Benefits and contraindications for taking the herbal medicine Estrovel during menopause

It is rare that a woman manages to survive menopause without unpleasant consequences and without using any drugs to normalize the menopausal state. Particularly effective drugs for relieving such symptoms are drugs that contain large amounts of synthetic hormones. However, this treatment is not suitable for everyone, as it has many side effects and contraindications. For those who cannot take hormonal medications during menopause, the drug Estrovel was developed for menopause.

Composition of Estrovel

The drug contains the following active components (capsule form):

  • vitamins (E, K1, folic acid);
  • Aucubin;
  • Isoflavones;
  • Boron;
  • L-5-hydroxytryptophan;
  • Diosgenin;
  • Indole-3-carbinol.

The tablet contains the following components:

  • extracts (wild yam root, soybean, nettle leaves);
  • black cohosh racemosa (tryptophan glycosides);
  • organic boron;
  • indole-3-carbinol;
  • vitamins (folic acid, B6, E);
  • phenylalanine (D and L);
  • 5-hydroxytryptophan.

Auxiliary components:

  • Ca stearate;
  • MCC;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • Aerosil (phodless form of colloidal silicon dioxide).


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pharmachologic effect

A biologically active food supplement that can correct various hormonal disorders and reduce the severity of negative symptoms that accompany premenstrual and menopausal syndromes. The supplement can provide an integrated approach for the correction and prevention of disorders that are associated with the influence of menopause and hormonal in women.

The components of Cohosh racemosa have a positive effect on the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, eliminating the following symptoms and manifestations:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased sweating;
  • vertigo , dizziness ;
  • tides.

Cohosh is able to alleviate the symptoms that accompany a woman with hormonal imbalance during menopause:

  • muscle pain;
  • joint pain;
  • reducing calcium loss from the body (due to improved bone metabolism );
  • headache.

The sedative effect of Cohosh helps stabilize the psycho-emotional state of a woman during menopause.

Soy isoflavones are similar in nature to the female hormone estrogen and are phytohormones . With a lack of endogenous (own) estrogen due to age-related changes in the female body, isoflavones exhibit an estrogen-like effect . Soy isoflavones normalize hormonal imbalance during PMS , reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms (hyperhidrosis, hot flashes, migraine pain , etc.). It has been proven that these substances reduce the risk of developing cancer and stimulate regenerative processes in the skeletal system.

Dioscorea (wild yam) is a phytohormone containing substances similar in structure to progesterone . The plant is able to balance hormonal imbalance , which often accompanies women during menopause and premenstrual syndrome. Dioscorea is characterized by a pronounced antispasmodic effect , which makes it possible to relieve pain of menstrual origin. Additionally, Dioscorea has a vasodilating effect, reduces cholesterol in the blood, preventing the development of atherosclerotic changes .

Indole-3-carbinol is isolated from cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli). A substance of plant origin has a pronounced antitumor effect , preventing the development of breast cancer and other organs of the female reproductive system. Normalization of hormonal levels is typical during menopause, during PMS.

Stinging nettle extract has antioxidant and restorative effects, which are provided by the high content of carotenoids and vitamin C. The risk of bleeding is significantly reduced due to increased blood clotting and the manifestation of the hemostatic properties of nettle. The likelihood of developing osteoporosis is reduced due to the presence of vitamin K . The removal of excess fluid is achieved due to the diuretic effect of the plant. Reducing the severity of negative symptoms of PMS is achieved by preventing the development of edema syndrome.

The organic form of boron, calcium fructoborate, enhances the effect of phytoestrogens, which are part of the dietary supplement. In menopausal women, there is an increase in the production of the endogenous hormone estrogen. Sufficient boron content helps prevent the development of osteoporosis, to which women during menopause are so susceptible.

Vitamin E. During the menopausal period, women are often bothered by vaginal dryness. Vitamin E helps get rid of this problem. This component can reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes, improve blood circulation in the vaginal walls, stabilize mood, reduce nervousness, relieve dizziness and increase performance.

Vitamin B6 . Thanks to pyridoxine hydrochloride, the removal of excess fluid from the body is enhanced, and the severity of edema syndrome, which often accompanies women during PMS and menopause, is reduced. This component is characterized by increased stress resistance due to stimulation of endorphin . The vitamin has a general strengthening effect , improves the functioning of the immune system , and prevents the development of diseases such as osteoporosis.

Folic acid. Thanks to this component stress resistance an anti-anemic effect is manifested , the body's immune forces are increased, and the development and progression of depressive conditions . Folic acid has an antioxidant effect and exhibits estrogen-like properties.

