Acupuncture for infertility: how is acupuncture treatment performed in women, how long does the session last and is there any result?

Acupuncture for infertility. The whole truth about acupuncture

In our modern world, recently there are more and more married couples who suffer from infertility. Moreover, every year this number increases many times over. According to WHO statistics, in particular, in Ukraine there are about a million such couples. That is, every fifth couple out of 15 million people is not able to get pregnant on their own. And this significantly affects the genocide of a nation.

For young people, this is a serious problem that is not so easy to cope with. A variety of treatment methods are chosen, as long as there is a result.

Recently, an unconventional treatment method such as acupuncture for infertility (acupuncture) has been gaining popularity.

Infertility - a disease of the 21st century

How to treat infertility

Since ancient times, it has been the custom that a family is considered incomplete if there are no children in it. But, unfortunately, today infertility is a very common disease.

What's most offensive is that some women get pregnant without problems, and then get rid of unwanted children. And others still cannot conceive a child without help.

In some cases, visiting super fashionable clinics does not bring results. So what causes such a serious illness?

Infertility affects both men and women equally.

The following are the main causes of infertility in men:

  • Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • Obstruction of the vas deferens and tubules;
  • Varicocele (circulation disorder in the testicle);
  • Low sperm quality and volume;
  • Hormonal imbalances.

Reasons for decreased fertility in women:

  • In the first place are problems with the egg and its maturation;
  • On the second - defects of the fallopian tubes;
  • Problems are associated with the cervical canal. This includes: mucus that is found in the cervix. It may have a heterogeneous structure, which leads to the destruction of the sperm on its way to the egg. Uterine defects (fibroids, fibroids, cysts, etc.);
  • Endometriosis;
  • Endocrine system disorders;
  • Hormonal imbalances.

Yes, and we must not forget that with age, the ability to conceive and bear a healthy baby decreases significantly. And the abuse of strong drinks, smoking and caffeine disrupts processes in the reproductive system.

But, to our great joy, this disease does not condemn married couples to a childless existence. Having great desire and faith, as well as the help of qualified specialists, sooner or later such families will hear the loud laughter of a child in their home.

Acupuncture - the teachings of the ancient sages


More than a thousand desperate families are turning to alternative medicine for help in infertility treatment. And since the medicine of ancient China is famous for its effective and amazing healing properties, you can increasingly hear about acupuncture.

Chinese medicine states that the human body is based on energy - qi. It defines life itself. Qi creates circulation and warmth, and lives as long as the person himself lives. And the study of changing these flows is acupuncture.

This energy circulates through different channels called meridians. The channels themselves are located throughout the body in the form of a system and are interconnected with some internal organ. In some places these channels are very close to the surface of the body, and these are the famous points.

It is believed that by acting on these points with a sharp object, you can reduce or add energy to the desired organ.

What the sages did not use for acupuncture:

  • Shards of pebbles;
  • Pointed sticks;
  • Ordinary fingers of healers.

And, in the end, we chose products made from precious metals.

They even use gold and silver needles for acupuncture.

The working principle of the specialist is very simple. A very thin needle, 0.2-0.3 mm wide and 12-16 cm long, is inserted into points located on the body. Other types of manual therapy are also found in this practice. This:

Acupuncture needles

  • Cauterization;
  • Manual point massage. This method is very popular among squeamish people. Moreover, a person can do this procedure on his own. You just need to memorize well and understand which points need to be pressed for the best effect;
  • Impact on points with electricity.

Moreover, the latter is closely related to ancient Chinese knowledge. Here they use ordinary electric needles (electrodes).

The choice of acupuncture treatment is influenced by the following indicators:

  • Life credo. What lifestyle does the patient lead?
  • Mental development;
  • How many years;
  • Cause of illness;
  • And what gender is the person?

There are also contraindications to acupuncture:

  • Any tumors and at any stage of the disease;
  • Severe illnesses of an infectious nature, as well as febrile conditions of unknown origin;
  • Exacerbations in chronic diseases (tuberculosis, brucellosis);
  • Heart and kidney diseases;
  • Respiratory diseases;
  • Exhaustion of the body;
  • Contraindicated for infants and elderly people over 75 years of age;
  • Drug addiction;
  • Mental agitation;
  • Intoxication;
  • Severe pain that has no diagnosis;
  • Second and third trimester of pregnancy;
  • It should not be done immediately after physical activity or a hot bath.

