The most popular homeopathic remedies for menopause

Menopause is not a disease, but it causes a lot of inconvenience for women. A decrease in estrogen production causes unpleasant symptoms: hot flashes, frequent headaches, mood swings, urinary incontinence, varicose veins. This worsens the quality of life and limits some opportunities.

The treatment offered by modern medicine is in most cases represented by the prescription of hormonal drugs. The consequences of their use may be more serious than organic disorders caused by a decrease in estrogen production.

The use of homeopathy for menopause will help improve the quality of life without deteriorating your health.

Modern views on homeopathy

Traditional medicine does not consider homeopathic remedies to be full medicines. Homeopathic treatment is based on two main principles: firstly, like can be cured by like, and secondly, very small doses of the active substance are needed for therapy. Therefore, an infinitely small dosage of natural substances is introduced into the body, which, in large doses, can provoke the development of the disease.

Thus, a homeopathic medicine, entering the body, triggers an immunocorrection mechanism, which allows you to restore damaged processes, and thereby promotes recovery. Official medicine believes that the positive results that treatment with homeopathic remedies gives is solely the placebo effect - the power of faith in recovery.

But, in practice, in many cases, homeopathy has given positive results for many years. It is used in the treatment of diseases of organs of the following systems: respiratory, gastrointestinal, endocrine, immune and hematopoietic.

Recently, more and more women prefer to treat the symptoms of menopause with homeopathy rather than hormones. But, despite the fact that such a product contains a minimal amount of active substances, you cannot take them yourself. They should be prescribed by an experienced homeopathic specialist.

The effectiveness of homeopathic treatment

Experts today have differing opinions about the advisability of hormone therapy. In addition, many women refuse to take hormone-containing drugs because they are afraid of their side effects, do not have the financial ability to constantly buy them, or for other reasons.

In such cases, you can use treatment for menopause without hormones, which consists of the use of phytohormones, homeopathic medicines, dietary supplements, etc.

Homeopathy for menopause is very popular. The effect of homeopathic remedies is based on the activation of the body’s natural mechanisms. Patients are prescribed small doses of substances that, in large doses, can lead to negative consequences.

Homeopathic medicines will help eliminate symptoms of menopause such as:

  • hyperhidrosis (increased sweating);
  • menopausal vertigo (dizziness);
  • hot flashes during menopause;
  • dryness of the vaginal mucous membranes;
  • mood swings;
  • weight gain and others.

The benefits of homeopathy for menopause include the following:

  • natural origin of components;
  • relatively low cost;
  • there are practically no side effects, only allergies to the components of the product;
  • safety of use in the elderly.

Let's consider the most effective homeopathic remedies used for menopause.

  • Remens – 580 rubles. The drug consists of soybean phytohormones, which activate the synthesis of sex hormones at the level of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Remens effectively relieves a woman of hot flashes during menopause and prevents the appearance of vaginitis. In addition, with the help of Remens you can prevent urinary incontinence and cystitis during menopause.
  • Estrovel - 385 rubles. This drug contains phytoestrogens from soy and wild yam, as well as a complex of vitamins and microelements. Estrovel allows you to reduce the number and intensity of hot flashes and sweating.
  • Feminal – 670 rubles. This drug contains liquid extracts of nettle, oregano, celandine, hawthorn, shepherd's purse herb, centaury, St. John's wort, thyme, celandine and calendula. Feminal helps get rid of hot flashes, excessive sweating, psycho-emotional lability and dizziness during menopause, and women do not recover from this medicine.
  • Climaxin – 120 rubles. This preparation consists of sepia, lachesis and black cohosh. The action of Climaxin is aimed mainly at regulating vegetative-vascular disorders (insomnia, irritability, palpitations, excessive sweating, dizziness) during menopause.
  • Klimakt-Hel – 400 rubles. This drug perfectly eliminates the symptoms caused by menopause.

Herbal preparations for menopause contain phytoestrogens - substances that can perform the function of female sex hormones and eliminate the symptoms of aging in the female body.

Today, the most effective and popular drug for menopause symptoms is Inoklim, which is a biological supplement based on phytoestrogens.

Inoclim effectively fights such menopausal symptoms as a feeling of heat in the body, vaginal dryness, increased sweating, and also prevents the development of complications.

The drug has virtually no contraindications or side effects. Inoclim is not prescribed only to those who are allergic to the substances that make up its composition.

Thus, we have looked at what medications to take during menopause to alleviate its symptoms. But drug therapy can and should be supplemented with proper and balanced nutrition, drinking enough fluids, playing sports, and taking vitamin and mineral complexes. Also, do not forget about the positive emotions that communication with loved ones, hobbies or handicrafts can give you.

