What kind of candles are there for the smell in an intimate place? Treatment and causes of discharge with an unpleasant odor in the intimate area

Unpleasant odor from the vagina is a common problem that occurs due to an infectious disease or the negative effects of pathogenic microorganisms. In a healthy woman, a faint vaginal odor predominates, which is not felt by people around her. If an infectious process occurs in the body, then the smell of rotten fish or onions appears.

A strong smell of onion or rotten fish from a woman's vagina indicates an infectious disease.

What diseases can provoke a change in smell?

Experts identify the following causes of unpleasant vaginal odor in women:

  1. Dysbacteriosis. The vaginal microflora is disrupted by bacteria or yeast. There is a sour onion or fishy smell.
  2. Candidiasis. White discharge appears with an odor reminiscent of sour milk.
  3. Vaginitis. Occurs after unprotected sexual intercourse, with endocrine disorders or injuries. It is characterized by copious white discharge, itching, pain in the vagina and lower abdomen.
  4. Chronic inflammation of the uterus and appendages. White discharge and a faint onion odor appear.

Factors that cause a foul odor include:

  • non-compliance with personal hygiene measures;
  • pathologies transmitted through intimate intimacy;
  • reduced immunity;
  • refusal of contraception;
  • changes in vaginal microflora;
  • vaginal dystrophy;
  • taking certain medications;
  • abnormal structure of the vagina;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • use of an intrauterine device;
  • severe stress;
  • obesity;
  • hereditary metabolic diseases.

Often after childbirth, women complain of discharge accompanied by the smell of fish. They do not cause discomfort and after some time become transparent. The whole process may take 3-4 weeks. But if during this period a woman notices the smell of rot, then it indicates the presence of an infection in the body. You should immediately contact a gynecologist to begin proper treatment.

Unpleasant odor from the intimate area - home treatment

Using these few natural remedies can help you balance the pH levels in your vagina and eliminate bad odor.

Unpleasant odor from intimate parts

body is an uncomfortable symptom. This condition can cause social discomfort, uncertainty and problems in a sexual context. It is often referred to as a wet or "fishy" odor and may also be accompanied by itching, redness, and intense vaginal discharge.

Excessive growth of fungi and bacteria

are the main causes of this unpleasant odor.
They can lead to various infections and change the normal pH level. Although this is not a serious problem and usually occurs periodically, the foul odor
should be treated as soon as possible.

In today's article, we would like to discuss some of the main causes and 5 home methods that will be helpful - if you are worried about this embarrassing problem.

What causes unpleasant odor from intimate parts?

An unpleasant odor from this area is a clear sign of an imbalance of bacterial flora in the vagina.

. Cultures of beneficial bacteria are responsible for creating a protective barrier against various pathogenic factors that can cause infections.

Moreover, these imbalances can change the composition of vaginal secretions and, as a result, produce a strong odor.

At the same time, an unpleasant odor occurs as a result of excessive development of viruses, bacteria or yeast,

which attack intimate places.

Other possible reasons:

  • Frequent washing and douching
  • Lack of care about intimate hygiene
  • Use of chemical products in sexual relations
  • Frequent consumption of certain foods
  • Hormonal changes
  • Clothes that are too tight or damp
  • Malware
  • Cervical cancer
  • Excessive use of antibiotics
  • Urinary incontinence

Home remedies to help neutralize bad odor

Sometimes medical intervention is necessary to combat vaginal infections that cause bad odors. However, in most cases, we can eliminate them by preparing simple and natural remedies.


Fenugreek seeds are a huge ally to women's health.

  • They contain essential nutrients that regulate hormonal balance. Therefore, they reduce unpleasant odor from the intimate area associated with hormonal imbalances.
  • Moreover, fenugreek also helps regulate the menstrual cycle and also helps regulate the pH level in the vagina.


  • 1 tablespoon fenugreek seeds (15 g)
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)


  • First, crush the fenugreek seeds with a mixture and pestle. Then add them to a cup of boiling water.
  • Then leave the brew for 10 minutes and strain after straining.


  • Drink 2 or 3 cups of fenugreek daily.
  • If you wish, you can use the liquid to rinse the outer areas of the vagina.

Baking soda

Using baking soda is one of the best natural deodorants to neutralize strong odors that are secreted by various parts of the body.

Also, does it help regulate pH levels? and also fights the excessive development of microorganisms and bacteria.

Guava? leaves

Guava leaves have medicinal properties that can be helpful in fighting certain infections that cause changes in vaginal pH.