When choosing a specialist for acupuncture treatment, you need to take it very seriously.

It is known that an individual approach to a patient in acupuncture is determined by the ability to accurately determine the changes that occur in the human body during treatment. And change the methods of influencing the points in time for effective recovery.

So it’s better to trust the doctor several times and read reviews about him than to waste precious time.

Acupuncture as a method of combating infertility

Ways to combat infertility without drugs

Acupuncture for infertility or acupuncture is widely used nowadays. It is safe and painless. Has no side effects. Its advantage is that acupuncture treats the very cause of infertility, eliminates stress, restores ovulation in girls and erection in men. In general, it improves the condition of the body and gives it youth.

In order to achieve an accurate result of conception, women and men must be prepared for long-term treatment. Typically a session lasts 10 days. Then a break is taken and everything is repeated again. A day is assigned individually for each person.

In the case of a woman, this may be a day of a certain monthly cycle. A treatment method is selected for each person. This can be the width and length of the needle, the depth of insertion, at what angle it will enter, how the patient will lie, etc.

Reading reviews of people on the Internet on forums about acupuncture treatment, you can see many positive effects.

According to Chinese experts, after acupuncture sessions, patients experience:

  • Elimination of inflammatory processes in the pelvic area;
  • Balancing blood circulation in the pelvis. What has a positive effect on blood vessels and metabolic processes;
  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Stimulation of sperm production;
  • Stimulation of ovarian activity in women;
  • In girls, after acupuncture, menstruation is restored, and the problems associated with it go away;
  • Establishes internal balance, which affects conception.

Even WHO recognizes acupuncture, although not as a primary treatment, but as an additional one. Some proponents claim that acupuncture has helped many couples conceive without the need for additional medications.

Noticeable two stripes of dough

How can a simple “sticking” into a person’s body help couples conceive a child?

There are several theories about this:

  1. The needles used in therapy stimulate the body's production of endorphins. They, in turn, restore the balance between the body’s energy. Which helps the body work at maximum capacity.
  2. Pressure with a needle helps to cause a microcurrent, which leads to the creation of prostaglandins, and also signals the hypothalamus to normalize hormonal levels.

Fact. Scientists conducted a study and determined that reflexology significantly increased the chances of getting pregnant for those couples who did IVF.

Some claim that acupuncture has a placebo effect (self-hypnosis). This may be true, but what difference does it make to us if this brings such a long-awaited and happy pregnancy to married couples? So we believe only in a successful outcome and expect positive results.



Acupuncture for infertility in women

One of the non-traditional methods of treating female infertility is acupuncture. This technique is widespread in Asian countries, since its homeland is China. It is used to treat a large number of diseases. Acupuncture for infertility in women is no exception.

Traditional medicine cannot scientifically confirm the effectiveness of the technique, but the frequency and breadth of its distribution remains high. Many doctors talk about the placebo effect, that is, the effectiveness of acupuncture is due to self-hypnosis. However, WHO has given an official conclusion that acupuncture can be considered as part of complex therapy for various pathologies.

Operating principle

The acupuncture method is based on the fact that the human body is a biological object, which, by analogy with the globe, is surrounded by meridians. Energy flows circulate through them, which is disrupted during the development of diseases. To correct these disturbances in energy flow, acupuncture is used to restore Yin and Yang.

To detect pathological areas, an acupuncture specialist measures the pulse in different parts of the body. It often undergoes changes when the energy flow of Qi is disrupted.

Treatment of infertility with acupuncture

Acupuncture for infertility is used by doctors involved in alternative medicine. The technique is based on enhancing blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This mechanism supposedly allows for the normalization of female hormonal levels, which has a beneficial effect on the gonads.

Many traditionally trained medical doctors do not recommend acupuncture for infertility treatment, even as an adjuvant therapy. After all, it does not take into account the main pathogenetic mechanisms of fertility disorders, and has no clinically proven effectiveness.

Often this technique is used when there are changes in the menstrual cycle. It also has a questionable effect on the inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. But quite high effectiveness is observed in stressful situations, which is very important in the treatment of infertility.

