Instructions for use of Norkolut: reviews and how much does it cost? || Bloody discharge when taking Norkolut

My mother is 54 years old, in January she had bleeding, was taken to the hospital, had a curettage done, histology showed that she had signs of complex endometrial hyperplasia, after the hospital she was sent to her gynecologist, sent for an ultrasound, the ultrasound revealed an isoechoic intramural-subserosal node in the d -4. 2 cm, diagnosed with signs of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, the gynecologist endocrinologist prescribed Orgametril tablets, and suggested putting on a Mirena coil, is it worth putting it on, after all, my mother is 54, and perhaps N.

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Norkolut belongs to hormonal drugs and in its action is an analogue of hormones of the second phase of a woman’s cycle. Prescribing Norkolut allows you to normalize the imbalance between estrogens and gestagens and get rid of temporarily or permanently some diseases associated with hormonal problems.

The drug is taken in courses, is usually well tolerated, and has a small number of side effects. However, it should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

Indications for use:

  • treatment of hyperplastic processes of the endometrium and polyps;
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle during delays, polycystic disease, premenopause and other conditions;
  • treatment of premenstrual syndrome;
  • pain in the mammary glands of a functional nature;
  • endometriosis of the uterus, appendages and other parts of the reproductive system.

Dosage regimens for the drug may vary significantly depending on the clinical picture of the disease.

If menstruation is late, take one tablet for two weeks for 5-15 days, or another regimen is also possible - two tablets for a week. Menstruation must begin within seven days to discontinue the drug. They may differ in nature from the usual ones. In such a situation, it is important to keep an eye on the following points:

  • it is necessary to exclude pregnancy for sure;
  • If even spotting does not appear within a week after stopping the drug, you should consult a doctor for a second consultation.

In case of pathological processes in the endometrium, the duration of treatment is at least two to three months and can reach up to six months. The following options for its purpose are possible:

  • one or two tablets from 16 to 25 days of the cycle or from 10 to 25 days;
  • one or two tablets from days 5 to 25 of the cycle;
  • in a continuous mode, one or two tablets, the regimen is preferable for women in menopause or approaching it, if there are menstruation, but they are scanty and rare.

Norkolut tablets

This is a popular medicine among gynecologists, and it’s not because of its affordable price.
Its active substance norethisterone is the same gestagens only “factory” produced. This substance normalizes the condition of the woman and fetus during pregnancy and eliminates complications during menstruation. An insufficient amount of gestagens in the body leads to the inability to get pregnant or miscarriage, but norethisterone can solve this problem. For these reasons, Norkolut is a woman’s irreplaceable friend in all cases of life.

Composition of the drug

Modern women love the drug because it has a simple but effective composition that does not have negative consequences. The main part of Norkolut is norethisterone; the tablet contains 5 ml of norethisterone. This is a synthetic female sex hormone identical to the natural one; any female body accepts it without conflict.

To enhance the effect, the tablets also contain starch, cellulose and a number of other substances, the amount of which varies below 0.1 ml. This remedy is very quickly poisoned in the stomach and enters the blood, which guarantees instant results.

Almost all drugs in pharmacies have several forms of release. These can be tablets, mixtures, ointments, gels, capsules, injections, rectal suppositories, etc. But this does not apply to Norkolut.

This medicine is available exclusively in the form of tablets, which makes them practical and affordable. The package contains 20 small, round tablets. The packaging is convenient and compact.

Reviews from women who have undergone treatment

The female body sometimes presents various surprises, pleasant and not so pleasant. After 40 years, the first signs of menopausal changes begin to appear. Despite the fact that this is a normal physiological process, in some cases the symptoms manifest themselves very violently, disrupt the normal course of life and, sometimes, incapacitate for a long time. To improve your well-being, you have to resort to combined-action medications that relieve a number of unpleasant sensations.

Side effects

As already mentioned, the active substance of Norkolut is norethisterone. This substance belongs to gestagens, but acts as androgens and estrogens. Of course, these properties are expressed to a lesser extent than in gestagens, which are produced by the body itself.

