How to properly prepare and take Father George's collection

Today almost everyone knows about cystitis. Even if you have never had it, you have probably heard about the unpleasant symptoms of this disease. In addition, the drugs that doctors prescribe against cystitis very often have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the body. Therefore, more and more often people are resorting to the help of herbal preparations and decoctions. Today, one of these remedies remains the popular Monastic Collection for cystitis. The creator of the collection is considered to be Father George, abbot of the Holy Spiritual Timashevsky Monastery, located in the Krasnodar region. There is confirmed evidence that Father George used herbal medicine to treat people for various ailments. Even in his youth, the future archimandrite (the rank of abbot of a monastery) realized that his calling was healing. Having become a novice of the monastery, he, together with the monks, collected herbs, combined them and treated people with potions. Thus, a recipe for the famous Monastic Collection of sixteen herbs was found.

Composition of the monastery collection of Father George

The collection consists of 16 medicinal herbs, which, acting together, have a powerful healing effect.


Since ancient times, it has been considered an indispensable aid in the fight against cholesterol. Antioxidants, which the plant abounds in, not only improve the quality of blood, but also have a choleretic effect.


Natural "periodic table". The abundance of microelements such as chromium, manganese and magnesium allows the plant to successfully fight heart and gastrointestinal diseases. The undeniable antibiotic properties determine the use of sage as an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agent.

Does Monastic Tea help you?

Yes, it helps, I don’t know yet


A simple herb, mistaken by many for a weed, can treat both sore throats and laryngitis, as well as more serious damage to the respiratory tract and lungs - tuberculosis and pneumonia. Young beauties resorted to the help of yarrow for skin diseases, because it affects both the external side of the disease and the inside, normalizes metabolism and restores intestinal microflora. Thanks to this property, the plant has earned the title of assistant for gastritis and cholelithiasis in the kidneys.

Marsh dry grass

I am familiar firsthand to everyone who has had to face such a terrible diagnosis as cancer. Desiccant helps prevent the growth and stop existing cancer cells. The anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties of the plant have helped to gain it love and recognition among people suffering from inflammation of joint tissues.


It has no analogues in the plant kingdom in terms of the presence of flavonoids and antioxidants in its structure. Indispensable in the fight against liver diseases and bladder inflammation, especially cystitis.

Linden flowers

It has long been used in the treatment of coughs of various etymologies. Perfectly suitable as first aid for bronchitis and whooping cough. Once in the human body, linden flowers activate the production of insulin, which is necessary for diabetes.


It is widely used in herbal medicine due to the huge amount of phosphorus and iodine in its chemical composition. This combination is necessary to cure thyroid diseases, maintain overall hormonal levels and balance the gastrointestinal tract.


It is used everywhere both externally and internally. When taken orally, it improves the functioning of the adrenal glands, improves the composition and quality of blood circulation, slows down the growth of tumors, which allows its use in auxiliary anticancer therapy.


It is actively used as a sedative and to treat pain caused by psychosomatic disorders and neuralgia. It has proven itself to be an excellent fighter against renal colic.

Rose hip

Indispensable as an immunomodulator. A record holder among plants for vitamin C content, it has an antimicrobial effect. Recommended for hepatitis and herpes of various etymologies.


Actively used both externally and internally. It starts the process of tissue regeneration, is an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agent.

cat's paw

It has an antitumor effect and is used to prevent cancer. It has an excellent effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, has antispasmodic properties, helps strengthen vascular walls, and prevents thrombus formation. Used to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Birch buds

This component is an indispensable immunomodulatory agent. Quite actively used in maintenance and rehabilitation therapy.


Particularly effective in tandem with immortelle. In herbal medicine it is used as a pain reliever. Perfectly relieves back pain and is indispensable in the complex treatment of hernias in various parts of the spine.


Recognized as one of the best blood cleansers. Indicated for anemia, as it increases hemoglobin levels. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and has long been used to improve the quality of hair and skin.


Daily use of thyme-based tea is useful for stabilizing hormonal levels and improving the general condition of the body.

Opinion of consumers and experts

Reviews from people who drink Monastic tea regularly are mostly positive and even enthusiastic. Many note its beneficial effect on the body, positive dynamics in the treatment of diseases and, of course, its pleasant taste.

Does Monastic Tea help you?

Yes, it helps, I don’t know yet

At first, for a long time I could not believe the supposedly miraculous properties of this collection. I don’t believe in such things at all, especially in the present time, when there are a lot of charlatans and those who want to profit from other people’s misfortunes. Nevertheless, I still bought it on the advice of a friend - and was pleasantly surprised. Of course, I did not receive instant healing from the sore that was bothering me, but it felt as if my general condition had improved significantly. There seemed to be more energy, and shortness of breath when climbing stairs was less tormenting. In general, I will try further.

