Restoration of microflora during pregnancy
- Causes of vaginal microflora disturbances
- Recommended drugs for restoring microflora
- Prevention of recurrence of candidiasis
One of the causes of thrush is an imbalance of the local flora, so one of the conditions for successful treatment is its strengthening.
Each woman has her own composition of microorganisms, but there are also general mandatory indicators that we need to strive for. Normally, the microflora of a healthy woman consists of:
- Lactobacilli (90% of them);
- Bifidobacteria (about 9%);
- Opportunistic microorganisms (within 1%).
The latter category also includes thrush pathogens. If the disease develops, they grow rapidly, so that their numbers significantly exceed the norm. Harmony is disturbed and for recovery it is necessary to restore the previous composition.
Healthy microflora performs a protective function, protecting the body from infections.
The reasons for the violation of the microflora composition may be the following:
- Decreased immunity due to previous illnesses or prolonged hypothermia (especially if the pelvic organs are exposed to this factor);
- Intestinal dysbiosis;
- Prolonged or incorrect antibiotic therapy;
- Hormonal disruptions that occur in the female body due to pregnancy, age-related changes, irregular sex life;
- Failure to comply with hygiene standards;
- Local allergic reaction;
- Relocation associated with climate change.
Antibiotics are a serious threat to microflora, since such drugs not only kill pathogenic bacteria, but also destroy some beneficial microorganisms, while fungal agents remain in place.
Since the qualitative composition of the vaginal microenvironment changes, candida becomes more active, and weakened lactobacilli are simply not able to fight them off. The result of this process is almost always thrush.
Also, the number of bacteria is influenced by hormonal levels, which are characterized by changes not only based on age-related changes, but also at different stages of the cycle. For this reason, thrush and dysbiosis so often appear before menstruation.
Hygiene is the most important aspect, since women do not always understand how to properly care for their intimate area. Moreover, we are talking not only about the lack of hygiene procedures. Many women abuse soap, washing away beneficial bacteria and thereby weakening the flora.
Needless to say, linens need to be changed promptly, and you shouldn’t use someone else’s towel, as dirty fabric can be a source of infection. By the way, soap also often becomes a carrier of fungus, so it is preferable to choose household chemicals in packages with a dispenser. Before using the genital toilet, it is better to wash your hands thoroughly.
Pads and tampons deserve special attention, as they often cause imbalance. During critical days, they become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, so you need to change pads every 2-4 hours, washing them with warm boiled water at each change.
But you need to be more careful with tampons, using them only in the most extreme cases. Replace at least once every two hours. “Dailies” are even more dangerous, so it’s better to do without them.
Douching is another reason for the development of thrush and problems with microflora. Women use it unnecessarily, washing out lactobacilli from the vagina. Modern gynecologists generally consider this practice outdated.
Grandmothers advise douching with kefir if you have thrush, but this should never be done. The method seems logical: it seems that the lactobacilli contained in kefir should help strengthen and subsequently restore the microflora.
The presence of these factors in a woman’s life does not mean that she will necessarily have to restore the vaginal microflora. In fact, it all depends on how resistant the body and its immune system are to such circumstances.
Many experts recommend taking probiotics to normalize the composition of the microenvironment, since they contain natural waste products of bifidobacteria necessary during this period. As a result, microorganisms begin to develop successfully in the body, supplying it with useful substances with regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties.
Every experienced doctor can diagnose thrush during the examination and conversation with the patient; smear microscopy is needed for confirmation. Having confirmed the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment: if the thrush has not yet developed, then local medications in the form of vaginal suppositories are used, but in more severe cases they are also supplemented with systemic treatment.
However, even after a full course, a relapse may develop, so the specialist examines the smear again to identify the level of dysbiosis, after which the patient requires drugs to restore the microflora.
To normalize local protective functions, special intravaginal suppositories are used. Depending on the type of medication, they are used in the morning or just before bed. It is recommended to consume bifidobacterial concentrate (in liquid form) orally. The main condition remains to coordinate the use of medications with the attending physician.
Thrush is an insidious disease, and you can get rid of it only by eliminating all its causes; based on this, the condition of the mucous membranes and their bacterial composition are the key points.
Following your doctor's recommendations reduces the risk of thrush recurrence by 12 times.