After detecting a hormonal imbalance (which often happens during pregnancy or menopause), the doctor immediately prescribes Norkolut for you. And the treatment begins.

After taking the pills, the medicine immediately enters the stomach and begins to break down. Thanks to starch and cellulose, Norkolut is instantly absorbed by the walls of the stomach and enters the blood, thereby normalizing the level of estrogen and androgens in the body.

The body immediately senses this. Menstruation is more gentle, pregnant women experience no pain in the lower abdomen, and menopause no longer brings constant mood swings. But that’s not all.

Even the most harmless vitamins have some side effects, and what can we say about such a strong hormonal drug. It is worth noting right away that the pills can cause very serious complications. If you want to use Norkolut, then only under the supervision of a doctor.

It’s worth starting with the most harmless side effects:

  1. Dizziness. Fluctuations in hormonal levels can cause hypoventilation, which will cause this symptom.
  2. Headaches, migraines. Again, hormonal fluctuations can cause an increase or decrease in blood pressure, which results in these unpleasant symptoms.
  3. Decreased activity
  4. Sometimes the tablets cause allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of rashes, irritation and itching.
  5. Rarely, Norkolut can cause swelling and swelling of the legs.
  6. Coarsening of the mammary glands.
  7. Thrombosis or formation of bilirubin. The reason for this is changes in the composition of the blood, due to which it begins to clot at lower temperatures than expected. This causes the formation of blood clots and bilirubin.
  8. Bloody discharge is also very rare. More often in the form of small smears on the underwear, more often in profuse hemorrhage.

As soon as you notice these symptoms after using the medicine, immediately contact your doctor for a more detailed examination.

Norkolut causes side effects very rarely if the dosage and instructions for use are followed correctly. For this reason, it is worth recalling once again that there is no self-medication with this remedy.

Compatibility of the drug with alcohol

In some cases, long-term administration of Norkolut is required for up to 6 months. During menopause, the drug is taken for a year. Of course, it will not be possible to completely eliminate alcohol consumption during this period. However, you need to remember that the medicine belongs to a number of hormone-containing drugs, so alcohol reduces its effectiveness and increases the occurrence of side effects, which include:

  • nausea;
  • allergic reactions;
  • headache;
  • increased fatigue;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • bleeding;
  • risk of blood clots.

Note! Doctors recommend refraining from heavy libations while taking the drug. A symbolic amount of alcohol in the form of a glass of champagne or a glass of good wine is acceptable, but undesirable.

There are no strict contraindications, but it is worth considering that alcohol provokes vasodilation and puts an increased burden on the body as a whole, which leads to exacerbation of diseases, sharp fluctuations in hormonal levels, and emotional instability.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Norethisterone helps in the treatment of:

  1. Amenorrhea is a disease caused by the absence of menstruation.
  2. Hyperplasia is a thickening of the walls of the uterus, which in the future will lead to more serious diseases or cancer.
  3. Fibroids are benign growths on the uterus.
  4. Endometrium is the development and reproduction of cells in the inner layer of the uterus.
  5. The medicine normalizes hormonal levels during menopause, as well as during pregnancy.
  6. Reduces pain in the first days of menstruation.
  7. It is worth mentioning that Norkolut is also prescribed by doctors after childbirth, since the drug helps normalize lactation due to the growth of glandular tissue and milk ducts.

It is worth agreeing that this drug has a very wide spectrum of action and allows you to cope with most gynecological diseases.

You should not think that the simple composition and low cost mean that Norkolut can be drunk, as our people like to say, “for prevention.” This drug, when used correctly, can have very serious consequences. Therefore, you can use Norkolut only according to a doctor’s prescription.

Norkolut is a very strong hormonal drug that should be used only with a doctor's prescription. But there are cases when this medicine is prohibited for use and should be considered in more detail.

