Heavy bleeding during menstruation: what to do and who to contact

Every woman should undergo a timely examination by a gynecologist. This will allow you to identify problems with reproductive health as early as possible, prevent their development, and prevent complications. They also consult a doctor to choose the optimal contraceptives or to prepare for an upcoming pregnancy.

It happens that the time of a scheduled inspection coincides with the beginning of critical days. To understand whether to postpone a visit to the doctor or still get checked, a woman needs to know all the features of a gynecological examination during menstruation.

How is a gynecological examination performed?

The features of a gynecological examination directly depend on the age of the patient. The diagnostic progress for different women is presented in the table.

Examination of virginsWhen examining virgins, the doctor inserts a finger into the posterior opening. At this time, the girl should be on the gynecological chair. In this way, the condition of the female organs is studied without penetration into the vagina. If there are no complaints, the inspection ends. Virgins are most often recommended to undergo an abdominal ultrasound. Chair-based examination is resorted to as a last resort when there are no alternative methods.
Examination of sexually active womenGirls who are not virgins are recommended to be examined on a gynecological chair using a specialized mirror. If a pathological process is suspected, women are prescribed additional studies. The doctor may take a swab from the vagina. In addition, you need to take a blood and urine test. When studying people who have recently given birth, larger mirrors are used. An examination by a gynecologist makes it possible to assess the condition of the female organs and take a smear to determine the natural microflora.

The examination is carried out both for prevention and as prescribed. In the absence of pathologies, diagnostics should be carried out 1-2 times a year. This will make it possible to timely detect the development of pathological processes and begin to eliminate them.

If there are alarming symptoms, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound

If the doctor suspects pathological changes, the patient is given a referral for:

  • Ultrasound of the reproductive system;
  • colposcopy;
  • CT or MRI;
  • General and biochemical analysis of blood and urine.

This is a standard set of studies that will make it possible to fully assess the condition of the female reproductive system. If necessary, the girl will be prescribed therapeutic measures.

Visits to the gynecologist can be carried out an unlimited number of times in a short period of time, if necessary.

Modern gynecology at ON CLINIC

If you believe the advertising, every clinic that exists today employs the best doctors, and the clinics themselves often promise a quick, or even lightning-fast recovery to all patients without exception who seek help. But in practice this is far from being the case. There are actually few medical centers whose specialists you can really trust.

One of the medical centers where professional doctors actually work is the international medical center ON CLINIC, which became the best not according to its own management, but based on numerous patient reviews. Today, ON CLINIC employs a close-knit team of specialists with experience working in the best clinics in Europe and Israel, and diagnostics and treatment in this medical center are carried out using the latest equipment from the world's most famous manufacturers.

The clinic pays special attention to gynecology - one of the most important areas of modern medicine, on which the health of women and future generations depends. Every day we provide assistance to patients with obstetric, gynecological, endocrine pathologies, those suffering from infertility or those in need of the correct selection of contraception. According to ON CLINIC gynecologists, patients with excessive bleeding during menstruation need urgent and comprehensive examination and treatment.

When you contact ON CLINIC, you can be sure that you will be prescribed only those types of diagnostics and therapy that are really necessary and will help you regain your health and well-being.

When should a girl start visiting a gynecologist?

Every representative of the fairer sex should visit a gynecologist. This should be done not only if there are any complaints, but also for prevention. This will allow you to find the pathology at the initial stages and begin to eliminate it.

The first time a girl should visit a gynecologist is in adolescence

For the first time, a girl should go to the doctor after the arrival of her first menstruation. This usually happens between 11 and 15 years of age. This will allow you to monitor the correctness of puberty. For any violations, the teenager will be prescribed maintenance therapy. The examination is carried out accompanied by the mother.

A visit to the gynecological office is mandatory if:

  • vaginal discharge that is yellow, green, reddish or has an unpleasant odor;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • lack of successful fertilization despite an active sex life and refusal to use contraception;
  • itching, burning and swelling of the genitals;
  • pregnancy and its planning.

You should also take your teenager for a check-up if your period started before age 11 or hasn’t started yet at age 15. This may be due to both individual characteristics and pathological underlying causes.

After giving birth, a woman should visit the doctor for the first time 2 months after the baby is born. Seeing a doctor ahead of schedule should occur if:

  • increased bleeding;

You should see a gynecologist if you have abdominal pain after childbirth.

  • painful sensation in the abdominal cavity;
  • the presence of lumps in the chest.

How many days after menstruation can you get tested?

The optimal period when a woman should have a gynecological smear is 5 days after the end of menstruation. At worst, after 3 days. The vaginal microflora returns to normal within a few days. To get a reliable picture, the doctor takes a smear without menstrual blood.

The analysis must be carried out in accordance with the general requirements:

  • the woman should carry out the washing procedure;
  • a few days before the examination you should stop taking medications;
  • It is not recommended to have sex 1–2 days before the test.

