How long does it take for thrush to appear after infection?

Last update: 09/18/2019

Candidiasis (thrush) is an infection caused by the Candida fungus. Such fungi normally live on the skin of a healthy person, but under the influence of certain factors, they become aggressive, leading to thrush.

  1. What are the symptoms of thrush?
  2. How long is the incubation period for thrush in women?
  3. Stages of development of thrush
  4. How to recognize thrush
  5. What does treatment include?
  6. How many days does it take for thrush to go away?
  7. How to know if thrush has gone away
  8. Prevention of thrush

These factors are:

  • taking antibacterial drugs. They disrupt the balance of microflora, allowing the proliferation of fungal infections to accelerate;
  • weakening of the immune system. Leads to a decrease in the body's resistance to infection;
  • pregnancy period;
  • taking hormonal oral contraceptives;
  • sexually transmitted diseases. Including Candida fungus, since not only women are susceptible to the disease;
  • chronic infections. Weaken the immune system;
  • bad habits;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • chemotherapy;
  • hypothermia of the genitals. Leads to accelerated development of infection.

Thrush most often appears after a change in hormonal balance, which occurs during pregnancy, taking hormonal birth control, or before menstruation and during ovulation.

Almost every girl has encountered this disease. It is worth noting that despite the fact that most often the disease manifests itself in the female half of the population, children and men are also susceptible to it.

The disease Candidiasis is also called thrush, because one of the signs of the disease is curdled discharge.

What is the incubation period for thrush in men and women?

Few people know how many days it takes for thrush to appear after infection. To answer this question, you should study the characteristics of the disease and the causes of its occurrence.

Regardless of what the disease is, it has several periods of development. As a rule, diseases occur in the following forms:

If we talk specifically about thrush, then from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms, sometimes several hours, days and even months pass. Most often, an infected person does not immediately find out about the presence of the disease. The fungus usually spreads throughout the body and begins to appear after some time.

Inside a person there is a huge number of different bacteria, viruses, microorganisms. For certain reasons, they can actively reproduce. This happens with fungus of the genus Candida.

During the breeding season, it can be dangerous to human health.

Hidden form

In the male population, the disease is detected much less frequently than in women. This is explained by the fact that fungi are washed away from the surface of the genital organs by urine. However, men can also suffer from candidiasis, but the disease often occurs in an erased form. It can be difficult to answer the question of how long it takes for thrush to appear in men. In some patients, the first signs of pathology appear 2-4 days after the invasion, in others - a month or more later.

Often men do not pay attention to slight redness of the foreskin and in most cases do not consider it necessary to visit a specialist. However, the disease can progress, and other unpleasant signs appear:

  • swelling and itching in the area of ​​the glans penis;
  • secretion of viscous mucus;
  • pain when going to the toilet;
  • rashes of white or red color.

Sexual intercourse becomes impossible due to pain, sexual desire decreases, and self-doubt appears.

During the incubation period, the man becomes contagious to his partner, ultimately both spouses suffer. Knowing how many days after thrush appears in men, you can detect the pathology in time and begin its treatment. If this is not done, thrush will remind itself of urethritis or cystitis.

The symptoms of candidal urethritis are similar to gonorrhea: inflammation and pain in the glans penis, pathological impurities of blood and pus appear in the urine, and viscous viscous threads of mucus are released from the urethra.

Inflammation of the bladder and urethra is a consequence of infection with yeast-like fungi. However, it often happens that cystitis itself is treated without thinking about the reasons why the disease occurred. The insidiousness of thrush is that the latent form of the disease can lead to male infertility.

In women, the infection persists for months and years without showing typical symptoms. How many days does it take for thrush to appear after the action of provoking factors? The rate of development of candidiasis is purely individual. Resumption of symptoms occurs in the following situations:

  • after intimacy;
  • with hypothermia, infection - that is, with those factors that have a detrimental effect on the immune system;
  • during pregnancy;
  • as a result of stress.

To identify the pathology, you will have to do tests several times and then undergo a course of treatment.

How many days or months does thrush appear after infection depends on the state of the body’s defenses, the presence or absence of chronic pathology, and the stability of hormonal levels. To cure the disease, it is often enough to take 1-2 tablets of a modern antifungal drug.

How to determine the presence of a disease?

In adults and children, thrush often affects:

  • genitals;
  • oral cavity;
  • skin covering.

Often, candidiasis develops in a child immediately after birth. This is explained by the fact that the pregnant woman was a carrier of the infection.

