If there is no bleeding after the escapelle, this is normal.

Already after unprotected sex or in emergency cases (the condom breaks), you can prevent unwanted pregnancy with the help of emergency contraception. And here the woman begins to wonder what kind of discharge one might encounter after Escapelle, as well as what they are talking about.

It should be understood that each body reacts individually to the same drug, so it is necessary to find out which secretion after Escapel is considered normal and does not threaten health, and which secretions indicate disturbances in processes in the body or incorrect use of emergency contraception. Having all this knowledge, you can not only identify the problem in time, but also prevent undesirable consequences.

Should I bleed after taking Escapel?

Escapel contains a large amount of gestagen of synthetic origin. In this regard, a woman’s body undergoes a change in hormonal levels, which is characteristic of the end of the critical days. As a result, rejection of the mucous membrane of the tissue is observed.

A woman may bleed from the vagina in small quantities for several days after taking the drug. This phenomenon is called “artificial menstruation” and begins after 3-5 days, maybe after a week. If blood is released in normal quantities, this indicates that Escapelle has worked. “Artificial menstruation” usually lasts from 3 to 6 days.

If blood is released in large quantities (bleeding occurs), qualified medical assistance is needed. The specialist must carry out the necessary diagnostic measures and determine the cause of the pathological condition. Severe bleeding may be a consequence of improper use of the drug or an ectopic pregnancy.

Character of bleeding

Blood should flow in small quantities. Have a brown tint or color of the liver, due to the fact that it consists of mucous and blood fluid. The discharge of blood within normal limits is characterized by mild malaise, which usually occurs during critical days. The release of secretions should not exceed 10 days.

If dark scarlet clots come out along with the blood, this indicates the beginning of the critical days, even if the time has not yet come. The drug Escapelle changes hormonal levels, as a result, menstruation shifts. If critical days do not stop within 6 days, you need to contact a gynecologist.

As mentioned earlier, scanty discharge is normal. But if this phenomenon lasts more than 10 days, concern should arise. This may indicate conception or hormonal imbalances. In both cases, medical attention is needed.

Severe scarlet hemorrhage is an abnormal phenomenon after using Escapel. It is one of the side effects. In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist for examination and obtain the necessary treatment.

How to take the drug correctly

Emergency contraception is not recommended to be used more than 2 times a month. If this is not taken into account, a side effect in the form of severe bleeding can occur. The method of application for the fair sex of any age and parameters is the same and very simple.

In order to achieve the most effective results, the drug must be taken within the first 72 hours after sexual intercourse. Preferably on the first day. Thus, with a 95% probability, Escapelle will work.

It is enough to take just 1 tablet. Due to the individuality of each body, some women may experience nausea or vomiting. If this phenomenon occurs within 3 hours after using the contraceptive, it is recommended to take Escapelle again.

Escapelle is taken orally (by mouth). Can be used before, during or after eating food. For better absorption, take plenty of liquid.

Why do people drink Escapelle?

Popular emergency contraceptive drugs include Escapelle, which helps minimize the risks of unwanted pregnancy. It is taken after intimacy; its composition is similar to its predecessors, but it allows you to get the expected effect with a single dose. However, after this, a disturbance in the monthly cycle is often observed, from a delay to the early onset of menstruation.

The contraceptive is a gestagenic drug, which allows it to be used by women of different age groups. It is not prohibited for use during lactation, but you need to take the pill six hours before breastfeeding. It is also necessary to take into account that Escapelle does not exclude pregnancy if there was repeated unprotected sex after taking it. If you experience scanty periods after taking the pill, it is recommended to take a blood test for “pregnancy hormone” (hCG), or conduct a test yourself. The effectiveness of the drug is noted when taken within seventy-two hours after sexual intercourse. It is believed that its effect lasts more than a hundred hours, but the shorter the period after intimacy and taking the pill, the higher the effectiveness of the contraceptive.

It is also possible to take Escapelle during menstruation, but menstruation may last several days longer, or light spotting may appear after ten to fourteen days.

When is Escapelle necessary:

  • Rape;
  • High probability of conception when other contraceptives are not recommended;
  • The schedule for taking oral contraceptives is disrupted;
  • Casual unprotected sex;
  • In case of spontaneous removal of the vaginal ring, intrauterine device, or damage to the condom;
  • Other situations where there is a high probability of unwanted pregnancy.

