Can there be a yellowish discharge with thrush?

Candidiasis develops with strong growth of the fungus that provokes the development of the disease, candida albicans. In this case, women note the following symptoms:

  • irritation;
  • discomfort;
  • itching;
  • white cheesy discharge.

It is important to know that most women are carriers of this fungus. With small amounts of candida albicans does not cause problems. But when health problems arise, favorable conditions are created for increased growth of the fungus, which is accompanied by damage to the vaginal mucosa and the development of symptoms characteristic of the disease.

Based on the color of the discharge, its quantity and consistency, a specialist can trace the course of candidiasis or thrush: yellow, brown, greenish, sporadic. Depending on the severity of the course, discharge from thrush can be almost invisible or abundant. It is worth highlighting whether the discharge from thrush is white in all clinical situations.

An infectious disease of the urogenital area called candidiasis is characterized by the appearance of white discharge, the consistency of which resembles cottage cheese. However, sometimes women experience a change in the color of the curdled grains, this indicates the proliferation of another infection in the vagina or the pathology develops during pregnancy.

The mechanism of development of candidiasis

Candida fungi have more than 150 varieties, however, only 20 of them are able to exist and parasitize in the human body. The pathogen is present in the vaginal microflora and under normal conditions does not manifest itself in any way.

Once in a favorable environment, the microorganism with dermatonecrotic activity actively secretes proteolytic enzymes. If the patient's immune system is weakened, fungi rapidly grow and multiply, forming entire colonies.

Having penetrated the mucous membranes, yeast exhibits its toxic properties. If adequate medical measures are not taken, fungi invade new areas, and the nature of the discharge changes.

Pathologies that cause candidiasis in women:

  • cervical erosion - wounds on the mucous membrane of the cervical canal and the vaginal part of the cervix of the reproductive organ;
  • vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • inflammatory processes in the reproductive system (vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis, salpinitis);
  • neoplasms in the ovaries, uterus, benign and cancerous.

Often, a high concentration of infectious pathogens is found in the biological material of patients: chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci. They affect the nature of the discharge during thrush in women, changing the color and consistency of the secretion, and the smell of the discharge can smell like ammonia.

Fungus is serious

The Candida fungus, which peacefully exists in the human microflora, begins to multiply intensively if the body loses its defenses for various reasons.

The result of his vigorous activity will be:

  • disturbing “sexual burning”;
  • pain when going to the toilet;
  • changed nature of intimate discharge;
  • redness and swelling of the vulva and vagina.

The “milky nature” of the disease, indicated in its name, is also justified in external manifestations. The color of the discharge during thrush in the first stages is always white (therefore, the second name for such intimate mucus is leucorrhoea), and the smell is somewhat reminiscent of fermented milk products.

If left untreated, the disease can become chronic and spread throughout the body.

Physiological secretions

Before discussing the color and nature of vaginal discharge during candidiasis, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the physiological process. In a healthy woman, vaginal secretion has the following characteristics:

  • shade: transparent, whitish or yellowish;
  • volume: no more than 1 tsp is released during the day. (maximum volume in the first half of the menstrual cycle); consistency: liquid or viscous (depending on the cycle);
  • smell: no.

The vaginal secretion of a healthy woman contains: desquamated epithelium of the mucous membrane, lactobacilli, particles of menstrual blood, and single leukocytes. Vaginal mucus is produced by glands located in the lining of the cervix and vagina.

Sick "greens"

Discharge during thrush with a greenish color is one of the most alarming signs. Essentially, it is pus coming out of the genitals.

Green discharge is a characteristic sign of dangerous sexually transmitted diseases (for example, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis). What distinguishes them from candidiasis symptoms is not only the color, but also the smell of the discharge. For thrush, it is sour and not sharp, but for STIs, it is “fishy” and strong.

They may also indicate bacterial inflammation. Mucus comes out abundantly during the acute stage of the disease, sparingly during the chronic stage. It is very difficult to cure sexually transmitted infections, especially when they become severe. Therefore, remember firmly that “green” in mucus from intimate places clearly indicates a disease that should be treated quickly. Immediately give up sex life and go to the clinic.

Color of discharge from thrush

Quite often, with thrush, the secretion is white, and after drying it is yellowish in color, having a characteristic cheesy consistency and sour smell. However, depending on the stage of the pathology and the characteristics of the female body, the discharge may change its characteristics.