It is important to take into account the main factors that contribute to problems with conception - inflammatory processes, congestion of the pelvic organs, stress, as well as deterioration in the quality of sperm. These problems can be partially resolved through acupuncture. Proposed mechanisms in various diseases:

  • Inflammatory processes of the pelvis. They always reduce the chance of getting pregnant. By improving the efficiency of blood circulation, oxygenation of organs improves, which helps to accelerate the resolution of inflammation.
  • Pelvic congestion. This is usually caused by physical inactivity - sedentary work, driving. Here, acupuncture points for infertility also play the role of an irritant and accelerator of blood flow, which leads to an increase in the rate of metabolic processes, elimination of muscle or vascular spasms, and restoration of normal metabolism.
  • Stressful situations. Lead to the release of hormones into the bloodstream. Acupuncture helps normalize hormonal levels precisely by combating stress.

How is infertility treated with acupuncture?

There are certain difficulties with a detailed description of acupuncture, since an individual scheme is selected for each person, namely:

  • Duration of one session;
  • Duration of treatment;
  • Needle size and length;
  • Angle and depth of injection.

All of the above parameters are selected by a specialist based on the individual characteristics of the patient and certain reflexogenic points. It is important to carefully choose an acupuncturist, since there are a large number of unscrupulous doctors or people with insufficient experience and knowledge.

Therapy is carried out in several stages of 10 days, after which it is necessary to take a break. Sessions take into account the menstrual cycle.

Impact on reflexogenic points can also be carried out using manual stimulation, cauterization, and electrical impulse:

  • Manual stimulation is performed through pressure or percussion.
  • An electrical impulse can be transmitted to the points through needles or by the electrodes themselves.
  • To perform cauterization, doctors use cones with wormwood. There are several options - from warming up reflexogenic points to applying burning cones. A side effect may be a minor burn.

Contraindications to acupuncture

Although there are minimal side effects, some patients should not use it. The main contraindications are:

  • Oncological processes of any origin or localization.
  • Infectious diseases, especially with severe hyperthermic reactions.
  • Tuberculosis, brucellosis at its peak.
  • Cardiac, renal and respiratory failure, accompanied by rhythm disturbances, shortness of breath, swelling.
  • The first two hours after physical activity, training, bath or sauna.
  • Second half of pregnancy.

A relative contraindication to acupuncture is weight loss. This also includes the period of pregnancy itself, its first half, since by improving blood circulation it is possible to increase the tone of the uterine muscles, which will lead to involuntary abortion.

The effectiveness of acupuncture treatment for infertility

On the Internet you can find both positive and negative reviews about the acupuncture procedure for infertility. Some women believe that they got pregnant thanks to acupuncture. But we must understand that “after this” does not mean “as a result of this.”

There is currently no evidence to suggest that acupuncture is effective. Most likely, pregnancy occurring after a series of procedures is nothing more than a coincidence.

Infertility has dozens of different causes. These may be hormonal disorders, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, endometriosis, polyps in the uterus, etc. It is impossible to imagine that acupuncture would eliminate all these completely different causes in one fell swoop.

Treatment of infertility requires careful diagnosis and targeted therapy. It is only possible in a medical facility. Therefore, you should not rely on methods with unconfirmed effectiveness. It is better to consult a doctor in a timely manner and receive adequate treatment.


Who benefited from acupuncture for infertility - Infertility

In our modern world, recently there are more and more married couples who suffer from infertility. Moreover, every year this number increases many times over. According to WHO statistics, in particular, in Ukraine there are about a million such couples. That is, every fifth couple out of 15 million people is not able to get pregnant on their own. And this significantly affects the genocide of a nation.

For young people, this is a serious problem that is not so easy to cope with. A variety of treatment methods are chosen, as long as there is a result.

Recently, an unconventional treatment method such as acupuncture for infertility (acupuncture) has been gaining popularity.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is not simply sticking a bunch of needles into a patient. Used for many thousands of years in Asia, acupuncture is used to exchange electrons in the body's meridians so it can function more efficiently.

Meridians for acupuncture and their effect on infertility?

The energy lines running through the body are called meridians. They uniquely affect all individual systems of the human body, including the reproductive system responsible for fertility.

How do a person's meridians affect their fertility and infertility treatment? In order to better understand the connection of meridians with body systems, you need to understand how they are formed.

When an embryo forms in a woman's uterus, her cells are constantly dividing.

When these cells begin to unite, they create fold lines, separating different cell groups and indicating the connection between similar ones.

As a result, these groups of cells form the internal organs of the embryo. The amazing thing is that these folds remain in the human body long after birth, connecting each group of cells together in channels - meridian connections of energy.