Due to their antioxidant content, as well as antifungal and antibacterial substances, they are excellent for combating harmful microorganisms and restoring the balance of the vaginal bacterial flora.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree essential oil has antibiotic and antifungal properties that help fight bacteria and fungi that lead to vaginal infections.

Used externally, it helps stop unpleasant odors and helps reduce itching and irritation.

Coriander - leaves

Due to its high content of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, coriander helps regulate vaginal pH levels, reducing vaginal discharge and odor.


In addition to the pronounced smell of onions or rotten meat, a woman may be bothered by the following symptoms:

  1. Yellow or clear discharge with a specific odor.
  2. Itching, especially during menstruation.
  3. Purulent discharge.
  4. The appearance of pain during sex.
  5. Burning sensation when urinating, characteristic of irritation of the mucous membrane.
  6. Lower abdominal pain.

An unpleasant odor from the vagina may be accompanied by discharge with a specific odor, itching, pain during sex and burning during urination, pain in the lower abdomen

By the type of smell you can determine what disease a woman has:

  • fishy smell – vaginal dysbiosis;
  • onion smell – fungal infection;
  • smell of urine - obesity, frequent stress;
  • the smell of rotten meat is a bacterial infection caused by gardnerella;
  • a sour smell is one of the common signs of thrush;
  • the smell of acetone – diabetes;
  • iron smell - appears during menstruation or with cervical erosion.

Drug treatment of unpleasant odor

The course of treatment for gynecological diseases in women often consists of the following stages:

  • taking antibacterial drugs;
  • the use of lactic acid to restore acidity;
  • use of hormonal agents;
  • douching;
  • administration of therapeutic agents using tampons;
  • use of vaginal suppositories.

Taking antibacterial drugs is one of the components of treating unpleasant vaginal odor

For viral and infectious diseases, the following drugs are prescribed to relieve inflammation:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Penicillin;
  • Doxy;
  • Vibramycin;
  • Medomycin and their analogues.

Trichopolum, Metronidazole or Metrogyl can be used as antibacterial medications. To eliminate germs, doctors recommend hydrogen peroxide or Tomicide. They can be used during washing or for douching. For complications, Cephalosporin and Clindamycin.

Note! While taking antibiotics, you should strengthen the body and increase immunity with vitamin complexes, probiotics and immunostimulants. To avoid allergic reactions, it is advisable to use antihistamines.

What suppositories are effective for unpleasant vaginal odor?

You can eliminate the fishy smell and relieve the accompanying symptoms of the pathology with the help of vaginal suppositories:

  1. Klion-D. A drug that has antiprotozoal and antifungal effects. The active ingredient is metronidazole. Helps relieve itching and odor without negatively affecting the vaginal microflora. Effectively used for trichomoniasis.
  2. Isoconazole Suppositories with antifungal action. Prescribed for dermatophytes and yeast infections.
  3. Gynoflor. Designed to restore vaginal microflora after active drug treatment. Effectively used for dysbacteriosis.
  4. Clindacin. An antibacterial drug intended for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by staphylococci, streptococci or mycoplasmas.
  5. Fluomizin. An antiseptic that can be used by pregnant women. Actively fights gardnerella, vulvitis and fungal infections.
  6. Terzhinan. Has antifungal and antimicrobial effects. Effectively used when affected by Trichomonas or Gardnerella.
  7. Iodoxide. Used in complex treatment for bacterial vaginosis. Prohibited for pregnant women and patients with hyperthyroidism.
  8. Lomexin. A drug intended for the treatment of candidiasis. The active ingredient in it is fenticonazole. The medication is contraindicated during menstruation and pregnancy.

A new solution to intimate problems for women

Vaginal infections of bacterial and fungal origin (for example, bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis) are accompanied by extremely unpleasant symptoms for women, including heavy discharge, unpleasant odor, itching, irritation and urinary disorders [1].

In these cases, women often begin to experiment and use various antibacterial suppositories and douches, which can aggravate an already unpleasant situation.

The fact is that many medications may be ineffective if they affect only certain types of microorganisms, and also inhibit the beneficial microflora of the vagina [2].

What characteristics should an effective and safe drug have to combat these diseases, especially when it comes to treating a pregnant woman?

There are many requirements for modern drugs for the treatment of vaginal infections, including a wide spectrum of action, minimal impact on the vaginal biocenosis, clinical effectiveness, the possibility of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the presence of an evidence base, and others [3].

