Bloody discharge during ovulation. What are the reasons and when should you see a doctor?

Sometimes it happens that during the period of ovulation after sex, blood may appear in the vaginal mucus. In medical practice, such bleeding is called postcoital and ovulatory, and the factors influencing their appearance are very different, which is why they appear at an unexpected moment. But why does blood appear after sex during ovulation? We will try to talk about the etiology and consequences of this phenomenon.

Can such discharge be considered normal?

In most cases, the appearance of blood from the vagina during ovulation is not a deviation from the normal functioning of the woman’s reproductive system. This manifestation is quite common among women, so many of them do not even pay attention to such specific signs. It is impossible to say that this is a typical reaction of the body to the release of an egg from the follicle. But, nevertheless, it takes place.

As a rule, this manifestation of ovulation is caused by hormonal changes in the body, which occur cyclically depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. According to some clinical studies on fertility and women's reproductive health, spotting during ovulation is a positive indicator that the egg has been released from the follicle.

If such cervical mucus is atypical for a woman, then in this case she should not worry. The changes that occur in the female body are cyclical in nature and, as a rule, most of these processes go unnoticed until the woman begins to pay more attention to them and begins to monitor any changes during the menstrual cycle.

Causes of characteristic discharge during the release of the egg from the follicle

Bloody discharge during ovulation, according to many doctors, is a sign of good fertility. With a standard cycle of 28 days, discharge of this nature appears in the middle of the uterus, when a mature egg leaves the follicle and begins to move towards the uterus, preparing for possible conception.

There are 2 reasons for spotting during ovulation:

  1. Release of the egg from the follicle. Ovulatory processes in a woman’s body are possible due to the coordinated work of the hormonal system. With the appropriate level of luteinizing hormone, the dominant follicle grows. As soon as it reaches its maximum size, its walls weaken and rupture, releasing the mature female reproductive cell. This process can cause blood to appear in the discharge.
  2. Changes in hormonal levels. In other cases, bloody secretion during egg maturation may be due to hormonal changes in the woman’s body. When the reproductive system begins to actively prepare for ovulation, the level of estrogen in a woman’s body increases. Due to this, the luteinizing hormone estrogen is released, which, as mentioned earlier, is a kind of “catalyst” for the onset of ovulation. But sometimes, after a sharp decrease in estrogen levels, which occurs after egg maturation, progesterone levels rise very slowly. At this stage of the menstrual cycle, some blood may be present in the discharge. Such changes will be observed until the concentration of progesterone reaches normal values.

If the discharge contains patches of not scarlet blood, as in the case of normal menstruation, but brownish or pinkish, then in this case you should not panic. This phenomenon may indicate that there were remnants of bloody discharge in the reproductive organs after previous menstruation.

Discharge during ovulation: normal

Bloody discharge during ovulation, if caused by this reproductive process, has the following characteristics:

  1. By color. Normally they should be light pink or light scarlet. But, as mentioned earlier, the presence of darker inclusions should not be scary.
  2. Intensity. The discharge is not abundant and its duration is no more than 2 days.
  3. Time of appearance. Such discharge appears at the time of ovulation. For all women, this phase of the menstrual cycle occurs on different days. But, knowing that the duration of the luteal phase of MC is always the same - 14 days, we can say that ovulation occurs 14 days before the onset of the next cycle.

No discharge: is it possible?

If a woman has never had bloody discharge during ovulation and, having heard that such could happen, began to doubt the full functioning of her reproductive system, then, as doctors assure, this is not a reason for worry.

During the period of ovulation, bloody spots in the cervical mucus may well be absent. And this is not a deviation from the norm - this is a physiological feature of the female body. Some women can use certain signs to determine the onset of this phase, while others do not pay attention to the specific manifestations of the body at one time or another during the menstrual cycle.

When should you see a doctor?

  • If you notice discharge and feel severe pain in the lower abdomen or chest, you need to lie down on the sofa and call an ambulance.
  • You should also consult a doctor if the discharge lasts more than two or three days and (or) is accompanied by additional symptoms: an unpleasant odor, unusual discharge, pain.
  • If you are taking hormonal pills or have an intrauterine device installed, you should inform your gynecologist about this discharge at your next visit to your gynecologist. Perhaps the chosen contraceptive method is not suitable for you and you need to change it.
  • If menstruation does not come on time, from the second day of the delay you can take a pregnancy test - implantation bleeding is one of the early signs of conception.

Almost a third of the female population of our planet experiences discharge during the ovulation period one-time or regularly. The first time this causes alarm, but if you understand the peculiarities of physiology, such a process can be considered normal.

Some women regularly ovulate with discharge, while others experience this phenomenon only a few times during their lives. There is no need to worry, because in this way our body signals that it is ready to conceive.

Implantation bleeding and cervical secretion during ovulation: how to tell the difference?

Some women confuse processes such as implantation bleeding and discharge during ovulation. And indeed, if conception has taken place, then about 5-7 days will pass between these phases. What are the differences between these processes, because knowing what the signs of implantation bleeding are, you can find out about the onset of pregnancy in the early stages. You can read more about this in one of our previous publications Embryo implantation: features of the process, signs and precautions for maintaining pregnancy

For a more clear comparison, let’s compare the nature and special features of such processes in the table.