At first, the cheesy coating can be easily removed or washed off with water. Later, the plaque forms a dirty gray film, after removing which erosions with a bleeding surface remain on the mucous membrane. Over time, the discharge increases in volume and acquires an unpleasant odor.

If the secretion from thrush suddenly becomes yellow, brownish, pinkish, and even mixed with blood, this may indicate a secondary infection.

It is important to understand what signs indicate dangerous conditions, study the photographs presented below and, if alarming signs appear, contact a specialist.

Do not rush to start treatment, having established a preliminary diagnosis for candida using a pharmacy frautest. You may not take into account concomitant diseases or the risk of possible harm to the fetus if the fact of conception is unknown.


Thrush discharge may turn brown at the end of the menstrual cycle and just before your period. In this case, they always have light brownish shades. If they appear at another period of the cycle and have a repulsive odor, it means that an inflammatory process is developing in the uterine or vaginal cavity.

The symptom may indicate pathological conditions such as sexually transmitted diseases or malignant neoplasms. During pregnancy, brown discharge due to thrush is extremely dangerous, since it can be a sign of placental abruption.

Read about why thrush worsens before menstruation.


If the discharge from thrush has a yellow tint, this may indicate the following pathological conditions:

  1. Prolonged inflammatory process. Leads to large-scale death of leukocytes, which color the discharge yellow when leaving the vagina. You should take a closer look: the richer the shade, the more “neglected” the thrush is.
  2. Development of bacterial vaginitis (accompanied by pain during intimacy).
  3. Diseases of the reproductive system (characteristic signs: pain in the lower abdomen, significant disruptions in the menstrual cycle). In this case, women have purulent discharge with a disgusting odor.
  4. Sexually transmitted diseases transmitted from a sexual partner: gonorrhea, chlamydia, and so on.
  5. Disturbance of the vaginal microflora, leading to the development of bacterial vaginosis, is one of the most common reasons for the presence of a yellow tint in the secretion. The discharge has the smell of rotten fish.


The pink tint of the discharge from thrush appears when minor blood impurities get into the curdled mass. This occurs during erosion, when the integrity of the blood vessels located on the surface of the mucosa is disrupted. Under the influence of the inflammatory process, accompanied by itching and burning, the vessels become more vulnerable and are damaged by the slightest mechanical impact (after examination in the gynecological office, washing, scratching or intimacy). Therefore, the pink appearance of the secretion is a common symptom of candidiasis.

A common cause of pink discharge due to candidiasis is the use of potent hormonal medications.

Bloody discharge after Escapelle is not uncommon. Similar symptoms are observed after taking other emergency contraceptives.


Reddish mucus may appear a couple of days before menstrual bleeding. In other cases, it is provoked by the following conditions:

  1. Scratching the mucous membrane, which with candidiasis itches unbearably. Although strong scratching does not bring satisfaction, the woman continues to rub the already affected skin/mucous membrane. Inflamed and swollen surfaces, abundantly supplied with blood vessels, are especially susceptible to injury.
  2. Accession of sexually transmitted diseases. The main goal of microorganisms entering the body is to enter the bloodstream, which will distribute them to all organs and systems. To take the most advantageous position, sexually transmitted infections “leak” into the blood vessels. Under the influence of foreign, aggressive microbes, vessels weakened by fungi are damaged.
  3. A chronic form of candidiasis caused by the rapid growth of yeast colonies. The mucous surfaces, under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, do not have time to recover, while fungi occupy deeper tissues. Bloody discharge on the external genitalia may appear upon contact with underwear. This type of candidiasis can lead to the spread of infection throughout the body. People with reduced immunity are at risk.
  4. Inaccurate insertion of suppositories into the vagina or side effects of antifungal drugs. Any medicine can cause adverse reactions in the body, including slight bleeding in the vagina. The frozen surface of the candle can touch the surface of the erosion and cause bleeding.
  5. Hormonal imbalances, manifested by heavy uterine bleeding. If the discharge from thrush has a bright bloody tint, this is an alarming sign, especially when it is abundant. They may indicate the presence of dangerous pathological conditions not related to candidiasis: hormonal imbalances, ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis.