The following drugs are considered effective:
- Lactobacterin and Bifidobacterin help normalize the balance of microorganisms;
- Vaginorm S is a medication that can successfully restore acidity;
- Polygynax and Nystatin are good medications for returning the microflora after thrush to its natural state.
The drug is available in the form of tablets for vaginal administration. It is intended to restore female microflora and treat dysbacteriosis. Gynoflora contains the synthetic hormone estriol and lactobacilli, which are beneficial for the microflora in general.
Suppositories for restoring microflora after thrush are indispensable.
Beneficial microorganisms settle in the vagina and create an acidic environment that prevents the proliferation of harmful bacteria. Lactic acid is produced in quantities sufficient to regenerate and protect the mucous membrane of the genital tract.
Thanks to the vital activity of lactobacilli, which are part of vaginal tablets, bacteriocins are produced. The latter have a detrimental effect on harmful bacteria.
Estriol is a type of estrogen that is produced by a woman's ovaries. In suppositories with lactobacilli to restore the microflora “Gynoflor”, estriol is necessary to promote the growth of mucosal cells and, accordingly, their restoration.
Vaginal tablets "Gynoflor" increase the protective properties of the female body in resisting external irritants, which occurs due to the function of the barrier of the vaginal mucosa.
The most effective complex remedies against vaginal dysbiosis are:
- Gynoflor. Such vaginal tablets for restoring microflora contain estriol and live lactobacilli acidophilus. Such drugs are often prescribed to restore normal flora in the vagina after antibiotic therapy has been completed. Gynoflor has a gentle effect on the female body, so the risk of side effects is minimal. Such vaginal tablets have an antibacterial effect and suppress pathogenic microorganisms in a short time. Estradiol present in the drug helps renew the epithelium and improve its protective barrier.
- Ecofemin. Such vaginal suppositories contain lactobacilli acidophilus, and their action is aimed at restoring the physiological barrier. Such suppositories for restoring microflora in gynecology help maintain the acid and alkaline balance in the vaginal mucosa at the required level. Suppositories are often prescribed to eliminate candidiasis and prevent it, and the course of drug therapy lasts several days.
- Vaginorm S. The main component is ascorbic acid, and they help achieve a pronounced antiseptic and disinfectant effect. The action of this drug is aimed at suppressing yeast-like microflora and reducing the acid-base balance.
As additional medications in the fight against thrush, women's suppositories are prescribed to restore the microflora, such as Bifidumbacterin or Lactobacterin. This complex therapy allows you to improve local protective functions and increase the body's resistance.
In women during pregnancy, the level of hormones in the body changes and the immune system is weakened, which causes the development of dysbiosis. During this period, the use of antibacterial drugs is prohibited, so treatment is carried out locally and is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms.
Preparations with bifidobacteria
The main purpose of bifidobacteria is not to destroy pathogenic microorganisms in the vagina, but to displace microflora. This means that thanks to their use, the number of pathogenic fungi decreases over time and this occurs due to the rapid growth of the acidic environment. Thus, the microflora of the female body is independently cleansed.
The most effective drug containing bifidobacteria is Bifidumbacterin. This remedy is often prescribed to women after thrush.
Despite the high effectiveness of Bifidumbacterin, it can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. If the cause of unpleasant symptoms is the growth of yeast-like microflora, then the risk of developing gardnerellosis and bacterial candidiasis is too great.
We have found that suppositories for restoring microflora in women and drugs of general systemic action are important. Primarily for those who suffer from chronic thrush. Since the modern pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of drugs of this kind, only a gynecologist can prescribe the ones that are suitable for a particular lady. For complete recovery, it is useful to carry out.
Of course, there are a number of drugs that have worked well. Among the most popular and effective drugs are:
- “Vagilak”, “Ecofemin”. They have an excellent effect on restoring the vaginal microflora after candidiasis. These drugs have a gentle effect on the body as a whole. The course of treatment is 10 days, the composition contains herbal components;
- “Bifidumbacterin” - suppositories for restoring microflora in women, which normalize the balance of beneficial microorganisms;
- "Lactobacterin". Another vaginal suppository that normalizes the balance of those microorganisms that should protect the body and local immunity;
- "Vaginorm S". Available in tablet form, the drug is necessary to restore normal acidity levels;
- "Genferon." These are suppositories that can be inserted vaginally or rectally. They help cleanse both the vagina and the genitourinary system from pathogenic bacteria;
- "Pimafucin". Many gynecologists prescribe these suppositories because they have no side effects and are suitable even for pregnant women.