Remember that if you do not follow hygiene rules, this will contribute to the development of candidiasis. This fact applies to both children and adults. If you are interested in how long it takes for thrush to appear, then keep in mind that the disease develops differently in men and women. Candidiasis can be detected externally 2–4 days after infection. Sometimes the incubation period for thrush in men lasts for a whole month.

How many days does it take for thrush to appear after infection in women? In this case, the incubation period of candidiasis lasts 1–5 days. Symptoms may also appear after 15–20 days. In children, candidiasis appears 1–8 days after infection.

If the infection has spread, the person may experience some discomfort while urinating. After infection, discomfort sometimes occurs during sexual intercourse. Often people attribute the detected symptoms to a common cold. This can lead to an exacerbation of the disease, which will be very difficult to cure.


Irina, Moscow

“Against the background of a cold, after 3 days I felt the beginning of the development of candidiasis. I treated him with vaginal tablets.”

Olga, Pskov

“After I swam in the pool and was struck by the cold, I felt the development of thrush. Moreover, this took about 3 days. The disease was cured with vaginal suppositories.”

Tatiana, St. Petersburg

“For some time I have been unable to maintain good genital hygiene. As a result, candidiasis appeared within a week. I treated its manifestations with the help of suppositories.”

A fungal disease such as thrush, or in medicine candidiasis, is a fairly common infection. Often the disease affects women, but there are cases when men and, in quite rare cases, children also become ill. Fungi such as Candida can be found in the body of any person, but the disease can only manifest itself under the influence of certain causes that weaken the protective functions. During the incubation period of thrush, changes occur in the body, during which the infection strengthens in the microflora of the infected person.

Reasons for appearance

Thrush often develops due to stress. Sometimes the cause of the disease is a cold or the presence of a virus. The fungus can begin to grow due to certain chronic diseases. The disease often appears in diabetics, people suffering from diseases of the liver, lungs, and gall bladder. The causes of the disease are:

  • presence of hormonal imbalances;
  • obesity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • oncology treatment;
  • decreased protective functions of the body;
  • use of synthetic underwear;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hypothermia.

Also, as mentioned above, candidiasis can occur due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

The listed factors are the main ones. Knowing them, you will be able to stop the development of the disease in time. It is especially recommended for men to listen to their bodies. They are often carriers of infection. Thrush in men develops relatively slowly and it is not always possible to detect it. For this reason, men may put off visiting a doctor even if their partner is diagnosed with candidiasis. In this case, the course of treatment is recommended not only for women, but also for men.

About symptoms

If candidiasis is detected in men or women, treatment should be started immediately. In this way, it will be possible to prevent the disease from becoming chronic. All people should take note of the following signs of candidiasis:

  1. A day or several days after sexual intercourse, the disease manifests itself in the form of painful sensations during urination.
  2. Sometimes symptoms manifest themselves in the form of a characteristic burning and itching in the genital area.
  3. Often there is a characteristic white discharge in the vagina.
  4. Ulcers with a white coating may appear in the mouth.
  5. A rash often appears on the skin.

Incubation period of thrush

A fungal infectious disease - candidiasis or thrush - is a real problem. Most often the disease is diagnosed in women. Despite the fact that the fungus is a component of the natural human microflora and lives in almost all of us, it can cause considerable harm. The growth of the causative agent of candidiasis – Candida Albicans – occurs when the body is exposed to predisposing factors. A woman may not even be aware that she is infected and poses a danger to others. How long is the incubation period for thrush, and how can infection be suspected?

Main characteristics of the disease

In order to understand how long it takes for thrush to appear, you should carefully study the causative agent of the disease and how the pathological process develops. Candida is a fungus that attacks mucous membranes by feeding on glucose and reducing the number of beneficial lactic acid bacteria in the body. Active reproduction of pathogenic yeast-like microflora is observed, as a rule, with a decrease in general or local immunity. This can be caused by prolonged use of antibacterial drugs, stress or hypothermia. Candidiasis often occurs in pregnant women due to hormonal changes in the body. Among the main reasons are wearing synthetic underwear, the presence of chronic diseases and poor nutrition.

The vagina normally has an acidic environment, which is a barrier to yeast-like microflora and other pathogenic organisms. When the natural environment is disturbed, rapid growth of fungal mycelium occurs, first on the mucous membrane, and then spreading to the internal organs, if proper drug treatment is not available.

