Discharge before menstruation: what it should be, what color, how many days before it appears

One of the signs of a malfunction in the reproductive system is uncharacteristic discharge before menstruation. Therefore, women need to know whether these changes are normal and what indicates the onset of a pathological process. This is the only way to identify the problem in a timely manner and avoid serious consequences.

Should women have premenstrual discharge?

The glands of the vagina constantly produce mucous secretion. The functioning of the glands is affected by changes in hormonal levels. Closer to menstruation, progesterone levels increase. This leads to the endometrium (the inner surface of the uterus) swelling, and the secretory activity of the vaginal glands increases.

The question of whether there should be discharge before menstruation can be answered in the affirmative. Small stains on underwear or pads that are not accompanied by a deterioration in health (burning, pain, itching) should not cause concern.

The absence of discharge before menstruation may indicate insufficient estrogen production, or may be a consequence of physiological reasons. In addition to hormonal levels, the secretory activity of the vaginal glands is influenced by age, regularity of intimate life, dietary habits, use of contraception and some other factors.

If you have any concerns, you should consult your doctor

What are there

First of all, it is worth considering what the discharge in women before menstruation consists of. The composition of the discharge includes:

  • secretion products of the cervical canal and vagina;
  • exfoliated dead epithelial cells;
  • lactobacilli and opportunistic microorganisms (comprise the vaginal microflora).

Secretion is necessary to cleanse and renew the vaginal walls and its volume varies depending on the menstrual phase.

What kind of discharge occurs before menstruation depends on the secretory function, the nature of the vaginal microflora and other changes in the body. The color of the discharge can suggest possible problems with women's health.

Transparent as egg white

The reason why discharge appears like egg white may be natural physiological changes or diseases. In a healthy woman, before her period, clear, egg-white-like discharge can be caused by:

  • conception;
  • increased progesterone production;
  • sexual arousal.

But the cause of the appearance of discharge, which resembles egg white in appearance, may also be pathological factors:

  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • genitourinary infections;
  • exacerbation of chronic gynecological diseases;
  • hormonal disorders.

In a healthy woman, discharge, like egg white, does not cause discomfort. The appearance of pain, itching or other additional symptoms is a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Normally, such discharge should not bother you


If there is no unpleasant odor or signs of deterioration in health, then there is no reason to worry.

If you experience discomfort with leucorrhoea, you must undergo an examination. The cause may be hormonal imbalance, pregnancy or gynecological diseases.


Before menstruation, particles of the endometrium gradually begin to exfoliate in the uterus and beige discharge appears, which gradually turns into menstruation. But the appearance of beige mucus before menstrual bleeding is not always a sign of normal menstruation. If the color change occurs more than a day before menstruation, then this may be the first sign of the following conditions:

  • gynecological diseases;
  • hymen rupture (during first sex);
  • vaginal injuries;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • failure to maintain intimate hygiene.

The reason for the appearance of beige vaginal secretion may be a change in contraceptives, allergies, a strict diet or “non-breathable” panties.


This shade indicates a slight admixture of blood in the vaginal discharge. Pink discharge before menstruation is often a harbinger of menstrual bleeding.

If vaginal mucus turns pinkish a few days before your period, the cause may be cervical erosion or vaginal trauma.


In a healthy woman, creamy discharge is a sign of full ovulation and a harbinger of menstruation. But a similar symptom occurs during conception, inflammation of the reproductive organs or allergies.


If there are no additional symptoms, then light yellow discharge before menstruation is a harbinger of menstruation. When the yellow vaginal secretion has a rich color, an unpleasant odor, or discomfort appears in the perineum, then this is a sign of inflammation of the pelvic organs, sexually transmitted diseases or allergies.


Minor spotting before menstruation occurs in about a third of women.
A small admixture of blood indicates the beginning of endometrial detachment and the approach of critical days. The appearance of blood in vaginal secretion can also be caused by taking birth control pills, an intrauterine device, or using ointments or suppositories.

You need to pay attention not only to the color, but also to the volume of the secreted secretion. When the pad is heavily soiled and the discharge is scarlet or bright red, this may be a sign of bleeding from the vagina or uterus.


The cause of dark discharge before menstruation is often infectious and non-infectious gynecological diseases, hormonal disorders, surgery on the reproductive organs or neoplasms.

But this is not always a sign of pathology. Darkening of the secretion can occur when the vagina is injured during sex or a gynecological examination.


Most often, the appearance of brown mucus indicates that your period will begin soon. A change in the color of the secretion should not cause a deterioration in well-being.

Pain in the lower abdomen, temperature, burning or itching in the perineum and other additional symptoms accompanying the appearance of brown vaginal discharge indicate a pathological process. It is necessary to visit a gynecologist to identify the cause.


Normally, black discharge should not appear before menstruation. “Blackening” of vaginal secretion can be caused by:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • inflammation of the reproductive system;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • polyposis of the vagina or uterus.

The cause of black vaginal secretion can be age-related changes, when before the onset of menopause the nature of the vaginal discharge changes.

When analyzing which discharge before menstruation is normal and which is a sign of a disease, you should pay attention not only to color, but also to consistency, as well as to the time when changes in secretion appear.

Composition and functions of mucous fluid

The presence of clear mucus discharge in women who have reached puberty is considered normal. This substance is evidence of the proper functioning of the reproductive system and should not be alarming. But if we talk about girls, then heavy mucous discharge is not normal. This is explained by the fact that before puberty the egg is just being formed and is in the stage of active development. Therefore, the full production of the hormone estrogen in the body does not yet occur.

Clear discharge is a common precursor to menstruation. After the final formation of the girl’s reproductive organs, this substance will be constantly present, changing its characteristics (volume and saturation) depending on the phase of the cycle.