Often, broad-spectrum drugs include complex drugs, which, as a rule, contain several antibacterial and antifungal components. Potential disadvantages of such drugs are restrictions on use during pregnancy, the likelihood of developing systemic side effects, relapses and negative effects on the vaginal biotope.

It is important to note that, among other things, broad-spectrum drugs are represented by such active ingredients as chlorhexidine, povidone-iodine, as well as dequalinium chloride, which has a number of specific advantages in the treatment of vaginal infections of bacterial and fungal origin [4].

Alternative Treatment Option

Dequalinium chloride is an antiseptic for vaginal use with a universal mechanism of action, active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Of interest is the fact that resistance to this substance has not developed for about 20 years [4; 5].

Like other surfactants, the main mechanism of action of dequalinium chloride is to increase cell permeability and subsequent loss of cell enzyme activity, which ultimately leads to cell death.

This drug has registered indications for use in bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis and trichomonas vaginitis, preparation for gynecological operations and childbirth and is approved for use at any stage of pregnancy.

According to the results of clinical studies, dequalinium chloride does not have any adverse effects on pregnancy or the health of the fetus/newborn. To date, there are no documented cases of dequalinium chloride passing into breast milk [5].

Studies have also found that the use of dequalinium chloride at a dose of 10 mg for 6 consecutive days provides effective and safe treatment for various vaginal infections in daily practice [6].

In addition, when treating women with bacterial vaginosis, the use of dequalinium chloride is an alternative treatment option, comparable in effectiveness to the use of such a well-known antibacterial agent as clindamycin [7].

Thanks to these advantages, dequalinium chloride is the drug of choice for the treatment of vaginal infections in pregnant women at any stage [4].

In this context, it is important to note that the Ukrainian pharmaceutical company (KVZ) has released a new drug, dequalinium chloride, FEMIKLIN.

Drug of choice

The domestically produced drug FEMIKLIN is available in the form of vaginal tablets, each of which contains 10 mg of the European substance dequalinium chloride.

Indications for the use of this drug are vaginal infections of bacterial and fungal origin (bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis), trichomoniasis, as well as sanitation before gynecological interventions and childbirth.

A noticeable decrease in the severity of symptoms such as discharge and inflammation usually occurs 24–72 hours after starting to use the drug [5].

The course of use of FEMIKLIN is quite short and convenient. It consists of 6 days - one vaginal tablet per day. It is important to note that treatment must be continued even if discomfort (itching, discharge, odor) is no longer present. Therapy lasting less than 6 days may lead to relapse.

Of course, one of the striking advantages of FEMICLIN is the possibility of using the drug in pregnant women at any stage and during breastfeeding.

However, as is the case with drugs in general, caution should be exercised when prescribing FEMICLIN to pregnant women in the first trimester [5].

Also, for the effective and safe use of FEMIKLIN, it is necessary to remember that this drug is incompatible with soap and other anionic surfactants. In addition, the use of FEMICLIN is contraindicated in the presence of ulcers of the epithelium of the vagina and cervix, as well as in young girls who have not reached puberty [5].

A pleasant nuance when using FEMICLIN for women is that the drug is easy to use and does not change the color of the laundry.

FEMICLIN is a new antimicrobial and antiseptic drug for the treatment of vaginal infections from CVD!

Press service of “APTEKA Weekly”

List of used literature

1. Kisina V.I. Vaginal infections: clinical significance and treatment // Effective pharmacotherapy. - 2011. - No. 10. P. 28–32.2. Radzinsky V.E. et al. Two-stage therapy for vaginal infections//Obstetrics and Gynecology. - 2011. - No. 5. - P. 78–81.3. Radzinsky V.E. Obstetric aggression. - M.: StatusPraesens, 2011.

— P. 92–134.4. Radzinsky V. E. et al. Therapy of vaginal infections: edges of the problem//Dr. RU. - 2013. - No. 7 - 1 (85). — P. 13–17.5. Instructions for medical use of the drug FEMICLIN. R.s. No. UA/17193/01/01 from 01/24/2019 to 01/24/20246. Werner Mendling.

Use of locally delivered dequalinium chloride in the treatment of vaginal infections: a review//Arch Gynecol Obstet. — 2021.7. Gilbert GG Donders. Treatment of bacterial vaginosis: what we have and what we miss//Expert Opin. Pharmacother. — 2014.

