Father George's monastic gathering - true or a scam?

Good afternoon everyone from Lyudmila. Today, the Internet is replete with advertisements about the monastery gathering of Father George, and I also want to speak about it. How effective is it and does it perform the functions that the manufacturer assigns to it? I decided to share my own experience, first-hand, so to speak.

There is not only Father George's collection. There is a whole series of monastic collections for various diseases. All of them are focused on treatment without drugs and the use of herbal medicine. I set out to find out how well it actually works and found the official website of the drug.

The best example is personal experience.

Every year, from mid-autumn to late spring, I suffered from several colds, and I always had the flu and ARVI once. It is clear that the reason for this was weak immunity. But I didn’t pay much attention to it. I tried to eat more fruit in the hope that it would help.

When I turned 26 years old, and after finishing my studies and internship, I set out on an independent life, moving away from my parents, I encountered certain financial difficulties and came to the conclusion that I simply couldn’t afford to be sick. And I thought that it was better to fight the cause than the consequences. I was determined, and my confidence that I needed to strengthen my immunity grew.

Experts about the monastery collection of Father George

Before choosing a remedy to improve the immune system, I, on the advice of my attending physician, underwent a complete examination. As a result, it was revealed that during my constant illnesses, the body not only weakened, but also received certain consequences in the form of hypertension. The stomach also suffered from most antibiotics and all kinds of flu powders.

This complicated the choice of drug. And acquired diseases also needed to be treated. The doctor, who, as it turned out, was very respectful of alternative medicine, advised me not to start taking medications right away, but to try Father George’s Monastic Collection.

“Father George’s herbal tea has a complex effect, allowing you to fight several diseases at once, without causing harm.
In my practice, I recommend it to patients with infectious diseases, for which this remedy works well.” Larisa, infectious disease doctor, Moscow

Before purchasing this product, I set out to learn as much as possible about it. On one of the medical forums, I came across reviews about the monastery collection of Father George. According to them, tea, which was revived by the abbot of one monastery, Father George, will strengthen the immune system sufficiently so that the body can resist infection, as well as get rid of all sorts of ailments. With his help, in ancient Rus' even hopeless patients were raised to their feet!

“The main secret of the monastery collections is the naturalness of the components. They allow us to receive all the most valuable things that nature has given people and use it for our own benefit.” Svyatoslav, researcher at the medical institute

According to the experts who took part in the discussion on the forum, the collection of herbs that are included in the monastery tea is absolutely harmless. No side effects. On the contrary, you can improve the condition of most organs - both the gastrointestinal sphere and the cardiovascular system, and cleanse the body of all rubbish. So I decided to try this remedy.

Indications for use of the medicinal drink

Monastic tea for cancer helps with all types of malignant neoplasms. It is used for oncological tissue damage:

  • organs of the digestive tract - stomach, duodenum, various parts of the intestines, gall bladder, esophagus, others;
  • reproductive system - ovaries, uterus, prostate and others;
  • urinary system - kidneys, bladder;
  • endocrine system - thyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen;
  • respiratory organs - lungs, bronchi, trachea.

Also, the Monastic decoction of Father George serves as an effective remedy for benign formations. If there is a hereditary predisposition or damage to the mucous membranes of internal organs, it is recommended to use the medicinal drink for preventive purposes. Medicinal herb is good for treating fibroids, cysts and other gynecological diseases that can provoke the growth of cancer cells.

Father George’s treatment for cancer involves the simultaneous use of other herbal preparations that stimulate the immune system. For example, tinctures or extracts of eleutherococcus, echinacea, propolis.

The essence of the monastery collection of Father George

The peculiarity of this particular monastic collection is that it includes a large number of medicinal herbs, each of which has its own area of ​​​​effect on the body. As a result, the immune system is strengthened, diseases recede, and well-being comes.