A friend brought me the collection after her latest pilgrimage to the monastery. I thought for a long time whether all these herbs were true or a hoax. As a result, I drink it in the morning along with coffee (I’m trying to get rid of the caffeine habit) - so far I haven’t noticed any positive changes. Perhaps not enough time has passed - I’ve been drinking the mixture for only 3 weeks. At least, it definitely won’t get worse - tea is like tea, with a pleasant taste. A good and healthy alternative to strong coffee and other drinks.

Ekaterina, 56 years old

I am an experienced diabetic, many medications do not help me. I have been drinking the Monastic Collection regularly with breaks of 1-2 months for a year now. The dynamics of improvement are obvious! A good remedy for diabetes. I'm even afraid to jinx it. I have already recommended it to all my friends. I brew it for my family in a smaller dosage just to prevent other diseases. It also tastes unusual. And my doctor approved its use.

Reviews from doctors about the Monastery Collection are more cautious and distrustful. But they also agree that tea can serve as an excellent means of prevention and addition to the main treatment.

Before using this type of product, I strongly recommend consulting with a specialist. One thing is clear: perhaps this collection will be useful as a prevention of minor pathologies, but it certainly cannot cope with dangerous diseases. Don't risk your health.

Andreeva K.M., endocrinologist

I am, in fact, in favor of using traditional medicine. I myself have personally seen many cases where they helped much better than the usual tablets and solutions. I have heard a lot of positive reviews about this particular collection. The only thing is to discuss this point with your doctor.

Safin R.R., general practitioner:

Monastic tea for parasites: truth or scam

This collection, as an antiparasitic (anthelminthic tea) is, by and large, one of the most needed products from such sellers. Many people fully believe that their poor health is due to the presence of worms in the body, often only without objective reasons.

Global statistics, in addition, indicate the highest probability of infection by any type of parasite - 3.5 billion cases of infection per year. In order not to cause harm to yourself with therapeutic products, the intake of which should be advisable, I would like to rely on this tea.

However, you need to realize that all helminths are divided into 3 key types:

  • nematodes;
  • cystodes;
  • trematodes.

There are more than 2000 species in total. And even in recognized medicine there is no universal substance that can instantly destroy all of them. And any folk remedies are effective mainly only against helminths living in the intestinal tract.

Indications and contraindications for use

Father George's tea has gained respect among both patients and doctors. Herbal components act on the root of the problem, providing not only a targeted effect, but also normalizing the functioning of the entire body. Therapists and naturopaths identify a number of diseases for which the use of the collection is especially effective:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including arthritis, arthrosis, hernias, osteochondrosis.
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system in both men and women.
  4. Bleeding of various etymologies.
  5. Pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  6. Gallbladder diseases.
  7. Upper respiratory tract lesions.
  8. Neuroses, neuralgia, psychosomatic pain, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  9. Pathology of the thyroid gland.
  10. Heart failure.
  11. Hormonal imbalances and menopause.
  12. Avitaminosis.

Despite its healing properties, the product has a number of contraindications:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Age up to 12 years.
  5. Acute allergic reactions.

Before using herbal tea, be sure to consult your doctor!

From us you can buy Monastic tea at a good discount

Composition of the collection

Monastic tea for all ailments contains the following herbs:

  • Nettle. This plant has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, accelerates metabolism, eliminates inflammation and strengthens general immunity;
  • Sage. Monastic tea from Father George, course of application? Contains zinc, magnesium, manganese and others necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems;
  • Immortelle. Lowers cholesterol levels, treats ulcers, gastritis and joint diseases;
  • Rose hip. Source of strong immunity;
  • A series. Fights neoplasms and tumors;
  • Yarrow. Has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Sagebrush. Treats gastrointestinal diseases and has an analgesic effect;
  • Thyme. Treats cancer and eliminates foci of inflammation;
  • Birch buds. Increases the body's protective functions and prevents the growth of tumors;
  • Buckthorn. Restores the body's natural hormonal levels;
  • Linden blossom. Normalizes the level of insulin in the blood, eliminates wet and dry cough, has a diuretic effect;
  • Cottonweed. Eliminates low blood pressure and fights loss of strength;
  • Motherwort. Reduces nervous excitability, relaxes muscles during spasms and lowers blood pressure;
  • Chamomile. Relieves inflammation, treats skin diseases, strengthens the immune system;
  • Dried flower. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and blood vessels.