It is extremely important to select suppositories for restoring microflora in women and other medications with your doctor. After all, for a specific medical history, the medicine is selected individually. A course to restore microflora after thrush can cost a pretty penny, but once you start treatment, you should complete it.
How to use vaginal tablets correctly
Recommendations on how to properly use Terzhinan tablets are given very briefly in the instructions for use: “The tablet is inserted in a lying position deep into the vagina” or “Introduced intravaginally.” How to correctly administer a suppository to achieve the greatest therapeutic effect? Just follow these simple steps:
- Be sure to wash your hands with soap.
- Wash the external genitalia with water and use intimate hygiene product as indicated.
- Take a comfortable position: lying on your back, bend your knees and press them to your chest, spread your labia with the fingers of one hand.
- With your other hand, insert the tablet into the posterior vaginal fornix. The tablet must first be moistened with boiled cool water to dissolve the active agent and allow free administration.
The posterior vaginal fornix is located between the cervix and the posterior wall of the vagina. It is necessary to place the tablet here for a good effect of therapy:
- Medicinal substances are better absorbed due to a more active blood supply.
- In an upright position, the cervix faces backward, forming a “pocket” in the posterior fornix. When a tablet is placed in it, the active substance stays in the vagina longer and flows down the walls of the uterus and vulva.
Remember that after administering the drug in tablet form, you must take a horizontal position for about 20 minutes. The instructions for use of Terzhinan state that the ideal time for administration is when you go to bed.
In what cases are they prescribed?
Indications for prescribing these suppositories to restore vaginal microflora are:
- Treatment with antibacterial drugs.
- Chemotherapy.
- Menopause.
- Nonspecific vaginal discharge.
- Candidiasis.
- Vaginitis.
Tablets, like suppositories, should be moistened with water before insertion into the vagina. As a rule, 1-2 tablets are prescribed per day, for a course of up to two weeks. During treatment with Gynoflor, sexual intercourse should be avoided.
As for side effects, they occur against the background of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. This may manifest itself as swelling of the mucous membrane, as well as itching and burning. If you experience such symptoms, you should stop using the tablets and consult a doctor.
Contraindications for the use of "Gynoflora" are:
- Bleeding.
- Tumors in the breast or reproductive system.
- Endometriosis.
- Immature age of a woman.
Causes of dysbiosis
All causes of disturbances in the vaginal microflora are conventionally divided into 2 large groups - internal (endogenous) and externally acting (exogenous).
Domestic | External |
Imbalance of hormones, including tumors and various diseases of the endocrine and reproductive systems | Taking antibiotics, cytostatics and any other drugs that have a detrimental effect on lactobacilli |
Childbirth, abortion, pregnancy | Frequent douching, microtraumas |
Severe psycho-emotional or physical stress, including starvation, protein and vitamin deficiencies | Promiscuity and unprotected sex. Diseases transmitted primarily through sexual contact |
Introduction of foreign bodies into the vagina or uterus: IUDs, vaginal tampons, pessaries, diaphragms, etc. | |
Low level of personal hygiene, infection with dirty hands |
Under the influence of these factors, vaginal dysbiosis occurs:
- 1Compensated, when changes in the smear are determined by laboratory tests, but the woman does not make any complaints or describe any symptoms.
- 2Decompensated with local signs of inflammation of the vagina (vulvovaginitis).
- 3Decompensated with a generalized inflammatory reaction (spread of infection through the bloodstream). It is rare, in patients with immunodeficiency (for example, against the background of HIV infection).
Specifics of using candles
Under normal conditions, the environment in the vagina is acidic. It prevents harmful bacteria, even if they have entered the mucous membrane, from spreading further throughout the body. To restore the microflora, it will be necessary to reduce the natural pH level to a reading of 3.5-4.5.
But, it is quite logical that a decrease in the acidity level of the mucous membrane will lead to the fact that yeast fungi feel at home. Therefore, suppositories are needed to restore microflora in women. They contain additional lactobacilli, but this type of medicine can be used only after the main course of treatment has been completed.