Even seemingly unconnected parts of the body are connected to each other using these energy channels.

This explains why acupuncture points along the arms or legs can actually affect the kidneys or ovaries, reducing or increasing the likelihood of infertility.

When electrical energy encounters resistance, it can form a jam, causing various problems. Acupuncture is an excellent method of reducing this pressure and can once again increase the proper flow of energy.

Looking at the body, you can notice 4 main groups of meridians associated with reproduction, and in particular with infertility. They are called “Special Meridians”:

"Penetrating Meridian" and infertility. The Penetrating Meridian controls a woman’s hormonal cycles by channeling Yin and Yang energy in the body.

“Meridian of Conception” (Yin) and infertility. The Conception Meridian controls all the Yin meridian organs that produce estrogen, which is required for the proper functioning of the female system.

“Governor Meridian” (Yang) and infertility. The Governing Meridian regulates the production of hormones such as Yang testosterone and progesterone.

"The Belt Meridian" and infertility. It is believed that the encircling Meridian, like a belt, wraps the body horizontally around the waist. It connects the Penetration Meridian and the Conception Meridian and helps control vaginal leakage and miscarriage.

Although many traditional fertility doctors encourage the use of acupuncture during fertility treatment, most do not fully understand how it works.

They believe that the positive effect is achieved due to the release of chemicals stimulated by the nervous system during the procedure.

Eastern doctors are well aware that the influence of meridians on a woman’s fertility goes far beyond this, which is why they use their knowledge to break the vicious circle of infertility.

How does acupuncture treat infertility and promote fertility?

There are several theories:

    The needles used in acupuncture stimulate the production of endorphins, help restore the balance of energy in the body and help all organs function at their peak.
  • The pressure created by acupuncture actually creates a microelectric current in the body, which releases prostaglandins into the bloodstream and sends signals to the hypothalamus to regulate hormones.
  • Interesting to know. For a man, stimulation of the pituitary gland during acupuncture is beneficial in that it helps improve the concentration, motility and volume of his sperm.

    When using acupuncture, you need to remember that different points give different effects. It follows from this that the doctor to whom a person entrusts his treatment must be well qualified to solve exactly the problems that concern him (in this case, to cure infertility).


Operating principle

Acupuncture (acupuncture) is a trend in traditional Chinese medicine. It is very popular both in the Middle Kingdom and far beyond its borders. It originated two thousand years ago or even earlier. Chinese practices are known for their effectiveness, sometimes inexplicable from a scientific point of view. Acupuncture is a prime example of one of them.

The ancient Chinese believed that life energy (qi) is the basis of everything. Many processes depend on its movement, including human health. Inside the body, qi circulates through special energy channels called meridians.

Does acupuncture help with infertility?

Infertility is a serious problem today. Often married couples use all means of treatment available to them, but there is no result. In such a situation, some are forced to turn to alternative medicine methods. If you believe the reviews, acupuncture for infertility is one of the few remedies that work.

Restoring pelvic blood flow with acupuncture

Acupuncture for treating infertility can be effective by improving blood flow. This is confirmed by patient reviews. With normal blood circulation in the pelvic area, some causes of infertility are eliminated. The sex glands of men and women begin to work better.

Some people treat only with needles and herbs, although it is much more effective to use such therapy in addition to traditional treatment. According to reviews, the procedure has proven itself well for inflammation and menstrual disorders:

  • oligomenorrhea;
  • amenorrhea, etc.
  • Read also How infertility is treated in China

    The place of embryo fixation (endometrium) also receives better nutrition. If there is a lack of necessary substances, the fetus cannot implant and the pregnancy is terminated.


    Fertility largely depends on the mucous layer of the uterus - the endometrium. This is the place where embryos are located and mature. With insufficient blood supply and congestion, the endometrium does not live up to its role.

    Endometrial diseases - endometritis, endometriosis - are common causes of infertility. The first of them is inflammatory, the second is associated with the proliferation of mucous tissue. Foci of endometriosis can form in the fallopian tubes and cause obstruction.

    Acupuncture treatment for infertility addresses the underlying causes of endometriosis. As a result, the patency of the fallopian tubes is restored, endometrioid lesions disappear, the condition of the endometrium improves and fertility is restored. This is proven by reviews of acupuncture for infertility at the Tibet clinic (Moscow, St. Petersburg).

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