Possible side effects

If the product is used incorrectly or abused, some side effects may occur. One of the most common is vaginal bleeding. Small discharge should not cause concern. But if their number increases or the bleeding does not stop for a long time, this means that you have a side effect. You need to see a doctor.

Another side effect may be the absence of menstruation or its short duration. In this case, you need to make sure that the drug has worked and you are not pregnant. Take a test or get examined by a gynecologist.

Also, as a result of exceeding the dosage, dysmenorrhea may occur. With this side effect, severe pain occurs in the lower abdomen. Critical days come irregularly.


Escapelle has few contraindications, but in order not to provoke unpleasant consequences, they must be taken into account:

  • Girls under 16 years of age;
  • Breast-feeding;
  • Gestation period;
  • Liver pathologies;
  • Enzymatic diseases.

Due to the uniqueness of each female body, the drug Escapelle is perceived differently by everyone. But if you follow the instructions for use and do not exceed the dosage, emergency contraception gives the desired result in 95% of cases and does not cause side effects.

Escapelle is an oral contraceptive whose active ingredient is levonorgestrel. The drug is in great demand among modern youth. The principle of action of the contraceptive is to inhibit ovulation. Levonorgestrel prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine tissue. Cervical mucus becomes thicker and more viscous, making it difficult for sperm to pass through to the egg.

The active substance is absorbed into the systemic bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract. The peak effect of the drug is observed after two hours. It is excreted from the body naturally after 24 hours along with feces and urine. If you use the contraceptive correctly, the chance of getting pregnant is 1-1.5%.

One of the advantages of the contraceptive is that it can be taken during breastfeeding. The active substance does not pass into breast milk and does not affect its quality composition.

Escapelle is a last resort measure to prevent pregnancy. Taking pills regularly to prevent conception is prohibited. The pill should be taken within 72 hours after sexual intercourse. If the interval between copulation and taking the contraceptive is much longer, then the effectiveness of the drug decreases.

"Escapel" has a number of contraindications: puberty, pregnancy, liver disease. Reviews about the drug are positive, but if used incorrectly or contraindications are not followed, Escapelle can cause a number of side effects, including discharge. They can be of different intensity and color.

When should your period start?

When taking hormonal medications, the monthly cycle always goes wrong. There is nothing dangerous if your period starts a week or a few days early. Next month the body should fully recover. A delay after taking emergency contraception is also an understandable phenomenon. In this case, the absence of menstrual flow is allowed for about 20 days from the expected date of critical days.

It should be remembered that the drug is allowed to be taken only once per cycle. If a woman takes the pills twice, the consequences can be very different. Bleeding may begin immediately after taking Escapelle again. Significant hormonal imbalance is guaranteed. It will take about 3 months for the female body to recover.

Failure of the monthly cycle is always an undesirable phenomenon. Sometimes it takes several months to recover. Before using emergency contraception, you need to weigh everything carefully. The side effects from taking the drug are quite strong. They can last until the next menstruation begins. Nausea, general weakness, headache, disruption of the nervous system, insomnia, mood swings, decreased ability to work, apathy.

One more point should be taken into account: if pregnancy has already occurred, Escapelle is not able to disrupt it, but it is capable of causing harm. If you are absolutely sure that ovulation has passed, there is no point in taking pills.

Causes of bloody secretion while taking emergency contraception

Emergency contraception methods are considered very powerful drugs that must be used correctly. In most situations, discharge after taking Escapel is natural, that is, it indicates the effect of the drug. But various violations cannot be ruled out.


The action of the drug Escapelle is based on a synthetic version of the natural hormone gestagen. Levonorgestrel causes processes in the female body that are similar to the end of the menstrual cycle. It turns out that brown discharge after Escapelle occurs due to rejection of the inner mucous membrane of the uterine body, which is also called the endometrium or mucous layer. This process is considered normal and does not threaten the woman’s health. And it is also commonly called “artificial menstruation.”

Many women are interested in why there is bleeding after Escapelle. Escapelle is a progestin contraceptive for oral administration. Used as emergency contraception during unprotected sexual intercourse.