Important! To confirm recovery, you will need to get tested by a gynecologist. We have already discussed in detail what ANALYSIS tests are taken. In particular, you will need to additionally take a smear for flora.
The recommendations are as follows:
- using barrier methods of contraception, wearing underwear only made from natural fabrics;
- regular examination by a gynecologist and timely treatment of diseases;
- treatment of chronic pathologies of internal organs;
- strengthening the immune system in natural ways: physical activity, hardening, etc.;
- avoiding douching and other similar procedures.
Bacterial vaginosis is a pathology that reflects a decrease in the body’s level of defense at the moment. Often occurring asymptomatically, gardnerellosis is always detected during examination by a gynecologist. Only a doctor can prescribe the most effective tablets for bacterial vaginosis, suppositories or other forms. Don't delay treatment!
Traditional medicine
Suppositories for restoring microflora after treatment of thrush are probiotics, with lactobacilli and certain bifidobacteria in the composition.
Lactobacilli produce the necessary acids and reduce the pH level to normal (3.5-4.5), at the same time blocking the possibility of thrush reappearing. Bifidobacteria support immunity.
Any infection destroys the upper epithelial tissue. The same process is observed after taking antibiotics. When a probiotic enters the vagina, the walls of which have been damaged by infection, there is nothing for it to attach to. As a result, the remedy turns out to be useless.
Manufacturers of suppositories found a solution: they began to add additional substances to the composition that regenerate epithelial tissue so that the probiotic would gain a foothold and restore the microflora. When choosing a drug, you need to take this nuance into account and carefully study the composition.
First of all, the gynecologist examines the smear for flora and finds out whether the patient needs antibacterial and antifungal medications. If bacteria or fungi are identified that need to be killed, antibiotics or thrush medications may be prescribed.
The second stage is very important, since during it the vagina is colonized with living bacteria. This must be done because your own beneficial microorganisms have died when taking medications or due to infection.
Another medicine in the form of suppositories, which can be obtained as a prescription from a doctor, includes a loading dose of vitamin C. Increased acidity has a detrimental effect on bad bacteria, cleanses the vagina and improves local immunity.
There can be many causes of dysbacteriosis in gynecology. These include:
- a decrease in the body’s general immunity as a result of freezing has a detrimental effect on the vaginal flora;
- sexually transmitted infections;
- a sharp change in climate often serves as a factor in the acute phase of dysbiosis;
- prolonged or uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
- non-compliance with the rules for using tampons during menstruation, their careless insertion and unsystematic replacement create a favorable environment for anaerobic dysbiosis in women;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- disruptions in the hormonal sphere due to irregular sexual activity or irregularities in the menstrual cycle, any trimester of gestation and postpartum recovery, termination of pregnancy, menopause;
- various infectious and inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
- antibiotic therapy;
- violations of personal hygiene rules.
There are also alternative medicine methods that are also designed to restore vaginal flora. But you should not make a decision on your own; consult your doctor first. The doctor will be able to advise on the effectiveness or, conversely, the uselessness of the measures used. Some of the most popular methods that traditional medicine offers:
- Tampons with sea buckthorn oil. A tampon soaked in oil is inserted at night and removed in the morning. This method is very effective, because sea buckthorn concentrate has a pronounced bactericidal and wound-healing effect. The treatment course lasts at least 10 days.
- Cotton swabs with an acidic medium and honey panacea. After melting 1 tbsp. honey, moisten a cotton-gauze swab in the prepared solution. The next day, a tampon with kefir liquid is inserted. The method is suitable only for people who do not have allergic reactions to honey. The course of treatment is 10 days.
- Syringe from a decoction of string. Prepare the decoction of the string, filter and cool. Use it warm for daily douching. The course of treatment is unlimited - until all symptoms are eliminated.
Suppositories for restoring vaginal microflora are usually prescribed to women who have undergone treatment for such an unpleasant and very common ailment as thrush. Restoration of microflora is required to normalize the immunity of the vaginal walls, which is responsible for preventing the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
Candles for restoring microflora: specifics of application
As you know, an acidic environment is a natural barrier to the spread of harmful bacteria in the body. However, to restore the microflora, it is necessary, on the contrary, to reduce the pH level to values in the range of 3.5-4.5.
