Candles for dryness in the intimate area during menopause. Modern drugs, as well as folk remedies.

The period of cessation of reproductive ability is one of the most difficult in a woman’s life. It is accompanied by many very unpleasant symptoms. Some of them have to be dealt with with the help of medications. Candles for dryness during menopause are an excellent remedy. They are highly efficient and easy to use.

Why does dryness occur in the intimate area?

The deterioration of the mucous membranes of the female genital tract is caused by many factors.

  1. Medicinal influence. During menopause, many women have to resort to medication. Some people need hormonal therapy, others are forced to treat aging diseases. But in any case, almost all pharmaceuticals impair the production of mucous secretion that moisturizes the genital tract.
  2. Circulatory disorders. With the onset of menopause, blood circulation in tissues and organs, including the pelvis, deteriorates. The tissues of the pelvic area are deficient in nutrients, which leads to thinning and weakening of the genital membranes. As a result, the secretory function of the vaginal mucosa deteriorates, and the moisturizing secretion is released in insufficient quantities.
  3. Stress. The decline of reproductive ability is stressful for every woman. The anticipation of approaching old age leads to phobias, anxiety, and nervous disorders. A disruption of the nervous system causes many pathological phenomena, including drying of the mucous walls of the vagina.
  4. Bad habits. Cigarettes and alcoholic drinks negatively affect the body of young girls, and even more so they hit the body of older women. Due to bad habits, blood circulation is disrupted and dystrophic phenomena occur in the reproductive organs. Also, during menopause, it is important for women to eat properly and nutritiously , to lead an active lifestyle, otherwise unpleasant menopausal symptoms will not be long in coming.
  5. Incorrectly selected hygiene products. During menopause, women should carefully choose medications to care for the intimate area . Inappropriate products can cause the vaginal lining to dry out.
  6. Infectious diseases. Dryness in the intimate area during menopause can be a consequence of sexually transmitted diseases. Typically, infections attack the female genital tract when the immune system is severely weakened.
  7. Tumors. Taking hormonal medications can provoke the development of tumor formations of the genital organs. And one of the symptoms of such tumors is dryness of the vaginal membrane.

Indications for use

Cream suppositories “Climaxnorm” Nuxaden are recommended for the treatment of the following problems and diseases:

  • disruption of the functioning of the female reproductive system, central nervous and endocrine systems during menopause;
  • age after 40 years;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • asthenia;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • depression, general chronic fatigue.

This is a good preventive measure to prevent:

  • hormonal pathologies;
  • mastopathy;
  • osteoporosis;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system.

The connection between estrogen levels and dryness during menopause

The main process of the menopausal stage is the inhibition of estrogen synthesis in the ovaries. Estrogen deficiency affects the functioning of all organs and systems. The female body loses tone, performance decreases, and the aging process accelerates. The immune system is weakly resistant to attacks by infectious agents, including those that cause sexually transmitted diseases.

According to medical statistics, more than 70% of patients experiencing menopause suffer from dry genital tract.

Hormonal deficiency during menopause causes dryness and atrophy of the vaginal walls. In older women, the genital tract becomes thinner, loses softness and elasticity. Because of this condition, a woman experiences severe discomfort during sexual intercourse and cannot live a full intimate life.

Beneficial features

Vaginal suppositories have a beneficial effect on the female body:

  • restorative;
  • antioxidant;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

"Climaxnorm" neutralizes the negative manifestations of menopause:

  • irritability, sudden mood swings, anxiety;
  • sleep disorders;
  • excessive sweating;
  • hot flashes;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • problems of the urinary system;
  • regular bacterial diseases;
  • deterioration of skin condition: dryness, peeling, appearance of deep wrinkles;
  • fragility and hair loss;
  • layering of nails;
  • decreased activity, loss of performance;
  • deterioration in concentration;
  • uncontrolled weight gain.