Correctly selected proportions make each of the ingredients useful for treating many diseases.

The best example is personal experience.

Every year, from mid-autumn to late spring, I suffered from several colds, and I always had the flu and ARVI once. It is clear that the reason for this was weak immunity. But I didn’t pay much attention to it. I tried to eat more fruit in the hope that it would help.

When I turned 26 years old, and after finishing my studies and internship, I set out on an independent life, moving away from my parents, I encountered certain financial difficulties and came to the conclusion that I simply couldn’t afford to be sick. And I thought that it was better to fight the cause than the consequences. I was determined, and my confidence that I needed to strengthen my immunity grew.

Preparation (brewing) of the monastery collection

Recommendations for preparing the infusion and the permissible dosage are detailed in the instructions for use contained in each package. Let us highlight the main stages of the brewing process:

  1. To begin with, it is worth considering that this tea is distributed in fermentation, which requires additional splitting. This phenomenon is due to the desire to convey to the consumer as many whole vitamin elements and essential oils as possible. Therefore, before brewing tea, the plants must be further crushed.
  2. To prepare the infusion, pour boiling water over the herbs based on the formula: 1 tablespoon of the product per 500 ml of liquid.
  3. It is highly not recommended to “cook the healing mixture. Following the original recipe, the herbs are instructed to be prepared by infusing for 30 minutes.
  4. It is recommended to choose glass or earthenware as a container, and do not cover it with a lid during the cooking process. The infusion must react with oxygen. If we are talking about a transparent container, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  5. After the tea has steeped, pour it into a thermos or simply dilute it with hot water before drinking.
  6. It is recommended to store the prepared infusion in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours. Please note that it is recommended to store an open package of fermented herbs for no more than 2.5 months.

Real reviews

There are a large number of both positive (most likely purchased) reviews and negative ones on the Internet.

“I took the tea for a long time, more than 4 months, but did not notice any therapeutic effect. The taste is pleasant, but rheumatism tormented me and still does.” Irina, 47 years old.

“I have prostate cancer. I'm promised a short life, so it's no surprise that I'm willing to do anything to get better. I bought this tea and drank it regularly. The tumor continues to develop, collection does not help at all. Manufacturers should be ashamed to profit from our misfortune.” Ivan, 42 years old.

“I am a sincere Orthodox believer, and this collection helps me cope with joint pain, migraines, and just calms me down. I sing quietly to my husband too, hoping he’ll stop drinking.” Valentina, 39 years old.

“Total scam. It doesn’t even cure the common cold, but you say cancer, prostatitis, osteoporosis. I took it from my mother (she abandoned it a long time ago due to its ineffectiveness), I wanted to get treatment, otherwise I got sick before the session. No sense, I retook the session after recovery.” Christina. 24 years.

Dosage and frequency of drinking herbal tea

Now let's look at how to drink the monastery collection of Father George . To achieve the greatest effect, it is recommended to drink tea in courses according to the prescribed dose. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment can last from a month to three, in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

A break of 2 months is recommended between courses.

Most often, doctors recommend drinking monastery tea 3-4 times a day after meals in an amount of 200 ml for 1-3 months.

Remember, Father George advised combining plant therapy with healing the soul and thoughts through Communion, Fasting and intense Prayer!

Monastic recipes for treating cancer from Father George

(Based on materials from the newspaper “Heal by Faith”)

In our difficult 21st century, the century of high pollution and radioactivity of the environment, the century of chemistry and genetically modified products, the century of economic and global cataclysms, political instability and all kinds of crises, high speeds, competition and stress... the human body and its psyche are subjected to colossal, prohibitive load. As never before, man has become susceptible to all kinds of nervous, somatic and mental illnesses; disability and mortality have increased, depression and suicide are on the rise. In the world, despite the emergence of new deadly diseases, the problem of such a disease as cancer remains highly relevant: more than 6 million people die from cancer in the world every year; In Russia today, every sixth Russian gets cancer.

However, few people know that although cancer is capable of destroying and destroying the body, it is quite possible to find control over it - neutralize it, neutralize it, and expel it from the body.

Some qualified Orthodox herbalists, including monastic herbalists, who carry out their treatment using traditional medicine, with the simultaneous spiritual and moral assistance of the patient himself (church confession and communion, initiation into the Church and its sacraments.).

We present to your attention a set of anti-cancer remedies from Father George, published in the newspaper “Heal by Faith” in 2002.