They do not wait for a favorable time for a gynecological examination in case of serious health problems. If there is bleeding, the doctor can also take a smear and send it for an ultrasound. During menstruation, a smear is taken if the situation requires it.

It is necessary to consult a doctor in a gynecological office every time the menstrual cycle causes concern. The doctor will decide when to examine a woman and take a test.

Girls, tell me, please! From August 20 to 22 (for 3 days), my department needs to undergo a routine medical examination. Today is the first day to pass. I have an appointment for tomorrow. The situation is delicate, I don’t want to discuss it with my colleagues. My period started today. In addition, this is my first medical examination at work. A visit to a gynecologist is mandatory. But on critical days they don’t go for examinations. What do i do? The time period for medical examination is limited, until the 22nd. The critical days will not end by then.

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Andrey Burdak (Gnatenko)

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Egorova Anastasia Vladislavovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Anastasia Sergeevna Shikhaleeva

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Svetlana Chernyshova

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Vyacheslav Potapov

Psychologist, consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Antakova Lyubov Nikolaevna

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nekrasova Natalia

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Veronica Viktorovna Dobroselskaya

Psychologist, Weight correction. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Boldova Olga Ivanovna

Psychologist, Supervisor, Medical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Yakovkina Yulia Alexandrovna

Psychologist, CBT therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Well, you’ll come and say that these are critical days anyway. She’ll make an appointment for you the next day. I don’t know personally, it was like that for us. Then we came to this medical center separately and went through this doctor.

These situations are provided for, don’t worry. No one will watch you with them.

These medical examinations are all a formality, you go to the doctor, explain the situation, he will write to you - you are healthy and that’s it. he is generally not interested in dealing with such patients who came for medical examination at the direction of their employer.

These situations are provided for, don’t worry. No one will watch you with them.

author, panic because of such garbage. you haven't seen much in your life)))

In such a situation, I was offered to either come on another day or have it examined anyway (but I wasn’t strong enough)

If you go to the doctor, you’ll say just that – you came for a routine medical examination, but your period came today, there are no complaints, and they’ll write to you – I’m healthy. And for yourself, if you want to get a better check, come another day. And medical examinations at work are a formality.

It’s like this: you go on any other day. Otherwise, they don’t sign the inspection papers for the entire institution, so the administration drives you around.

It’s like this: you go on any other day. Otherwise, they don’t sign the inspection papers for the entire institution, so the administration drives you around.

A medical examination was mandatory at school. In high school it was also a gynecologist with an examination. Many girls did not want to go through (although now I understand that it was in vain) and said that they were having these days. No one looked, they took my word for it. Moreover, they will believe you, after all, she is not a schoolgirl)) Most likely they will ask if there are any complaints, they will put a stamp and say: “but for yourself, still go through” and, in principle, they will be right. Good luck)

I started to panic because they told me to come on an empty stomach (apparently they would take blood) and with a urine test. I concluded that everything was serious. In addition, they give it for all 3 days. It will be difficult for me to endure a visit to the gynecologist. Everyone will be waiting only for me, it turns out.

A medical examination is an individual matter; no one will “wait” for you. The employer may remove you from work if your medical examination has expired. but for office employees the frequency is 2 years. If you haven’t had your last examination for 2 years (you have a health passport in hand), you don’t have to go anywhere at all.

For office workers, there is generally no obligation to undergo a formal physical examination at work unless you want to. It’s clear that you don’t always want to argue with your employer, but you don’t have to. True, if they pay for good doctors, there’s no reason to go. But no one will force you onto the chair.

We have 200 people working somewhere. There was no medical examination before. I've been working here for 5 years. This is the first routine medical examination. Not everyone will be admitted, only 2 departments. A total of 20 people. 3 days have been allocated for this, you can choose any day. Then they won’t let anyone go. I work five days a week. I'll definitely go tomorrow. Men are passing through today. I don’t want to sit in a chair with menstruation and a tugging stomach. Tomorrow is only the second day of critical days. I'm afraid that they will tell me to come later. So the personnel officer will ask when you will see the gynecologist. AND

Tell them that you recently visited the doctor and everything is fine. Ask for a stamp and that's it.

I supervise medical care at my company. inspections. A gynecologist is also required. One girl had her period just then. She took a urine test and went to the gynecologist after graduation, no one forcibly looked at her that day. By the way, not everywhere an inspection is a formality! It’s just that the conclusion for the enterprise will be received later later. The day when she additionally went to the hospital then worked.

As for the urine test, if you write in a jar, make sure that no blood gets in, otherwise the analysis will be distorted! You may have to retake it! If you do miss the gynecologist, do not forget to visit him once a year. It’s very sad to see young girls with terrible diagnoses (my friend works in onology).

I was told that there is some way to get through with a tampon, but I don’t quite know how.


