Why do the labia darken, what color should they be?

Discharge in women is a normal reaction of the body. By secreting the secretion, the body cleanses the microflora of the genital organs from environmental influences. In addition, the secret moisturizes the mucous membrane, protecting women's health from pathogens and pathological microorganisms. Women have a certain norm of discharge. It is a kind of self-cleaning mechanism for the vagina.

The labia can have a wide variety of colors

First you need to understand the terms. The protruding parts of the genitals are called the labia, which can be large, located outside and small, located inside. The inner part of the intimate area, covered by the labia majora, is called the vulva. This is where the labia minora and the entrance to the vagina are located.

All these intimate areas can have completely different colors and shades. Any variant from almost pink to brown-black is considered normal.

The color of the labia is initially determined by the skin tone. Therefore, in a dark-skinned woman, in principle, this part of the intimate area cannot be light. Although darker is fine. The same applies to the labia minora, the color of which also depends on the overall skin tone. For blondes they are light, pink, for brunettes they are darker.

Intimate area of ​​a dark-skinned woman

The shade of the labia changes over time. There are scientific studies showing that the color change in this area is influenced by hormone levels. Therefore, the genitals may darken during menopause and puberty. A change in color is also observed during pregnancy, and after childbirth the shade may not become the same.

Sometimes the labia remain pink in the middle and darken at the edges. This situation is not a sign of any violation. However, in this case, if desired, labiaplasty can be performed to remove the protruding edges of the genitals.

Pathological discharge in women

Several types of vaginal secretion always indicate a problem with women's health:

1. Curdled ones. The result of poor hygiene, weak immunity, but in 60% of cases such discharge is a consequence of intestinal dysbiosis and its accompanying inflammation. Accompanied by itching and urination problems. Often recurring cystitis is associated with thrush - granular discharge enters the cavity of the bladder, causing its inflammation. We must not forget that candidiasis is also a consequence of antibiotic therapy.

2. Grainy, mixed with blood. Occurs 2-3 days before menstruation. They are a manifestation of pathology because they develop in women with a high level of estrogen in the blood. They turn into normal menstruation and can be repeated every month. In 95% of cases, women with this phenomenon have a history of curettage of the uterine cavity.

3. Brown. If they appear during pregnancy, they indicate fetal freezing (in 8 out of 10 cases), when they develop after intimacy, it is worth checking for cervical erosion.

4. Yellow, purulent. A sign of sexually transmitted diseases.

5. Green. Discharge of this color is accompanied by 70% of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system - oophoritis, cervicitis, vaginitis, adnexitis.

But the most dangerous discharges are those containing red blood cells. Discharge mixed with blood is the result of the most serious gynecological pathologies: oncological processes, incipient abortion, placental abruption, cervical erosion.

Is it true that the labia can darken due to sexual activity or masturbation?

This question very often worries young girls who have noticed that, with the onset of intimate life or against the background of masturbation, their genitals have changed color. However, there is no direct connection here, it’s just that at this moment the girl grows up, her hormonal levels change, and the color of her genitals may change. However, if she had not masturbated and remained a virgin, her labia would still have become the same, because this feature is genetically determined.

Even the palest woman has much darker inner labia compared to the rest of her skin. The shade of the genitals can be influenced by the genes of darker blood relatives. In general, there is no connection between sex life and the color of the labia. Virginity or, conversely, sexual promiscuity cannot be defined in this way.


Copulative function

The vagina is involved in the process of fertilization: the seminal fluid released during sexual intercourse (copulation) in men enters the vagina, from where sperm penetrate into the uterine cavity and tubes. Sperm accumulates mainly in the posterior (deepest) vaginal vault, where the cervix with a mucus plug in the cervical canal is directed. The indicated spatial relationships and physical and chemical properties of the cervical mucous secretion (low viscosity, alkaline reaction, etc.) contribute to the penetration of sperm into the upper genital tract, and, consequently, the process of fertilization.

Generic function

The vagina also participates in the process of childbirth: it forms the birth canal with the cervix, through which the fetus and placenta pass. Unhindered expulsion of the fetus is possible because during pregnancy physiological changes occur in the vaginal tissues (hypertrophy and hyperplasia of muscle fibers, connective tissue, blood vessels, serous impregnation and loosening of tissues), as a result of which its walls become elastic and tensile.

Protective function

The barrier function of the vagina and its ability to self-cleanse are also important.

As mentioned above, the vagina is covered with layers of flat cells - stratified squamous epithelium, which is constantly kept moist by vaginal discharge. It is white in color, consists of vaginal epithelial cells, lactobacilli, has a neutral odor and an acidic environment. The multilayered squamous epithelium of the vaginal mucosa blocks the path of pathogenic microbes into the underlying tissue.

Of particular importance is the vagina’s ability to self-cleanse; this process is regulated by the ovaries, which secrete female sex hormones - estrogens and progesterone. Under the influence of estrogens, the substance glycogen is synthesized in the cells of stratified squamous epithelium, from which lactic acid is then formed. The process of formation of lactic acid from glycogen occurs with the participation of lactic acid bacteria (Dederlein's rods), while the vaginal environment is maintained in an acidic state (pH ranges from 3.8 to 4.5).