Green secretion is the most dangerous to health, because this symptom indicates that dangerous pathological changes are forming in the organs of the reproductive system. This occurs due to the increased activity of pathogenic microorganisms and, as a consequence, the formation of purulent inflammation.

The deviation indicates that the fallopian tubes, vagina and ovaries are inflamed. The next stage in the development of the disease will be the spread of infection to other organs.

Often, green, foul-smelling discharge from thrush is a sign of the development of trichomoniasis, provoked by gonococcus.

Yellow-green leucorrhoea occurs with advanced pathology or the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

Attention! If you find green or yellow-green mucus, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe therapy. Thrush is already chronic, which means treatment will not be easy.

If the mucus smells like rotten fish, then this indicates vaginal dysbiosis. The symptom may appear against the background of thrush or act as an independent disease.

Among women

In order to detect the disease in time, women should know which discharges they have normally and which ones require contacting a gynecologist. Moderately liquid discharge of a transparent color, without lumps, grains, or itching is considered normal for women. This is a natural physiological fluid that occurs in response to various hormonal changes in the female body: ovulation, pregnancy, the beginning or end of menstruation.

Natural female secretions include:

  • epithelial cells covering the uterus, which are regularly renewed;
  • mucus contained in the cervical canal: the cervix is ​​equipped with special glands that synthesize mucus, which perform a protective function and protects the organ from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • representatives of friendly and opportunistic microflora, which are normally found in a woman’s vagina.

Doctors note that normally the mucus discharge is scanty, odorless and without foreign impurities . Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, environmental factors, and nutrition, the discharge may acquire a slight yellowish tint. Discharge with a denser consistency, colored in a distinct yellow, brown, pink, or green tint is an alarming signal that requires consultation with a doctor.

A change in the color of vaginal discharge may indicate the progression of the inflammatory process or the addition of a bacterial infection.

Particular attention is paid to the smell of discharge:

  • a sour smell may indicate active growth and reproduction of a fungal infection;
  • a fishy smell indicates the active growth and reproduction of gardnerella against the background of reduced local immunity, progression of vaginal candidiasis and dysbacteriosis. The progression of vaginosis is provoked not only by the smell of fish, but also by the mucus turning green;
  • The smell of metal often accompanies bloody discharge. This characteristic of discharge is especially dangerous in the middle of the cycle, when there are several weeks left before the onset of menstruation;
  • smell of rot may indicate the progression of the oncological process.

An unpleasant odor is a sign not only of thrush, but also of many serious and dangerous diseases.
Clear, odorless discharge does not require specific therapy. All a woman needs to do to support her reproductive system: observe the rules of personal hygiene, refrain from self-medication, and undergo a regularly scheduled examination by a gynecologist. Natural discharge normally does not cause psychological or physical discomfort.

Thrush during pregnancy

Almost 80% of expectant mothers are attacked by yeast. Disappointing statistics have a medical basis: during the gestational period, the body’s immune properties decrease, and hormonal levels are constantly being rebuilt.

Discharge from pregnant and non-pregnant women has the same characteristics. At the very beginning of the pathology, the white, cheesy secretion is easily removed. When the disease enters the chronic phase, the mucus becomes gray or yellow.

Since fungi can be transmitted to the baby through the birth canal, thrush must be treated before delivery.

If bloody discharge appears due to thrush during pregnancy, it is important to pay attention to its shade and volume. Since capillaries become more fragile during gestation and the blood supply to the pelvic area increases, pink rather than white marks remain on the sanitary pad. Everything is much more serious if the secretion is brown, yellow or green. Heavy bleeding or brown secretion may indicate placental abruption or the onset of spontaneous abortion. In the presented photos you can see what type of discharge occurs during thrush in pregnant women.

Where did the blood come from?

Thrush with bleeding can be caused by microtraumas that appear on the mucous membrane due to mechanical damage, or due to inflammatory diseases in the genital area.

If, at the beginning of the development of candidiasis, you have to scratch the perineum from time to time due to unbearable itching, you may inadvertently make small scratches there that will bleed.

Bloody discharge may appear:

  • after intense sex, too thorough washing or careless examination on the chair;
  • due to sexually transmitted and “female” diseases;
  • after using certain types of vaginal suppositories;
  • as a result of hormonal changes.