Bleeding after taking Escapelle is one of the many difficulties faced by women taking the drug. Like all medications, it has side effects, one of which is heavy bleeding of unknown origin.

Failure of the menstrual cycle due to Escapelle

The onset of menstruation excludes pregnancy and allows the woman to breathe easy. The situation is even better if your period comes earlier. But if your period is supposed to start, but it doesn’t, thoughts of an unplanned pregnancy come to mind. When menstruation begins after taking Escapel depends on the processes that took place in the body under its influence. This may happen sooner or later.

Failure in the first phase of the monthly cycle

After taking a hormonal pill before ovulation, in half of the cases spotting begins the next day. Women mistake this phenomenon for menstruation and are very surprised when, after 2 weeks, bloody discharge starts again. The presence of discharge after taking Escapel means a hormonal surge, which has become an obstacle to the further development of the egg. Ovulation has not occurred, which means there will be no pregnancy, menstruation should begin. In most cases they arrive on time or earlier. The discharge is scanty. Because the failure of hormones did not allow the endometrial layer to develop. There is nothing to reject during your period. However, spotting in the middle of the cycle cannot be ruled out while taking a strong hormonal drug.

Failure in the second phase of the menstrual cycle

Discharge after taking Escapel in the second phase of the cycle also leads to hormonal imbalance. Elevated progesterone levels cause the body to prepare for pregnancy, even if fertilization has not occurred. During this time, an excess layer of endometrium grows. After taking Escapel, the discharge becomes thick, but menstruation does not begin. The delay after hormonal treatment is observed for several days, or even weeks. Some women in the middle of the cycle experience a failure in the form of spotting, followed by a delay of 20 days after taking the pills. The discharge is profuse, bleeding appears, which seriously frightens the woman.

What causes bleeding after Escapelle

Escapel is a hormonal drug containing the active substance levonorgestrel. When taken before ovulation, it blocks the synthesis of estrogen, suppresses ovulation, and prevents the movement of sperm into the uterus. At the end of the cycle, it affects the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the fertilization of the egg. Taking the medicine excludes pregnancy, but if pregnancy occurs, miscarriage is impossible.

This drug is used in emergency cases, when you forgot to take a birth control pill, a condom broke during sexual intercourse, the intrauterine device fell out, and other reasons. This product is not suitable for daily use due to its high hormone content.

Bleeding after taking the drug is one of the side effects, but not everyone experiences it. This occurs when the endometrium is not completely discharged. This usually occurs if Escapelle was taken in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. If bleeding occurs after taking the drug after a short time and it is not heavy, this is normal.

Bleeding can also begin when taking another hormonal drug - Postinor. Its effectiveness is high, frequent use is undesirable, since a malfunction in the body’s hormonal system is possible.

Bloody discharge after taking Postinor is considered normal. But sometimes pathology can be observed, which is expressed in heavy bleeding. Their duration should not exceed 10 days. If the blood comes with clots, shortness of breath and dizziness appear, it is better to consult a doctor.

The synthetic hormone contained in Escapelle promotes the rejection of the endometrium in the uterus, which is why the fertilized egg cannot penetrate the muscle layer for consolidation. Under the influence of the drug, the mucus becomes viscous and thick. If the pill is taken on time, then pregnancy will not occur, and if it is late, then it will not affect the pregnancy.

After taking Escapel, menstruation may decrease or stop. The cessation of menstruation may indicate that pregnancy has occurred. This is usually excluded.

If there is a slight delay in menstruation, you need to undergo examination by a gynecologist.

Often the drug cannot be used, it can cause pain during menstruation. You are allowed to take the medicine once every six months, the rest of the time you must use other products with a low hormone content (Jess, Yarina) or use a condom.

To achieve the effect, you must take the drug for the first 12-24 hours. Doctors do not recommend taking more than 1 tablet. Otherwise, bleeding may occur after administration.

Operating principle of Escapel

The drug has several mechanisms of action on a woman’s menstrual cycle. In this case, the contraceptive ability is 95%. Disruption of the normal operation of systems leads to a failure of the monthly cycle.

  1. The hormonal agent inhibits the maturation of the egg and prevents ovulation.
  2. Escapelle prevents the development of a full-fledged endometrial layer. A fertilized egg will not be able to implant in the uterine cavity.
  3. The drug changes the concentration of cervical mucus. The escapelle makes it thick and does not allow the fertilized cell to move through the tubes to the uterus.