Watch a video about medications for menopause.

What you need to know about homeopathy

One should not expect from homeopathic remedies that they will be able to cure a woman from complex diseases or pathologies of the cardiovascular or musculoskeletal systems.

Expert opinion

Roman Andreevich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, gynecologist-obstetrician, 14 years of work experience.

To get a consultation

But with the proper selection of drugs, which involves taking into account the individual characteristics of the female body, it is possible to eliminate menopausal symptoms completely or make their manifestations less pronounced, as well as normalize the cycle and significantly improve the general condition by strengthening the immune system.

Definition of the term.

The positive aspects of homeopathic treatment during menopause include:

  1. Completely natural composition of drugs.
  2. Virtually no side effects. Some women may be allergic to some components of the medicine.
  3. Mild effect on the body due to the fact that the active substances are in very small doses.
  4. A very small list of contraindications for use. As a rule, individual intolerance to some component of the product.
  5. Good effect in treating symptoms of menopause and restoring the menstrual cycle.
  6. There is no addiction to the drugs, which allows women, if necessary, to take them for a long time without harm to their health.
  7. The relatively low cost of such drugs.

Homeopathic therapy provides that the effect on the body is carried out smoothly, and therefore, the course of treatment lasts on average 3 months, and some tablets need to be taken for six months, but the first results will already be noticeable after taking the drugs for two weeks.

Menopause and its stages

Conventionally, this time can be divided into several stages:

  • First, premenopause lasts approximately four years. The countdown starts from the last menstrual period. A woman begins to experience severe mood swings, she feels hot and cold, and her menstrual cycle is rearranged. In some cases, a difficult awakening in the morning is added.
  • Menopause can only be established after a year without menstrual flow. The average age of onset is 51 years.
  • The final stage is postmenopause . This is the period from the very last menstruation when a woman begins to experience an acute lack of estrogen. Without it, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases.

Homeopathic medicines protect the woman’s body during this period from complications such as osteoporosis and heart disease.

Take homeopathic remedies only after consulting a doctor. Self-medication can lead to unexpected consequences. Source: flickr (Eugene Evehealth).

Important nuances

What is this treatment method?

Homeopathic therapy has the following disadvantages:

  • the need for a paid consultation with a homeopathic doctor;
  • ineffective for severe diseases and pathologies;
  • cannot be combined with taking medicinal herbs.

Not all doctors involved in traditional medicine recognize the effect of using homeopathic medicines. Some people consider homeopaths to be charlatans. Others prescribe homeopathic pills to strengthen the immune system during hormone replacement therapy.

However, when choosing a treatment method, the patient always has the final say. If in doubt, it is advisable to seek additional advice from another specialist.

Homeopathic medicines used for menopause are available in different dosage forms: tablets, granules or drops. They come as single drugs or as special complexes in which the effect of one component enhances the effect of the others. They contain only natural ingredients: immunostimulants and natural estrogens, which are found in some types of plants, as well as beekeeping products, lachesis - snake venom and extracts from other animals.


Preparations that contain only estrogens are produced mainly in the form of gels, creams, patches or implants that are placed under a woman’s skin.

The most effective for menopause are the following gels and ointments with estrogens:

  • Divigel – 620 rubles;
  • Estrogel – 780 rubles;
  • Octodiol – the drug is not commercially available;
  • Menorest - the drug is not commercially available;
  • Proginova - 590 rubles.

Among estrogen patches, the following have performed well:

  • Estraderm - the drug is not commercially available;
  • Alora – 250 rubles;
  • Klimara – 1214 rubles;
  • Estramon – 5260 rubles;
  • Menostar.

Gels and ointments are quite convenient to use, since they only need to be applied once a day to the skin of the shoulders, abdomen or lower back.

Hormonal patches are an even more convenient dosage form because they need to be changed once every seven days.

Implants that are sewn under the skin last six months, releasing a small dose of estrogen into the blood every day.

Gels, ointments, creams, patches and implants have a number of advantages over oral or injectable forms of hormonal drugs, namely:

  • ease of dosage selection;
  • gradual penetration of estrogen into the blood;
  • the hormone enters directly into the blood without passing through the liver;
  • maintaining a balance of different types of estrogens;
  • minimal risk of side effects;
  • can be used even if there are contraindications to the use of estrogens.

Five of the most popular drugs

The full list of homeopathic remedies for menopause includes over 1,500 items, but we will consider only the first five most popular medicines.


This popular homeopathic remedy is produced by the domestic company Materia Medica in two dosage forms that have the same composition and therapeutic effect: spherical granules and lozenges.

