Thrush appeared after Genferon suppositories

Genferon for thrush

Irritation in the labia and vagina, discomfort while walking, pain during sex, the appearance of white discharge on panties - all these symptoms in women may indicate a disease such as vaginal candidiasis, otherwise known as thrush. If you suffer from a protracted course of the disease or have relapses very often, then you definitely need to be treated with Genferon vaginal suppositories. They help well at any stage of the development of a fungal infection.

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Reasons for bleeding after hexicon 1

Have you been fighting thrush for many years without success?
Head of the Institute: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure thrush by taking it every day.

For the treatment of gynecological problems, there is such a dosage form as vaginal suppositories. "Hexicon" is one of the drugs of this type. It is prescribed in frequent cases due to its combination of effectiveness and safety of use. But what should you do if you notice bloody discharge after hexicon when there shouldn’t be any?

Application of Hexicon candles

The basis of Hexicon candles is chlorhexidine; additional components are various polyethylene oxide compounds. The base substance copes with gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, some types of viruses and protozoa. Therefore, Hexicon is recommended for those diagnosed with:

  • gardnerellosis,
  • chlamydia,
  • syphilis,
  • trichomoniasis,
  • ureaplasmosis,
  • gonorrhea,
  • herpes virus.

Suppositories are also indicated for the prevention of the listed infections, as well as:

  • before operations on the uterus in order to reduce the likelihood of infectious complications;
  • before diagnostics that require intrusion into an organ with instruments;
  • after interventions, including cauterization of erosions;
  • for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the vagina and outer cervix.

Contraindications and side effects from Hexicon

Even local treatments, despite their limited impact, may have side effects from use. Candles are no exception.

The body’s negative reaction to them looks like this:

  • itching in the vagina and perineal mucosa;
  • skin rashes;
  • redness of the membranes and swelling.

The use of Hexicon is contraindicated for those who suffer from intolerance to chlorhexidine or polyethylene oxides.

Causes of discharge with and without blood while using Hexicon

It is not a rare complaint that specialists hear from women - bloody discharge appeared from hexicon. Although the list of adverse reactions does not include such treatment accompaniment.

There may be several explanations for the alarming manifestation:

  • The disease that the drug is intended to eliminate. For example, with cervicitis or colpitis, the vessels of the mucous membrane lose their elasticity, and their walls are easily destroyed. The result of this may be the appearance in natural blood secretions. Sexually transmitted infections also stimulate the production of mucus by the internal genital organs. The presence of pathogenic bacteria in it irritates the membrane, which makes vascular damage more possible. Cervical erosion is the replacement of flat cells with cylindrical ones, which are easily separated as a result of contact with a suppository, staining the discharge with blood.
  • Underexamination of the patient. After Hexicon suppositories, spotting may be the result of a pathology that has not yet been detected. This is a serious reason, since among them there are fibroids, polyps, even cervical cancer. In this case, suppositories will be a provoking circumstance for blood to enter the discharge.
  • Drug overdose. "Hexicon" is used in an amount of no more than 2 suppositories per day, and for prevention, 1 suppository is enough. But when used independently, the usual dose may be too much. There will be irritation of the mucous membrane and, as a consequence, injury to the blood vessels and removal of their contents to the outside.
  • Menstruation has begun. The drug should not be blamed for this; it is not able to affect the cycle. But diseases that cause the need to use suppositories may well move it. And the daub that appeared simultaneously with its use will turn out to be the early beginning of a new cycle.
  • Intolerance. The instructions do not mention any bleeding that occurs due to this. But if the mucous membrane is swollen, there is discomfort, pain, burning, and the volume of contents leaving the genital tract has increased, Hexicon is probably not suitable for the patient. Intolerance can also manifest itself in this form. In this case, the vessels of the mucous membrane are damaged due to swelling.
  • Mechanical injury to the vaginal walls. Those who have inserted Hexicon into the vagina to prevent sexually transmitted infections should pay more attention to the discharge. This is done immediately after the act or 2 hours later. Sex can also cause minor damage to the mucous membrane. A small amount of blood clots quickly and does not come out immediately. This can happen after using a suppository, as it turns into liquid in the vagina. It seems that Hexicon caused the blood to appear, although in fact the drug had nothing to do with it.

Causes of vaginal candidiasis

We have identified several main factors for the occurrence of thrush in women (although there are several times more reasons):

  • Pregnancy.
  • Long-term use of antibiotics without the use of probiotics.
  • Poor nutrition – abuse of sweets, fatty, spicy, salty foods.
  • Immunodeficiency.