Information for the professional activities of medical and pharmaceutical workers

FEMICLEAN. Compound. 1 vaginal tablet contains 10 mg of dequalinium chloride. Dosage form. Vaginal tablets. Pharmacological group. Antimicrobial and antiseptic agents used in gynecology, with the exception of combinations with corticosteroids. Quinoline derivatives. Dequalinium. ATX code G01A C05. Indications.

Vaginal infections of bacterial and fungal origin (for example, bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis). Trichomoniasis. Sanitation before gynecological operations and childbirth. Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients. Ulcers of the epithelium of the vagina and cervix. Childhood. Adverse reactions.

General disorders and local reactions at the injection site. In rare cases, itching, burning or redness may occur. However, these adverse reactions may also be due to symptoms of a vaginal infection. In individual cases, local irritation reactions are possible, such as bleeding from vaginal erosions.

In these cases, preliminary damage to the surface of the vaginal epithelium due to estrogen deficiency or local inflammation was noted. Fever has been reported very rarely. Hypersensitivity reactions are possible. If any adverse reactions occur, you should stop using the drug and be sure to consult a doctor. Vacation category. Over the counter.

. R.s. No. UA/17193/01/01 from 01/24/2019 to 01/24/2024. Full information about the drug can be found in the instructions for medical use.


Source: https://www.apteka.ua/article/496078

Folk remedies

You can get rid of the smell of rotten fish from the vagina using traditional medicine. Many patients use natural medicines and are satisfied with the results.


To normalize the menstrual cycle and treat gynecological diseases, a decoction of wormwood is often used:

  1. Take 20 g of the plant.
  2. Pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 3 hours.

Take 50 ml three times a day.

Chamomile has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. It is recommended for use for colpitis, vulvitis, erosive lesions of the cervix and menstrual irregularities. To prepare a medicinal decoction, follow these steps:

  1. Take 100 g of chamomile.
  2. Pour in 3 liters of water.
  3. Place on low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Cool the resulting product.

Use the decoction twice a day to wash the genitals.

Traditional medicine has a wide range of remedies for getting rid of unpleasant odor from the vagina; many women successfully use these remedies

To increase immunity, you can use a decoction of pine buds. They contain vitamins A and E. Pine buds also have a powerful antioxidant effect. To prepare the decoction you must follow the diagram:

  1. Take 40 g of raw materials.
  2. Pour in 3 liters of filtered water.
  3. Place on low heat for half an hour.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.

It is recommended to take baths twice a day for 20 minutes using the resulting product.

You can quickly and effectively eliminate a specific odor from the vagina at home using lovage root:

  1. Take 20 g of crushed plant.
  2. Pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. Close the lid tightly.
  4. Cool, then filter.

Take 40 ml three times a day.


To avoid the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor from the vagina and gynecological diseases, several rules should be followed:

  1. When having sexual intercourse, use contraceptives (preferably a condom).
  2. Wash your genitals at least once a day.
  3. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics.
  4. Limit the use of deodorants and other cosmetics in the intimate area.
  5. Do not overcool the body.
  6. During your period, avoid using scented pads.
  7. Take good care of your genitals during menstruation.
  8. At least 2 times a year undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist.
  9. Eat properly. The diet should consist of fruits, vegetables, herbs and dairy products.

Treatment of itching in the intimate area in women without discharge or odor

Discomfort in the intimate area sometimes appears in women for almost no apparent reason. It manifests itself as dryness, itching, hyperemia, and brings a lot of trouble. The first thing women think about is infection, which can get from running water during hygiene procedures, especially with the use of different soaps and special detergents for the intimate area.

What is the cause of itching without discharge or odor?

The reasons may be very different, but they clearly interfere with a full life, especially in the workplace. Such a manifestation indicates a hormonal imbalance, warns of the onset of the disease, and disturbances in the urinary system. A gynecologist will tell you how to treat itching in the intimate area in women. This is the first specialist to whom a woman should tell about the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

The gynecologist takes smears from the vaginal mucosa; in the laboratory, specialists examine the obtained physiological material and find pathogenic microorganisms and infectious agents in the smears.

The microflora of the smear shows laboratory technicians an imbalance of beneficial and dangerous bacteria, causing dysfunction of the female reproductive organs.

A smear examination may indicate the onset of an infectious disease.

Based on the results of the smear analysis, the doctor decides how to treat itching in the intimate area in women at home, or whether hospitalization is required when tests show the onset of a serious illness.