Here lactobacilli come to our aid, capable of releasing the required amount of organic acids. However, there is another side to the problem: a low pH is an ideal environment for the growth of candida, which, in fact, causes thrush.
Therefore, suppositories for normalizing vaginal microflora, enriched with lactobacilli, should be used only after completing the course of treatment for thrush. In this regard, it is necessary to take a second test so that the doctor makes sure that fungi are not detected in the smear.
Where to start restoring microflora?
Most doctors recommend starting treatment with the use of probiotics containing both bifidobacteria themselves and their metabolic products. During their growth and development, bacteria release substances that have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and regenerative properties.
Moreover, during therapy it is necessary to use not only suppositories containing bifidobacteria to restore the vaginal microflora, but also consume a liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria orally. With such treatment, the risk of recurrence of thrush in a woman is reduced by 12 times.
Drugs used to restore vaginal microflora
As already mentioned, patients are usually prescribed not only suppositories to restore microflora, but also tablets taken orally. Drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a qualified gynecologist, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.
— “Vagilak” and “Ecofemin”. The action of these drugs is aimed exclusively at restoring the vaginal microflora.
- “Bifidumbacterin.” These are vaginal suppositories that help normalize the balance of beneficial microorganisms.
- "Lactobacterin." The action of these vaginal suppositories is similar to the action of the previous drug.
— “Vaginorm S.” This drug is a tablet designed to restore the normal level of acidity in the vagina.
Suppositories for restoring microflora are usually used if the body is not able to independently regulate the ratio of various bacteria. There can be many reasons for the imbalance of bacteria in the vagina.
What is Terzhinan?
"Terzhinan" is a drug produced by the French company Sophartex. The wide spectrum of action of the drug is possible due to the content of such active ingredients as:
- Ternidazole is an antimicrobial and antifungal topical agent. Affects gardnerella. Contained exclusively in this preparation.
- Neomycin is a first-generation aminoglycoside antibiotic that stops the growth and reproduction of bacteria and is effective against staphylococcus and listeria.
- Nystatin is an antifungal drug that acts primarily against fungi of the genus Candida.
- Prednisolone is a glucocorticosteroid, or hormone, with pronounced antiallergic properties.
The instructions for use of Terzhinan contain information about the presence of excipients such as wheat starch, lactose monohydrate, silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.
Otherwise called female dysbiosis. Its development leads to the fact that the vaginal microflora, which in its normal state helps the immune system resist harmful microorganisms such as fungi, viruses and bacteria, cannot cope with the functions assigned to it.
Subsequently, the protective properties decrease, recurrent diseases of the genitourinary system and discomfort in the genital area occur, accompanied by itching, pain, burning, irritation and dryness.
Today, pharmacies offer many drugs, including vaginal suppositories for restoring microflora in the female body. Let's look at some of them.
Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria
Lacto- and bifidobacteria increase the acidity of vaginal secretions, thereby inhibiting the growth of pathogenic flora.
Preparations containing lacto- and bifidobacteria are indicated only after improvement of health, elimination of inflammation and normalization of smears. But for thrush their use is limited.
Drugs from this list can restore vaginal microflora at the second stage of treatment:
- 1Bifidumbacterin (contains bifidobacteria Bif >7. Lifestyle
In order for the treatment of thrush or vaginal dysbiosis to be effective, you should definitely follow the recommendations to strengthen the immune system and prevent hormonal imbalance.
- 1Eat a balanced diet, get enough vitamins and proteins. Refuse aggressive diets (protein, Kremlin, and so on).
- 2Avoid increased psycho-emotional overload, nervous exhaustion, use restorative and relaxation techniques.
- 3Get enough sleep every day.
- 4 Maintain genital hygiene, wear clean underwear, wash yourself properly, and avoid douching at home without a doctor’s prescription.
- 5When using tampons and diaphragms, be sure to keep them clean.
- 6Abandon unprotected sex and promiscuity.
- 7Get rid of bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol.
- 8Lead an active lifestyle, with daily exercise and gymnastics.
- 9Treat concomitant diseases, including gynecological ones, in a timely manner.
It is not possible to restore health or restore balance after thrush and taking antibiotics with folk remedies.
Vaginal suppositories “Vagikal” contain active ingredients of natural origin. The preparation contains calendula extract, due to which the suppositories have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.