All of the listed reasons for the appearance of a pathological condition come down to one thing - a violation of the body’s defenses. Due to weakened immunity, it is easier for a fungal infection to penetrate the human body, because there are no barriers in its way.

Functions of the drug Genferon for thrush

The scope of application of this medicine is multifaceted. Thus, it is used in the treatment of diseases such as chlamydia, vaginosis, trichomoniasis, balanitis, herpes and other infectious, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. In relation to fungal infections of the genus Candida, the drug Genferon for thrush has the following effect:

  • Antifungal - the medicine suppresses the activity of candida, helps to quickly reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms during the first day of use.
  • Analgesic effect - helps to quickly relieve pain, itching, burning in the genital area.
  • Regenerating effect - the medicine promotes rapid healing of the vaginal mucosa and restores damaged tissue. The regeneration process takes place quickly, without side effects.
  • Antibacterial , antiviral effect - in addition to the antifungal effect, the medicine simultaneously suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
  • Immunomodulatory effect - the product strengthens the immune system, promotes the growth of leukocytes, the action of which is aimed at effectively combating the fungus.

Similar means

The drug "Genferon" for the treatment of thrush has a list of medications that will help replace the original medication in case of contraindications. You cannot select the medications yourself, as you may make a mistake in the dosage. The patient should study the instructions for use for proper use of the substitute. Avonex, Alfaron, Bioleukin, Gepon, Derinat, Imunogran, Lykopid, Pegintron, Symbioflor, Cycloferon and Erbisol are widely used in the treatment of thrush.

Release form of the medicine for candidiasis, its composition

The drug is available in the form of suppositories for vaginal or rectal use, as well as in the form of tablets, syrup, solution and ointment. To treat vaginal candidiasis, doctors most often prescribe suppositories.

The composition of suppositories for insertion into the vagina includes the following components:

  • Interferon - plays the role of an immunomodulator; this component increases immune defense at the cellular level.
  • Taurine – has an anti-inflammatory, restorative effect. Thanks to this amino acid, micro damage to the vaginal mucosa heals very quickly.
  • Anesthesin is a substance due to which the patient quickly disappears the unpleasant and painful symptoms caused by thrush.
  • Citric acid - restores normal microflora, as a result of which the fungus dies.

Scheme for using medication for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis

The drug Genferon should be used only after consultation with a specialist. It is the doctor who will tell you in what dosage the drug should be used. After all, vaginal suppositories are available in dosages of 125, 250, 500 thousand IU, as well as 1 million IU. The doctor prescribes the required dosage based on the clinical picture, the patient’s age, possible complications, and characteristics of the body.

Genferon suppositories for thrush are used as follows:

  • At the initial stage of the disease with acute signs of the disease, administer the suppository twice a day for ten days.
  • In acute form, use the medicine three times a day. The duration of the treatment course is two weeks.
  • In the chronic course of the disease, administer one suppository at a time. After administration, wait two or three days and reintroduce the suppository, and so on. The duration of treatment in this case can be three months.

Method of using suppositories, side effects from them

Does Genferon help get rid of thrush? This question worries women who have tried many antifungal drugs, but have not been able to completely cure the ailment that bothers them. Experts note the high effectiveness of the drug and prescribe it for the treatment of even the most advanced forms of candidiasis. The dosage and duration of use of vaginal suppositories are determined by the doctor individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s illness.

For candidiasis, Genferon must be used intravaginally. After inserting the suppository into the vagina, the woman should remain in a horizontal position for at least 20 minutes. There is no need to interrupt therapy during menstruation. Positive dynamics from the use of Genferon can occur within 2-3 days after the start of treatment. The use of Genferon must be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions of the attending physician and in no case should it be stopped prematurely. Early cessation of therapy may lead to relapse of the disease in the near future.

Intravaginal use of Genferon can lead to the development of adverse reactions in a woman in the form of:

  • systemic allergic manifestations (itching and rash on the skin);
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • increased fatigue;
  • fever;
  • headache;
  • decreased appetite;
  • discomfort at the injection site;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • leukopenia.

The risk of side effects increases when using the drug in high doses or for a long time. If they occur, the patient must refrain from further treatment with suppositories and seek qualified medical help.

Different opinions of users about the drug Genferon

On the forums you can find various reviews about Genferon suppositories for thrush. Some write that this is the best drug for candidiasis, others note its disadvantages: the appearance of side effects, addiction. Due to the fact that this product contains immunomodulatory ingredients, adverse reactions may indeed occur. They are expressed as follows: trembling, inexplicable fatigue, short temper, apathy, loss of appetite. However, none of the patients writes that the drug is useless. On the contrary, most people note that the suppositories act quickly and the symptoms of the disease go away very quickly.