Norkolut should not be used for:

  1. Puberty. A young body is already susceptible to a strong hormonal “storm” and the use of this medicine can cause very serious diseases.
  2. Under no circumstances should Norkolut be used if the kidneys or liver are impaired. A very important contraindication, since exacerbations can lead to irreversible consequences.
  3. Norkolut is prohibited when malignant tumors of both the mammary glands and genital organs are detected. Since an imbalance of hormones in the body can lead to relapse.
  4. And, of course, the drug is prohibited if the patient is simply allergic to it.
  5. As mentioned above, during a normal pregnancy, doctors do not recommend using the medicine.
  6. Kidney and liver diseases that do not cause dysfunction.
  7. High level of bilirubin in the blood. This is a substance that is a breakdown product of red blood cells.
  8. Increased blood clotting. This can lead to thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism.
  9. If minor bleeding is detected on underwear or personal hygiene products.
  10. If you suffer from bronchial asthma, it is very important for you to consult your doctor before using Norkolut.
  11. Hypertension.
  12. Epilepsy or other diseases that are also accompanied by severe seizures.
  13. Diabetes.
  14. Severe obesity (obesity II-III degrees

But there are also cases when the drug is “not recommended for use” and can only be used under the supervision of a doctor.

Instructions for use

The use of any medicine requires a strict dosage, which can only be determined by a doctor. This is especially true for hormonal drugs. The appointment occurs only after the examination and depends on the planned purpose.

Something to remember! Different regimens for taking the drug Norkolut lead to different results, even the opposite. Following the instructions will minimize side effects and increase the effectiveness of the medication.

Norkolut is produced by the Hungarian company Gedeon Richter, which has been working in the pharmaceutical market for more than a century. Older women are well aware of their contraceptives Tri-Regol and Rigevidon. Subsequently, new drugs were developed that also reduce the risk of developing inflammatory processes, normalize hormonal imbalances, and reduce the risk of malignant tumors of the uterus and breast cancer.

How to drink Norkolut?

The use of Norkolut does not work according to the good old scheme: a tablet after breakfast, a second after lunch, a third at dinner.

With Norkolut everything is much more complicated:

  1. Many young girls suffer from severe pain during PMS and, although many doctors advise to endure this pain, Norkolut will cope with this task better. You need to take 2 tablets once a day. The medication is taken between the 16th and 25th day of the menstrual cycle.
  2. With Amenorrhea and algodismenorrhea, neither the dosage nor the principle of use changes.
  3. This medicine is also used by women who suffer from increased growth of the mammary glands and breasts in general - mastopathy. By consuming Norkolut from the 16th to 25th day of the menstrual cycle, you can also reduce the symptoms of mastodynia, which is characterized by chest pain.
  4. If a benign tumor is detected, the period of treatment with Norkolut lasts up to 6 months. During this period, a woman should take 1-2 tablets per day from day 5 of the menstrual cycle to day 25. During menstruation itself, discontinuation of the drug is necessary.
  5. Treatment for Endometriosis can take up to 12 months. During the treatment of this disease, there are two methods of using the drug:
      The medicine can be used as for fibroids, but the daily norm of Norkolut should be no more than 1 tablet.
  6. Often, when the cells of the inner wall of the uterus multiply, Norkolut is used differently. For 10 days, take one tablet per day every month. The starting point for this treatment principle is day 16-17 of the menstrual cycle.
  7. For hyperplasia, the course of treatment should not exceed 12 days. The daily norm is 1-2 tablets. If the treatment does not give the desired effect, treatment must be interrupted and repeated after 2 weeks. Norkolut is used during the 16-25 days of the menstrual cycle as a hyperplasia procedure.
  8. During menopause there are no restrictions or time frames. In case of hormonal imbalance, 1-2 tablets per day are sufficient.

It is very important to do everything as correctly as possible so that the medication gives the desired result. Side effects of Norkolut include nausea, dizziness, pain in the temples, fatigue, drowsiness, decreased brain activity, as well as bleeding, weight gain and even vein thrombosis, since the synthetic gestagen norethisterone increases blood clotting. If any of the symptoms are detected, you should See a doctor immediately.

The active ingredients of Norkolut can inhibit the production of certain sex hormones by the pituitary gland, which slows down the release of the egg from the ovaries into the folic tube, and also reduces the tone of the uterus.

Thanks to these properties, Norkolut is also used as a potent contraception, without harm to the female body.