If a person develops candidiasis without discharge and remains untreated for a long time, the disease can develop into a chronic, deep form. Fungi that have penetrated into blood vessels and tissues damage them and cause bleeding in thrush.

Any bleeding (besides menstrual bleeding) is dangerous. With such a symptom, you should definitely see a doctor.

Treatment of candidiasis

Therapy is aimed at inhibiting the activity of the pathogen and suppressing its reproduction. Also, representatives of the fair sex are prescribed medications that alleviate the symptoms of candidiasis: burning of the genitals, itching, formation of copious mucous secretions.

Candidiasis should be treated with vaginal suppositories and tablets with an antifungal effect:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Nystatin;
  • Livarol.

Read about discharge during treatment with Livarol in the article at the link.

Therapy with suppositories lasts from 5 to 10 days, depending on the severity of candidiasis and its symptoms. Many antifungal drugs are prohibited during pregnancy up to three months.

To treat thrush, patients are often recommended antifungal medications in the form of ointments and creams. According to comments from women on the Internet, Miconazole and Econazole creams are most effective.

To eliminate itching and burning in the genitals, it is allowed to use traditional medicine: warm baths with the addition of a decoction of oak bark and chamomile. Additionally, vaginal douching is performed with a decoction of calendula and sage.

When thrush occurs, the vaginal microflora is disrupted, so the standard treatment regimen usually includes probiotics: Bifilis, Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Vaginorm. Such drugs are recommended to be taken during pregnancy to prevent the development of candidiasis.

Therapy is carried out using antibiotics (if bacteria are found in the smear in addition to fungi). The gynecologist prescribes the appropriate medication after receiving the results of the smear analysis. The duration of treatment is on average 2 weeks. The course is extended if thick, odorous mucus continues to be released or other symptoms of the disease remain.

Prevention of thrush: is it possible to get rid of it once and for all?

As we already know, the causative agent of thrush lives in the body of every person. However, not everyone begins to multiply to alarming numbers. Therefore, preventive measures include an active lifestyle, a varied and healthy diet with a small amount of yeast and sweet foods. In addition, having one sexual partner or protected sexual intercourse plays an important role. For prevention, you can use a wash with chamomile or sage infusion. The healing properties of these herbs help maintain the microflora of the female internal genital organs at a healthy pH level and kill harmful microorganisms. When dealing with thrush, it is very effective to regularly carry out the above-described preventive procedures, only when you can forget about it for a long time.

After treatment

If you suspect the presence of thrush, you should consult a specialist. Based on the research results, the doctor will prescribe adequate complex therapy.

In some comments accompanying medical articles, you can find complaints that after treating thrush, the itching and burning went away, but the white discharge remained. The fact is that a cheesy white coating indicates not only candidiasis, but also the presence of other diseases. To determine the causes of constant discharge, the patient is prescribed a number of additional studies.

It happens that after antifungal therapy, bleeding appears from the vagina. This symptom is possible with pathologies of the uterus, endometritis, herpes, and infections of the genitourinary system. In this case, additional examination is necessary.

Forms of the disease

Pathology has two forms - chronic and acute. In the latter case, the clinical picture is pronounced, and the development of thrush can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Copious discharge of vaginal secretions.
  • Itching, burning in the vagina.
  • Unpleasant sensations during urination and sexual intercourse.
  • Hyperemia of the labia, which is characterized by swelling and redness.
  • White plaque on the labia.

Chronic candidiasis has mild symptoms, which are often perceived as a manifestation of other diseases or are not even noticed by a woman. And many patients often ask doctors whether there is thrush without discharge in the chronic course of the disease? It may be like that. However, in this case, other symptoms that are characteristic of this disease often appear.


To reduce the risk of relapse after treatment of candidiasis, it is enough to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Enrich your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and fish.
  2. Drink mineral water and green tea.
  3. Eat foods with antifungal properties: garlic, grapefruits, nuts.
  4. Minimize consumption of flour, coffee and alcohol.
  5. Give up promiscuous sex life with a constant change of unfamiliar partners.
  6. Get rid of excess weight.
  7. Wear comfortable cotton underwear.
  8. Use water-soluble lubricants to lubricate the intimate area.
  9. Avoid uncontrolled use of antibacterial agents.
  10. Don't get carried away with douching.
  11. Wash without using detergents.
  12. During your period, use sanitary pads rather than tampons.