Based on the task performed, these secretions can be attributed to a self-cleaning mechanism that can remove unnecessary materials from the reproductive organs. In terms of its composition, transparent discharge usually consists of:

  • Dead cells that are shed by the uterus and then excreted through the vagina and fallopian tubes.
  • Effusion not caused by inflammation. As a rule, it pre-accumulates in lymphatic and blood vessels.
  • Beneficial microorganisms that participated in the formation of normal microflora, but, having fulfilled their function, were rejected by the body.
  • Cervical fluid produced by the cervix. Its tasks are reduced to protecting and moisturizing the uterine cavities.

In this case, the composition of the secretions indicates that such a process is an absolute physiological norm necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system of the body, but this is provided that such a secret does not have an odor or an unusual hue. Normally, a slightly sour smell is allowed, which may be due to the presence of beneficial microflora (lactobacteria) in the uterus.

By the nature of the consistency

A change in the nature of discharge before critical days is often the first sign of the development of pathology. It is important to pay attention to the consistency of the vaginal discharge.


A slight dilution of the secretion occurs under the influence of progesterone. If watery discharge appears before menstruation, then gynecological inflammatory diseases should be suspected.

Discharge, like water, regularly appearing on the eve of menstruation indicates illness. It is necessary to undergo an examination to identify the cause of the deviation.


Secretion of mucus is necessary to cleanse the vagina of particles of exfoliated epithelium and protect the reproductive organs from the penetration of an infectious agent. Mucous discharge before menstruation appears due to the influence of progesterone, which enhances the secretory activity of the glands.

Thick mucus may appear after taking certain medications (antibiotics, hormones) or after changing an intimate partner.

There is no cause for concern if the secretion is clear or whitish and does not have an unpleasant odor. When the secretion smells unpleasant or has changed color, you need to undergo an examination to identify the cause.

Discharge during the fertile period


White or transparent creamy discharge before menstruation may be normal or indicate a violation of the vaginal microflora. This consistency of discharge often becomes a harbinger of vaginal dysbiosis.


The appearance of spotting before menstruation is a natural physiological process. The shedding of the epithelium inside the uterus occurs gradually and “spotting” within 6-24 hours before menstrual bleeding indicates a normal course of menstruation.

When mucus smears a few days before menstruation, this indicates hormonal disorders, erosion and some other diseases.


With thrush, a white, curd-like discharge with a sour-milk odor appears. Additionally, the woman feels itching and burning. A week before your period, the symptoms of candidiasis intensify.

Strong and abundant

Heavy discharge before menstruation can be provoked by external reasons:

  • allergies to hygiene products;
  • taking antibiotics or hormones;
  • uncomfortable underwear.

Under the influence of physiological factors, abundant transparent discharge appears that does not cause concern.

A sign of the disease is constant heavy discharge before menstruation with the appearance of an uncharacteristic color or heterogeneous consistency.

What else will help you recognize an interesting situation?

Differences in discharge before menstruation and during pregnancy are not the only symptom of an interesting situation. If you suspect pregnancy, pay attention to the accompanying signs that will not allow you to make a mistake. This:

  • morning sickness, malaise;
  • failure to achieve full menstruation, despite previous symptoms;
  • changes in the breasts (nipples become more tender, veins on the breasts enlarge, lumps on the halo become larger);
  • constant fatigue associated with changes in metabolism;
  • frequent urination;
  • constipation, flatulence;
  • nasal congestion, signs of a cold;
  • changes in the acuity of smell and taste;
  • emotional instability;
  • high basal temperature (this indicator is extremely difficult to control, since preliminary measurements are required for 2 months).

Before menstruation, these signs are absent. Only nagging pain in the abdomen, general weakness and increased libido may be experienced immediately before menstruation.

What does normal look like?

What kind of discharge should be before menstruation is influenced by age, progesterone level and a number of other characteristics of the female body. But there are general characteristics that are an indicator of a woman’s health:

  • thick consistency (similar to mucus or cream);
  • moderate volume (spot on the gasket with a diameter of up to 5 cm);
  • homogeneous consistency (minor whitish inclusions are allowed);
  • light (have a white, cream or yellowish tint);
  • do not cause irritation to the vagina and external organs.

A brownish tint to the discharge can be caused by an installed intrauterine device or taking hormonal contraceptives.

If the discharge is curdled, you need to consult a doctor.

Treatment of diseases

Often, women of childbearing age go to the doctor with complaints of vaginal dryness before or at the end of their period. After a gynecological examination, taking smears, ultrasound of the thyroid gland and pelvic organs, the patient donates blood for testing to identify estrogen deficiency. Having established the true reasons for the lack of discharge before menstruation, the doctor prescribes drug therapy.

The following tools can be used in combination:

  • drugs to restore hormonal balance;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • phytotherapy;
  • antihistamines.

When the discharge before menstruation is scanty, there is itching, a nonspecific aroma, color or other symptom of the pathological process, the gynecologist prescribes antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, if required by the clinical course of the disease.

Infusions and decoctions of red brush, hops, hogweed, and sage gently balance out hormonal levels. At the same time, a woman should give up bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol disrupt the blood supply to the pelvic organs and reduce hormone levels, which determines whether discharge will appear regularly before menstruation.

Brown discharge instead of menstruation

The reason that brownish leucorrhoea occurs instead of menstruation may be the beginning of pregnancy, premenopause, taking hormonal contraceptives or medications to increase blood clotting.

The appearance of brown discharge is not always harmless. Serious pathologies such as fibroids, tumor processes of the reproductive organs, or ectopic attachment of the fertilized egg often provoke changes in menstrual discharge.

If brown mucus occurs instead of menstrual bleeding, you should urgently undergo an examination. Timely detection of the disease will reduce the risk of complications.

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