Modern drugs

Before using moisturizing pharmaceutical products, you should consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination. Based on the results of the examination, a medical specialist will determine the cause of vaginal dryness. In many cases, to return the vaginal walls to normal, it is enough for the patient to adjust her diet, avoid stress, and lead an active lifestyle.

If the pathological condition of the genital tract is caused by age-related hormonal changes and cycle disorders, then the patient requires drug therapy. Doctors often prescribe special suppositories to women for dryness in the intimate area. Suppositories act directly at the source of the problem, and their use does not cause difficulties. In most women, the condition of the genital tract noticeably improves within 30 minutes after using the suppositories.

The popularity of suppositories is due to their following characteristics:

  • convenience and ease of use;
  • anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, moisturizing, tonic, strengthening effect;
  • lack of impact on organs and systems not related to the genital tract;
  • no effect on the hormonal system.

Many vaginal suppositories during menopause restore the secretory activity of the vaginal glands, extinguish inflammation, relieve itching and pain, and normalize the acid-base balance of the mucous membrane of the genital tract. Treatment with suppositories is prescribed to women both separately and in combination with drug therapy.

Concomitance of pathological conditions

Changes in hormonal levels in the female body, associated with a decrease in the amount of estrogen, can contribute to the development of the following accompanying pathological changes, the development of which can also provoke the formation of itching during menopause, namely this:

  • The formation of diabetes mellitus , accompanied by elevated glucose levels, contributing to the development of vascular disorders. This, in turn, becomes the cause of pathological disruption of the blood supply to organs and tissues. There is also an increase in glucose content in the urine. This has an irritating effect on the mucous surfaces in the vaginal area when urinating.
  • inflammatory pathologies in the genitourinary organs. Itching and burning in the intimate area begin to appear due to contact of the mucous membranes of the vaginal surface with the breakdown products of urea, which are part of the biofluid that is excreted from the urethra. And with an increased urge to urinate, the urine released begins to irritate the surface of the vulva for a long time.
  • The development of dermatitis or an allergic reaction to the use of certain types of soap for hygiene procedures, towels or underwear.
  • The development of candidiasis or thrush, accompanied by the development of the candida fungus, which contributes to the formation of cheesy discharge and the appearance of a feeling of itching in the vagina during menopause, which usually intensifies at night.
  • The development of vulvovaginitis , characterized as natural processes leading to the formation of itching and dryness in the vaginal area. This will cause a desire to itch for a long period of time if timely treatment is not started to eliminate the itching. During the development of this pathology, microcracks may appear on mucous surfaces. Infectious microorganisms can easily get into them and lead to aggravation of this pathology. Moreover, the itching sensation will not stop, and the labia will begin to swell and turn red, becoming covered with small ulcerative lesions, causing even more discomfort to the woman.
  • The appearance of herpes can also make itself felt by a feeling of itching and burning with the appearance of swelling and redness, followed by rashes on the surface of the vaginal mucosa.
  • Trichomoniasis , which is an infectious disease transmitted through sexual contact with a partner. Do not forget that intimate life is an integral part even during the menopausal period. With the development of this infection, women note the appearance of yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor, as well as redness in the perineum and pain during urination.
  • Pathological processes accompanied by the formation of tumors in the reproductive system. With the development of such a pathology, the woman’s body’s immune defense system begins to weaken to such an extent that this also affects the vaginal microflora. The proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, the waste products of which are toxic substances, begins to progress in it. It is these toxins that can cause itching in the vagina, especially during menopause, when the immune defense is already sharply reduced.

Vaginal suppositories, hormonal and non-hormonal

Hormonal suppositories

Hormonal suppositories contain estriol, a low-active estrogen. Suppositories affect the genital tract in the same way as female hormones. Estriol stimulates the formation of secretions by the vaginal glands and regulates the content of lubricant in the vagina.

The great advantage of hormonal suppositories is that they affect exclusively the tissues of the uterus, vulva, and urethra, but do not affect organs not related to the genitourinary system. The main effect of these suppositories is to increase the production of vaginal secretions. But in addition, suppositories restore the elastic structure of the vaginal walls and eliminate menopausal symptoms.