The causes of discomfort without discharge or odor may be:

  1. Dysbacteriosis in the vagina begins with microflora disturbances. This usually happens due to a decrease in the body's protective immune forces, due to ordinary hypothermia, which can cause a cold-like inflammatory disease of the reproductive organs.
  2. Infections that enter the genitourinary system when using a public toilet or unprotected sexual intercourse. Their penetration causes hyperemia and burning, but there is practically no discharge or smell.
  3. Thrush. The most common cause of itching, with minor, odorless discharge. It is caused by Candida fungi, which causes swelling and itching of the external genital organs. This disease is quite serious if it is not treated in time; the massive growth of fungi in favorable conditions of the vagina leads to abundant light discharge of a thick consistency, with an unpleasant odor.
  4. Allergy to hygiene products - pads, gels to soften intimate areas; for powder used in washing underwear; on synthetic underwear, which causes the intimate area to sweat, creating a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria; taking antibiotics that disrupt the balance of microflora.
  5. Violation of intimate hygiene. You need to wash yourself daily with specially selected products that do not cause irritation, and change your underwear daily.
  6. Dryness of the vagina during menopause. The most common symptom accompanying menopause.

For any reason, discomfort in the intimate area must be treated. For this, folk recipes and pharmaceuticals are used; how to treat itching in the intimate area in women without discharge and without odor is determined by the gynecologist.

Treatment of itching in the intimate area without discharge or odor

You can eliminate unpleasant symptoms by various means; they are offered in pharmacies without prescriptions:

  1. Furacilin. One tablet is dissolved in ½ glass of water and washed several times during the day.
  2. Vagisil cream. Lubricating the intimate area with cream reduces itching and prevents the onset of inflammation.
  3. Antihistamines as prescribed by a doctor, if the allergic etiology of the pathology is confirmed.
  4. Flucostat. This is a targeted product designed specifically against fungal infections. The drug is taken once.
  5. Nystatitin ointment. It is used to lubricate the area affected by itching and redness 2 times a day, between washes, for a week.
  6. Trichopolum. Prescribed for genitourinary infections. Take 3 times a day for a week.

These are the usual remedies that a gynecologist prescribes when a woman experiences unpleasant symptoms in the intimate area. For each patient, a special drug is selected that is most effective specifically for her particular case of illness.

Treatment of pregnant women

How to treat itching in the intimate area in women without discharge can only be determined by a specialist; based on the test results, he sees the cause of the pathology and selects appropriate medications and remedies. Particular attention is paid to the treatment of itching in pregnant women. They are usually prescribed ointments and suppositories.

When carrying a child, a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes that reduce immunity. This makes a woman especially susceptible to infections that cause itching.

Treatment of women during menopause

During the onset of menopause, a woman’s body produces significantly less estrogen, which affects the microflora and the condition of the vaginal mucous membranes. Discomfort and dryness of the external genitalia may occur. Symptoms of discomfort are eliminated with dermatotropic drugs and ointments that moisturize the mucous membranes.

The most effective are:

  • Divigel – gel for vaginal use;
  • Ovestin – suppositories for vaginal use;
  • Comfoderm is an ointment for external use.

These products are used by women during menopause to relieve symptoms of discomfort. But only the treating gynecologist should prescribe how to treat itching in the intimate area in women during menopause.

During menopause, women are recommended folk methods:

  1. Nettle infusion. Preparation: take 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Cover tightly, let sit until it cools naturally, and strain. Application: divide the infusion into 3 equal parts, drink in the morning, lunch and evening. The course is 10 days, then a break – a week. Depending on how you feel, the course can be repeated.
  2. Infusion of cress leaves. Preparation: take 2 tbsp. l. crushed leaves, pour ½ liter of boiling water, cover tightly, let it brew until it cools naturally, strain. Application: drink warm, 130 g before meals. The product relieves burning and irritation on the mucous membranes.
  3. Washing with decoctions. For hygiene procedures, rich decoctions of sage, chamomile, yarrow, and string are prepared. Washing is carried out daily after each visit to the shower under running water. Do not rinse the broth from intimate places, blot it with napkins.

Treatment of itching of intimate places in diabetes

No less serious is the question of how to treat itching in the intimate area in women with diabetes, and this disease often gives exactly these symptoms. Conventional drugs used in the treatment of women with menopause and other pathologies often have diabetes in the list of contraindications, and doctors do not prescribe such drugs.

Factors that cause itching of intimate parts in diabetes are:

  • frequent stress;
  • excess weight;
  • transferred infectious diseases.