Etiology of occurrence and routes of infection

How is thrush transmitted? In the vast majority of clinical pictures, infection occurs from the inside. It is known that Candida fungi are present in the body of every person and are opportunistic microflora.

In other words, women, men and small children have the fungus, but in small quantities. Its reproduction is regulated by the activity of the immune system. If a failure is observed, pathogenic fungi are activated.

The fungus can be transmitted to a newborn during childbirth if the mother has a history of urogenital candidiasis. The main routes of transmission among the adult population are unprotected sexual intercourse with a carrier of the fungus.

Causes of infection in the body:

  • Severe stress, nervous tension, emotional shock;
  • Diseases that negatively affect the immune status. For example, anemia leads to decreased immunity, especially in men;
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • Antibacterial therapy over a long period of time leads to the proliferation of Candida fungi;
  • Metabolic disorder, excess weight. As a result of obesity, a layer of fat appears under the skin, which is a favorable environment for the growth of fungus, since it is warm and humid.

Manifestations of candidiasis are common in men and women with diabetes. Chronic pathology leads to increased sweating, as a result, the moisture content of the skin increases, creating a favorable environment for the proliferation of Candida fungi.

Important: the development of thrush can be triggered by wearing underwear made of synthetic fabric, or using hygiene products with a high content of chemicals.

Manifestation of thrush in women and men

Thrush has similar symptoms in men and women. At first, the clinical picture of the disease is not clearly expressed. Symptoms increase gradually and are especially noticeable in severe forms of the lesion.

How does thrush manifest after infection depending on gender:

Among women. The first manifestations of the disease appear on the mucous membranes of the body or on the skin where there is a moist environment. Thrush is accompanied by the following symptoms: staining of the mucous membrane of the external and internal genital organs in a bright red color, the presence of an unpleasant sour odor, swelling in the affected area. A few days later, discharge with a cheesy consistency appears from the vaginal area. If the leucorrhoea acquires a green or pink tint, then we are talking about the addition of a secondary infectious process.

  • In men. Representatives of the stronger sex are much less likely to encounter candidiasis. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of slight redness on the mucous membrane of the penis, which is accompanied by characteristic itching and burning. An unpleasant odor appears, reminiscent of spoiled fermented milk products. When performing sexual intercourse, pain occurs. A discharge forms on the head of the penis, the consistency of which resembles cottage cheese. The foreskin becomes swollen and a white coating and a thick rash appear on it. Mucus that resembles pulling threads may be released from the urethra. When urinating, a man feels severe discomfort.

Symptoms of pathology

Thrush is considered predominantly a female disease, so it is important for patients to know how many days after infection it appears. This allows you to timely identify pathology and quickly seek help from a specialist.

Signs of pathology in women

The Candida fungus is present in the body of every woman, and in normal health conditions, their cells do not actively multiply. Thrush develops only when a certain environment is present in the female body. Experts say that the first symptoms of the disease in females occur in moist areas of the skin, where there is not enough air flow. It is for this reason that vaginal candidiasis is considered one of the most common variants of the disease.

Thrush is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Coloration of the vagina bright red;
  • The appearance of a sour odor from the vagina;
  • Swelling of the vulva area.

A few days after the pathology begins to progress, a woman may notice the appearance of white vaginal discharge, reminiscent of cottage cheese in its consistency.

Candidiasis in men

Thrush in the stronger sex is not diagnosed as often as in women. This is explained by the fact that Candida fungi do not take root well on the surface of the penis and are usually washed out from there in the urine. However, sometimes thrush of the penis area still bothers men and causes them a lot of discomfort.

It is not so easy to answer the question on what day the symptoms of the disease appear on the surface of the penis in men. For some patients, the incubation period may last 2-7 days, while for others the process may take several weeks. Many men do not pay attention to slight redness on the penis, and are in no hurry to seek help from specialists.

Many men wonder on what day bright symptoms of the disease begin to appear. Typically, after the incubation period, men experience the following symptoms:

  • The appearance of itching and burning sensations;
  • Unpleasant odor in the penis area;
  • The appearance of pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Formation of discharge resembling cottage cheese;
  • Swelling of the foreskin;
  • The appearance of a red rash and white plaque.

How does thrush develop?

The incubation period is different for each person. This depends primarily on the general state of the body’s protective functions. Despite this, experts identify average time indicators that allow early suspicion of the development of the disease. You can determine the stage at which the disease is located in this way: by approximately counting the time from the moment of infection (if possible).

