How quickly does thrush go away after zalain?

Composition and principle of action

The drug is effective against a large number of fungal pathogens. Zalain contains sertaconazole, an antifungal substance with a wide spectrum of activity. It has the following properties:

  • fungicidal - destroys fungal cells due to disruption of the synthesis of ergosterol, which is part of the cell wall;
  • fungistatic - sertaconazole replaces tryptophan in the fungal shell, which disrupts cell stability;
  • antimicrobial - has a detrimental effect on some microorganisms, protozoa and bacteria.

The spectrum of activity of sertaconazole includes the following pathogens:

  • fungi of the genus Candida - cause candidiasis of the mucous membranes;
  • fungi of the genus Microsporum - pathogens of microsporia;
  • fungi of the genus Trychphyton - cause trichophytosis;
  • streptococci, staphylococci - are the cause of nonspecific infection;
  • Trichomonas - causative agents of trichomoniasis;
  • gardnerella - causes bacterial vaginosis;
  • bacteroides, enterococci - are involved in nonspecific inflammation.

The table shows the main advantages of the drug.

Table - Advantages of "Zalain"

Quick effectFor the course of treatment of vaginal candidiasis, a single application of a suppository is sufficient.
Prolonged actionThe active substance remains on the vaginal mucosa for another 3-4 days.
Does not enter the systemic circulation- Acts locally - on the skin, vaginal mucosa; - safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of Zalain suppositories is effective not only when necessary in influencing pathogenic and opportunistic fungi. The drug has an antimicrobial effect, which gives it an additional advantage over other anti-candidiasis drugs.

Single-use suppository for thrush Zalain

Vulvovaginal candidiasis in women is always accompanied by persistent itching, profuse discharge and a burning sensation.
As a rule, the average course of treatment is 7-10 days, but sometimes these symptoms are so pronounced that the woman’s general condition progressively worsens, so at such times it is advisable to use fast-acting medications, such as a suppository for thrush Zalain. This tool will be discussed in the article.

What is a suppository for thrush Zalain?

An active candidiasis process in the vaginal cavity always requires the prescription of an effective antifungal drug that will quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and destroy the causative agents of the disease.

The Thai suppository for thrush, Zalain, is one of these medicines.


The main active ingredient is sertaconzal, an antimycotic derivative of imidazole and benzothiophene. One suppository for thrush Zalain contains 300 mg of sertaconazole.

In addition, there are auxiliary components:

  • Colloidal solution, or silicon dioxide.
  • Witepsol.
  • Suppocir.
  • Paraffin oil.
  • Glycerol isostearate.

The suppositories themselves are white in color, waxy in consistency and oval in shape. The package contains only one suppository, as this is a local preparation for single use.


Zalain is a powerful antimycotic drug with a wide spectrum of effects. Under its influence, the production of ergosterol, an essential substance for the cell membranes of fungal cells, is disrupted. As a result, the membrane loses its strength and cannot protect fungi from the harmful effects of environmental factors on them and from the body’s immune forces.

In addition to inhibiting the biosynthesis of ergosterols, the active substance, sertaconazole, competitively occupies receptors on the outer membrane of the fungus intended for tryptophan. As a result, the bonds in the cell wall become uncoupled, and its permeability to sodium and water ions increases, which enter the cell in large quantities, leading to its swelling and destruction.

The suppository suppresses the growth of fungi (fungistatic effect), destroys their membrane (fungicidal effect), reduces the risk of pathogens developing resistance to sertaconazole and reduces the likelihood of relapses.

Zalain is active against the following microorganisms:

  • Yeasts (Pityrosporum orbiculare, Candida tropicalis and Candida Albicans).
  • Dermatophytes (microsporia, epidermophytosis and trichophytosis).
  • Bacteria (strepto- and staphylococci).

Instructions for use

Before taking the drug, you should carefully study its instructions, which contain the correct dosages and indications, and warn about possible side effects and contraindications.

How and when to take?