Genetic predisposition, unbalanced nutrition, and the use of birth control pills are considered important. Diabetic women are often affected by fungal irritation, since the best environment for candidiasis and thrush is one saturated with glycogen.

How to treat itching in the intimate area in women with diabetes at home becomes a difficult question for doctors. Most often, they resort to folk methods to relieve symptoms of itching and hyperemia.

Typically, gynecologists prescribe traditional recipes in combination with drug treatment:

  1. Douching with a soda solution. Preparation of the solution: take 1 tsp. baking soda, dissolve it in 1 liter of warm boiled water. Application: 2 times during the day. Effectively relieves itching, but infections must be treated with medications.
  2. Tampons with aloe leaf juice. Preparation: the leaves are peeled, crushed, and the juice is extracted from the mass. Application: tampons are moistened with juice and placed in the vagina overnight, after washing.
  3. Baths with infusion of chamomile and calendula. Preparation: take 1 tbsp. l. dry plants, pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover warmly. Let it brew until it cools naturally. Application: used for sitz baths, if desired, add 1 tsp to the infusion. table salt. Relieves itching and discharge.
  4. Basil decoction. Preparation: take 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water, keep for 20 minutes on low heat. The infused and cooled broth is filtered and divided into 4 parts. Application: drink throughout the day in equal portions. Basil kills infection and strengthens the immune system.

In addition to the main treatment, diabetics should strictly adhere to a diet that restores the microflora by consuming fermented milk products containing lactobacilli, which normalize the mucous membrane.


  1. Treatment of discomfort in the intimate area should be carried out only after consulting a doctor, a full examination, and identifying the causes of the pathology.
  2. To conservative treatment, the doctor, at his discretion, adds folk recipes for internal and external use.
  3. It is not possible to cure infectious or fungal irritation with folk remedies alone; it is necessary to take medication as prescribed by a doctor.
  4. The use of folk remedies requires caution - the herbs themselves can cause allergies.

Source: https://www.kleo.ru/items/zdorovie/zud-v-intimnoj-zone-u-zhenshhin.shtml


Marina, 23 years old. Last year I was diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis. I was bothered by severe itching and burning in the vagina, as well as discharge with a fishy smell. The attending physician prescribed me the antibiotic Unidox Solutab for a week's course, after which I should insert a Zalain suppository into the vagina. Then he said that I need to take Linex for 14 days. Treatment according to this scheme turned out to be effective.

Valentina, 38 years old. A couple of weeks ago I noticed a terrible vaginal odor and white discharge. I immediately turned to a gynecologist, who after an examination stated that I had candidiasis. He prescribed Epigen for me in the form of a gel and spray. I used the drug at least 5 times a week. The product turned out to be effective, after a couple of uses there was no discharge, and over time the itching went away.

Natalya, 45 years old. For a long time I suffered from itching, burning and discharge with a strong fishy smell from the vagina. I tried many drugs of different price categories, but nothing helped. I turned to another gynecologist. After getting tested, it turned out that I have gardnerellosis. The doctor prescribed me the drug Salvagin. The price for it seemed quite high - 1250 rubles, but you can’t save on your health, so I bought the medicine. I used the product after washing in the evening. At first, the product gave me a short-term burning sensation, but after some time the discomfort went away. The procedure was carried out regularly for 5 days. After the course of therapy, all symptoms of gardnerellosis disappeared. I recommend Salvagin to women who are also faced with such an unpleasant disease!

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Vaginal suppositories for women can be prescribed by a doctor for various reasons. One of them is an infection in the vagina, a clear symptom of which is an unpleasant odor and discomfort in the form of itching and burning. An unpleasant odor from the vagina can be explained very simply. Pathogenic microorganisms emit specific gases, and these give rise to unpleasant odors. Normal vaginal odor is a weak or slightly specific odor, but not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms.

If there is an infection in a woman’s genital tract, the smell takes on a putrid, sourish tint. At the same time, it is combined with burning and itching on the external genitalia and in the vagina. However, it is precisely by the change in smell that a woman herself may suspect that she has a problem, which is always a reason for an urgent visit to the antenatal clinic.