5-Hydroxytryptophan . This amino acid is a precursor to serotonin and is isolated from the seeds of the Griffonia plant. Its properties are similar to vitamin B6 (reduces the severity of hot flashes, stabilizes mood, fights emotional depression, increases stress resistance).

D , L-phenylalanine . This amino acid is characterized by an analgesic effect , which is achieved by reducing pain by blocking enzymes that break down neuropeptides . Normalization of the emotional state is achieved due to antidepressant action , which is formed as a result of changes in the processes of synthesis of mediators that take an active part in the transmission of nerve impulses.

What effect does Estrovel have on the female body during menopause?

When taking this medication, you will notice the following improvements:

  • Strengthens bone tissue and significantly reduces the number of fractures.
  • Has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • Reduces the number and intensity of hot flashes. If attacks do occur, then the woman’s condition during them is not so critical.
  • Adjusts heart rhythms.
  • Promotes normal sweating.
  • Relieves dizziness.
  • Fights pain in muscles and joints.

Indications for use

Taking a biological supplement is allowed only after consultation with your doctor.

Estrovel is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of various disorders arising from:

  • with PMS;
  • during menopause;
  • in the recovery period after surgery to remove the ovaries ( post-castration syndrome ).

Additionally, the medication can be used:

  • as an adjuvant therapy in the treatment of chronic cystitis ;
  • for preventive purposes in a group of people over 35 years of age (prevention of aging of the body).

A narrow list of contraindications allows the supplement to be prescribed to a wide range of patients for the treatment and prevention of various forms of hormonal disorders.

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Estrovel, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The dietary supplement is intended to be taken per os.

Instructions for use of Estrovel, prescribed to reduce the severity of the negative symptom complex that accompanies a woman during menopause: 1 tablet 1-2 times a day.

A similar scheme is used after surgery to remove the ovaries, as well as to normalize and stabilize the menstrual cycle. Patients are treated according to the same scheme in order to normalize the functioning of all organs and systems. Therapy includes a two-month course of taking dietary supplements. The duration of therapy may vary depending on the decision of the treating doctor.

How to take Estrovel as an additional component in the treatment of chronic cystitis: 1 tablet. 1-2 times a day. The treatment regimen does not change for the treatment of PMS, however, taking pills begins exactly 14 days before the expected start of the menstrual cycle. Therapy is completed with the onset of discharge. According to the decision of the treating doctor, the regimen can be changed (up to 3-4 tablets per day).

Instructions for Estrovel Time Factor

In the first half of the cycle, 2 capsules are prescribed, numbered “1” (beige). In the second half of the cycle, you need to take 2 capsules numbered “2” (pink). The capsules are intended to be taken orally and should be washed down with water. The course lasts 3 months. Treatment begins on the first day of the menstrual cycle

Symptoms of the disease

Hormonal disorders in women of childbearing age can manifest themselves in the form of symptoms such as:

  • irregular menstrual cycle (periods are delayed or twice a month, premenstrual syndrome is more pronounced);
  • feeling of discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • sleep disturbances, frequent insomnia;
  • increased hair growth throughout the body.

Hormone imbalance is especially pronounced in women during menopause. In addition to the symptoms described above, you may experience:

  • hot flashes are a feeling of constant discomfort, accompanied by fever, chills, increased sweating, and tachycardia. In addition, there is a panic fear of something, shortness of breath;
  • loss of performance as a result of rapid fatigue;
  • increased excitability and nervousness;
  • constant headaches and dizziness.


If such symptoms are permanent and interfere with a normal and habitual way of life, you must consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist and undergo an appropriate examination. In no case should you self-medicate, as you can harm your health.

special instructions

Additionally, the “ Estrovel Time Factor ” line is produced - a two-phase complex developed specifically taking into account the course of cyclical changes in the female body. The active components are distributed in two types of capsules to provide maximum nutrition to the woman’s body at each stage of the menstrual cycle.

Manufacturer: Estrovela Valeant or Ecomir - which is better?

Both manufacturers have Russian registration and produce dietary supplements with absolutely identical composition. The cost of the above drugs is approximately the same.


Despite its natural composition, Estrovel has a number of contraindications that prohibit the use of this product. So, it is forbidden to take the medication for the following pathologies:

  • Allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to dietary supplement components;
  • Allergic reactions to food proteins;
  • Chronic acute headaches;
  • Any form of diabetes;
  • Attacks of fear and panic attacks;
  • Chronic skin diseases;
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Benign neoplasms of the ovaries and uterus;
  • All types of malignant neoplasms;
  • Hypertension.