The use of Zalain suppositories is indicated for:

  • Acute vulvovaginitis, caused by fungi from the genus Candida.
  • Chronic or recurrent forms of thrush sensitive to sertaconazole.

Only 1 suppository for thrush is inserted into the vaginal cavity once. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in a horizontal position on your back with your knees bent. Having thoroughly washed her hands, the woman lies in the indicated position and inserts a suppository into the vaginal cavity with soft, careful movements, trying to push it as deep as possible.

In order to reduce discomfort and the risk of the candle leaking onto your underwear, it is recommended to use sanitary pads and perform the procedure before bed. On this day, sexual intercourse and soaps with an acidic pH are strictly prohibited.

If a woman is diagnosed with chronic thrush, then a similar course can be repeated after a full seven days.

Contraindications and side effects

The official instructions for use of the Zalain suppository have the following information about contraindications for use:

  • The presence of hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug or to the auxiliary components.
  • Any stage of pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding a baby.
  • Menstrual periods.

Adverse reactions from the use of Zalain are rare and can be presented as:

  • Transient erythema - severe hyperemia of the skin due to dilation of capillaries. As a rule, it regresses on its own and does not require discontinuation of the drug.
  • Contact dermatitis is a local allergic reaction of skin areas to which Zalain cream was applied or vaginal discharge with a melted suppository.

Due to the fact that sertaconazole practically does not enter the systemic circulation, the development of systemic allergic reactions is unlikely.

Price and reviews

Reviews of the use of Zalain against thrush are mostly positive and indicate that a single use of the suppository has a good effect, eliminating itching and pasty discharge.

  • Evgeniya, 29 years old. After I put on the Zalain suppository, the itching went away within three hours. In the morning - no discomfort, no discharge. I'm very pleased.
  • Maria, 23 years old. Zalain was prescribed to me by my gynecologist. The effect was not long in coming - the next day there was no itching at all.
  • Ekaterina, 33 years old. Zalain really helps a lot, right from the first time. I took a double course, that is, I administered the suppository once and again a week later. After treatment, I re-tested and no fungi were found.

You can easily purchase the medicine at any pharmacy. The average price for Zalain is 500-550 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

To quickly and effectively get rid of the painful symptoms of female thrush, the pharmacological market in its arsenal has a significant number of local antifungal agents with a one-day course of treatment, the group of which includes the drug described above (the name of the one-time use suppository for thrush is Zalain).


When is the product effective?

The product is available in the form of vaginal suppositories and cream for external use. Indications for the use of Zalain may include the following ailments:

  • mycoses - damage to the hands, fungus of the nails, feet, torso and beard in men;
  • candidiasis - thrush in both sexes (including those caused by strains that are resistant to other mycotic drugs, or caused by Candida non-albicans);
  • dermatophytosis - affecting the trunk, limbs, and groin area;
  • other mycoses - with pityriasis versicolor (pityriasis versicolor), seborrheic dermatitis.

Forms of release of the drug and what it does

Zalain is a medicine that successfully fights fungi of the genus Candida.
The effectiveness of the action lies in the main component - sertaconazole nitrate, which leads to stopping the growth and development of bacteria dangerous to health. Just 20 mg of the substance included in the Zalain suppository penetrates into yeast-like microorganisms through a damaged cell membrane and causes their death. Since high-quality treatment of vaginal candidiasis consists of simultaneous therapy for both sexual partners, the doctor prescribes Zalain for thrush in the form of suppositories for the woman, and in the form of a cream for the man.

Read more about the comprehensive treatment of thrush for men and women in a separate article on our website.

Instructions for use of "Zalain"

In the treatment of gynecological diseases, suppositories are often used. In dermatological practice - cream.

In the vagina

Zalain suppositories should be used as prescribed by a doctor. One suppository contains 300 mg of the main active ingredient. Recommendations for use are as follows:

  • before insertion, perform genital hygiene;
  • lay once at night;
  • do not use during bleeding from the genital tract;
  • abstain from sex for seven to ten days.