Thus, the monastic collection of Father George can be taken both to strengthen the immune system and to treat a whole range of diseases, such as:

  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • disruption of the endocrine and thyroid glands;
  • avitaminosis;
  • iodine deficiency;
  • problems with the food system;
  • nervous system disorder;
  • skin diseases.

Therapeutic effect

The anti-cancer collection has a complex effect on the body:

  1. Eliminates inflammatory and infectious processes.
  2. Stops the growth of cancer cells.
  3. Prevents the spread of metastases throughout the body.
  4. Strengthens the body.
  5. Helps the body recover after chemotherapy.
  6. Accelerates the regeneration of healthy cells.

The collection can be taken to treat cancer and eliminate the consequences of oncology. The herbs included in the composition normalize the functioning of almost all body systems, making it stronger and more resilient.

Composition of the monastery collection of Father George

It is very important for me that this product consists entirely of natural ingredients, or rather, medicinal herbs, including:

  • Sage. It is good for the heart, gastrointestinal tract, and is also able to fight viruses due to its special chemical composition.
  • Chamomile. Anti-allergenic agent.
  • Nettle. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and cleanses the body of toxins.
  • Rose hip. It has a large number of useful substances and allows you to overcome vitamin deficiency.
  • Immortelle. Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Bearberry. Promotes proper cell development.
  • Sagebrush. Disinfects, enhances the effect of other components.
  • Yarrow. Anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Dried flower. Resists the formation of tumors.
  • Thyme. Has antiseptic properties.
  • Buckthorn bark. Affects the thyroid gland.
  • Linden. Improves metabolism and normalizes the functioning of the pituitary gland.
  • A series. Normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system.
  • Birch buds. Helps restore strength.

The composition shows that the main goal of the monastery collection of Father George is to improve the functioning of the immune system and restore the body as a whole. At the same time, there is both a natural antibiotic and an antitumor remedy - a whole storehouse of amazing effects. Our grandmothers were right! I didn’t think twice and gave preference to this method of treating my problems.


The composition of the monastery tea includes natural dried herbs, fruits, roots and buds collected in Russia. These are well-known plants that have been used in folk medicine for centuries.


Hypoallergenic plant with a minimum of contraindications. It has a powerful cleansing effect and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Removes toxins and heavy metals from the body, activates metabolic processes, increases hemoglobin levels, and has a positive effect on hematopoietic processes in general.


It has a fungicidal and disinfectant effect and contains natural antibacterial compounds. Rich in minerals such as lithium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, chromium and others. Positively affects the functioning of the lungs and pancreas.

Dog-rose fruit

The collection contains a component that enhances immunity. Contain a lot of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, minerals.

Rose hips are effective in treating cancer


Normalizes cholesterol levels, improves liver function and stimulates bile production. Relieves inflammatory processes in the kidneys and kills microbes.


Improves stomach function. Increases the effectiveness of immortelle. It has a strong antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.


Stimulates the flow of bile, relieves inflammatory processes. Is a source of selenium.


It stops the development of tumors, improves the functioning of the adrenal glands, has a positive effect on hematopoietic processes, and has an antiallergic effect.

Bearberry leaves

They prevent the development of mutated cells, thereby stopping the growth of malignant neoplasms. Rich in bioflavonoids and antioxidants.

Birch buds

Increases the body's defenses and prevents the development of tumors. Contains manganese, nickel, boron and other valuable minerals.

Where to buy the monastery fee of Father George

It is impossible to buy the monastic collection of Father George in a pharmacy in ready-made form, but knowing the composition, you can assemble it from the components sold there. True, this is a rather costly and not profitable action, since it is necessary to purchase a package of each of the 16 herbs of the monastery collection according to the recipe of Father George. Plus, you need to know the proportions exactly, and not collect “by eye,” but weigh the herbs on a medical scale. Personally, I didn’t want to do all this, and I didn’t even intend to buy scales. I went online to purchase it.