Medicinal calendula contains pentadecylic and salicylic acids. Bacteria under their influence stop reproducing and die over time. The drug is especially effective against staphylococcus and streptococcus.
Normalization of blood circulation
Suppositories normalize blood circulation in the female reproductive system, which helps to more quickly relieve the inflammatory process. Also, the effect of the drug is aimed at healing erosions.
Vagikal suppositories for restoring microflora can improve the quality of life of a woman who has entered the menopausal phase. Calendula extract, containing a large amount of mucilage and polysaccharides, helps eliminate itching, dryness and irritation.
Before inserting the suppository, it must be moistened with warm boiled water. Candles dissolve quite quickly. The most commonly prescribed regimen for using Vagikal suppositories is two suppositories per day, morning and evening. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor and is usually a week.
Indications for the use of these suppositories to restore microflora in gynecology are:
- Nonspecific inflammatory processes and vaginal discharge.
- Colpitis in women during menopause.
- Candidiasis (as part of complex therapy).
- Treatment of erosion in combination with other drugs.
A side effect of Vagikal is an allergic reaction to the components in the drug. The allergy is manifested by vaginal dryness and itching.
The drug is available in the form of rectal-vaginal suppositories. The composition of “Bifidumbacterin” includes bifidobacteria of the anaerobic variety. These microorganisms have a detrimental effect on harmful bacteria, normalizing the acidity in the vagina and increasing its protective properties.
Suppositories for restoring microflora after antibiotics are ideal.
The drug also helps eliminate toxins from the body. Bifidobacteria provoke the production of lactic acid, as well as vitamins B and K, simultaneously strengthening the immune system of the female body.
"Bifidumbacterin" is prescribed as an adjuvant in the treatment of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and genital herpes. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is prescribed for vaginitis, colpitis and urethritis.
In addition, suppositories are prescribed in the postoperative period as a prophylactic agent. During menopause, “Bifidumbacterin” normalizes the microflora, eliminating dry mucous membranes or excessive discharge.
Another indication for prescribing suppositories is long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs. This drug has no contraindications; it can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The standard regimen is 1-2 suppositories per day, the duration of the course is from a week to 12 days. The simultaneous use of the drug with antibacterial agents is not recommended, since the effect of the latter is significantly reduced. And in combination with vitamins, “Bifidumbacterin” increases their properties.
Use during menstruation
Intravaginal medications are most often not recommended for use during menstruation, since the active substances are washed out along with the blood. The effectiveness of Terzhinan on critical days does not decrease; moreover, if the treatment regimen is interrupted during menstruation, pathogenic microflora multiply and the therapeutic effect is minimized.
The instructions for using Terzhinan suppositories during menstrual periods do not change, however, it is recommended to pay increased attention to hand hygiene.
These suppositories are an antiseptic and antimicrobial drug that helps normalize the microflora of the female body. The main active component of the drug is ascorbic acid.
Vaginorm increases acidity in the vagina, thereby preventing the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. The effect of the drug does not apply to beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
Vaginal suppositories to restore microflora help strengthen local immunity and have an anti-inflammatory effect. They are prescribed when:
- Vaginitis.
- Colpitis.
- Dysbacteriosis.
Vaginorm should not be used for candidal colpitis, as an increase in pH can lead to worsening. Suppositories can be used for infectious diseases and menstruation.
The effect of coagulants when used simultaneously with suppositories is reduced. Vaginorm has no contraindications. It is prescribed one suppository once a day for a week. Undesirable reactions are possible, such as itching, burning, candidiasis and nonspecific discharge.
Is Terzhinan safe during pregnancy or breastfeeding?
Women expecting a baby or breastfeeding often worry whether they can be treated with this remedy. Yes, you can! The composition is safe for mother and child, as it does not penetrate into the blood and is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. But in the early stages, the drug is prescribed very rarely, only if the benefit of therapy outweighs the risk to the mother and fetus. It is recommended to use the drug at the onset of the second trimester of pregnancy. At the same time, the instructions for use attached to the drug “Terzhinan” are strongly recommended for familiarization, since during pregnancy the female body, although very rarely, is capable of unusual reactions to the active substances.
