recognized as an effective hemostatic drug that can stop uterine bleeding of any intensity. It can be used in the form of tablets or injections. It is important not to show excessive initiative, but to be treated only according to the scheme developed by the doctor. The right approach will eliminate side effects and ensure a quick recovery.

Dicynon tablets did not help me at all during very heavy bleeding!

Dicynon tablets were prescribed to me in the hospital, to which I was taken by ambulance. I then had very heavy bleeding during my regular periods. It was just flooding!

However, after the examination they told me that there was nothing wrong and sent me home, prescribing me Dicinon tablets. It was recommended to take one tablet three times a day. Which is what I did.

However, I had absolutely no effect from their use. None! As it poured profusely, it continued to pour, until after a few days the bleeding subsided on its own.

I even lost 5 kilograms then, that’s how devastated I was!

I do not recommend taking Dicinon tablets for heavy bleeding. At least these pills didn’t help me at all!

Later, my gynecologist prescribed me (these), which turned out to be very effective pills.

And these pills are now always with me. As an ambulance for heavy bleeding!

Many women of reproductive age often face the problem of uterine bleeding. The normal menstrual cycle lasts for 5-7 days, with the total volume of blood loss being up to 80 ml of blood. When various diseases develop in the organs of the genitourinary system, a woman may begin to bleed. Large blood loss is often observed in both the postpartum and menopausal periods.

Modern medicine is seriously studying this pathology. Experts from around the world conduct research on uterine bleeding. Based on the results obtained, medications are being developed whose pharmacological properties help cope with this problem.

Currently, modern medical institutions successfully combat uterine bleeding. The main condition for successful recovery is hospitalization. During the treatment process, each patient is individually selected a medication that is administered intravenously or orally. In advanced cases, doctors perform surgical stopping of bleeding through diagnostic curettage. If none of these methods help eliminate the existing problem, doctors insist on removing the uterus.

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