On the skin and mucous membranes

The product is available in tubes of 20 g in the form of a 2% cream, which is most often used to treat skin diseases. For the purpose of preventing or treating genital candidiasis, it can be used in men. In dermatological practice, the following recommendations exist for use:

  • lubricate only the affected area - and 1 cm around the periphery of healthy skin;
  • avoid contact with eyes and skin at a distance of 2 cm around the upper and lower eyelids;
  • Apply a thin layer - rub in almost until completely absorbed;
  • follow the treatment regimen and timing - from one to two weeks, you can use it once or twice a day.

Zalain (cream, ointment, suppositories): reviews, price, analogues, instructions

Zalain is a medicine to relieve the symptoms of a fungal infection. This disease can affect everyone, but not everyone knows that there are a large number of medications that prevent the development and proliferation of fungal infections.

The drug destroys absolutely all fungal cells and acts directly on the source of the disease. It has two release forms, one of which is used for mycosis of the skin, the second for women, in the form of vaginal suppositories.

The cost is in the average price category, the drug has a list of effective analogues that should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Before use, you should consult a specialist, because the product has contraindications and a number of side effects. You also need to study reviews of Zalain cream and suppositories on forums on the Internet in order to take into account all the nuances of the treatment.

Description of the medicine

Zalain is a drug that many patients choose if they are concerned about a fungus on their skin. Zalain fights not only the external manifestations of the disease, but it also destroys the source of the disease.

The main active ingredient in the drug is sertaconazole. It has a fungicidal and fungistatic effect, that is, it stops the development and reproduction of fungal formations, and also has an effect against some bacterial infections. Literally after applying the drug, the number of rashes decreases, pain and swelling decrease.

According to the official instructions, the medicine must be used only after prior consultation with a specialist. A dermatologist examines the patient, establishes a diagnosis, and then outlines a treatment regimen. He will calculate the duration of use, single and daily dosage.

Zalain is a thick cream and has a slight odor. It is absorbed quite slowly and distributes itself over the skin. When the active component enters the site of the disease, it begins to act against fungi and bacteria.

Zalain cream helps get rid of the symptoms of diseases that are caused by fungi and are localized in the face and body. It treats fungi complicated by secondary infection, as well as various inflammatory pathologies in different locations, and fights against nail fungus.

Zalain is used to quickly relieve symptoms of an acute form of fungus. It will be most effective against fungus that develops slowly, as well as for the prevention and prevention of complications.

Zalain is widely used in combination with antiseptics for additional disinfection of the skin surface.

If the patient requires it, the doctor includes in the complex antibacterial agents and drugs that accelerate regeneration.

Zalain is used exclusively externally. Its main component was created on the basis of imidazole and benzothiophene.

Both components have fungicidal and fungistatic effects, which together have a strong and targeted effect.

Sertaconazole is used against many types of fungus. It has a high effect against fungi such as Candida, suppresses the production of a component required for the normal state of the cell membrane of fungi, it also increases their permeability.

After completing the course of treatment, the patient notices that his inflammatory process has decreased. It also increases blood circulation in fungus-affected areas. The fungus stops developing and multiplying, and the tissues regenerate faster.

Zalain is effective against almost all types of fungus. It destroys dermatophytes, gardnerella, enterococci, bacteroides, trichomonas, staphylococci and streptococci.

Zalain is produced by a pharmaceutical company located in Hungary. It has two forms of release - cream and vaginal suppositories. Suppositories are used to destroy fungus on the vaginal mucosa.

The main component of both forms remains sertaconazole.

The cream is produced in aluminum tubes.

It contains the following components:

  • Ethylene glycol.
  • Polyethylene glycol.
  • Glycerides.
  • Glycerol.
  • Paraffin.
  • Sorbic acid.
  • Water.

The composition does not contain fatty substances, so when applied, the product does not form a film and does not tighten the skin, and some components also disinfect the surface, which enhances the effect of the drug.

Many people are interested in whether the drug Zalain is hormonal or not. The answer is that it is non-hormonal.

Zalain for fungus

Zalain is highly effective in destroying fungal formations. It has an increased fungicidal and fungistatic effect due to the main component in the composition - sertaconazole.