The drug has the following indications for use: treatment of symptoms of premenopause and postmenopausal conditions. It is prescribed to normalize the menstrual cycle in the first menopausal stage.

The product includes:

  1. Phytoestrogen is an extract of black cohosh that normalizes hormonal levels and thereby eliminates the symptoms of menopause - hot flashes, sweating, insomnia and other sleep problems, dizziness and headaches.
  2. Bee venom helps cope with depression. It eliminates frequently occurring swelling of the limbs and reduces the intensity of pain.
  3. Lachesis is snake venom. It has a positive effect on blood composition. As a result, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, hot flashes disappear, as well as their accompanying excessive sweating.

Climaxan is taken twice a day, 5 granules or 1 tablet 15 minutes before eating. The product, regardless of the medicinal form, must be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. If symptoms are severe, the doctor may increase the daily dose of the medicine: 5 granules or 1 tablet 3-4 times throughout the day.

The minimum course of treatment with granules is 1-2 months, and with tablets – 6 months. After completing the course, a two-week break is taken, during which it is necessary to take blood tests and undergo a gynecological examination. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a second course of therapy.


Complex homeopathic medicine from the German company Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH. Available in the form of lozenges.

Consists of 7 active ingredients, 3 of which are of plant origin:

  • Sanguinaria canadensis – eliminates hot flashes and headaches;
  • Ignacy bitter – fights mood swings and headaches;
  • cedron - helps get rid of neurological manifestations.

Animal Components:

  • substance from the ink sac of cuttlefish - effectively eliminates hot flashes and excessive sweating, irritability and depression;
  • Lachesis is the venom of the surukuku snake, the effect of which is aimed at eliminating headaches and hot flashes.

Mineral components of the drug:

  • sulfur – to combat hot flashes and excessive sweating;
  • metal tin is an effective remedy for neuralgia.

Take one tablet three times a day, a quarter of an hour before meals or an hour after meals. The course of treatment is from 3 to 6 weeks.


A widely advertised complex homeopathic drug from the Austrian pharmaceutical concern Richard Bittner AG, which is available in the form of tablets and drops.

The product contains the phytoestrogens we reviewed: black cohosh and sanguinaria. In addition, the secretion of the cuttlefish gland and lachesis - snake venom, which is a powerful immunostimulating component.

Taking the drug allows you to eliminate the symptoms that its active substances fight. It is taken to normalize hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle, increase immunity, improve the functioning of the reproductive system and the condition of blood vessels.

Ladies especially appreciate this remedy because it prevents the increase in fat reserves against the background of reduced levels of sex hormones. The first days take 30 drops or 3 tablets per day at different times. After this, reduce the dose to 20 drops and 1-2 tablets per day. The course of treatment is six months.

Sepia Comp Matrona

The domestic company Talion A produces Sepia Comp Matrona drops for women.
They include: cohosh extract, a substance from the glands of cuttlefish, as well as lachesis - snake venom. This homeopathic remedy can be taken during hormonal therapy, combined with the intake of vitamins and microelements.

Take 8-10 drops half an hour before meals for up to 2 months. After a month's break, the course of treatment is repeated.

This therapy helps eliminate pressure surges, hot flashes, headaches, strengthen the immune system, prevent depression and stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, coping with emotional manifestations.


Complex homeopathic remedy from the Russian pharmaceutical company “V-Min+”. It is considered one of the best drugs for eliminating menopausal hot flashes. It does not contain lachesis, but only plant components - extracts of black cohosh, wild yam, nettle leaves and soy isoflavonoids, as well as provitamins.

With the help of the drug, they effectively treat menopause, in particular, they normalize hormonal levels, eliminate psycho-emotional manifestations, promote the elasticity of blood vessels, and prevent calcium from being washed out of the bones.

Thus, the product prevents the development of osteoporosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, it improves immunity and eliminates heavy periods during perimenopause and restores the cycle.

Features of application

In order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect from the drug, homeopaths use the method of potentiation (dilution). The active substance is gradually adjusted to the required concentration in a solvent (alcohol, saline solution, distilled water). The drug may contain a tenth, a hundredth, a thousandth part of the substance.

Then the resulting liquid is shaken using a special method (dynamization).

Homeopathic remedies are available in the following forms:

  • gelatin capsules;
  • pills;
  • pills (grains, balls, granules);
  • drops.

Oral preparations are not swallowed, but placed under the tongue until completely dissolved or dissolved. The pills can be mixed with water. In severe cases, do this: the daily dose of pills is diluted in water, and 1 liter is taken. every 2 hours (or more often).