The vagina of a healthy woman contains mainly Dederlein bacilli, as well as a small number of other microorganisms, including staphylococci, streptococci, yeasts, and anaerobes. The acidic environment of a healthy vagina does not allow other microorganisms to multiply; even the causative agents of gonorrhea and trichomoniasis can be present in small quantities in the vaginal microflora, without leading to the development of infection [4].

Excretory function

The functions of the vagina include the removal of physiological vaginal discharge from the body. Vaginal discharge consists of mucus from the cervical canal, secretion from the glands of the vaginal part of the uterus, secretion from the vaginal glands and a mixture of normal vaginal microflora with dead cells of the vaginal epithelium. Normally, the secretion of physiological secretions reaches up to 2 ml per day. Their number may vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Normally, they are transparent or milky discharge of uniform consistency and odorless. During menstruation, the vagina serves to remove menstrual fluid.

Sexual function

The vagina as an erogenous zone

The vagina is nominally an erogenous zone and many men believe that it is extremely sensitive and that a woman receives sexual satisfaction from the vagina (see also cunnilingus). However, this is not the case.

The degree of sensitivity inside the vagina is so low that less than 14% of women are even able to feel that the vaginal walls have been touched [5]. The use of hygienic tampons is based on this principle - women usually do not feel them inside themselves. Some women even forget to remove the tampon after their menstrual period ends, which can lead to toxic shock [6] .

Gräfenberg zone (point G)

Gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg in 1950 published an article “The role of urethra in female orgasm,” in which he described a point on the front wall of the vagina at a distance of 2-4 cm from the entrance as one of the most sensitive erogenous zones of a woman, along with the clitoris. In his opinion, by manually influencing this point, you can give a woman pleasant sensations and bring her to orgasm [7]. This area was later named the “G-spot” in his honor.

According to modern scientific data, the “G-spot” as a separate “woman’s point of pleasure” does not exist [8] [9] [10] [11] [12], sexologists talk only about the female erectile organ and its direct and indirect stimulation [13 ] .

Biological processes during sexual intercourse

During sexual arousal, the following processes occur in the vagina: transudate begins to sweat from the venous vessels of the vaginal walls and secretion is released by the Bartholin glands and glands of the vestibule of the vagina, as a result of which it becomes moist, which facilitates the insertion of the penis. At the same time, the woman’s external genitalia become sensitive to tactile stimulation, which causes a specific mental sensation of sexual arousal. During sexual intercourse, the volume of the vagina near the cervix increases, thereby creating a receptacle for sperm. The narrowing of the outer third of the vagina helps partners feel each other better, which further increases the level of sexual arousal. [14]

In what cases should you worry?

You need to start worrying if the labia become red, inflamed, white, dark spots or other pathological lesions appear on them. In this case, you should definitely contact a gynecologist. Melanoma can develop on the genitals - a very malignant tumor, manifested by the appearance of brown or even black spots that quickly increase in size. Therefore, their presence is a reason to contact an oncologist as soon as possible.

In other cases, there is no need to worry. Changing the color of the genitals is a completely normal process that does not indicate any disorder, much less promiscuity.

How can you change the color of your labia?

Creams, gels, and solutions are produced to whiten the skin of the genitals. There are also special laser procedures. However, they are effective only for the labia majora, which are covered with skin. An attempt to whiten the labia minora using chemicals can cause severe inflammation, accompanied by pain, swelling, redness, and the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane.

The darker edges of the labia minora can be removed using labiaplasty. In this case, the genitals will not only look lighter, but will also become more neat. This is precisely the intimate zone of the beauties who pose in erotic photographs and serve as a guide for me only for men, but also for women. Modern medicine makes it possible to resemble them not only in color, but also in the shape of the intimate area.

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Developmental anomalies

Vaginal malformations include:

  • Vaginal aplasia
    is the absence of the entire vagina, as a result of a violation of the formation of its rudiment.
  • Vaginal agenesis
    is the absence of part of the vagina due to impaired formation of the vaginal tube.
  • Vaginal doubling
    - the formation of a partial or complete longitudinal septum; Formation of the transverse vaginal septum.

As a rule, these defects are combined with malformations of the uterus and organs of the urinary system.

Vaginal infections, developmental abnormalities and neoplasms

The main diseases to which the organ is susceptible [17]:

  • Colpitis is an inflammation, including due to sexually transmitted infections, thrush (vaginal candidiasis), and a lack of female sex hormones after the cessation of menstruation.
  • Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis) is vaginal dysbiosis.
  • Descent and prolapse (prolapse) of the vaginal walls, and with them the pelvic organs adjacent to its walls.
  • Condylomatosis (caused by the human papillomavirus).
  • Congenital developmental anomalies: aplasia (absence) of the vagina, stenosis (narrowing) of the vagina, duplication of the vagina, various types of vaginal septa.
  • Dysplasia and cancer of the vaginal mucosa (rather rare diseases).
  • Cysts and fibroids.

Atrophic diseases

As a result of a lack of estrogen, the vaginal walls lose their previously inherent ability to secrete their own lubricant. The folds that previously allowed them to stretch and contract during sex become thinner and drier, more irritable, tighter and less elastic. In other words, their atrophy occurs. This makes them susceptible to chronic inflammation, which is why this phenomenon has received its own name in medicine: atrophic vaginitis. This is a special health condition, and by no means an infectious disease, but it makes the vagina prone to wounds, injuries, bleeding and pain, especially after sexual intercourse, and also reduces its immunity to numerous pathogenic infections and microorganisms.

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