The active component destroys the cell membrane of the fungi, as a result of which its metabolism stops, nutrients are not supplied and the fungus gradually stops developing and multiplying, and soon the drug completely destroys all fungal formations.

The medicine has an effect against almost all types of fungus. It is also effective against Candida fungus.

The drug is allowed for some bacterial infections.

What is the price. About the cost of the medicine

The price of Zalain ointment starts from 500 rubles. It may vary depending on the region of purchase and the seller's markup. If the price is high for the patient, then cheaper analogues can be used, but only after prior consultation with the attending physician.

The kit for Zalain includes instructions for use.

Brief overview of analogues

An analogue is prescribed only by a doctor, because the consequences can be unpredictable and dangerous to health when using analogues of the prescribed medicine independently.

Analogues of Zalain cream and suppositories include other medicines that destroy fungus.

These include:

  • Clotrimazole.
  • Candide.
  • Terbinafine.
  • Nizoral.


The drug should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the active and auxiliary components.

There is no information about how the main component affects the development of the child in the womb. But it should be taken into account that the drug is used once, it is not absorbed when a suppository is inserted, then it is possible to allow the use of both forms of the drug by a pregnant woman, provided that the expected benefit exceeds the possible harm to the child.

Among the side effects, patients noted burning and itching in the vagina, which gradually goes away on its own. These side effects are observed with all topical medications. Symptoms will subside in about two days.

Possible allergy to the composition. If new side effects appear that are not listed in the official instructions, you should consult a doctor. There are few side effects, since the drug does not enter the bloodstream. The drug can reduce the effect of contraceptives.

Complications of taking

It is extremely rare that severe adverse reactions develop when taking Zalain, requiring discontinuation of the drug as the main action. No cases of overdose were identified. If for some reason the suppository is taken orally, you should rinse the stomach or induce vomiting. The following side effects of Zalain are possible:

  • allergic reactions - type contact dermatitis;
  • temporary redness of the skin - when applying the cream;
  • burning sensation in the vagina - when using suppositories.

Method of use

Despite the fact that the instructions for Zalain indicate the necessary dosages in a given case, self-medication is strictly prohibited. Only a doctor will be able to determine the need to prescribe medication and select the required dosage, frequency of use and duration of treatment.

For candidiasis in men, the cream is applied to the head of the penis. You should first thoroughly clean the skin in the area of ​​application, as well as the frenulum and head. Clean the folds of the preputial sac to remove various accumulations.

  1. It is necessary to apply the ointment not only to the affected area, but also to 1–2 cm of healthy skin.
  2. This will prevent further spread of the infection. The duration of treatment is selected individually and depends on the severity of the clinical manifestations of the disease.

During the therapeutic course, it is necessary to abstain from intimate life. This is due to the fact that the medicine negatively affects most contraceptives, leveling their effectiveness, and also contributes to the rupture of the condom during sexual intercourse.

The cream is used not only for medicinal but also for preventive purposes. This is necessary when the sexual partner is undergoing a therapeutic course for thrush. The instructions oblige the other partner to undergo treatment for 2 weeks. This is necessary for prevention purposes, since the fungus is sexually transmitted.

Treatment of candidiasis with Zalain in women involves a single insertion of a suppository into the vagina. As a rule, 1 suppository is enough to achieve a pronounced therapeutic result. That is why Zalain is the drug of choice in the treatment of fungal candidiasis, because there is no need to additionally drink tablets or administer suppositories for several days or weeks.

Instructions for use imply the possibility of prolongation of treatment. However, this can only be done on the recommendation of a specialist. In this case, re-administration of the medicine is carried out no earlier than after 7 days. It is this period that is necessary in order to adequately assess the effectiveness of Zalain therapy.

The suppository is inserted deep into the vagina in a lying position. Beforehand, be sure to toilet the external genitalia. It is advisable to carry out the manipulation before bedtime so that the woman does not need to get up. This will ensure even distribution of the drug along the vaginal walls and prevent it from leaking out.