When buying a tea mixture online, it is important to be sure that it will contain exactly the herbs that are indicated in the instructions. Unfortunately, there are often cases of collisions with fakes. In this regard, it seemed to me that the most optimal solution would be to order the monastery collection of Father George through the official website. The product was delivered within the timeframe specified when ordering, and I began treatment.

What herbs are included in the collection, proportions

According to the famous herbalist Archimandrite George, the following herbs are the most effective in the treatment of cancer:

  1. Sage.
  2. Nettle leaves.
  3. Immortelle.
  4. Bearberry.
  5. Rosehip berries.
  6. Wormwood.
  7. A series.
  8. Linden blossom.
  9. Yarrow.
  10. Thyme.
  11. A series.
  12. Dried flower (cat's paw).
  13. Chamomile.
  14. Motherwort.
  15. Birch buds.
  16. Marsh dry grass.

Sixteen components are selected in a certain proportion. Each component enhances the healing properties of the others. You can buy a ready-made composition or prepare it yourself. To do this, purchase plants separately and combine them in the following proportions:

  • sage - 35 g;
  • nettle - 25 g;
  • string, rose hips, immortelle, bearberry - 20 g each;
  • wormwood - 15 g;
  • other ingredients (chamomile, dried flowers, yarrow, thyme, birch buds, linden blossom, buckthorn bark, motherwort, marsh grass) - 10 g each.

As a result, the weight of the resulting medicinal mixture will be about 200 g. For ease of storage, it is better to chop the herbs and place them in a cardboard package or fabric bag.

How I received Father George's collection

Surprisingly, the herbs are prepared in very large form, probably so that buyers can clearly see what is included in the composition, and to make it more difficult to counterfeit the folk medicine. Therefore, according to the instructions, before brewing the monastery collection of Father George, it must be crushed. I do this using a coffee grinder. Then I add one tablespoon of ground water to half a liter. Then I let it brew for an hour and take 150 ml 3 times a day. I measure out the dose with a special little thing, the kind that our mothers used to measure out vinegar when they made seams.


Preparation of a herbal decoction has one important feature - it requires water from a holy source or lit in a church. It enhances the effect of plants, helping to cleanse oneself from diseases and sins.

How to prepare the decoction:

  1. For 1 tbsp. collection take 2.5 liters. boiling water
  2. Pour the collection with water and place in a water bath.
  3. Without letting it boil, simmer for 3 hours. During this time, the volume of liquid will decrease, the broth will become concentrated.

Cool the finished broth, strain and put in the refrigerator. You can store it for up to 2 weeks - all the beneficial properties will be preserved.

You need to take 1 tbsp of the decoction. three times a day an hour before meals. In case of severe oncology, the volume of one serving increases to 2-3 tbsp. Father George recommended taking the decoction warm.

During a 15-day break, it is recommended to take tincture of propolis and eleutherococcus. It strengthens the body and helps it withstand the test of illness.

How tea according to Father George's recipe helped me

I drank herbal tea for 2 months in the fall. And another 2 months at the beginning of spring. My immune system has really become stronger, I can feel it. I was able to survive the cold season without coughing, runny nose or fever.

We also managed to sort out the gastrointestinal problems. Now I eat well, my stomach does not get upset and there is no heaviness, as it used to be.

I greeted spring not exhausted and with vitamin deficiency, as usual, but with joy and pleasure. This time I have enough strength and energy to do what I love and communicate with friends.


Of course, most sites claim that this product has no contraindications. But do not forget that it contains a large number of herbs that have a very strong effect on the body. Therefore, before taking it, you should consult your doctor, or at least remember whether you tolerate this or that component well. Pregnancy and breastfeeding... Well, here, too, it’s better to ask the doctors. I’ll go find out about this when I’m ready to become a mother too.

I will say unequivocally: the herbs of this collection will not harm anyone. The gentle effect on the body and pleasant treatment (drinking tea is more pleasant than swallowing pills) will most likely appeal to you. The main thing is to order only on a trusted site. Have an easy season!

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