Archimandrite Georgy is the rector of the Holy Spiritual Timashevsky Monastery, in the Krasnodar region. An amazing feature of Father George is that he is a professional herbalist; knows some special, unknown recipes for curing many diseases. Patients write to him and come to him from different parts of Russia and other former republics of the Soviet Union, and he selects the right medicine for everyone. Father George healed a huge number of people. His main requirement for every person who turns to him for help is confession, repentance and correction of life, because, according to the deep conviction of Fr. George (corresponding to the teachings of the Church), the roots of all diseases lie in human sins.

His patients repent, correct themselves, change their lifestyle, and at the same time take those decoctions and tinctures that Fr. George, and, as a result... they recover. Perhaps this is why so many recovered among Fr.’s patients. George.

With the blessing of Fr. George, from the late 90s, the Orthodox newspaper “Heal by Faith” began to be published, containing a huge number of traditional medicine recipes for all kinds of diseases, incl. recipes from Father George himself.

Letter to Fr. George:

“Two years ago, doctors discovered a malignant breast tumor in a friend of mine. She completed a course of chemotherapy, radiation and was already preparing for surgery to remove her breast... One of her friends advised her to go to you, dear Father George. She was with you, and you prescribed her one collection of herbs, which she drank for 8 months and all this time she monitored the condition of the tumor with a doctor. Every month the tumor decreased, and at the beginning of the 9th month it disappeared completely. An examination by doctors confirmed the absence of a tumor. She recommended your collection to those women who underwent radiation with her at the oncology clinic, and they all managed without surgery and feel healthy. I would like to note that during treatment with this “wonderful” mixture, my friend did not eat meat at all. Is it possible to publish the recipe for this collection in your newspaper, perhaps it will help many people who are now fighting for their lives?

Answer o. George:

“First of all, in case of such terrible deadly diseases as cancer, it is necessary to prepare a general Confession: confess to a priest and worthily partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. Secondly, with such a serious disease as cancer, an accurate medical diagnosis and observation by medical specialists are necessary. This collection in question has already been tested by many people and has helped many. This collection was used both by those whom official medicine was forced to abandon, and by those who only learned about their illness in the initial stages. Once a man came to us, who was discharged from the hospital in a hopeless condition with a diagnosis of lung cancer. As you know, lung cancer has practically no cure, but I decided to give him this collection. I don’t know how long he took it, but he came to me 3.5 years later – alive”...

The recommended collection treats malignant tumors of any location, renews the structure of cells throughout the body. It has no contraindications.

1. Infusion of 16 herbs:

Sage – (35 gr.); Nettle – (25 gr.); Rosehip - (20 gr.); Immortelle – (20 gr.); Bearberry – (20 gr.); Series – (20 gr.); Wormwood – (15 gr.); Yarrow – (10 gr.); Chamomile – (10 gr.); Dried flower – (10 gr.); Thyme – (10 gr.); Buckthorn bark – (10 gr.); Birch buds – (10 gr.); Trifol (or linden flowers) – (10 gr.); Dry marsh - (10 gr.); Motherwort – (10 gr.).

The herbs must be finely chopped and mixed. Then take 26 grams from this collection (26 grams is approximately six tablespoons of well-chopped collection), put them in an enamel pan, pour 2.5 liters of boiling water, and leave on very low heat (95 degrees - no boiling!!!) - exactly 3 hours.

In 3 hours, the broth will evaporate to a smaller volume and become concentrated. After 3 hours, strain the broth, cool and refrigerate. Drink 1 tablespoon warm (in severe cases - 3 tablespoons) 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.

The course of treatment is 30 days, then a break of 10-12 days, and repeat the treatment again. Take as many courses as needed for complete recovery. During treatment, carry out a control study of the condition of the tumor (ultrasound, x-ray). Store the infusion in the refrigerator until it runs out; In a properly functioning refrigerator, this infusion can be stored for a long time. When brewing herbs, do not forget to add holy water (preferably Epiphany water) to the decoctions - just a few drops.

This collection can also be prepared with alcohol (70% is possible) in a ratio of 1:4 (100g of carefully crushed collection per 400g of alcohol). Leave in a dark place for 1 month, take 1 teaspoon per table. a spoonful of water or milk 3-4 times a day 40 minutes before meals.

NOTE: The 16 herbs include a plant called "dried flower" which many people don't know about. This plant is otherwise called “cat’s paw”, “herb for forty ailments”, “heart immortelle” (not to be confused with sandy immortelle). “Dried flower” is also called “white immortelle”, “white St. John’s wort”, “serpentine grass”, “hernia grass” (because dried flower treats hernia). Dried flowers grow in dry meadows, pine forests, and wastelands, almost throughout the entire territory of Russia and Ukraine. This plant is up to 25 cm high, the flowers are collected in baskets of purple-pink or pale pink color. Blooms from May to the end of June. After drying, it completely retains its beautiful color.