The best hormonal suppositories for moisturizing the intimate area during menopause are given below.

  1. Ovestin. Restores the condition of the vaginal mucous walls, normalizes the acid-base balance. Additionally, the drug strengthens local immunity and reduces the likelihood of vaginal dysbiosis.
  2. Ovipol Clio. Contains estrogens in high concentration. Quickly eliminates vaginal discomfort. It has many contraindications, so before using the drug you should read the instructions. It is prohibited to use these suppositories for oncology of the endometrium and mammary glands, uterine bleeding, liver diseases, thrombosis and other pathologies.
  3. Estrocad. Prescribed for menopause to improve the secretory ability of the vaginal walls. Helps with vaginal dryness caused by estrogen deficiency during menopause.

Non-hormonal suppositories

Non-hormonal suppositories have a mucous structure and are based on extracts of medicinal plants and other natural substances. They act as a replacement for mucous vaginal secretions and intensively moisturize the genital tract. A suppository inserted into the vagina begins to melt under the influence of heat, and the active components contained in it penetrate into the mucous walls.

Non-hormonal suppositories for menopause due to dryness not only replace the natural lubricating secretion, but also stimulate the production of mucus by the vaginal glands and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the genitourinary system. The advantage of non-hormonal suppositories over hormonal ones is that the former do not have side effects or contraindications.

Listed below are the best suppositories for menopause that have a non-hormonal composition.

  1. Feminela. Moisturizes the vaginal mucosa and accelerates their recovery. Normalize the production of collagen, necessary for the elasticity and firmness of the vaginal walls.
  2. Beautyful. They have an antibiotic and moisturizing effect. The drug in this dosage form affects only the vaginal tissues and does not affect the endometrium. Candle therapy is recommended for discomfort in the genital tract caused by dry skin, as well as to accelerate tissue recovery and prevent dysbiosis.
  3. Vagical. They have anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, restorative and immunostimulating effects. Recommended for menopausal changes in the female body, if synthetic hormones in the form of suppositories are contraindicated.
  4. Revitaxa. They have anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, restorative and antiseptic effects. Recommended for pathological conditions of the vaginal membrane in women during menopause, and for painful sensations during intimate acts.
  5. Cicatridine. They accelerate the healing of vaginal tissues, prevent changes in the mucous membranes during hormonal changes in the body, and prevent dysbacteriosis.

How to choose a drug?

To ensure that it is safe to use a cream, gel or suppository to moisturize the vagina, the following points should be considered:

  • the drug must have a neutral pH;
  • It is desirable that the product contains vitamin E, which actively moisturizes and nourishes the mucous membranes;
  • the preparation must contain fatty and waxy components in sufficient concentration;
  • the product must have an antibiotic effect;
  • It is desirable that the preparation does not contain flavorings or dyes.

Effective ways to eliminate discomfort

Ways to eliminate discomfort

The use of various medications necessarily requires a medical examination and preliminary consultation. A specialist will help you correctly determine the cause of insufficient vaginal moisture. Sometimes an adjusted diet, regular sex life, and reducing the effects of stress may be enough.

Folk remedies for vaginal dryness during menopause

If hormonal drugs cannot be used to treat the symptoms of menopause, then you can use traditional medicine. Douching, baths and compresses can be used to relieve dryness, itching and pain in the vagina during menopause, sexually transmitted diseases, and after taking antibiotics. It is best to make solutions for treating the vagina from motherwort, calendula, and chamomile.

The causes of dryness are effectively eliminated, and the treatment of menopausal symptoms is accelerated by drinking medicinal teas from calendula, chamomile and oregano.

A tampon soaked in any oil containing vitamin E can replace moisturizing suppositories during menopause.

Folk remedies, hormonal and non-hormonal suppositories effectively nourish and moisturize the vaginal walls, eliminate discomfort in the genital tract in women, stimulate the formation of mucous secretion, and help lead an active sex life even during menopausal changes.

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