Thus, changes in the menstrual cycle directly depend on the phase in which the hormonal drug was taken. Menstruation comes earlier or there is a significant delay, which makes women quite worried.

Contraindications to the use of Escapel

Escapelle is contraindicated if:

  • pregnancy has occurred;
  • breastfeeding is carried out;
  • have liver disease;
  • metabolic processes are slowed down;
  • there is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects when taking the drug:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • the chest swells and hurts;
  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • headache;
  • severe fatigue.

The drug must be taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse, but it is better to take it within 12 hours. The longer you delay, the more effective Escapelle decreases.

Causes of severe bleeding after taking the drug

If heavy discharge appears when taking a contraceptive, this is nothing more than severe uterine bleeding. Its occurrence is due to the action of synthetic progestogen hormones, which enhance the discharge of the endometrium.

During the end of the menstrual cycle in women, the body begins to produce the hormone estrogen, after which menstruation ends. Heavy bleeding does not always occur after taking Escapel. It is influenced by many factors:

  • undiagnosed disease of the female genital organs (endometriosis, polyps, fibroids, ovarian pathologies);
  • bleeding as a result of smoking;
  • improper use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • the use of drugs that excite the nervous system;
  • digestive problems (vomiting, diarrhea);
  • individual intolerance to hormonal drugs.

Taking Escapel before ovulation may cause minor spotting, which may appear immediately or after a week. Sometimes women confuse them with menstruation.

If you take the pill after ovulation, there may be a delay, which may result in heavy periods.

If the delay is no more than 5 days, this is normal, and more than 2 weeks, you need to take a pregnancy test.

Previously, it was believed that sexual intercourse during menstruation did not contribute to the conception of a child. It has long been proven that intimacy in the first days of menstruation and in the last can lead to fertilization. If you take Escapelle during menstruation, bleeding will last for 2-3 days or minor spotting will appear after 2 weeks.

Many people ask at what age can Escapelle be taken. According to some reports, a small percentage of girls use this drug during adolescence. At different ages, it is important to understand the principle of action of the drug and possible side effects.

Escapelle is used by women at any age:

  • teenage girls from the beginning of their first menstruation at 16-18 years old;
  • women of the early reproductive period, 18-35 years old;
  • women of late reproductive period, 36-45 years old;
  • women before menopause - at the first signs of menopause and for 2 years.

Other disorders and consequences of taking the drug

As a result of a single dose of a high dose of a hormonal drug, functional changes may occur in the mammary glands, expressed as an increase in size, tension, and pain. This discomfort lasts for two to three weeks. Before menstruation or spotting, you may experience pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, and the menstruation itself may also be more painful. If a woman has impaired kidney or liver function, Escapelle should be taken only after consultation with a doctor, and if there are diseases of the digestive system, the effect of the drug may be reduced.

In some cases, taking Escapel leads to adverse reactions, such as:

  • Allergy;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Fatigue;
  • Dizziness;
  • Headache;
  • Sense of anxiety.

Escapelle is an effective drug designed for use by women of different age groups. Also, the reasons for its popularity include affordable cost and good tolerability, low likelihood of adverse reactions. Disorders in the menstrual cycle are caused by high levels of hormones and this disruption is eliminated fairly quickly.

Complications when using the drug

The action of the drug is based on the suppression of unwanted pregnancy. The drug is used once and in a large dose. A sharp change in hormonal levels when taking the drug and not taking it in the future will lead to the appearance of heavy uterine bleeding.

Some people are calm about bleeding and it doesn’t bother them.

But this is not correct, since the consequences of such bleeding can be serious; a lack of iron may occur with a large loss of blood, which will lead to a weakening of the body.

If you take the drug constantly, it can cause exhaustion of the ovaries, and they will not be able to secrete enough hormones. The secretion of hormones decreases, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and infertility occurs. Sometimes menstruation may disappear completely, that is, amenorrhea occurs.

Escapelle is contraindicated in adolescents under 16 years of age. The drug is rarely used at this age in cases of rape. Those who have irregular menstrual cycles are also prohibited from using this hormonal drug. The product is used only as prescribed by a doctor.

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