In order for the drug to really help you and not lead to side effects, you need to choose the right dosage of suppositories, frequency and duration of their use. And for this you should visit a specialist, because only he knows which patient to prescribe suppositories in what quantity.

Overdose, patient responses and storage requirements

An overdose of Genferon can lead to increased side effects. To stabilize the woman’s condition, symptomatic treatment under the supervision of a doctor is recommended.

Representatives of the fairer sex who treated vaginal candidiasis with Genferon leave mostly positive reviews about it. The drug helped most women get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of thrush in a short time. With a properly designed treatment regimen, it allows you to completely get rid of the disease without causing unwanted reactions. Negative reviews about the drug are left mainly by those women for whom the wrong dosage was selected, or those for whom it was not suitable due to hypersensitivity to its components.

The manufacturer advises storing Genferon in its original packaging at an air temperature of 2 °C to 8 °C. The refrigerator door is best suited for this purpose. The shelf life of the medicinal product is 24 months from the date of manufacture.

Recommendations that will protect you from thrush

To prevent the appearance of vaginal candidiasis, you must follow these rules:

  1. Always use personal hygiene products - towel, underwear, razor, soap.
  2. Use condoms, especially when changing partners.
  3. Stop wearing synthetic underwear. It creates a greenhouse effect, the skin stops breathing normally in it, resulting in an ideal environment for the appearance and spread of fungal infections.
  4. Wear comfortable, not tight clothes.
  5. Limit intake of sweets, fatty, salty foods, canned food. These products not only lower the body's defenses, but also feed the fungus. For him, pickles and sweets are the most favorable habitat.
  6. Change your pads regularly, try not to use panty liners because they create a greenhouse effect.
  7. Treat chronic diseases in a timely manner.
  8. When taking antibacterial drugs, be sure to take probiotics - agents that normalize the intestinal microflora and prevent the occurrence of dysbiosis.


Nadezhda, just in case, I would consult another doctor.

Yes, Genferon is taken for thrush, but Lomexin, in my opinion, is a more effective drug. By the way, it is also available in the form of capsules; two pieces are enough for the entire course of treatment. But it’s hard for me to say about chronic thrush.

You need to get tested for hidden infections, and use not only these suppositories, but also pills, otherwise you shouldn’t expect a positive result. Treatment may take a long time, but you shouldn’t be upset, it’s better to get cured and be healthy!

Everything is written there in the instructions. I have chronic thrush, I was prescribed it every other day at night. I can’t say how much for infections

It’s possible, there will just be a lot of discharge

After a comprehensive examination, the doctor found that I had chlamydia and early herpes. I prescribed a bunch of antibiotics with terzhinan and geneferon 500 thousand.

Girls, don't be afraid of the discharge. I was in a panic myself. But I’ll say right away, yes, the discharge from terzhinan is yellow, but from geneferon it’s white and a lot (especially in the morning), and this is normal. So stop panicking!

Girls, there shouldn’t be such side effects! Better consult your doctor, this is your health! I stopped taking it because of the itching, the doctor said that they shouldn’t be felt at all.

I also have terrible irritation from the Genferon1000000 suppositories, I’ve been suffering for the third day, I’ll call the doctor tomorrow, it’s clear now that I’m not the only one)))

The doctor prescribed Genferon.

I started doing 2 pieces in the morning and evening (rectally, vaginally)

After the night the candles “come out”, but I think that this is normal. You just need to insert it deeper.

Get treatment girls! Be healthy!

Hello, I want to know how I can get rid of itching and irritation after taking Genferon 500,000? It’s been 3 weeks since I stopped taking it, but the itching and irritation don’t go away, it’s already unbearable

Go to the doctor, maybe something will help. If I were you, I would take anti-allergy medications. Today I also thought of lighting a candle, it’s burning so bad it’s terrible. This is how I received treatment to prevent cervicitis ((

What complications will arise if the pathology is not treated?

If a woman does not follow the doctor’s instructions or self-medicates, then she risks not only getting a chronic course of the disease, but also developing problems such as:

  • Infertility – thrush can lead to the formation of adhesions in the cervix, which can become an obstacle to pregnancy.
  • Spontaneous abortion (if a pregnant woman has thrush).
  • Cystitis, pyelonephritis.
  • Complete refusal of sex , lack of libido.