To achieve such properties from the medicine, you need to adhere to the following application regimen. The use of the substance begins on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle.

Every day for 3 weeks you should drink 1/2 or a tablet daily, after which you should take a 7-day break. This will reduce the function of the eggs, after which fertilization will be impossible.

Quitting the use of pills will immediately return your sexual function, without third-party drugs and procedures. Most gynecologists prescribe Norkolut to women as contraception: it does not have any drastic negative consequences.

As already mentioned, Norkolut is able to solve many problems regarding PMS and menstruation itself. But this remedy also has 2 main purposes: inducing menstruation and delaying it.

Both of these processes greatly affect the hormonal levels of women, so before “manipulation” you should definitely consult a doctor.

To cause bleeding, you just need to take 2 Norkolut tablets per day for 5 days, and then stop taking the tablets. Stopping the “treatment” this way will cause menstruation. It is important to be sure beforehand that the delay is not due to pregnancy.

Many gynecologists find this method of inducing menstruation harmful to the body, but there is no more effective method.

To use the drug to delay the onset of menstruation, you should create your own “female” calendar, which will allow you to monitor your cycle. To delay the onset of menstruation by 7-8 days, you should start taking the medicine 8 days before PMS, 2 tablets at a time, every day for 12 days.

Such a slight delay in menstruation will not cause any harm to the body. It often happens that after such a procedure the amount of discharge increases significantly during menstruation - this is not scary. The only side effect is that the pain during PMS may seem stronger.

The cost of the tablets is very low and they are available without a doctor’s prescription, but it must be used under the close supervision of a gynecologist, because each woman’s body is individual and requires its own approach.

Do not forget that abusing the medicine for such purposes is very harmful to sexual health.

Many doctors are categorical about the use of this drug during pregnancy, and this is not without reason.

The medicine is able to equalize the hormonal background of a woman, but disruptions in the background during gestation are a natural process of the body and the normalization of this “chaotic order” will cause very serious consequences.

The only case when Norkolut is necessary is when there is a threat of miscarriage. The reason for this is a decrease in the hormone in the body and it must be increased. The easiest way to do this is with Norkolut.

The process of lactation itself is the production of milk by the mammary glands. This is part of pregnancy.

The female body prepares itself for the future feeding of the child and hormones such as androgen and estrogen do an excellent job, but it very often happens that a young mother has already stopped feeding the child, and milk continues to accumulate in the breast, which is why the woman constantly feels strong pain and tingling in the glands.

In order to stop the lactation process, the drug must be used differently.

Termination of lactation with the help of Norkolut is carried out within 10 days:

  1. First 3 days 4 tablets (1 tablet every 6 hours)
  2. Next 4 days 3 tablets (1 tablet every 8 hours)
  3. Last 3 days 2 tablets (1 tablet every 12 hours)

Afterwards, lactation should stop.

So, how to stop milk flow, Norkolut provokes it. This must be done if the birth took place significantly earlier than the stated date.

If childbirth occurs only at 16-28 weeks of pregnancy, lactation can be induced in the following way:

  • on the first day 3 tablets;
  • Days 2 and 3: 2 tablets;
  • from 4 to 7 days – 1 tablet per day.

This will provoke glandular tissue and milk ducts to lactation.

If premature birth occurs at 28-36 weeks, then the principle of treatment with Norkolut is different:

  • on the first day 3 tablets;
  • from 2 to 7, 2 tablets per day.

This will allow the body to hormonally prepare for feeding a baby without injections, IVs or suppositories. Again, Norkolut is used if the body is not able to cope with the load on its own and only under the close supervision of a doctor.

There are absolutely no alternatives. If liver function is impaired, this medication is strictly prohibited.

Exactly the same prognosis awaits those women who suffer from kidney dysfunction. Hormonal instability will immediately affect their reduced functionality.

Exceptions remain various diseases of the liver and kidneys that are not associated with their dysfunction. If you suffer from various diseases of the liver or kidneys, or during treatment you feel severe pain in the area of ​​these organs, immediately stop using Norkolut and consult a doctor.