Types of vaginal infections

There are several common diseases that every girl and woman may encounter. If you notice the first symptoms of these diseases, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  1. Bacterial infection. It occurs as a result of an imbalance between bacteria and the natural environment of the vagina. They begin to actively reproduce when immunity decreases. The body begins to actively produce oxygen-free bacteria. A woman experiences pink, yellow, or milky discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  2. Inflammatory process of the genital organs. The disease occurs as a result of infection that is sexually transmitted. Girls experience white vaginal discharge, which is accompanied by nagging and aching pain in the lower abdomen. Additionally, body temperature rises and severe pain occurs during sexual intercourse.
  3. Fungal diseases of the vagina. They occur when the amount of yeast or microorganisms in the vagina begins to actively increase and multiply. The fungus is present on the skin and mucous membrane. But when the body's immunity and defenses are weakened as a result of taking antibiotics, the amount of yeast increases sharply. The cause of the disease is often non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, sharing toiletries, or sexual relations with an infected partner. With fungal diseases, girls experience burning, itching and discomfort in the labia and vagina. Additionally, a cheesy white discharge occurs.
  4. Erosion. Small ulcers may appear on the cervical mucosa for various reasons. In most cases, the disease develops as a result of an inflammatory process, viral, bacterial or fungal infection. The discharge remains transparent, but its quantity increases sharply.
  5. Trichomonas. This disease is transmitted sexually. But there are cases where the infection was transmitted due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. You cannot use someone else’s bath towel or another person’s hygiene products. As Trichomonas progresses, women experience yellow or green discharge that has an unpleasant odor.

Even a foreign body can lead to imbalance in the vagina and the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge. If women do not follow the rules for using tampons, an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane often occurs. The disease is accompanied by the presence of copious discharge, which requires timely and proper treatment. It is important to follow all recommendations from the instructions. Discharge pills for women are often ineffective.

Common causes of vaginal discomfort

The presence of unpleasant odors emanating from the vagina is quite an alarming bell. However, smell alone does not always directly indicate inflammation. It may be a symptom of a disorder of the glandular apparatus or associated with metabolic disorders. But when it is accompanied by itching and burning, then the woman will most likely be diagnosed with an inflammatory process.

Factors leading to the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the vaginal cavity are:

  1. Vaginal dysbiosis is a condition that characterizes shifts in the ratio between normal and pathogenic microorganisms in the vaginal microflora. This condition may be caused by a deterioration in the protective mechanism of the mucous membranes, which creates a favorable environment for the functioning of pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Candidiasis (thrush, infection by fungi of the genus Candida). With this pathology, a curd-like white discharge with a sour, unpleasant odor is noted.
  3. Colpitis is an inflammatory process that spreads to the mucous membranes of the vaginal walls and the outer part of the genital organs. Colpitis can be caused by activation of coccal flora or diseases transmitted through sexual contact.
  4. Gardnerellosis - this disease is caused by the pathogen Gardnerella, its occurrence is accompanied by an odor very similar to that coming from rotten fish.
  5. Chronically occurring inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages in a sluggish form are characterized by a small amount of discharge.

These are the main causes of unpleasant vaginal odor. However, it can often be triggered by a banal failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. In any case, it is best to entrust the identification of the cause of discomfort emanating from the groin area to a gynecologist.

Odor in the intimate area of ​​women - unpleasant smell of fish from the vagina

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Every self-respecting woman is sensitive to her health and body. However, at very different ages she may encounter such a phenomenon as odor in the intimate area.

We are not talking about the natural, specific smell of a healthy woman’s vagina.

This smell is considered normal, although it tends to change and become more noticeable, for example, on different days of the cycle or during sexual arousal.

However, a strong and clearly unpleasant odor without discharge is a cause for concern. This problem is not considered a disease, but may be a sign of a microflora disorder, which is fraught with consequences.

The odor is often accompanied by vaginal discharge, itching and burning, redness of the genital mucosa and soreness.

Discharge with an odor is an even more serious cause for concern, since this nuisance may be a manifestation of infection, development or chronicity of the inflammatory process. Such symptoms bring physical and psychological stress to a woman.

Causes of vaginal odor

Why do such problems arise? An unpleasant odor in the female area can be caused by various reasons - physiological and pathological. But it’s always worth remembering that this is an alarming signal about the pathology of women’s health, albeit indirect.

Physiological causes of vaginal odor:

  • insufficient hygiene (including non-compliance with the rules for replacing feminine sanitary pads and tampons);
  • allergic reaction to certain hygiene products;
  • promiscuity;
  • beginning of sexual life;
  • low immunity;
  • stress;
  • excess weight;
  • metabolic disease;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • menstrual cycle (an unpleasant odor may occur in the second phase of the cycle or after menstruation);
  • chronic emotional and physical fatigue;
  • menopause;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • endocrine disorders (in particular diabetes);
  • wearing synthetic underwear and very tight clothing, which reduce air flow to the genitals;
  • taking antibiotics.