Doctors often prescribe Terzhinan in the third trimester or immediately before childbirth. This is done for preventive purposes in order to minimize the possibility of infecting the child with pathogenic microorganisms as he passes through the birth canal.
The drug is produced in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories. The composition of the drug includes interferon, immunoglobulin complex and excipients.
"Kipferon" has a pronounced antiviral effect, it is especially effective against chlamydia.
The drug counteracts inflammatory processes and intoxication of the body as a result of the activity of harmful microorganisms. Suppositories quickly restore damaged vaginal mucosa, improving the quality of microflora and preventing the appearance of scar tissue.
1. Vulvitis.
2. Colpitis.
3. Chlamydia.
4. Herpes of the genital type.
5. Cervical erosion.
6. Dysbacteriosis.
"Kipferon" is prescribed before surgery in order to minimize the risk of developing infectious diseases. The drug should not be prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy. The duration of treatment is approximately 10 days. The drug has no contraindications, no side effects have been registered.
We looked at suppositories for restoring microflora in women.
A pathology that is accompanied by a violation of the vaginal microflora is called vaginal dysbiosis. The symptoms that arise do not cause the woman much concern, but in the absence of effective therapy, the disease will continue to progress and become the cause of many complications.
Suppositories for restoring vaginal microflora are prescribed to the patient after she completes the main course for the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis. Thanks to the use of suppositories, it is possible to increase the immunity of the mucous membrane, which will subsequently allow it to ideally perform all its functions of protecting the body from pathogenic bacteria.
In a healthy woman, the vaginal environment is predominantly acidic. Thanks to it, harmful microorganisms, even if they get on the mucous membrane, do not spread throughout the body. To restore microflora, it is necessary to reduce its natural level to certain indicators, and lactobacilli help cope with this.
At the same time, a decrease in acidity in the vagina will lead to the activation of yeast-like fungi. In this case, the woman is prescribed suppositories to restore the vagina, which contain lactobacilli.
It should be remembered that the use of such medications is allowed only after the main course of treatment has been completed. Medicines in the form of suppositories are easy to use and, if the instructions are followed, do not pose any danger to women's health.
sensitivity to individual components of the drug;
- extragen-dependent malignant tumors;
- endometrial hyperplasia;
- endometriosis.
The use of suppositories is usually not accompanied by the development of any side effects, but some patients may experience allergies. Side effects may include burning, itching, heavy discharge and redness of the genitals.
Normal vaginal microflora
Throughout life, changes occur in the epithelium of a woman’s vagina that affect the composition of the natural flora. Three main groups of bacteria can be found on the mucous membrane:
- 1Oligate.
- 2Transient.
- 3Optional.
1.1. Obligate bacteria
Under normal conditions, they do not cause any diseases and help protect the vagina from pathogens. These are lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, Leptotrichia, Atopobium, Megasphaera.
Doderlein rods are a whole family of lactobacilli, among which the most common are L. acidophilus, L. brevis, L. plantarum, L. casei, L. cellobiosus, L. crispatus, L. jensenii and L. fermentum.
What they have in common is that they produce lactic acid from the glycogen of epithelial cells, which maintains the acidic reaction of vaginal secretions, and many of them also produce hydrogen peroxide, which suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
At the same time, the following pattern was noticed: with normal microflora, about 60% of such rods produce hydrogen peroxide, in the case of a borderline state - less than 40%, and with severe dysbacteriosis - only about 5%.
Lactobacilli are found in 98-100% of smears with normal microflora.
1.2. Transient bacteria
This is the flora that enters the vagina from the outside, for example, when douching, inserting tampons, using sex toys, or during unprotected intercourse.
These microorganisms can be either harmless or pathogenic. Normally, they should make up no more than 3-5% of the vaginal microflora.
These include more than 20 species, among which the most common are G. vaginalis, Mobiluncus vibrios, and Candida yeast-like fungi.
Their number increases with bacterial vaginosis and other infectious diseases, thrush (candidiasis).
Yeast-like fungi can also occur normally. It is spoken of in cases where Candida albicans constitutes only a small part of the total number of microorganisms.
If the vaginal flora corresponds to the norm, but there is a proliferation of yeast-like fungi (>10 to the fourth power), then they speak of a conditionally normal variant and make a decision on treatment.