Also, dietary supplements are contraindicated when planning pregnancy and during treatment with antidepressants.

Important! Before prescribing the drug, the patient must undergo a complete examination.

Analogues of Estrovel

Analogs of the drug, similar in pharmacological effects:

  • Proginova;
  • Inoclim;
  • Saguenite;
  • Climaton;
  • Medisoya;
  • Menoise;
  • Climasphere;
  • Menoquin;
  • Klimadinon.

Estrovel or Cyclim - which is better?

Both products are dietary supplements that contain phytoestrogens (Estrovel has 3 of them, and Cyclim has 1). The effect of Estrovel is more pronounced, which is explained by its richer composition.

Questions - answers

How long can you take Estrovel without interruption?

The duration of medication should be determined by the attending physician. As a rule, therapy should be carried out for at least six months, but in severe menopause, continuous use can last up to 12 months.

Is it possible to increase the dosage if the effect is weak?

A slight increase in the dosage of the drug does not have a negative effect on the body. However, only the attending physician can increase the dose. The maximum daily dose of Estrovel is 4 tablets.

Is it possible to take Estrovel with other medications?

The complex does not affect the action of other drugs, so it can be used as part of complex therapy. The only contraindication is simultaneous use with strong antidepressants.

Is it possible to take Estrovel if you have uterine fibroids?

No, uterine fibroids are a hormone-dependent tumor, and an increase in estrogen in the blood can trigger the growth of the tumor. For fibroids, the doctor will select other safe remedies that will alleviate menopausal symptoms and will not affect hormonal levels.

Is it possible to drink Estrovel after the expiration date?

Taking any medications that have expired is strictly prohibited. The shelf life of the tablets is 24 months. Carefully look at the expiration dates and release date on the product packaging.

What to do if side effects occur?

If side effects occur, you should stop taking Estrovel and consult your gynecologist for advice. In case of dangerous conditions, the doctor will select a milder remedy for menopause. However, reviews of Estrovel during menopause indicate that side effects are extremely rare and most often occur against the background of self-medication and improper use.

Does Estrovel help with severe menopause?

Yes, the medicine can significantly improve the condition in severe menopause, but most often in this case, doctors prescribe the supplement as a complex therapy. According to experts, severe menopause is easier to prevent than to treat, and for this, in the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to start taking Estrovel at the premenopausal stage.

Reviews about Estrovel

The undeniable advantage of the drug is its plant origin. Reviews from women and doctors confirm that the medication is able to mitigate the severity of the negative symptom complex that accompanies women during menopause. Thematic forums allow us to conclude that the dietary supplement rarely causes side effects and is well tolerated, regardless of the manufacturer ( Valiant or Ecomir ). Women during menopause complain of frequent “hot flashes” and mood swings, which this dietary supplement copes well with.

Reviews from doctors about contraindications for Estrovel

The main contraindications are allergic reactions, pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as age restrictions - up to 14 years. In all other cases, doctors do not prohibit taking dietary supplement tablets.

Drug therapy

In order for the drug to work effectively, you must adhere to all the recommendations stated in the instructions for use. The package with Estrovel tablets comes with detailed instructions describing the composition, the activity of all components, which indicates contraindications and side effects.

The composition of the dietary supplement has the advantage that the supplement can be taken simultaneously with other medications.

Estrovel tablets should be taken with a significant amount of water. There is no need to chew or crush them in any other way; just swallow the tablet. It is recommended to take the product during meals, regardless of the time of day. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment, Estrovel is taken for a long time.

Taking medication to eliminate the symptoms of menopause and post-castration syndrome is as follows:

  1. The duration of the course is at least 2 months, but not more than 1 year. Doctors recommend taking Estrovel until symptoms disappear completely.
  2. Between courses it is necessary to take a break of 1 to 3 months, after which you can continue taking the drug.

If this dietary supplement is taken as a preventive measure for aging of the body or to eliminate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, the following recommendations apply:

  1. Take the drug for 14 days before the start of your period.
  2. The minimum course duration is 3 months. To increase the stability of the effect of the drug, it is recommended to take it for 6-12 menstrual cycles.


Although the composition of the drug was developed in such a way as not to cause an overdose, and during the use of the drug no cases of overdose were identified, the recommended doses should be adhered to.

Estrovel price, where to buy

The cost of the dietary supplement varies depending on the manufacturer and region of sale. You can buy Estrovel Ecomir in Moscow for 480 rubles. The average price of Estrovel in Ukraine is 350 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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  • Estrovel capsules No. 30 Vneshtorg Pharma

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