Subsequent use of this remedy should be carried out if there is an indication for use and under the strict supervision of a gynecologist or family doctor.

Norkolut for children

By and large, this applies to young mothers who breastfeed their child. If the birth was premature and lactation had to be induced with Norkolut.

After the start of lactation, you should wait 2-3 days before starting feeding, since the micro- and macroelements that Norkolut contains can enter the baby’s body with milk.

Indications for use

Refers to gestagenic drugs. Norkolut contains norethisterone as an active ingredient. It has a similar effect to Duphaston and Utrozhestan. Main indications for use:

  • treatment of hyperplastic processes of the endometrium and polyps;
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle during delays, plycystosis, premenopause and other conditions;
  • treatment of premenstrual syndrome;
  • pain in the mammary glands of a functional nature;
  • endometriosis of the uterus, appendages and other parts of the reproductive system.


Very often, due to the fact that the medicine causes allergic reactions in women, Norkolut is prohibited by doctors. But there are also good analogues on the market that do an excellent job of this task.

This list should start with the more famous ones:

  1. Pregnil, Primolut-Nor and Orgametril have almost the same composition as Norkolut, one might even say that these are copies (generics) of this medicine. Their active ingredient is also norethisterone, the effects of which we know. Primolut-Nor Pregnyl Orgametril
  2. In addition to the above drugs, there are a number of other lesser-known medications, namely Progesterone, Postinor, Utrozhestan, etc. Progesterone Postinor Utrozhestan

Price, storage and form of release

It has been mentioned more than once that Norkolut has earned its popularity not only because of its high efficiency, but also for a very affordable price, and this is true. How much does Norkolut cost? The average cost of such a drug on the domestic market is 125 rubles, but you can also very often find it in pharmacies at prices ranging from 90 to 138 rubles.

This is a very reasonable price for such a hormonal complex.

As for storage conditions, they are very simple. The structure of Norkolut does not disintegrate at temperatures from 15 to 30 degrees, which means that it can be kept in a nightstand or home medicine cabinet. The main thing is that the medication should not be exposed to sunlight.

The medicine should be stored away from children in a dry place. It is best to have a “female first aid kit” exclusively for yourself and keep it away from others in all your medications and personal care products.

Unfortunately, Norkolut is sold without a doctor's prescription, which is not very correct. Many women, not understanding the seriousness of the medication, undermined their health with self-medication, without the possibility of recovery.

You can buy the drug at any pharmacy; like all tablets, it is packed in a convenient cardboard box, and the pills themselves are sealed in sealed plastic packaging. Expiration dates and the year and date of manufacture are indicated on the end of the box.

special instructions

Self-medication will lead to serious consequences, the elimination of which will cost a penny. Hormonal levels disrupted by improper use are very difficult to return to normal limits, and therefore unauthorized use of Norkolut is a serious threat to health.

If you have any problems with your health or with your menstrual cycle, first consult a gynecologist and only if the doctor deems it necessary to take Norkolut and gives an exact “recipe” for how to take this drug, then you can safely go to the pharmacy and buy it.

This medicine can solve a lot of women's problems, but only if it is taken correctly.

Menstruation while taking

Menstruation almost always changes in character while taking the drug. However, even the same patterns, but in different women, can be accompanied by completely different disorders.

What happens

If a woman takes Norkolut to induce menstruation if there is a delay, then the nature of the discharge will most likely be as follows:

  • heavy menstruation, with clots;
  • may be painful.

However, if the cause of the delay is not functional cysts and “thick endometrium,” but a deficiency of estrogen and gestagens, ovarian failure, then menstruation may be scanty and resemble spotting.

If a woman takes Norkolut for polycystic disease, mastodynia, for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome or endometriosis, then with each month menstruation should become more scanty, even spotting, and this is not a pathology, but, on the contrary, evidence of a good response to therapy.

Could the drug be useless?

Norkolut, like any other medicine, may not have the intended therapeutic effect. For this, regular monitoring of therapy using ultrasound is necessary, in addition to a general assessment of the woman’s well-being. Therefore, in case of any deviations, you should consult a doctor to clarify the regimen.

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