If the external genitalia are additionally involved in the pathological process, treatment with suppositories may not be enough. To treat the skin and mucous membranes, you should additionally use Zalain cream. Even if there are microcracks and other damage, it can be safely applied; it will not harm in any way.


Complete analogues of the drug according to the active substance are:

The range of drugs with similar effects is large. But only a doctor can choose the most suitable medicine.

"Zalain" is an effective antifungal drug. Active against many strains of fungi resistant to other drugs. Treatment of thrush with Zalain, indeed, involves the introduction of only one suppository into the vagina. But if necessary, you can additionally use the cream, including for the prevention or relief of symptoms in a sexual partner. Reviews from doctors and patients confirm the high effectiveness and ease of use of the medicine.

Zalain during pregnancy and lactation

Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida are found in limited quantities in the body of every person. As long as the immune system is able to cope with them, it controls their growth and prevents reproduction. Otherwise, thrush pathogens begin to actively grow and spread, forming entire colonies, which contributes to the development of the disease.

When carrying a baby, a woman’s immune system weakens sharply: the body independently suppresses its work so that it does not accept the developing fetus as foreign. That is why during pregnancy and lactation the fair sex is vulnerable to infectious and fungal diseases that “attack” them from all sides.

When thrush develops during pregnancy, doctors try to find medications that would not harm the unborn baby. This condition must be observed in the first trimester of pregnancy, when all the baby’s organs are formed.

As laboratory studies have shown, Zalain suppositories do not cause any harm to the baby during pregnancy, but they should be used only when absolutely necessary, since the medicine contains enzymes produced on a chemical basis. In severe cases, the drug is prescribed only if there is a serious risk to the developing fetus.

Since Zalain vaginal suppositories have a local effect and are not able to penetrate into the blood and breast milk, they can be used in the treatment of candidiasis during lactation, but the drug is prescribed by a doctor.

Reviews: “Now I keep it in my medicine cabinet”

I also suffered terribly from thrush, pimafucin did not help, but zalain (a candle) helped! It works for like 5 days, and then the doctor told me to buy zalain in cream and apply it externally and even internally a little every day, 2 times a day, and thank God, after a while I finally forgot about it! Zalain can be used during pregnancy.


Helped me. he was the only one who helped. I had terrible thrush during and after pregnancy. Pimafucin helped for a while, epigen also relieved the discomfort a little, but this is not a cure. I don’t know anything about the use of zalain during pregnancy. and then 1 candle and that’s it))) I used it during lactation. everything was ok. Of course, all treatment is individual for everyone, but it really helped me. I can't say anything about side effects. I immediately felt good))) girls, thrush and thrush during pregnancy are heaven and earth! so take care of yourself


Terrible candle! Everything was ok, I put a candle as prescribed by the doctor. They rarely write about a burning sensation, it’s not true, the burning sensation has not gone away for the second day, I don’t know how to get rid of it, how many girls write on the Internet about the side effect, think first. The candle is expensive and very powerful, if you have thrush - douching with malavit diluted in water: a 300 ml spoon, and treatment with fucarcin, why did you put it in?


In winter, after I visited the sauna with friends, my feet began to itch and an unpleasant odor appeared. At the hospital they told me that I had contracted a fungus. On the advice of a doctor, I purchased Zalain and began using it as written in the instructions. I smeared my feet twice a day, and since the disease was not advanced, soon there was no trace of the fungus left. Therefore, I can say with confidence that the drug works very well. I did not experience any pain or discomfort when using Zalain. Now I keep it in my medicine cabinet for prevention.

Yuri B.,

“Zalain”: can one suppository completely eliminate the symptoms of thrush - all about and for health on

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Antifungal agent Zalain - review


I haven’t encountered candidiasis (thrush) for more than one year, but in February I got sick several times, then there was a lot of stress and voila - hello thrush! I went to the doctor and they confirmed the diagnosis of thrush. The main and terribly unpleasant symptoms that visited me were burning and itching, as well as the beginning of a creeping sensation, although I was far from my critical days.