OvulationEmbryo implantation
An increase in cervical mucus occurs in the first 2-3 days from the moment the egg leaves the follicleAn increase in cervical mucus occurs 6-12 days after the release of the egg from the follicle
Minor bleeding, without clots, not accompanied by any discomfort in the form of itching, burning, etc.Minor bleeding, without clots, not accompanied by any discomfort in the form of itching, burning, etc.
Duration – from 2 hours to 2 daysDuration – from 2 hours to 2 days
Change in the characteristics of cervical mucus: copious, viscous, similar to egg whiteNo changes in the characteristics of cervical mucus are observed
There is an increase in basal temperatureBasal temperature indicators remain at the same level for 6-12 days from the moment the egg leaves the follicle

If you do not monitor the functioning of your reproductive system and the changes that occur throughout the menstrual cycle, then it will be extremely difficult to determine the difference between implantation bleeding and discharge during ovulation. Therefore, if you have any questions regarding this topic, it is better to seek advice from a gynecologist.

Emergency assistance in severe cases

You need to understand that any spotting after sex, except for minor vaginal secretions with impurities, should be a reason to visit a gynecological clinic. The situation takes a dangerous turn when bleeding is accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen, genitals or lower back, burning, itching, and fever. This may indicate pathologies such as:

  • ovarian rupture,
  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • persistent follicle,
  • endometriotic ovarian cyst,
  • internal bleeding,
  • stress, nervous tension,
  • physical exhaustion,
  • wearing an intrauterine device,
  • carelessness during intense sexual intercourse,
  • miscarriage.

All these factors together seriously threaten a woman’s life, so if you discover such a phenomenon, you need to contact an expert as soon as possible.

A good reason to call an ambulance are incidents accompanied by rapid heartbeat, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, weak pulse, profuse sweating, the urge to urinate and heavy bleeding. You should also consult a doctor if you experience bloody discharge after sexual intercourse during a healthy pregnancy. Regarding the latter, many gynecologists recommend abstaining from sex during pregnancy and about 2 months after it.

The best help would be to call an emergency vehicle without the use of relief medications. In one of these situations, only an experienced doctor will be able to determine the exact root cause of the bleeding and prescribe effective treatment. Never try to get treatment at home - poor-quality medical care and late access to a doctor endanger the patient’s life.

Intermenstrual discharge: possible pathological conditions

There are a number of conditions in which the presence of blood in cervical mucus may indicate an unhealthy state of the body. Therefore, you need to know when it is appropriate to seek help from a specialist:

  • with the development of any bleeding during ovulation or in the period between menstruation, lasting more than 3 days;
  • in case of abnormal intermenstrual bleeding occurring over several consecutive cycles;
  • any discharge during ovulation or intermenstrual, manifested by uncharacteristic symptoms;
  • bleeding accompanied by pain during or after sexual intercourse, pain in the lower abdomen, characterized by excessive intensity and abundance.

Pathological bleeding may indicate a number of diseases, including:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • polyps;
  • endometriosis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • infectious or inflammatory processes.

In addition, uncharacteristic intermenstrual discharge may indicate an abnormally developing pregnancy and other pathological conditions associated with dysfunction of the reproductive system.

Diseases that may cause bleeding

Reasons that may affect the patient’s health and reproductive function are diseases of the reproductive system. It is important to consult a specialist if there are large volumes of pink and brown secretions, cheesy discharge with a characteristic odor, or severe pain in the pelvis. There is no need to be afraid of such ailments: most pathologies can be successfully and quickly treated with medication - you just need to come for an examination to your doctor on time. Pathological causes of blood after intercourse during ovulation:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the genitals. These include vaginitis - inflammation of the vagina, and cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix. They develop as a result of fungal infections due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Their appearance is also associated with long-term use of antibiotics and other medications, which results in an increase in the acidity of the vaginal environment and the penetration of harmful bacteria. Illnesses are usually accompanied by reduced immunity, but its recovery is relatively quick and effective. It is also important to eliminate disease agents and restore the microflora of organs.
  2. Infections transmitted through sexual intercourse. Usually accompanied by severe burning and itching in the genitals. Bloody discharge may appear both before and after the release of the oocyte.
  3. True cervical erosion is one of the most common culprits of postcoital bleeding. After diagnosis, the pathology is removed or cauterized. Most often, this diagnosis is commercial, therefore, in order to save money, it is better to perform a Pap test to exclude the presence of cancer cells. In the absence of signs of oncology, treatment is carried out through abstinence for 2-3 weeks and the use of vaginal suppositories.
  4. Endometrial hyperplasia. At the first and second stages, the disease is asymptomatic, but over time it begins to manifest itself with abundant brownish secretions. Typically, this phenomenon is caused by hormonal imbalances or infectious diseases, so its treatment involves eliminating the etiology of the pathological process and restoring the endometrium.
  5. Endometriosis. This is a pathological condition of the organ in which the endometrium grows beyond its boundaries. When diagnosing vaginal endometriosis, bloody mucus can be observed after sexual intercourse in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
  6. Oral contraceptives. Their use often leads to thinning of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, due to which it loses its elasticity, thickens and becomes susceptible to all kinds of damage. In some situations, bloody mucus is a side effect, for example, in the first 2-3 months after starting a course of taking oral contraceptives, the body is still being rebuilt, and bloody mucus is associated with this factor. If the discharge with impurities does not stop within 3-4 months, it is necessary to change the hormonal drug in consultation with an endocrinologist and gynecologist. Doctors must prescribe tests for hormone levels, which will determine the appropriate medication.
  7. , the development of a benign or malignant tumor is to blame Cervical cancer, for example, provokes bleeding during exertion and sexual intercourse. You can check the reality of the formation of cancer cells by doing a Pap test.

If you identify symptoms of the disease (frequent, heavy bleeding during the intermenstrual period), you should see a gynecologist as soon as possible. This is especially true for women trying to get pregnant, so they can protect themselves and take timely actions towards their recovery, which will increase their chances of happy motherhood.

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