Symptoms and treatment of overdose

Changing the dose of the drug towards increasing the amount of the active substance leads to an overdose. There were no cases of sudden deterioration in health or complications. An overdose of "Genferon" is characterized by a sharp activation of side effects. If you suspect an overdose, you should contact your doctor to select sorbents and gastric lavage.

To prevent the medicine from causing an overdose, you should listen to your doctor and not resort to self-medication.

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Composition and dosage form

The main active ingredient is recombinant human interferon alpha 2b. Interferon synthesis is carried out on the basis of a genetically modified strain of Escherichia coli. The dosage is:

  • 250,000 IU.
  • 500,000 IU.
  • 1,000,000 IU.

Additionally, the suppositories contain:

  • Taurine – 0.01 g;
  • Benzocaine – 0.055 g;
  • Dextran 60,000.

Due to the interferon content in suppositories, the following effects are achieved:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral.

In this case, there is an effect on the intracellular enzymes of microorganisms.

Due to the activation of cellular immunity, lymphocyte division accelerates, which leads to the synthesis of antibodies directed against yeast fungi.

Taurine contributes to the normalization of tissue metabolic processes, which leads to the regeneration of the affected mucous membrane with the development of rapid epithelization of the surface.

Due to taurine, a slow breakdown of interferon and its prolonged action are observed.

Benzocaine belongs to the group of local anesthetics, changes the permeability of the cytoplasm by blocking nerve impulses and reducing or eliminating pain symptoms.

Due to the presence of benzocaine in Genferon suppositories, pain, itching and burning are reduced.

Candles are cylindrical in shape with a pointed end. Color ranges from white to yellowish. The longitudinal section is uniform. An air rod may be detected.

The drug is used as local and systemic therapy.


Among the indications for the use of Genferon suppositories are:

  • genital herpes;
  • STIs: chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis;
  • thrush or chronic vaginal candidiasis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • HPV infections;
  • colpitis;
  • cervicitis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • bartholinitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • urethiritis;
  • cervical erosion.

Genferon suppositories can be used vaginally or rectally, thereby expanding the spectrum of action of the drug.

Indications for use

The main task of Genferon suppositories for candidiasis is to increase and activate the functioning of the immune system to effectively combat the fungus. In addition, the drug is widely used for other infectious diseases to speed up recovery. Indications for use are:

  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • infection with fungi (regardless of the genus);
  • cervical erosion;
  • inflammation of the genital organs.

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Instructions for use

The dosage, frequency of administration and course of treatment depend on the type of disease.

  1. In the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes of the urinary tract in women, it is recommended to use 1 piece at a dosage of 250,000, 500,000 or 1,000,000 IU vaginally or rectally. The dosage is selected depending on the severity of the inflammation. Recommended use for 10 days once every 24 hours.
  2. In case of a protracted course of the infectious process, it is recommended to use 1 suppository 3 times every 7 days every 1 day for a course of 1 to 3 months.
  3. In case of severe inflammatory disease, it is possible to use Genferon according to the scheme 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening, in this case vaginally in the morning, and rectally in the evening. The complex recommends the use of vaginal antibacterial or fungicidal agents at night.
  4. Genferon light at a dosage of 250,000 IU is recommended for use in children and pregnant women from 13 to 40 weeks of gestation.
  5. For thrush, Genferon is used in a dosage of 500,000 IU 2 times a day with a 12-hour break between placing a suppository. It is recommended to use the drug vaginally in the morning and rectally in the evening. At the same time, vaginal and oral antifungal agents are used as part of complex therapy.

Treatment during pregnancy and lactation

Thrush during gestation and lactation occurs in many women. This is due to the physiological weakening of the female body’s immune system, which is aimed at preserving and prolonging pregnancy. At this time, opportunistic flora begins to actively multiply, and an infectious agent may join.

Treatment of thrush during gestation is mandatory, which is associated with the risk of damage to the fetus in the absence of adequate treatment.

In the presence of frequent recurrent vaginal thrush, it is possible to prescribe Genferon suppositories as one of the components of complex therapy.

The use of the drug during gestation and breastfeeding is not prohibited. However, it is necessary to use suppositories with caution in the first trimester of gestational age?


It is important to start treatment with the drug after examination by a doctor.
"Genferon" will help support the body during the fight against thrush or other infectious diseases. The condition for a quick and safe cure is a correctly calculated dose and time of administration. It is important to consider contraindications for use. To do this, the doctor must conduct research, study the anamnesis and give the patient a test. "Genferon Light" is prescribed with caution to people with intolerance to medications.

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