Why pain in the nipples may continue after menstruation

Many women experience sore nipples after menstruation. Whether such symptoms are a sign of pathology or can they be attributed to a natural physiological process - there are different opinions on this matter. There is a completely understandable explanation for the fact that women’s breasts increase in size on certain days of the cycle and their sensitivity in the nipple area increases, since such changes in them occur due to increased estrogen levels before the onset of menstruation. To understand our questions, it is necessary to find out what causes sore nipples after menstruation.

What are the physiological causes of pain?

If after your period your nipples and breasts themselves hurt, then the reason probably lies in physiological processes. The physiological causes of nipple pain are described in the table.

CauseDistinctive features
Hormonal imbalancesThe balance of hormones does not always have time to restore with the arrival of menstruation. As a result, a woman experiences sore nipples both during and after menstruation.
PregnancyThe female body immediately after conception begins to actively restructure itself. Breasts are no exception. It swells and increases in volume. Several symptoms indicate a woman’s interesting situation, including sore nipples and no menstruation.
Skin irritation on nipples, allergic reactionTo exclude such a reason, you need to carefully examine all the bras in your wardrobe. Products made of low-quality material, with artificial dyes or rough tailoring should be excluded. As a result of prolonged wearing of this item of clothing, the chemical dye penetrates the layers of the epidermis and causes an allergic reaction. In this case, the nipples hurt during and after menstruation until the cause is eliminated.
Rare sexual intercourseIn those women who cannot boast of regular sex, the level of sex hormones increases. In this regard, mucus is produced in the vagina, and the breasts become sensitive. A woman has pain in her lower abdomen and sore nipples until her period. In some cases, this situation resembles pregnancy, with the only exception that the nipples hurt when the test is negative.

If you experience discomfort in the nipple area, you should also pay attention to personal hygiene products. Perhaps some of this numerous arsenal is not suitable for you.


Women's nipples are often receptive during pregnancy. Statistical information indicates that about 80% of the manifestations of excessive susceptibility of this zone are formed in the very early stages of pregnancy, since hormones undergo significant changes at this time. The hormonal background becomes such as to protect the uterus from the process of interrupting the formation of the baby, because during stimulation of the breast, the most important component oxytocin is produced. It is he who is responsible for the contraction of the uterus. When this area suddenly becomes sensitive and painful in the nipples, the woman very wisely tries to avoid stimulation of the glands, which has a good effect on the course of the entire pregnancy. It goes without saying that such changes cannot be completely avoided; for this reason, such inconveniences should be endured. In order to somehow simplify this factor, you can change the bra, which is made from the most natural material.

What external factors can provoke chest discomfort?

The causes of pain in the nipples during and after menstruation can be triggered by external factors. Among them:

  • Friction of nipples against fabric or protruding seams of a tight and uncomfortable bra.

Wearing uncomfortable underwear can cause irritation

  • Chest injury. As a result of mechanical impact (impacts, squeezing, use of tight underwear), similar symptoms may occur. Breast injury can also occur as a result of intimacy with an overly expressive partner.


A woman’s nipples can become incredibly receptive just before menstruation. For what reason? At the second stage of the cycle, when the days for conception have passed, the hormone progesterone begins its strong production. This hormone allows the endometrium to become significantly thicker and preserve the fetus. This substance reaches a huge peak a week after the start of the second phase. Then girls and women already notice that their nipples have become more sensitive, and their breasts have increased slightly in size. Such reasons are often confused with signs of pregnancy.

What pathologies may be present?

If your nipples hurt during and after menstruation, the reason may be associated with the development of certain pathologies. Among the most common, it is worth noting a few:

  1. Mastopathy is a common disease in which the tissue of the mammary glands grows. The development of the disease is provoked by hormonal disorders, pathologies of the endocrine system, stress, miscarriage or abortion. A hereditary factor cannot be ruled out.
  2. Mastitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the tissues of the mammary gland and is caused by exposure to pathological microorganisms. You can recognize the disease by redness of the mammary gland, increased temperature, and purulent discharge from the nipple.
  3. Oncological diseases are the most dangerous pathology. In cases with breasts, it can be recognized quite late. Therefore, if you experience nipple pain after menstruation, you should consult a doctor to rule out this disease. You can recognize it by periodic pain and an enlarged lymph node under the armpit. If we are talking about breast cancer, then the symptoms described are characteristic of only one side.

Important! The earlier pathology can be detected, the higher the chances of a favorable outcome. Therefore, if you have chest pain, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

  1. Other diseases.

Nipples after menstruation may also hurt due to the development of other diseases, for example, osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, malfunction of the ovaries, cardiovascular pathologies, diseases of the endocrine system, etc.

The cause may even be thoracic osteochondrosis

What determines the sensitivity of a woman's breasts?

The level of breast sensitivity depends on many different factors: the level of hormones in the body, health status, and general sensitivity of the body. Naturally, when a woman’s health is not all right, or she is going through a difficult period in her life, she will receive much less pleasure from touching. That is why, first of all, a woman needs to pay attention not to the size of her breasts, but to the condition of the body as a whole.