1.3. Facultative bacteria
They are usually present in small quantities. But if the balance is upset, when the acidity of the vagina shifts to a neutral or alkaline environment, they actively multiply and become the cause of dysbiosis (dysbacteriosis) and vulvovaginitis.
These are peptostreptococci, enterococci, corynobacteria, mycoplasma, vailornella, etc. Their number normally should not exceed 5-8%.
1.4. How does flora change throughout life?
As a rule, in the first hours after birth, the vagina in girls is sterile, but already in the first days lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and corynobacteria, as well as other bacteria inhabiting the intestines, including cocci, penetrate there.
There is a lot of maternal estrogens in the blood of a newborn, so vaginal cells create an acidic environment, accumulate glycogen and then break it down into lactate. The composition of the flora is close to that of healthy adult women.
The effect of candles on the body
Vaginal suppositories, which are designed to restore flora in the vagina, are probiotics containing lactobacilli. They are usually prescribed to a woman after antibacterial treatment of sexually transmitted infections and thrush.
However, the use of such drugs does not always achieve a positive result, and this is due to the fact that infections have a detrimental effect on epithelial tissue. For this reason, many drug manufacturers add special substances to medications that help restore the epithelium and help lactobacilli stay in the vagina.
The principle of action of the drug in the form of suppositories to restore microflora is not complicated. They reduce the pH level to 3.4-4.5. Lactobacilli produce special acids, and special substances in suppositories help to avoid the development of recurrent thrush against the background of a low pH level.
Suppositories contain bifidobacteria, which have a stimulating effect on a woman’s immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Experts recommend that if indicated, you must undergo a course of treatment and take bifidobacteria, which significantly reduces the risk of developing thrush.
Treatment of other diseases starting with the letter - b
Treatment of Graves' disease |
Treatment of balanoposthitis |
Treatment of bartholinitis |
Treatment of rabies |
Treatment of biliary cirrhosis |
Treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
Treatment of Alzheimer's disease |
Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis |
Treatment of Wilson-Konovalov disease |
Treatment of Koenig's disease of the knee joint |
Treatment of Crohn's disease |
Lyme disease treatment |
Treatment of Parkinson's disease |
Treatment of Peyronie's disease |
Treatment of Fabry disease |
Treatment of warts |
Treatment of botulism |
Treatment of bronchial asthma |
Treatment of bronchitis |
Treatment of bronchiectasis |
Treatment of brucellosis |
Treatment of typhoid fever |
Treatment of knee bursitis |
The information is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and methods of its treatment, consult your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.
Suppositories with lactic acid and nystatin
Vaginal suppositories for restoring flora with lactic acid help increase local protective functions and normalize the vaginal environment. Correct use of such products in accordance with the attached instructions helps to restore the microflora in a short time and avoid the development of relapse.
Among the variety of drugs, the following list of suppositories for restoring microflora in women is considered the most effective:
- Femilex. Such vaginal products have a suppressive effect on the activity of pathogens and reduce the level of pathogens. The main active substance of such suppositories is lactic acid, and the activity of the active component allows you to reduce the likelihood of progression of fungal microflora. Treatment with Familex involves the introduction of one suppository into the vagina at night, and the course of drug therapy is several days, taking into account the form and severity of the disease.
- Lactobacterin. This medicine is widely used to restore microflora after suffering from thrush. Its action helps to increase the local protective barrier and restore metabolic processes in the vagina.
A good effect in the fight against vaginal dysbiosis can be achieved with the help of vaginal suppositories that contain nystatin. Preparations with such an active component are often prescribed to eliminate thrush, and their action is aimed at simultaneously destroying yeast-like fungi and restoring the natural environment.
Suppositories for restoring vaginal flora containing nystatin can be prescribed both for the treatment of pathologies and as a preventive measure. Such medications have restrictions on their use, so they are not allowed to be used without consulting a specialist.
Restoration of microflora during pregnancy
- Terzhinan;
- Nystatin;
- Polygynax.
Drugs such as Clindamycin should be used with some caution during pregnancy. To normalize the balance of beneficial bacteria in expectant mothers, suppositories such as Bifidumbacterin and Lactobacterin can be prescribed.
It is important to remember that only a doctor should select medications to restore microflora in the female body. It is imperative to complete the treatment that has been started, which will avoid the development of a relapse of the disease.