The doctor prescribed a treatment regimen: Two Fluconazole and two Zalain , both medicines every 1 day.

I learned about these candles for the first time, because... I usually go to another doctor and I was prescribed different suppositories. When I came to the pharmacy, I was a little shocked, firstly, there was only 1 candle in the package, I needed 2 candles. The price is also great, for some reason they sold me one candle for 519 rubles, and the second for 525 rubles. Something strange is happening with Stolichki...

Those. you understand that I paid 1044 rubles for two candles.

★★★★★ Package ★★★★★

Each candle is in an individual cardboard box with beautiful feminine outlines. It contains basic information from the manufacturer.

The expiration date (3 years) and storage conditions are indicated on the sides of the box. The pharmacist at the pharmacy said that these suppositories can be stored not in the refrigerator, but at room temperature.

Inside there is one pot-bellied candle in a sealed plastic blister and instructions. The instructions are not large and easy to read (I just can’t stomach huge instructions).


Local treatment of infections of the vaginal mucosa caused by fungi of the genus Candida (vulvovaginal candidiasis).

Side effects

Rarely: burning sensation, itching in the vagina, which disappear on their own during treatment and do not require discontinuation of the drug. These side effects are classic for topical medications and reflect the effectiveness of the drug.

Possible: allergic reactions.

★★★★★Description of the candle★★★★★

As I already wrote, the candle is in an individual plastic blister. The blister opens easily, just pull the two “tails” (some candles have big problems with this).

The candle is pot-bellied with a sharp end. There is no smell, the color is white, it is administered without problems or discomfort. The structure is like wax, it is better to insert it right away because begins to melt in your hands.

★★★★★ Impressions of use★★★★★

In general, to begin with, the manufacturer recommends washing with neutral or alkaline soap (I thought this went without saying).

Hands must be absolutely clean so as not to introduce another infection when inserting the suppository. It is most comfortable to lie on your back, and as deep as possible. For such occasions, I always buy extended daily planners because... the candle will then “come out” almost all day.

I would like to clarify that the first symptoms appeared on Thursday, I was able to see a doctor only on Monday (and accordingly insert a suppository on Monday).

Before this, for three days, in order to alleviate the condition at least a little, I used Hexicon (chlorhexidine in a solid state), I still had them from the sea, I used them there for prevention.

And by Monday the itching and burning did not bother me as such.

I lay down to read a book before going to bed and after about 15 minutes I feel the ITCHING AND BURNING ! Suppositories for itching and burning caused itching and burning *logic is our everything* And such that what was before was just flowers! I endured it for about 5 minutes, I was writhing all over, my husband looked at me like I was crazy, in the end I couldn’t stand it and ran to the toilet, where some part of the candle came out naturally because... managed to melt. Only after that the itching and burning subsided and I was able to fall asleep. This side effect has not happened with any other suppositories, so the manufacturers’ assurances that these are classic side effects for such drugs are simply dismissed by the consumer.

I had to insert the second candle every other day, that is, on Wednesday, and I was already looking forward to this day with horror, but everything went away more or less, there was a slight itching, but it was quite tolerable, and I was able to sleep.

In principle, there were no symptoms as such, the itching and burning did not return, there was no special discharge either, BUT on Friday I went to see another doctor, it turned out that the thrush was still there, but on top of everything else I also had inflammation (I had been worming all this time with Thursday to Friday). Fluconazole, by the way, didn’t help either. I was prescribed a new treatment which, by the way, turned out to be much more effective.

★★★★★ conclusions ★★★★★

What conclusions can I draw? Perhaps these suppositories help with mild forms of candidiasis, without accompanying inflammation. In my case, they turned out to be useless, and even a terrible side effect appeared on the first use, I threw away 1000 rubles.

I can’t recommend it in any way, firstly, the price is unreasonably high, secondly, there are terrible side effects, and thirdly, they simply turned out to be ineffective in my case and did not suit me.

The only positive thing is that the packaging is cute and is suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

Be healthy, and if you are sick, run straight to the doctor, don’t delay!


Thank you for your attention to the review, Anya


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