It is more effective to combine this infusion with the ingestion of an alcoholic tincture of Sophora japonica fruits and a mixture of cognac with sea buckthorn (or olive) oil.

2. Preparation of alcohol tincture from the fruits (or flowers) of Sophora japonica:

Take 50 grams of Sophora japonica fruits or flowers and infuse it in 0.5 liters of vodka (buy high-quality vodka, be careful not to buy a fake!). Of course, it is best to take medical alcohol instead of vodka (the proportions for alcohol are the same as for vodka). You need to insist for at least 40 days! Drink 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach and before meals 30 minutes 3-4 times a day. Drink for 40 days in a row, then get examined by an oncologist. If residual signs of the disease remain, the course must be repeated 15 days after the first course. In advanced stages of cancer, it is necessary to carry out five such courses and take Sophora along with an infusion of 16 herbs, which was mentioned above. Those who cannot drink alcohol should do this: brew one tablespoon of well-chopped sophora fruits in 1 glass of boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos, strain and drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

3. Preparation of a mixture of cognac (or medical alcohol) with olive or sea buckthorn oil:

Take 30 ml of high quality cognac (or medical alcohol), mix with 30 ml of sea buckthorn or olive oil (no other oil can be used in this case!), shake well and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. for 2 weeks in a row. So, carry out 3 courses with 10-day breaks, then undergo an examination to monitor the reduction of the tumor: donate blood, do an ultrasound examination of the diseased organ.

In 2002, the newspaper “Heal by Faith” also published several articles by oncologist and herbalist Prof. V.A. Yesenkulov, containing detailed recommendations for complex, scientifically balanced treatment of cancer of any location.

Prof. Yesenkulov has been living and working in Austria for recent years. He is known as a successfully practicing phytotherapist-oncologist, the author of a number of scientific works confirming the effectiveness of treating oncological diseases using the complex method of combining herbal medicines with vitamin preparations based on changes in the psychological attitudes, lifestyle and quality of nutrition of the patient himself.

It is planned that in the near future, certain excerpts from his articles published in the newspaper “Heal by Faith” will also be placed on the pages of this magazine.


Is it possible to prepare the collection yourself?

Based on the availability of herbal components, many people ask the question: “Is it possible to make the Monastic Collection of Father George at home?” With a strong desire, nothing is impossible, but herbal practitioners, like doctors of traditional therapy, do not recommend doing this. After all, the components included in the composition are collected in an ecologically clean area, which is important for achieving the desired effect. Strict proportional consistency is also observed during the manufacturing process. A deviation from the original recipe, even by a gram, can change the properties of the drug.

Reviews from doctors

Herbal medicine is the most humane and gentle method of treatment. However, it gives results only when the disease is not in an advanced state. The monastic collection of Father George is one of the long-known and repeatedly tested biological food additives, which truly has an antiseptic and immunomodulatory effect. I recommend this collection to older people in order to prevent the development of a number of age-related diseases.

Polina Valerievna Kochetkova, general practitioner, Moscow, 34 years of work experience.

I have known about this herbal mixture for many years now and generally have a positive attitude towards its use. Of course, we are not talking about a miraculous cure for any serious disease. Father George's tea is a way to either avoid the development of the disease or get rid of it, in the safest way, in the initial stage. That is, it is not so much a therapeutic as a prophylactic agent. For patients with problems with the liver or gall bladder, I recommend the use of this decoction, since it will not have a detrimental effect on the condition of these internal organs, which is very important.

Mikhail Nikolaevich Butusov, general practitioner, nutritionist. St. Petersburg, work experience 26 years.

I recommend Father George’s collection to many patients for preventive purposes. However, I prescribe it only in combination with traditional medications, during the rehabilitation course after surgery. In my experience, this herbal mixture has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces the possibility of the formation of venous blood clots, improves the tone of blood vessels, and enhances the positive effect of taking medications.

Irina Gennadievna Ocheredko, cardiologist, Volgograd, 20 years of work experience.

I use a monastic collection of 16 herbs as part of complex therapy for the treatment of diabetes. With II and III degrees of the disease, the blood sugar level stabilizes. A real improvement in well-being is observed in patients with stage I of the disease. I also recommend taking Father George’s tea to reduce the effects of stress and nervous stress.

Anastasia Nikolaevna Kobets, endocrinologist, Samara, 18 years of work experience.

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