Proper nutrition, exercise, proper rest and an active lifestyle, and positive thinking are necessary. Sensitivity also depends on subjective factors: the lactation period, previous breast diseases, inflammatory processes in the body, the number of children the woman was breastfed.

How to alleviate the condition

Before you begin to eliminate pain in the nipples, you should identify the reasons that lie at the origins of such changes. First of all, you need to exclude the possibility of all external causes. To do this, it is recommended to sort through your underwear, pay attention to the washing powder and personal hygiene products used. If everything is in order with this, then you should go to a mammologist, who, after an examination and examination, will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If the cause lies in hormonal imbalance, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications. Elimination of an allergic reaction is possible by stopping the main allergen. With neoplasms it is more complicated; some of them must be removed.


Strong sensitivity of female nipples can also be observed during lactation. At the moment, they only react sharply to any influences, but they also whine significantly. The reason for this may be the incorrect position of the baby or mother. Also, simultaneous bottle feeding and maternal breastfeeding creates a reflex of incorrect sucking. Pain can also be felt due to infrequent changes of the special breast pad. From this, the skin surface on the areolas acquires excess moisture, and at the same time softness. Pain can also be caused by completely inept cessation of feeding itself. These symptoms can cause severe dryness, large sores, or irritation. You should also remember about uncomfortable underwear. When feeding, it is better to choose the most natural materials.

What examinations are required

If a woman complains that her nipples hurt a week before and after her period, and this situation repeats more than one cycle, then a trip to the doctor cannot be avoided.

Why chest pain may occur, see this video about it:

The specialist prescribes a diagnosis, which includes a set of measures:

  • mammography;
  • ultrasonography;
  • biopsy;
  • X-ray;
  • cyst research.

Read also: performing mammography during menstruation.

Therapy is prescribed depending on what caused the pathology.

How to reduce discomfort in the mammary glands?

There are cases when pain in the chest before the start of the menstrual cycle or with a slight delay is so pronounced that a woman cannot sleep on her side and stomach, and any touch causes severe pain. In such cases, you can use the following tips:

  • warmth on the stomach or a warm shower will help reduce soreness before the start of the cycle;
  • eliminating smoking and alcoholic beverages will smooth out the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome;
  • avoiding strong tea and coffee, marinades and spicy foods, focusing on vegetable dishes and fresh fruits will also play a significant role in the prevention of premenstrual pain;
  • Taking good care of your health (avoiding hypothermia, avoiding stressful situations and refraining from using medications on your own) will guarantee good health on the eve of your period.

What prevention is required

Following simple preventive measures will help prevent sore nipples.

  • Underwear should be comfortable and selected only according to size. It should not have protruding parts or prominent seams. The bra should be made only from high-quality materials.
  • Be sure to regularly visit a mammologist. This will help to identify pathologies in a timely manner and avoid serious consequences.

Washing powder can also cause irritation.

  • Washing powder and hygiene products must be selected carefully.
  • Hypothermia must be avoided.
  • Monitor your weight and consult a doctor if there are any fluctuations.
  • Protect the breast from rough mechanical impact.

Important! Self-administration of hormonal drugs is unacceptable. Before deciding on a course of hormones, you need to coordinate them with your doctor.

The causes of discomfort and pain in the nipples can be different. If your nipples hurt for 10 days before your period, then this can be explained quite logically. In situations where symptoms do not go away after menstruation, you should consult a doctor.

How to prevent pain

If painful sensations are present every month after the end of menstruation, then a set of measures must be taken to relieve symptoms. Preventive treatment includes the following aspects:

  • smoking cessation;
  • refusal of alcohol;
  • avoiding stress and emotional turmoil.

When your period is about to arrive, you need to dress warmly and avoid drafts. Warm baths with the addition of herbs or sea salt bring great benefits to the body. It is equally important to keep a schedule of your periods and know exactly when they should come and go.

Underwear must be selected according to size.

You need to eat well. A woman’s diet must include meat, as well as milk and vegetables. It is advisable to regularly eat fish and foods containing fiber.

Personal trait

Nipple soreness can be caused by specific properties of the human body, as well as its skin. The reasons for this manifestation originate and form during puberty and are constantly present in the body. There are quite a few such women, but they can live absolutely normally, because the sensitivity of such a zone does not give them discomfort.

The mammary gland area is one of the most sensitive on the female body due to the accumulation of a large number of nerve endings. Susceptibility to external stimuli in this area is considered normal and few people worry about it, because the breast is the main erogenous zone. However, an excessive increase in nipple sensitivity may indicate pathologies in the female body.


If your nipples suddenly become sensitive, this may indicate ovulation, when a woman's egg is released from the ovary. The reasons for this process are also hidden in hormones. In the initial phase, estrogen predominates. It provides the follicle with an excellent opportunity to grow and has a good effect on the endometrium. At this time, the breasts are the softest, but when the middle of the cycle approaches, the female body feels the beginning of transformation. A special latinizing hormone is released, which affects the normal rupture of the follicle and the complete rejection of the female reproductive cell. At the same time, this substance also acts on the female breast. It is for this reason that she becomes excited and her nipples become receptive. This factor occurs only in the middle of the cycle, so it cannot be confused with pregnancy.

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