Features of development in men

In men, after infection, the primary symptoms of thrush appear 2-4 days later. In some cases they are completely absent. A maximum of 1 month passes from the development of the disease to the appearance of the clinical picture. In this case, we are talking about a latent form of the disease that develops in the body without manifesting itself in any way. In this case, minor disturbances in sexual functions may be observed. During this period, during sexual intercourse, infection of the partner is possible.

Incubation period of candidiasis

With a disease such as thrush, the incubation period has several stages of development. By determining at what stage of progression the disease is, the most effective treatment can be prescribed.

After entering the human body, the infection goes through the following stages of development:

    Primary. We are talking about the penetration of a fungus into the body or the progression of yeast-like microflora under the influence of certain factors. Any manifestation of candidiasis is not clearly expressed.

Secondary. Characterizes the budding stage. The fungus, as a rule, has already settled on the mucous membranes and the colonies begin to increase their numbers. During this period, primary signs of thrush may appear. Candida begins to gradually penetrate deep into the soft tissues. In the absence of treatment at the secondary stage of the lesion, the yeast-like microflora goes further, affecting the internal organs.

  • Tertiary. The pathogenic microflora deepens (by more than 6 mm) and contributes to the appearance of severe symptoms of thrush. In the absence of therapeutic measures, the progression of yeast-like microflora occurs. If there is no treatment at this stage, then we are talking about an advanced form of the disease. In this case, there is a need for long-term drug treatment.
  • Final. The incubation period of thrush ends with the fungus entering the bloodstream and spreading throughout the body, affecting internal organs and systems. This can even lead to death. It is difficult to say how long after the onset of candidiasis development the entire body will be affected. Everything is individual and depends on the general state of health.
  • When should you sound the alarm?

    In order to prevent thrush from developing, it is recommended to consult a specialist when the disease first begins to manifest itself. It often happens that signs of candidiasis seem to appear, and then disappear on their own. In this case we are talking about a chronic form or an asymptomatic course. This can also happen with improper treatment. This is indisputable evidence that this disease does not have a single incubation period.

    How to recognize infection in this case? It is enough to know a few features of the disease. In women, for example, an exacerbation occurs before menstruation. At the same time, the itching intensifies, and profuse whitish discharge from the vagina appears. In this case, pain occurs in the abdominal area in the area of ​​the ovaries.

    An allergic process can also intensify the manifestations of thrush. As a rule, young children are more prone to this symptom than others. After eating chocolates, symptoms of candidiasis appear in the oral cavity, which until then had not made itself felt.

    Infection after sexual intercourse: real or not

    After contact with a sick partner, there may be signs of illness, especially if the immune defense is weakened. How long it takes for thrush to appear depends on the condition of the woman’s body and the activity of the defenses. Often a couple gets sick together; doctors call this form “marital candidiasis.”

    Two people will have to be treated for thrush - a man and a woman, otherwise the disease will soon make itself known. While taking fungicidal drugs, you will have to avoid unprotected sexual intercourse and use latex-based condoms.

    The following situation often occurs: one of the partners has recurrent candidiasis while the other is apparently well. Medical diagnostics will help shed light on the situation. The doctor takes a smear from the vagina and urethra, which is further examined under a microscope. Confirmation or refutation of the diagnosis of thrush is carried out in a short time.

    The manifestation of thrush in women occurs 1-7 days after infection. Men experience symptoms of candidiasis within 1-4 days after infection, and childhood candidiasis appears within 7-10 days. Such periods of fungal development are observed in most cases. The disease manifests itself individually in everyone and the incubation period can take only 1 day, or it can last for years, it all depends on the immune system and the general strength of the body. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health, be sexually active with a regular partner, and be regularly examined by a doctor.

    During sexual intercourse, thrush is transmitted both from man to woman and vice versa. If there are many partners, then the likelihood of infection increases several times and can lead to a chronic form of the disease.

    In women, due to the structure of their body, thrush develops much faster. Sometimes after sexual intercourse with a partner, unpleasant sensations appear in the vagina in the morning, but after a while they may disappear. After this, several days pass and discomfort arises again, which intensifies every day and new symptoms are added to it. All this suggests that in women, thrush can appear in just a few hours.

    Men usually do not experience these symptoms. The first signs may appear after a week, but they are not as severe as in women and in 90% of cases the man does not see a doctor.

    In the acute stage in men, thrush can appear a month, and sometimes longer, after sexual intercourse.