With timely consultation with a doctor, candidiasis can be completely cured. Having studied the content of the presented article, you can easily detect the characteristic symptoms of thrush.

How does vaginal secretion change?

Normally, vaginal discharge is clear, odorless and present in small quantities. When thrush develops, their character changes in 90% of cases. In the classic course of the disease, it has a beige or white color, as well as a cheesy consistency. In this case, vaginal discharge can be liquid and abundant or scanty and thick. They may contain inclusions and look like granular cottage cheese, and after drying, form thin plates resembling flakes.

When thrush occurs, vaginal secretion changes not only its consistency and color, but also its smell. The perineum begins to smell like sour milk or sour kefir. If the disease occurs in an acute form, it provokes severe damage to the mucous membranes of the vagina (the fungus, in the literal sense of the word, begins to eat them), which can lead to the appearance of blood streaks in the discharge.

Expectant mothers: candidiasis - “No!”

Fungal infections should never be allowed to occur in pregnant women, especially in the very early stages. After all, this can result in severe abnormalities and even loss of the fetus. The secretion of intimate secretions during such a period occurs intensively, but the mucus should be transparent. When it “stains”, you need to immediately go to the gynecologist.

If a pregnant woman notices bloody spots on her underwear, this may indicate cervical erosion, which often develops during pregnancy. But they can also be a sign of uterine bleeding, which requires immediate hospitalization.

Knowing what color discharge is dangerous and what color is not so good, you can always navigate the timing of treatment. But it is best that even “early thrush” is treated immediately. This way you will save your body from the exhausting fight against harmful microorganisms.

0 discharge brown monthly thrush after

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Infectious "yellowness"

Yellow discharge from thrush is a sign of serious infection or inflammation.

There is a high probability that development is underway:

  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • syphilis or trichomoniasis;
  • other STIs.

Such discharge can be classified as having a strong and unpleasant smell: its “smell” is similar to the smell of rotten fish, and this is one of the obvious signs of a “bad” infection.

A yellowish tint of mucus can sometimes be caused simply by insufficient hygiene of the intimate organs or their irritation from detergents, but it won’t hurt anyone to be on the safe side and find out exactly the cause of the “coloring.”

To make sure whether you may have a sexually transmitted infection or thrush, the yellow discharge should be examined by a specialist through a smear. After all, while treatment for candidiasis can be delayed, STIs require immediate treatment.

Male version

What kind of discharge is there for thrush in men? This symptom is observed in them much less frequently than in the weaker sex. The development of candidiasis is indicated by a swollen and swollen penis, on which a cheesy coating sometimes forms.

While women's mucus can come in a variety of colors, men's mucus is almost always white. A greenish or other “dirty” tint indicates a long-lasting sexual or bacterial infection.

During the treatment of such diseases, intimate contacts should be stopped, and attention to hygiene and strengthening one’s immunity should be increased.

Causes of the disease

If thrush is diagnosed in the last stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to apply adequate therapy. Otherwise, the child may become infected while passing through the birth canal.

It is important to diagnose and treat promptly, since many discharges are associated with dangerous and unpredictable consequences for your health and the health of your loved ones.

Whatever discharge appears, regardless of color, smell and abundance, its spectrum is so large and diverse that only a gynecologist or venereologist can determine the root cause of its occurrence.

If, with thrush, the discharge changes in color and has a sour smell, you need to take antibiotics, but after consulting a doctor.

Currently weakened immunity. The immune system may be weakened due to severe illness or the use of medications that suppress the immune system.

But how can you distinguish discharge from common thrush from diseases that can lead to very sad consequences? Is it possible to understand what is happening to the body just by looking at the discharge?

Leucorrhoea - in lumps and flakes

White mucus from the intimate organs may or may not indicate candidiasis. Leucorrhoea-like manifestations may be associated with hormonal “jumps” or changes in physiological state.

White discharge, but not thrush - this is the reaction of the female body to excitement during intimacy and to the approach of critical days (the second phase of the cycle). You can also observe them the day after sex.

If you do not have a fungal disease, then such signs will disappear within a few days. Otherwise, the situation will only get worse. A reliable answer about the presence or absence of candidiasis will be given by a smear test for microflora carried out in the laboratory.

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