Pathological causes of vaginal odor:

  • Vaginal dysbiosis: an imbalance of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria in the vagina, creating conditions for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi. As a result, the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the female genital area increases;
  • thrush (vaginal candidiasis): a fungal infection, including that caused by the proliferation of a fungus of the genus Candida albicans;
  • inflammatory processes (including chronic ones) occurring in the appendages and uterus;
  • gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis): a violation of the normal microflora of the vagina associated with the development of the gardnerella bacterium, which can cause severe complications of women's health;
  • colpitis (vaginitis): an inflammatory process that can be caused by injuries, endocrine and metabolic disorders, sexually transmitted diseases, and the development of coccal flora.

What smells?

You should not ignore the question of what and why women smell in their intimate area. The fact is that the specificity of the unpleasant odor is directly dependent on the dominance of a certain type of fungal infection or type of microbe in the vagina. This can be a very unpleasant smell of rotten meat, rotten eggs, rot, etc. It happens that the problem overtakes a woman in the early stages of pregnancy.

  • A fishy smell (including salted fish or herring) most often indicates gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis), vaginal dysbiosis and may be accompanied by significant vaginal discomfort. The unpleasant smell of rotten fish after childbirth may be a symptom of inflammation or infection.
  • A sour smell and cheesy discharge occur with thrush and are accompanied by itching, burning, and redness of the genitals.
  • If you smell of onions, this may indicate immunodeficiency, use of antibiotics, metabolic disorders, as well as the proliferation of fungal flora and tends to intensify during stress, the menstrual cycle, menopause, and pregnancy. May be accompanied by white, greenish or yellowish discharge.
  • The purulent odor that accompanies itching, burning and soreness in the female genital area indicates that an infectious-inflammatory process may be occurring in the body.
  • White discharge with a vinegar smell indicates poor hygiene.
  • White discharge that smells like garlic indicates candidiasis (thrush), colpitis, bacterial vaginosis, sexually transmitted diseases. This smell can be caused by other reasons: the beginning of sexual life, a change of partner, taking hormonal medications, pregnancy, stress, changes in diet.
  • A sour smell and white or yellow discharge (during pregnancy - burning and irritation in the intimate area) indicate thrush.
  • The smell of kefir and sour milk and abundant thick discharge in the form of flakes are a sign of thrush.

Pharmacological treatment

A strong smell from the intimate area can significantly affect a woman’s quality of life, negatively affect her health, self-confidence, planning pregnancy and bearing a child, and complicate intimate relationships.

A consultation with a gynecologist, laboratory tests and prescribed treatment helps to find out the causes of this condition and learn how to get rid of the smell and how to deal with this problem in general. Therefore, the smell is a reason to consult a doctor.

In each specific case, effective drugs of systemic action or local treatment are prescribed: antibiotics, antifungal drugs, creams, aerosols, gels, suppositories (capsules), ointments. In addition to prescription drugs, there are medications that are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

One of these products is Lomexin cream (fenticonazole) - a modern drug that has complex antifungal and antibacterial effects. For thrush and genital tract infections, the cream is administered intravaginally (into the vagina) using an applicator. The course of treatment lasts 7 days.

Prevention of odor in the intimate area

Preventive measures play a big role in the life of every woman, because a disease is easier to prevent than to treat. To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the intimate area and the accompanying symptoms, you should:

  • introduce fermented milk products into the diet;
  • strictly observe the rules of personal and intimate hygiene: take a shower regularly, use products for the intimate area with a pH level of 4-5 (corresponding to a woman’s natural pH level), change sanitary pads every 2-3 hours, etc.;
  • visit a gynecologist every year, during menopause - every six months;
  • regularly take vitamin complexes, probiotics and prebiotics;
  • do not overcool;
  • take care of intimate safety and exclude indiscriminate sexual contacts.

Source: https://lomexin.ru/articles/zapakh-v-intimnoy-zone-u-zhenshchin/

Popular candles for itching and odor

In accordance with the identified cause that led to the development of the foul odor, the doctor prescribes vaginal suppositories for the odor. Such suppositories can normalize the composition of the vaginal microflora and stop the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of vaginal medications. Which suppositories are most effective for itching and odor? The doctor will say this after he has the results of the smears in his hands. Under no circumstances should you try to treat vaginal dysbiosis on your own, as this can only aggravate the course of the disease and lead to its persistence.

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