Typically, homeopathic medicines are taken before meals (30 minutes before) or after meals (one hour later). At the beginning of treatment, the condition may worsen, and this is normal. The active substance stimulates internal reserves to get rid of negative symptoms.

Effective means

During menopause, various drugs are used. They can be sold in tablet, granular or liquid form. Their composition is represented by natural ingredients:

  • phytoestrogens;
  • immunomodulators;
  • vitamins;
  • beekeeping products;
  • poisons of spiders, snakes and other creatures;
  • other products of animal, vegetable and mineral origin.

Indications and method of use

The principles of treatment and the required dosages are indicated in the instructions supplied with the drug. But you should listen to the recommendations of the homeopath. He can adjust the dosage regimen and change the duration of the course depending on the clinical picture. You should not be surprised if a specialist prescribes only one drug - this is common practice in classical homeopathy. Based on the results of treatment, the medicine may subsequently be replaced by another.

How about menopause will not succeed - the action of homeopathic products is aimed at combating symptoms. Thus, indications for its use are the presence of the following manifestations in a woman:

  1. Heat waves accompanied by hyperhidrosis and followed by bouts of chills.
  2. Sleep disturbances, night sweats.
  3. Significant weakness, extreme fatigue.
  4. Mild excitability or indifference to everything.
  5. Signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia, dizziness, migraine.
  6. Prolonged vaginal discharge, uterine bleeding.
  7. Pain in the peritoneal area.
  8. Convulsive syndrome.
  9. Drying of the vaginal mucosa, itching.
  10. Difficulty urinating, painful process.
  11. Pressure surges.

List of popular drugs

Homeopathy remedies for menopause from hot flashes and other unpleasant symptoms can be either mono- or polycomponent. They are prescribed by a specialist depending on the set of menopausal symptoms, the intensity of their manifestation and some other features. Below is a brief overview of the most popular homeopathic products. It is considered universal and is often prescribed by gynecologists to strengthen the body and improve general condition.

Feminal . The action of the drug is based on the activity of phytoestrogens included in its composition. It not only eliminates symptoms, but also exhibits anticarcinogenic activity, prevents the development of cardiovascular pathologies and osteoporosis. The product helps eliminate hormonal imbalances in women of reproductive age.

Remens . Produced in the form of drops and tablets, the drug contains, in addition to plant estrogens, an extract from cephalopods and snake venom. The product effectively eliminates menopausal symptoms, stimulates the immune system, inhibits the progression of vascular pathologies, and prevents excess weight gain.

Estrovel . This herbal medicine improves hormonal levels, activates blood supply to the peritoneal organs, harmonizes nervous reactions, normalizes the volume of menstrual flow, relieves hot flashes and other symptoms. Its active components help maintain the elasticity of vascular walls, stabilize blood pressure and prevent the development of hypocalcemia.

Climaxan . Available in the form of granules for resorption, it contains provitamins and vitamin compounds. The drug copes with depressive symptoms, swelling, improves cardiac activity, and prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors.

Sepia Comp . The drug can be used in combination therapy in parallel with hormonal medications. It is sold in the form of drops, which should be diluted with water according to the instructions before taking. Its action is aimed at normalizing blood pressure, eliminating migraines, various vasomotor and psycho-emotional reactions.

Klimakt-Hel . These oral soluble tablets contain minerals, as well as components of plant and animal origin. They smooth out typical menopausal symptoms, eliminate neuralgia and strengthen the immune system. The product also has an analgesic and calming effect, and prevents the leaching of calcium from the bone skeleton.

Mulimen . Presented with drops that have a regulatory effect on the neurohormonal sphere. It normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary, nervous and circulatory systems, eliminates signs of hyperhidrosis, activates lymph outflow, and exhibits hemostatic properties.

Klimaktoplan . This combination drug is presented in tablets for sublingual administration. It has proven itself in the fight against migraines, hyperhidrosis, hot flashes, increased excitability and general exhaustion. It can be combined with other medicinal products.

Nervochel . The tablets should be kept under the tongue until completely dissolved. They have a significant relaxing effect, calm you down and help get rid of a depressive mood. The drug eliminates migraines, hysteria, catatonic and neuralgic manifestations, gives strength and tones.

Drugs from the group of mono-drugs are no less effective. They provide symptomatic assistance and a general strengthening effect. List of popular products:

  • sepia;
  • stannum;
  • Lachesis;
  • pulsatilla;
  • black cohosh;
  • sulfuricum acidum;
  • gelsemium;
  • sanguinaria;
  • phosphorus.

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