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A woman’s life and well-being are tied to the menstrual cycle – mood and daily activity often depend on it. At this time, changes occur in the body that prepare it for a possible pregnancy. In addition to external changes during the month, internal ones also occur - they are reflected in all liquid media of the body.

Therefore, doctors do not recommend taking tests at the most active points of the cycle - during menstruation and ovulation.

Is it possible to donate blood during menstruation? Studies of this biological environment are presented in the widest range - they can be used to most fully assess the processes occurring in the human body.

When a woman has her period, mechanisms arise that are reminiscent of bleeding and recovery after it. By not informing your doctor about your condition, you may lead him to misinterpret your tests.

Therefore, it is important to know what intervals must be maintained before and after menstruation in order to undergo an examination. Since the physiology of each woman is individual, standard recommendations have been created for preparing for testing. If they are followed, the maximum accuracy and reliability that the attending physician needs is achieved.

Is it possible to go to the gynecologist during menstruation?

It is highly not recommended to visit a gynecologist during your critical days. It is better to reschedule a scheduled examination to any day after the end of your period. This is due to some difficulties that arise during menstruation.

During critical days, visualization deteriorates due to the large amount of blood discharged. The genitals cannot be examined properly. You can easily miss possible erosion, which, in the absence of timely treatment, degenerates into a cancerous tumor.

During critical days, it is impossible to take a smear to determine the microflora. This is necessary to refute or confirm the course of the infectious process. Namely, this is the most common cause of unpleasant symptoms in women.

Microflora tests are not taken during menstruation

A woman with monthly discharge should not be referred for general tests. It is during menstruation that such examinations are ineffective. There is a high risk of misdiagnosis. It is also impossible to determine the position of the uterus. The examination also brings discomfort to the woman with her period. The girl will be embarrassed due to her delicate position.

During menstruation, the uterus has increased sensitivity. Any action will be uncomfortable.

During instrumental examination there is a high probability of damage. The mucous layer of the uterus becomes more vulnerable. Also, any penetration can cause infection.

Can a gynecologist perform a transvaginal ultrasound during pregnancy?

As a rule, in the early stages, as well as in the second trimester, a transvaginal sensor is used for ultrasound. Its use is absolutely safe, because... the sensor is small in size and is inserted into the vagina no more than 5-7 cm.

Ultrasound performed using a transvaginal sensor is considered more informative. In the third trimester, an abdominal sensor is most often used, because... the fruit is already quite large and nothing makes it difficult to visualize it.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

If certain factors are present, a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed even if you are menstruating. Immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist if:

  • intense pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increased body temperature;
  • heavy discharge;
  • long critical days;
  • changing the color of the secretion;
  • severe pain in the mammary glands;
  • discomfort in the genitals.

You will learn some useful information about menstruation from this video:

All of these symptoms indicate the development of serious pathological processes. You can't hesitate. You need to urgently consult a doctor and start treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Changes in a woman's body during menstruation

The influence of menstruation on blood tests includes two periods - initial and recovery. The first reflects the slight blood loss that occurs during discharge. Then the mechanisms for restoring the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) are turned on, which activate the immune system.

  • A few days before menstruation, preparation of the circulatory system begins - coagulation processes increase slightly. The blood becomes thicker and more viscous to quickly close the lumen of damaged endometrial vessels.
  • During the period of rejection of the inner membrane, slight blood loss occurs. This occurs due to the removal of a significant number of small vessels of the mucous membrane. The damaged surface is an extensive bleeding “wound”. Normally, up to 60 ml of blood is lost - the volume of a small glass. But for small and fragile women, this is enough to cause weakness and dizziness.
  • Simultaneously with the loss of blood, it is instantly released from the depot - the vessels of the internal organs. The main source is the small capillaries of the liver and intestines. The body is designed in such a way that it compensates for losses in excess - “spare” blood is released more than lost.

Menstruation is released through the woman's genital tract, which is directly connected to the urethra.

Why can the results of a urine test be seriously spoiled if you prepare incorrectly for a urine test? This is due to the possibility of menstrual fluid getting into the urine, and subsequent incorrect interpretation of the results in the laboratory. Its employees have no information about your condition and provide only an independent assessment.

How to prepare for a visit to the gynecologist

If a woman needs to visit a gynecologist for monthly discharge, she should prepare herself psychologically. The day before the examination, it is better to refuse sexual intercourse. Otherwise, a small amount of seminal fluid will remain if protection was not used. This will make it difficult to make a diagnosis.

Immediately before the examination you need to take a shower. Douching is not allowed. Otherwise, the vaginal microflora will be disrupted.

A woman should wear clean and comfortable underwear. It is prohibited to use any deodorants or perfumes on the intimate area. The bladder must first be emptied. Otherwise, there will be unpleasant sensations during the examination.

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