    It is worth emphasizing that all this time the man will be a carrier of the disease, and if during this time he had several sexual contacts, then there is a high probability that everyone will be infected with thrush.

    It is very dangerous for men not to treat the disease, because thrush affects reproductive function and can lead to infertility.

    First symptoms

    With hidden, asymptomatic, chronic forms of the disease or improper treatment, there may be periods when the disease appears and then disappears without a trace until the next appearance. This is one piece of evidence that the incubation period for thrush is very different.

    For some, symptoms appear the very next day, sometimes after a few hours, and for some, the disease proceeds unnoticed and becomes active only during certain periods.

    In women before the onset of menstruation, thrush may suddenly make itself known with itching, scanty or heavy vaginal discharge, and pain in the ovarian area. This is especially true for those who suffer from allergic diseases. Allergies activate the spread of fungus in the body.

    Very often there is a situation when a woman has undergone treatment, but after some time the disease returns. The reason for this is the illness of a partner who did not consult a doctor due to the absence of symptoms, but continues to be a carrier of thrush. Until both partners undergo treatment at the same time, the disease will not go away. And with a new sexual contact, you will have to consult a doctor again and resume the course of treatment.

    It should be remembered that thrush appears in both men and women after approximately the same period of time. If you are attentive to your health, you can always notice the first symptoms and consult a doctor.

    But we should also not forget that a large percentage of those who become ill may have no symptoms at all, and the person will think that he is healthy, but at the same time be a carrier of thrush.

    How does candidiasis develop?

    Thrush develops differently in each person.

    1. The latent formation of pathology in its latent form occurs within 3 to 5 days. If candidiasis is complicated by vulvovaginitis, then the first symptoms of the pathology appear only two weeks after infection.
    2. Sometimes the disease may not appear until 2 months after infection. This happens when a person suffers from urethritis with damage to the urethra.
    3. Thrush in men appears in a period from several days to several months.

    How long does it take for thrush to appear?

    Typically, the first symptoms of this disease in men are observed within a week after infection. In some cases, the incubation period increases significantly. This is explained by the peculiarities of the body's immune defense. The rate of infection is even affected by how carefully a person adheres to the rules of personal hygiene.

    In women, due to the structural features of the body, thrush can appear on the second day. Signs of pathology increase very quickly, and sometimes the very next day after the symptoms of thrush appear, swelling of the labia and the presence of copious vaginal discharge are diagnosed.

    What contributes to the rapid development of the disease?

    Candidiasis develops quickly if a person’s immunity is weakened due to other factors, such as:

    • regular stress;
    • viruses in the body;
    • cold;
    • chronic diseases (diabetes, bronchitis, obesity, diseases of the digestive tract and respiratory tract);
    • sexual intercourse with an unverified person;
    • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
    • bad habits (overeating, alcoholism and smoking).

    Frequent stress suppresses the body's immune defense.

    Women are more vulnerable than men, which is why the weaker sex is much more likely to encounter thrush. In addition to candidiasis, another infection can progress in the body, as evidenced by discharge with a pinkish or green color. The combination of several viral infections significantly weakens the body, in which case the disease progresses much faster.

    Stage-by-stage formation of thrush

    Candidiasis goes through several stages in its formation.

    1. Penetration of the pathogen. This usually happens during sexual intercourse. Less often, the causative agent of the disease enters the mucous membrane from any infected area. The establishment of a pathogenic agent occurs only if the immune system operates with severe disturbances.
    2. Reproduction of the pathogen. The amount of fungus increases rapidly. At this stage, the first visible symptoms of the disease are observed.
    3. Progression. Candida penetrates the tissue to a depth of approximately 7 mm. There is an increase in the manifestation of pathology. If left untreated, it will quickly become chronic.
    4. Entry of a pathogenic agent into the blood. Fungi infect the human body against the background of infection of organs. The pathology can spread to the lungs and kidneys. This is especially dangerous during pregnancy: thrush can cause enormous harm to the developing fetus.


    It is important to visit a gynecologist at least twice a year, since many diseases do not show their symptoms for a long time. To give an accurate diagnosis, colposcopy is used, and a smear is also taken for bacterial culture. When conducting a laboratory analysis, they look at the amount of Candida fungus in the body, since this fungus in small quantities is part of the microflora of the intimate area. The patient undergoes tests for dysbacteriosis, blood sugar levels, undergoes ultrasound and radiography. A set of these procedures will help make an accurate diagnosis and determine treatment options.

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